longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
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my simon petrikov furby.. i want to make him a little suit and possibly replace his eyechips :3
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
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My town opened up its own street libairy. Jacques was excited to see it because he remembers seeing a street libairy when he was in Vancouver.
Image Description:
Jacques is a 1998 furby with grey fur. His ears are grey with neutral coloured insides. He has a bone white coloured face plate and eyelids with a yellow coloured beak. He has a grey mane going down his back. His eyes are a light blue colour and his feet are yellow with three toes each. He is wearing a grey woolley hat with a pompom on top of it on his head. He is wearing a flannel shirt that is red and black with white buttons on thr front of it. There are two pins on his shirt. One silver tee pee pin and another Canadian flag pin. Jacques is next to a purple wooden box that has a roof like a house on it. There is a door on the side of the box that has a handle on it. There is a window in the door that shows where the books are. On the roof are flowers. There is a rectangular sticker on the bottom of the door below the window. It has a picture of a green street sign that has "street libairy" written on it. On the sticker beside the sign "take a book, give a book, share a book" is written. End Description.
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
Just wanna share the first custom Furby that I worked on a while ago, cause I'd like some advice on him!
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This is Mossball Bastard, or just Moss. He does have feet, they just like to hide under the copious amounts of floof that replaced his original fur. Works fine too, I just couldn't be bothered to put batteries in for these pictures, especially since I plan on taking better ones after I make some changes to him.
You might notice that the sprouts don't exactly look pretty because of those bulky clips, especially from the back, and I wanna make them blend into his fur at least a little bit better somehow (and hopefully just make them take up less space in general). I've tried just covering them up with the fur itself before, and it didn't help much at all. I feel like the most obvious way would be to remove them from the clips and hot glue them under the fur onto the plastic shell itself, but there's a sensor directly under the place where most of them are and I don't think any other placement would work nearly as well. Do I hot glue them directly onto the fur? Just cut the clips shorter and try to cover the rest with the fur or something? Or are there any other methods for attaching this kind of stuff to furbs?
In case it's hard to see, the sprouts do have little black plastic bases which are hot glued onto the clips themselves, so presumably I could separate them easily enough.
I'm also open to suggestions for further improving this lad in general - I do want to keep the plastic parts mostly white so they match his tail, but should I maybe paint the insides of the ears a different color? Or paint some little markings on them (and/or the faceplate)? Or does he look fine as is, minus the glaringly obvious clips?
Sorry for the long rambling, and thanks in advance for anyone willing to help out!!
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
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Made a fella for my friend
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
intro post 🤑
interacting with posts is okay but if youre 21+ please dont message me!! sorry kinda uncomfortable withthat
my post - a post i made
my art - art i made (though i dont post art on this blog anymore)
rb from old acc - reblogs from my old account because i want to have old posts on my main
rb - someone elses post that i reblogged
others art - other peoples art that i reblogged
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
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Some Furby Connect photos
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
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Knockoff Furby keychain
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
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I drew my son
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
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available here if you wish to release this icy bastard from my grasp
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
Love how the eyes catch the light on this furby
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
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Reminder to cut your furbys fur or wool if it grows too long.
Image Descriptions:
1: Boo is a 1998 furby with a whie tail and tuft of hair on her head. She has white ears. Her fur is white wool except for on her belly where it is cream white fur. Her face plate and eyelids are white. Her eyes are blue and his beak is a orangish yellow colour. Her feet are both white and she is wearing a a daisy earring on each ear. The daisy earrings have a yellow centre with white petals. Boos wool has grown really long. I am saying to Boo "Wow Boo you really need a wool cut."
2: I am holding a pair of scissors with blue handles near Boo.
3: Boos wool has been cut so it's much shorter. I am saying "There much better."
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
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She's gonna be extremely feral now.
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
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Bluebell is finally clean and fully functional! I'm very proud of their bow 🎀 🌈
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
My first felt furby project. Face plate was done by @lobstersign. Look upon him a weep tears (of horror).
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longfurbyhusbandry · 1 year
Furby thoughts I sometimes have at night:
• a kiwi is the closest thing to a real life Furby
• if the kiwi is related to the elephant bird, then what the fuck kind of giant prehistoric behemoth is Furby related to
• if a Furby had to climb a ladder, would it climb it like a set of stairs, or would it climb it like a parrot, using it's beak as a hand?
• since Furbies have limited eye movement, does that mean they can rotate their heads 360°
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