lollydolly676 · 7 days
Time to rant about the Alvarez arc and issues I had with it once more now that I've posted some spriggan redesigns. This might be long.
The largest reason Alvarez and anything following Tartaros fall so flat is because you can almost tell Mashima was checked out by that point. That his excitement for the series had dwindled.
I have this theory that Tartaros was meant to be the last arc of the series but there were still things unanswered meaning that he was forced into adding more on. Now I don't say this as someone who thinks tartaros should've been the end, but because none of the villains after this point have any weight to them when honestly they should. All the reveals feel like they're done to surprise the audience more than flesh out the story.
I'm someone who always hated the Irene as Erza's mom plot because we really didn't need it. It was a trend of "villain is a blood relative" twists mashima kept throwing in and by that point it was honestly more annoying than anything. Erza never had questions about her family. She was never focused on her past so introducing her mother felt so out of left field. Irene literally could've just been the person who was in charge of creating the tower of Heaven, maybe she was even the on who corrupted Jellal, and that would've done far more towards making me invested in a showdown between her and Erza than anything in canon.
In general the Spriggan 12 being set up as characters involved in the various arcs would've been so beneficial because it would've given readers actual reasons to be angry or upset. What if Invel was the one who created Deliora and consistently tried to create new ice demons to impress Zeref. What if Layla's death was originally believed to be an accident but as time goes on Lucy uncovers more deaths and incidents connected to her mother that eventually lead back to Brandish. The tartaros group answering to August, who is still devote to Zeref, giving us a more solid reason to believe him as a Wizard king and actual tangible terror at the thought of facing him if tartaros itself would bend to him.
And this isn't even getting into how all their designs seem so slapped together causing them to look more like mid level/filler villains than actual final arc antagonists. Compare them to any of the tartaros characters and it just instantly becomes so obvious which ones Mashima actually cared about. By that point he knew he just had to make the women scantily clad and his die hard fans would ignore everything else. Jacob Lessio is one of the first Spriggan I think of whenever I get angry over how rushed their designs are.
Even Zeref himself felt so disappointing as a villain because any hype built for him really peaked during the tartaros arc. I was sure he'd be the one to appear instead of Mard Geer. It felt like that's what tartaros was building to. But instead we someone new and Zeref was pushed back. We could talk about him torturing Mavis and how Mashima still wanted to paint things between them as romantic because heaven forbid Mavis actually be a human with emotions who gets mad and vengeful when she's hurt, but we'll move on.
Beyond just this, Alvarez kingdom could've been so very interesting to have in the background, mentioned every now and then off handedly by side characters or guild members when discussing the world around them. This idea of it always existing but just never seeming important to our leads who aren't thinking about the political side of things. Us getting Alvarez hints early on and Alvarez only increasing in importance would've been something for fans to hold onto and engage with.
Mashima really dropped the ball on the series following Tartaros from the gray villain arc that amounted to nothing, a 1 year time skip setting up Natsu and Lucy collecting guild members that ended with everyone miraculously back at the guild with no persuasion necessary, to his final antagonists carrying non of the weight he wanted because titles don't create fear. And it makes me so incredibly furious because all it would've taken was actual care and interest in his own creation.
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lollydolly676 · 8 days
This but with gruvia
Me enjoying my so called forced ship 😌🥰😍☺️
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lollydolly676 · 13 days
every time i remember gruvia's double suicide i wonder how i'm not constantly talking about them rather than nalu. the emotional complexity between gray, the depressed guy who secretly thinks everyone hates him including himself, and juvia, the depressed girl who knows most people hates her (due to her past with phantom lord) but still manages to find the one who taught her to see the light in things - literally!! stopped her rain and all.
and then their beautiful progression where juvia proves her devotion, not only to her newfound love, but also to fairy tail as a guild - her newfound family. and gray slowly but surely has to face his past, in multiple ways, and slowly but surely juvia manages to chisel her way into his icey heart. and from that point there's some turmoil when juvia indirectly "kills" (releases) gray's father, her doubting her right to love him, gray telling her basically that if anyone were to do it, it had to be her, and that she freed his father rather than killed him.
