lonelyfreddygirl · 3 years
age: 6
personality: sweet, funny, can be pretty emotional
Likes: his two brothers (Chris and Christen), hugs, his friends
dislikes: loud noises, arguing, thunder, being scared out of the blue
other info: him and Christen take on a more goo like appearance since their still developing, also Christopher being a soft and gentle person likes calming down or cheering up his upset friends and is happy when he's able to get them to smile.
(again to lazy to rewrite this also post cuz why not needed a start-
age: 10
personality: slightly stubborn, can be nice, bossy
Likes: flower watching, little attention, his cousin
dislikes: himself (at points), being misgender, the thought of being alone
ot wanted.
little info: Julius never really felt love at a young age witch did effect him, he also tends to hate how he looks cuz he feels he isn't himself sometimes. the two he gets along with most is Reed and Jake
age: 7
personality: mostly quite and keeps to himself
Likes: drawing, reading, gamming, Anime, his dad's
dislikes: gore, fighting, being interrupted
other info: when not with the others he's mostly in the corner drawing or with his rabbit dad, he also likes when it's quite
age: 6
personality: little moody, stubborn, can be caring
Likes: Christopher's hugs, (just being around him in general) his siblings
dislikes: when someone's mean to his friends or family, Little-, out of the blue hugs
other info: he is pretty protective of his siblings especially Christopher, tho having a stubborn nature he dose have a soft side ounce you get to know him
Age: 5
personality: sweet, curious, energetic
Likes: shiny objects, dressing up, Elenore, Rachel
dislikes; (unknown at the moment)
other info: she tends to have a hard time sleeping so Elenore sings to her then stays near her till she falls asleep, she's the kind that would possibly lead the others into trouble sometimes.
age: 11
personality; depends on mood-
Likes: his family, foxy, sleep.
dislikes: Pete-, not feeling wanted, the dark, being woken up for no reason, mention his fathers death or mocking him
other info: he tends to get stressed or emotional easily so he uses his foxy and freddy plush as a stress toy also the freddy plush was the last thing his father gave him on his 7th birthday
age: 10
personality: tends to act like the older brother, caring (mood really depends)
Likes; his brother/friends
dislikes: when Julius bossy side gets out of hand, being scared out of the blue, being called a girl or short, when his friends are unhappy
other info: despite his age he dose look younger then the other older kids, prefers some quite time, dose tend to calm Julius or Jake down, would most likely go rabbit hunting
age: 12
personality: insecure at points, quite, sweet
Likes: baggy clothing, *coughs* Colton-
dislikes: pizza (mostly ones with f) , her appearance/ the fact she needs a crutch (sometimes), large crowds
other info: after the events of pizza kit she now has to use a crutch to keep her balance and is also blind in one eye, whenever she's having a moment Colton seems to be someone that calms her down. she mostly sticks to veggie pizza's since the thought of one with meat tends to give her nightmares (again cuz pizza kit-)  
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lonelyfreddygirl · 3 years
Foxy: *nocks on door* Dose a Pete dinglewoods live here?
random woman: *passed out*
Foxy:....*slowly leaves and shuts door behind him*
(second house-)
Foxy: dose a Pe-
William: *had shotgun* get the hell off my property fox!
Foxy: *runs away*
(3ed house)
Foxy: hello? is anyone even here?
Me: wtf-
(4th house)
Foxy: dose a Pete live here?
Pete (blank): yes that be m-
Foxy: *looks at nametag and realized he killed the wrong person* sh-t
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lonelyfreddygirl · 3 years
*Doug running for his damn life*
Ella: we’re loosing him, go faster!
Stanley unicorn: then get off my back goddammit!
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lonelyfreddygirl · 3 years
new trapped souls blog-
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lonelyfreddygirl · 3 years
Sunny in my au
red-defense mode
(other facts)
-she's kinda the childish one out of the group
-if she’s in a dark area her eyes will begin to glow like a flashlight
-she views Moondrop as an older brother or father
-she adores kids
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lonelyfreddygirl · 3 years
'Chris' was waiting outside the school feeling lost since it was his first time outside, he leaned against the side of the building spacing out when the sound of a car horn caught his attention. He jumped a bit out of fear and soon heard a woman's voice "come on Chris, time to go home" the voice called out, 'Chris' looked around the corner and saw a woman waving at him from her car, he assumed that must have been the real Chris well his mother now so he approached the car and got inside. "You ok dear? You seem a little jumpy and on edge" the woman said, "y-ya, just tired is all..." the fake said, he soon knew he had to get used to his life as a person and learn to adapt to having normal human life tho not knowing much about the person he's supposed to be. when they got home 'Chris' was soon greeted by his dog Porkchop, He jumped onto 'Chris' nocking him over and started to lick his face, he was startled at first but then began to laugh as he gently pushed Porkchop off him "mhm, guess you are my creators dog, well my dog now" 'Chris' said as he got up while petting Porkchop. He soon headed to his room and laid in his bed thinking about how his creator was and what else he could do as an actual person when he saw his door slowly open, it was Chris's younger sister Emma.
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