lollipopandbowlegs · 4 years
I‘m gonna be petty for one single post. Cause the Destiel part of the fandoms make my experience on here helll over the last couple years.
So I‘m enjoying the tea over them whining. And them crying over the „ambitious incest“ brothers ending we got makes the tea so much sweeter.
Enjoy the salty tears
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And we trully appreciated it
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When was D/C ever fucking healthy???ß What show have you been watching??
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Yes, we really really did =)
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As always, tealing Dean/Sam scenes to turn them into D/C.
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lollipopandbowlegs · 4 years
The only part that I am not satisfied about the last few episodes is that writer bent their knees to political correctness, or to be more accurate, people waving the flag of PC.
So now we get this: Castiel came out of closet and died, destiel remain one-sided and can you imagine how fucking awkward it's gonna be for a straight dude like Dean Winchester to see his best friend again, who turned out to be gay for him. If I were him I will probably just avoid seeing him for a while because Dean just can't respond to that love confession he is gonna be guilty as hell.
And don't say that Dean is secretly bi, we all know that representative shit is just pandering.
And to make sure that the finale is brother-focused, even John and Mary are just mentioned and didn't show up, which makes that confession even more awkward-- no reply, no continuation, no mention, nothing.
I never like hellers, but at this moment even I feel a bit bad for them. They got used and tossed away, again. But, then again, I guess that's what you get for constantly harassing the cast and crew for years.
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lollipopandbowlegs · 4 years
So Dean is like driving in heaven for about several decades without even bothering to see anyone just to wait for Sam to come?
Man the writers are trying very hard not to let anyone to waste a minute on unrelated characters for this brother episode.
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lollipopandbowlegs · 4 years
Usually in heaven people remain the look from the moment they die, but when Sam found Dean on the bridge he looked just like when they parted.
Sam is already dead inside when he said goodbye to Dean.
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lollipopandbowlegs · 4 years
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i said this in passing in discord but haven’t stopped thinking about it so i made a meme. thank u jensen for ur service and sacrifice 😭😭♥️♥️
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lollipopandbowlegs · 4 years
First congrats to American ppl to finally vote Trump out
Some of following words may be offensive but
Back in 2016 I was not suripsed by the result after watching the supernatural fandom fight
Some ppl are shocked to find out so many Trump supporters out there, they like to label them as "uneducated" "racist" "sexist" or "facism", and to regard Trump's success as an accident or "black swan" but it really isn't.
Mass media (mostly pro-democrat) managed to silence those ppl, anyone who dare to even slightly agree to some of Trump's speech would be condemned by the public, social justice warriors would flood to their account. They don't want to be seen as racist and the only way to do that is to shut up and vote.
It's kinda of like the supernatural fandom but I am not comparing Trump to anyone. The vocal part (you know who I'm talking about) like to use the same strategy, if you don't support this gay ship and then you are homophobic if you don't like this character/actor you are racist, to silence those who don't agree with them. The rest of fandom may not be that vocal but they are the true major contributions to the sales and rating. After the rest of fandom remain silent, the vocal part may feel like they are the majority but they actually just live in the bubbles.
I still hope the different parts can have a talk, like really have a conversation. We don't have to reach an agreement but at least should recognize the existence of every part. Otherwise this kind of split will eventually.rip this fandom apart (or it already has) just like the way the split ripped American society apart.
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lollipopandbowlegs · 4 years
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lollipopandbowlegs · 4 years
I gotta admit. I was trying to get myself distracted from coming end of spn and trying to avoid watching the show for a couple of months. And I got hooked to another show which is more entertaining and fun to watch, US ELECTION
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lollipopandbowlegs · 4 years
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15x18 - Despair
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lollipopandbowlegs · 4 years
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lollipopandbowlegs · 4 years
Castiel's confession doesn't make desitel canon. Just like when a man make a confession to you doesn't make him your boyfriend. That requires CONSENT
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lollipopandbowlegs · 5 years
Still feel bad for Crowley. He never got the chance to have the thing he wanted more than anything for years: and that is to see just how much love his mother can offer him.
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lollipopandbowlegs · 5 years
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My brother…
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lollipopandbowlegs · 5 years
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15 years 💕
Thank you Boys ❤️❤️
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lollipopandbowlegs · 5 years
Just when a lot of stans and hellers bitch about Dean and John being abusive to Sam, this episode showed what real abusive family looks like LMAO
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lollipopandbowlegs · 5 years
Dean in "The French Mistake": Here you've got a pretty good life. Back home the hits been coming since you were six months old. You gotta admit, being a bazillionaire, married to Ruby, the whole package it's no contest.
Sam in "The French Mistake": We just don't mean the same thing here. I mean we're not even brothers here, man.
Sam in "Regarding Dean": Just, you know the things we've done, we've had this weight for- forever. Seeing it gone, you looked happy.
Dean in "Regarding Dean": Look was it nice to drop our baggage? Yeah, maybe. Hell, probably. But it wasn't just the crap that got lost, I mean it was everything. It was us. It was what we do, all of it. So if that's what being happy looks like? I think I'll pass.
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lollipopandbowlegs · 5 years
Dean just got his mother killed a couple of days ago. He had a chance to kill the killer to get his mother back but he didn't. But he still blames people involved and caused his mother's death. But sure he's a selfish dick🙄
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