lonerme · 4 years
The Loser Life Part 1
First thing first the grammar in this made up series will be totally off so if you do read please be kind. This is something for me therapeutically really hoping this could help calm my inner thoughts. Well where to start... or when did I start considering myself a loser? Maybe 4 years ago after Trump won election in 2016 (lowkey don’t think it was a coincidence). But at them time I was living in this crappy apartment with girls I hated in San Francisco who decided to kick me out for no reason, my boyfriend at the time, Jay and I broke up. I was 24, depressed, and ready to move out of the Bay Area.
 I found another apartment in Inner Richmond near Trader Sams (freakin loved that place) met new roomies who one of them is still a friend today, Tia who somehow became my distance older sister. 4 months after both moving into Inner Richmond we both decided we were officially done with San Francisco and decided to move to LA for different reasons. For Tia it was going back home for her, she just graduated with her Masters and I just graduated with my Bachelors and were in need of a new location and chapter in our lives. Funny enough we weren’t actually close at the time and thought we would never see each other again but that part will continue later. Back to me now, after moving and living in LA for 1 whole month I managed to have met at least 5 shady people who have crossed me and was in a near death experience car accident where I ended upside down crawling my way out the window. I had a lot of thought going through my head. 1. was damn I’m alive? 2. where are my shoes 3. Shit shit shit my dad JUST bought this car and I wrecked it 3. I don’t have car insurance yet 4. I am so tired 5. My wig is fucking lop sided. 
Now, this is actually the first and biggest mistake I have ever made that I couldn’t cover up. I was devastated, mostly because I couldn’t believe how irresponsible I was driving a car with no insurance, that I begged my dad to buy this car and wrecked it with in 2 hours after getting it (uh yeah dude) and I couldn’t even blame alcohol on it, I was simply just tired and didn’t realize a two lane was turning into one. First if all my dad and I do not have a close and the fact that he was able to gift me a car was a big deal and ruined it within seconds, I couldn’t believe it and I never thought how much I wished I didn’t make it through that accident. 
Later for Part 2 if you care :)
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