lonym82fanfics · 6 years
Zelink Month 2018. Day 30: Paradise.
(Chapter 38  of  this  http://lonym82fanfics.tumblr.com/post/177217153230/day-1-zelink-month-prompt-distractions-how   )
Link heard a knock on his apartment door and smiled. “Be right there.” Before heading to the door, he quickly dipped his hands in the water basin and smoothed out his hair as best as possible. With a huge smile he opened the door and he greeted his guest. “Good morning, my beautiful darlin’.” And he stopped cold when he saw who it was.
“Oh…” The postman blushed. “Well, I’m flattered, but…”
Link grimaced. “I thought you were my girlfriend…”
“Of course, of course…And here I was using this new moisturizer…”
“Can I just get my mail?”
The postman gave a quiet little chuckle and held out an envelope with the crest of the Hyrulian Royal seal. “It’s been awhile since I delivered one of these to you,” he said as Link took the letter.
“Yeah…” Because she would come herself and then they would go on the mission together. Link thanked the postman and wished him a good day before heading inside.
He cracked the seal, opened the letter, and started to read.
From the desk of Zelda, Princess of Hyrule.
Salutations Link,
He smirked. Princess Zelda was as formal as ever.
I regret to inform you an unexpected matter has suddenly came up and I cannot provide help for the scheduled mission of the 38th treasure. I, and my entourage, shall be gone for a week’s time. Once I have returned, I can give you aid.
I do apologize. Your time is valuable and I’m saddened and embarrassed by this cancellation. I look forward to the competition of this mission and bringing us closer to our goal.
Link frowned. It was kind of rude to cancel last minute, but at least the Princess apologized for it. He set the letter next to his adventuring bag when suddenly he had an idea. He strapped on his sword and shield before slinging the bag over his shoulder and headed out the door.
He remembered a lot of detail about this treasure’s location and didn’t need his usual dossier. He could get the treasure and be back home before the cuccos came home to roost. Then, when that cutie finally got her rear end on over, they could just spend the entire time on a nice, long date.
He was running ideas through his head all the while getting his horse Epona from the stables and heading out to the area. Maybe a picnic on the southern hills? The sunsets were beautiful up there.
In time, he reached the outer southern river leading to Lake Hylia. Oh wait! They could go fishing! Find a nice spot with the fish jumping, cast a line, and lay back with his head on her lap. That sounded like paradise.
However before he could enjoy that rest, he’d have to find the treasure first. Link looked ahead and he could see the split in the river. He figured he’d just mosey along towards the right bend and soon he’d reach his goal.
He’d spent most of the morning traveling and the rest of the afternoon searching at the river’s end.
“There’s has to be some sort of clue,” he muttered while looking around a couple of trees. He called over to his horse. “Hey, Epona, you see something, girl?” he asked with a playful smile. Epona didn’t even look up from eating the grass. “Nothing, you say? Well, alright.” He gave a soft laugh.
After finding nothing on land, Link turned his attention to the river. He walked along the river until he could no longer see the bottom. He then got in the water, submerged himself, and swam downstream. He looked along the edges, surface for a breath and repeat.
After a while, he paused his search. He treaded water while considering his options. He was some distance from the river’s end. If he went too far, this place wouldn’t fit the description of the treasure’s location. And if that was so, then perhaps he should try another place. Maybe there was an underway entrance buried in the shallow end. How would he check? It seemed wasteful to randomly bomb the area…
Link let out a yelp of surprise, as someone had breached the surface in front of him. “R-Ruteau!”
And the Zora Princess laughed at him. “I didn’t think I could sneak up on you. You should have seen your face.”
Link let himself sink a little and fumed under the water.
“I must say, I certainly didn’t expect to bump into you today,” Ruteau said as she looked to the right and left of Link.
Link raised his eyebrows and smiled when he realized why she was looking around. “She couldn’t come this time. Royal duty and all that.”
Ruteau scoffed and pouted. “Well, how rude. I’ve come to expect seeing her when I see you.”
Link shook his head. “I’ll tell her you miss her.” Ruteau looked off to the side. “Anyhow, Ruteau, since I got you out here, have you seen any underwater caves this area?”
“Caves? No. Not in this area. Why do you ask?”
“Well, you see, hey you mind we swim to shore? I’ve been swimming for awhile.”
Ruteau shook her head and they continued their conversation on the river bank. “So, you see, I’m doing our treasure hunting thing...”
Ruteau faked a yawn.
“Yeah, yeah, I know how you feel about it, Ruteau.”
She smirked.
“So, the description said the treasure was located on the right wet head of giving. I figured this must be the place. This river has two heads and it’s a water source. But I’m not having any luck finding anything.”
“Hmm.” Ruteau looked towards the end of the river. “This place does seems to fit that description. However, if it’s not here then...Oh...Oh…Oh no...it can’t mean…” Ruteau made a disgusted face, “that…”
“Don’t keep me hanging, lady. What’s this place you thinking of?”
Ruteau gave a pained expression. “Get your horse and follow me downstream. I’ll show you.”
After a short time they reached a minor lake near Zora’s Domain. Ruteau beckoned Link off his Epona and they swam to an underwater cave. It lead to an air pocket and Link saw on the ledge what Ruteau meant.
“Ah…” He looked it over. “It’s…”
“Hideous!” Ruteau proclaimed. “Simply hideous.”
Link couldn’t help but agree. “So, why is there a two-headed statue here?”
“Tsk, a neighboring kingdom gave this to my ancestors as a gift. They thought it was lovely, but no. Anyhow, they couldn’t just get rid of it. So, the king at the time moved it here and decorated this place to look like a shrine.” She turned to Link. “A shrine of generosity. Which is what I think refers to the giving part of the description.”
“I mean, so far it fits most of it. All it needs is,” he stopped as he heard a plop. They looked up at the right head. Link got out of the water and climbed up the statue. Soon he saw a drop of water fall from the ceiling into the decorative hat of the right head. “Huh.” Link looked and in the small basin was an opal in the shape of a shell. He collected it and called over to Ruteau. “Got it.”
“What? Are you serious? It was that simple? And there was nothing locking the treasure in place? Anyone could have come down here and taken it! Then what would you have done?”
Link placed the treasure in his bag. “That actually did happen to us once. There was this treasure suppose to be in a desert temple, but raiders had ransacked it.” He smiled at the memory. “Long quest...but that adventure was when me and her first kissed.” The setting wasn’t the most romantic. They thought they were going to die and wanted one last moment together. And she was so beautiful. After they survived, he couldn’t help but court her. She didn’t mind at all. She admitted she had a crush on him for a long time.
“Aww, that’s sweet.” Ruteau smiled. “She’ll have to tell me more about that next time I see her. Next time. Anyhow…” She did a couple of backstrokes. “Since we got your silly treasure, let’s leave this eyesore of a place.”
Link nodded and, when they reached the shore, they said their goodbyes.
“And tell her she better come with you next time. Or, or...umm, oh, or I’ll steal you away from her.”
Link chuckled. “And get an ugly gift like that statue? No thanks.”
They laughed and Ruteau splashed away.
In a week’s time, Princess Zelda finally arrived at Link’s place and knocked. The door opened a smidge. Link wanted to verify it was her first before he opened it and proclaim, “Good morning, my darlin’!”
“Link! I’m so happy to see you. How have you been?”
“Wonderful now that you’re here. Ready for the mission?” He walked back into the apartment and she followed. “I got us some aquatic equipment for this one.”
“Yes. That’s a good idea. I think the treasure may be in the river that flows south of…”
Link gently tossed her something and she caught it. She opened her hands and saw the opal shell. She blinked and looked at Link. He was holding two fishing rods. She blinked again and looked back to the treasure. She opened her mouth but shut it. She wanted to confirm, but she had a fathom of what he did. She felt annoyed. His grinning face weren’t helping that feeling either.
She set the treasure on the nearby self, place the other hand on her hip and cocked her head. “You,” she began, “are such a pain.”
He tossed the fishing rods on the bed and scooped her up in her arms. She gave a delighted cry and laugh, as he spun her around. When he stopped she slowly sank down, slinking her arms around his neck and kissed him.
And Link decided, it didn’t matter where they went; anywhere with her was paradise.
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lonym82fanfics · 6 years
Day 1 Zelink Month. Prompt: Distractions.
(How these two met
http://lonym82fanfics.tumblr.com/post/176657418512/day-5-zelink-month-2018-the-demon-king-laid   )
“I need a mercenary,” Princess Zelda stated plainly to her attendant Impa.
Said attendant looked up from the book she was reading, dogged-eyed the page and placed it on the patio table. “What happen to the one already in your employ?” she asked, looking at the letter in Zelda's hand.
“He regrets to inform me,” she gave a dishearten sigh, “he could not complete the task and someone has reached out to him for another job offer.” Zelda placed the letter down and brushed away the random bits of sand that had fallen from it.
“Hmm, there has been some recent political tension in the desert area,” Impa commented.
Zelda leaned on the table and rested her head in one of her hands. “I'd say it's a fair bet he's helping out one of those fractions.”
“Well, it's probably for the best, Princess. Like he said, he wasn't able to do the job. And that was well over a month ago…”
Zelda groaned and put her head on the table. “I didn't think treasure hunting would be this difficult,” she said with her head still down. “I mean, this was the easiest one.” Zelda tapped towards the book Impa had been reading. The book that appeared in her dreams 3 months ago. The book that she spent days looking for in the castle's vast library. The book that listed 50 treasures that she just knew would be of great importance to her and her kingdom. Yet... “How are we to retrieve them all when we cannot even acquire one.” The treasure, her former mercenary was looking for, came with its location listed. The others treasures had a few riddles, each ranging in difficulty, and one was just complete purple prose. That one was going to be fun to figure out...
Impa gently patted the young woman’s head. “Relax, Princess. Fate has a way of bringing us what we need. Oh!” A small noise made her perk up. It was the faint sound of tiny wheels being rolled on stone floor. “Mmm.” Impa smiled deviously. “Speaking of things we need...” She got up from her seat, walked across the terrance and to the door. “If you don't mind, I think I need to...inspect the pastry cart.” Impa then headed inside.
“Great…” Zelda complain quietly, not even bothering to lift her head. “No, it’s fine, Impa. Go right ahead. Just leave me.”
Soon she could hear giggling and the coy tones of flirting. Zelda did look up this time, only to confirm that Impa had accidently left the door slightly open. Zelda continued with her low mutterings. “Close the door, Impa; you weren’t raised in a barn,”
Leaning back in her chair she could see the pastry chef and her attendant through the crack of the door. The narrow view made her recall back to when she was a child and Impa was a bean-pole of a woman. However, that was before they hired this pastry chef. And ever since Impa met him her happiness, and waistline, grew with every danish, donut, dumpling, and every other treat that began with ‘d’, he gave her.
Those two were quite a pair with matching physique and dreamy looks in their eyes. Impa started moving her shoulders back and forth, getting the pastry chef to admire her ample bosom.
Zelda made a disgusted face and looked away. Another thing that annoyed her: How those dessert also increased Impa’s bustline. She looked down at her own self and frowned. The only thing those treats increased on her were her thighs.
A gail of laughter erupted from Impa and the pastry chef.
Zelda rolled her eyes. As the ‘adult’ shouldn’t Impa be the more stern and serious one and shouldn’t Zelda be the love-struck teen? Zelda ponder this. Their roles were certainly reversed. Though, looking back at them, did she really want to behave that way?
“Hey.” She overheard Impa say. “Guess what we’re doing?” Impa asked the pastry chef.
“What?” he asked before he felt Impa tapping his foot with hers.
Impa giggled. “Knocking boots.”
As Zelda made a gagging noise, the pastry chef told Impa what a naughty little thing she was.
“Gross…” Zelda whispered in a disgusted tone as she got up and walked away from the door, further into the garden, and away from the adorable, middle-aged couple.
However, despite the fact she was a reasonable distant away, she swore she could still hear them. Oh, what she wouldn’t do for a distraction! She placed her hands on her hips and stomped her foot.
The tall hedges began to rustle.
“Ah!” came a sudden, distressed cry of someone, followed by noises of something, most likely that someone, hitting the ground.
Startled, Zelda whipped around and saw a stranger, with a patch of dust flying around him, laying there face down on the ground.
He made no movement. The dust began to settle and he still made no movement.
The silence was getting awkward and Zelda was about to ask if he was alright, until she heard that old lady cackle of Impa’s. Zelda looked up at the door, annoyed that Impa was still busy flirting, completely unaware of the intruder in front of the Princess of Hyrule.
Zelda softly shook her head. Some bodyguard she was…
She then notice movement. Looking down she saw, with his belly still on the ground, the guy trying to silently crawl away.
Zelda had to blink a few times. Seriously? He seriously expected her not to notice him falling from the foliage like a madman and not to notice him sneaking away like a naughty child from an angry shop-keep? Ridiculous, she thought. She clasped her hands in front of her and held her head high. “Arise.”
He flinched and halted his movements. He continued to remain still.
Zelda had to restrain herself from sighing in frustration. “I can’t imagine how comfortable it must be laying there on the ground,” she said in a sweet voice.
He slowly turned his head and she could at least see his eyes, filled with guilt and uneasiness at having been caught.
“And I do hate to point this out,” she gently continued, “but it is considered polite to stand in the presence of a lady.” She heard him groan, like a child being woken from his nap, and slowly, and finally, he stood up.
Now that his face wasn’t planted in the dirt, Zelda could see he looked about her age. He also had shoulder length sandy blonde hair, a lanky build, a rather average looking face, and his nose was a bit on the long side, too. She needed these details in case he ran off before Impa actually noticed something and apprehended him.
“And I know you didn't mean to, but I’m sure you would want to apologize for startling me.”
The young man winced and looked down. Something easy to do from his already hunched over stance “I’m sorry, ma’am,” he said softly.
“‘Ma'am'? Oh, you are such tease,” Zelda said in a joking manner, hoping to lull him in a false sense of security. “Surely, you must have some idea who I am to know I am a ‘miss'.” She added a little giggle to help sell it.
His expression or posture didn’t changed. “Miss Zelda.”
“Hmm.” Well, it certainly had been a while since she was referred to as that. It was also interesting how he pronounced the ‘s's' more like ‘z's'. It was almost as if a bee were saying the honorific.
“Now, where are my manner? Here I am going on about this and that, when we should get that dirt off your face.” She gestured to the table her and Impa had been sitting at. “Let’s use those napkins while we enjoy some tea together.” If they were right next to the door maybe then Impa would finally notice!
“I…!” The young man looked up suddenly. “I…” He glanced back down again. “Thank you kindly for the offer, but I should leave…”
Not going to go easy, was he? “Oh, it won’t take long and, besides, how many people can boast they had tea with the Princess?” Zelda could only imagine what must be running through his head, with his mouth pressed into a thin line and his eyebrows raised high. “Now, let’s go…”
“Whoa,” a quiet voice of a kid whispered behind her. “Is that the Princess?”
Initially, the new voice gave Zelda a bit of a fright. However, hearing it belonged to a child calmed her down.
“And what’s....Link doing here?” asked another kid’s voice.
Okay. Just how many intruders were there? Turning around, Zelda placed her hands on her hips and glared at the source of the voices. She saw a couple of heads sticking out of the bushes, before they ducked back in with a gasp, trying to act like she never saw them.
She turned her head back to this ‘Link' and, still using her sweetest voice, asked: “You brought children?”
Meanwhile, none the wiser, Impa and her beau continued to banter back and forth until eventually making plans to meet up later when they were relieved of their daily duties.
“Here, let me get the door for you, love-lumpkins.” Impa went to hold the door open so he could push the pastry cart outside.
“Thank you, honey-buns.” And when he reached the outside, he paused. “Oh...I didn’t realize you two had guests today.”
“Hmm?” Impa looked over and was flabbergasted at the sight of 5 children around the table and one sullen-looking young man sinking in one of the chairs.
“Oh, Impa!” Princess Zelda exclaimed from her seat with a huge smile on her face. “Why, there you are!” she continued in the same excited voice. “How nice of you to finally join us!” Zelda relaxed her smile and turned back to the others.
“Ah…” Impa could only say, looking at the large group. “So...uh...who are they?” she asked, pointing her finger at them.
“Our guests, of course.” Zelda motioned to the kids, each wearing bandanas and matching outfits. “These are the Bomber boys.”
The five lads each gave a polite wave.
“Uh huh…” Impa muttered out.
“And this,” she gestured to the young man, “why, this is my new mercenary Link.”
Link sank deeper into his chair.
Impa was still confused. Just how long had she spent with her sweetheart? “I...err…your new mercenary?”
Zelda placed a finger on her chin. “Funny story, actually. I met them while you and the pastry chef were...talking.”
Impa glanced to the side and saw the pastry chef slowly backing his cart away.
“I must say, it’s a good thing that Link and these children are just surprise visitors. Can you imagine what would happen if they weren’t?”
Impa cocked her head to the end of the hallway where the pastry chef had retreated. He mouthed “Love you. Good luck.” And she frowned. With a grumble, she walked out onto the patio, shutting the door behind her, and crossed her arms. “Message noted, Princess.”
“So,” Impa looked at Link, “your new mercenary?”
Zelda nodded her head. “These 6 were trespassing on Castle Grounds, but I think we can forgive them.”
Impa whipped her head back to Zelda. “Excuse me?”
Zelda waved her hand dismissively. “Apparently, there is a hole on the eastern walls. These boys found it and wanted to explore the Castle.”
The boys had enough sense to look sheepish about it.
“And when Link heard that the boys snuck in, he was rightfully worried they might get caught. So, he came in looking for them. And I have to admit, I do find that very noble to risk himself coming in to save children from their own foolishness.” She did. “Thank goodness they happen upon me first and not our guards.”
“I’ll say. From the eastern wall to here?”
Zelda nodded. “Yes, we will have to find a way to address the issue without incriminating our guests.”
The Bomber boys smiled. Link just sat there with the same expression. In fact, his expression had not change the entire conversation.
“So,” Impa looked at Link again, “what qualifications does your new mercenary have, Princess?”
“Oh, this is an interesting part. The boys here were very confused how Link followed them because they said the hole is only big enough for a child. So Link, oh, why don’t you tell her what you told me, Link?
Link looked off to the side. “I...umm…,” and started to list what his did, “scaled the wall half way, caught some ivy, swung into the water duct, found a rusted piece of the gate, bust that through and crawled the rest of the way through…”
When he was done, Zelda turned to Impa with a huge smile on her face, proud of the resourceful candidate she found. “Link said he was an adventurer back in the day. How fortunate for me he showed up when I had need of his services.” Though, Zelda thought it was more fortunate for Link since he was getting out of jail time. “And, of course, he’ll be paid, too.”
There was a hint of a smile on Link’s face as he shrugged his shoulders a little and nodded his head.
“Princess…” Impa began, “are you...sure?”
“I understand your concern, Impa, and I did give it some thought, but mercenaries are hired for their skills and not necessarily for their character.”
One of the Bomber boy muttered to the other. “Yeah, so skilled he got caught.”
Link glared.
“Ah, don’t be so hard on him.” the boy next to him said. “He probably got distracted looking at how pretty the Princess is.”
Zelda was about to gently reprimand the boys when she saw Link’s face turn beet red. Oh. She glanced away to give him some dignity. Although, she only saw Impa smirking at Link’s embarrassment.
Zelda cleared her throat. “Anyway, since I can’t think of a job the Bomber boys can do for me, Link, is there some house work or cleaning they could do for you? You know, since you came all this way to get them.”
The Bomber boys each made a disappointed face. They thought they were getting off scot-free.
Link gave his head a shake to clear it. His face was now only the color of a radish. “I can think of a few chores for them.”
“Will we get paid, too?” one of the boys asked Zelda.
Zelda wasn’t going to give them anything at first, but she now had a mercenary because of them. “A green rupee each.”
Their faces lit up. Zelda thought she was short changing them but even one rupee was a lot to a kid.
“Wonderful.” Now that negotiations were complete Zelda turned to Impa. “I guess you were right: Fate does have a way of bringing us what we need.”
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lonym82fanfics · 6 years
Day 9 Zelink Month 2018. Prompt: Closed Doors.
Why did he have to go and fall in love with that girl? With Princess Zelda of all people? Link kept thinking when his attention should have been on the two giant moblins, carrying equally large spears, patrolling this particular hallway, ready to charge at anyone who dared trespass on their master's grounds.
However, he was, at the moment, safe around the corner of that hallway. He paused to think about how to advance. He could shoot one moblin, but would he be fast enough to load and launch another arrow? Yet, when he started to think of a strategy, thoughts of her popped in his mind.
It wasn't completely random, of course. He was here to rescue her.
A newfound fury roared inside him. Drawing back his bowstring he leap out of his hiding spot to face his enemies. He shot and took down the first moblin. The second moblin, though shocked, readied to charge. Link pulled out his hookshot and fired it at the remaining enemy, eliminating the threat.
The action of battle clashed with his memories of her soft skin and delicate touch. Though, for different reasons, both made his heart rush.
Forward, he made his way deeper into the dungeon, so deep that water tickled down the walls. It made him think of Zora’s Domain.
He first told her he loved her there. She, overtaken by his sincerity, initially tried to dismiss his confession, claiming he was just enamored by their lovely surroundings. He admitted while it was pretty, with the moon shining on the sparkling clear water around them, it was nowhere near as beautiful as her.
The warmth of the kiss she gave him took away all of the chill from the night air.
In the dungeon, ropes slithered across the damp floor towards him. One lunged to bite only to sliced by his sword. It caught the attention of the others and they advanced.
One time he recalled being in the stables, brushing his horse, when he saw the Princess walking with the King and a few other noblemen. They were looking over the livestock at the ranch. Link wanted to say ‘'hi” to the Princess, but felt intimidated by the powerful men accompanying her.
Still, he paused his brushing to admire her. The Princess possessed this quiet dignity and regal beauty that couldn't help but make you smile. Or at least, that’s how he felt.
Seeing them walking closer to the stables, he went back to his task.
“Are you enjoying this outing, Princess?” He heard one of the noblemen.
“I am. Thank you for asking,” she said with all the charm and grace he came to expect from her.
He looked out the corner of his eye as they passed and saw her pleasant smile.
She moved her head to the side towards the King, but did a double take when she saw him.
She let out an ecstatic gasp. “Link?” Without missing a beat, she broke away from the group, who were also surprised by her actions, and hurried over to him. “You’re here,” she said with the biggest and warmest smile on her face.
She also caught him by surprise. “H-hey…”
His awkwardness caused her to happily giggle and rock her shoulders back and forth. “It’s so good to see you.”
And he could only nod as the Princess continued to gaze upon him with fondness. Even when the King inquired if she knew this man, she didn't take her eyes off him
“Uh huh,” she answered dreamily.
It was then Link notice how everyone was staring at him: At the one who caused the usually reserved Princess to act like a cute schoolgirl. Not just a schoolgirl, but a girl in love.
Link easily dispatched the ropes and he pressed on in the dim hallways. He approached a closed door made of stone and looked for a handle, a knob, or even a groove, to open it. He felt around. Nothing. He examined the room and only saw torches on the walls. He went about nudging them, hoping to activate a trigger. Nothing...again. He gave a frustrated sigh. She could have easily lifted those doors open with her magic.
He took his sword out and tapped the blunt end at the wall to the right. Pretty solid. He then walked over and tapped the wall on the left. Oh, that had an echo. He pulled out a bomb, lit it, and ran to the other side of the room to couch with his shield up.
The blast shook the room, knocking dust from the decrepit ceiling, and left an open passageway for Link.
He remembered an ordinary day. It was still a hour or so till sunset. He had just gotten home and was about to unlock the door to his apartment when he heard her.
“Good evening, Link.”
He turned his head and smiled at the sight of her. “Hey, you.” He walked over to her, adjusted the bag hanging off his shoulder, and pulled her into a hug.
She pulled him tighter and sighed happily. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too, darlin’.” He pulled away slightly and gave her a brief kiss. “It’s nice when you can come down from the castle for a visit,” he said, caressing her cheek.
Her smile faltered and she leaned into her hand. “I’m sorry I can’t visit more often.��
To be truthful, he wished she could, too. But, that was life sometimes. “Hey, it’s alright. You’re a busy gal and I’m reckon you have plenty to do at the castle.” Her sad expression didn’t change and so he tried a different tactic. “Hey, you hungry? I heard Barten’s got a special going on.”
She pulled back and made a disgusted face, followed by a gagging sound. “You know I hate that place.”
He did. “What?” He smirked at her. “You sure you just ain’t spoiled by that fancy, rich people grub?”
She shook her head and playfully smack his arm. “Drop your bag off and let’s go.” She gently turned him around and pushed him towards his door. “Not to Barten’s,” she added pointedly.
He chucked his bag in his apartment, grinning all the way. Once he locked up, he offered his arm and she accepted. They had a lovely time.
The blast in the dungeon had awoken the hanging keeses from their slumber. He dealt with them as he made his way through the make-shift passage. It took him to a storage room. He glanced in a crate, hoping to find a bomb to replace the one he used.
He saw the shadow on the wall first, before he heard scaly claws on the stone floor, trying to sneak up on him.
In a blink of an eye he turned around, shield drawn, and knocked back the descending scimitar of a Lizalfos.
It gave a high-pitched squeal and scattered to collect its discarded weapon. Then it barked out, calling in a second Lizalfos.
With sword in hand, Link prepared to fight. He lifted his shield again, as the second one started to breath fire. The first one used this opportunity to attack from the side.
He considered her his dearest friend and, in times like this, his most trusted ally. She would have used her magic to ensnare the first Lizalfos in a barrier or release a blast of wind to send it flying right smack against the wall.
Not that he couldn’t handle a couple of Lizalfos, like the now slain ones by his feet. Still, he rubbed his sore arm; having the help saved on his wear and tear. Just like he could build a house by himself, he’d want help.
A house.
One time he told her he wished he could just build them a house and they could live there, raise a family, and grow old together.
He remembered the tears welling up in her eyes before she wrapped her arms around him. Trying so hard not to cry, she told him she wanted to be with him for as long as possible.
What was he wanted to say, right at that moment, was: “How about the rest of our lives?” However, he had a feeling it would scare her away. So, he didn't.
‘Possible’ came sooner than they wanted.
He made his way forward in the dungeon till he found himself on the other side of the closed door, with the switch right next to it. Shaking his head, he took a step to head towards the next room. Then decided to activate the switch. Might as well make their escape more efficient.
The gurgling sound of a Like-Like jolted him out of his thoughts. Link whipped around and saw the thing oozing towards him. Without hesitation, he pulled out his sword and started hacking merciless at the gelatinous monster.
He learned his lesson the very first time he encountered a Like-Like. The sword that Like-Like ate was expensive but this sword, no, this sword was irreplaceable: It was the only thing that could save her.
He’d seen her split the very ground open and hurled lava down on the monsters attacking them. A woman who simply walked out into a raging storm, and it calmed into a gentle rain. And yet, her magic was no match for the Demon King, the one called Ganon. That thing marched right up and kidnapped her.
It scared him how much power that monster had. Still, even realising that, when he heard about her abduction he was ready to charge right into battle, with just the ordinary sword on his back.
Luckily, Impa found and stopped him before he could carry out his foolhardy, and certainly fatal, course of action. It was then she told him about his true destiny, about how he was to save not only the woman he loved but all of Hyrule.
In that humbling moment, the fury in his raging heart calmed down and he was able to form a plan with Impa.
Link looked at the Master Sword, the result of all that planning. He went through a lot of trouble for this thing and he wished his love knew acquiring it was the only thing delaying his arrival, not their heart-wrenching breakup.
With a flick of his arm, he flung off the excess gunk from the Like-Like before sheathing the Master Sword. He would save her. He would save her and eliminate that giant boar of a monster. “I’m almost there, darlin’.” And he continued deeper into the dungeon.
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lonym82fanfics · 6 years
Day 5 Zelink Month 2018
The Demon King laid dead. Its blood on the Master Sword and in a pool around its corpse. Its face twisted in agony and its eyes, though lacking the spark of life, still lingered with malice.
Link stared at his kill with neither sympathy nor hated. Finally. He finally brought an end to this.
Releasing a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, he again felt the cold air that filled the dungeon. It was frigid against his sweat and sent a shiver down his spine.
He also didn't realise how quiet it now was. No monsters patrolling the halls, no clash of battle rooted deep across the centuries of time, nothing. Until he heard a shuffle.
He looked up and the magical barrier surrounding Princess Zelda started to fade; no doubt because of the demise of its creator. The crystalline structure sparkled and bathed her in a bright light. It made the tears, welled up in her eyes, more prominent.
The relief on her face calmed him. She was okay. How worried he felt when he first entered the room and she remained still; he thought he was too late. But she was here, right in front of him with her beautiful smile. He was smiling, too.
The last bit of magic subsided and she walk towards him.
“You came,” she said softly.
He simply nodded his head. He wanted to make a small speech how he would never leave her in harm’s way. How he would go to the stars and back to keep her safe. Something sweet and charming that would leave the most gifted bard in awe.
However, he hoped what he said would convey that meaning.
“I love you.”
And Princess Zelda gave a sob of happiness and she ran into his arms.
He held her tight, whispering into her hair. “It’s alright... It’s alright…”
They finally pulled back to look at each other, with all the love they held for one another. Zelda’s eyes closing slowly as Link lean his head forward. Their lips nearing ever cl
To be continue. Prompt: Unfinished.
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lonym82fanfics · 8 years
Witch Statue Chapter 4
Legend of Zelda
A witch has turned Princess Zelda into stone and steals her away. Months have passed and there are still no signs of the witch or the princess, despite the search parties or the many individuals, dressed in green, who think they’re the Hero of Legends
Chapter 1: http://lonym82fanfics.tumblr.com/post/141454122925/witch-statue-chapter-1
Chapter 2: http://lonym82fanfics.tumblr.com/post/142544142835/witch-statue-chap-2
Chapter 3: http://lonym82fanfics.tumblr.com/post/145993568360/witch-statue-chap-3
The play went off, relatively, without a hitch. There was an issue with the Goron mascot head, but Sheik and the other stagehands were able to pry it off just in time for the actor's next scene. Because of the large list of characters, many of the players performed double, or even triple, roles, except for the tiny actress who played the Hero when he was a boy.
The audience cheered as the curtain fell, and immediately after the applause ended Link reached into his bag for paper.
Niko looked over as Link hurried moved his pencil. “Whatcha drawin', Link?”
“Majora's Mask.”
Niko took another look. “But your mask looks nothing like the one in the play.”
“I know.” Link nodded his head. “That's why I have to draw it. That way the guy in charge of props can hopefully fix it.”
“Wait.” Gonzo leaned over. “How do you know what it looks like? Last time I checked those Gossip Stones don't exactly have hands to draw with.”
Link gave a little laugh. “Well, yeah, but I ask that Gossip Stone to describe it to me until I got it right.” Link thought back to that drawing session. About how, even though that Gossip Stone was his...usual self...
“Wow, you see, there's what I said and then there's what you're drawing.”
...he still stuck with Link till he did get it right.
Mako gave a chuckle. “So, you want to show that to the prop guy, huh, Link?” He turned to Gonzo. “What do you say, Gonzo? Shall we go educate the man?”
Gonzo grinned. “Good idea. Let's go.” With that, Gonzo and his gang exited their seats, as the majority of the audience already had, and proceeded to walk towards the stage.
“Oh.” Link got up, balanced his papers, and quickly followed. He then realized where they were heading. “We're allowed backstage?”
“Of course!” Senza said. “We have V.I.P. Passes!”
Link smiled. “V.I.P..?”
“Yep!” Senza answered. “They know they'll have a Very Imperative Problem if they don't let us back there.” The six of them all gave a smug little laugh.
Sure enough, no one gave them any gruff backstage, though one guy gave them a dirty look. They looked around until Zuko gave Gonzo a pat and then pointed upwards. The gang followed suit and saw Sheik securing rope atop the scaffolding over the stage.
“Whoa, that was a great play,” Gonzo spoke loudly. “Ain't that right, guys?”
His raised voice seemed to do the trick as Sheik lifted her head from her work and looked for them below.
“Plus those special effects. Top notch!” Nudge added in.
“I heard from a reliable source they were all practical effects, too; no magic at all!” Senza chimed in.
Sheik gave a quiet little giggle.
“Really. No magic?” Link thought back to a couple of scenes from the play. Those were just smoke and mirrors? “That is impressive.”
“Aw, thanks, Link,” Sheik said. “Hey, guys, give me a minute and I'll be right down.” She quickly finished up with the rope and then shimmied down the ladder.
Everyone told her what a great job she did on the play and once they were satisfied Sheik got enough compliments--
“Hey, Sheik.” Gonzo had a big grin on his face, “Our little nerd here,” he turned his head towards Link, “has something he wants to~ What in the world?” Gonzo practically shouted that last part, seeing Link filling out a fourth page. “D-don't tell me those are all drawings?”
“Hmm?” Link looked up and then back down at his papers. “Oh no,” he continued casually. “I'm writing out some things.”
“Some things?!” Gonzo looked again at the text on the page. “How can you write that fast?” The rest of the gang wanted to know as well.
Link waved his hand. “My first-year professor talked very fast, so I had to learn or else I'd miss out on the lessons.”
Sheik crossed her arms and tilted her head. “So, what are these things you're writing?”
“Just something for whoever wrote the play.”
“That would also be our director.”
“Oh, good. That'll make it much easier then.”
However his statement made Sheik feel uneasy. “Easier...for what?”
“When the director fixes all the inaccuracies in the play. I mean it was a fun play, but there were so many things they got wrong from the actual tale.”
An impish smile came across Gonzo and the rest of them as they saw the alarmed look on Sheik's face.
“You...want to tell the director, my boss, who is a bit of a control freak, about all the things wrong with his play from...” the page count was now up to 5, “your list?”  
Gonzo and all had to hold their hands over their mouths to keep from laughing at Sheik.
Link nodded his head, completely oblivious to Sheik's obvious distress, and gave her a big, cheerful smile. “Can you imagine how much better the play will be with a more accurate rendition?”
And Link said this with such childlike innocence it left Sheik speechless for a few seconds. Had there been an ounce of smugness or a condescending tone, Sheik would knew how to respond, but, no, he genuinely thought he was helping.
“Why don't...” she started started out quietly, still trying to think of how to handle the situation without hurting his feelings. Oh wait. “Why don't you give me your papers and I'll give them to the director. He's a very busy man but he always has time for his staff.”
“Aww, you'd do that for me, Sheik?” Link asked wide-eyed and full of gratitude.
“...Yep. That's what friends are for...”
Her other friends were actually looking forward to one of her zingers, but they understood if Sheik did that to Link now, it'd be like kicking a puppy.
Link jolted down some last minute scribbles and handed the papers to her. “Thanks, Sheik! You're the best.”
“No problem,” Sheik weakly muttered out, not even able to look him in the eyes, as she rolled the papers and tucked them behind her. “So, um, Link,” Sheik started, trying to change the topic. “Any luck with that job?”
“Oh yeah! I start tomorrow. You're right: The boss there is nice.”
Sheik hummed agreeably. “I'm glad it worked in your favor.”
“Yep. Not only that, I signed a lease on a place. I'll be living at the Rosy Rupeeland Apartment complex.”
“You're there, you say?” she said a little amused. “Well, isn't that nice, you know--”
“Hey, Sheik!” one of the other stagehands called over to her. “You done, yet?”
Sheik gave a snort and shook her head. “It's like they want me to actually work at my job or something?” They all gave a chuckle and she waved as she left to do her job. “See you tomorrow, guys.”
They waved back and took their leave.
“Hey, you all hungry?” Niko asked once they were outside.
Nudge gave a small sigh, closed his eyes and place a hand on his cheek. “I am feeling a bit peckish...”
Everyone else chimed in they were all feeling that way, even though they all had dinner before the show.
“You know what this calls for?” Gonzo asked.
“What?” they all replied.
“Cookies and milk!”
With that, they headed to their favorite restaurant to enjoy dessert and casual conversation.
As they headed off for their treat,  Sheik finished up with the cleaning. “I'm just saying, if they can sneak the snacks in, you'd think they could at least sneak the consequential trash out,” she complained to another staff member while emptying her dust pan into the trash receptacle. He nodded his head and went off to attend to another duty.
