Ep. 4 Opener;
“Really, it’s not that big of a deal” humbleness made him seem sincere right? 
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Starter call for the new ep?
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Heading back over to Stiles for tonight and also off to watch OITNB. Replies tomorrow and what not. Night, sleep tight! If you sleep at all.
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“What’s with you Stiles?” curiosity laced those velvet words as they slipped from those pouting lips. How many times did he have to ask what this kids problem was? Of course he had every right to be suspicious, he should be. But Theo hadn’t exactly done anything yet. “What’s got you so spooked?”
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❝Fine, it’s whatever.❞, Stiles shrugged, letting out a huff as he pulled his arm back to keep the flowers for himself. He figured something like this might happen, so he thought he could just give those flowers to his mom instead. Well, bring them to her grace, of course.
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“You’re right, I am a whole other person. You knew 10 year old me, a kid who didn’t know the world could be so cruel, a kid who wasn’t a werewolf, a kid who hadn’t lost their sister, god a kid who didn’t even think death could touch anyone close to him. Do you even recognize yourself Stiles? Because I don’t -- not really anymore. I get that you’ve gone through stuff that gives you the right to be paranoid but I’m just trying to help and you won’t let me. Kira, Liam -- even Malia... did you ever suspect them the way you’re interrogating me? I bet you’ve even done a background check. Did you find anything?
To be your friend Stiles, that’s what I meant. But if you want to take it as a hint that you’re on my apparent hit list then go ahead. I’m not quite sure if I’m really pursuing your friendship anymore.”
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          “ me of all —- you’re right. i know you left because of             that. and trust me, i understand more than anything,             but i knew that theo. you, you’re not the theo that we             grew up with. sure, people change. i’m sure scott’s             changed. i know i’ve changed. but you? you’re like a             whole other person. you’re not the theo i knew…             also, you never answered my question. what did you             mean when you said you came back here for me too?             let’s say i believe you’re purely here for the purpose             of joining scott’s pack. that doesn’t explain me. i may             be part of his pack, but that’s it. so what is your lie to             explain this? “
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“Didn’t Stiles tell you? I mean I thought he’d catch you up since you guys are so close now. I was bit by an alpha -- as most beta’s are -- and then he was murders by twins of his own pack.”
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“And seen as you are a wolf now, right? How did that happen?”
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Missing you won’t bring you back.
My Heartbreaking Six Word Story (via the-grace-of-southern-charm)
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Theo knew pressing the subject would only send Kira onto the same path of suspicion as Stiles. His best move was to deter her from believing in the ivory boys intuition. Nodding his head in agreement a smirk painted those sinister lips. “While we work on the getting to know each other I have no problems in teaching you a trick or two”.
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“I…” While Kira wanted to learn how to skateboard, and as tempting as it sounded…the Kitsune didn’t know  what to make of Theo just yet. Could she even trust him with her sword? “Maybe if I got to know you more I’d feel comfortable with that…Deal?”
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“Yeah well come of us thought he’d out grow his crush. Guess not, since you’re a banshee now? How does that even work?”
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“And if you didn’t remember, Stiles can always kept a close eye on me  since, well forever. So I would be close.”
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“Why does it matter how old I was? They were always best friends. Like the kind that are literally attached at the hip” Theo quipped a little defensively.
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Lydia rolled her eyes as she tried not to stifle a laugh. “You saw it coming with Stiles? You were how old when you left us all those many years ago?”
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“You know, we used to be friends . I honestly don’t know how coming back to town has really made me some sort of villain in your mind! After all I only left because of my sisters death... I thought you of all people would understand what it’s like.”
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          “ i’m just trying to figure out why you are really here.             and don’t give me some crap about wanting to be             in scott’s pack because i am not buying it at all….             also, what the hell did you mean when you said that             you came back for me too? “
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“Look, you’re about as scary as a guinea pig so the tough guy act is just as effective as Stiles’ is.”
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“So, how did you get caught up in all of this Lydia? You were the last person I expected to be hanging out with a crowd of supernatural beings. Stiles -- kind of saw that one coming.”
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Text To 📨  Scarf Boy.
Theo: Tips on how to get Stiles to like me would be great.
Theo: Do you trust me?
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Text To 📨  The Banshee
Theo: So I heard you're the smartest student in AP Biology...
Theo: I was wondering if you could maybe help me out sometime?
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Text To 📨 Mccall let me in your pack
Theo: So, my mum baked some cookies.
Theo: I remembered how much you liked them!
Theo: Want me to bring you some?
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Woot! I’m excited to be following you. That sounds so creepy
Only on tumblr does that make sense.
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