and then the progression of acceptance - juvia staying strong and determined to keep loving the guy who never thought love was for him, and him slowly accepting her, even when he doubts his own power to protect her from any harm that could come their way
and then!! the horrific fate!!! them getting into a situation where they have to kill the other to get away from the situation alive, and juvia, who practically never stopped loving him, automatically wanting to sacrifice herself, knowing that gray, who might seem distant and cold, never could kill a guild mate. so she decides to take her own life, for his sake, but oh!! the plot twist!!! gray thought, like, the exact same thing! he only knew that juvia had to come out of this alive, but that there was no way she'd kill him, so he kills himself!! he can't imagine a future without her!
and then, after blacking out (thinking they're dead) gray wakes up, to his dismay, and he sees that juvia kept him alive, even as she herself was dying!!! so heartbreak and demon mode and he goes to kill natsu for being END and all that
but then the story progresses and they're both alive, and gray reluctantly admits that he wants juvia to himself, and then in the hyq we learn that he's working on himself to become a lad worthy of the love juvia has to offer, and that she's his will to live and his entire past present future and that they're rawdogging it in his dreams. kinda.
anyways i love them and i think i'll die, that's all, thanks for reading
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lollydolly676 · 16 days
Book idea where the protagonist of a romance book watch their child get with a love interest that is super toxic to them, but when they complain to their partner, the partner replies "LI is acting just like you back when we were first getting together, don't worry."
Cue an extreme amount of repentance and forcing their partner into therapy
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lollydolly676 · 20 days
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links to the donations mentioned
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lollydolly676 · 23 days
You know those anime meta posts along the lines of “I was born with pink hair. The doctors told my parents I was a Main Character and ever since my life has not known peace from demons/spirits/sports competitions/harems who find me”
Well I see that, and I raise you this:
An anime boy whose appearance is, by absolutely anyone’s account, completely and utterly average. Mundane hair. Mundane eyes. Not even glasses to set him the tiniest bit apart. A simple, unmemorable, unrecognizable civilian among a backdrop of millions.
And he has a lot of passions, and a lot of ambitions, which he hones every chance he gets. He’s dabbled in sports and archery and cooking and just about anything you could wrap a competition around. And he’s competed in many of these. Every chance he gets. With all of his passion and all of his might.
He’s crushed by the competition every single time.
Until one day–one day something clicks for him. Something that should have seemed obvious from the start and yet never was–as though everyone, including himself, was unwittingly blind to it. It clicks, when he realizes every kid who’s beaten him in competition, every kid who’s gone on to fame and glory and acclaim, has been some candy-haired gel-spiked ridiculously-dressed fucker. 
There’s some trend there that this Main Character boy can’t explain and can’t understand but he decides, this one time, fuck it. He’ll play along too. He’s got a model train competition in four days, and he’s got nothing more to lose. He hits up the department store, buys the pinkest, noxious-est, fruitiest hair dye he can find, the spikiest hair gel available, and the gaudiest clothes on the thrift rack. He enters the model train competition looking like a bubble gum gijinka.
And he wins.
Suddenly, the other candy-haired contestants notice him. They talk to him. They pledge rivalries. Girls notice him. Judges applaud him. Acclaimed model train aficionados offer him internships across the world. He’s hit on something. 
The main cast expands to cover just about every candy-hair cliche in the book: from the mostly-normal-looking demure school girl with the blue hair to the Naruto-est, yelling-est boy with the red-and-green spiked hair. The cool megane senpais, the purple haired tsunderes, suddenly everyone is interested in him. They’re prodigies and upstarts and underdogs and they truly believe that this main character boy is one of them.
So the main character boy maintains his ruse. He touches up his roots at dawn every morning and carefully attends to his gelled spikes and tells absolutely no one about this great, uncanny, unfathomable secret he’s stumbled upon. He wins his competitions left and right. He racks up the acclaim. He’s hailed as a prodigy of all trades, just now bursting onto the scene, and boils to the top of all his candy-haired peers.
He’s rising up, his every dream within his grasp. Until one day he gets a note under his door, taped to an old picture of his Normal Boring self from middle school, that says “You don’t belong”
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lollydolly676 · 27 days
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Idea from @lollydolly676, thank you! It was fun!!
Natsu trying to pick a fight over social media but ends up misspelling random ass words because he 1) had trouble typing and 2) autocorrect hates him and ends up posting utter nonsense that could take hours to decode if anyone actually cared to do so. His guild members immediately repost his ramblings to troll him
And trust me, this was reposted on every single one of their accounts 💀
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lollydolly676 · 29 days
Natsu: Hey Luce, wanna go on a date. We haven't done that yet. Lucy, very confused: Natsu... Only couples go on dates. What are you talking about. Natsu: Are we not a couple? Then lets be one!
