hi! found myself watching some sanders sides videos again and remembered how much i love the series.
i am active over on comfy-mlms now! in case anyone was wondering =)
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Uh some deaf/severe hearing loss Virgil Headcanons
These are mainly like personal experiences stuff so uh YOLO
He has purple hearing aids with a black, sparkly ear mold and you can’t tell me otherwise
I think he would be more of a BTE (behind the ear) person than an ITE (in the ear)???
He doesn’t exactly know how he got deaf whether from genetics or because of an infection
He’s leaning towards genetics
The others didn’t notice at first until Patton notices the hearing aids.
“Hey kiddo, that’s a really cool set of earbuds! Where did you get them?”
“…Those are my hearing aids.”
This ends in a long conversation between all four.
Roman begins to speak really slowly for it to be easier for Virgil to read
It doesn’t help of course
“You know I can still hear you. I just can’t hear higher noises like beeps.”
Logan researches about hearing loss and he asks about if Virgil would need any accommodations
Virgil knows ASL to an extent but not fluently
He does know a few insults though
Virgil sometimes forgets to take his hearing aids out before hopping into the shower or a pool
This usually ends with a string of curses and rushing to get out to get a paper towel
Sometimes he forgets to put his hearing aids in in the morning and, with having to process voices a little bit more, he easily gets tired
Patton and Remy both help in this case with getting Virgil enough sleep and Patton gently reminding him to wear them again tomorrow
Sometimes when he talks really fast he can’t process certain syllables correctly so he has to back track and correct himself
He easily gets overwhelmed in large crowds and it’s even worst if the person next to them has a quiet voice
Virgil is a little self conscious about if he’s speaking too loud or quiet
Virgil has ear molds with holes in them so he can snake his earbuds through them while he listens to music
Uh yeah that’s about it lol.
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Here it is… the newest additional my personal trash heap… I know it’s probably not what most of you were hoping for but do hope you enjoy nonetheless
@princeanxious @heartfelt-patton-sanders @patton-of-love-for-my-friends @katatles-the-fish  @rabbitsartcorner @6tick6tock6 @sleepyssnail @holdyourbreathfornow @aaydence @phangirlandkilljoy @aharleigh2 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms
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wowwie i love this series a lot
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PASS THE HAPPY 💜 When you see this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications
oh hmm ok thank you!
1. I’ve got 2 really close friends that always make me happy
2. My characters
3. Thomas Sanders (of course)
4. Les Twins
5. Games!
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Me and fellow Fanders are working on a Discord Server! If you wish to join, Send a request to MaskeyTheWolf#0035 ! Helping out a fellow Fander! ^w^ If you can, can you spread the word about it?
thank you! i sent a request!
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happy birthday to this adorable bab!!! pls give him all the cookies and dogs pls and thank ❤❤❤
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So it’s canon that both Virgil and Roman enjoy Disney, and I raise you:
Virgil calling Roman “Super haughty, egotistic, extra, and pretentious” to the tune of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
oh oops guess i’m doing the full song and guess what its a duet too
Virgil: You’re super haughty, egotistic, extra, and pretentious, simply just the sight of you is something quite horrendous. The hopes and dreams you come up with are really simply senseless, super haughty, egotistic, extra, and pretentious!
Virgil: Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay x2
Roman: Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay x2
Roman: Surely you must see that MCR was just a fad? perhaps not though, seeing all that black in which you’re clad! You should learn to lighten up, I’m not the one to blame! Won’t hold my breath, until my death, you’ll just remain the same!
Roman: You’re super crabby, nihilistic, callous, and contentious! Simply just the sight of you is something quite horrendous, The stupid nitpicks you create are really simply senseless, super crabby, nihilistic, callous, and contentious!
Virgil: Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay x2
Roman: Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay x2
Virgil: Your hopes are unrealistic and your dreams are just the same. If you try and follow them you’ll just go down in flames!
Roman: Your attitude is just as black as the hoodie ‘round your arms, just watch, you’ll see! They’ll all agree, I’ll win them with my charms!
Roman and Virgil in unison: Argh!
Virgil: super haughty, egotistic, extra, and pretentious, simply just the sight of you is something quite horrendous-
Roman: -the stupid nitpicks you create are really simply senseless, super crabby, nihilistic, callous, and contentious!
Roman and Virgil in unison: Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay x2 *fades into background*
Logan: I have to say, I am quite impressed with the extensive vocabulary these two are showing, even if it is to win a pointless, overdone argument such as this one.
