lokisbuttxrknife · 5 years
Jonathan Pine - The Catch - Part 1/2
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"Bloody hell he's gone !" I shouted to my partner, Jonathan, from the huge terasse of our room.
I heard him running to me, quickly taking the binoculars I had in my hands before observing the empty appartment that faced ours.
"Damn it" he sweared before getting back into our hostel room, grabbing his coat and giving me mine so I would get dressed quickly.
Robert Hanword, the most dangerous drug dealer alive, who had comited the worst crimes. Anything that you would thought as a nightmare, he would make it a reality, torturing, killing, rapping, selling people as slaves with cold blood. Recently, his new hobby had been to sell weapons to extremes terrorists groups, making the governments go crazy. Dragging him down became one of their priority and so they decided to send the most qualified agents they had for this mission : Jonathan and I.
I had been keeping an eye on our target ever since we arrived at this luxurious hostel in the mountains, and after nights of insomnia scruiting every of his moves I had let my guard down and couldn't helped it but fell asleep. And now I was hating myself for it, feeling so guilty and stupid. What a shame that an agent who had such a reputation as mine lost her target because she felt asleep for an hour ! I looked up to Jonathan who was taking the key of the room, their jingle drawing me from my thoughts.
"Come on Grace, we gotta catch him" he said.
I hurried and soon we were outside, running accross the streets until Jonathan decided that we should separate, to be more efficient and eventually find the man we were looking for. Yet I was disagreeing on that point, feeling like if we separate we would be more vulnerable, which in our situation was dangerous. Something was wrong, I knew it.
"Jonathan, I don't think this is the right thing to do" I started.
"Grace we got no time to argue on that". He shaked my shoulders, his eyes giving anxious looks once every two seconds around us. "One of the most dangerous man is god knows where doing god knows what and nobody know about that except us ! This is what we have been recruited for, we can not fail !"
He took a little black box with a blue button and a red bulb in the middle before putting it into my hands.
"Take this, he said, I got the same. The first who finds Honward gives the alert to the other thanks to this button, right ?"
I nodded.
"It will send our location to our phones, so the other will be able to join the other." He frowned. "You got your phone with you, right ?"
"Of course I do, that's the 101 thing for an agent you fool" I replied giving him a smirk.
He let a quick laugh get out of hsi mouth before taking me briefly into his arms. Even though I was surprised at first, I returned him the hug, smelling his woody fragrance through his shirt. We separated and right before we go in opposite directions to track our man, he looked at me with his sparkling blue eyes, giving me a concerned look.
"Stay safe" he said.
"It will be fine" I replied. "See you in a hurry, Pine" I said before started to run through the dark streets of Geneve.
I could feel Jonathan's stare behind my back until I turned to a corner leading to an alley which was a bit far from the center of the town, which made me overthink. I could not deny, Jonathan was definitely attractive. His blues eyes changing to green depending on the lightning, his sharp jaw line, his smile in front if which any girl could faint, his british humour, his tailored shirt that were fitting him oh so well, letting his muscles show a bit through the fabric... I smiled thinking about the way he was looking at me an hugging me a few minutes ago, as if it was the last time he would see me. Those last days, he had been acting much closer to me than during the past, and was even kind of flirty sometimes. Did he actually cared more about me than what he was supposed to ?
I shaked my head to get him out of my mind. I was not allowed to think about him that way, there were too many risks in this job. This would put both of us in danger, I knew that, as if some people found out there was something going on between us, which was not the case, it would give them an opportunity to put some pressure on the other by capturing one.
While I was walking quietly, I realized both of my co-worker and I were not armed, which was not the best thing to do when you were hunting a man who could kill you with a butcher knife within two seconds. I passed one hand through my hair, as I was usually doing when I was nervous. Something did not make sense in this story. If Hanword did not knew we were watching him, the why did he mysteriously disappeared right when you were asleep ? Why didn't he left when you were secretly spying him ?