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lollydolly676 · 29 days
this is so mean but sometimes i see published writing and suddenly no longer feel insecure about my own writing ability. like well okay that got published so im guessing i dont have much to worry about
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lollydolly676 · 1 month
The other thing with Gruvia is that a lot of the people who hate it really just don't like the "yandere" archetype/dynamic. Which is fine and tbh gruvia is an exception for me because I've always hated yandere characters in everything else (plus her yandere aspects are admittedly what I like least about her) but it's sort of weird to see these posts that are like "No you know what FUCK gruvia because *literal perfect description of the exact archetype Mashima was going for with this character*"
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lollydolly676 · 1 month
Natsu and Lucy getting together arc, but it's just someone asking Natsu if he has a gf, and him saying yes and everyone in the general vicinity is shocked to hell because 'when the hell did Natsu get a gf and how did we all miss this??'. Lucy is especially shocked because she thought Natsu was denser than a rock and that's why she never tried to persue him, but it turns out he was taken this entire time??
Cue everyone in fairy tail trying to find out who Natsu is dating, and how long he was dating her, with Erza leading the charge, because she cannot believe she let the fact that Natsu was in a long term relationship pass her notice. Juvia is very helpful in this escapade because she knows that 'love rival and natsu have something going on but neither of them will admit it.
The mystery is solved when Gajeel straight up asks Natsu, who just points at Lucy, who is screaming at this idiot because 'YOU NEVER ASKED ME OUT YOU ASS!'
To which Natsu replies: 'Oh, I was supposed to ask? I thought it was clear that we liked each other.'
Cue a Lucy kick and an actual conversation that ends with Lucy finally recognizing Natsu as her bf and Natsu learning the importance of clear communication in relationships.
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lollydolly676 · 1 month
The dragon slayers experience a dark possessiveness for their mates only they can understand 🚫
The dragon slayers experience a dark possessiveness for their mates only they and Juvia can understand ✅
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lollydolly676 · 1 month
Gray spent so long blaming himself for the deaths in his family, that he refuses to let anyone else close to him because of that fear that they would leave. That's why that even when he pushes Juvia away, he still seeks her out and hangs out with her.
Meanwhile, Juvia wants Gray to be happy. Her stalker tendencies are played up for comedy, but at her core, if she saw that Gray would be happier with her out of the picture, she would remove herself from the picture. (The scene where she tells Gray she was the one who killed Keyes demonstrates this.)
Combine these two, and you get the boy who is afraid of love and the girl who's willing to wait for him and even give up everything to make him happy.
That's why I see this scene as Gray acknowledging thay Juvia would give up everything for him, and him proclaiming that he would do the same for her.
Juvia really gonna become Mrs. Fullbuster in the future and have Gray’s child one day! I love that for her! They have came long way!
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Chapter 84: An Icy Fantasy!
This is legit Gray’s perfect world whether you like it or not!
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lollydolly676 · 1 month
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Since it's announced that FairyTail 100 Year Quest will be broadcasting in July, remember those panels.
Honestly this is what's getting me excited for their announcement, this should be produced very VERY well.
If it's not animated at least the right way, I'll sue.
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lollydolly676 · 2 months
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I needed this drag. Let’s change guys and not look back
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lollydolly676 · 2 months
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lollydolly676 · 2 months
Enjoying the idea of Tommy and Buck together doesn't mean I've jumped ship on Buddie, and I'm sure that's the case for other fans too. There's kind of an opinion or whatever going around that people have jumped ship on Buddie for liking Tommy x Buck together and because of it don't really like or have respect for Eddie - and I think that's kind of ridiculous to say. It's the furthest thing from the truth. I'm a Buddie girly through and through and am almost optimistically confident that Buddie will be endgame, Tommy x Buck is just a stepping stone along the journey! There's nothing wrong with loving and shipping Buddie whilst also enjoying seeing Buck with another man in the mean time. Tommy x Buck is a temporary thing and even so I would like to see it develop and end on really good terms because Tommy seems nice. I'm just enjoying the ride until we do get Buddie, plus can you imagine the possibilities of jealous, petty, Eddie??!! It's quite unfair to say Buddie fans have jumped ship and don't like Eddie when that is not the case at all though! Just saying.
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