lokiharris · 9 days
Definitely wanna write something based on this.
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Eden Adam wanting to have Lucifer’s baby is just too adorable to me.
So the idea goes like this.
Eden Adam sees the animals start having children of their own and Adam gets baby fever basically but Lilith doesn’t want to have a baby with him (this is a AU in which Adam and Lilith treat each other as good siblings) which makes him really sad. However Lucifer, who is already in love with Adam, tells Adam he could help. Adam is super excited and can’t wait to have one, but first Lucifer must court him doing his little bird mating habits. (Cuz I like the idea that angels find their partners like birds and mate for life)
When they are finally intimate it’s next to a tree while the stars shine over them, it’s heated and passionate and Adam tells Lucifer how he feels. Both confessing their feelings while they make love.
Adam gets pregnant but he doesn’t know it’ll him and Lilith are snacking together.
Lilith: Adam you are eating a lot
Adam pouts and puts his fruit down: I’ve just been really hungry that’s all
Lilith tilts her head and feels his belly: is not soft
Adam looks at her hand that is touching a slight bump on his stomach, he places his hand over hers: you think it’s a baby?
Lilith shrugs her shoulders and sits back to finish her meal but Adam is still feeling his stomach, he blushed thinking about the nights him and Lucifer were together. Lucifer hadn’t visited the garden in two months, he had gotten in trouble for visiting the garden but the angels didn’t know he and Adam had slept together.
When Lucifer did come back Adam was already showing, he was around six months and to Lucifer he looked beautiful. Lucifer had to keep their visits short but he always made sure to bring Adam things and continue his courting even if he had already considered them mates.
Lucifer was obsessed with Adam and would constantly be near the two humans, usually singing with Lilith while also laying in Adam’s lap. He loved how Adam would play with his hair or make him little flower crowns, he grew even more excited when his precious Adam felt the baby kick and was crying to him on how thankful he was. Lucifer felt prideful and envious that the angels assumed the baby was Liliths, but he knew better than to tell them.
One day however Lilith told lucifer she had eaten from the tree of knowledge and wished to be freed from the garden, at first Lucifer was against it but he felt remorse for the woman. She was Adam’s wife and he couldn’t just let her be punished, so he agreed. However before they left he begged Adam to join them to hide till the angels weren’t mad but Adam refused gently telling Lucifer he had to stay for his baby.
They said their goodbyes and Lucifer promised to be back for Adam.
While Lucifer and Lilith hid, Adam enjoyed the rest of his pregnancy. Soon the angels had realized the child wasn’t Liliths due to Lucifer’s disappearance, they told lies to Adam that Lucifer had abandoned him that he didn’t love him. Adam didn’t believe them after all they were going to have a baby why would Lucifer abandon him when he said he loved him.
After the child was born Adam was so happy, the baby had dirty blond hair and Lucifer’s pretty face. Adam loved his baby but he needed help. The angels took pity on him and created Eve from his rib (they took his pussy and gave it to her leaving him with the dick) Eve was Adam’s new wife but Adam didn’t see it that way. He saw Eve as his friend someone to help with his baby and keep him company.
Eve admired Adam’s strength and his ability to calm the baby so quickly, and how happy Adam would get when telling her about Lilith and Lucifer. Even telling her that he wanted to be Lucifer’s husband.
Adam: he’s so amazing Eve you need to meet him when he comes back
Eve: he does sound fucking awesome I bet he’s going to be so happy when he sees you and Cain
Adam blushed and smiled down at his baby who is suckling his milk: yeah I can’t wait for him to be back
However when Lucifer and Lilith return it’s in the night, Lilith is the first to enter Adam’s home. Her eyes widen when she sees Adam in their bed with another, both are holding hands while sleeping on their side acting as walls for the baby between them. They were sound asleep, Adam looked happy and she felt disgusted.
Adam replaced her.
She quickly exited and grabbed Lucifer’s hand pulling him away from the hut.
Lucifer: what’s going on?
Lilith spoke with a coked sob as she pulled him: he fucking replaced us
Lucifer ripped his hand away: he wouldn’t replace us Adam loves us
Lilith glared at him and pointed to the hut: then go see for yourself
And like Lilith, Lucifer’s heart shattered at the image of Adam and Eve. He bit his lip as tears began to roll down his face, his mate for life had replaced him. Instead of waking his Adam he chose to leave, his heart hurt too much and if it was true he wouldn’t be able to bare it.
Lilith was the one who came up with the idea to trick Eve into eating the apple, it was revenge for replacing her. So she asked Lucifer to give it to her.
Lucifer: hello Eve
The angel spoke so kindly and all Eve had heard about him was he was Adam’s friend, Eve smiled as she waved and approached the angel.