Sheik was about to do the same, but soon as she turned, she stopped.
With grimace she knew she was not going to show Link's papers to her boss. If either herself or Link gave those papers to him, he would become angry, yell at them, and the papers would end up in the trash. While she turned back around to the trash bin, she pulled the papers out and became unrolling them. She gave a silent apology to Link and mentally noted she'd buy him a drink later, to help make up for what she was about to do.
With a sigh she pulled her hand back to toss the papers when she noticed, in that quick motion, a drawing on one of the pages. “Huh?” She pulled out the page and read the text on it. “What Majora's Mask really looks like.” She lifted an eyebrow. Wow, this was different from how she envisioned it. Link knew what it actually looked like? She gave a small laugh. If anyone did, their little nerd Link would, she reasoned. She turned to another page to read the jotted down text.
“Sheik, get back to work!”
“Ulp!” Jolted from her thoughts she did just so.
After an hour or so passed, the boys had finished their desserts and headed back to their respective apartments. Senza and Nudge accompanied Link since their building was past his.
“You know what I don't get?”  Link asked and the two waited for him to continue. “Why didn't they do the Hero of Time's original tale for the play?” Ever since meeting Sheik, the Hero of Time's original tale was foremost in his mind.
“Which one was that?” Senza asked.
“Huh?” In his head Link could hear his old classmates telling him 'Not everyone knows all the details to the Legends'. “The one where he traveled back and forth between his childhood and adulthood. The one where he the princess sealed Ganondorf away with the help of the 7 sages.”
“Well, if it involves the princess,” Senza spoke up. “You just answered your own question.”
Link tiled his head.
“You see,” Senza went on, “they don't do plays that involve the princess here anymore. Not ever since Princess Zelda grew up into such a radiant young lady.”
“Mmmm,” Senza made an uneasy face. “No actress wants to play the princess.”
Link gave an amused snort. “What girl doesn't want to play a beautiful princess?”
“Those that don't want to be compared to the real thing.” Senza shook his head a little. “No matter who the actress was, or how pretty she is, she could never be as dazzling as Princess Zelda.  And believe you me, someone always told the actresses that.”
“Eugh...” While Link was clueless in some regards, he certainly seen the consequences of similar words.
“Yeeep,” Nudge chimed in. “You should have seen the damage those girls did. They were maaaaaad.”
Link winced and nodded his head. He could only imagine the rage.
“Now, whenever they do a play about one of the Legends, it's the ones that don't have the princess or she has a voice-over part. Like the play tonight.” Nudge patted Link on the shoulder “Oh, it's just too bad you weren't here earlier before Princess Zelda was kidnapped, Link. You might have gotten a chance to see her.”
“Oh yeah, Link. Princess Zelda liked us!” Senza boasted.
“Mmmhmm.” Nudge nodded. “Sheik denies it, but I know he's bragged about us to the Princess. Why else would she take such a shine to us riff-raff.”
Senza gave a  longing sigh. “To have someone as lovely as Princess Zelda take the time to personally talk to you...it really makes a guy feel special, you know.”
“Oh, you!” Nudge gave Senza a playful push.
“What?” The two shared a laugh until a sad expression came across both their faces. Senza sighed again, this one wistful. “I wish the real Hero would show up and find her...”
Link looked down, knowing the truth.
“Anyway.” Senza paused in front of Link's building. “Night, Link.”
“Oh, uh, goodnight, guys.”
“Toodles,” Nudge said as he continued walking with Senza.
Link thought about what they said. What good would it do if the Hero found her? She didn't want to be found. Why? Why didn't she want to be found? He asked himself as he entered his apartment and shut the door.
Meanwhile, in the apartment above his, home from work, Sheik looked up briefly. She gave a smile, hearing her new downstairs neighbor shut his door. She then looked back down and continued to read the papers he wrote earlier.
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lonym82fanfics · 8 years
Short lil Zelda fic with the Princess and Impa
(Update. Edited and longer version here: http://lonym82fanfics.tumblr.com/post/177217153230/day-1-zelink-month-prompt-distractions-how  )
“I need a mercenary,” Princess Zelda stated plainly to her attendant Impa.
Impa looked up from the book she was reading, dogged-eyed the page and placed it on the table. “What happen to the one already in your employ?” she asked, looking at the letter in Zelda's hand.
“He regrets to inform me,” she gave a dishearten sigh, “he could not complete the task given to him and someone else made him another job offer.” Zelda sat the letter down and brushed away the random bits of sand that fells from it.
“Hmm, there has been some political tension in the desert area,” Impa commented.
Zelda leaned on the table and rested her head in one of her hands. “I say it's a fair bet he's helping out one of those fractions.”
“Don't look so down, Princess. It's probably for the best. Like he said, he wasn't able to do the job. And that was well over a month ago!”
“Uhh!” Zelda groaned. “I didn't think treasure hunting would be this difficult. I mean, this was one of the easy ones!” Zelda tapped on the book Impa has been reading. The book that appeared in her dreams 2 months ago. The book that she spend days looking for in the castle's vast library. The book that listed 50 treasures that she just knew would be of great importance to her and her kingdom. Yet... “How are we going to retrieve them all when we cannot even acquire one.” This treasure came with its location listed. The others ones had a few riddles, each ranging in difficulties, and one was just complete purple prose. That was going to be fun to decipher.
Impa shrugged. “Relax, Princess. Fate has a way of bringing us what we need. Oh!” Just then, a small noise made her perk up. It was the faint sound of tiny wheels being rolled on stone floor. “Mmm, speaking of things we need.” She got up from her seat, walked across the terrance, and to the door. “If you don't mind, I think I need to...inspect these pastries.”
Impa went inside and Zelda rolled her eyes.
Zelda could hear the giggling and flirting from the cracked door. Ugh, she wished Impa would have shut it. Zelda then made a gagging noise, having heard a particular exchange.
With a groan, Zelda recalled back when she was a child and Impa was a bean-pole of a woman. However, that was before the castle hired their, now current, pastry chef. And ever since Impa met him, her happiness and waistline grew with every danish, donut, dumpling, and every other treat that began with “d”, he gave her.
Zelda leaned back in her chair. Those two were a matching pair, both round and with dreamy looks in their eyes. She saw Impa moving her shoulders back and forth, getting the pastry chef to admire the woman's ample bosom.
“Gross,” Zelda whispered in a disgusted tone and looked back down at the table.  Another thing that annoyed Zelda: How those pastries also increased Impa's bustline. She looked down at herself. The only thing those sweets increased on her own person were her thighs.
Another gail of laughter arose from Impa and her sweetheart.
Zelda frown. As an adult, shouldn't Impa be the stern, serious one? And shouldn't she be the love struck teen? Zelda pondered this. Their roles were certainly reversed. Though, seeing how those two act, did she really want to behave like that?
Oh no! They started with the innuendos! What Zelda would do for a distraction right about now!
Then, as if fate heard her, there came a loud rustle from the bushes and the distressed noise of a young man.
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lonym82fanfics · 8 years
Witch Statue Chap 3
Legend of Zelda
A witch has turned Princess Zelda into stone and steals her away. Months have passed and there are still no signs of the witch or the princess, despite the search parties or the many individuals, dressed in green, who think they’re the Hero of Legends.
Chapter 1: http://lonym82fanfics.tumblr.com/post/141454122925/witch-statue-chapter-1
Chatper 2: http://lonym82fanfics.tumblr.com/post/142544142835/witch-statue-chap-2
“Ow!” Link quickly sat up from his pillow on the floor and held his abdomen.
“Oh. Sorry, Link!” Niko quickly regained his balance after stepping on Link. “Forgot you were here.”
Luckily, Niko was a small man. “S'kay. I'm good,” Link muttered, wiping sleep out of his eyes with his other hand. “What time is it?” he yawned. The only light he saw was the dying embers from the fireplace.
“Almost dawn,” Niko answered.
With that, Link laid his head back on the pillow and pulled the blanket over him
“You know, if you're going to go back to sleep, you can take my bed.”
Link weighed in the options: Actual bed, or getting up temporarily. Given the choices, one would think Link would automatically chose the comfy bed over the hard floor of Niko's and Gonzo's apartment, but his mind reasoned, won't know the difference once he's asleep.
“Gonzo already left for his morning job. I'm heading out soon, too.”
“Hmm.” If Niko was going to keep talking, Link might as well get up and get in the comfy bed.
“Just be sure to lock up when you leave.”
“Mmhmm,” Link replied. “Mmm.” The bed felt so much better. Good call.
Niko kept talking while he was getting ready for the day. Link only heard it as a soft murmur as he drifted back to sleep. When he awoke again, the sun was out and he was finally ready to get up.
There was a paper on his head. “Hmm?” He plucked it off and saw the note signed by Niko. He blinked his eyes a few times, trying to focus on the words. “'Dinner...usual spot...Apartments for rent....Job postings.'” Link sat up and placed the note on his lap. “Oh yeah. I guess I'll need to get a job.”
Link originally planned on getting a job after the princess was rescued. However, the princess was perfectly fine and in no need of rescuing. To be honest, Link almost felt a little bad for the group of would-be heroes who left this morning for their, now, dead-end lead. Still, Link figured they'd at least have a fun adventure.
Besides going on an adventure, Link had hoped to pick up some expensive treasures, or, at the very least, some of those fabled rupees in the tall grass. To this day, he had yet to find a single rupee, and he searched like crazy when he was a kid.
With a shrug, he got out of bed and got his bag together. Another thing, had he known he was going to be be staying in Castle Town so soon he wouldn't have packed so light. His old classmates did have a point: If he was going to be adventuring, last thing he'd want was to lug around a huge pack.
With his satchel thrown over his shoulder, he locked the door and headed out. The note said there was a bulletin board full of job postings. Link believed he saw that yesterday during his sightseeing. Ah, there it was. He began reading over some of the listings.
“Oh, well look who it is.”
Link turned. “Hey, Nudge!” Link smiled.
“Hey to you, too, Link.” Nudge gave Link a clap on the shoulder. “So, sleep good?
“Eh, Gonzo snores.” Link heard a soft chuckle after his comment.
“Niko says that, too.” Link's smile got brighter when he saw it was Sheik. “And now we have a witness to verify it.”
“Hey, Sheik.”
“Hello,” she said before her and Nudge started to read the bulletin board.
“Hmm.” Link thought about it. “Hey, Sheik don't you have that theater job?”
“And the fish market job, the band gigs, and occasional delivery jobs.”
“Sounds like you keep busy.”
“I have to. And with my one side job coming to an end, I have to find another to replace it. Like Nudge here with his current construction job.”
Nudge nodded. “It's not bad. If I can't find anything here, I heard they're doing some renovation on the south side.”
“Hmm.” Link tried to go back to reading the bulletin board, too, however it was hard with her there. He wanted to ask, first off, didn't she bring any money with her from the Palace? Did princesses even get allowances? Second thing he wanted to ask was the big one: Why are you in disguise? Yet, he didn't even know how to begin with his questions. He especially couldn't ask with Nudge there.
“You're staring again,” Sheik said.
“Huh? Oh, sorry.” Link turned his head back to the board.
Sheik gave a small sigh. “I know that look.” She turned to face him. “You have questions. Go ahead. Get them out so we can go about our business.”
Link glanced away. He now felt embarrassed about it. “I'm just....really glad you're okay.” It wasn't a total lie. After all, she was suppose to be a stone statue and imprisoned by a witch.
Sheik gave a small laugh. “It was just a chair to the head,” she said, thinking he was referring to last night's fight. She regarded him for a brief moment, smiled to herself, and returned her attention to the board.
Nudge gave a small smile Link's way, too.
“Hey, look.” Link pointed to an ad. “They got two openings at the restaurant down the street. Wanna work together, Sheik?”
Sheik shook her head. “Can't do restaurants.”
“How come?”
Nudge giggled. “He's banned from all restaurant jobs,” he said, which earned him a glare from Sheik. Nudge just shrugged with an amused smile.
“Why?” Link asked. “That doesn't seem fair.”
“First day on the job and he accidentally starts a fire.” Nudge pointed down to the bottom of the bulletin board. Bending down, Link saw a few tiny notes made out to a different people. He then spotted one with a single sentence on it: “Sheik, you're banned from all restaurant jobs!!!”
“Oh, c'mon!” Link rolled his eyes, as he stood up. “That's ridiculous. I mean, didn't we all have some sort of  kitchen accidents when we first learned to cook?”
Nudge chuckled into one hand and waved the other. “It was a dish-washing job.”
Confused, Link mouthed the word 'how'.
“Anyway.” Sheik tapped on an ad, trying to steer the conversation away. “I found something that looks good.” She ripped the piece of paper from its nail.
Nudge grabbed a listing from the top. “This job looks as good as any.”
“Oh, ah...” Link quickly looked to the board and, not wanting to feel left out, grabbed one.
Sheik peeked over at his. “That boss is a jerk.” She plucked the listing from his hand and replaced it with another. “This establishment is better.”
“Thanks!” He smiled, happy to receive the individual attention. He then started to read the listing and frowned.
“What?” Sheik asked. “Don't like it?”
“Oh, no.” Link shook his head. “Not at all. I'm just trying to figure out where this is.”
“Is that it? Well, you're in luck, I happen to be heading in that direction myself.” She turned to Nudge and gave him a small nod.
Nudge waved to the two. “See you later.”
“Bye, Nudge.” Link waved goodbye. He looked back to Sheik, who started to lead the way. “Hey, thanks for showing me where it is.”
“It is nothing,” she said while they walked down the street and passed various people going about their day.
“Hey, um, sorry about the restaurant thing.”
Sheik gave a tiny shrug. “I think I rather eat at restaurants than work at them.”
Link laughed. It surprised Sheik and she glanced over at him. She then tilted her head back to the street and straighten out a bit of her bangs.
“Hey, so that theater job, the play's tonight, right?”
“Hm? Oh, yes. It is. In fact, I believe you will enjoy it.”
“Oh yeah?”
Sheik nodded her head. “It's about the hot topic now: A tale about the Hero of Legends.”
“Ooo!” Link's interest did pique up. He was about to ask her which era when Sheik spoke up again.
“Speaking of things you'll enjoy. Watch this.” She motioned her head in front of them. Link turned and saw a would-be hero in green walking up to them. Well, to Sheik.
When he reached them he announced: “I've finally found you!”
Sheik turned to Link “Why, Link, have you done something to warrant this man's attention?”
“No, no.” The would-be hero shook his head. “Not him. You. The Sheikah.”
“Me?” Sheik asked innocently and pointed to herself. “What do you need me for?”
“I think it's obvious.” The man puffed up his chest and placed his hands on his hips. “Don't you think?”
“Perhaps you should clarify.”
“I can understand. You have all these other guys in green, walking about like they're the real Hero, but I am here to declare your search is over!” He pulled out his sword and held it high in a some-what dramatic pose. “For I am the real Hero!”
“Mmhmm, you don't say,” Sheik said plainly. “Well, let me be the judge of that. I have some questions for you,”
“Hey, are you right-handed?” Link interrupted her and pointed to the guy's sword hand.
“Umm, yeah?” The guy did a quick look at his sword.
“You can't be the Hero, then.”
“Why's that?” both the man and Sheik asked.
“The Hero's left handed.”
Sheik clapped her hands together suddenly. “Well, you heard the scholar here,” she announced loudly. “You cannot be the Hero for the Hero is left-handed.” Before the would-be hero could respond, Sheik grabbed Link's arm and walked past him. “Bye,” she said casually, as she and Link walked away.
The would-be hero watched them, utterly confused, until he raise his hands in the air, wondering what just happened here.
Once they reached a corner, Sheik turned and started chuckling. “Left-handed! Oh, that's a good one.” She let go of his arm to give him a  couple of pats on the shoulder. “That was the quickest I've ever gotten rid of a would-be hero. I should thank you.”
“Um...you're welcome?”
Sheik leaned back against the wall and crossed her arms. “So, is that part true? About the hero being left-handed?”
“Yeah,” Link answered excitedly.
“I'm surprised that university of yours teaches such things.”
“Oh no, they don't. The Legend Department focuses on the philosophy and history surrounding the Triforce.”
“Hmm,” Sheik murmured.
“But the Gossips Stone loves to talk and, well,...I love to listen.”
Sheik nodded her head. “They say being a good listener is a good quality.”
“Ah, thanks! My friends say I talk too much.”
“You do that, too. Last night you talked waaaay too much.”
“Huh...” Link started to scratch his cheek. “I guess I did.”
Sheik gave another light chuckle. “It is fine. There is nothing wrong with being enthusiast.”
Link couldn't help but smile.
“Well, I think I took up enough of your time.” Sheik gestured towards the other side of the street. “Good luck. I hope you get that job.”
Link looked up and there was the store. “Oh.” He didn't realize it was so close.
“See you at the play tonight?” she asked hopefully.
“What? Yeah! Of course.”
“Wonderful. Until later.” She started walking away. However, a new question popped into Link's head.
“Hey, Sheik.”
“Yes?” She turned around.
Link made an uneasy face. “So, I know you don't want to deal with would-be heroes...but ...what would you do if you met the real Hero?”
Sheik gave a laugh. “I certainly hope I don't. He'd soon learn I would be of no help to him.”
Sheik shrugged. “Just because I am a Sheikah does not mean I know where the witch took the princess.” Sheik glanced to the side with a melancholy look in her eyes. “Besides, if I knew how to save...Zelda from her fate I would have done so by now.” She closed her eyes.
Link took a step towards her. “Sheik, there's something else I want to talk to you about.” I know who you are. I want to help.
“And what is that, Li~”
“There you are!” a loud, booming voice announced, startling the both of them.
Sheik turned around and saw who it was. “You again?!”
There, walking up to them, was a very tall man, with broad shoulders and large biceps, however what stood out most about him was how his bright, red hair stood up in a huge pompadour.
Sheik crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him. “Didn't I tell you to buzz off last time?”
“No. Pretty sure your big goons told me that,” the man said in a casual way.
Link could imagine Gonzo, Senza and Nudge being protective over Sheik.
“Either way,...umm...Goose, was it?”
“My apologies. So, Groose, I thought it was made clear I cannot I help you.”
“You sure didn't help, pal. I went to that valley place and there wasn't a single clue about the princess's whereabouts.”
Link looked Groose over again. He sounded like a would-be hero, but he wasn't green, or a tunic, or even that funny hat the Hero was always depicted with.
“Wait...Valley? What do you mean...” Sheik's eyes shot open in terror. “You...” Her voice got very quiet. “You didn't go to the Valley of Sears did you?”
“I sure did! And there was bupkis there! Hm?” Groose looked off to the side. “Regarding the princess anyway. There certainly was a bunch of treasure there.” He patted his bag, which jingled from all the goods he acquired.
Now that was the kind of loot Link was talking about! Maybe he should go on one of those quests with a group of would-be heroes. Link gave it a thought. No. If he left he wouldn't be able to hang out with Niko and Sheik.
“You idiot!” Sheik yelled at Groose. “You could have gotten hurt! Why did you go there?”
“Because you told me the princess was chillin' there.”
“Y-you thought I was serious? I used the word 'chillin''. I also told you, immediately afterward, that was a joke and only a fool would go there!”
Groose got quiet for a moment, as Sheik glared at him. “I thought you were telling the truth hoping I would think it was lie,” he said in all honesty.
Sheik threw her hands in the air. “Done!” With that, Sheik walked way. Groose didn't follow. Even he realized his error.
Link didn't want to get involved in this, so he went across the street to apply for the job. Link sighed. Too bad that Groose guy showed up when he did. He really wanted to let Sheik knew she had an ally. Then again, maybe it was best Groose showed up. I mean, they were on a public street and what if someone overheard them talk about her bring the princess?  Yeah, definitely best they got interrupted. After all, it's not like he'd never see her again. He was going to see her tonight at the play. Link smiled. A play about the Hero with special effect done by the princess. Link couldn't help but geek out over that!
0 notes
lonym82fanfics · 8 years
NiGHTS Journey of Dreams
NiGHTS and a little Visitor girl go exploring. However, the Visitor comes face-to-face with her worst nightmare. The sight of its fang-filled black mouth, and claws sharp enough to shred her, fills her heart with terror and threatens her Nightopia.
She was in danger. She had to get away. Run. She darted for the forest. Cover. Tears strung her eyes. She quickly wiped them away. She couldn't afford to lose vision, not when the Beast was after her. Her darkest nightmare personified. Fangs, claws, and horns all sharp and ready. She could hear the Beast bellowing after her. She didn't stop running. Soon she only heard twigs breaking underneath her feet. She looked over her shoulders while she ran. The Beast was no longer in pursuit. She slowed and stopped. Nothing but silence. She turned to walk away. Her screams cut short as the Beast snatched her. Earlier...
During the cold night, nestled under cozy, thick blankets of her warm bed, little ten-year old Molly fell asleep and drifted off to dream land. There the curly-haired, freckled girl met an anamorphic owl, named Owl, in a plaza full of stone. He was very polite, welcomed her, explained how Visitors, like herself, traveled here to the Dream Gate. He then showed her how the light in her heart, called Ideya, created paradises called Nightopia. Paradise. Molly wondered what hers would look like as she opened the wooden doors leading there. The sight of the white landscape confused her. Was this snow? She took a few steps forward, and decided it couldn’t be snow for it lacked the familiar crunch under her feet. What, then, was this falling white material? It felt soft against her face and smelled wonderful. She knew this fragrance. “Flowers!” she exclaimed as she held her hands out to catch some of the falling petals from the numerous blossoming trees. “Wow.” She breathed in more of the sweet air and basked in the warm light bathing this lush landscape. “My heart really created this, Owl?” she asked with a sigh. “Hoo. Hoo. Yes, m'dear,” Owl said while he perched on a post. “This is just one of the many worlds you can create.” Just one of the worlds? She felt like her heart was about to burst with pride from just this one world. “Really?” she asked almost breathless. “Hoo. Yes. As you know, this world was created by your Ideya, more specifically, your Ideya of Purity. There are a total of five Ideya a Visitor can...Hm?” Owl stopped, and looked back at the door that lead to the Dream Gate. “I do apologize, but will you excuse me, Visitor?” Molly started to reply, but Owl, in the blink of an eye, disappeared. “Heh, he can teleport,” she murmured as she went to the door to peak at the Dream Gate. The plaza was empty. Odd, she thought, and closed the door. Where could Owl be? She looked back at the post and Owl had reappeared. “Oh! That was quick.” “Yes. Thank goodness. Hoo. Hoo. Now as I was saying, there are a total of five Ideya a Visitor can possess. In all, they are Purity, Hope, Courage, Intelligence and...Again? Hoo. I beg your pardon, m'dear.” With that, Owl teleported away. Molly smiled, and started humming a tune. Soon she started twirling underneath the shower of fluttering petals until she heard a soft chuckle. “You’re back.” “Don't stop on my account, Visitor. Hoo. Hoo. I am grateful you are having fun despite my rude behavior. In fact, why don’t you go on ahead; you don’t need me to explore your Nightopia.” Molly nodded her head excitedly. A field trip without an adult sounded fantastic to her. “Let me impart some advice to you before I leave. You see those blue sphere scattered about?” Molly nodded again. “Those are called Blue Chips. Gather them and, if something tries to attack you, launch them at your foe.” Molly's eyes went wide. “W-what do you mean attack me?” “Hoo? This is the World of Dreams, as some call it. Then, if this is a dream, surely there are also nightmares.” “Nightmares?” “Yes. The Nightmarens will try to steal your Ideya from you, so you must protect it.” Molly clutched her arms over her heart. “You won't be alone. If you ever need help, find a post like this one bearing my image and I will come to give you guidance.” Owl smiled at her. “Do not be afraid. Hoo! That reminds me, I forgot to mention an Ideya. The Ideya of your heart that you'll find here in this Nightopia.” “What's that?” Molly started shivering slightly in the warm climate. “Growth,” he said before teleporting away. Molly took another glance at her idyllic paradise: Not a soul in sight. Suddenly, she no longer wished for an unsupervised trip in this deserted land. Spotting the Blue Chips, she ran straight for them. She didn't want to be defenseless. As she collected them, she heard a sound in the distance. A sound carried easily on the wind. Her eyes widen and she turned, ready to run back to the Dream Gate. However, the door was gone. Did it just vanish? The noise continued, and she ducked behind a tree. She listened and felt foolish as she realized the noise was just a lovely melody. A melody accompanied by laughter. After a minute, curiosity sat in, and she started moving towards the beautiful music. She remained cautious and checked before darting to the next tree. Finally, she reached the source of the music and almost gave her position away, had not the musician's eyes been closed. She ducked back behind another tree and pondered the strange sight: A jester, wearing a two pronged hat, mimed playing a flute, but produced music. The laughter came from the jester’s audience of small creatures with baby-doll faces. Something about those creatures made her risk looking around again. They did! They had pink wings just like fairies! She remained so engrossed looking at them that she didn't even notice one flying right up to her. “Wohaha!” The angelic creature startled Molly who gasped and hid behind the tree again. The sounds of the flute stopped. “Is someone there?” a pleasant voice asked. No doubt the jester’s. “Go away,” she whispered to the creature who hovered around her. It didn't work. In fact, more gathered around her. However, she found it hard to stay mad at them with their big smiles and adorable little coo's. “The Nightopians sure seem to like you,” the jester continued. “Why don't you come out and stop being so shy?” Knowing hiding was now pointless, Molly stepped out from her spot and forced a smile.
The jester sat on the stump with legs crossed. Upon a closer look, Molly saw the jester had a cheerful face, large eyes and long lashes. She thought the jester was pretty like her mom. “So, you're the Visitor who created this Nightopia.” The jester looked around the white land. “It's rather plain, don't you think?” The comment confused Molly “...I like it,” she said as she walked over to the jester with the small creatures in tow. “I like it, too.” The jester smiled and Molly remained perplexed. “Still, it could use a bit of color. I'm rather partial to purple myself.” Molly looked at the purple and pink color schemes the jester wore. “So, miss...?” “What's this 'miss' stuff? My name is NiGHTS.” “NiGHTS?” Molly asked. “I'm Molly.” “Molly!” NiGHTS delighted over the name. “It's a pleasure to meet you.” Molly placed her hands behind her back as she twisted back and forth. “Are we shy again?” NiGHTS asked. Molly smiled and glanced over. “Did...did my heart create you, too?” “Your h...?” NiGHTS gave a short laugh. “No.” She shook her head. “I was created...by someone else's heart.” “Oh. How about these fairies?” “Those are Nightopians. They exist in every Nightopia.” Molly smiled at them. “I like how they can fly,” she told NiGHTS. “You think flying's neat, do you?” “Yeah...I wish I had wings.” “I suppose wings are nice.” NiGHTS grinned as she stood up. “I'd imagine they'd get in the way, though,” she said as she moved towards Molly. “I guess, but imagine being able to fly.” NiGHTS nodded her head. “All that freedom. Being faster than the wind,” NiGHTS mused. “That'd be so...” Molly's mouth hung open. She realized NiGHTS' feet weren't touching the ground. “Do you think,” NiGHTS carried on nonchalantly as she floated in the air, “if you were able to fly, you could do a flip in the air?” NiGHTS pulled her head behind and under, letting her body follow, until, once again, she was right side up. “Or perhaps act like you're riding a carousel?” NiGHTS grabbed the air, as if she were holding a pole, and even included a spin as she bobbed up and down towards Molly. As NiGHTS showed off, Molly noticed something: Something important. “You don't have wings...” NiGHTS jumped off her 'carousel' and floated in front of the girl. “True.” “How can you do that?” Molly asked “Do what?” NiGHTS asked impishly. “Fly without wings.” NiGHTS held out a hand. “Want to find out?” Molly looked at the offered hand. “Huh?” “Come with me and we can fly together.” “Really? You'll take me flying?” Molly beamed. “Okay!” She reached for NiGHTS' hand, but stopped. “Hey, wait. You won't drop me, will you?” “Drop you? We'll be....ugh.” NiGHTS rolled her eyes. “Visitors...” she murmured before reaching for Molly's hand. As soon as they touched, a ball of light surrounded them and Molly shut her eyes.
It felt odd to Molly, but not unpleasant. When she opened her eyes, she instinctively looked at her hands; they were NiGHTS'. “This,” NiGHTS took control of one of their hands and held a forefinger up, “is Dualization. I'm sharing my body with you, so you can feel what it's like to fly.” Molly remained speechless. She kept moving their head looking at NiGHTS' body. She thought NiGHTS was just going to carry her while she flew, not this. “This is...” “Amazing, isn't it?” NiGHTS chimed in. “Yes!” Molly screamed as she twirled again under the falling flower petals. Gravity had no effect and and she could move so freely. “Not bad. Seems you have a good handle on this. So...What are we waiting for?” NiGHTS asked. “Let's take to the skies and try some real flying.” As NiGHTS suggested this, Molly excitedly nodded their head. “Alright!” NiGHTS held their arms out. “Here we go!” They started moving forward on just their will alone. Faster and faster they went, leaving behind a trail of twinkling dust as they soared, and Molly's cheers of excitement filling the skies as they flew. Their actions being watched by a dark figure hidden amongst the trees.
Chapter 2
She was flying! Actually flying! Molly laughed with joy as they soared higher and higher into the clouds. They were surprisingly cool and wet, but at least the wind dried their face. Looking down, Molly took in the view. Usually such a sight from such a height would cause one distressed, but, safe and sound combined with NIGHTS, the sight filled Molly with awe.
NiGHTS felt happy at the joy she was able to bring the girl. She also noticed something else. “I must say, your world is getting less boring.” Taking another look, they saw the once all plain white landscape began to bloom with warm hues of red, orange, pink, and purple.
“It's so beautiful...” Molly hadn't thought her once snow-like world could get any prettier.
“It sure is!” NiGHTS said. “Hey, let's get a closer look,” she suggested and Molly agreed. They turned their head to the side, causing them to roll like an airplane. Down they descended close to the ground, but not decelerating though. Their speed kicked up the fallen petals, causing a whirlwind of color behind them. It sent Molly into another gale of laughter. “Oh, NiGHTS, thank you so much!”
NiGHTS smiled. She was about to show Molly another trick when something else caught her eye. She made a 'tsk' noise and slowed them down.
“NiGHTS, what is it?”
“There's a Nightmaren ahead,” she said plainly.
“What?!” Molly looked ahead; her heart, a second ago filled with delight, now filled with dread. “W-where...” She couldn't see it.
“Hmm? You don't see it?” NiGHTS came to a stop and pointed ahead.
Molly looked again and only saw an orange cloud. “Uhh...”
“Baaaah,” the 'cloud' went and it turned around. The cloud was actually the body to a brightly-colored, funny-looking ram...thing. Molly frowned. That was a Nightmaren? It looked more like a child's toy than a nightmare. Even when the red-nosed, sleepy-headed thing started to advance on them, Molly didn't feel threatened at all. She sighed with relief.
“I have a few of those Blue Chips Owl told me about.”
“Oh, no no no,” NiGHTS said. “We're going to do something much more fun. We're going to use my Paraloop to take care of that Shleep.”
Shleep? Really? That's what it was called? “Oh...umm,  how do we do this Paraloop?”
NiGHTS chuckled. “Just fly around him,” she said with wink.
“O-okay.” Molly flew ahead and up around the creature. A tiny vortex appeared and vanquished the foe. “Was that is?”
“Haha, yes.” Molly still seemed unsure. NiGHTS gracefully brought their hands in front of them. “See these sparkles falling from my wrist? That my Twinkle Dust. When you make a circle with them it creates my Paraloop and sends your foes away.”
“Wow, that certainly makes fighting easy.”
NiGHTS smiled and shrugged her head to one side. “I suppose.” NiGHTS flipped them over onto their back in midair and started doing the backstroke. “Ah...” she mused, taking in the warm daylight shining through the exposed patches of blossoms. “So peaceful,” she said, acting as if they didn't encountered an enemy, even one so easily defeated.
“So...that was a Nightmaren?” Molly asked dumbfounded.
“Do all Nightmarens look like that?”
“Oh no, there are some even stupider looking ones.”
Molly laughed and NiGHTS joined her.
“I'm a bit relieved.” Molly sighed again.
“Oh, why's that?”
Molly rocked their head side to side. “When I was little, I had...,” she swallowed as she recalled the memory,  “the most horrifying nightmare.” NiGHTS paused their movements to listen Molly quickly prattling off the details. “It was this huge, hairy monster, on all fours like a wild dog, with patches of red fur, and it had these huge horns and this silver face...”
From the behind the trees, away from their gaze, the dark figure smiled sinisterly. It was amused by the girl's description, for a few reasons. Why, that was such a long time ago.
“Hmmm.” NiGHTS thought about it. “Did this horrible nightmare have a horrible attitude?”
In her mind, in a brief instance, Molly remembered the details of that monstrous night. It started, literally, with a walk in the park. The skies were white with clouds, the surrounding trees were bare from the fallen leaves, and she had just found a playground. Her little self ran to climb the jungle gym and swing on the swings. She loved how high she could go on them. Like she could fly. She wondered if she could swing even higher than the trees. As she ascended upwards, she compared her height. Not quite. Gravity made her again sway back and she planned to kick herself even higher, past the trees, and maybe over the bar itself!
There it was.
Not even there a second ago, from the edge of the barren forest, the large hideous monster stood. Its body dark brown with streaks of red and gold fur, fore legs white and its paws a light red (Were they that color from the blood of its last kill?). From its black and fanged mouth, its breath clashed against the sudden cold air. Atop its muzzle, its face metallic, and from the back of its skull two long, striped horns protruded and dropped down towards its back.
It ran straight for her.
Oh, god.
Molly shook her head and brought herself back to the present with a gasp. “I don't think I'll ever forget the silver face of the Beast.”
“The Beast?” NiGHTS asked. Hearing the fear in her voice, NiGHTS flew them to the ground and disengaged them.
“Y-yeah. That's the name I'd given it.” The girl shivered and and rubbed her arms. “That creature was created for pure evil.”
The dark figure wanted to laugh at the truth of that statement.
“It just kept jumping and slashing at me and...” Molly's voice went small, “I was so scared.” She took a breath. “NiGHTS, can I tell you something?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Sometimes I still have trouble going to sleep. I'm just so scared the Beast will show up again. I don't know what I'll do if it does...”
“Hey!” NiGHTS placed her hands on Molly's shoulders and smiled at her. “Don't you worry about that Beast. You've with me now and we can defeat any villain together. Right?”
Molly couldn't help but smile back. “Like we did that Shleep?”
“Of course! Just like that Shleep. If that 'Beast' shows up we'll make it regret it was ever born.”
“And make it cry!” Molly joined in with a hop, wanting to repay the Beast for the tears she shed that night.
Now the dark figure really had to restrain from laughter. The girl had no idea that very 'Beast' she spoke of was looking right at her! Oh, it couldn't wait to reveal itself and see the terror it would unleash.
Pleased to have alleviate Molly's mode, NiGHTS motion for her to follow. “C'mon,” she said, wanting to continue their exploration. “I think I hear a stream ahead.”
With a giggle, and a warm feeling in her heart, Molly followed. Sure enough, they found a stream. However Molly seemed surprised (though at this point she decided there shouldn't be much that surprised her in this strange land) was that the source of the stream began atop a giant peach-colored rain cloud. She pondered what was up there and asked NiGHTS for another flight. NiGHTS obliged and Dualized with Molly.
They took off in the nick of time. Unaware, had they delayed even a second, a claw, long and sharp, would have stuck them.
The dark figure growled low. So close to catching its prey, so close to making them realize their greatest fear. Ah well, it mused, soon it would strike again.
Meanwhile, atop the cloud, Molly and NiGHTS found a flock of Nightopians playing in the never-ending source of water. Something else caught Molly's eye. “What's that?”
“Hmm? Oh, a treasure chest,” NiGHTS replied and disengaged them.
Molly raised her eyebrows at being able to stand on the cloud.  “I wonder what's inside,” she said walking over to it.
NiGHTS shrugged. Laying back, she rested her head on her arms. “Why don't you go and see.”
Molly did. She opened the chest and out popped a blue and gold mask. “What?” she asked, taking hold of the object. Was there a costume party going on?
