loosedhope · 5 years
Drop my muse down a peg. Bring up their deepest insecurities and most regretful past decisions. Do whatever you can to make them hate themselves.
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loosedhope · 5 years
If they took back the pain they caused, you’d lose the strength you gained.
Rachel Wolchin (via quotemadness)
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loosedhope · 5 years
          The world will ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ take my 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥                   Go and try, you’ll ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜 𝕞𝕖
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loosedhope · 5 years
send me your muses height and i’ll use this website to get an image of what they’d look like standing next to each other. 
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loosedhope · 5 years
               I can tell, you’re a sᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴏʀ
    When you’re sᴄᴀʀᴇᴅ, your hands 𝖙𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍                                        And your shoulders 𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖊 
              But your eyes…                             It doesn’t show in your eyes.                                 That’s how I can tell,                                     Those eyes have seen things.
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loosedhope · 5 years
your past is dead  YET  it still haunts you  AND  you let it
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loosedhope · 5 years
- ; phrases that really hit you where it hurts
“ did you really have to be that honest? ” “ every time i see you i just feel more alone. ” “ you changed me. ” “ was this all just a joke to you? ” “ i don’t want to know. ” “ can we start over? ” “ you make me feel so insecure. ” “ i don’t know if i can love you. ” “ every time i wake up i’m reaching for you … but you’re never there. ” “ of course it meant something! ” “ stop yelling! ” “ i gave up on you a long time ago. ” “ you think i care about you? cute. ” “ did you just forget about me or something? ” “ i still need you. ” “ i wanna say that there’s still hope but sometimes things just don’t go your way. ” “ you said you would keep trying! ” “ no, you ARE strong. ” “ you promised me! ” “ fine. you’ll never see me again, okay? ” “ i gave you everything i had. ” “ your eyes can be so cruel … ” “ i can never do anything right can i !? ” “ i want my life back. ” “ stop crying. ” “ you should go. ” “ don’t come back. ” “ does hurting me make you feel good or something? ” “ just stop it. ” “ i was never in love with you now leave me alone! ”
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loosedhope · 5 years
Send "🌀" to find my muse, injured and alone after being beaten up
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loosedhope · 5 years
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Photography by Samantha Casolari
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loosedhope · 5 years
Despite her sorrow filled heart, 
she still gives kindness to  a l l
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loosedhope · 5 years
various starters
❛  you’re a weapon and weapons don’t weep.  ❜
❛  hurt me once, I’ll kill you twice.  ❜
❛  never trust a survivor until you learn what they did to stay alive.  ❜
❛  death is the only god that comes when you call.  ❜
❛  I am teeth. I am royal. you are nothing to me.  ❜
❛  the sun will rise and we will try again.  ❜
❛  we’re just kids. we aren’t supposed to be heroes.  ❜
❛  I like my women like I like my Absinthe: bitter and intoxicating.  ❜
❛  what doesn’t kill me better run.  ❜
❛  she wasn’t looking for a knight. she was looking for a sword.  ❜
❛  don’t dehumanize bad people, because it’s their humanity which makes what they’ve done so terrifying.  ❜
❛  she isn’t just pretty. she is otherworldly and vaguely threatening.  ❜
❛  magic is not good or evil. is a knife evil? only if the wielder is.  ❜
❛  I don’t want your crown. see, I’ve come to burn your kingdom down.  ❜
❛  they broke my wings. they forgot I have claws.  ❜
❛  all that blood was never beautiful, it was just red.  ❜
❛  what do you do when there’s no hero in the story? simple. you kill the monster and crown yourself.  ❜
❛  how terrible it is, to love something that death can touch.  ❜
❛  you may not be interested in war, but it is interested in you.  ❜
❛  I feel divinity in my bones like aching. like fire.  ❜
❛  you make me feel and I don’t like it. I want it to stop. now.  ❜
❛  you are losing my interest and that is very dangerous.  ❜
❛  she will burn your kingdoms down, herself with it, if it means your ruin.  ❜
❛  it’s okay to be scared. it means your about to do something brave.  ❜
❛  she looks like divine absolution.  ❜
❛  I will not be another flower, picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find and impossible to forget.  ❜
❛  be careful with words. they can be forgive, but never forgotten.  ❜