Patton: ..Indubitably!
*Music cuts back in*
Virgil: You’re frustrating to the point no words could truly just describe!
Roman: There’s nothing worse on this Earth than list’ning to you gripe!
Virgil: You’re such an irritating guy-
Roman: -Could say the same for you!
Patton: Well..
Virgil and Roman in unison: What, Patton?
Patton: You guys weren’t saying all this when I found you in that closet! Oh, and Virgil’s cheeks were the reddest hue!
Roman: You’re-
Virgil: -super haughty, egotistic, extra, and pretentious.
Roman: Super crabby, nihilistic, callous, and contentious!
Virgil (hissing): Super haughty, egotistic, extra, and pretentious-
Roman (yelling): Super crabby, nihilistic, callous, and contentiouuuuus!
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Wait okay so you know how we see a lot of parallels between Patton and Logan (heart and mind, matching logos, etc.)
What if, since Logan really likes Crofters, a jelly.
Patton really likes a certain type of peanut butter.
Patton comes into the kitchen in the middle of the night and sees Logan shoving jam into his face. They make dead eye contact as Patton slowly reaches into a cupboard and pulls out some peanut butter and backs out. They never speak of it again.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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A few tie-centered gifs, a request from anon
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Okay so looks like I may or may not have accidentally signed up for this?? (Not that I’m complaining, tbh this was a nice distraction from some.. stuff but, my original reblogging of the meme was actually more of a signal boost at the time, whoops) But i didn’t wanna disappoint so I sketched these out real quick!(even if it is midnight) Anyways, Lovely Anon and @blue-greenstylinson your requests have been filled!
Logince(1B); “Don’t worry Roman, I’ve got you now.”
Analogical(3A); “Dude, you’re such a dork” “So are you, Virgil.”
I guess I’ll add my general art taglist under the cut bc, ey, I haven’t posted art in a couple of days. Been so busy with writing stuff out, ha. Art for my “The Lost Guardian” Au fic(yknow, the thing I’m working on writing the second chapter to xD) will be out soon. I will soon get to show off Guardian Patton!! /)o^o/)
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Logan: Now, are you familiar with the gear shift?
Roman: You mean… the prindle?
Logan: The what?
Roman: The PRINDLE!
Logan: Are you referring to the shift lever that says P-R-N-D-L?
Roman: I’m not a child, Logan, I know how to spell prindle.
Logan: It is not something you spell. It is a gear shift. The letters stand for: PARK, REVERSE, NEUTRAL, DRIVE and LOW!
Roman: You’re making me nervous with all this… technical talk!
Logan: Oh! I’m sorry. Why don’t we just relax and turn on the radio? Would you like AHM OR FIM?
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Whenever Thomas comes out with a blooper video that involve the sides, I always feel like it’s Logan and Virgil and Roman and Patton making the mistakes and not Thomas playing a character and making a mistake.  I mean just look:
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Logan missing the book not once…
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But twice and being so done with it.
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Patton missing the book and still keeping that happy go lucky attitude. I mean look:
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Even as he caught it when he knew he wasn’t supposed to he still smiled and “tried to mess up” some more. 
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If this is not the most Roman thing I have ever seen then I don’t think these are either. 
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Roman finds almost every mistake he makes funny and is just genuinely having a good time performing. 
Even Virgil makes mistakes!
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Sitting there bored, he tries to entertain himself.
Maybe this is all just one big nod to Thomas and his acting skills, which is true he’s a very good actor. He does very well with playing these characters and making them feel like it’s Virgil, Roman, Logan and Patton and not Thomas putting on costumes and saying lines. So yeah! Props to Thomas!!
But it’s very fun to imagine Thomas and his friends trying to work with a very outgoing Roman as they try to keep him in frame without him controlling everything creatively. Or a very giddy Patton as they try to stop him from running off screen to give the others a hug or make him say his proper lines without deviating off topic with dad jokes. Or a very easily irritated Logan as they try to make him say the right things or throw him props and him just missing and being so done with everything.  Or even a very tired Virgil as he is last to be recorded cause they have only one camera and they are trying to keep him from running off too his room because they know that if he gets to sleep there is no recording after that.  However, after it all they still enjoy making these videos and are still very fun to work with since the four keep the fun going all the time, even if Virgil opposes. 
It’s all so pure to imagine and I love it all. 
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this was adorable 💜
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I think his scales are just smooth. To the best of my knowledge, he does not excrete slime
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My brain is currently just screaming A SLIMY BOY over and over
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