NiGHTS looked around. “That's right, that know-it-all bird isn't here...I guess I'll just have to tell you myself.” NiGHTS floated over to her and did her best Owl impression. “Let me explain.” It made Molly giggle. “That is a Dolphin Persona. With it, you can travel underwater. Hoo-hoo!”
Molly continued with her giggling. “So...” Molly put the mask on her face. “What is it suppose to do? Make me breath underwater?”
NiGHTS smirked. “Try putting it on when you're Dualized with me.”
She did just that and, in a flash of sparkles, NiGHTS' body transformed into a glamorized, purple, gold, and red dolphin. Only giving Molly a few seconds to admire the new body, NiGHTS plunged them forward, over the edge of the cloud, into the stream, much deeper than it looked, with a huge splash. The cold water felt invigorating as the two swam along.
Back at the water's surface, a familiar figure dipped its talons in the water, admiring its long horns in the reflection. Soon. Soon the light in that girl's heart would disappear.
Chapter 3
Rushing down the stream's currant, the two moved gracefully past fishes, turtles and other aquatic animals. They even encountered seahorse-shaped Nightmarens called Seapos and defeated them with just a push of their button nose. Filled with their fun of the water, the two breached the surface, transformed back into NiGHTS' normal body, and did a flip in the air.
“That was amazing!” Molly cheered as they landed and disengaged. “I always wanted to meet a dolphin but I'd never thought I'd be a dolphin!”
“Fun, wasn't it?”
Molly nodded her head enthusiastically. “I loved it! It was so pretty down there too. Did you see those diamond statues? Oh, and those crystal walls were like mirrors.”
NiGHTS looked happily at the girl while she gushed about their experience.
“Oh, hey, NiGHTS? I was wondering... could you transform to the Dolphin again? I only got a little look from the mirrors and I'd like to see it in full...please?” she asked while pressing her forefingers together.
“I don't see why not.” NiGHTS pulled out the Dolphin Persona and placed it on. In a twinkle, she took the shape of the dolphin again. She even started 'swimming' around Molly. The girl laughed with delight. NiGHTS continued as a dolphin for another moment and then transformed back.
“Did you like?”
“I do!” Molly beamed. “I really do! You're so beautiful.”
NiGHTS, with a smile, closed her eyes and moved her head to the side.
“You're the most beautiful dream I've ever had, NiGHTS.”
NiGHTS raised her head back up, her smile gone now and her mouth slightly open. She looked back towards Molly, unable to respond to the heartfelt compliment. Seeing Molly's happy face only made her more unsure. “I...” NiGHTS glanced down. “I...” She took a breath and let it out. “Thank you, Molly.”
Molly nodded. “NiGHTS?”
The girl began to shuffle her feet. “We're friends, right?”
In a blink of an eye, NiGHTS picked the girl up and gave her a tickle, causing Molly to squeal with laughter. “Of course, we're friends, you big silly!”
If the dark figure was there, it would have been disgusted by the heartfelt scene. No, the figure had other things to do, other plans to set in motion, and, more specifically, an item from days past to find. Luckily, the search didn't last long. The dark figure gripped the item and smiled. Now only one more thing to do.
While the dark figure schemed, the laughter continued in Molly's Nightopia, as Molly and NiGHTS continued down a forest trail with the colorful flower petals gently falling upon them.
“That was a lot of fun, NiGHTS, but I must admit I feel a little bad about chasing that blue octopus around.”
“Oh, Octopaw? Don't be; the thing was getting fat and needed the exercise.”
Molly laughed again. “It was even great we got to chase it underwater too.” Molly held out the Dolphin Persona. She tilted her head and then decided to put it on her again. Nothing. “Hey, how come it doesn't do anything when I put it on?”
“That's because they only work on me.”
“Why just you?”
“What's with the questions?” NiGHTS shrugged. “And again without the old bird to explain things.”
“You could try to explain...? I thought you did a wonderful job before.”
“Hmm. Flattery will get you everywhere, they say,” NiGHTS murmured. “I guess you could say,” she gave it a little thought, “everyone in the Night Dimension have their own unique powers: The Deworm's ability to distort space, the Nightopians' ability to make objects appear out of nowhere, and, as for myself, I can change my shape.”
“Really?” Molly asked. “Like, you could make yourself look like me?”
“Oh no, nothing like that.” NiGHTS rubbed her chin. “Though a Murtle can...” she mused for a second before getting back on track. “Let me just show you.” With that, NiGHTS flew upward and Molly looked on in considerable curiosity. “Watch out below!” Molly saw something and stepped to the side just in time. The object bounced back up and soon descended.
Molly couldn't help but laugh. “Are you a ball?” she asked as the purple ball with NiGHTS face bounced back again.
“Yes!” NiGHTS yelled back. When she came back down, Molly caught her and turned NiGHTS to face her. “Pretty neat, huh?”
“Yeah, it is.” Molly nodded and NiGHTS changed back to normal.
“I can transform into other things, too, like a boat or perhaps,”
“How about a race car?”
“Hmm? Sure, I guess I could do that.”
“How about a kite?”
“Mmm, kites do fly in the air,” NiGHTS laid sideways with a hand on her cheek, “but they're bound by the strings of their owners.” NiGHTS closed her eyes and gave a sly smile. “At least they are until they break away.”
“How about...”
NiGHTS put a finger on Molly's lips. “How about we take it easy on the questions,” NiGHTS said with a wink.
“Hee, 'kay.” Molly giggled. Then, with a downward turn of her head, she smiled the biggest smile. She dashed over to NiGHTS and, just as fast, gave her a hug. Not even giving NiGHTS a chance to return the gesture, she let go and went on ahead.
NiGHTS cheeks felt warm, though not as warm as her heart did at that moment. She allowed herself a few seconds to rest her hands over her chest before pushing herself forward.. Soon she found Molly standing at the edge of the clearing. The girl stared at something and NiGHTS followed her line of vision. "Oh, a playground,” she said, having caught sight of it. “Hmm, kind of small, isn't it?" It was actual a normal-sized playground, but compared to Nightopia's standards it was miniscule. “Shall we go play?” NiGHTS touched Molly's shoulders.
The girl shook with dread.
“Molly?” Seeing the girl's eyes were wide in horror, NiGHTS turned her head to the playground again. “What is it? What do you see?” she asked with concern.
“It's here...” Molly twisted her head back and forth, looking for the unseen danger. With a sharp intake of air, she darted away from the edge of the forest. “NiGHTS, it's here. The Beast is here!” Tears were beginning to form. “I'm scared!”
“Molly, it's going to be okay.” NiGHTS slowly turned to look at all around her. She couldn't see or sense anything.
“No. No. No.” Molly flung her arms out. “This is where it attacked me!”
Understanding the girl's fright NiGHTS floated over to her. “Molly, please listen to me. I need you to be brave. If we encounter this Beast....”
“I don't want to!” Molly yelled. “I want to wake up! It won't reach me if I'm awake!”
“Molly!” NiGHTS grabbed the girl by her shoulders and looked her into the eye. “You can't keep hiding from it. You have to face it.”
“I can't!”
NiGHTS opened her mouth to tell the girl a thing or two, when she heard something: A soft, malicious chuckle. She whipped her head around, determined to find the noise's source. “Where are you?” she shouted into the seemingly deserted playground. “Show yourself!” NiGHTS continued to look. All she saw was a scared, trembling little girl. “Oh, how are we ever going to get you to fight...” Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, a twinkle in the distance caught NiGHTS' attention. She braced herself for battle but stop when she realized what she saw. “A treasure chest?” Her eyes lit up when an idea struck her.  “Molly, look.” NiGHTS wrapped an arm around the girl who clutched onto her hard. So much different from the embrace earlier, NiGHTS thought for a second. “There.” She pointed to the chest. “That will help us defeat the Beast.”
Molly looked ahead at the familiar bejeweled chest. She loosen her tight grip and NiGHTS slowly flew ahead, giving the girl enough time to follow. Once there, NiGHTS gestured for the girl to open it.
“Blue Chips?” NiGHTS said after Molly opened it. “Right, right, Nightopia has those chests, too.” She gave a disappointed sigh.
“Owl told me about them! They can help me defeat the Beast.” Molly eagerly collected them.
NiGHTS continued to keep a look-out. “Those things can defeat a third-level Nightmaren, like those Shleep, but, at most, it'll barely hurt a second-level Nightmaren. Ah!” NiGHTS realized her mistake and saw the temporary confidence in the girl vanished. “Eer...”
“...It won't help?”
“Ah...ah...it will hurt them! A bit...” NiGHTS put her hands on her hips and looked back to the chest. Wait a minute.
“NiGHTS, please, let's fly away from here...”
“We don't have to!” NiGHTS beamed as reached into the chest. “You can fight this foe, but you may need a crutch to help you.” NiGHTS held up a new Persona mask that had laid at the bottom of the chest.
Molly eyes lit up. “You found another one! What does this one turn you into?”
“This one turns me into...umm...” NiGHTS looked at the metal Persona unable to remember. “You tell me,” she said and placed it on her face.
It's a flash of light, NiGHTS transformed. She grew huge and patches of dark brown, purple, red, and gold fur covered her body. Her white arms turned into long, white legs and she stood on all fours. Her hands now red paws. The stripped prongs of her jester hat became sharp, rigged horns that dropped down her back. Her pink mouth became black, and filled with sharp, white fangs. Atop her muzzle, rested the metal Persona, the silver face that Molly could never forget. It was the Beast.
Molly screamed with horror she hadn't felt in years. She was in danger. She had to get away. Run. She darted for the forest.
“Molly?!” NiGHTS took the Persona mask off, confused. “Molly!” Soon NiGHTS heard the evil laughter again. This time loud and boastful, taking great delight in what it saw. NiGHTS grew angry at it but she had to get to Molly. She flew off.
Molly kept running. She needed to find cover. Tears strung her eyes. She quickly wiped them away. She couldn't afford to lose vision; not when the Beast was after her. Her darkest nightmare personified. Fangs, claws, and horns all sharp and ready. She could hear the Beast bellowing after her.
“Molly!” NiGHTS was losing the girl amidst the trees and the falling petals.
Molly didn't stop running. Her fear kept her going. Soon she only head twigs breaking underneath her feet. She looked over her shoulders while she ran. The Beast was no longer in pursuit. She slowed and stopped. Nothing but silence. She turned to walk away. Her screams cut short as the Beast snatched her.
“Molly!” NiGHTS held the girl by her shoulders “Molly, what's wrong?”
“Beast!” she shrieked.
“Where?” NiGHTS looked back and forth. “Molly, I swear I'll,” NiGHTS didn't get to finish about she'd protect the Molly, because the girl had managed to get one arm free and throw a Blue Chip straight at NiGHTS' face. “Wha!” It stunned and surprised her more than hurt. Still it made her lose the grip on the girl. “Molly, what are you!” Another Blue Chip hit her.
“Beast!” Molly, with tears steaming down her face, kept pelting NiGHTS with Blue Chips in a futile attempt. “Beast!”
Unable to speak, NiGHTS could only hold her arms up against the pebble-like attacks until Molly ran out of Blue Chips, and then ran away.
NiGHTS remained there in shock. She reached around and pulled out the metal Persona. Slowly, she sunk to the ground on her knees, as she looked at it. “It was me...” Her vision became blurry and she threw the thing away in anger, frustration, and regret. With a howl of anguish, she pounded the ground with her fists.
The dark figure smirked at the sight before him. “Now to take care of that Visitor,” he said and headed off in the direction the girl ran.
Chapter 4
Terrified Molly ran through her once serene Nightopia. All the flowers from the trees had fallen off, leaving them brown and bare. The soft colors of the skies blurred together creating a grayish, garbled glob of a mixture. Even the ground, once covered in lovely petals, was now a thick layer of mud with the few remaining, discarded petals sticking out like victims in quicksand. So much light had been drained from this land.
Not that Molly saw the full effect her fear-filled heart had on the now errie land. Hoping to escape the “Beast”, she darted toward the bank of one of the many rivers. It was a mistake. The mud there ran thick and her legs sank deeper and deeper into it. She dredged through. “No...” She wanted to run. She had no more Blue Chips to defend herself if the Beast showed up. With each step, she went slower. Then one step plunged her forward waist deep in the mud. A surge of panic overcame her as she struggled in vain to lift her legs. “No...” she murmured with a soft cry.
“Hoo! Hoo! This is awful.”
Molly lifted her head and she felt relief. “Owl!” She smiled at the familiar face.
“Oh dear, this literally quite a mess you've gotten yourself into, Visitor. Here.” He flew over her and flexed his feet. “Grab on and I shall get you out of this.”
Molly took hold and, with some considerable effort on Owl's part, was lifted out. After Owl carried her over to dryer ground, they both sat with Owl slightly out of breath.
“Thank you so much, Owl,” Molly said.
“It was nothing.” He waved a wing dismissively, though his breathing said otherwise.
Molly went to wipe the mud off her clothes, but not a single drop was on her. Another strange thing in her world of dreams.
“So,” Owl began once he caught breath. “I take it the Nightmarens have been here.” He gestured to the bleak world.
It was only then Molly realized the damage caused. She held her hand over her heart as she took in the sight: Molly's once beautiful world, beautiful like...that one, now an ugly land, just like that one was an ugly monstrosity.
Owl shook his head. “Nightmarens can be such nasty brutes.”
“Liars!” Molly blurted out.
“Huh?” Owl sharply turned his head towards the girl.
“They're liars! No good rotten liars.” Molly wrapped her arms around herself. “She tricked me. She said she was my friend but she's really the Beast who came after me when I was little! Dirty liar!” Molly hung her head low.
Owl gazed upon the girl with sympathetic eyes. “I see. No wonder your Ideya of Purity is suffering.” Placing a wing on the girl's shoulder, Owl continued. “But do not worry, Visitor.” Molly looked up at him. “For you see, this world still has some light.” He gestured towards the skies, white as winter. “As long as there is light, there is hope your world can yet be saved.”
Molly peeped at the sky before closing her eyes. It hurt, like her eyes had been in darkness for a long time.
She shuffled back and felt something sharp rubbing against her. She reached around and pulled out the Dolphin Persona. She stared at it as she remembered the surge of cool water rushing past her as she swam through the crystal caverns.
“Why,” Owl began, “that's one of NiGHTS' Persona. Have you seen NiGHTS?”
NiGHTS? Oh, right. That's what she called herself. “She's the Beast...”
Owl made an uneasy face. “Well, NiGHTS can be a tad grumpy sometimes, I must admit, but I'd hardly call, wait,” Owl stopped himself. “You mean to say NiGHTS is the Nightmaren...from your past?”
Molly nodded. “Oh...” Realization dawned. “....Oooooh.” Owl uncomfortable nodded his own head. “I now fully understand your predicament, Visitor.”
“So, you've met the Beast, too, huh?”
“NiGHTS, the one you refer to as the Beast, has been coming by the Dream Gate for quite some time now.”
Molly furrowed her brow. “How could you allow a monster like that to stay around there?” “Allow? M'dear, I don't think you realize just how powerful she is. I certainly didn't take it into account when NiGHTS first started showing up. Why, I foolishly tried to chase her off, but she wouldn't budge. She just held me off, with ease, at arm's length,” Owl imitated the action, with holding one wing out in front of him, while another rested on his side, “and then she told me,” he raised his voice to a higher pitch, “'If I want to stay here, I will. After all, what can you do about it?'” His voice returned to normal. “Hoo!” Owl shook his head and flapped his wings. “That really burnt my feathers!” Composing himself, Owl continued. “When Visitors came, NiGHTS pushed me aside and greeted them. She then offer to Dualize and take them flying.”
The girl briefly looked down.
“At the end of the flight, she then informed the Visitor needed to paid a toll...with their Ideya.”
Molly's eyes went wide as she looked at Owl.
“The Visitor, not knowing the importance of their Ideya, because someone pushed me aside and didn't let me explain, allowed NiGHTS to take them. And do you know what NiGHTS did with those Ideya?” He stared Molly straight in the eye. The girl shook her head, terrified of the answer.
Owl smiled. “NiGHTS gave their Ideya right back to them.”
She tilted her head in confusion.
Owl smiled. “You see, NiGHTS went through a change of heart. Even before she came to the Dream Gate, NiGHTS felt guilty over taking Ideya from Visitors. She even tried that 'toll' service to justify stealing the light of their hearts, yet,”Owl glanced to side, “the guilt remained.” He turned back to the girl who now had a pitiful look on her face. “And so, one day, NiGHTS stopped asking for their Ideya and took the Visitors flying, playing, having fun, just because she wanted to bring the Visitors joy.”
Molly looked back at the Persona and thought about all the fun she had in Nightopia with her.
“Since then, NiGHTS has never returned to Nightmare.”
Closing her eyes, she gently held the Persona close to her.
Owl gave a sigh but smile warmly at the girl. “I am sorry to hear NiGHTS' past caught up to her. It is hard to escape one's history.”
Molly could only see that one's bright, happy smile in her mind and hear the echo of her words: “Of course, we're friends!”
“Walevu!” came a voice and it made Molly jump back. She felt relief as soon as she saw the voice came from a group of Nightopians.
“Ah, how reassuring,” Owl commented. “I am glad these little fellows are okay.”
A couple of them flew over to the water and started passing a beach ball between them. Others stayed at the bank to make mud pies. While a few came up to Molly to smile at her.
Molly couldn't help but smile weakly back at them.
Owl also smiled at the scene. He also noticed new buds were sprouting on the trees. “Still hope...Hmm?”
“What is it, Owl?” Molly asked.
“I am being summoned...yet again,” he sighed “I think I need limit the number of Perches I have in that world.”
“Oh, those things to call you with.”
Owl nodded. “That is does.” He teleported away, but returned within a minute.
“Hoo, this one is a doozy. Will you be alright for awhile?”
“I think...” Molly looked around at the Nightopians playing. “I think I'll be okay.”
Owl went to attend to the 'doozy' and Molly went to help the Nightopians decorate their mud pies with some discarded flower petals. A few returned from over the river to sing and Molly recognized the melody. Sitting back, she began to wonder did that one teach the Nightopians this song or did that one learn it from the Nightopians who existed in every Nightopia?
She didn't have long to wonder as a deep masculine-sounding voice spoke: “So, this is where you ran off to.” Upon hearing this voice, the Nightopians fled.
Molly turned around to get a view of the newcomer, but had to shield her eyes as the sky was still too bright for her. She couldn't make out the dark figure in front of her.
The dark figure gave a chuckle full of malicious glee. “Ah, poor little Visitor. Did the “Beast” scare you?” he feigned concerned.
“Who are you?”
The dark figure moved downwards and Molly could finally see him. He was also a jester, only his outfit was red and black. Under his gold mask, his face was gray. Face paint? His arms were crossed in front of him, also the same color as his face. So, his skin was gray. Molly then saw his legs were of the same gray color. Oh my gosh, Molly thought. Was he wearing any pants? Molly covered her mouth, suppressing a laugh. She didn't think he did. He was like one of those cartoon characters walking around with nothing on their bottoms.
The dark figure believed the girl clasped her mouth in fear, and certainly not to be polite and not laugh at him. “I,” he gave a dramatic pause, “am a Nightmaren.” He held in hand out in a grand gesture as his voice dripped with poisoned honey.
Molly then saw the pretty pink fingernails on him and kept her hand in front of her mouth to hide her smile. “Like...those Shleep?” Wasn't she told there were stupider-looking Nightmarens than that yellow-clouded ram? Well, this guy in front of her certainly took the cake.
The figure blinked back in surprise. “Ha! I am nothing like those third-levels. I am the most powerful Nightmaren you'll ever meet.”
“Oh,” Molly said unimpressed and looked at the shiny feathers around his collar. “Can you turn into a monster?”
The figure scoffed. “I don't need to. I already am one.”
“Mmmhmm...” Her smile got bigger.
“Why, you could very well say you've gotten yourself a monster of a problem!” The figure started to laugh at his own joke.
Oh no, his laugh! His crazy little laugh. It was too much! Molly tried to hold back the laughter but it came out in little fits. Her hands covering her mouth, stifling them as best as possible.
The figure saw the tears forming at the girl's eyes and smiled darkly at the reaction he caused. Only... they weren't tears of fear, he realized. And those sounds coming from her weren't sobs but laughter. She was laughing at him! He tensed up at the offense and realized the time for talk was over.
In her hilarity, Molly didn't see him floating over to her. Didn't see him pull back his hand to strike, didn't see just how sharp and deadly those pink nails were.
He struck.
His hand caught by another.
“Don't you dare, Reala!”
Molly gasped at the voice and looked up. There, holding the dark figure's hand back, was that one.
“Molly, you need to ru,” NiGHTS was cut off by the girl's scream. The girl didn't need to be told, she took off running at the sight of NiGHTS.
“Molly...” NiGHTS' grip on Reala fell as she slowly reached out in vain to the girl who was already out of sight.
While NiGHTS hung her head low, Reala rubbed his hand. The girl was gone but his anger remained. “You should have stayed away, NiGHTS.”
“Huh?” The strike meant for the Visitor now landed on her.
Molly didn't get very far before she heard the shriek of pain. She stopped and looked back in the direction she came. Her eyes then went to the ground. What should she do? She heard more yelling and she griped her arms. “No, no...” Molly knew what she had to do, but frankly, “I don't want to. I can't. I'm too scared. Why?” She shook her head. “Why am I still scared?”
Another outcry of pain and Molly stopped questioning herself. The Beast was her greatest fear, but NiGHTS was her friend. She ran back to her.
Back near the banks, NiGHTS was laying on the ground, clutching her head. “Why are you doing this to me, Reala?” she asked with a strain of pain.
“This,” indicating the attack, “is because you stepped between me and that Visitor. Everything else,” Reala smirked, “well, that was because I thought it would be funny.” He down leaned and chuckled next to her. “And it was!” He floated upright and continued to laugh. When he finished, he hummed like a cat content with its prey. “I must say you hardly put up a fight. Why, is something distracting you?” he asked knowing what it was.
NiGHTS winced. “You're sick...”
“And you're all alone.”
Gritting her teeth, She twisted her head away and closed her eyes. She could almost feel despair coming on until she heard her name.
NiGHTS' eyes shot open and she forced herself up a little. “Molly...?”
“So, the little Visitor came back, hmm?” Reala crossed his arms and glared down at the girl. “And what exactly are you doing to do?”
“Uh...” Molly hadn't thought that far ahead. Oops.
“Typical, stupid Visitor. No wonder you're drawn to them, NiGHTS.” He gave her a quick glance before turning his attention back to the girl. NiGHTS knew what Reala had in mind and went to grab him She missed and fell forward. Reala ignored NiGHTS' feeble attack.“Now don't you worry, Visitor.” He flashed a toothy smile. “I'll make this quick,” he said in whisper.
She didn't look worried. “You're not scary,” she said with a half a frown and a lifted eyebrow.
“What?” Reala stopped in his tracks with a jolt.
“Compared to,” unable to look at NiGHTS, Molly just gestured towards her, “that one, you're a joke.”
And she struck the deepest nerve. Reala was heaving with anger. He looked back down at NiGHTS, defeated and pathetic looking. “This is scary?!” He grabbed NiGHTS by the collar, making NiGHTS cry out as she was roughly lifted off the ground. “You laugh at me while this buffoon,” he gave NiGHTS a few violent shakes, “petrifies you? Look!” His harsh shakes now had such force it started to spin both of them around. “Look at this half-witted dolt, you simple-minded fool!” They continued to spin in the air and he turned his attention back to NiGHTS. “A Nightmaren who feels remorse over stealing Ideya. Ha! You're the joke, NiGHTS.”
And NiGHTS grinned.
“Huh?” Something was wrong. He darted his eyes and from the corner saw why NiGHTS looked so smug. While his shakes spun them around, NiGHTS started to release her Twinkle Dust and, in just a second, the Dust was about to connect in its imperfect circle. One. The vortex formed and engulfed Reala; he had Paralooped himself.
“No!” he shouted as he disappeared in the portal.
NiGHTS caught herself and remained upright, as she stared at the spot where Reala just was. “Joke's on you...Idiot.”
Molly laughed at the quip.
The sad look on NiGHTS vanished and she smiled brightly at the girl. She then started to float over.
The girl's laughter stopped with a huge gasp.
NiGHTS froze in place.
They both looked away uneasy.
NiGHTS rubbed one of her arms. “...Thank you...for coming back,” she said with a sad note on her voice. “You saved me.”
“I didn't do anything.” Molly took a step back.
NiGHTS's bottom lip quiver. “Yes, you did.” A short silence passed between them before NiGHTS spoke up again. “I guess...I'll be leaving now.” Molly said nothing. “I'm so sorry for everything, Molly. I truly am.”
Molly slowly nodded her head. Feeling a soft wind on her face, she looked up to see if NiGHTS was gone.
NiGHTS hadn't floated very far at all.
Molly stood there, in a daze, watching NiGHTS leave. Soon she heard feathers rustle. She turned and saw Owl had appeared.
“How sad,” he said looking at NiGHTS. “Also, I'm surprised your Ideya hasn't been recovered, yet. You defeated a Nightmaren boss, inadvertently I must admit, but that victory should have returned the light to this land.”
Molly gazed at her still desolated land. She placed her hand over her heart. “Because...” her hand started to glow white. “Because that wasn't the Nightmaren I had to overcome.” Molly looked back up and started running. “NiGHTS!” she called out to her.
NiGHTS turned around just in time to receive the hug from Molly. Only this time, NiGHTS had time to return the gesture.
The pair were then engulfed by a white light that spread out and covered the land in its luminance. When the light subsided, Owl smiled at the once again glorious landscape filled with its blue rivers and colorful flowers. He also noticed those two weren't there anymore. It didn't take him long to find them; he just followed the sounds of play and laughter.
In the playground, NiGHTS was pushing Molly on a swingset. The girl's hand now glowed green with her Ideya of Growth. Owl sat on a perch and continued to watch the two friends play.
Meanwhile, the dark figure, I mean Reala, was busy banging his head against a wall. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” And it was unclear whether he was referring to himself, or NiGHTS and the Visitor, or all three of them.
The End.
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lonym82fanfics · 8 years
Witch Statue Chap 2
Legend of Zelda
A witch has turned Princess Zelda into stone and steals her away. Months have passed and there are still no signs of the witch or the princess, despite the search parties or the many individuals, dressed in green, who think they're the Hero of Legends.
Chapter 1: http://lonym82fanfics.tumblr.com/post/141454122925/witch-statue-chapter-1
Link held his glass of cold milk to his face. Talk about embarrassing. He hoped the princess didn't see him fall like that. He slowly removed the glass from his face. “Ow...” Though, despite the pain, this was amazing. To not only have found the princess, but while she was disguised as Sheik? So cool. He wished he could write back to his friends at the university, and tell them this, but he didn't know which ones knew the secret about Sheik.
“Hey,” Gonzo got his attention. “Did you hear anything I just said?”
Looking up, Link thought about it, then shook his head 'no'.
“Really?” He shook his head and crossed his arms. “I said, don't go bothering Sheik with all your nerd questions. It's bad enough he has all these would-be heroes bugging him to be their Sheikah guide, like they're the real Hero or something or another.”
He? Link thought. Oh, right. Link would have to be careful not to refer to Sheik as a girl in front of...well, everyone.
“Besides,” Gonzo went on. “If you have questions about the Palace, you'd best ask the Royal Guards.” He pointed to some off-duty ones hanging out at the bar. “They're pretty talkative if you buy them a drink.”
“They like apple juice, by the way,” Niko chimed in.
“Hmm.” Link looked over at the guards before turning back to Gonzo. “But can I ask Sheik some questions?”
“Uh...” Gonzo wasn't sure how to respond when Link asked for permission. After all, it wasn't his permission to give. Still, it felt nice to be asked. “Yeah. Sure, Just...just don't bombard him with a bunch of questions, okay?”
Link nodded as the waitress came to collect their bills.
“Anyhow, Link,” Niko spoke up after finishing his drink. “I bet you got a bunch of sightseeing to do and Mako, Zuko and me got a side job to do.”
“The job requires men of short stature,” Mako adjusted his glasses and Zuko grunted in agreement.
“But, hey, Link, let meet here for dinner tonight and then we can head back to my place afterwards.”
“Yeah, sounds great.”
With that, they left the restaurant and headed off in their respective directions. Except for Link. He wasn't sure where to even begin. “Maybe I should find out where the theater is,” he murmured to himself. He eventually got directions to it. He even tried knocking on the door, but a man inside yelled they were closed until tomorrow. “Drat...”
He hoped to talk to the princess before dinner tonight. After all, her disguise was a secret and he didn't want to talk about it around her friends. “Huh.” Link realized how lucky he was to have meet Niko. He liked the little guy and he met Sheik through him. Link found himself smiling wide. He met Sheik! How cool!
With that, Link spent the remainder of the day geeking out over Zelda lore while finding his way around town. It seemed like every building reminded him of something from the legend. The weapon shop, the mask boutique, the archery and games booth: All added to his excitement of this in-progress tale.
He also meet a bunch of super-nice, helpful people. Talking with them he found out, prior to her kidnapping, that Princess Zelda used to visit the town at least once a month.
“Sounds like she really loved her people,” Link said, talking to one of villagers.
“She did. Such a sweetheart. We're all awaiting her safe return. In fact, have you seen a young Sheikah man around?”
“Yes,” Link said plainly. Boy, did he ever.
“He says he was fired from the castle after the kidnapping, but none of us believe him.”
“Oh?” Link leaned in.
The villager started to whisper. “We all believe he's actually waiting for the true Hero to appear and guide him to the Princess.”
Link chuckled.
“Oh, but don't tell him that.” The villager went back to a normal voice. “Sheik is a good, hard-working lad and it's nice seeing him more than once a week.”
“Once a week?”
“Oh, sure. For a couple of years, he came down  from the castle to play music with his friends. Still performs, of course.”
“I met those guys earlier. I didn't know they had a band.”
“Hopefully, you'll get a chance to hear them play. They're not bad.”
“I'm actually going to meet them for dinner tonight and crash with a couple of them.”
“Goodness, you seem to get around fast.”
Link laughed. “Speaking of dinner.” It was getting late. “I should get going.”
“Have fun.” The villager waved Link off.
As Link was walking back to the Milk Bar, he couldn't help but think what he would say to the princess. He figured he couldn't straight up ask her why she was in disguise. And his old classmates told multiple times he sucked at being subtle. Maybe he should just talk to Niko and the others, so he wouldn't blurt out something he wasn't suppose to.
“Ugh,” a passerby on the street grumble. “Those Cows-For-Peace people are at the Milk Bar again.”
“I thought they were banned from that place,” their friend replied.
Link wondered what that was about.
“Wow, so glad I didn't go to the Milk Bar tonight,” said another person he passed. “I heard these men, dressed like cows, are giving the owner a hard time.”
Link became a little worried over this. He wanted to enjoy his dinner with Niko and all.
“Dude! Cows-For-Peace guys just picked a fight with Gonzo and his gang!”
Oh boy.
Link hurried to the Milk Bar. Sure enough, outside the bar Gonzo, his crew including Sheik, were fighting about 15 grown men wearing cow hoodies. Another half a dozen cow men were unconscious on the ground.
Gonzo and the other two big ones, Link believed their names were Nudge and Senza, were doing good, as expected. The little guys, he was impressed how scrappy they were. And, wow, Sheik could fight. Link suspected she was responsible for most of the unconscious cow guys.
“Hey, Link!” Niko called over. “Come join the fight! It's fun!”
“What are you fighting about?” Link yelled back.
“They wouldn't leave the owner alone, and called us a bunch 'mammary-gland-juice-drinking savages', and threw milk in Gonzo's face!”
Link had heard lesser reasons to start a bar fight.
Fight. He was bad at fighting. But he remembered his old classmates saying nothing brought people closer together than fighting against a cause. Just why did that cause have to be a group of men dressed as cattle?
Link took a deep breath. Oh, this was gonna suck. With a yell, he charged in and tackled the first cow guy in his path. He managed to tip the guy over.
“Yeah, new guy!” shouted one of Gonzo's crew. He wasn't sure who at the moment. The guy he tackled started to kick at him, and Link started to punch back, and boy was it a mess. Until Niko brought over a chair to hit the guy with, knocking him unconscious.
“That's how we do it! Right, Link?” Niko helped Link up.
“Yeah...” Link replied. Niko moved onto the next closest guy and Link helped by grabbing the guy's arms from behind. He then helped Mako trip over another, joined the dog piled Nudge and Senza started, and pushed the guy Gonza was fighting down, each earning a 'thanks, pal!' from them.
Wow, maybe he should go help Sheik and get on her good graces, too. Sheik just kicked a guy against a wall, before planting an elbow in his face.
Ouch, that looked painful.
Thinking he was down for the count, she moved to find another opponent. He wasn't, though, and he grabbed a chair.
“Hey!” Link yelled, as he ran over. “Watch,” before Link could finish his warning, the guy hit Sheik over the head with the chair. Link winced. Those chairs could knock someone out. Sheik wobbled forward and Link instinctively held out his arms to catch her. He didn't need to because she took a step forward, pivoted, and punched the living snot of that guy.
Huh, she was tough!
The fight didn't last long after that with Gonzo and his gang the victors.
Gonzo gave a triumphant laugh as he rubbed his sore knuckles.“I guess you Cow guys could say you were udder-ly defeated!”
“Uuuhhh,” groaned everyone.
“What? That was a good joke!”
While everyone started to give each other high-fives, Sheik was trying hard to remain standing.
“Sheik, you okay?” Senza asked.
“No need to be concern. I am alright,” she said. However, it didn't sound like that at all. It sounded like: “No woorries. Imma fffffine.”
“What happened to Sheik?” Gonzo asked.
“Someone hit him over the head with a chair,” Link answered.
“Ouch,” the group said.
“Okay, Sheik.” Senza walked over to her. “Let's get you to the healers and buy you a potion.” He went to lead her to the shop, but she weakly pushed his hands away.
“Don't need no potion,” she continued to slur.
“You don't, huh? Okay, tell me how many fingers I'm holding up.”
Sheik had to squint. “Four?”
“Hm. Good guess. Okay. Question: Where are we?”
“Okay,” he said, impressed but still not convinced. “You're doing pretty good. One more: Who are you?”
In her muddled speech, with random syllables spoken higher than others, she was able to proclaim: “I'm the Princess of Hyrule!”
Everyone busted out laughing. Except Link.
“What?” Sheik asked.
“Okay, your “Majesty”.” Senza managed to quell his laughter down. “Let's get you back to the “Palace” and get you a nice red drink that'll make you feel better.” He held her by the shoulders and they started walking in the direction of the healers.
“What? What's so funny? What did I...Oooooh noooooo!” Sheik groaned, realizing what she said.
“Okay, guys,” Gonzo said. “Let's clean up this mess.” They began to put tables and chairs back in their proper positions, shoving unconscious cow guys out of their way. The Cows-For-Peace people eventually came around and staggered off.
“And don't come back!”
The owner gave them all a free meal for taking care of that problem and cleaning up.
“So, new guy.” Nudge gave Link, well, a nudge on the shoulder. “That was some fighting out there.”
Link smiled nervously. “I guess.”
“No, you did great! Notice how none of those would-be heroes helped, but you, you helped us out!”
“I really didn't do all that much. I think Sheik took out most those guys.”
“Well, how about that. You and Sheik are our heroes. Or should I say you and the Princess!” Everyone started to laugh. Except Link.
“I can't wait to tease Sheik about that.” Mako chuckled into his hand.
“Yeah,” Gonzo agreed. “Also, no wonder those would-be heroes haven't found the princess, yet, because he's right here in Town!” More laughter followed.
“Yeah, Link, don't go off with them tomorrow,” Niko pleaded. “I know you wanna help look for the princess, and all, but those guys are useless.”
Oh, right. He forgotten he was suppose to do that. He laughed. It did seem pointless to go look for the princess when she was in town. In fact, Sheik just came in the door with Senza following her.
Smiling, Link announced: “You know what? You're right. I am going to stay.”
The gang cheered.
Senza and Sheik sat down and, after inquiring about her health (She was all healed. She even brought extra potions for the group), they told them Link decided to stay.