❛  you not wanting me was the beginning of me wanting myself.  ❜
❛  I’m tired of fighting. for once, I want to be fought for.  ❜
❛  never run back to what broke you.  ❜
❛  I was quite, but not blind.  ❜
❛  your gut knows what’s up. trust that bitch.  ❜
❛  we all eat lies when our hearts are hungry.  ❜
❛  do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on.  ❜
❛  I’m just a girl, standing in front of a salad, wishing it was a donut.  ❜
❛  you can miss something but not want it back.  ❜
❛  you can’t save people, you can only love them.  ❜
❛  I came, I saw, I made it awkward.  ❜
❛  we buy shite we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like.  ❜
❛  you’re always one decision away from a different life.  ❜
❛  my brain has too many tabs open.  ❜
❛  I’m not saying I hate you, just that you’re like the Monday of people.  ❜
❛  there’s no ‘we’ in fries.  ❜
❛  apology accepted, trust denied.  ❜
❛  death and I have been scandalously intimate for some time now.  ❜
❛  life happens. coffee helps.  ❜
❛  I am mine before I am ever anyone else’s.  ❜
❛  I rely a bit too heavily on alcohol and irony.  ❜
❛  very early in my life it was already too late.  ❜
❛  is that a threat or are you flirting with me.  ❜
❛  was the use of force necessary in completing your objectives?  ❜
❛  I’ll let you drag me to hell if it means you’ll hold my hand.  ❜
❛  I do bad things, and I do them very well.  ❜
❛  you drink too much, you cuss too much and you have questionable morals. you’re everything I ever wanted.  ❜
❛  they will kill you, but first they will have to catch you.  ❜
❛  drugs might kill you but they’ll never break your heart.  ❜
❛  good girls are just bad girls that haven’t been caught.  ❜
❛  a pretty face doesn’t guarantee a pretty heart.  ❜
❛  no airbag, we die like men.  ❜
❛  true evil is, above all, seductive.  ❜
❛  it takes more courage to suffer than to die.  ❜
❛  you must be lucky to avoid the wolf every time. but the wolf? he only needs enough luck to catch you once.  ❜
❛  justice is vengeance in prettier packaging.  ❜
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loosedhope · 5 years
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someone: Nobody’s perfect
me: oh yeah? well explain THIS
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loosedhope · 5 years
          I’m just like ʏᴏᴜ
                       I’m made by 𝘏𝘦                       𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘥 by they
                                      I’m 𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 me
                                   I’m nearly human
            Look at me                           I’m 🇦​🇱​🇲​🇴​🇸​🇹​ a human being
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loosedhope · 5 years
drunken confession.
your muse is drinking with mine and has been given the chance to question my muse anything they want to know. some may be triggering, others won’t. send me a 🍻+ the question you want to ask my muse for a tipsy, drunken ( honest ) answer.
“ what’s holding you back in life ?”
“ is everything alright? ”
“ when did you choose to give up ?”
“ what’s the kinkiest thing you have ever done ?”
“ how many have you slept with ?”
“ what’s your biggest secret ?”
“ do you believe in love ?”
“ what’s the meanest thing you have done ?”
“ what scares you more than anything ?”
“ have you ever considered running away ?”
“ do you love me ?”
“ what’s your dirtiest fantasy ?”
“ who hurt you ?”
“ what made you this way ?”
“ is there anyone special in your life ?”
“ why are you always smiling ?”
“ what lie have you told that hurt someone ?”
“ if you could do anything in world, what would it be ?”
“ who are you, really ?”
“ is there anything you regret ?”
“ what’s your biggest regret ?”
“ tell me about your first kiss ?”
“ what is your deepest, darkest fear ?”
“ is there anyone you regret kissing ?”
“ have you ever cheated, or been cheated on ?”
“ what is the most embarrassing thing in your room ?”
“ who have you loved, but they didn’t love you back ?”
“ is there something you have never told anyone ?”
“ when was the last time you cried ?”
“ how come you keep running away ?”
“ have you ever made someone cry ?”
“ if anything, what makes you hate a person ?”
“ what takes for you to fall in love, trust someone ?”
“ do you believe in true love ?”
“ what have you done that people would judge you most for doing ?”
“ do you regret letting me close ?”
“ is there someone you have a crush on ?”
“ what is the strangest place you have ever had sex ?”
“ tell me your most awkward date story ?”
“ do you ever get scared ?”
“ what do you really think of life ?”
add your own for further development.
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loosedhope · 5 years
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amandla stenberg
b. 1998 african-american & danish actress (the hate u give, everything everything, the hunger games)
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loosedhope · 5 years
there is no damage you can do to me that hasn’t already been done.