Deep down, even though I was was oh so scared to admit it, I knew all of this was anything but a coincidence. I had to face the truth : I did not know how did he managed to, but Honward found out you were after him. That man was sly, after all, and he probably even had moles inside British Intelligence. Jonathan and I were alone in that, we could not really know who to trust, except our chief and recruiter Angela Burr, who's rage and will of revenge over Honward was keeping her alive after he killed her husband. But this was another story, and I had no time to think about it. I needed to focus on what I was looking for and stay on my guard.
Crossing the street I was in, whose lamps were  les lampadaires were vibrating,  making me feel like I was in those kind of old and clichés horror movies, I saw some light coming through an old hangar. I marched along the walls of the old kind of fabric, trying to be as discreet as possible, silently thanking my unconditionnal love for dark clothes, which made me barely noticeable in the darkness of the night.
I entered the building, slowly taking my Swiss knife out of my pocket. I stappled to it as if it was my only way to survive this night. I knew that tracking Honward was a proof of unconsciousness, especially knowing that Jonathan and I were on our own, and that if anything would turn wrong, we would have no way to ask for reinforcements.
I went from one wall to the other before finding myself in front of a metallic staircase. As I approached the stairs, I began to hear voices. His voice. I could have recognized it in front of thousands thanks to all those night I spent listening to his phone conversations we were wiretapping. He was not alone. As far as I could hear, there were two other manly voices there, probably some other dealers he was making business with, I thought.
Suddendly, I saw the light from the ground floor lit, while I heard footsteps coming my way. I went all the way down the stairs as fast as I could, frenetically looking around me while I could feel the panic growing inside me. I noticed some kind of ramschakle archieves library I hid myself behind. I saw the two mens stopping, looking around them to check if everything was in order, silently praying for them not to come over me. The two men went upstairs a few moments later, leaving me in the dark again. I uttered a sigh of relief, putting aside all the tension I had felt during those last minutes.
I went out of my hideout while taking the little black box Jonathan gave me thirty minutes before. I was hesitating in front of that button, asking myself if I should get him involved in that or not. Of course, this  was his job and he was a brilliant agent, that was not the problem. I just did not knew if I wanted him to risk his life to solve a problem that I caused. I knew our chances to make it out alive were not really likely, especially since we did not have any proper weapon. Yet I knew only one of us would not be strong enough on his own to bring Honward and his men down. And he was our priority. The safety of our world was our priority.
Before I would change my mind, I grabbed the little balck box tightly while pressing hard the blue button. A little red light lit on the side, letting me know the informations had been send to my partner.
"Right" I thought. "All I have to do is to explore the ground floor to find a better hideout and then think about a strategy to take that bastard of Honward by surprise, while waiting for Jonathan to show up. I got this"
I went a bit further into the ground floor, waiting for my eyes to adapt to the darkness of the great hall I was in. A heap of huge wooden boxes down the hall caught my attention.
"Boody hell" I thought. "If this is what I'm thinking, we are in deeper troubles than I thought we were"
I opened one of the boxes, putting my hand in front of my mouth as a reflex of despair when I saw what was in there. Guns, bombs, missiles... The people Honward was talking to are probably far from being simple drug dealers. I had to get used to it : the people who were in there were terrorists, men trained for war and torture, who can kill a man without getting any troubles to sleep, as if it was no more than a kind of routine. I was stepping back from the boxes until I tapped against something. The moment it took me to realise it was in fact a man and not a wall, I was hit hard by a iron bar before it all became black around me...
Hello everyone ! Right, so this is my first OS about Jonathan Pine, hope you'll like this. I know he's not really present in this first part of the story but I promise in the second part it will be ALL ABOUT HIM ! But I wanted to create an ambiant and to get everyone familiar with Garce Dwincher, the main character. Don't hesitate to comment, feed back are really appreciated ! And let me know if you got any OS requests, I'll take it ! Xx
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