“Who's that?” Sheik asked, her speech back to normal. She looked over. “Oh, you're the person who fell on his face this afternoon.”
Of course she saw that! Link frowned. “And you're the Princess of Hyrule.”
Everyone laughed, Link included, and Sheik blushed. She eventually joined in the laughter and took her teasing with a good sense of humor.
Surrounded by his new friends, Link was happy he came to Castle Town.
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lonym82fanfics · 9 years
Witch Statue Chapter 1
Legend of Zelda
A witch has turned Princess Zelda into stone and steals her away. Months have passed and there are still no signs of the witch or the princess, despite the search parties or the many individuals, dressed in green, who think they're the Hero of Legends.
“How dare you not honor my demands!” the storyteller said in a falsetto voice, as he held up an illustration of an angry looking, hooked-nose witch yelling at an older man wearing a crown. “First off,” the storyteller switched to a more masculine-gruff voice to reflect the man's, “your demands are completely ridiculous!” The storyteller shook the picture to emphasis the last two words, earning a few giggles from the group of children in front of him. “Second, well, why should I honor your demands?” he continued before switching over to the witch's voice. “Hmmm. All good points. Okay. How about a trade, then?” Back to the man's voice, “Ha! What could you possible trade?” The storyteller moved the picture is a slightly mischievous way. “Well,” he spoke with the witch's voice, “how about...the princess! M'whahaha!” He pulled out the next illustration showing the princess being turned into stone, he even added lighting bolts to represent the evil magic. “Aiiyee,” he gave a muffled, high-pitch scream. The children gasped. In the next illustration, the witch was carrying off the turned-to-stone princess away from the castle. “That's right! Until my demands are met, you will never see the princess again!”
“And that,” the storyteller came out from behind his illustrations, “is the story so far.” He was short, young man, with buck teeth and sandy-colored hair.
“What's going to happen to the princess?” one little girl asked.
“Right now she's still in the clutches of the witch.” Seeing the children growing anxious, he gave a light-hearted laugh. “But don't worry! If you know the legends of old, you'll know a hero in green is going to come along and rescue her!” He held up an illustration of man wearing the legendary green clothes of the Hero and holding a sword in a cool action pose. “That's why...” he glanced around at many of the men, even a few women, dressed in green, “there are so many people in Castle Town these days.”
A few of the parents looked at each other and murmuring: “Oh, is that the reason for this fashion trend.”
“Do you really think the Hero is here?” a boy asked.
“Hey, with all these people around, one of them has to be. So, how did you all like the story?”
The children were satisfied, knowing a happy ending would come. With their children having been entertained, the parents left rupees in the basket in front of the storyteller. A handful of the boys started swinging imaginary swords, acting out the witch's defeat, and a few girls pretended to be the princess. Which was basically standing perfectly still, since the princess was a statue.
“Move it, princess,” their respective parents said. Laughter was held and the storyteller went to put away the rupees and his illustrations.
“Hmm?” He looked up and saw there was still on audience member left: A young man with fair hair and dressed in blue. The young man was also asleep. “Hey...” the storytelling said, sounding a little hurt. “My story wasn't that boring was it?” He could hear snoring coming from the young man. “Aww! It was that boring?” the storyteller asked, feeling distressed.
The outcry woke up the young man. “Huh? What?” He looked around. “Oh no, did I miss the end of the story?”
“You did like it?” the storyteller asked.
Wiping sleep out of his eye, the young man nodded. “Well, yeah, I love those stories. I love them so much,” he gave a yawn, “that's why I'm so sleepy. I didn't get much sleep on the ride over here.”
“Oh, are you one of those would-be heroes?”
“Me?” The young man pointed to himself. “Oh no, I'm not would-be hero. I'm a would-be scholar!” He gave a friendly smile.
“Would-be scholar? How do you become one of those?”
“Ummmm...” the young man thought back to the reason. “They kinda kick you out of the university if you flunk so many times.”
“That's too bad, pal.”
The young man nodded. “Yeah, that's what most of my professors said, too. Especially since I know all the legends. It's just...” the young man trailed off.
“Hey, you don't have to explain it to me. School isn't my thing, either.”
“Yeah, I know, right! But, I mean I got to make a living somehow. So, I thought, why not become a storyteller like you?”
“Aw,” the storyteller rubbed the back of his head. “Well, it pleases me that you think so highly of my story, but this is just a side job. You gotta have a couple of them to pay the bills.” The young man nodded. “Mm. Mm.”
“You know, why don't you hang around with me. I could take you on as an apprentice. I never had an underling...”
“That's not a bad idea. Maybe after the princess is saved, though. I heard a bunch of those would-be heroes are going to check out a lead tomorrow and I want to go with them.”
“Huh? But you said you weren't a would-be hero.”
“I'm not. It's just,” the young man reached into his satchel and pulled out a journal. “I really do love these stories! And to have one actually happening in my lifetime? How cool is that!”
“You seem really psyched about this!”
“I am! Like I said, I know all the legends. When I was a student, I got to read all known recorded stories. I even got to talk to the Gossip Stones who told me some secret stuff.” He held up a picture of one of the Gossip Stones. “I want to add to the collection of legends. That's why I came to Castle Town, so I could see everything with my own eyes!”
The storyteller gave a chuckle. “Good luck on that. Nothing's happened since Princess Zelda was kidnapped, what...3 months ago? Yeah, 3 months ago. Hmm. Well, besides all these would-be heroes showing up. I mean, people are looking, but nothing.” The storyteller held out his hand towards the young man. “So, what's your name, stranger?”
The young man shook the storyteller's hand. “I'm Link.”
“Ha!” the story teller laughed. “You even have the name that means 'hero'.”
Link shrugged and smiled. “It's a popular name in my town.”
“Hey, Link, I got an idea. Since you didn't get to hear the end of my story, buy me a milk and I'll finish it for you.”
The two set off for the popular establishment: The Milk Bar. Fortunately, because they arrived before the lunch rush began, they were able to get a good table. As per his request, Link got the storyteller, and himself, a milk. In fact, many patrons were enjoying a glass of ice cold milk with their meal. too. But don't be fooled, the Milk Bar didn't just serve milk to drink. No, of course not. They also served juice.
“Milk? Juice? Bah!” scoffed one beefy looking man to the bartender. “I don't want those baby drinks. I want a real, adult drink! Something that'll kick you in the face and put hair on your chest!”
The bartender leaned in, nodding his head. “Don't worry, I'll hook you up. I got the good stuff in back.” With that, he ventured into said back for a moment before reappearing with a mug. “Here you go: One cup of black coffee.”
“Yes!” cheered the beefy man. “That's what I'm talking about.”
“So,” the story teller continued at their table. “How did you like the rest of the story?”
Link nodded while he chewed on his lunch. “Great adaption. I love the pictures. I'm surprised you didn't include the witch's demands in it, though.”
“That's because....her demands are silly.”
Link nodded again. “When I first heard her demands, I was shocked. I mean, in the tales, whoever kidnaps the princess wanted to harness the immense power inside of her. Not want...those things.”
“I was shocked just because of how silly those things are.”
“Hmm. If it was gold or jewels or magical items, I could see that, but....How does she expect anyone to get those things?” Link crossed his arms and looked down. “I guess they are kinda silly.”
“Very silly. In fact, my friends say, oh hey! There they are.” The storyteller waved them over.
Link saw five guys pulling a chair to the table. Three of them were burly, tall men, while the other  2 were small like the storyteller. They had perfect timing because a whole load of people started to show up for the lunch rush.
“Hey gang, meet my new friend,” the storyteller said. “This is Link. He's from Ordon.”
“Oh, that's the place where all those Gossip Stone showed up, right?” Another short guy, who wore cracked glasses, said. “So, I take we have another would-be hero?”
“Nah. Just a would-be scholar,” Link answered. He continued, not even seeing a few of them raise their eyebrow at his response. “But yeah, we had a bunch of would-be heroes show up in my town last month. Surprisingly, the Gossip Stones haven't said anything about this kidnapping.”
“Was that before or after you got kicked out of that school?” the storyteller asked, while a waitress took the other's orders.
“After. But the Gossip Stones really seem to like me for some reason. I keep bumping into them. Especially that one...”
“Hey, is it true that the Gossip Stone are from different...time...umm...” A burly man rubbed his beard, trying to think of the word.
“Timelines?” Link offered. “All the professors agree on that. I mean, there's no way these legends can be from one timeline. So far, they've been able to track 4 known timelines.”
“And for some reason these stones from different worlds showed up in your town?”
“I know! Cool, right?”
“Hmm.” Another burly man waved his hand down at Link. “Maybe you're our legendary Hero.”
The group laughed, Link included.
“Can't be me. The Hero was amazing. He could do almost anything. Like he actually beat a couple of yetis in a sled competition!”
“You got that from a bunch of stones?”
“Not just Gossip Stones,” Link carried on. “I mean, the university has history books from across our land. Not to mention a few decades ago, a group of Sheikah warriors visited Ordon.” Link nodded his head. “My professors told me they all got pretty drunk one night and blabbed more than those Gossip Stones.”
“Man, I'd paid good money to see that!”
“So, is that some of the secret stuff you were talking about?” the storyteller asked.
“What's secret stuff?” another one of his friends asked.
“Oh, the Gossips Stones love to talk and tell all, but there are some things they ask you to keep secret.” Link smiled. “One of my professors said they're a pretty good judge of character and so they only tell certain people. The Gossip Stone usually go: “Hey, just between you and me.” And then “Remember, this is a secret, don't tell anyone.””
“Then, shouldn't you...not be telling us this?”
“Hmmm,” Link goes. “I guess I never thought about that. I mean,” he started to rub his chin, “it's not like I'm telling you what the Stone actually said.”
“You're kind of an idiot, aren't you?”
“My professors say that, too.”
“So, what are some secrets?”
“No!” Link waved his hands. “One time I accidentally blabbed a minor secret and that Gossip Stone showed up in the middle of the night and kept me up by singing that 8th King song.” Link shook his head. “That Gossip Stone is a horrible singer.”
Speaking of horrible singers, a group men in green came in singing a rendition of one the Hero's tales. Link waved to them as they got their seats.
“Know them?” one the bigger men asked.
“I met some on the ride up here. I'm surprised there are this many would-be heroes here.”
“I'm more surprised they haven't found the princess, yet,” another guy said.
“Well, what do you expect?” a new voice joined the the conversation.  “Some half-wit to show up one day and instantly find the princess?” the newcomer asked, sitting down.
“Hmm,” the storyteller nodded towards the newcomer. “I guess you have a point, Sheik.”
Link's jaw dropped. He had to blink a few times, trying to see if his eyes and ears were playing tricks on him. Nope. There was indeed a Sheikah, wearing a mask and turban, named Sheik sitting right in front him.
“Uhhh...”  No one heard Link as the group's conversation was steered to a new topic. It gave Link time to think. Specifically to when that Gossip Stone told him one the biggest secrets kept amongst them. He remembered it quite clear:
“They say the Hero of Time was helped by a young Sheikah man,” the Gossip Stone began.
“That's not a secret...” Link said.
“I'm not done, yet!”
Link hushed up and let the Gossip Stone continued.
“So, everyone knows about the Sheikah guide. That's no secret. But not everyone knows the Sheikah called himself 'Sheik', and that 'he' was actually Princess Zelda in disguise.”
And Link remembered the feeling of shock, and also joy, at that moment. “That's amazing! How....” He also remembered he could barely speak for a moment because of his excitement.  “This is so cool! How come this is a secret?”
“Because what if a Zelda needs to hide again? The Sheik disguise is the best. Trust me, you would never guess Sheik was Princess Zelda. Heck, you'd barely guess Sheik was a woman if you saw him...her...Eh, you get what I'm saying.”
And with Sheik sitting right in front of him, Link did, indeed, see what that Gossip Stone meant. There was hardly anything feminine about Sheik. Definitely nothing princess-y. The princess. He felt astonished and filled with awe. Here was the princess, in disguise, hiding...
… Wait, hiding? What's she hiding from? And didn't people say they saw the princess get turned into stone?  Then how Sheik could be here?
“Hey, Sheik, staying for lunch this time?” the storyteller asked.
“Sorry, Niko, I'm going to grab my food and head back to the theater. I'm setting up the special effects for the play tomorrow.”
“Your special effects are the best, Sheik! I can't wait to see this show.”
Just how could Sheik do it, Link wondered.
“Something wrong?” Sheik asked.
“Huh?” Link shook his head from his train of thought.
“You've been staring.”
Had he? Oh, I guess he had.
Sheik rested her cheek on her palm. “What?” she asked, a little amused. “Is there something on my face?” She lightly tapped her fingers on her mask.
The table got a chuckle out of it.
“He's cool,” Niko said. “He's gonna crash at my place tonight.”
“What?” one of the bigger men raised his voice. “It's my place, too. Don't you have to ask your roommate before you invite people over?”
“Do you?” Niko placed his hand on his chin and tilted his head. “Well, sorry, Gonzo. So, can Link spend the night at the apartment?”
Gonzo looked over Link and shrugged. “Yeah, it's fine.”
Link gave a little laugh. “Thanks. So, umm,” he turned his attention back to Sheik.
A waitress was handing a wrapped container to Sheik. Standing up, Sheik paid the waitress and started heading towards the door. “Later, guys.”
“W-wait!” Link called out. Wow, she was fast. “I have to ask you som-Oof!” Link had the misfortune of tripping over his own feet in his shuffle to catch her before she left and landed flat on his face.
“Ouch, that's gotta hurt,” winced Gonzo. The rest of the table agreed.
Link looked up and saw the Bar's door shutting close.
“Hey,” the beefy looking man called the bartender over. “Can I get some milk for my coffee?”
To be continued.
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lonym82fanfics · 11 years
I sat down one evening and wrote out the backstory for an OC of mine
The egg fell and cracked, however, it did not kill the life within. The life felt its parent's love and its parent's despair through its shell. The life could feel its parent's wish: The wish for it to remain hidden. Then it could no longer feel its parent.
Finally, the life's shell opened and it came out. The life stared at the space in front of it.
The life spoke. "Hello?"
Only trees and grassy fields. She knew what they were. She identify herself as a she since she had no better term for herself.
She was aware. She knew she was alive.
She also knew her loving parent wasn't there. She took a step and started walking. She wanted to find her parent again. She walked until she found a pond. Cone-headed angelic creatures were playing by the body of water. They all looked the same. It then occurred to her, how would she know what her parent looked like? What did she, herself, look like?
She closed her eyes as she ran her hands over her face. It felt smooth. Her hands touched her shoulder and then to her back. Her back didn't feel smooth. It felt hard and unconformed. A scar? She removed her hands and reposition them around her. She could feel the irregular tissue to the base of her spine. Was this from the crack in her egg? She supposed such a large scar would hurt, but it did not. She looked at her hands...and they weren't there. She had a form, but it could not be seen.
She started to consider this, and other things, but the angelic creatures' play distracted her. Soon she became engulfed in her world. 'Nightopia' was the name the owl, who attended to the angelic 'Nightopians', called it. She loved it. The days and nights went by as she played. She didn't even mind that no one paid her any mind. She would walk in front of the few people who came to Nightopia and they didn't even know she was there. She liked to mildly tease those poor folks.
She didn't like everyone who came to her Nightopia. Nightmarens. She hated them. They would try to eat the Nightopians and cause trouble. She did what she could to delay their harm. She couldn't stop them though. One day they finally succeeded and shattered the Ideya that gave life to her Nightopia. She lost her home and was left all alone.
During her isolation, she thought back to days long ago and about her parent. Did her parent missed her as she missed her homeland? Was her parent even alive? Did her parent ever look at the constant evening sky, as she did now, and thought about her child? Did her parent even remember her? She had forgotten her parent for a time.
Her life changed again, and this time for the better. She got to the Dream Gate. She met NiGHTS who was lots of fun. She even felt the familiar love of a parent whenever Owl was around. The old bird treated her like she was his own granddaughter. He taught her so many things about the Night Dimension.
She had adventures, hardships and joy. The fact she was able to do this without the ability of flight or any powers, made her feel strong.
Which made her wonder why Owl seemed sad when one day he asked her: "Are you happy?"
She didn't even have to think about the answer.
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lonym82fanfics · 11 years
The Visitor came back but had forgotten his previous journeys there.
A/N: Take place after my ChitChat fic
"Look. I think I would remember a giant talking owl, a talkative, flying purple jester, and well, someone who I can't even see." The teenage boy poked the person in front of him.
"Ow," The invisible creature said as she rubbed her forehead. "Ethan, you have to remember." "Now, now, m'dear." Owl flew over to the two who stood by the entrance way of the Dream Gate. "We've been over this before: Visitors lose their memories of the Night Dimension after they've woken up. Furthermore, I have instructed you to treat all Visitors as if it's their first time here." "Really?" Ethan spoke up. "Isn't that a bit sneaky, old man?" "Oh no." Owl sat on his perch and continued. "It's actually very frustrating for Visitors to hear they've forgotten about this place. Why, some become so wrapped up trying to retrieve those memories, they don't have a chance to enjoy their new visit to the Dream Gate." "I guess that's understandable. Okay then. If that's the case, I won't worry about retrieving those memories either." Ethan nodded. "Ethan! Please remember," the invisible creature begged. "You've been coming here every night since you first arrived." "Ugh, tell me about it," NiGHTS said as she flew around the boy. "Having Owl is bad enough, but do we really have to deal with this little know-it-all too?" Nights gently pinched the tip of Ethan's nose before floating towards the fountain. Ethan covered his nose and couldn't believe the audacity of this person. "Alright, so we have met before." Ethan smirked. Nights shrugged. "Like I could forget." "Hoo. Hoo. Anyhow," Owl interjected, "it seems our young Visitor has obtained a new Ideya. Wonderous!" Nights flew back and took a look at Ethan's glowing white hand. "Purity? I certainly didn't expect that Ideya from you." Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" Nights coyly ignored him and headed towards the newly formed entrance way. "This Nightopia I've got to see." Apparently, so did the rest of the gang as they followed. Nights examined the door. "Hmm," she mused. "Nights, wait," the invisible creature called out. "Ethan's got to remember." Nights didn't even look towards the voice. "Talk about persistent. You're still going on about that?" "Yeah, I'd have to agreed with this annoying little pixie." Ethan gestured towards Nights who, mockingly, gave him an angry look. "I just don't remember any of it." "Please, at least remember Victoria," the invisible creature begged.
"Oh?" Ethan rubbed his chin. "There's a girl involved." "Yes. Yes." Nights floated towards Ethan. "But like you said: You don't remember any of it." She took ahold of the boy's wrist and dragged him to his new Nightopia. "Not even the girl you met last night in the World of Dreams," she casually commented as she opened the door. If anyone could describe Ethan's second Nightopia in one sentence it would be: A department store during Valentine's Day threw up on the land. The paradise was filled with flowers, hearts, candies, teddy bears and other various knick-knacks in the colors of pink, red, and white. "Yep," Nights continued with a bemused look. "Completely forgotten about the girl he fell in love with," she said as she let go of Ethan's wrist. The boy remained speechless as he stared at the tacky landscape. Nights chuckled when his face turned bright red and she leaned in close to his ear. "It seems your heart hasn't forgotten though," she whispered to him. "Hoo. Hoo. Oh, thank heavens," Owl cheered as he teleported into the Nightopia. "I was worried, well, I was just worried."
"What were you worried about, Owl?" the invisible creature asked.
The old bird smiled. "Why don't you tell him everything, m'dear. I see no more reason to withhold any information from the Visitor." "Really?" she asked and Owl and Nights nodded. "Yay!" She ran over to Ethan and grabbed his arm. "Victoria remembers everything about the Dream Gate. She would have been so upset if you've forgotten her and..." She pulled the dumbfounded boy deeper into the Nightopia as Owl and Nights watched them off. "Well, that's enough of me playing Cupid tonight. See you later, old bird." Nights waved to Owl as she went off to explore the tasteless commercialized mess that was Ethan's Nightopia. She couldn't wait till he'd gotten over his shell shock, so she could tease him about this world. Passing by a large red rose bush, she plucked one of the buds off. She admire the flower till she noticed something was wrong with it. She then peeled the red foil off and took a bite out of the chocolate. "Mmmm. Not as good as Victoria's second Nightopia, but still delicious." She swallowed the last bit of chocolate. Nights continued her flight. She actually wanted to find some Nightopians as they always seemed to know the location of the best sweets. It didn't take long as Nights found a trail of Nightopian eggs. "They certainly didn't waste any time..." she commented before hatching the eggs. She smiled at the new hatchlings and turned to find some of their parents when she saw a whole new line of eggs. Nights tapped her cheek. "Such promiscuous Nightopians." She giggled. Nights found the ever growing flock. She also managed to swipe a piece of freshly caught cake from one of them. After gobbling her acquired pastry, she noticed a familiar blue critter. "Huh, an Octopaw's here already? Guess he couldn't wait to check out this place too, eh, little Nightopians?" The few near her laughed and cheered as Nightopians do. "Looks like he's been eating a lot of cake too. He could use some exercise, don't you think?" The Nightopians responded the same way. They had no idea what Nights said anyway. "Alright. Here I go...oh." Nights stopped herself when a second Octopaw appeared. This one was pink and had a bow upon her head. The two Octopaws happily greeted each other and then left for their date. Nights sat back in midair and watched them go. "That's right," she said. "Even Octopaw has someone." Nights gently shook her head before it became filled with thoughts she did not want. She glanced at the Nightopians and started playing her flute. Anything to distract her. The performance didn't last long as those thoughts crept back in. Nights laid her hands down in her lap and gazed at the peach colored sky. There were bees, butterflies, and birds flying around. Each of them paired off with a mate and the merry scene didn't alleviate Nights' mood. She propped an arm up in the air and rested her cheek against her hand. She sighed and closed her eyes. Probably for the best because the next happy couple she saw she would Paraloop into a fiery hell hole. After chuckling at her evil idea, she started thinking about the previous evening. Those two kissed. In front of everyone. Then again, let nothing like decency stop Ethan from going after what he wanted. Victoria was horrified at first and later so happy. Those two went off to spend some time together. Owl went back to teaching the invisible creature about the Night Dimension. Leaving Nights...all alone. Nights opened her eyes and frowned at herself. She didn't like to dwell on such things for long. After dusting the cake crumbs off her tights, she took flight. Perhaps she'd find Ethan and Dualized with him. The poor boy was probably getting his ear talked off by now and could use a little adventure. It didn't take long to find Ethan who was with the invisible creature. Now to surprise them. Nights suddenly stopped. She felt a dark energy behind her. "You!" She turned to face Reala. The evil Nightmaren stood therein mid air, with his right arm lazily crossed over his left. "We have a truce!" Nights pointed an accusing finger at him. "Yet you attacked Ethan last night." "Please." Reala didn't even bat an eyelash at his charge. "That truce is only between you and myself." He glanced down. "Besides, it doesn't look like my Paraloop hurt the Visitor." He turned his attention back to Nights. "Pity." "What do you want, Reala?" "Honestly, I need you to confirm something those two were talking about." "While you were eavesdropping?" Nights highly doubted the invisible creature would talk with Reala around. Nights knew the creature hated Reala. "Hmpf." Reala slightly shrugged; he didn't deny it. "Anyway, the thing said something so outlandish that I almost don't believe it." "The invisible creature does get confused rather easily...So, what is it you want to know?" In an instance his right hand wrapped itself around the back of her head; clutching and cradling it. He roughly tilted Nights' head to keep eye contact with her. "Tell me about this egg you made." Nights froze. A hundred thoughts went through her head. How did he know? That's right. The invisible creature knew. But she said she wouldn't tell. Stupid! Told her okay to tell Ethan everything. Didn't mean it. It happened so fast. Defeated Reala. Like Mepians. Oh no, does he know he's the other parent? No. Creature doesn't know that. Owl knows. Did he tell her? Please no. He's still looking. Afraid he'll know. Reala released his hold on Nights. Her fear-filled eyes confirmed his suspicion. "So. It's true," he said quietly. Nights started to protest, but could only look away. Reala sighed. "The thing said the egg died. I am sorry to hear that." "Why?" Nights shouted back at him. "So you could use it against me!"
"In the past I would have, but times have changed." "If you understand my egg's loss hurts me, then leave me alone." "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm actually here to help you, Nights." She didn't respond. Reala shook his head before touching her shoulder. She swatted his hand away and faced him. "What can you possible do to help me?" she bitterly asked him. "There are only two of us, Nights, but there should be more." "What?" "I'm asking you, Nights, will you produce eggs with me?"
Chapter 2
"What?" Nights heard him. She understood the implications, but did he? "I'm asking you, Nights, will you produce eggs with me?" His question made Nights think about her situation. She had chosen not to have another child because she couldn't bear for another to die. However, Wizeman was gone, Reala was no longer an enemy and the only threat was from weaker Nightmarens: Her possible children had an actual chance of survival now. "Yes...Yes!" Nights cried. "Yes. Yes. Yes. A thousand times: Yes!" Nights' enthusiasm shocked Reala. "Uh...Yes. Right. Good. I'm...glad we could reach this agreement." Reala felt nervous at Nights' giddy giggling. "Er, you'll have to take the lead with this, Nights. I am afraid I know nothing about...procreation." "Procreation! Ha!" Nights laughed. "Listen to you. We're going to have children! This is so exciting." "I suppose it is. Now about..." "Hey!" a voice called out from down below. Nights and Reala looked down at Ethan. "Is that jerk bothering you, Nights?" "Everything's okay, Ethan," she called back to him. "In fact," she turned to Reala who raised at eyebrow at the look she gave him, "everything is better than okay." She winked at him. "Right?" He backed away a small degree. "If everything's fine and dandy, then will you two stop screwing around!" Nights automatically covered her mouth to suppress a laugh. However, the innuendo, no matter how ill-conceived, didn't faze Reala. "Ahem. Shall we go, Nights?" "Yes." She smiled. "I'd like that." Reala started to fly away and Nights followed. "I'll be back," she yelled over her shoulder to Ethan and the invisible creature. "I don't trust him," the invisible creature said, not even know what Reala had proposed. "Yeah." Ethan watched the two leave. "Me neither..." Reala climbed high into the sky with Nights trailing behind. Her gleeful laughter continued the whole way. After they enter a heart-shaped pink cloud, Reala had enough.
"Nights, are you going to do that the entire time?" he asked through the haze. "I can't help it," she said before flipping backwards in the air which caused the mist to spread out. "I just keep thinking how wonderful this all is." She snickered some more. "Hey, Reala. Actually, it'll be terrible won't it? Our children will be little nightmares." "Anymore bad jokes?" "Not yet." The smiling Nights said as she played with a patch of clouds. She molded it till it looked like a small bundle. She gave the bundle a hug and let the vapors dispersed around her. "What do we need to do to make eggs, Nights?" "Oh, I can't describe it," she said as she gathered a puff ball in her hands and then blew it away in one breath. "I'll show you though." Honestly, she didn't want to tell him how they first made an egg. About how his unconscious and defeated body recoiled off of hers. No, Nights would rather not fight and risk the chance of her egg cracking again. She knew there had to be another way. After all, the Nightopians could reproduce without combat. They had to be in the right mood though. So, she couldn't describe it. She's just have to let instinct take over and show him. "Then shall we begin, Nights?" "Huh? Already? Why the rush?" "Why the delay? I thought you wanted eggs too." "I do..." Nights started to fidget. "I mean, we just decided this. I thought we would spend more time together before...well..." "Is there a reason?" Nights bite her bottom lip. There were reasons, but none that Reala would accept. "Let's head back down," she said quietly; accepting the small defeat. "I'd rather not be so high up." She started her descent out of the cloud. "This way." "Where are you taking us, Nights?" he asked while following close behind. Nights surveyed the land. "Someplace secluded." They would need privacy. "There." She pointed towards a field of giant tulips. She decreased her speed and flew into one of the flowers. After Reala came in, she pulled the top of the petals shut. Light barely pierced through those dark petals. Still, a few rays filled the enclosure with a faint illumination. "It's quite roomy in here," Nights said as she circled around the stamen. "I'm ready when you are, Nights." She stopped and sighed. "...Right." She floated forward and faced him. Nights took another deep breath. She could do this. "Let's begin then." She reached to touch his face, but her fingers bumped on his persona. "Why don't you take that off?" she requested in a soft voice. Reala frowned and looked around before he begrudgingly took the gold mask off with his right hand. His eyes looked much brighter without their adornment. "I've forgotten how beautiful your eyes could be," she said as she gently cupped his face. Her own eyes slowly closing as she leaned forward. Her lips pursed out for her first kiss. He abruptly jerked back. Nights looked at him, and her empty hands, in a bit of shock. "Don't be shy. It's just a kiss." Reala snarled. "I know what it is. I just...wasn't expecting it." He shook his head. "Let's continue." She did. She grabbed hold of his shoulders and pulled him close. Their lips about to touch...
Reala pushed her back. "Is this really necessary?" Nights tightly balled her fist trying to cool her anger. "Reala...If you can't even kiss me, what makes you think you can do more intimate things with me?" He rubbed his face with his right hand in frustration. "I don't know." "Reala, this is why we needed to spend time together." Nights placed her fists on her hips. "In fact, weren't you the one who said I should take the lead with this? Well, so far you've been the one rushing me. Yet, you're the one who's not ready for this." "I'm not blind, Nights. I can see my own irony." He groaned and Nights felt a little relief. At least Reala was annoyed too. "What do you suggest, Nights?" "How about..." Nights tilted her head and thought about it, "we start slow and just hold hands first?" She reached for his. The left one. He pulled back before she even touched it. Nights had enough. "Forget it!" She threw her hands up in the air. "Just forget it, Reala!" She swiftly turned away and crossed her arms. "If you're so repulsed by my touch, then I refuse!" It wasn't fair, she thought. Everyone else in Nightopia could have romance, but not her. Then again she wasn't from Nightopia. She sighed and looked at her arms. Despite her bright cheerful colors, she was a Nightmaren. "Nights." She didn't respond. He moved to face her and she turned her head in a huff and closed her eyes. "Don't be that way." His right hand gently trailed her chin and moved her head to face him. She kept her eyes closed. "Please understand. Even with the truce, we've been rivals for so long. It's difficult, to say the least, to not think of that." She opened her eyes slightly. "Believe me, Nights, I want this." "Reala...I..." "Wait." He took his hand off her chin and wrapped it around hers. Nights squeezed his hand tightly in desperation. "We can make this work." Nights nodded. "Perhaps we can."
Chapter 3
"Let's go." Nights pulled Reala upwards. Once out of their dark tulip, they drifted down and around the stem to a pathway paved with large conversation hearts and hovered inches above the chalky candies. "This world," Nights held out her unattached hand, "is a very simplified and saturated..." Reala scoffed. "You mean childish." Nights chuckled. "Yes. Very childish." She laughed again. "A childish and innocent idea of relationships." Nights smiled and gazed at Reala's eyes. "Perhaps if we explore the land, we can get more ideas of our own." Reala looked out at the landscape and grimaced. "A reasonable plan, Nights. Let's hope it'll work." He turned his attention to their entwined fingers. "Are you going to hold my hand the entire time?" "Maybe." She winked and slowly flew forward. She hummed a tune as she took in the sights. Unfortunately, the pink land held no appeal for Reala. He averted his eyes from the pastel landscape to the ground. However, with the mosaic tile hearts bearing captions such as "Hug Me", "U R So Cute", "B Mine", and "Kiss Me", Reala's attention soon turned back to the less-sickening landscape. In a short time, they encountered an apple tree whose fruit reassembled hearts. "Like every other forsaken thing in this world..." Reala grumbled. Nights laughed and went ahead to gather some of the produce. After picking an apple, she turned around to Reala. He had already put his persona back on. She frowned. "I wish you would leave it off." He didn't respond. Nights sighed and looked at the fruit. She tossed it up. Caught it on her wrist and rolled it along her arms. She flipped it up again when it reached her shoulders. Catching it on her other side, she let it roll down her arm and, with one final flick, tossed it to Reala. He caught it with his right hand. Nights smiled and plucked another piece of fruit for herself. "Come join me," she called over to him before taking a seat in midair. He obliged and Nights took a bite out of her apple. "It's good." "Yes. I can see. I'd rather not, so will you either chew or talk?" "Err..." Nights closed her mouth and finished chewing. Satisfied, Reala started chomping on his. She peeked out of the corner of her eyes to look at him. She felt so happy. She was going to feel romance. She never felt that before. She smiled as she thought back to all those other beings who had another to snuggle with. Well now she had someone herself! She smirked impishly and quickly finished her apple. After chucking the core, she feigned a yawn and stretched her arms out. When they descended, one wrapped around Reala's shoulder. He stopped mid-bite. "What are you..." Nights placed a finger on top on his lips. "Ah. Ah," she admonished. "Chew or talk," she repeated his words and, because of that, he gave her such a crossed look. He swallowed the morsel and Nights removed her finger from his mouth. They stared at each other for awhile. Nights amused, Reala annoyed. He finally set the apple down and removed the offending hand of Nights' from his shoulder. She giggled at his gesture and started to play a low melody on her flute: A soothing song to tame the beast. Reala sat back and leaned against the trunk of the tree. He watched the soft pink petals from a nearby cherry tree fall around them and flicked away the ones that landed on him. Nights continued her tune until familiar laughter came from behind the tree. "Hello." Nights peeked around to look at the small group of Nightopians. "Have you come to listen to my song?" The group giggle and Nights smiled. "I'm flattered you like it, but," she winked at them, "this song is a special one just for Reala." The Nightopians fluttered around the tree and stopped as soon as they saw him. His surly look sent them flying away crying. Nights shook her head and chuckled. "That's one way to get some privacy." Nights held her hands up again. "Now, where were we?" "Actually, Nights, will you not?" Nights stopped. Her mouth opened to play her flute now gaped at him. "Oh..." She rested her hands in her lap and kept her eyes on them. She looked back to Reala, but he wasn't looking at her. He seemed focused on the space in front of him, so Nights moved there. Laying on her stomach, and resting her head on her arms, she stared. He frowned. Realizing what he was doing, he stopped and strained a smile. It set Nights' mind back at ease; at least he was trying. "I wonder what they'll look like." "Hmm?" "Our children. I wonder how they'll look." Reala shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me what they look like." Nights couldn't help but smile. "I guess you're right. They'll be ours and that's all that matters." She couldn't wait to shower her love on them. "Hey, Reala." "Yes?" "How many did you want to have?" Reala thought about it. "I suppose as many as possible." Nights' cheeks felt hot and she stuttered out a giggle. "R-really?" "Of course." Nights turned her head and giggled. "We certainly are going to be busy." She started to make another bad joke when a voice down the pathway caught their attention. "And another thing, this world doesn't make any sense," Ethan said as he walked, however, it didn't look like he had seen Nights and Reala yet. "Why do you say that?" the invisible creature asked. "You say this is a paradise, but look at this horrid decor?" "I think it's nice..." Ethan snorted as they passed the apple tree. "It's cooperated commercialized crap, marketed to the masses, that steals individuality from people."
"Huh?" "Oh, it....ah...nevermind, I could go on all night about that. Still, my point is I hate this sort of thing, so I must hate this girl." "That's not true! You love her." "Ha! Hate." "Love." "Hate." "Love." "Haaaa-te." Nights and Reala watched from atop the apple tree as those two continued their childish disagreement until they disappeared from sight. Nights then laughed. "Actually, they're both right." Reala rolled his eyes. He didn't care. "Thank you for flying up here with me. I not ready to face them yet." She started looking around. "Hmm. I think I hear a river coming from that direction. Would you like to go for a swim with me, Reala?" "I guess." He held out his right hand. Nights took it and led him to the river which turned out to be no more than a small brook. "Not much to swim in," Nights commented. "Up ahead, Nights." Reala pointed to a huge swan-shaped boat. "Ooo!" Nights flew over to the craft. "I know what this is. It's a tunnel of love!" Reala made a face indicating how much he liked that idea. "So, where's this tunnel?" Nights sat down in the boat. "Ahead." She smiled and patted the space next to her. He landed in the boat, kicked it off and sat next to Nights. She wrapped her hand around his as they drifted down the water. They did encounter the opening of the tunnel with all its bad and out of proportioned art of people smooching. Reala stared at it with disgust until he felt Nights' finger under his lip. He turned to her. "Soon," she said with a mischievous look and he nervously gulped. She released her hold and rested her head on his shoulder as they entered the tunnel.