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loosedhope · 5 years
’ I want to play a game. ’ ’ My name is Very Fucking Confused; what’s your name? ’ ’ Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you, not any more… ’ ’ I’m having a blast! This is the most fun I’ve had without lubricant! ’ ’ I want you to make a choice. ’ ’ Listen carefully, if you will. There are rules. ’ ’ What’s the last thing you remember? ’ ’ I went to bed in my shithole apartment, and I woke up in an actual shithole. ’ ’ I’m sick from the disease eating away at me inside… ’ ’ I’m sick of people who don’t appreciate their blessings… ’ ’ I’m a kill you, you sick asshole! ’ ’ Congratulations. You are still alive. ’ ’ Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. ’ ’ You don’t know me, but I know you. ’ ’ Live or die, make your choice. ’ ’ You’re probably wondering where you are. ’ ’ Now I see you as a strange mix of someone angry, yet apathetic. ’ ’ At least we’ll have the cover of darkness. ’ ’ Help! Someone help me! Is someone there? ’ ’ Hey! Oh shit, I’m probably dead. ’ ’ Who said anything about a warrant? ’ ’ If you are so sick then why do I have so many photos of you up and about? ’ ’ How much blood will you shed to stay alive? ’ ’ I’ll leave you in this room to rot. ’ ’ I know it’s you, you son of a bitch! ’ ’ My camera, it doesn’t know how to lie. ’ ’ You tell anyone you were here? ’ ’ Stop the lies! You’re a liar! I need to know the truth! ’ ’ You don’t recall getting your picture taken in that parking lot? ’ ’ How can you go through life pretending that you’re happy? ’ ’ Does that mean you saw what happened to me? ’ ’ Oh for fuck’s sake! I give up! ’ ’ You think it is over, but the games have just begun. ’ ’ You feel you now have control, don’t you? ’ ’ I don’t have a fucking soul… ’ ’ Will you learn how to let go and truly save them? ’ ’ What you can’t do, is save everyone. ’ ’ I promise that my work will continue. ’ ’ If you can’t do it for me, do it for yourself. ’ ’ I do, but addiction has ruined your life. ’ ’ I’m bleeding man. Please just let me go. ’ ’ Killing is distasteful… to me. ’ ’ How did you walk out of that building? ’ ’ So unless you’ve got something else to say… back the fuck off. ’ ’ Playing with matches again? ’ ’ I want to know if you have what it takes to survive. ’ ’ They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery… ’ ’ We killed eight people and stole a property and nobody cared. ’ ’ Why? Was it for money? This was your plan? ’ ’ You’re a monster! ’ ’ Fix me, you motherfucker! ’ ’ Why don’t you fucking tell me something that I don’t know, you stupid cunt?! ’ ’ For three years I wanted to kill you. ’ ’ I’m never gonna be able to forgive myself for what happened. ’ ’ You may not remember me, but I most certainly remember you. ’ ’ There’s no preventative treatment for what you have. ’ ’ Please don’t do this to me. I have a family. ’ ’ You’re asking me to do the impossible. ’ ’ I’m sorry, but your own actions have caused this. ’ ’ What?! What am I supposed to learn from this?! ’ ’ This is the piece taken from the latest victim. ’ ’ How many next times are there gonna be? ’ ’ Get used to me, ‘cause I’m not going anywhere. ’ ’ When the time’s right, you’ll know what to do with it. ’ ’ That rolled off your tongue real smooth. ’ ’ Wait! What the fuck are you doing?! ’ ’ Please don’t let me die! Please don’t! ’ ’ Oh, well that’s it, isn’t it?! It’s over! ’ ’ Look at me! When you’re killing me, you look at me! ’ ’ I never saw any indication of psychotic behavior. ’ ’ You can never really tell what someone’s thinking on the inside. ’ ’ Well, there’s a problem with that, though. ’ ’ Go on, fucking pussy! Go! Go! Go! ’ ’ Maybe addiction’s just part of human nature. ’ ’ Remember, don’t trust the one who saves you. ’ ’ You want a chance? I’ll give you a chance. ’ ’ What do you mean you don’t know about this? ’ ’ You didn’t cut your own arm off? ’ ’ What condition? There is no condition. ’ ’ I didn’t have it penciled in on my schedule. ’ ’ It’s not the first time some psychopath called me out. ’ ’ That’s a problem you’re gonna have to solve before it’s too late. ’ ’ How do you just wake up in a room and have no idea where you are? ’ ’ I guess you’ve never been drunk before. ’ ’ I spent three years at college drunk. ’ ’ You asked me what I wanted and I told you. ’ ’ You seem to know a whole lot about me. ’ ’ I feel a whole lot of things right now. ’ ’ The only dooryou know how to open… is between your legs! ’ ’ Why don’t you shut the hell up?! ’ ’ That’s your luck, bending on over in prison, you little dickhead! ’ ’ If you’re gonna threaten me with a knife, you might as well cut me a little. ’ ’ You savor everything, be it a glass of water or a walk in the park. ’ ’ It’s the tool, thats going to save your soul. ’ ’ I didn’t do anything to you! ’ ’ Don’t open the door! ’ ’ You have to save yourself. ’ ’ Do you wanna play a game? ’ ’ That’s exactly it, you didn’t do anything. ’ ’ You identify more with a cold corpse than you do with a living human. ’ ’ You should know better than anyone, what happens then. ’ ’ I go for the neck, but I’m not the brain surgeon. ’ ’ Now you better start fucking paying attention. ’ ’ Suffering? You haven’t seen anything yet. ’ ’ Yeah, that’s right. I’m a murderer. ’ ’ So, do you have everything you need? ’ ’ You’d be surprised what tools can save a life. ’ ’ Then help me! Fix me! Fix me motherfucker! I’m standing right here! ’ ’ You have to play by the fucking rules! ’ ’ The human body is a miraculous creation. ’ ’ Game over. ’
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