Eve: hello Lucifer
Lucifer offered the fruit: here I got this for you
She happily thanked him and took a bite not knowing she was damning herself, Adam and Cain. When she realized what was happening it was too late, Adam had ran to her and Lucifer Cain strapped to his back. Eve apologized to Adam and said she didn’t know that Lucifer offered it to her.
Adam: Luci why? I thought—
Lucifer was pissed how dare Adam take her side he was supposed to be his mate: I hate you!! You never loved me and I can’t stand to look at you
Adam was so hurt as Lucifer screamed at the three of them, Cain had begun to cry when the angels came down. They had to separate a very angry Eve from Lucifer before passing judgment, damning Lucifer to hell.
Before the devil and Lilith fell eve yelled at them: ALL HE EVER DID WAS LOVE YOU!!
The words never left Lucifer even as Lilith continued to believe Adam replaced them.
And same went for Adam, Eve further convincing Adam that Lucifer abandoned him.
A very large misunderstanding
When they meet back in hell after Adam has become a sinner it takes a long time before they are actually talking again (I want them together so let’s just say they fixed things up when they found out it was a misunderstanding)
The end
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lokiharris · 21 days
Hermes Offerings
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"Hermes is the Olympian god of herds, trade, heralds, travel, athletes, and thieves."
Large altars:
White wine
Red wine for His chthonic aspect
Chamomile tea
Olive oil
Foreign foods
Virgo or Gemini moon water
Myrrh incense
Lavendar incense
Golden objects
Silver objects
Musical instruments
Small/Hidden altars:
Foreign money/coins
Silver or silver objects
Gold or golden objects
Orange topaz
Strawberry scents
Lavendar scents
Turtle shaped objects or art
Strawberry art or toys
Crocus flowers
Written stories or letters
"Travel food", food you would take on a long car trip, i.e. trail mix, seeds, nuts, candies, etc.
Souvenirs from your trips
Travel to new places
Learn a new language
Learn a new sport
Practice speaking in public or online
Practice writing
Learn astrology
Learn astronomy
Learn about agriculture and animal husbandry
Learn slight-of-the-hand magic tricks
Collect coins
Have a feast in His name
Dice games (yes, this includes DnD!)
Card games
Donate to homeless shelters in His name
Give money to the homeless
Keep a dream journal
Write Him stories, poems, or jokes!
Honor the dead, especially family members who have passed away
Invoke Him on your travels or when looking for a job and always thank Him when you arrive safely or have some luck in your life
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lokiharris · 2 months
Relationship goals, seriously. I aspire to be like these two xD
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lokiharris · 2 months
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lokiharris · 2 months
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When you're trying to get your confidence back. Just play with makeup. Dont matter what gender you are. Your body is a canvas. Have fun.
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lokiharris · 2 months
I keep watching this on repeat. XD
look at him go
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lokiharris · 2 months
when a ship involves one character being so utterly devoted to the other that its borderline religious????? when the devoted character is written to be seen as a sinner, or damned, or a non believer??? and the other character an angel or god-like???? i simply eat that shit UP how can you not??
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lokiharris · 2 months
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lokiharris · 2 months
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My partner is a dork
We left out water for the eclipse, but we set it all out last night.
So now its being called the "Meyer water"
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lokiharris · 2 months
My partner is a dork xD
But we're now calling it "Meyer water"
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lokiharris · 2 months
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Lol I even had the glasses, but a few intrusive thoughts later and i was saying "but what if i.....take them off?" 🤔
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lokiharris · 2 months
This is so true. I am all of this. My life is ever flowing.
being pansexual, genderfluid, and open to polyamory is such a funny combo. i've never decided on one thing in my life. my identity is transient and constantly shifting. i'm super hot and can also date anyone
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lokiharris · 2 months
moving and packing
One of the things i hate the most about moving, is the process of packing up my pagan altar supplies. Putting them in boxes absolutely kills me.
And knowing i wont be able to unpack them when we move to where we're going, due to space, (my partner's parents house, again) until we're able to have another place of our own.
I will be setting aside some things for a small shelf altar to represent all of my deities. But this process always hurts and leaves my energy feeling chaotic until im able to groud and shield myself at the end.
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lokiharris · 2 months
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lokiharris · 2 months
4-8-2024 solar eclipse
My partner @kimeronica and I set out a bunch of items to charge under the solar eclipse.
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lokiharris · 2 months
What a fuckin mood
not now kitten, daddy's about to have a mental breakdown from seeing the prices at the grocery store
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lokiharris · 2 months
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Happy Easter to those who celebrate it🩷🌼🌸🐣🐇
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