Chapter 4
Nights and Reala entered the toxic pink tunnel and could hear old, outdated music playing on a creaking gramophone, in addition to the loud buzzing of the red neon tubing. More tacky pop art of annoying sweethearts covered the walls. Nights looked uncertain of the décor but reasoned it wasn't any better than the rest of this Nightopia. She glanced up and was taken aback by the unfinished ceiling. Yes, it covered the tunnel but the scalping, buckets of paint, and other work tools were left behind.
“Odd.” Nights removed her arm from around Reala, to his relief, and debated on flying up to see what else wasn't finished.
“You said that right,” Reala commented about the tunnel, not even noticing the incomplete parts.
Nights sat back in her spot and decided not to worry about it. “Maybe it will get better?”
Reala crossed his arm and keep his focus ahead. While he did that, Nights placed her hands on her lap, unsure of what she should be looking for. The lame art gave her ideas, but seeing those ideas presented in eye-sore format dissuaded her. Then the boat started to oddly creak on the rails. Nights looked over the side to see gears poking out of the water. Still the boat kept moving, and occasional kick to the side. More time passed, Reala had begun to crave little skulls on the wooden rails out of boredom, while Nights banged her head against the headboard. Here she was trying to kindle a spark between them and she chose the most lame and awful place in all this gaudy Nightopia. It was embarrassing. Finally, (finally!) they could see a light at the end of the tunnel.
“Oh, thank goodness!” Nights cried and quickly flew to it, with Reala following. Upon exiting, they were greeted with a huge wave of overly fragrant bubbles. “Gah!” It caused even Reala to cough a bit. Still, and they couldn't even believe it, they were grateful to see the less hideous landscape.
Nights turned to face Reala. Maybe she could put a positive spin on that experience. “That...was...ummm,” she tried to continue but Reala gave a scary look that told her to just stop. “Right.” Nights nodded her head.
“Perhaps,” Reala rubbed his head, “we should regroup at a later time? That tunnel was very...draining.”
“Oh...” she said a little disappointed. However, she had to admit,“I know what you mean, I could use fun, I mean! Not that it wasn't fun with,” Reala gave her that look again. “Right. Well,” Nights gave a slight shuffle. “I guess it's a date then?” she asked a little unsure.
Reala cringed at the word 'date' but nodded his head and took off.
Nights breathed an air of relief after his departure. She also wondered why she didn't feel like herself. Where was her confidence? Yes, the tunnel was a bad idea, but how was she to know it'd turn out like that? She rubbed one of her arms and thought to back to the past, back when she was in Nightmare. She imagined her past self would never believe she would try to romance Reala. Then again, there were many things her past self wouldn't believe. Rebelling, saving dreams, fighting and defeating Wizeman, none of those things seemed possible. Having a child. Night looked down at the brook and her reflection in it. None of those things seemed possible, yet she did them all.
She could do this. After all, she'd done all those other seemingly impossible things, she could certainly put up with Reala's attitude. Nights turned to fly along the road. That's right, even though it would be difficult, she just needed to be patience with grumpy o' Reala. Eventually, they would get past his awkwardness and engage in very, very fun activities that would give her the child she,
“Ah!” came a scream as Nights crashed into someone.
“Wotcha!” Nights fell back. “Oh, I'm so sorry,” she said to the empty space in front of her. “I didn't see you, invisible creature.”
Ethan couldn't help but laugh. “I guess you really couldn't see her.”
“I'm used to it,” the invisible creature said.
“So, glad we found you again, Nights.” Ethan turned back to Nights. “We were worried about you and that Reala fellow.”
Nights now felt bashful and hoped Ethan didn't realize. “Oh...him.” She turned her head to the side. “You have nothing to worry about,” she said rather shortly.
“Ethan, have they told you about Duelizing?” she quickly changed the subject and faced him. “I can take you flying.”
Ethan looked around at his Nightopia. “And miss out on getting a bird's eye view of this place? I think I'll pass.” He stuck his tongue out in disgust at this world.
Nights laughed. “You think this place is bad, you should go see the Tunnel of Love here.”
Ethan shrugged. “Eh, it doesn't matter how those things look. You're suppose to be snogging not looking at the décor.”
“Oh...” Nights thought back to the tunnel and imaged if she tried that with Reala, she would've been dunked in the water.
“In fact, the same could be said of the rest of this world: You're not suppose to look at it but at your beau. You know, love is blind and all that, I guess.”
“Really?” Nights rubbed her chin and looked down. “Would that work?” she mused quietly.
Not quietly enough. When she looked back up Ethan stared with eyebrows raised and an amused look on his face. “Oh, Nights. You got a little secret there you'd want to tell us?”
“A secret, Nights? I do love secrets,” the invisible creature said.
“Yes, I know. You like to give them away too. Like when you told Ethan here about my egg.” Nights sent a glare at the direction of the invisible creature. “Though, I suppose I can't be too mad at you for that.” Nights sat herself cross-legged in the air. “I, uh...have some good news.” They would find out eventually. “I...,” she rubbed the back of her head and could feel herself blushing, “I found someone who wants to start a family with me.” Nights brought her hand up to her mouth in a giggle and couldn't contain her smile, thinking about that joy.
Their jaws dropped.
“Uh, oh wow,” Ethan said after the initial shock passed. “Umm...congratulations,” he offered.
“Thank you.” Nights closed her eyes and continued in her joy.
“So, who's the lucky fellow?” he asked.
That broke her out of her trance. She gave a nervous laugh. “R-Reala...” She then gave a nervous smile.
Before Ethan could voice his complaint, someone beat him to it.
“What?!” the invisible creature yelled. “Reala? Are, are you insane? That is the most terrible,”
Ethan quickly rushed over and was fortunate enough to grab the invisible creature and cover her mouth, with a few failed attempts, before she could say anything else. Ethan looked back at Nights, he saw the hurt expression on her face. “Nights, listen...” Night bit on her bottom lip. “I don't have my memories, but...”
“I know what you're going to say.” Nights turned around and rubbed her arms. “After all, I've known Reala longer than you two have combined. But ever since the truce, Reala has been civil to me. And Reala is my also equal.”
“No,” Ethan said. Nights looked back. “You are so much better than Reala. Reala is, ow! She bit me!” Ethan waved his hand around as the invisible creature got out of his grip.
“An evil Nightmaren! He's an evil Nightmaren and,”
“Okay!” Ethan grabbed her again, despite the pain in his hand, and started dragging her off. “You have no idea how much worst you are making this.” He glanced back to Nights, who had just a moment ago looked so happy and now was treading the line of sadness and anger. “Nights, I know in my gut you're an amazing person,” he called back to her as he continued dragging the other one away, “and I know you deserve to be happy, okay?”
Nights shrank back at Ethan's last line and eventually flew away.
She needed to get out of that Nightopia. She also need to blow off some steam. Luckily, Ethan's first Nightopia provided a vacant lot, where one could throw glass bottles against a concrete wall. Now she fully understood the need for such a place, a place to vent and where the damage was contained.
“Urrg!” Nights launched another bottle, it's brightly-colored shards creating a lovely rainbow pattern as they fell. Not that Nights could enjoy the beauty of it. “They don't understand.” Another bottle met the wall. “It's not like I have a variety of options for romantic partners. What? Nightopians who don't have an intelligent thought in their heads? Oh, how about the old-as-dirt bird?” she said sarcastically before throwing another bottle. “Pffh, and if they're not ancient they're young and stupid. Like her.” Nights thought about the invisible creature. She chucked another bottle. “Where does she get off telling me that? Miss 'I hate all Nightmarens, except Nights', well excuse me!” Crash went another bottle. “Brat!” Nights went to pick up another but decided against throwing it.
She dropped the bottle and slowly floated away from the place. She couldn't stay mad. The invisible creature had helped saved her life from Reala numerous times. She could understand the protectiveness of her friends. Their well-intention sure were annoying though.
With a sigh, Nights came back to the Dream Gate. There she looked over to the other side of the fountain and was greeted with a pleasant sight and a warm smile that made her soul feel at peace and her heart warm.
“Good evening, good sir.” She mimicked a curtsey and then performed a pirouette. “Might a gentleman like you allow me a dance?” She held her hand out in invitation.
He chuckled and floated over, his Twinkle Dust leaving a lovely trail behind him. “For one as graceful as you, anything,” he bowed and took her hand. There, at the Dream Gate, the two danced a ballet. They twirled and spun in sync with each other for they knew this dance.
“You're very good,” she said.
“As are you,” he said. “And you have no idea how much I needed this dance with you.”
“The pleasure is mine. Hmmmm,” she mused. “Tell me, do you believe in love?”
He laughed. “What brought on that question?”
“Because,” she glanced away, “I think I found love at the Dream Gate.”
“So suddenly?” He smiled knowingly.
She sighed. “I know it's foolish.” She gave a playful pout. “People say he's...not good.” She smirked at him.
He looked away this time. “I can't deny those claims...yet you seem willing to take a chance on him.”
“I am. I truly am. Yet, what if I'm just a passing fancy to him?” She looked him in the eyes and placed her hands on his shoulders. “I need to know how he feels. Won't you tell me?” She smiled at him.
He fondly smiled back at her. “I know from the bottom of his heart, Ethan truly loves you.” Nights looked at the Visitor girl holding onto his shoulders.
The girl's eyes lite up brightly. “Oh, I'm so happy!” She hugged him. “Nights, thank you.”
Nights rested his head on a shoulder of the long jacket that covered the girl's ballet uniform. “I'm glad. I want you to be happy,” and he hugged her back, “Victoria.”
Chapter 5
“You should apologize to Nights next time you see her, m'dear,” Owl told the invisible creature.
“Mm,” she went. “I couldn't help myself. The idea of a Nightmaren child frightens me so.”
“It is...not as horrible as you may think it is,” he said.
“Nah, if you wanna see a horrible kid you should meet my cousin Nate.” Ethan only half-listened to the conversation, he was amusing himself by drumming away on various red and pink boxes. He paused to twirl one of the makeshift drumsticks in his hand. “I mean, he's not a kid anymore, but sheesh, what a,”
“Ahem,” Owl coughed before Ethan could teach the invisible creature another bad word. “I, for one, think that when Nights' new children arrive, we should do our best and welcome them.”
“Ya mean befriend them and bond with them before they decide you're an enemy.”
Owl cringed at Ethan's accuracy. “Hopefully, Nights will only have one child at a time with Reala.”
Ethan laughed. “Yeah, can you just imagine if they had a whole bunch at once? It'd be an...” He stopped mid-sentence, as sudden realization came to him, and his eyes went wide. “Oh, Fu~” And that time he did teach another bad word to the invisible creature.
Meanwhile at the Dream Gate, Nights flew up behind Victoria and poked at the blonde bun atop her head.
“Nights,” she laughed, twirling around to face him. “Stop, you'll undo it.”
“Oh, let your hair down and have some fun. This is the World of Dreams, you know.”
Victoria laughed again. "Oh, you," she said and walked over to the other side of the Dream Gate, gazing at the torn down doorways on Ethan's side. "I had no idea other Visitors were here too. I wonder how many times Ethan and I have been in this plaza together and not know it because we are on different...” she furrowed her brow trying to think of what to call it, “'planes of existence'? Is that the right term?” Nights shrugged. “Okay, planes. So we're on different planes,”
“Pffht!” Nights started laughing. “Planes, hahaha!” Nights held out his arms and started flying around. “Bvroooom!” He imitated an engine noise to drive home his point.
“Oh!” Victoria placed her hands on her hips and stomped her foot.
Nights delighted in teasing her. “Air Nights at your service. Were here to take you to your dream vacation.” Victoria shook her head, trying to hide her smile. Nights saw it though. “Please keep your seat belts fastened while Dualized.”
Finally Victoria couldn't take it and joined in the laughter. Once subsided, she once again gazed at Ethan's side with a sigh. “I can't imagine what I'm going to say when people ask me how I met him. 'Oh, yes I met Ethan in the Night Dimension and that's only because that no-good Reala Paralooped him to my my plane'. Bvroom, bvroom.”
“Ha ha ha,” Nights nervously laughed. “Imagine that. Reala inexplicable did something good.” Nights had been waiting for the right moment and he supposed this was as good as a time as any. “You know Reala has been trying very hard to get along with me.”
"Oh, why?" Victoria asked with small disgust. "What does he want?"
"Heh, you'd be surprised," Nights said softly.
"Speak of the devil," Victoria said as someone else joined them.
Reala floated to the fountain. "Nights." Reala ignored the girl.
"Hmm," she went.
Reala rolled his eyes. "Visitor," he grumbled before he turned back to Nights. "Shall we go?"
Nights took breath, smiled and nodded his head. "Yes, Reala. I'm ready."
"Where are you going, Nights?" Victoria asked.
Nights gave a happy chuckle. He really wanted to share this next important phase of his life with her, despite her inevitable reaction. "You don't know this but Reala and I are capable of having children together." Victoria balked. "And earlier, Reala and I decided to have them."
"What? Nights, you can't be,"
Nights calmly held out a hand. "I know. It's foolish, he's not good, but I've decided to take a chance on him." Nights glance back at Reala.
"This is nothing like Ethan and I, Nights,"
He smiled again at her and she stopped. "I can't help it. I just got so jealous of you two last night I couldn't pass up this opportunity." Victoria shook her head, distress covering her face. Nights took her hands in his. "Please be happy for me."
Victoria wanted to cry but she put on a brave face. "For you, Nights, anything."
Nights bid her goodbye and flew off with Reala.
Once they were out of sight Victoria began to fret and paced back and forth. A moment passed, then another, finally she couldn't take it anymore and ran to an Owl Perch. "Owl," she called and, in a blink of an eye, he teleported there.
"Ah, Visitor. I am glad you are here. We are having a rather dramatic evening. Have you seen, Nights?"
"Yes, Owl. Nights said he's going to have children with that monster Reala."
Owl nodded his head. "The invisible creature has informed me of this news."
"And she's okay with it?"
"No. She absolutely hates the idea."
"What has gotten into Nights...?" Victoria shook her head.
"Visitor, you may not know this, but long ago he," Owl remembered this Visitor perceived the genderless Nights as male, "had a child long ago, but lost it before it hatched. It sadden him greatly and so another chance at having a family has blinded him.”
"Oh, oh poor Nights." Victoria placed her hands over heart. “I never knew...”
"Hoo! What am I doing talking away? Sorry, force of habit and all. Where is Nights? The other Visitor needs to tell him something.”
“He floated off with Reala somewhere. I don't know where Nights took him.”
Nights had taken Reala to a Nightopia not visited in years. One where there was,
“An amusement park?” Reala remarked. “I thought the last ride we went on didn't end well.”
“True, but I didn't know that ride. I know these rides. They're fun and I think we should have fun before eventually moving onto more..fun things.”
“So, fun, fun, fun,” Reala mocked, “is your idea?”
"Technically, isn't this all your idea?" Nights smiled and playfully knocked the side of her hip into Reala's.
Reala had to remind himself that was an act of affection, and not of aggression.
"Which ride did you want to go on first?"
Reala crossed his arms and gave a brief sigh. "Really, Nights, will these contraptions have an appeal? You and I do not require gears and belts for loops and spins."
"You know, it's funny, I once thought that too."
Reala glanced over at Nights, who awaited his response. "Lead the way,” he consigned and held out his right hand.
Nights took it and started pulling him along. Though she smiled brightly, a small voice in the back of her head began voicing its concerns such as 'what if he doesn't like these rides? What will we do next?' Nights silenced the voice, hating that her confidence was betraying her again.
Chapter 6
Nights had nothing to worry about. While Reala didn't care for the harnesses, he did enjoyed the rides. Nights couldn't believe it when he stated laughing. Never before had she heard Reala laugh without malice or contempt so to hear him laugh joyfully surprised her greatly. She smiled to herself, happy at her small victory. They exited the roller coaster, with Reala still chuckling, and Nights gave him a coy look.
He found it hard to be mad at her. “Alright, alright, I'll admit it: You were right, these things are fun.”
Nights smiled and brought her shoulders up. “I'm glad.”
Reala glanced over to the rest of the park. “What sort of ride,” he pointed a finger towards it, “is that?”
Nights followed his line of vision. “That's a Tilt-a-whirl.”
“Do you like it?”
She nodded. “I do.”
“Then let's.” The two floated over to the already forming line of Nightopians. Reala cut in front of all them. Not that the scared little guys protested.
“Sorry about that,” Nights whispered to them. “Forgive us, won't you?” She winked.
They got themselves strapped in and soon the ride started. When the ride ended, they floated around disoriented for moment. It was a bizarre and funny feeling. They had to laugh at themselves and their uncoordinated moves.
“Perhaps, something slower for the next ride?” Nights laughed.
“Yes, please.”
Nights lead them to a carousal featuring many different critters. “Which animal did you want?”
Reala looked around. “Does it really matter?”
“Course it does! It's much more fun to choose an animal you like,” Nights said. Reala failed to see how. “How about,” Nights looked around, “a lion, or a badger?”
“The horse is fine.” He floated over to a black horse with red eyes.
“Why do some of these carousel have these scary-looking animals?” Nights wondered.
“Ride's starting, Nights.” She stopped her train of thought and sat half-saddled on a dolphin next to his horse. They bobbed up while the other one bobbed down, Nights keeping her eyes on him almost the entire time. Sometimes he would look back before slowly turning forward again.
“That was fun,” Nights said after the ride.
Reala nodded. It was a welcomed relief after the last ride. Soon another ride caught his attention. “Hmm, that looks promising,” he said as he watched a couple of Nightopian crash into each other in the bumper cars.
“Ah...perhaps later.” Nights pulled his right arm along.
“Hm.” Reala looked ahead. “They have games here.” He pointed at them.
Nights felt a bit of a cold sweat. She wanted to avoid both the bumper cars and carnival games fearing, knowing, their competitive nature would get the better of them. They did have a long-standing rivalry. “I know something much better.” She pulled him along. Soon, they sat in a small metal sphere.
“Okay.” Reala looked over at Nights, who had a huge, devious smile on her face. “So, what does this rid,whoa!” Launched into the air, like a pebble from a slingshot, they gyrated around and round in their metal sphere as bungee cords kept them bouncing up and down in the air. When the initial shock wore off, soon Reala was laughing and cheering along with Nights.
They continued laughing as they got off the ride, pausing only to watch a pair of unsuspecting Nightopians happily getting into the sphere. They laughed again hearing the pair's screams as they were launched into the air.
The laughter and good times kept going as they went from one ride to another. After awhile, the Nightopians weren't even bothered by Reala's presence. A feat Nights considered most impressive.
Later they found their way to part of the Nightopia that had an evening sky, but it was hardly dark at all. The bright carnival lights illuminated this section of the world in its warm glow. That, along with the gentle breeze, came a strange peace amidst the loud sounds of the rides and Nightopians' cheers of thrill. Nights and Reala rested in a car of a Ferris Wheel, watching the occasional fireworks. They hadn't even bother getting in line. They'd flew up to an empty car and sat down.
"Thank you for coming here with me,” Nights said.
Reala nodded.
She scooted closer to him. “I'm having a really nice time.” She batted her lashes at him. He raised his eyebrows. Nights giggled and wrapped her arms around his right arm. He glanced away, shy.
They continued to watch the faux-night sky, the cars, rocking each time the Ferris Wheel stopped to let Nightopians on and off. Nights found herself sighing and rested her head on his shoulder.
“I feel happy,” she told him as she closed her eyes. “I want you to be happy too, Reala.” She could feel his head shift slightly to look at her. She peeked an eye open and smiled at him. “I mean it. I really do.”
He shifted his head back to look in front of him. Nights gave a giggle and snuggled against his arm. “Hmm, Reala, I don't want to alarm you, but,” she smirked, “if we happen to stop at the very top of the Ferris Wheel, it's tradition to kiss.” She felt amused as his body stiffened.
“Back to that thing again.”
“Don't you worry now. Remember, we're taking things slow. However,” she lifted her head, straighten up her back, but still kept a grip on his arm, “if we do stop at the top, may I give you a kiss on your cheek and might I ask from you a kiss on my hand?”
“I-I don't see why not.” He craned his head around. Nights returned her attention to the sky while still holding onto him. Reala looked down at the hold on him and saw how close one of her hands was to his. He closed his eyes and let his right hand link fingers with hers.
The gesture did surprise Nights but she only responded with giving his hand a little squeeze. Nights went to lean her head on Reala again, but found he was leaning his head towards hers. They gently rested their heads against eachother's, enjoying the soft touch, as if only the two of them existed at that moment. If Nights was happy a moment ago, she felt positively euphoric now. So, was this romance? If so, then it felt so much better than she'd hope for!
The two remained nuzzled together while the Ferris Wheel turned a few times. Suddenly, it stopped abruptly causing the two to open their eyes. They were at the top. They released their embrace. Nights gave a demure smile before offering one of her hands to him. He moved his right hand to take it, but instead reached past her hand and held her shoulder. He then leaned his head in. Even though a rush of jitters filled Nights, she remained still, closed her eyes, and awaited the kiss.
She waited. What seemed like an eternity, she finally opened her eyes and saw Reala looking down, obviously embarrassed and annoyed at his inactions.
A sympathetic look crossed Nights' face, but she offered a smile, no matter how weak. “It's okay.” She stroked his back. “We don't have to do that now.” Though she felt a bit sad over it. “Don't feel like you have to rush it. After all, we have all the time in the world, Reala.”
Chapter 7
“No. No we don't,” Reala muttered while Nightopians on a nearby roller coaster could be heard cheering. “I don't know how much time we have left.” He took his right hand off her shoulder and rubbed his head.
Nights blinked back. What was he talking about? “Are you okay?” she asked concerned. “You're not feeling sick are you?”
Reala rolled his eyes and glared at her. “Have you really forgotten?”
“Forgotten what? I'm sorry. Just tell me what's wrong, Reala,” she opened her arms to give him a hug. “I promise I'll do anything in my power to help.” She wrapped his arms around him, giving him a firm squeeze. He screamed. “Reala!” Her arms came off instantly. “What's wrong?”
Reala clutched his left shoulder, shuddering in pain. Nights fussing over him, badgering him with questions, didn't make it any better. “Shut up, you idiot,” he said slowly with anger. Nights stopped. She sat back, trying to ignore his insult, and let him speak. “I had thought the wound healed, but somehow,” he rolled his head over to her, “you managed to reopen it.”
Nights looked on inquisitively and Reala shook his head. “Our truce,” he began. “I tried extending it to the third-levels, but they scoffed at my offer.” He closed his eyes. “Unlike myself, they have nothing to fear when Wizeman returns. However, I decided to give them something to fear, though not as mighty as our former master's but, my wrath. They put up a harder fight than I expected.” He gently rubbed his left shoulder. “There are too many of them. I cannot expect us to fight them all and Wizeman.” He turned his attention back to Nights. “Which is why the sooner we get this,” he gestured between them, “over with the better.”
Nights edged away. He didn't possible mean...“W-what are you saying, Reala?”
Reala looked at Nights confused. “I thought you wanted this, Nights? To make more Nightmaren to fight Wizeman.”
Nights' eyes widen in horror. She turned away from him, her hand over her heart.
“This is what you wanted?” her voice on the edge of cracking. “To make soldiers?”
“You don't?” he asked.
“No!” She faced him again. “I want children! I want one of my own to love!”
“And you will,” he said indigently. “I'm sure you will love them terribly. That is until you tire of them and something else catches your amusement. When that time comes, I expect to have full command of them.”
Nights gasped. “Is that how you think of me? That I'm so fickle I'd carelessly toss aside my own?”
“Hmpf.” Real crossed his arm, tilted his head, and gave her a knowing look. “You've already have tossed aside your own; you turned traitor against your entire race.”
Nights could feel the anger growing inside of her.
“But fine. I will honor your request, Nights. You may keep as many of our spawn as you desire. Cultivate a loving relationship with those. However, after we've made your fill, I want the rest as mine to train for the upcoming battle.”
“You are insane!” Nights stood up.
“Nights, I have been most calm and tolerate of your irrational behavior.” He looked her straight in the eye. “Sit down.”
She didn't. “I'm irrational? You want to send off our children to die in battle because you are afraid?!” She pointed a finger at him. “I lost my child and I will not go through that again, you coward!” Before Reala could respond, she took off in flight. “A fool. I'm such a fool,” she murmured after she quickly flew over the lively and merry Nightopia. How could she think Reala wanted a family? How could she think she would actually get a family? “Such a fool...”
She heard Reala calling after her. “Go away, Reala!” her anger clear in her voice. “I want nothing to do with you!” She winced at her thoughts automatically went back to their embrace on the Ferris Wheel. “All a lie...” She stopped suddenly and yelped in surprised as Reala used a Paraloop to create a portal in front of her. Out he stepped. “Get out of my way,” she sneered at him.
“Nights, please, let us talk. As much as it pains me, I cannot do this without you.” He lifted his right hand to stroke her cheek. “My dear Nights,” he continued in a smarmy voice, “I think only of our survival.”
Nights roughly shoved his injured left shoulder causing him to yell in pain. “Your survival. Not mine, certainly not what would have been our children's. Only your own.” She looked down at him clutching his shoulder. Normally, she'd be sympathetic. However, he'd dangled a hope she greatly desired in front of her and now that hope was replaced with sorrow and anguish. She would never let him see the extent of pain it was causing her though. “Leave me alone.” She moved to the side and flew past him. Until something yanked one of her legs and the force caused her to crash down. “Wotcha?” She saw a chained shackle around her leg. She tried to pull herself free, but it was on tight. Seeing Reala floating over, she held up the chain and yelled at him. “This is not part of the truce!” And she threw the chain down.
“You will hear me out, Nights.” His calm fading away.
“I have and there is nothing you can say that will change my mind!”
“I am giving you what you want!”
“At a price I cannot pay!” she shouted back at him. “I cannot lose another child.”
Something in Nights' answer, in her voice, made Reala flinch. He turned his back to her. Still he spoke. “...You don't have to lose one.” His voice had a slight tremble. “If they are trained well enough, there will no be loss,” he lied even to himself. He had to believe this lie.
Nights certainly didn't. “Let me go, Reala,” she said firmly. “I will not go through with this demented plan of yours.”
Reala began to rubbed his face. His shaking fingers accidentally dislodged his Persona off. It fell to the ground, but he didn't even seem to notice as he continued. “Not just third-levels...there are more second-levels out there hiding. How can we...”
“Shut up! Shut up, Reala! Just uphold our truce and let me go!”
He turned around and returned her anger. “This truce was created with a guarantee of my survival! You cannot guarantee that anymore!”
“I do not want to talk to you!”
“Want, want, want! What you want?!” He held out his fingers and started to count on them. “Here is what you want. You want this so-called freedom, love, a family, and you want to pursue dreams, but tell me, Nights, do you know what these things are? Do you really know what these things are?” he asked and she stumbled for an answer. “They are all Visitor things! You,” he pointed at her, “are not a Visitor!”
Nights stared at him in shock.
He narrowed his eyes. “So forgive me,” his mouth curled in contempt, “when I remind you of what you are and if you truly desire these things a price must be paid.”
It was too much. It was too much for Nights to take. With a lump in her throat, she launched herself at Reala, intent on hurting him with her bare hands. Reala had moved just beyond the reach of the shackle that bounded her. She attempted again and again, but with no luck. The smirk on his face infuriated her more.
“Reconsider my offer, Nights,” he said once her screaming had subsided. “I will give you what you want.” He then floated a short distance away, yet within eyesight of Nights.
Left by herself, Nights sank to the ground and covered her face. She had to get free, but how? She hadn't told any of her friends where she was going and even if they did know what good would it do? The Visitor of this Nightopia hadn't been seen in years and neither Ethan or Victoria could enter this realm. How could she get one of their Ideyas to free herself?
She looked up at Reala, his back turned towards her, and past him towards the happy park. Her eyes began to sting again thinking about how, for a few moments, she almost had everything she wanted. Those hopeless Visitors things that she, a Nightmaren, wanted so much.
Chapter 8
“I have found Nights,” Owl told Ethan, while on another plane of the Dream Gate, but only a few feet away, the invisible creature told Victoria the news. So while the two Visitors couldn't see or hear the other, they had their friends keep an open line of communication between them.
“Good, did you tell her I think Reala is trying to build an army?” Ethan asked, arms crossed.
Owl shook his head. “I believe Nights has already figured that out herself. Reala has her captured in a Nightopia.”
“Right, captured.” Ethan tapped his finger on his arm, trying to recall information given to him earlier in the evening. “So, we just need one of our Ideyas things to free her, right?”
“Yes, you do. Sadly,” Owl looked down, “you two cannot enter that Nightopia since it doesn't belong to either of you.”
Ethan pressed his mouth into a line. “What do we do?”
The invisible creature continued to relay the conversation to Victoria as Owl and Ethan discussed options.
Victoria groaned and raised her hands in the air. “Invisible creature, tell Ethan for one so smart, he is certainly so dumb.”
“Umm...” The invisible creature seamlessly changed to the plane where Ethan was. “Ethan, Victoria says you're smart, but...you're dumb?”
“She what now?” Ethan stared, befuddled, in the direction of the invisible creature.
“M'dear,” Owl addressed the invisible creature. “Until the Visitors are able to speak face-to-face again, we need to discuss...filtering the messages.”
“No, no,” Ethan injected. “She's doing a great job because she doesn't hold back. Go on, invis', what else does the subject of that,” he pointed to his second Nightopia, “have to say?”
“Umm,” the invisible creature started shuffling her feet. “Victoria says, if all you need is an Ideya, then just take one of hers.”
“Oh, great.” Ethan rolled his eyes. “First argument through an invisible carrier. Kinda like texting.” When the invisible creature started making confused noises again, Ethan shook his head. “Tell her that's a stupid idea.” After all, he reasoned, you needed your Ideya for your heart and all that weird dream junk he was learning about.
“Err...now she's yelling...” the invisible creature mumbled out. “She says if it's so stupid then take her blue Ideya of Intelligence since she obviously doesn't need it...”
Owl brought a wing to his forehead. He really needed to have a talk with the creature. He then looked back up. Wait, the creature...
Ethan stood there, mouth opened, surprised at the message. “How...how in the hell did I fall for such an insulting girl?” he asked the invisible creature.
“I dunno...I mean, last night you were both yelling really mean things to eachother right before you kissed her.”
Ethan gulped and his eyes widen. “Did what now?”
“Hoo, wait!” Owl happily cheered and Ethan was grateful for the interruption. “Wait, wait, that plan can work!”
“How so?” asked the invisible creature.
“M'dear, you can carry the Visitor's Ideya from one place to another. Why, even to the pits of Nightmare itself. You can certainly take it to free Nights.”
“I can?” she asked confused.
“Wait,” Ethan said. “Won't taking her Ideya hurt Victoria?”
“As long as the Ideya can be returned, the Visitor will be fine.”
“Well, ah, hmm.” Ethan rubbed the back of his head. “I guess that was a brilliant plan. So, ah, apologize for me would ya?”
The invisible creature did and Victoria gave a reply.
Owl had to stop the creature before she could relay that message. “No not repeat to this boy what that girl just said.”
Ethan, while not knowing what was said, couldn't help but smile. “So, that girl always like this?”
“Just to you,” Owl said. “She's polite to the rest of us.”
Ethan laughed. “This is gonna be fun.” Then a blue Ideya came into view, held by the invisible creature. “Ah, she just had to send that one, didn't she?” he said mildly insulted and amused.
“Umm,” the invisible creature went. “I can sneak myself past Reala, but,” she looked at the glowing orb, “how can I sneak this past him?”
Ethan smirked. “I have an idea.”
Back in the Nightopia, Nights had her face in her hands, distressed over the terrible turn of events and the sadness in her heart. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Looking up she saw nothing; that sight filled her heart with hope. She felt fingers on her face gently turning her head towards the door, then back in front of her. Reala still had his back to her. She nodded and graciously await whatever plan they had to free her.
With a small noise, like one opening their mouth wide, a blue Ideya slowly appeared out of nowhere. Nights wasn't expecting that. Her own jaw dropped. How? She wondered. She didn't have much time to as the Ideya was shoved into her hands.
“Take it back to Victoria,” whispered the invisible creature.
Nights didn't have to be told twice. She quickly used it to free herself. Then she glanced at the doorway, so close, and then looked at Reala, who hadn't noticed. Nights could easily sneak away and avoid confrontation, however, the imagine of his smirk was still fresh in her mind. “Thank you,” Nights told the invisible creature. She then shoved the Ideya forward and it landed in the creature's arm. “You take it back to her though.” The creature tried to ask a question. “Go,” Nights said before it could be asked.
“...Mm.” And she began to walk away.
With her leaving, Nights flew. “Reala!”
“Ah, Nights,” he said, not even looking back. “Have you come to your senses so soon?” By this time, he saw she was already flying under and in front of him. He barely had time to comprehend her escape as she quickly moved overhead. He gasped, realizing her moves, and flew away before her Paraloop could seize him. “You would attack an injured 'Maren?”
“Still can fly, can't you?” she said, as he started to form his own Paraloop.
Paraloop battles were interesting with dodging another's vortex while trying to close your own around them. Thank goodness the circle didn't have to be perfect, so long as the Twinkle Dust connected. That's why Nights found drawing figure-8's the most effective method. When one circle failed, you were already starting your other. However, it seemed Reala had taken notice of this tactic long ago and he too was doing figure-8's. An onlooker would get quite dizzy watching them.
“You tricked me!” Nights yelled.
“I did no such thing.” He swerved to avoid another Paraloop. “Believe it or not, I have been truthful in all my words tonight. My only error was forgetting how much of a disillusioned fool you are!”
“You're right; I don't believe you!” Nights flew high. She planned to create a giant Paraloop, one that could suck even those not in the circle. She dove down and around to catch the tail end of her Twinkle Dust. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Reala almost finishing his smaller circle, but she had almost completed hers! She didn't.
“Wotcha!” Reala's smaller Paraloop engulfed her and she vanished into the portal.
“Ha!” Reala laughed victoriously at the space where Nights once was. He smugly smiled. Then. “Argh!” He grabbed his head in frustration. He had won, yes, but now he had to go find her again. He grumbled at his lack of foresight.
Elsewhere, the opposite end of the portal opened and dropped Nights to the ground with a thud. She laid there, face on the ground, for a bit, contemplating her loss. Then, with a yell, she started pounding the ground in frustration. She got up and kicked the nearest object, a pile of jack-o-lanterns stacked on top of eachother, and they fell with a splat. She grabbed a nearby witch's broom and snapped it over her knee. She then used what was left of the handle to swat at a large spider in its web, sending it flying off. She continued her rage, breaking and throwing objects, frightening off ravens and bats, until she reached a fountain of 'blood' that was surrounded by prop skeletons. Exhausted, she sat down at the fountain and held her knees close to her.
The emptiness hurt.
A short time passed and Nights glanced up from her misery and at the full moon in the evening sky. As if she didn't felt brokenhearted enough, she had to be transported this to Nightopia: The one that reminded her of 'home', of Nightmare. She saw the haunted house in the short distance, could also hear the screams from it too, and the graveyard that was always filled with a thick fog. Back when Nights first encountered this world, she thought Nightmare had already taken it over. It certainly looked like a Nightmaren boss level. The third-levels were confused the first time they saw it too. But no, it belonged to a Visitor who adored bloody horror movies and was enthralled with Halloween after a visit to the States one October long ago.
Nights turned her head to look at the statue in the middle of the fountain: A scared maiden about to be devoured by a huge werewolf. As she stared at it, and thought about their roles, a hooded figure approached from behind. He held a chainsaw and, when he was close enough, pulled the chain to start it up.
“Not now,” Nights said unfazed and rested her head on her hands.
Disappointed noises came from under the hood and out came Nightopians, who set their costume and prop down. Seeing the familiar Nights looking sad, they floated over to her and offered her a caramel apple.
“I'm gonna need something stronger than that.”
They handed her a huge chocolate bar.
“That's better.” She took it and bit off a large chunk. The Nightopians continued to play in front of her. Their foolery, unfortunately, didn't alleviate her mood. At least the candy was tasty.
Her thoughts strayed towards the owner of this Nightopia. Nights first met that Visitor here instead of the Dream Gate and the Visitor immediately thought Nights was a Nightmaren. Not that the Visitor was wrong, but it still hurt. However, once the Visitor got a good look at Nights, at Nights' regal outfit and bright eyes, decided Nights was a prince who fought Nightmarens. Nights smiled weakly. Not that the Visitor was wrong about that either...
Nights turned towards the Visitor. “Hello, Victoria.”
The girl sat by him. “Are you alright?” she asked softly.
Normally, Nights would steer the subject to something pleasant, however, Nights' defenses had been devastated and he couldn't keep up a front. He turned his head from her, not wanting her to see how dejected he felt. Now he felt her arms wrapped around him in a comforting hug. They sat like that for awhile.
“I'm sorry,” Nights said.
“What ever for?”
“You should be out having fun with Ethan.” He sighed. “Not here.”
“This is my Nightopia and you are my friend, Nights. And I know Ethan would want me here right now.” The two continued to sit. Suddenly, a large crack of thunder, followed by a manically cackle, disturbed them.
Nights turned towards her. “Can we go to your second Nightopia? I sure could go for some of those chocolate parfaits and crème brulee they have there.”
“I think that's a good idea.” She got up. “I have to warn you, though: Reala is at the Dream Gate waiting for you.”
Nights frowned. “I'll go take care of him.” Victoria lifted her eyebrows and gave him a knowing look. “Unless... you took care of him already?”
Victoria didn't answer. She just smiled and walked towards the door.
Nights looked around at Victoria's first Nightopia. Thank goodness her other two Nightopias were normal. Then again he supposed this unusual one was the reason why Victoria still had all 5 of her Ideyas; what Nightmaren could possibly scare her light away?
When they entered the Dream Gate, Reala sat at the fountain, sporting a black eye.
He remained seated but spoke up. “I am sorry,” he said sincerely. “I got carried away and should not have Captured you.”
“You think?!” Victoria yelled. Nights held up an arm. He gave her a look to let Reala continue.
“Nights, can we talk, please?”
Nights crossed his arms and nodded. “I have thought about your offer.”
Reala leaned back on the fountain and gave a long sigh. “And?”
“All you want is reassurance you'll survive,” Nights kept his voice low. “Here is your reassurance.” He placed a hand on Victoria's shoulder. “If, if, Wizeman comes back, she is going to help me defeat him.” He lifted his hand and floated closer to him. “Because, you see, I do care about your survival, Reala, despite what you think, and I have already taken measures to ensure it some time ago.” Reala lowered his head but kept his gaze on Nights. “However, right now, I don't care about you.” Reala frowned. “So, you'll survive if we fight Wizeman, Reala, but I don't care if I ever see you again.” Nights wanted to shout so many things at him. How happy they could have been together, how they could have lived out theirs lives in bliss, but no: Nights would not give him the satisfaction of the sorrow he caused.
Reala took a breath. “Please think of the odds and be rational,”
Nights reached his patience and cut him off. “I am not going to have sex with you!”
Reala, and Victoria, felt embarrassed at the bluntness and wording of that statement. Reala also couldn't argue how, at the moment, that was a rational thought. “I will take my leave.” He got up from his spot.
“If you want our truce to remain intact, do not bring this discussion up with me again.”
Reala clenched his fists. “Very well.” He flew away from the Dream Gate, leaving Nights and everyone there.
“I'd thought he'd never leave,” said the invisible creature.
“You and me both. How long have you been there?”
“Since you got back, Nights.”
“Right.” Nights excused himself from Victoria and floated over to Ethan's side. “Ethan? Owl?”
Ethan was busy writing on some parchment Owl had given him. The feathered quill Ethan used looked like one of Owl's.
“Glad you made it back safely like Owl said you would, Nights,” Ethan said. “I'm really sorry this evening has been rough for you."
“Hoo. Hoo. Yes, Nights, you've been through an awful ordeal. I know if you want to talk about it, I am always here to listen to you.”
Nights nodded her head. “I think I'll take you up on that offer in the morning. However, would you mind if Victoria and I gorge ourselves on sweets until then?”
Owl nodded. Nights looked towards Ethan.
“Yeah, you two go ahead and have fun. You look like you need the girl time.” He went back to his papers.
“What could you possibly be writing?” she asked, hands on her hips.
“If I'm gonna come back and keep losin' my memories, I wanna write some info down for myself.”
“Such as?”
He paused and read off a line. “'Victoria is crazy and over-powered: Do not piss her off.'”
Nights laughed. It felt good. Ethan smiled. “So, is that what you think of your 'dream girl'?”
“I think when I wake up I need to sit down and read 'Taming of the Shrew'.”
Nights, Owl, and Ethan laughed about that.
Then Owl had to yell over: “M'dear, do not tell that Visitor what we are talking about!”
The end.
A/N: Interesting note, I started this fic back in 2009. Posted all I had in 2011 and haven't finished until now. That's right, this was a WIP progress fic that has FINALLY been completed!
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lonym82fanfics · 11 years
Reala is up to his old tricks again. Can NiGHTS and the gang keep ahead of his plots?
NiGHTS loved the many Nightopias each Ideya carrying Visitor brought in. The vast lands gave way for hours upon hours of fun and exploration even after the Visitor returned to his or her own world. So while it was sad the Visitors were gone, their bright Ideyas still left their beautiful visions of paradise intact. It also gave Nights something to do during the long daylight hours until the next Visitor came around. Today, Nights visited a Nightopia that had lasted over a decade. “He still held on to his dreams,” she said with a smile as she went through the door back to the Dream Gate. She expected the usual sight of Owl talking to the empty space in front of him. Nights loved it when Owl did that when a Visitor was around. They always thought the old bird was crazy at first until Nights, eventually, explained that Owl was talking to the invisible creature who now lived at the Dream Gate. Nights gasped and froze at what she saw. Instead of Owl resting peacefully on his perch, he was encased in a barrier bubble. Chains and random spots of paint hanging in midair meant the invisible creature had also been caught. Their captor sat on an edge of the fountain in the middle of the plaza. His arms and legs crossed obviously waiting for Nights' return. Reala had taken her friends hostage. A dreadful and ominous scene if all three of them weren't fast asleep and snoring. Nights sighed. “Really now.” She didn't think she was gone that long that Reala had time to do all this and then became so utterly bored he dozed off. She flew over to check on Owl and the invisible creature who also got tired of waiting for her. They seemed okay and Nights didn't want to risk waking Reala up by waking them up. Reala... Ever since he popped back into Nights' life, he kept coming by almost every week with a new scheme for her demise. Surprisingly, Nights actually didn't feel anger towards Reala for these attempts. In her heart, she still felt guilty that he had suffered because of Wizeman's defeat by her hands. However, guilt or not she would allow him to hurt her, or more importantly her friends, for his blood feud. How dare he capture her friends! She was understanding when he came after her, but her friends? She wanted to beat the tar out of him right this moment! Yet, she was unsure if that would get Reala to release them from their Captures and who knew how long it would be before a Visitor with an Ideya came by the Dream Gate. Nights, as someone who got captured rather easily, knew how frustrating the experience could be. Thinking about that irritation, Nights figured out how to deal with this problem. Besides, if this idea didn't work she could always go back to Plan A which was beating the daylights out of Reala. Reala had planned an early morning attack on Nights' companions for the lack of Visitors. An Ideya carrying Visitor would ruin his latest scheme. That accursed Nights always seemed to have one or two Visitors, plus the old owl and that invisible thing helping. Why not eliminate that complication and take them out of the equation? Just the two of them: Him and Nights. Not to mention if Nights became desperate and tried that blasted murder-suicide stunt, he had hostages to prevent it. Admittedly, capturing a teleporting bird and someone he couldn't even see presented a bigger conundrum then he excepted, Reala nonetheless got the job done. It took longer than expected too, but Nights had not came back. Noon came yet Nights had not. Reala reasoned at least he was resting in preparation for their upcoming battle in which Nights would lose. Yes. Soon Nights would be here and he would end this. Soon. Very soon. Reala awoke with a jolt. Had he been sleeping? No! What if Nights had came back? He looked around. The bird and thing remained in their Captures. “Good,” he muttered. “Good evening to you too, Reala.” Reala whipped his head around. Nights. He moved to attack but was met with resistance. He looked down to find himself confined in a pink and purple beanbag chair. “Arh!” he screamed as he struggled against the constraint that happened to be Nights' transformed body. “While I don't have your power to conjure up items, Reala, I do have my shape shifting to fall back on.” “Let me out!” “Not until you let Owl and the invisible creature go first,” Nights told Reala who just screamed at her response. “It's not fun being captured is it?” Reala continued struggling. He tried to claw, kick and bite Nights but to no avail. The noise woke up Owl and the invisible creature who could only look as Nights held her grip on Reala. He continued to thrash about until he felt his energy go low. “You're dead,” he told Nights between breaths. “Yes. Yes. So you tell me every week.” Reala growled at Nights comment. “Look, Reala. I don't want to keep you trapped in here anymore then you want to be trapped. Why don't you just release my friends and we'll go back to just fighting each other. Please don't involved them.” Reala's face contorted in disgust. “Me not involve them? They're the ones who keep interfering.” “Can you really blame them? You're not exactly the nicest person and they like me.” “Enough of this useless chitchat. Release me now and we'll settle this the old fashioned way.” He couldn't wait to sink his claws into Nights even in his tired state. “No.” “No?” “Not until you release my friends. If you don't, I'll just keep you here and you can see how boring it is to be stuck in a Capture of some sort.” “Oh no.” Reala's tone dipped with sarcasm. “I'll be stuck here all evening. What ever will I do?” he continued. “How will I ever report back to Master Wizeman? Oh. Wait. I can't. You destroyed him.” “Alright, fine. Wizeman is gone but don't you have the other Nightmarens to command?” Reala sneered. “How nice of you to say your creator is gone with such a casual tone. And for your information, those third ranks act on their own accord. They don't take orders from me.” “They don't?” Nights pondered this. “Like I need them.” Reala scoffed. He didn't want to admit those lower ranked Nightmarens didn't even give him the time of day. “So, who do you talk to during the week?” “As if I need someone to collaborate with.” “Really?” Nights asked sympathetically. “You have no one to talk to?” “Do you really ask this many questions?” “I just had no idea you were alone.” Nights felt sadden by this news. Not only sad but guiltier because this was an indirect result of her actions. “Hey, I know!” Her voice chirped up. “How about this, free my friends from their Captures and we all can have an adventure together?” “Oh, but what is an adventure without a proper villain, Nights? I do enjoy my role rather well. It's a role you forgot a long time ago.” “I never forgot; I just never fulfill that role.” Silence followed after Nights' statement. She began to rethink her Capture strategy, but her thoughts kept going back to pity for Reala. Something else crossed her mind. “I just realized something.” Nights turned to look over to her friends. “Little one?” she called to the invisible creature. “Mm. I'm just listening.” Nights called over to Owl next. “Owl, you've been rather quiet too.” Owl pointed around him indicating the barrier and threw his wings up in frustration. Nights saw Owl's beak moving but she couldn't hear any sounds coming out. Owl's Capture was sound proof from the inside. “Reala...” Nights voice was low. Reala smirked. He awaited Nights' accusations of the Capture he left the old timer in. He wanted to feel Nights' hate. “That is the best idea you've ever had!” Wait. What? Reala turned his head to see Nights happily smiling. “I mean not only did you make a brilliant Capture to prevent his teleportation, but you also found a way to keep him quiet! That is such a wonderful idea!” Reala was speechless. He expected anger and venom not compliments. Owl also could not believe what he was hearing. “You like...?” Reala shook his head. “You're just saying that.” “No, Reala. I mean it,” Nights continued. “Do you realize how hard is it to find peace and quiet with the old bird squawking on and on.” The old bird sent Nights a dirty look as she kept on praising Reala's accomplishment. “Stop it,” Reala said playfully. He really didn't want Nights to stop. “You should be proud.” Reala turned away from Nights. “I did place a great deal of effort in that Capture design.” “You can defiantly see that!” What Nights did not see, however, was Reala smiling at that moment. “Nights,” the invisible creature spoke up. “How can you say such nice things about something that is keeping Owl captive?” “Nothing wrong with appreciating fine craftsmanship when you see it.” Reala's face felt hot, but he liked the feeling. He waited patiently for more positive comments about himself as Nights and the invisible creature carried on their conversation. He scowled indignantly as time passed and Nights' attention didn't turn back to him. “For someone who complains about the old timer's lectures, you seem to chatter away like an old hen, Nights,” Reala mocked. Owl nodded his head in agreement. “Hmpf! Well, I would be happily flying around the Dream Gate if someone hadn't taken my friends prisoner. “Oh...” the invisible said sadly. “You wouldn't be talking to me?” “I'm not saying that.” Nights sighed. “I'm just saying mean old Reala here has us all cooped up.” “Didn't seem to think I was so mean when I shut the bird up.” “Yes, here I give you a compliment and you insult me in your next breath.” “Oh dear. Poor Nights. An insult? Did I hurt your feelings?” Reala kept up his ridicule. “Forgive me for that. I mean, I insulted you? Here you destroy our Master and I have the gall to insult you.” “Argh!” Nights groaned in frustration. “You really think I wanted to? I wanted to destroy my creator? No! He left me with no choice.” Reala scoffed. “If Master Wizeman wanted you dead, you should have submitted to your fate like all the others.” “It wasn't about that. By that time, I knew my life was forfeit. My little 'game' of 'keeping alive' was over, but those dreams... How could I ever allow such beautiful dreams to be destroyed? That's why I chose to fight Wizeman.” Nights paused for a second and her voice became calmer. “We should have been destroyed too, Reala, but by a miracle we're still alive. We should be enjoying life; not trying to hurt each other.” “Hurting you is the only way I can enjoy life. What else do I have? As you pointed out, Nights, I have nothing. I'm alone.” Reala's confinement shifted and the clutch on him tighten. The hold, however, was not of animosity but rather of empathy and good will. “You don't have to be alone,” Nights told Reala as she hugged him, her head resting gently on top of his. The moment was too soon broken up by laughter coming from outside the Dream Gate. The startled Nights and Reala immediately looked at the entrance way but saw no one. “Who's there?” Reala yelled out into the darkness.
Chapter 2
“Who's there?” Reala yelled out into the darkness. “Sorry. Sorry.” A boy stepped out from behind the walls of the entrance at the Dream Gate. The lanky teenager had dark hair that was trimmed almost to his scalp. His white T-shirt had a homemade silkscreen logo done in black ink, his jeans had holes where the knee were, the majority of his tennis shoes were covered in hand-stitched patches: This kid was punk. He pointed at Nights. “Just that girl there was saying some rather cheesy lines and I couldn't help but laugh.” “Nights is not a girl,” Reala corrected the Visitor. “She's not? I mean, he's not? I just saw the pink and purple...” “What's wrong with my colors?” Nights teased. “Also,” Nights put on her best Owl impression, “all inhabitants of the Night Dimension don't have a specific gender.” Nights voice went back to normal. “I'm only called a 'she' because it fits English grammar.” In an aside, Nights commented on the lazy author being the main reason. “Ah, like how some people call cars their 'girls'” “You could say that,” Nights said not sure how to take being compared to an automobile. “So,” the boy turned his attention back to Reala, “does that mean you're a 'she' too. You got quite a gruff voice.” Reala narrowed his eyes at the boy. “Let me put it to you this way: I want nothing to do with something that is referred to as the 'weaker sex'.” “Ooo, touchy. I know some girls who'd be quite offended by those words. You know; all of them.” “Ooo, I'm so worried.” The boy rolled his eyes as he approached the two. “Have to say, now that I've gotten a closer look at you, it's a bit hard to think of you as masculine. Is that a pink manicure?” The boy then pointed to Reala's mouth. “And that lipstick there, whoa!” The boy pulled his finger back fast enough before Reala took a chomp out of it. “Careful,” Nights said. “He bites.” “Ha, little too late for that warning wouldn't you say?” He winked at Nights. She chuckled at the gesture. “So, how long have you've been eavesdropping?” “Oh, when you were talking about this Wizeman fellow who gave you trouble, you giving him the ax, and the sappy dialogue where I came in. So, you keeping this one held up like this till he agrees to stop bothering you?” Nights hadn't really thought about it, but now she did wished her plan would go that way. “Not exactly, Reala has my friends captured.” She gestured over to them. “And the only people who can release them are Reala here,” Nights gave the boy a sly look, “or a Visitor with an Ideya.” “Ideya? What's that?” “The light in your heart manifested. Most Visitors lose all five of their Ideyas on the way here.” “Ah, so I might have the means to free your friends.” The boy looked back at Reala. “No wonder this one looks so apprehensive.” Reala had to think fast. “Don't trust Nights, Visitor. Nights is an evil Nightmaren and you'll only be causing trouble for yourself by releasing those two.” The boy looked unimpressed. “Hmm, since Nights and you have the same shaped head, I suspect you're both 'evil Nightmarens'. Not to mention Nights said she wanted to protect beautiful dreams.” The boy wagged his finger in the air. “I'm gonna believe her word over someone who tried to hurt me.” Reala snarled at him and looked away. “So, Nights, you said there are five types of Ideya and if I got one I can free your friends?” “Yes.” “Are your friends in any danger in those...things?” he asked. Nights shook her head. “No. I've been Captures before and they don't harm you.” “Splendid. Tell me would you rather Reala let them out himself?” Nights looked down at the scowling Reala. The Visitor freeing her friends would only be a temporary solution. If they could appeal to Reala to have a change of heart not only would conditions around the Dream Gate improve drastically, but Reala could start finding happiness. Nights nodded her head. “Great! Now first question. Nights you said you have friends as in plural. All I see is that owl in that hamster cage.” “That's Owl. My other friend in locked in those chains hanging over there. She's an invisible creature.” The boy looked back over with a perplexed look. “No joke? I've got to check that out,” he said as he walked over to where she was and poked her. “Ow.” “Huh!” he exclaimed as he kept poking. “She really is invisible.” “Mm! Now stop poking me!” The boy laughed as he walked back over to Nights and Reala. “So, their names are really Owl and the invisible creature?” “Yes.” Nights nodded. “The invisible creature is a bit dense,” “Hey...” “but she's very kind.” “Mm.” Nights smiled. “Now Owl can tell you all you need to know about the Night Dimension. He will too if you let him.” “'Him'? I thought you didn't have genders?” The boy brought up. He checked back over to where Owl was. “Actually, he dresses like my grandpa, so I can see why you would call him a 'he'. Anyway, I'm Ethan.” “A pleasure to meet you, Ethan,” Nights said. “Likewise,” Ethan said as he turned back to Reala. “You got this vendetta with Nights for offing this Wizeman person?” “Again, I enjoy how casual everyone is regarding the loss of my Master,” Reala said. “What did ya like about him?” The question caught Reala off guard and he had to think. “Ya see, if you can't think of anything...” “Ethan. Sometimes you don't need a reason to like someone,” Nights interjected. “I liked Wizeman once.” “Ha!” Reala mocked. “What lies you tell, Nights!” “It's true, Reala. He created me and I did had some fondness because of that.” “Hmm.” Ethan went. “And even though you were fond of him you left him because he destroyed dreams?” Nights' eyes looked off to the side. “No,” she said softly. “No?” Ethan asked. Nights nodded. “I don't like being ordered around.” Nights closed her eyes revisiting her memories. “Wizeman would harshly issue command after command and without any appreciation for what any of us did.” She looked back up. “One day, I got fed up and never returned. I've been free ever since.” “Wow,” Ethan said. Reala laughed. “Yes, Nights couldn't handle responsibility and left to go play like a little child without a care in the world. Yes, that's very noble of you, Nights.” “Argh!” Nights groaned. “You don't understand. You've never understood.” “Oh, but I do understand, Nights. I understand how only a mature person such as myself can do their job while you lazily float around.” “That's it! You and me. One on...” Nights stopped herself. She had to keep her temper in check. “You won't goad into a fight that easy.” “Please, like it ever took much to rouse you. You're much too sensitive. Heh, heh. Perhaps I will be like these others and address you with feminine pronouns for your emotional self.” Reala started laughing but soon found the hold on him tightening. This time it was in animosity. “Foul!” he managed to choke out. Nights stopped throttling him and the two of them started yelling at the other. Ethan stood there realizing he had bitten off more than he could chew. Back in his hometown he could find a solution to almost everyone's problems and when he couldn't, he'd find a compromise: Violence. Perhaps he should let these two clean each other's clocks before they would listen to how the other felt. “Right then.” He walked over to barrier bubble that encased Owl. The two Nightmarens, wrapped up in their own quarrel, didn't even notice. “How does this work?” Ethan asked looking at the barrier. “Light in your heart manifested...” Ethan tried to think the problem through but the yelling drowned out his thoughts. Ethan wondered if it was always like this with those two. Owl must have understood the expression on Ethan's face and nodded. The two Nightmarens continued to scream. “All I've done has been for Master Wizeman and in one evening you take it all away, Nights. Because of you it's been for naught!” “Please, did you honestly expect Wizeman to reward your loyalty? He abused us! Even when we did what was asked he still kept us in fear!” Upon hearing this, Ethan knew how to help the two of them and he surveyed the Dream Gate. “Benches, probably nailed down. Tree branch? No, that's not enough. Strange. There's light here in the center but no lampposts.” Ethan shook his head and looked up the trunk of a tree. “Guess I'll have to settle for a tree branch,” he mumbled as he prepared himself to climb up the tree until something else caught his eye. “Hello. Why didn't I see you before?” As Ethan acquired what he saw, Reala and Nights kept arguing. “Serving him should have been the greatest purpose in our lives, but you couldn't even do that!” “Really? Then let's get back to the others who served him. Tell me again what happened to them? “They failed Wizeman and accepted their fates.” “Would you have accepted your fate? If I had lost to Wizeman, do you think he would have looked kindly on you not being able to stop me? No, he wouldn't. You know he wouldn't because you failed, Reala!” Reala started to contest Nights' statement, but he couldn't find any words. “Reala...” Nights said gently. “It's okay.” Reala didn't reply. “You don't have to be afraid. Wizeman is gone.” “It's all your fault...” “Reala, don't...” “It's all your fault, Nights!” “Sheesh, Reala's a jerk. Nights, hold him still for me,” Ethan requested. “Huh?” Nights looked back up to see Ethan lifting an item that made her gasp: One of Owl's perching posts. “Stop! What are you doing and more importantly how are you able to lift that?” “It's heavy, but I got it,” Ethan strained out as he lifted the stake that was bigger than himself. “You're not going to hit me with that are you, Ethan?” “Not you, Nights, just that prick you got there.” “Ethan! If I wanted to pummel Reala, I could have done that myself.” “Ah! Too heavy!” Ethan cried out as he let the staff descend towards Reala's head. Nights quickly rolled out of the way. “Come on, Nights, why are you protecting that miserable crank?” “Ethan, you can't pick a fight with someone who can't fight back. That's not fair.” “Don't let him go, Nights. I don't know if I got one of those Ideyas to free your friends there,” Ethan told Nights as he prepared to swing the staff again. “Oh no, you don't!” Before Ethan could deliver the blow, Nights started bouncing her body like a basketball and soon bounced high into the branches of a tree. “Ethan, stop trying to hurt Reala.” “I bloody well can't with you protecting him like that. That's some compassion you got there to look after someone who has your friends locked up. Why so nice to him?” “It's just...” “I know what you're up to, Visitor,” Reala spoke up. “It's not going to work.” “Of course not, Reala. I won't let you get hurt while you're like this.” “Not that, you dim-witted fool.” “What...?” Nights asked. “Oh, poor little susceptible Nights.” Reala scornfully teased. “The Visitor hopes that by you protecting me I'll become filled with warm fuzzy feelings,” his voice dipped with contempt, “and I'll rethink the way I feel about you.” Nights couldn't say anything. She turned her head towards Ethan and saw his irked expression; Reala had guessed his plan. “Yeah...” Ethan rested the head of the staff to the ground. “So, he figured out that plan. God, what a manipulative bastard he must be to figure that out!” He shook his head frustrated. “Hey! We can always beat him up. After all, he doesn't appreciate you protecting him.” Nights looked down at Ethan and smiled.
Chapter 3
All Nights had done was protect him from a bludgeoning and he repaid her by belittlement. Reala’s behavior didn’t surprise Nights, but it didn’t change the fact she resented it. Regarding the Visitor, Reala’s assumptions were correct; the boy had try to trick them both. However, Nights couldn’t be mad at the boy because, after all, he just wanted to help them and when she looked down at him she couldn’t help but smile. The boy’s hands now shined with the light of a blue Ideya: Intelligence. Though Nights had to question his rather unorthodox approach at trying to solve her dilemma this evening. “No, Ethan, we won’t be beating up Reala.” Reala cursed Nights under his breath because she already knew they had beaten him. That blasted Visitor’s Ideya would undo the Capture cages he made. He had to get free himself. Only one way of doing that now. With a snap of his fingers, he undid the Captures on Owl and the invisible creature. “Yay! I can move again!” the invisible creature said as the spots of paint twirled in the air as she did so herself. The spots then headed over to the fountain where water was splashed on them. “Hoo. Yes, I don’t know how Nights can stand those Captures. What an awful ordeal!” Owl flapped over to Ethan. “It seems we owe the Visitor our thanks.” The invisible creature shouted a quick 'thank you' and went back to washing the paint off. “Don’t thank me,” Ethan told them. “And don’t you let him go, Nights! He’s planning on attacking us as soon as he’s freed.” Reala snarled and started to once again struggled again his constraints. “I let them go, Nights. Honor your part of the bargain.” “I'm telling you, Nights, he’s going to attack us.” Ethan yelled back. Owl groaned as he knew Night all too well. Nights tighten her hold on Reala. “Thank you for letting them go, Reala.” She stopped her hug and returned to her normal shape. They faced each other and Reala smiled. “Nights...” He wasted no time in attacking her. He struck a blow to her gut and before she could finish her scream he turned to cut down that meddlesome Visitor. He prepared his strike but a force pulled his other arm back. “Urg!” Reala looked at the obstruction: Nights’ still distorted hand had remained wrapped around his wrist. “Welcher!” “Take your frustrations out on me! Leave them out of our fight.” “Very well, Nights.” He flew over to the new Nightopian door dragging Nights with him. Ethan watched as they passed through the door. “They can fly? Where’d that door come from?” “Ah, Visitor. You’ll have to forgive us for not giving you a proper greeting. Welcome to the Night Dimension. It is where one goes when you fast asleep.” “Mm and this doorway was created by your Ideya.” Ethan felt his arm being dragged by the invisible creature. “I want to see Nights fight,” she said as she opened the door for them. Ethan shielded his eyes at the bright light and immediately felt foolish thinking the soft pastels and butterflies were going to harm him. He gasped when he saw what the doorway lead to. Inside was a vast urban city with many huge poles bearing flags waving high in the air. Fliers glued to the building looked as if they were painted by Michaelangelo himself. Even the graffiti tags were reminiscent of the Sistine Chapel. The gigantic size and metropolitan beauty filled Ethan with wonder. “Gorgeous...” “Hoo. Visitor, as with the doorway, this paradise, known as Nightopia, was created from the light of your Ideya. However, do be cautious. While this world is peaceful, there are Nightmarens like Reala who will try to steal your Ideya plunging this world into the darkness known as Nightmare.” “While Nightmarens like Nights will try to save it.” “Nights is...unique.” “Oh...” moaned the invisible creature. “I wish I could fly. I can hardly see the fight from down here.” Ethan looked and far up in the sky he saw grayish balls being hurled through the air by a red and a purple dot. “Wow, that’s really high. I still can’t believe they can fly.” An explosion went off followed by a yell. “Wotcha!” “Oh! That one got Nights.” “Ah, that it did. Hoo. However, I suspect it will take more than that for Reala to defeat Nights.” “Urg!” “As you see, Nights is no slouch when it comes to combat. Hoo. Yet this is taking longer than usual. Perhaps it's because Reala had that nap prior to the battle." "Nap?" Ethan asked. "People in the Dream World take naps?" Ethan imagined a never ending loop of the residents here going to another realm when they slept, then those residents going to another realm and so forth and so forth. "Yes, they do take naps. Hoo. Every living thing requires rest. Granted, those of us who live in the Night Dimension only need a few minutes of slumber here and there to feel refreshed. Hoo." Then again if it's just a quick snooze, how could they go to another realm so quickly? Ethan shrugged off the idea knowing it would just give him a headache "Nice,” he commented on the quick duration. “Imagine how much I could accomplish if I didn't have to sleep away fourteen plus hours of the day." "True...” Owl said not wanting to comment on how much the boy slept. “Though I suspect it would be rather dull around here without interesting Visitors like yourself stopping by." "I guess I wouldn't want to spoil the party." Ethan stretched his neck. Looking up for so long gave it a cramp. "Anyhow, correct me if I'm wrong, but base on what Nights said this Reala sounds like he has some sort of Stockholm Syndrome." "Huh? Stock what?" the invisible creature asked. "Ah, never heard of it? The short version is people in an abusive relationship become sympathetic and loyal to their abuser. Even after the abuser is gone, they still make excuses for him." "I don't get it," the invisible creature continued. "Why would they defend their abuser?" "Hell if I know.” Ethan shrugged. “Some people suggest it's survival to become attached to those strongest around you." "Huh?" "Ahem. Hoo. It does sound like you are correct in your assumptions, Visitor. It may be of interest and help for you to know ever since he's returned, Reala has been erratic." "I guess I shouldn't be surprised he became a big ball of crazy since Nights did away with his evil master." "I would venture to say his insanity has always been questionable but, before Wizeman's demise, he was frightfully calm and collect." Owl shivered at memories of Reala's callousness. "I can work with that. It's easier when they spill their guts out instead of keeping it inside. Heh, metaphorically speaking of course. I'd rather there not be anymore bloodshed." "Urg!" "Ah. Fight's over." Ethan looked back up to see the red dot falling down. The purple dot followed. "Is Nights trying to catch him?" "No," the invisible creature said. "She never has." Ethan laughed. "That certainly won't help things.” "Mm." “Heh, 'never has'. Amazing they can fall from that height and still live.” Ethan started jogging to where Nights and Reala went. “I'm going to have a few words with Nights.” Meanwhile, Nights landed near the defeated Reala and frowned at how all she could do was hurt him. She wished she could help him, but something always prevented it. Even now, she didn't dare touch him to tend to his wounds. She knew he could recovery without her. Why speed up the process, so he could try to hurt again? It frustrated Nights that she couldn't let her guard down whenever he was around. She floated on her stomach and watched him as he slept pleasantly in unconsciousness. “At least you look at peace and harmless now,” she muttered. She tilted her head and remembered when he first reappeared: Battered, bruised and weak “You've gotten stronger since your return. Not that I'd tell you that if you were awake.” “Actually I think you should tell him, Nights.” Nights whipped her head around and saw Ethan. She turned over and waved at him. “Ethan! Over here! It's good to see you again.” “Likewise, Nights.” He walked over to her. “Anyhow, I think you should tell him he's strong.” “Now, Ethan, Reala already has a big head. Why should I make it even bigger?” “Because if you give him compliments, he may start to like you and you can't kill someone you like. Okay. Okay. It's not impossible, but it's defiantly harder to kill someone you like.” Nights laughed. “Reala's not like most people you may know, Ethan. You give him compliments and he'll just insult you.” “You never know. Besides, deep down I believe people just want others to like them.” Nights smiled. “I believe so too.” She turned back to Reala. “Now if I only liked him...” She blew a raspberry at him before she floated over to Ethan laughing. “Hey Ethan., have you ever thought about flying?” “Ever since I was three.” Nights held out her hand. “Dualize with me and we can make that dream come true.” “How's that?” “You become me and I become you.” “Whoa.” “Yes. Now take my hand and let's fly together.” Ethan, throwing caution to the wind, placed his hand against Nights' and their bodies assimilated. Ethan lifted their hands to their face. “I am you,” Ethan said half surprised at the results. Nights laughed. “You're also me. Now enough talk, let's go.” “Wait. What about him?” He made them point at Reala. “Him? Oh, don't worry about that sore loser.” “You're not worried about him?” “He'll be fine and back to causing me trouble soon enough. Now let's go have some fun and check out this wonderful Nightopia of yours before he wakes up.” “Alright. If you say so.” Ethan normally would have pressed the matter further but how could he skip out on a chance to fly? The two took off and Ethan couldn't contain his excitement. “WAHOOOO!” “Having fun, Ethan?” “Yes!” Nights chuckled. Past what looked to be residential building, they found allies filled with neon tubing. Many were shaped to looks like commercial designs and logos but some just curled and spiraled together creating beautiful electric rainbow art. They couldn't help themselves and followed the charged waves of color for quite some time. “Ya know, I had a mo-hawk that color once,” Ethan said pointing to a bright orange tube. “A mo-hawk? What happened to it?” “My mum armed with an electric razor.” Ethan moved his hand over his close shaved head which made Nights moved her hand over her purple pronged hat. “Ooo, scary.” “Old girl got me good. Hey.” Something caught Ethan's attention. “Nights, look at that octopus over there.” Sure enough, there was a blue and spotted octopus like creature floating among the lights. “That's an Octopaw.” “Neat.” “They can leave behind a trail of rings when they fly.” Nights' eye twinkled with mischief. “They're quite fun to chase actually not to mention it's good flight practice to fly through those rings.” “You mean you chase that poor little bugger? How horrible!” “Oh... “ Nights looked away. “Nah! I'm just messin' ya, mate. Let's go chase that poor little bugger!” Nights laughed and the two went off to chase Octopaw.
Chapter 4
Ethan didn't do bad his first time chasing Octopaw. After the two decided to leave the poor little bugger alone, they met up with a flock of Nightopians. Ethan thought they looked absolutely adorable and he wanted to squeeze every last one of them. Thank goodness the Nightopians enjoyed the attention. Eventually, something else caught the Nightopians's eyes and the flock began to migrate. Ethan wanted to follow and Nights joined him. It gave them time to explore and to talk. "Really?” Ethan asked as he balanced himself on the edge of the sidewalk. “Destroying Wizeman should have destroyed his Nightmarens too?" "It should have.” Nights floated on her back, hands behind her head, occasionally kicking her legs to advance. “After we destroyed him I felt like I had faded away.” Nights met Ethan's eyes. “I'm glad I didn't.” "I bet." "At first, I thought it was because of all the good I had done but that theory is blown now that all the other Nightmarens are back." “You worried Wizeman might come back?” “I hope he doesn't.” Nights waved her finger in the air. “He's going to be awfully mad at me.” Ethan laughed. “I think that's a good reason to get along with Reala. Helps to have someone else in your corner. Maybe the two of you can talk your problems out. You know, that whole compliment thing.” “Hmm, you're back to that subject again.” “What?” “You just seem very eager to help.” Ethan put his hands in his pockets and kicked an empty soda can. “Figure since I can't solve my own damn problems, I might as well help others solve theirs.” “You can't?” “Really can't. 'Sides, it's all tied up in the judicial system.” Nights kicked herself in front of Ethan and floated right side up. “Did you get in trouble with the law?” she asked with her finger in his face. Ethan looked shocked and put his hands up in defense. “Me? No! They haven't caught me yet.” Nights raised an eyebrow at him. Ethan sighed and confessed. “It's an estate dispute in my family. Doesn't have anything to do with me. Not directly.” He walked by Nights not looking her in the eyes. “Oh.” Nights resumed floating along. “I never wanted this fight. It's making enemies of the people who I should be close with.” He looked back at Nights. “You know that feeling, right?” Nights looked off to side. “I suppose I do,” she said as she stared at the buildings until cries broke out among the Nightopians. The flock had spotted Nightmarens coming at them and we're already retreating past Ethan and Nights. “I'm afraid there are times when you have to fight though.” Nights extended her hand. “Let's go.” After Dualizing, they flew head first to greet their foes. “Nights, what kind of Nightmaren are they?” “The purple ones are Sparkeels. Don't touch them when they're generating electricity. The others are MothPit who can fire sonar waves. Be careful, they're all after your Ideya.” “Yeah, Owl told me about that. So,” Ethan punched their open hand, “we gonna pound them?” Nights frowned. “How about we use my Touch Dash and Paraloop?” “Oh. 'Kay. Those the moves where you push 'em and suck 'em in a vortex?” Nights winked. “Correct.” Ahead, a Sparkeel was charging for an attack. They flew underneath and then back over him creating a Paraloop, Ethan's first. He turned them around to admire his feat and didn't see the MothPit firing an attack. “Wotcha!” Nights cried. “S-Sorry, Nights.” The MothPit used the confusion to charge at them, but Nights dodged and Touch Dashed the bug like Nightmaren. “We all make mistakes. Keep your focus, Ethan.” “Right.” The two continued their battle with the Nightmarens. They weren't like the local riff-raff Ethan encountered who, out of confusion and rage, would even hit their own members trying to land a blow. No, these Nightmarens were coordinating their attacks against Nights. Ethan had to admire their teamwork, however, Nights' and his were far better. The two eventually sent the Nightmarens away and landed back on the ground disengaging. “How was that, Ethan?” “Most interesting fight I've ever had.” “You did a great job.” “Thanks, Nights.” “Yes. Yes.” Someone was slowly clapping and the two looked around. Suddenly, a black portal opened on the ground in front of them and from the darkness rose Reala. Ethan jumped back; he didn't expect that at all. “Great job,” Reala mocked as he stared down the now frighten Visitor. “You took care of the lowest rank of Nightmarens with one of Master Wizeman's top creations. You must be so proud. What next? Shall you steal candy from a baby?” “Reala. What do you want?” Nights asked not giving in to his bait. “Really, Nights. Why must I always be greeted with such apprehension?” Ethan had to get his head back in the game and tried to shake his anxiety off the only way he knew how to. “Gotta say,” Ethan addressed Reala, “you're pretty stupid to attack us now. It would have been smart to work with the 'lower ranks' and taken us down together.” Reala glanced at Ethan but turned his attention back to Nights. Ethan didn't know whether to feel relieved or insulted. He looked at his shaking hand. “Ethan,” Nights said, “you may not have heard that part but the other Nightmaren don't listen to Reala anymore.” “What?” Reala snarled. “It is as Nights says. Every since Wizeman's defeat, they don't follow my commands.” “That doesn't make sense...” Ethan said as he pondered this. “It's of no matter.” Reala kept his gaze on Nights. “We're not finished, Nights.” As the two stared each other down, a gust of wing blew through the streets. Ethan felt the tension and quickly pushed aside the question about why the lower ranks didn't work with Reala. He had to prevent another fight. “Reala, Nights, you two just went fisticuffs, or whatever it was you did. What's the hurry to start another brawl? Why not...why not have a race?” Reala, not turning his head, peeped out of the corner of his eye at Ethan. “A race, you say?” He smirked. “Not a bad idea.” His eyes moved back to Nights and then upwards. “The top of that flagpole. Shall we start there and do a lap around the edge of this world?” “You're on, Reala!” Nights declared. She couldn't turn down such a direct challenge from her rival. What could possibly go wrong? This was all wrong. Ethan just wanted to tire Reala out by a race but the Nightmaren obviously had other plans. Why did he suggest this idea? “Wait, stop!” Too late. The two raced towards the flagpole. Nights would win. Even if Reala had not sustained injuries prior, victory belonged to her. Too focused on the trivial win, she didn't notice dark energy gathering in Reala's hands. His conjuring neared completion to trap that fool hardy Nights. Then again what did she have to fear? His previous Captures never held Nights longs; those Visitors saw to that. In his mind, Reala dared that Visitor to get Nights out of this special treat he prepared for her. If Owl's Capture impressed Nights, wait till she saw this one. Nights neared the top of the pole when she finally felt the effects of Reala's spell. The force she had taken for granted sank in and she began to fall right into his trap. Shadows engulfed her and she screamed as she hit the ground. “Nights!” Ethan yelled as he ran towards the impact site. “Are you alright?” he asked into the smoke. “I think so...” Nights replied as the dust settled. Captures always knocked Nights for a loop. She sighed at Reala's redundant and futile technique. Nights had a friend with an Ideya who could easily get her out of this Capture. Speaking of which, she looked up to see how close Ethan was. She found it odd Reala planted the Capture on the ground. Actually, she didn't even see the usual green-blue barrier her Captures had. It didn't look like anything prevented her from escaping. Nights floated to the exit and hit her head on the unseen force. “What?” she asked as she held her head Nights gasped. This wasn't a Capture cage. She knew this design from long ago. Five bluish stone pedestal surrounded her with a gold base below and a disattached roof. On the ceiling, above each pedestal, there was a dot of color: red, white, green, yellow and blue respectively. Nights was trapped in an Ideya Palace. “No...” Nights murmured. Ethan only had one Ideya. “Goodbye, Nights.” Reala laughed as he flew off. “No! He's getting away. Ethan! We have to hurry.” Nights held out her hand for Dualization. Ethan nodded, ran, and Dualized with Nights. Immediately, they Drill Dashed after Reala. “Ethan, listen up. We only have two minutes.” “Two minutes? Two minutes for what?” “If we don't defeat Reala in two minutes I'll still be trapped in the Ideya Palace.” “Still? You're free now, I don't...” “There he is!” Up ahead, Reala waited for them with his arms crossed and a grin on his face. “That cocky bastard. He's just going to toy with us, Nights.” “What else is new? Just get me close to him.” “Right,” Ethan said as they neared Reala. The red and black Nightmaren levitated slowly up the building, taunting them, until they came within reach and he skimmed along the top. He laughed before he kicked and dislodged the bricks on the roof. With no time to dodge, the two threw their arms up bracing for the impacts. “Wotcha!” Nights shook it off. “Ethan, don't get hit, we're losing time.” Ethan nodded and they hurried after Reala who turned a corner. They took the turn wide and saw an alley full of full clotheslines. They zipped and zagged through the drying wash and as they reached the end of it, Reala drove from his hiding spot straight onto them. He pushed his weight on them till they hit the ground, making them lose more time. Another kick, a laugh and he soared away. “Argh! This is getting us nowhere. Any bright ideas, Ethan?” “Yeah, if he's fighting dirty,” Ethan grabbed an empty glass bottle nearby. “let's pay him back. Uh!” He threw the container at Reala. “Urg!” The shards scattered and cascaded down. “Why you...” They reached Reala and punch him into the wall. “Ow...Ow...” Ethan blew on their fist. “Your knuckles are fragile as that bottle, Nights.” “You hit a metal persona, what did you expect?” Nights looked back over. “Here he comes.” Reala pulled himself free and launched at them. In their other hand, Ethan had sand and grime from the ground and threw it at Reala's eyes. “Urg!” Not giving him time to recover, Ethan grabbed his shoulders and slammed his head against their knee. Nights made a mental note to have a talk with Ethan about the boy's methods after they took care of Reala. Ethan threw Reala to the ground, landed and picked up a trash can. Reala swiped at their legs, knocking them and the garbage over. Through his clouded eyes he scrambled away. He couldn't risk fighting them anymore. Not when Nights' time was almost up. He had to flee. “He's getting away!” The two took off following him. Reala turned another corner and the two prepared themselves for another trick. However, Reala didn't have to use tricks this time. They had reached the center of the city but lost Reala. He ducked into one of the dozens of alley ways. “Which one, Nights?” “I don't know. We don't have time for this.” She raced to the closest alley and barreled down it. No luck. She zoomed through another alley with the same outcome. “No...” The countdown neared its end. “No...” She kept darting in the alley ways. “No...” Three. Two. One. “Aptiva!” Nights cried as she was ripped from Ethan and sent back to the Ideya Palace. Ethan landed ungraciously. “Ohf! Ugh!” Thank goodness they were close to the ground. “Nights!” He got back up and started running after Nights who was long done. Is this what Nights meant from 'still trapped'? If that was so, he just had to get back to the... 'Ideya Palace' Nights had called it? As he ran, he could see light illuminating from behind him. Ethan looked back and saw a shiny white ghostly creature follow him. “You're cute...but I have to save my friend now.” He continued to run. It should be easy to find Nights once he got out of the city; he remembered the colored flag the Ideya Palace was stationed at. The light got brighter and another glance revealed another critter had shown up. “I'm sorry. I can't play with you at the moment. Maybe later.” Another critter popped up out of nowhere and it began to creep Ethan out. He tried to ignore them, but the light kept getting brighter. By the time he reached the outskirts of the city, a small army of the critters followed him. “B-Back off!” he yelled at them. He tripped over a stone and one attach itself to him. “Hey! Get off!” Ethan felt sluggish and couldn't even get back to his feet. A second critter attached itself to him. “Let go!” A third critter advance and Ethan knew it was game over.
Chapter 5
“Awakers!” a voice cheered in excitement. The critters, apparently the Awakers, stopped and looked at each other. Ethan could see the alarmed looked on their faces. He had seen the same look on Octopaw earlier. “I love Awakers!” The voice delightfully giggled causing the small army to back away, clearly disturbed by the voice's presence, and started disappearing. “Tee hee! Oh, they're so fun. Ulp! Two stayed behind to pla-ay.” Ethan saw the torn expression on the attached Awakers' faces. They didn't know whether to continue their duty or run in terror. “Gotcha!” The invisible creature grabbed the indecisive Awakers by their tails and pulled them off Ethan. He watched as the Awakers, in complete terror, were being spun sideways in a circle accompanied by the invisible creature's cries of merriment. “Ah, Visitor. I am please to see you are alright.” Ethan turned around to see Owl flapping by him. “Thanks to her previous torture of those fellows.” He got up and brushed the dust off his shirt. “Yes. The invisible creature loves to play with the Awakers. She often boasts about how she is more transparent then they are.” Owl chuckled and lovingly shook his head. “Now then, by their presence, am I safe to assume Nights has been placed in a Capture?” “Ah, at least you're calm about that. Nights came close to panicking.” “Hoo. It is not unusual for Reala to place Nights in a Capture and an Ideya carrying Visitor to free her.” “So what you're saying is that this happens all the time. Sheesh. Figures. Nights had me worried there for a moment.” He laughed. “Make that two moments.” “You needed worry. As long as you have a brave heart, you can free Nights. Reala does not have control over Wizeman's Nightmaren army and, more importantly, he has no Goodles to hold onto the keys. Thus, your one Ideya will free Nights from her Capture.” “Yeah, I'm a bit confused about that. I already freed Nights, but she got dragged back.” “I'm sorry; I don't understand.” “We ran out of time and she got sent back to that, oh what did she call it, Ideya Palace.” “An Ideya Palace!” Owl's shout startled Ethan as well as the invisible creature who stopped playing with the Awakers. They wasted no time and quickly escape. “You must be mistaken,” Owl continued. “Reala cannot form an Ideya Palace unless a Visitor possesses all five Ideyas.” “Just repeating what Nights said. 'Sides, how do you know Reala can't? Has he ever tried?” “Yes, once before unsuccessfully. That's why he's moved onto Captures.” Ethan shrugged. “Maybe he's never gave it much effort. I mean why try to figure out a difficult problem when a simple solution will do? Now that the simple solution isn't working, he figured out the difficult problem.” “Are you sure Nights said an Ideya Palace?” “Yeah. Does this Palace look like an open gazebo?” “Oh, I'm afraid it does.” Owl slowly shook his head.”Oh, this is awful.” “Owl,” The invisible creature spoke up. “Why is an Ideya Palace worst than a Capture?” “It's not, that is, if the Visitor has all five of his or her Ideyas because, you see, you need all five Ideyas to completely free Nights or, as the Visitor saw, Nights will just return back to her imprisonment once the time limit is up.” “Or you beat the one who imprisoned Nights.” Ethan looked around for that flagpole. “And...there!” Ethan spotted it and started reaching around till he felt the invisible creature's arm. “I'll need your help to keep those Awakers away. Let's go free Nights.” “Mm.” Ethan grinned and the two started running towards the Ideya Palace. “Always in such a hurry,” Owl mumbled and sighed. “He will find out soon enough,” he said before teleporting away. Taking the invisible creature paid off. Every time an Awaker popped out of nowhere, the creature greeted it, scared it and the Awaker left. Without having to worry about them, Ethan could spend time trying to figure out another question he had. Granted they lacked the strength to take Nights and him down, the Nightmarens used all of their members to their best. Which puzzled Ethan why they didn't listen to Reala. They were all on the same team and, even though Ethan hated to admit it, Reala was a clever bastard who should have assumed command easily. Those Nightmarens willfully defied him. Why? Wait. Ethan remembered something Nights said earlier. So that was it? That was the reason? How sad, Ethan thought as he shook his head at Reala's futile efforts. “There's Nights,” he said as they approached the Ideya Palace. “Mm. May I go play with the Awakers now?” “Heh! Course, just keep an eye on me okay?” “Mm.” Ethan let go of the invisible creature who caught an Awaker in bear hug. “Hee!” Nights lazily floated on her side when Ethan approached. “Oy, Nights! Sorry I choked back there, but we'll get him this time and,” Bam. Ethan collided with the unseen barrier of the Ideya Palace. He fell on his back and Nights didn't move from her spot or say anything. Ethan slowly got back up and narrowed his eyes at Nights who tried to hide a smile. “Ethan, I'm glad the Awakers haven't gotten you yet. The invisible creature is helping you, I see.” “You weren't going to warn me about that force shield were you?” Nights shifted. “One Ideya gets you one chance. You'll need another Ideya to get back in.” “You just wanted to see if I'd bump my noggin on there,” Ethan continued; not dropping the subject. “I don't know know what you're talking about.” Ethan thought Nights was a horrible liar. He sighed and looked at Nights' pose. “You're rather relaxed for someone imprisoned.” “I can't do anything about it.” She stretched. “Why stress myself out?” Ethan frowned at Nights' attitude change, but she did have a point he reasoned. “So how do I get you out of here without another Ideya?” “You're the one with the blue Ideya of Intelligence...Actually, your Ideya is here on this pedestal....Anyhow, you're smart, you figure it out.” “What?” His voice pitch went up. “I'm trying to help you, so you better help me out.” “I really wish I could, but I haven't any ideas.” “Ungrateful...” Ethan shook his head. “Hey Nights, I got another question, think you can answer it for me?” “I'll try.” “You said back at the Dream Gate, Wizeman would have punished Reala for failing to stop you. That he would met the same fate as the others. Just to confirm, did Wizeman kill the others?” Nights started to answer but when she found she couldn't, she looked away. “You're just a boat full of information...” Ethan complained. “Anyway, I'm thinking Wizeman wants you both dead.” Nights remained silent. “Because,” Ethan continued trying to make his words clear, “those 'lower ranks' should have fallen in order and accepted command under Reala. I figure the only reason why they're not is because they know he's a dead man.” Nights looked back at Ethan. “I mean, like you said, Reala failed. Not only he is a failure, but he's also someone who can defeat Wizeman. Just like you did, Nights.” “I had help.” “Either way, we need to tell Reala.” “Even if we do tell him, it won't change anything. He won't let me out.” Ethan tilted his head and thought about it. “Can't you try to convince him?” “Convince him to do what?” “If Wizeman comes back, he's going to kill both of you. Why not fight him together? Convince Reala you need to work together to live. Convince him...” “Ethan, he won't listen to me. Please, just find the old owl and figure out how to get all of your Ideyas. That's the only way I'll be free. Please, Ethan,” Nights sincerely asked. “Nights...” “You should go now, Ethan. I see Reala on the horizon. You better go before he sees you.” Ethan turned and saw the red dot in the distance. “I just said we needed to talk to him. Besides, what can he do to me?” “Well...” Nights smiled and leaned closer to the glass. Her mischievous look bothered Ethan. “For starters,” Nights looked him directly in the eye, “he can fly really really high up....” she pointed to the sky, “and drop you.” She let her finger fall to her open palm. “Splat,” she said all while keeping her smile. Ethan's eyes widen. “...I better get out of here.” “Good idea. Come back when you get more good ideas.” She waved to him as he retreated. “C'mon, invisible creature, we gotta go. That jerk Reala is coming back.” “Aw, I was having fun,” she whined as she let another Awaker go. The two headed back the direction they came till they saw Owl. “Quickly, over here.” He motioned for them to hid behind a wall close to the city. Ethan ducked behind there but, even with the cover, he didn't feel safe. “Do you think Reala saw us?” “He couldn't have seen me,” the invisible creature said. Ethan could tell she had not ever bothered getting behind the wall. “He just floating around the Ideya Palace,” she continued. “It looks like he's bothering Nights.” She then stomped her foot like a five year old. “I don't like him.” “I sympathize with you.” “So, Visitor, Hoo. Did Nights inform you of our situation?” “More or less,” he said thinking back to their conversation. “I need another Ideya to get her out.” “Ah, yes. Back when Reala still used Ideya Palaces, Visitors would collect blue chips and, with them, retrieve their stolen Ideya locked away in an Ideya Capture. However, while we are fortunate your Ideyas have not been sealed away, we do not know their location. Furthermore...” “Hey, Owl, I'm grateful you're more helpful than Nights but can we talk about this inside?” Ethan had been rocking back and forth on his heels the entire time. “I feel vulnerable out here in the open.” “Ah. That is a sensible request. Hmm.” Owl surveyed the many buildings in front of them. “That structure looks best to hide and keep an eye on Nights.” “Great! Let's get inside.” The three ventured forth and what should have been a quick trip took much longer than expected. The three slammed the door to the unlit apartment behind them. “How the hell do so many aquatic creature get inside a residential building?” Ethan complained as he locked the door. “We almost didn't make it.” “Hoo! I didn't suspect that many Seapos to fill the hallways.” “Mm. Thank goodness for those Blue Chips.” “Heh, I do have a pretty good aim, don't I?” Ethan said as headed towards the window, sticking close to the wall and peeked out the corner of the window. “Good view of the Ideya Palace and guess who's just hanging around there gloating.” “Who?” The invisible creature asked causing to Ethan roll his eyes. “Oh. It's Reala. I should know that.” “Yeah, it's him so how can we take that wanker down?” “The solution, as we've discussed outside, is to recover all of your remaining Ideya, free Nights and then we can defeat Reala. Hoo.” “So, we can't take down Reala without Nights? I dunno, I thought I gave him a good thrashing when we fought.” “Yes, but I suspect you were Dualized with Nights at the time.” Ethan gave a sheepish grin. “Nights' Nightmaren body is stronger than a Visitors'. As is Reala's.” “Hmmm.” Ethan crossed his arms and lowered his head in thought until an Awaker showed up illuminating the dark apartment with its soft glow. The invisible creature caught it, teased it, and let it go. The apartment once again descended into shadows. “Hey, there's an idea...” Ethan pondered out loud. “Owl.” He walked over to the old bird. “When I first came here you said that without an Ideya this world would plunge into Nightmare. That Ideya is the light and Nightmare is the darkness.” “I suppose I said something akin to that.” “You saw how that Awaker's light vanquished the darkness here.” Ethan punched his open hand. “If the light of an Ideya can vanquished Nightmare, in theory it can also vanquish a Nightmaren.” “That is...” Owl fumbled at the implications to the gruesome idea. “That is a very bold theory.” “Isn't it? Now don't get me wrong, I just want to defeat Reala, not kill him.” “I'm afraid you have forgotten one thing, Visitor.” “Oh? What's that?” Ethan asked. “You possess no Ideya at this time. Your blue Ideya remains at the Ideya Palace.” Ethan jerked his head to the side and cursed. He felt foolish forgetting that important detail. “However,” Owl continued, “as you have noted, Reala remains at the Ideya Palace and I doubt he will simply let you pass. You may be able to use your 'Light vs Darkness' strategy when the time comes.” “Right. Right. Thank you, Owl.” “Which brings us back to our original dilemma of retrieving your remaining Ideya. Hoo. Hoo. Visitors, in the past, have obtain their missing Ideyas through trials and tests of character. These trials and tests are as unique as the Visitor. Hence, it will not be easy...” As Owl went on and on with his explanation, Ethan hated the idea more and more. He wished he could use his more direct approach of beating up Reala with his blue Ideya. Since that was no longer an option, he just listened to Owl until his ears picked up a strange noise coming from outside. Ethan hopped back over to the window facing the Ideya Palace. “Actually.” Ethan grinned as he looked at the scene outside; as another idea formed. “I know exactly what we're doing to do.”
Chapter 6
“Good idea. Come back when you have more good ideas.” Nights waved at Ethan before looking back to the pedestal holding his blue Ideya. Hope, Purity, Growth and Courage, could Ethan find all of these without her? At least the boy could depend on Owl to guide him in the right direction. The two of them would find a solution, she hoped. Till then, Nights groaned as she saw him approached, she had a whole evening of listening to a certain someone gloat. “Ah, Nights,” Reala greeted her. “What a surprise to see you here.” “Argh!” She turned away from him and crossed her arms. “The cold shoulder? Really, Nights, and after I went through all this trouble to make sure you were comfortable. By the way, your accommodation, do you like? “No. I don't like it, Reala. It's just the same old, boring Ideya Palace.” “Not so. This Palace has a wonderful twist. Have you notice? It can be formed regardless of how many Ideyas a Visitor possesses, however,” Reala chuckled, “the Visitor will still need all five to free you.” “Yes, I've noticed. I'm not blind, Reala.” “Hmm.” Reala trailed the edges of the transparent barrier of the Palace with his fingertips till he faced her. “Such a shame you don't like. Ah well, I wouldn't have even used it if that Visitor hadn't interfere.” Nights sighed. “Reala...” “Yes, Nights?” Reala smiled awaiting her trifling accusations and threats. “Please don't be upset if this plan doesn't work.” His smile vanished. Had Nights said this to mock or challenge him, he'd laughed it off. But no, she said this earnestly and with a certain sadness in her voice that made his blood boil. He snarled and swiftly swiped his hand to the side. “How dare you! I don't need your pity. You're the one who's trapped. You're the one who's dependent upon a powerless boy who I'll slash to bits if he ever comes back.” Nights looked off to the side. “I'm not worried about him.” Reala growled. “You should be.” Nights shook her head. “He'll find a way. He's quite clever, actually. He even found out why the lower ranks don't listen to you.” “Ha! Like that's hard to figure out.” Nights abruptly whipped her head back to him in shock. “Y-You know?” If he knew, then why did he continue this? “Yes, Nights. I know,” Reala said as she stared. “You see, Nights, when I came back from the brink of death, no thanks to you, I was quite weak. You remember. I could hardly stand let alone fly. Since then they haven't forgotten that image and choose not to follow me.” Nights breathe out in relief which Reala misinterpreted at first. “What?” “That's not why. Yes, you were weak back then, but you've gotten so much stronger, Reala,” she said with a smile. “They would be stupid fools for not following someone amazingly powerful as you,” Reala felt a tiny bit of his anger subside, “if that was the reason.” Reala groaned. “Then pray tell, what do you think is the reason?” Nights stopped smiling, moved closer to the edge of the barrier and told Reala about Ethan's reasoning. About how ultimately Wizeman would eliminate both of them. As Reala listened to Nights, he crossed his arms and contemplated her words. “Well?” she asked. He looked at her. “...I don't believe you,” he told her calmly. “Oh!” Nights threw her hands up in frustration. “Why not?” Nights yelled. “Because I am loyal first rank Nightmaren. Master's only elite soldier. You are mistaken if you think he'd cast me aside. The others don't listen to me because of my prior injuries.” “Well, have you ever asked them?” “Why bother?" He tilted his head upwards; looking down on Nights. "Not only would I be wasting my time asking what I already know, I'd have to beat them within an inch of their live to get any sort of answers out of them." "Again, doesn't that tell you anything?" "Hmpf. Let them remain insubordinate. After all, I've proven their assistance unnecessary. Once he returns, Master Wizeman will see how capable I am." Reala held up an open hand in front of him and closed an eye: It gave him the illusion he held Nights' head in his palm. "Yes. He'll see the wonderful trophy I've acquired for him." "Please," Nights said as Reala moved his hand back down. "What do you expect? A reward?” Nights gave a short laugh. “We both know Wizeman doesn't give out prizes." "You don't understand!" Nights jumped back at Reala's sudden outburst. Even Reala seemed disturbed by his own action. He started rubbing one hand with the other and it seemed as if he was gasping for air. He didn't even look at Nights as he continued in a shaky voice. “He'll have to recognize my penance.” His eyes started darting back and forth. “He'll have to overlook my failures. He'll have to forgive me...He'll have to let me live...” “Reala...” “I don't want to die!” Silence followed Reala's admission as he remained frozen his state of disbelief, his realization, his fear. Finally, a soft breeze passed by bringing Reala back. He turned, ready to fly and hunt down the answers needed, but stopped himself. He didn't require a begotten bloodied confession from a lower rank to confirm the suspicions he had in his heart for so long. He sank to the ground and covered his face. “You do believe...” Nights said quietly, but Reala didn't reply. His world was crumbling and he needed time to collect the pieces. She didn't disturb him. Time passed and Nights became bored waiting. Was Reala going to sulk all evening? “You know, Reala,” he still didn't move, “just because Wizeman might come back doesn't mean you'll be killed. After all, look at me: He hasn't done away with me yet.” Reala still didn't respond and Nights sighed. “It's not fair.” She rose a hand to the center of the Palace and spun herself around slowly, looking at the colored marks representing the Ideyas on the ceiling. “We both just want to live our lives; not having an authoritarian deciding when he's going to end it.” Reala shifted and turned around revealing the desolate look in his eyes. Nights ceased her twirling. “How can you compare us like that?” His voice lacked its usual arrogance. “You left on your own accord. I've been forsaken.” Nights directed her gaze away. “Wizeman's cruel. Is it really that surprising?” she asked looking back. His head drooped forward. “I just never thought...I realized I'd be punished...harmed...but...but...d-de...” he closed his eyes and spoke the word so faintly, “death?” “I'm sorry,” Nights said. “I'm so sorry. I never knew how much it frighten you.” Reala jerked his head back up, tried to yell at her, but it came across as a loud sob. “How can you not be afraid? He's going to kill us!” Never had Nights seen him like this. “I am afraid,” she said softly. “However, I can't let that fear overrule my life.” “Life...” His head hung down in hopelessness. “Will I have that even if I destroy yours?” Nights frowned. “Hey! It's bad enough I have to put up with your grumpy attitude all evening long, but you're still thinking of offing me? Argh! You know, you'd think you'd see the obvious answer right in front of your face.” “W-What?” “Show of hands. Who here has defeated the big scary Wizeman?” Nights raised her own and looked around. “Anyone else? No. Okay then.” She nodded and put her hand back down. Reala could feel a twitch on his face. “Are you suggesting...” “To let me go,” Nights interrupted him, “and when Wizeman comes back, I'll handle him.” It would be an easy fix to his problems: Letting Nights do all the work and, more importantly, act as a shield between him and an angry wrath. He shook his head to fight off those thoughts. “I'd be betraying Wize, I mean, Master Wizeman.” Nights shrugged. “He's probably going to pick me off first anyway.” Her words did ring true. “Why not give me a shot and fight him at least?” “This is too much for one evening,” he said as his treacherous heart and basic need for survival screamed to take advantage of Nights. Then something crossed his mind. “You had help. You didn't defeat him by yourself.” “You could help me...” “That's pushing it!” he yelled. “Really?” “What do you mean?” “Well...you are the most sneakiest, underhanded, rottenest person I know.” Reala blinked. “Really?” “Of course!” Reala smiled. Meanwhile, Ethan listened to Owl's explanations until he heard a strange noise from outside. Was that laughter? He hopped back over to the window facing the Ideya Palace. Yeah, he didn't imagine it. Those two were laughing together. He grinned. “Actually. I know exactly what we're going to do.” “Hoo. Hoo. You already have an idea, Visitor? Splendid. Tell us what is your plan of action?” “Nothing.” “What?” Ethan walked over to the only couch in the apartment and plopped down on it. “Nothing,” he repeated as propped his feet up and laid back with his hands behind his head. “Owl, what does he mean by that?” the invisible creature asked. Owl coughed loudly. “I'm sorry, Visitor, did you mean to say you wish us to dismiss your previous statement?” “No. I'm not saying 'I've got nothing'; I'm saying I'm not going to do a damn bloody thing.” “Visitor, I do not understand. Just a moment ago, you seemed eager to help Nights.” “Still am, however, I don't have to do anything now.” “What do you mean you don't have anything to do now?” Owl flapped over to the window. “Nights remains captive.” He glanced out the window. “I'm afraid you are the only one...” Owl did a double take out the window. “Oh, dear. Where is the Ideya Palace? I swore I, Agh!” “Hi!” Nights bursted through window startling everyone in the room and knocking Owl to the floor. “Ni-Nights?” Owl blurted out.
Hovering a few inches above the ground, Nights performed a pirouette, letting Ethan's blue Ideya circle around her. “Yes, Owl?” she asked with a smile and, before Owl could get another question in, she floated over to Ethan. “Don't you look hard at work,” she teased as she held out her hand. “Here.” His Ideya traveled down her arm and began to circle around Ethan. “Rather easy to find you with this leading the way.” Ethan watched as his Ideya bustled around him like a puppy happy to see it's owner, before reabsorbing back into him. “Nights,” the invisible creature spoke up. “How did you get free?” “Oh, that? Reala let me go,” she said casually. “Huh? Why did he do that? He's loyal to Wizeman.” Nights nodded her head. “His loyalty to Wizeman was strong but not as strong as his fear of dying.” “Hoo. Nights, you mean to tell us Reala is no longer an enemy?” Nights shook her head. “I wouldn't say that exactly. We made a truce though. He won't try to kill me and we'll deal with Wizeman if he ever comes back.” “Wow, really, Nights? That's a great idea,” Ethan said. His sarcasm made Nights puff out one of her cheeks and she placed her hands on her hips as she gave him a crossed look. “I mean, where ever did you get such a brilliant plan?” he continued. “Oh, you!” She grabbed him in a headlock and rubbed his head hard with her fist. Despite the noogie, he had to laugh. “I think I know why you have a blue Ideya,” she said as she let him go. “Yeah? Why's that?” Nights pointed a finger at him. “Because you have a smart mouth.” They smiled and Nights opened her palm. “Let's get out of this stuffy place.” The two Dualized and then they felt a weight on their back. “Ofh! You know you can just ask for a piggy back ride down,” Nights told the invisible creature. “Mm.” The three left the building and gently floated to the ground where Owl had teleported. “Hey, Nights. Where is Reala, by the way?” Ethan asked. “Hm? Oh him. I don't know. Probably at the Dream Gate.” Nights' answer made Owl cringe. “So...” the invisible creature began. “That's it?” Nights shrugged. “Yeah. I guess so.” “Hoo. Yes, even I expected a bigger ordeal.” “Yeah. Yeah,” Ethan mumbled. “Sorry to disappoint, but they talked their problems out.” “That was rather anti-climatic.”
The End
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lonym82fanfics · 11 years
Injured and weak from the defeat of Wizeman, Reala returns. He can't possibly pose a threat. Right?
A sequel to my Babysitter fanfic:  http://lonym82fanfics.tumblr.com/post/72929166237/babysitter
NiGHTS circled Dream Gate. Where was that Visitor? Nights never had this happen before. She could understand why the Visitor didn't care to talk with Owl, but her! All the Visitors were intrigued by her. Even the shy ones couldn't wait to Dualize with her and fly around. Yet this Visitor took offense to everything Nights said. Where was that Visitor? Nights had to reassure the Visitor she meant no harm and above all else, get the Visitor to like her better than anyone at the Dream Gate. There just could be no other way about it. "Hello, Nights." Came a voice. Nights stopped and looked around and saw nothing. The voice didn't belong to the Visitor but the invisible creature who had recently taken up residence at the Dream Gate. "Oh, its you," Nights said not looking in any particular direction. "Hey, I don't suppose you've seen a girl Visitor around have you?" "Mm, by the lake." "By the lake? I circled there three times already." "She must have just gotten there. Nights, what's wrong?" Nights groaned. "Oh nothing," her tone indicating it wasn't. "just because I want to Dualize with the Visitor, she thinks I'm a pervert." With that Nights flew off. "Mm," the invisible said after Nights left. Still she had to ponder, "What's a pervert?" Sure enough, the girl was sitting by the lake when Nights arrived. The girl's thoughts were preoccupied, twirling whatever it was in her hand, and she didn't even hear Nights land. Nights thought about how amusing it would be to spook the girl and make her fall in the lake, but now wasn't the time for pranks. Nights situated herself and started to play her flute. The girl whipped her head around surprised someone had shown up. She looked disappointed and somewhat angry to see Nights. "What are you doing?" Nights continued to play. "Is that a flute? That's stupid. You're stupid." The teenage girl hugged her knees and went back to staring at the lake. Nights felt like pushing the girl into that very lake. She stopped playing her flute and flew in front of the girl. "Hey, why so upset?" The girl turned away from Nights. "You wouldn't understand. No one understands." "Try me. You could start by telling me your name." After all, Nights gave her name and it was only polite this girl give hers. "What do you care?" Nights thoughts about tossing the girl into the lake came up again. "It's fine if you don't want to. I just thought you would tire of me addressing yourself as 'Hey, you'." The girl didn't respond. Nights felt a bit disappointed as that last line usually got a giggle out of the most shy Visitors. Nights' eye went to the girl's hand fiddling with an object. "What's that you have there?" "None of your business." "Oh, let me see it." Nights playfully barged in and snatched it from her. Maybe she could at least play a game of keep away until the girl felt like talking. "Haha! Got..." Nights stopped as she stared dumbfounded at the item she had taken from the girl. Nights knew the item very well and could not believe it had turn up at the Dream Gate. Nights stroked the edges of the gold plated mask with its black feathers: The persona that belonged to Reala. "Hey, give it back!" the girl yelled as she tried to reach up and take the persona back. Nights didn't even hear the girl's question. "Where did you get this?" Her voice oddly soft. "I said give it back!" "Where did you get this?" Nights repeated. The girl stopped her attempts and slowly looked away. "There's someone injured over on the other side of the woods. I tried to help him," The girl lifted up her sleeve and showed Nights the scratch marks on her arm. "but he didn't want my help." "So, he's alive." Nights looked back at the persona. But if Reala had survived Wizeman's defeat, why wasn't he wearing his persona? "How did you get this?" The girl still didn't look back at Nights. "I got mad at him for scratching me. I swiped it right off his face." "Oh," Nights said sadly. She had hoped Reala had chosen not to wear his persona and what it stood for. "Come now," Nights told the girl as she started flying towards the center of the Dream Gate. "Let's return this to its proper owner then." Near the entrance of the Dream Gate, Owl rested on his perch. "Ah." He motioned for the invisible creature to look over. "It seems Nights has found our wayward Visitor. Hoo." "What is Nights holding?" "I... don't know." Nights flew up to the middle of the fountain, took a deep breath, and yelled loud enough for him to hear. "Reala!" "What?" asked the now distressed Owl. "Reala is here? "Who's Rea..." Owl shushed the invisible creature as Nights continued. "I know you're out there, Reala." Nights held up Reala's persona. "You want this don't you? You wouldn't dare go back to Wizeman without your symbol of loyalty for him." Nights waited atop the fountain and braced herself for Reala's eventual attack. However, only silence filled the Dream Gate. Nights looked around. She doubted Reala would leave without his persona. Or could it be he finally decided to cast it off? From the edge of the Dream Gate came the sound of foliage crunching under someone's step. Nights and the others turned their heads to see the red, black and gray Nightmaren standing there holding his side while his other hand supported himself up against a tree. The girl had told Nights that Reala was badly wounded, but Nights didn't imagine he would walk here; not when he had the power of flight. Was this to mislead her? Nights was a bit relieved to see him finally start to float off the paved circle of the Dream Gate. Even if only by a few inches. "Ah, Nights. Long time no see." Reala sneered. Nights kept her ground. "How did you survive?" "Sorry your attempt to kill us all failed, Nights," Reala said while his head rolled along its joint. "Perhaps you'd like to finish me off in front of that Visitor or would you rather wait till my back is turned before you try again at stabbing it? "Is Wizeman back?" Reala kept his lazy look on Nights. "Wouldn't you like to know." Nights could try her hand at Reala's game too. "I'm just surprised Wizeman made another second rank Nightmaren instead of healing you." "That eye sore of a Nightmaren was created before you destroyed Master Wizeman!" Reala yelled. "So, Wizeman is gone." Reala let out grunt of frustration at how easily he was tricked in his weaken state. Nights floated down to him. "Reala, you don't have to hold onto this." She held out his persona. "Wizeman is gone, you can be..." Nights' sentence was cut short as Reala grabbed his persona and made a strike at Nights. Had Reala been at his normal power, his attack would have been successful. However, Nights dodged him easily and he fell unceremoniously to the ground. He tried getting back up, but his legs kept giving out. "Why do you think Master Wizeman is gone?" he screamed at her. The only thing he could do. "You killed him! I'm in this condition because of you! You did this to me!" He looked at his persona in his hand and held it close. He didn't even notice Night had kneel down to look at him. She held out her hand. "Wizeman is gone. We have no reason to fight. We can live in peace." He snarled at her. "No reason? Funny, I think attempted genocide is a rather good reason to fight." Reala finally pushed himself up. He placed his persona back over his face and then pointed at Nights. "You'll receive yours, Nights." He slowly floated back into the forest and out of sight. Nights remained in her spot; a somber look rested across her face as she kept her sight to the spot Reala had disappeared from. "You tried to kill them?" the girl asked. Nights only hung her head in reply. "You did! You tried to kill them." "They're Nightmarens," the invisible creature spoke up. "They should all die." The girl looked around. She had never met the invisible creature and didn't know where the voice came from. She took a glance at Nights before she ran off. "What a mess! What a mess! Hoo. Hoo." Owl went on as he tried to figure out how to set things back to order. "Now, m'dear," he addressed the invisible creature first as she was there. "You shouldn't say all Nightmarens should die." "Don't scold her, Owl." "Nights?" "After all, she's just saying they should be killed. I'm the one who actually did try to kill them all." "Mm. Nights agrees with me." Owl looked over to where the invisible creature was. The poor thing didn't know the truth about Nights. He turned back to her. "Nights, what shall we do about the Visitor?" "I don't know, Owl. I don't know."
Chapter 2
Nights flew through the sky. She wished she could feel like her usual cheerful self, however, tonight she saw something she didn't want to see. She knew destroying Wizeman, and thus exterminating all of his Nightmarens, was the right thing to do yet she did not want any of them to suffer. Reala was suffering. Not only by his battered body but also from the loss of a misguided admiration of his wicked creator. Didn't Reala realized he was free from the fear of Wizeman's ominous shadow? Free from Wizeman's cruel wrath? Or maybe he realized he could have freedom and rejected it out right in favor of an absurd loyalty to an inanimated mask? Or maybe Reala truly believed Wizeman would returned? Of course, no matter what Reala's reasoning, Nights knew he wanted her to pay for his misery. However, Reala's condition would prevent him from becoming a threat. Nights thought that the third rank Nightmarens posed more of a danger than Reala did. Also, how come Reala remained horribly injured when all the other lower ranked Nightmarens were in good health? Then again, Nights didn't knew why the Nightmarens had survived in the first place. Nights looked down at the Dream Gate and saw Owl chattering away. At least the old bird had the invisible creature to lecture to. Nights enjoyed Owl's company, but he would go on and on with explanations about everything. Nights rolled her eyes as she flew overhead past Owl. She knew he meant well, but her dear friend could be an annoyance at times. "By the way," Owl asked the invisible creature. "how did you know Reala was a Nightmaren? I never told you about him." "He kept saying 'Master Wizeman'. I figured only Wizeman's Nightmarens would call him that." "Ah, of course." Owl nodded his head. "It may interest you to know, Reala is a first-level Nightmaren rivaled only in power to Nights." "As strong as Nights?" "Well," Owls chuckled. "Nights always prevailed in their battles." "Mm. Nights can always defeat Nightmarens." "Defeat," Owl repeated. "Yes..." Owl recalled when Nights first told him about the egg she had a long time ago. About how the egg came to be because a defeated Nightmaren recoiled off of her, very much like how the mepians were created. "What is it, Owl?" "Ah, nothing to worry yourself with." "Mm." "Oh look. Hoo." He looked up. "There's Nights. I think I need to speak with her." With that, he teleported in front of her. "Ahh! Don't teleport right in front of me, Owl!" Nights screamed at him. "Hoo! Sorry, Nights. I was wondering, may we talk?" Nights sat back in midair and got comfortable. "Of course, what did you want to talk about?" "It's rather private..." "I changed my mind." Nights started to fly away. "Oh! Nights!" Nights chuckled and turned back to face Owl. "Yes?" "First of all, please forgive me for bringing up this subject. I know it is a sensitive subject and..." Nights interrupted him. "Owl, just tell me." "It is about your egg." "Oh." Nights sighed. "What about it? I thought I told you everything." "You did omit something. Who is the other parent?" Nights winced at that question. "Some Nightmaren," she quickly answered. "Does it really matter, Owl? I mean..." "I am sorry, Nights. I know your egg didn't survive. I'm just worried. You said that was your only chance at having a child..." "Owl, how could I even think about having a child when the Nightmarens were after me? It was an accident I had one. It was an accident I lost it too." Night closed her eyes and shook her head. "I couldn't bare to risk another precious life." "So, you have thought about having another?" Nights held her arms and looked away. "Many times." "The other parent wasn't a lower level Nightmaren was it?" Nights didn't answer Owl's question. "I've seen other low level Nightmarens bounce off you after you've defeated them and an egg has not resulted from those encounters." "Heh. I'm grateful for that. Can you imagine a Nightmaren with my body and a Seapo's head?" An image flashed in Owl's mind and he stifled a laugh. Not very well, however. "Ha, even you think it's funny don't you, Owl?" Owl smiled and shook his head. "I'm just worried about you, Nights. I have an inkling who the other parent is." "Drat, I was hoping to get you to drop that subject. To be truthful, I'm a bit embarrassed about it." "Because it's Reala?" Nights sighed and nodded her head. Owl was grateful his suspicions were finally confirmed. "How will we deal with Reala now?" Nights turned around and glared angrily at Owl. "What? What's that look for, Nights?" Nights flew over to Owl and grabbed his cheeks and start to pull on them. "Ouch!" Owl cried. "I swear you're a dirty old bird. Is that what you're worried about? That I'm going to use Reala just to make an egg? Are you insane? You know a cruel and manipulate brute he is." Nights let go of Owl's cheeks and he rubbed his now sore face. "I'm not going to have another child with him." "Ouch... Alright, I won't bring the subject up again." Nights nodded. "But, Owl, I have thought about putting Reala out of his misery." "Do you intend to go through with it?" "I don't know. I know I shouldn't be, but I do feel guilty about how he's in such pain." Nights sat back in the air again. "Though, I severely doubt I'll feel less guilt by killing him." "With his condition, he is not a threat to us and the Visitors." "No. He's not." "I know you will make the right decision when the time comes, Nights. I must say, I am glad you survived Wizeman's defeat. The Dream Gate would not be as pleasant without your rascally ways." With that, Owl teleport away leaving Nights stared at the sky and wonder what Reala was doing. Back at the Dream Gate, Reala slumped against the rough bark of a tree for support. In his condition, he could not leave the solid and stable ground of the Dream Gate. He slowly let his body slink down the trunk of the tree till he laid down. He felt himself straining for his breaths as his sore muscles went into another spasm. He had not meant to come to the Dream Gate for its support, rather he squirmed his way here because of senseless curiosity: He had to see if that traitorous Nights had survived. It was unsettling to see not only did Nights live but in full health. Here he was twitching on the ground while Nights soared freely through the air. Times like this he would report to Master Wizeman, but Reala had no more Master to report to. He touched his persona. Master Wizeman was gone because of Nights. Reala desired to finish Nights off, but he could not do it alone in his present state. He had tried to gathered the surviving lower ranked Nightmarens and was met with indifference. Reala knew he would not serve one as weak as himself. How could he have fallen so below Nights? Here Nights had vanquished Master Wizeman and he couldn't even stand for more than a few minutes at a time. Reala reminded himself that wasn't true. Nights had borrowed power from Visitors to overthrow Master Wizeman. Night was not stronger than him. Reala told himself he was the better of the two. Nights was the pathetic one. "Hey." Reala whipped his head around. It was the Visitor girl from before. She had no Ideya and was even more worthless than other Visitors. "I can't believe you got your ass handed to you by Nights." Reala flexed his long sharp fingers with a twitch. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Come closer and say that." "Please. Don't try to scare me. You're as terrifying as a kitten. Heh." The Visitor touched her arm where he had attacked her. "Actually, I take that back: A kitten's scratch hurts more." "What do you want?" "How about I help you out?" The Visitor more or less told Reala this than asked. "Ha! What can a weak little Visitor like you do to help me?" Reala scoffed and then proceeded to mock her. "Are you going to offer to be my friend and help me change my evil ways around?" His voice resumed his serious tone. "Don't make me laugh." The Visitor took his insult in stride. Pretending she didn't him hear, she continued. "How about I take Nights down from the inside out? Literally." Did that Visitor just suggest what he thought he heard? She wanted to hurt Nights? It was evil and Reala was intrigued. He felt as if he could take Nights down himself when he recovered but this betrayal would wound Nights deeply. Reala imagined the look on Nights' face when this treachery would came to pass and he knew he would take the Visitor up on her offer. His retribution would come no matter what price the Visitor would have to pay for it. He sneered wickedly before extending his hand. "I believe we can work something out."
Chapter 3
Nights hovered among the tree tops playing her flute. It was very early in the evening and no young Visitor would want to go to sleep at this hour. It surprised Nights when that Visitor girl did show up as early as she did. Perhaps the girl was exhausted from the day, but it was past the usual dinner time. Wouldn't she be woken up, so she could eat? Or was the girl sent to bed without supper? No matter what happen prior to her slumber, the girl had a most difficult trip to the Dream Gate. It sadden Nights that she could not help the girl. Nights loved children and wanted them to be happy. Nights wished she had another chance for the two of them to get to know each other. "Hey." Nights heard the girl's voice calling her and she looked down. The girl waved. "Umm. I know we had a rough start." Boy, did they ever. "But can we have another chance to get to know each other?" That was easy. Nights beamed with excitement. "Of course!" Nights flew down to the girl and they smiled. "I'm Jeanie. I'm sorry about my behavior earlier." "You have nothing to be sorry for, Jeanie," Nights said as she put her fists on her hips. Jeanie kept her smile on. "Hey, Nights, I have a question." "What is it?" "Is that offer to fly still good?" Nights held up one of her hands. "Always," she said sincerely. Jeanie's eyes and smile widen as she reached her own hand to touch Nights. With a spiral of light the two became of one body and they were floating in the air. "Since the old owl isn't here, I'll give you the short, very short, tutorial. Just imagine you're swimming." Jeanie waited for more instructions and when none came she asked. "Is that it?" Nights nodded their head. "You weren't kidding about it being short." Nights chuckled. "I'll give you an example and..." Nights paused and moved their jaw. "What's this in our mouth?" She said as she rolled a small ball against the roof of their mouth. "Oh! That's...that's my lucky jawbreaker." "This is a piece of candy? It has no flavor." "Oh...Not at first. You've got to let the outer coating dissolve in your mouth before you get the true effect." Nights did wonder how a Visitor brought over candy with them in the first place. "Do you always have a piece of candy in your mouth?" After hearing Jeanie said she did, Nights figured the girl even dreamt about candy. "I bet your dentist is happy for your business." "Uh...right. Sure." "Anyhow..." Nights tucked the small ball against their cheek. "Let's go!" With that, they took off. Nights let Jeanie have control and they skimmed along the edges of the Dream Gate. When Jeanie wasn't sure what to do, Nights took control and performed an acrobatic trick for her. "Whoa! Was that a... a backflip or was that a tumble. Whatever that was, wow!" Jeanie exclaimed. "I'm glad you liked that. You know, you can do tricks like that too?" "I can?" "Yes. You can do anything you want to, Jeanie. You just have to try," Nights told her. Jeanie regarded Nights for a moment before turning her head away with a sad look on her face. "Is everything alright?" Nights asked her. "I just, I just... At first, I thought you were so mean." "Don't worry about that. I'm sure everyone must have made one bad first impression in his or her life." Nights winked which made Jeanie smile a little. "I guess I was wrong about you, Nights," Jeanie said while she moved her hand to touch the cheek that held the small ball. Suddenly, she wanted to get rid of it. "It's not about being right or wrong. Now let's just enjoy our flight toget..." Nights didn't finish her sentence as she spotted someone at the edge of the Dream Gate. Reala glared at the two as they passed by him. "What is Reala still doing here?" Nights asked. Jeanie looked over to Reala as well. She wasn't sure how she felt at that moment. "I swear if Reala tries anything I'll... argh!" Jeanie looked back to Nights. "What will you do to him?" "I don't know," Nights answered honestly. "He is a rotten Nightmaren. Aren't you going to destroy him too?" "He is rotten that's for sure." Jeanie frowned at Nights' answer and made sure the small ball remained tucked securely in their mouth. She looked back at Reala and then to the darkness that surrounded the Dream Gate. "Hey, Nights, what's down there?" "That? The Dark Ocean? You don't want to go, hey!" Jeanie took control and flew them further from the Dream Gate. "I wanna check it out," she said without emotion. "Don't go in the Dark Ocean," Nights sternly told Jeanie. "Why? Will I die if I go in it?" Jeanie continued to fly further. "I'd never let that happen to you." "Promises. Promises." With that, Jeanie bit down hard into the small ball, breaking it. "What?" Nights yelled as she tasted the bitter liquid that filled the ball. Before Nights could spit it out, Jeanie ingested it into them. Poison. A dark black poison that shot pulses of ripping pain throughout their entire body. "Ah!" Nights cried out. She felt her body briefly going limp as it tossed them backwards. Nights gripped her chest and as she tried to manage the excruciating pain. Wait, where was Jeanie? Nights couldn't feel her anymore. Nights looked down and saw Jeanie falling towards the Dark Ocean. Nights couldn't even hear Jeanie's screams over the pounding in her head. "Jeanie!" Nights' panic temporarily overcame her pain and she quickly darted towards the girl to grab her. With Jeanie safely in her arms, Nights began to fly back upwards. Or at least she tried as her head became woozy and she felt her grip on Jeanie slipping. Nights did not want to Dualize back with Jeanie as the poison would creep back into her. Yet Nights knew she could not keep her hold on Jeanie in this condition. She Dualized with Jeanie and continued her agonizing trip back to the Dream Gate. She had to get them to safety. She had to get help. She couldn't let Jeanie die. Nights reached the edge of the Dream and started flying towards the center where Owl was. He would know what to do. Just as Nights reached the paved walkway of the Dream Gate, sharp claws grabbed her collar. She hardly had time to gasp as she was thrown hard onto the stone. The impact disengaged Jeanie from herself. Nights held her side and tried to focus on her enemy. "Re..." Reala didn't let her finish as he stomped her face to the pavement. "Uh!" Nights could hear Reala speaking to her but she couldn't make out his words. He took his boot off her head and she soon felt cold metal ensnared her. She recognized this chain. It was a smaller version of the one used in her Capture cages. It wrapped around her body binding her arms and legs. She instinctively struggle against her constraints but to no avail. Nights could now hear Reala's words. "Look at how the high and mighty Nights have fallen." He laughed and continued his taunting. "But, Nights, we can still live in peace can't we?" He kicked Nights in the gut before advancing towards the Visitor. Nights squirmed on her stomach before calling out to him. "Leave her alone!" "Leave her alone?" Reala asked sardonically as he looked back at Nights. "She's the one who wouldn't leave me alone. She concocted this plot to take you out." "No..." "No? Then tell me," Reala turned back and kneeled down to look at the helpless Nights "how did you get yourself in this mess?" Nights thought back to the small ball that Jeanie had in her mouth. Night didn't want to believe it. "Fine, don't answer." Reala got up and went to Jeanie. He reached down and helped her to her feet. He stroked her cheek. "Are you alright, Jeanie? Don't worry. Remember I told you this potion isn't fatal. It just knocks you for quite a loop." "I'm fine, Reala. Thank you." Reala kept his eyes on Nights. "Ah Nights, if you could only see the realization on your face. It such a beautiful site. Isn't it, Jeanie?" "Yes, Reala." Nights looked away and closed her eyes. The girl's betrayal hurt more than the poison. Reala laughed at Nights' anguish. "Poor little Nights," he continued his condescension till he heard Jeanie yell. "What are you doing?" Jeanie was being dragged away by Owl. "Quickly! You must get away from Reala before he..." Reala reached and smacked Owl hard away from them. "Reala! You loathsome freak!" Nights cried out at the treatment of her friend. "A freak? You make it sound as if I'm doing something unnatural. I haven't forgotten what I am, but you need to be reminded that you are a Nightmaren just like me, Nights." A gasp filled the Dream Gate. Nights recognized the invisible creature's voice. She had heard Night's secret. Nights was in fact a Nightmaren created by Wizeman. The same Nightmarens she wished death upon. "What was that?" Reala asked. He looked around, saw nothing and went back to Nights. "Anyway, I'll have my revenge, Nights. Not now though. It seems conjuring up that potion and trapping you has used up more of my strength than intended. Don't worry; I'll be back." Reala began to float away but he faltered. Jeanie caught him and let him lean on her. "What are you doing? Let me go," he said. "Reala, Nights used Visitors for help. Allow me to continue helping you." "Don't trust him, Jeanie!" Nights called out to her. "Please, you've got to..." "Shut up, Nights. I'll deal with you soon." Reala warned Nights as Jeanie proceeded to helped him to the forest. Nights wanted to call out to Jeanie again, but the poison sent her into another convulsion of pain. When it had subsided, Nights was left all alone, helpless, weak and slowly dying.
Chapter 4
Nights never realized how cold the Dream Gate could be. The heavy chains crushing her slender form didn't help the numbing chill. She shivered and caused the metal links to clanked against one another. Nights would rather be in a Capture cage. At least then she could fly inside the mystical sphere. Though, in her condition, she'd doubt she could do that. The poison did a fine job at robbing her strength. Nights could hardly move her limbs let alone shape shift out of her constraints. There was also the pain in her heart, but Nights knew that wasn't from the poison. Everyone at the Dream Gate was in danger because the Visitor Jeanie was being deceived by Reala and by her own self. Jeanie didn't even realized the dangerous situation she had gotten into. Reala wouldn't stop with just Nights' death. No, he would pick up where Wizeman had left off and conquer all of Nightopia. Nights would not allow it. She had to overcome this sickness and break free. She groaned and struggled with the means of her imprisonment. Without much leverage, all she managed to do was roll onto her back. Lovely, she thought as she sunk back down to the stone pavement. She was as useful as a dead fish. Cold as one too. Nights looked up at the ever constant evening sky of the Night Dimension. She wish she could have flown in them forever. Warmth came to her cheeks and she felt herself being lifted. She closed her eyes. Was her time up already? Did she have to go now? Her whole head felt warm. Nights didn't want to leave her world like this. She didn't want to die alone and easily forgotten. "Nights?" Nights gasped as her eyes shot back open. She was still alive. Still tied up and grounded too. "Nights..." Nights looked back up and only saw the sky. She calmed down as she realized who it was. "Are you really a Nightmaren?" the invisible creature asked. Nights knew the invisible creature hated the Nightmarens who were responsible for the destruction of her Nightopian homeland. The creature made it very clear she hated all Nightmarens. "Yes," Nights answered. Silence once again filled the Dream Gate. Soon Nights felt her head being lifted back up and placed back on the cold ground. The warmth must have came from the creature's hands and lap. Nights closed her eyes and sighed. She could not deny her heritage. A jolt ran through Nights body. She opened her eyes again to see a length of chain being lifted and suspended in midair. "It's heavy," The invisible creature commented as she continued to pull on the chains that bounded Nights. Nothing was said as the invisible creature helped unravel Nights from the chains. Nothing needed to be said. Nights stretched as soon as the links came off. She already felt better then before. The invisible creature kept focus on the remaining complication: A shackle at Nights' wrist. "I couldn't free you, Nights..." "You did plenty. At least the chain isn't crushing me." Nights looked at shackle still connecting her to the entire length of chain. "We'll need an Ideya to undo this." She smiled and looked in the direction of the invisible creature. "Or we can ask Reala very nicely to let me go." "Huh?" The invisible creature didn't understood Nights' sarcasm. "He would do that?" Nights kept her smile and shook her head. "What will we do when he comes back, Nights?" "You let me handle Reala." "You're still weak." "Reala's not that strong right now, either. Besides, unless you're a first rank Nightmaren like me, you won't be able to do anything to Reala." Nights heard the invisible creature making a noise indicating she wasn't sure about this plan. "I'll... I'll be okay. I just need a few minutes rest and I should..." "Hello, Nights," came a familiar, sinister voice. "Who let you out for a walk?" "Reala!" The other first rank Nightmaren glided out of the forest. "And I see you're wearing your pretty new leash too. Such a shame you have to be put down." Nights snarled at him. "Where's Jeanie?" The girl was not in sight. "Oh, are you worried about her, Nights?" "I swear, Reala, if you've..." "If I what? What are you doing to do to me in your condition, Nights? I'm afraid your bark is worst than your bite." Reala looked behind him as he heard leaves rustle. "Ah, Jeanie, there you are." The girl walked over to Reala. "Nights here thought I'd hurt you. As if I'd ever do that." Reala lips curled up in an evil smile as he looked at Nights. Nights knew it was only a matter of time before Reala would try to hurt Jeanie again. "Jeanie..." Nights began. "He poisoned us..." "And you took the potion right out of me just as Reala said you would. I was never in any real danger." Jeanie twirled around. "See I'm fine. You're not." "You stupid girl!" "What?" Jeanie blinked. Neither Nights or Reala said that. She didn't have time to look around as she was pushed down. Soon a squabble broke out between her and the invisible creature. "No! Stop!" Nights cried out. "Stop hurting each other." she begged. Reala readied his claws to put a stop to this nonsense. Nights acted fast and threw the other end of the chain at Reala. It wrapped itself around his wrist and she pulled him back. Of course, after doing this, her energy felt spent. Reala's wasn't. His free hand grabbed and threw her to the ground again. With Nights laying there he went to remove the chain from his wrist. It got caught in his gauntlet. "Why won't this come off? Urg!" Reala was pulled to the ground by Nights. "Undo this chain, Reala!" Reala growled before striking at Nights who used a length of chain to block his claws. He continued to swing at her. Nights wondered how long she could keep this up. She wanted to believe they were on equal ground, but she knew that wasn't true. Reala's attacks did lack its usual strength, however her feeble attempts at dodging wouldn't hold out as long as the poison remained in her system. Nights' silver lining arrived when Reala's attacks temporary stopped as he paused to catch his breath. Nights reeled him in by the chain and Touch Dashed his head. He didn't go far. "No," Nights said under her breath. Reala looked at the chain still struck in his gauntlet and he decided he too could use this to his advantage. He pulled it back to knock Nights off balance and then he used the momentum to swing her around. Nights almost hit Jeanie but instead knocked into the invisible creature. They both screamed at their impact and their fall to the ground. Nights rolled off the invisible creature who groaned. "Are you alright?" Nights asked but the invisible creature was out cold. Before Nights could check for any damage, she was dragged back by another heave of the chain. When she was close enough, Reala stomped on her head again. "You've always been quite the nuisance, Nights," he said as he circled around her. "I think I'll have my revenge now." He kneel down on top of Nights, pinning her. He clutched Nights by the collar and started to choke her. "I'm sure there are more grandiose ways of ending your life but there is a certain satisfaction of killing you with my own hands." Reala proceeded to suffocate Nights as Jeanie looked on. Jeanie knew it would come to this, however, actually seeing it happening was another matter. She hated seeing Nights desperately try to pry Reala's hold off her. She hated seeing Nights' eyes pleading for her release. To actually see a living thing about to die hurt her heart. Nights started hacking up a black and murky substance and Jeanie couldn't bear anymore. "Reala!" "Not now, Jeanie. I'm busy," Reala said calmly as he kept strangling the life out of Nights. "You don't have to kill Nights. Show some mercy. You could... you could just lock Nights up forever." "Jeanie, stop bothering me. I want to murder Nights myself before the poison does the job for me." Jeanie felt numb inside. "But...you said this...this potion... wasn't fatal." "Oh. Potion. Right. I lied." Jeanie stepped back. She looked at her hands. They were shaking. Had Nights not taken out all of the poison... Jeanie clenched her hands into fists before she walked back over to Reala. "Jeanie, I'm trying to savor the moment and if you don't leave..." Jeanie gently plucked Reala's persona off his face. "Jeanie, what are you, gah!" Jeanie drove one of the long sharp edges of the mask into his arm. In a panic, he fiercely slapped her away and gripped his arm. His persona remained deeply embedded into his flesh. His whole body shook from the pain and sight of his new injury. "How dare you!" he yelled at her. "I'll swear you'll pay for this!" He got up and advanced on her. He had forgotten about Nights. Nights had used the time to regain her composure and then wrapped the chain around Reala's collar. "Your fight's with me, Reala!" They tumbled back to the ground and continued to clash as they rolled towards the border of the Dream Gate. Nights knew what she was doing. "You want me dead, Reala?" They reached the outskirts of the Dream Gate. "Fine! I'll grant your wish!" Nights yelled before she forced the both of them over the edge and towards the Dark Ocean.
Chapter 5
Many thoughts went through Nights' mind after Jeanie attacked Reala. It was a brutal attack, but Jeanie could not defeat Reala. Jeanie, or any other Visitor, could defeat the third rank Nightmarens with the numerous Blue Chips scattered about the Dream Gate, but not him. Only Nights, herself, could beat Reala, however her time was running out. If she did not stop Reala, the Dream Gate and everyone else there was finished. She knew what she had to do. If she was going to die, she would take Reala with her. Nights held on firm to Reala as they fell to the Dark Ocean. He tried to fly, but he could not support both their weight. "You'll kill us both!" he yelled at Nights. "I know," she said softly as she rested her head against his. "We were created together, we'll die together." Reala did not want to die. He feared of what might await him at death. He feared not existing. He feared being as worthless as the other Nightmarens Wizeman destroyed. He refused to die. With his power, he shattered the chain that bounded him to Nights. The metal links bursted everywhere as Reala kicked himself away from Nights and flew off into the distance. The poison would kill Nights soon. Nights couldn't let him get away. She started to pursue but another seizure of pain from the poison attacked her. Nights' whole body contracted as she descended once more. She would hit the black water before she regained her composure. She felt another jolt and immobile. Nights wondered what happened. She was certain she had not hit the water yet. Soon, brown feather fluttered around her. Nights looked and her shoulders were being gripped by Owl. She never felt more grateful to see him. Slowly the old bird flew Nights back to the Dream Gate. Once at the center, he laid her upon one of the benches. She reached out to her old friend. "I've been poison, I don't..." "It's alright, Nights, I know. Wait here. The antidote is almost done." He teleported away. Night closed her eyes and hoped Owl would arrive in time. If he didn't, Nights would have no other choice but to haunt him. If he thought she startle him now, wait till she was a scary ghost. Nights felt one of her hand being gently gripped. She opened her eyes and smiled warmly. "Hello, Jeanie," she greeted the crying girl. "Please don't die, Nights. I'm so sorry." "You idiot," Nights said as she took her free hand and smacked the back of Jeanie's head. "Stop crying. I'll be fine." "Mm. Nights better be fine or I'll never let you have a peaceful stay at the Dream Gate again," the invisible creature threatened Jeanie. Oh good, Nights thought, the invisible creature was okay. "But, Nights, this is all my fault. If I haven't of been so stupid..." Jeanie continued to cry. "Tell you what," Nights squeezed Jeanie's hand. "will you stop those tears if I forgive you?" Jeanie's bottom lip trembled when Nights said that, but she wiped her eyes dry. "That's better; all's forgiven. Now, why don't you wake up?" With that, Nights gave Jeanie a gentle pinch and woke her up. "Nights," the invisible creature walked over to her. "how could you forgive her so easily?" "Why not?" Nights asked. "Besides, I'll be..." Everything became fuzzy to Nights before she lost consciousness. "Nights? Nights!" There was nothing but complete darkness around Nights. Finally a light broke through the gloom. Nights always heard Visitors joke about not going into the light, but Nights had always preferred the lightness over the darkness. She flew upward to greet whatever awaited her. Nights opened her eyes. She remained in the Dream Gate. Alive, wrapped in a warm cushioned blanket and with a soft pillow under her head. She got a good look at the blanket and smiled at the tacky little cartoony owls on it. She felt at peace. "Ah, Nights is awake. Give her more of the medicine. Hoo." Nights felt her torso being sat up. "Huh?" The edge of a bowl was pressed to Nights' lips and she was forced to drink a nasty tasting liquid. She pulled away."Ugh! That's worst than the poison!" "Make sure she drinks it all," Owl told the invisible creature. "Mm," she said before forcing the medicine on Nights again. Nights snatched the bowl away. "I can do it myself." She looked warily at the brown medicine before downing another gulp. Nights had heard Visitors pinching their nose before drinking something disgusting. Nights now wished she had a nose. "Oh, it's not that bad, Nights. Hoo." "Not that bad?" she asked twirling a finger in the medicine. "Yes, it's highly nutritious and very beneficial for those who have lost their strength after being poisoned. This is the best plan of treatment given after the antidote has been admin..." Nights stuck her medicine laden finger in Owl's beak and he blanched. It was horrible, the stuff even made the back of Owl's feathers stood up on their ends. Nights smiled at her small victory. Owl coughed hoarsely. "I'm sorry I ran off like that before. I had to gather the ingredients to the antidote for you. Besides, hoo, I can do nothing against Reala." "I knew you wouldn't desert me, Owl." "Hoo." Owl lifted one of his eyebrows. "Did you now, Nights?" "What?" "About this martyrdom of yours..." "Oh boy, here it comes..." Nights rested her cheek on her hand. "I don't know if in my old age I can take this sacrificing of yourself. What I'm trying to say is that I hope the next time you worry about us... you would actually worry about us. Hoo." "We'd miss you terribly, Nights," the invisible creature added. Nights sighed. "I'm sorry." "We forgive you," the invisible creature said as she curled up against Nights. Not wanting to be left out, Owl gently rested on Nights' shoulder. Nights chuckled and basked in the love of her friends. Back in the suburbs, it was a sunny afternoon. Mrs. Jones sipped on her iced tea as she watched her daughter trying to play the flute. 'Try' being the operative word. She laughed as Jeanie hit another sour note. "Jeanette, remind me again why you suddenly want to take flute lessons?" "It just feels right," Jeanie said. "It doesn't sound right." Jeanie recalled some heartfelt words. "I can do anything I want to. I just have to try." Jeanie's mother smiled as her daughter continued practicing.
The End 
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lonym82fanfics · 11 years
They had lost. Even with their powers combined with NIGHTS', Will and Helen lost against their battle with Wizeman. Their Ideyas were ripped from them and they fell.
“No!” NiGHTS screamed. He flew to catch them, but in his weakened state, Wizeman easily caught and clutched in NiGHTS in one of his gigantic hands.
Another hand, already gathering dark energy, came towards NiGHTS. Only moments ago, NiGHTS was ready to make the ultimate sacrifice and now it meant nothing.
“Will...Helen...everyone...” NiGHTS softly cried as four of Wizeman's hands gripped each of his limbs. Then a fifth one started to rip away NiGHTS' soul. NiGHTS' screams of agony filled the Night Dimension.
The next evening, in the realm that belongs to Visitors, at a cafe, a group of middle-age people ordered drinks. The barista commented on their fancy attire. They replied they had just came from a concert.
“Oh, a concert, how lovely!”
One man scoffed. “Most of it, yes. The grand finale, not so much.”
“Yes, a mother and her young daughter performed,” another woman chimed in. “The girl should have just stayed home.”
“Nepotism was in play; the only thing that girl could play.” The group paid and sat down while another group, a mother with half a dozen boys.
“Okay, everyone get some cocoa, and I'll take you back to your homes.”
“Thank you, ma'am, for taking us here, but we didn't win,” a child said.
“It's not your fault, it's,” the mother stopped herself.
“It's his fault,” another boy chipped in.
“Now, now,” the mother wagged a finger. “We don't go around saying it though, understood?” They reluctantly agreed.
That night, Will and Helen cried themselves to sleep. They had let everyone down, the crowds, their friends, their parents, their dreams for the future, and themselves.
Back in the Night Dimension, in Nightmare, Reala arrived after he recovered from his injuries from the battle at Bellbridge. He gulped when he caught sight of his master. NiGHTS was there too, his back turned towards Reala.
“G-good evening, Master Wizeman,” Reala said as he keeled in front of him. When he looked back up, NiGHTS now faced him. No, not facing him, looking down on Reala through his gold Persona. NiGHTS' cold eyes sent a shiver through Reala, but Reala had a plan.
“It seems you were most successful,” another gulp, “in regaining both of your First-level Nightmarens, Master. Why, think of the Ideya NiGHTS and I can col,”
“Silence!” Wizeman bellowed. NiGHTS crossed his arms and smirked.
Unbeknown to Reala, one of Wizeman's hands came up from behind and grabbed him. “You are a waste of power.”
“M-m-m-master, please. T-t-two Nightmarens are better, AH!” Reala screamed at the sudden squeeze from Wizeman's hand.
“I did think that once. Yet, my NiGHTS,” Wizeman brought a hand under his creation and NiGHTS did a twirl, like a ballerina in a music box, “did more than any of my creations.” NiGHTS silently chuckled. “I've decided to rewards NiGHTS.” With a happy sigh, NiGHTS pressed his face to one of Wizeman's finger tips and moved his head affectionately against it. “I've decided...to double NiGHTS' power.”
Reala's eyes shoot wide in fear. “No! You're not saying...No!” And Reala's life came to an end.
Wizeman held up the ball of energy, that was once Reala, up to NiGHTS.
NiGHTS pressed his hands together in appreciation for the gift and then reach over to pluck Reala's Persona out of the ball of energy. He chucked the mask away with no care.
“Thank you, my beloved Master.” NiGHTS kissed one of Wizeman's finger tips before accepting the gift. “Oh wow, this feels amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better present,” he said marveling in his new power. He smiled as one of Wizeman's finger trailed his face.
“I am so glad I decided not to destroy you. Your body is just too lovely to dispose of. One of my most favored designs.”
NiGHTS took hold of the finger and gently bestowed a few kisses on it. “And it will live on, long after you passed.”
“What?” Wizeman didn't have time to say anything else as NiGHTS broke the finger he gripped. “You!” But it was too late, NiGHTS rushed towards Wizeman and ripped his way into the long robe of the Leader of Nightmares. “Get out! Get out! Get out!”
NiGHTS didn't listen of course. Up he flew toward Wizeman's head, intending on getting inside and doing away with him. Something made easier with his power doubled and Wizeman without a barrier around him. NiGHTS laughed as he broke through Wizeman's metal skull.
The robes, hands, and head fell in the dark abyss and NiGHTS held up a distorted substance in victory. He laughed as the substance, already forming arms and legs began to futilely lash at him. “Where once yours was a childish attempt at power, I will rule this realm as my empire.”
Chained formed around the distorted, now almost humanoid, substance, and soon it was trapped in a Capture Cage suspended in mid-air. The substance began to bang against the glass and NiGHTS conjured a large cloak and draped it over the cage. “You wanted the most powerful and scary nightmare ever? Well, you got it. You got it, Father.” The noise stopped.
With a flick of his wrist, NiGHTS threw off his Persona and sat back in a newly formed throne adorned with Ideya shards.
“Let the new dark age begin.”
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lonym82fanfics · 11 years
I am sorry
Tumblr media
I am so, so sorry
To find out why I would draw such a thing check out the NiGHTS Into Dreams Art Challange blog: http://nidartchallenge.tumblr.com/
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lonym82fanfics · 11 years
"Boring!" NiGHTS shouted at his red and black counterpart. "You're boring!" Reala blinked. His face reflecting his shock and bewilderment "E-excuse me?"
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