p1nkcomet · 4 months
the dehumanization of gojo
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i am a tree. i am beautiful and lush and green. i stand tall and loom over people. my trunk is thick- if you were to cut it you could see the layers that have formed throughout the years. i am strong, my roots intertwine into the earth, feeding off its power. my branches reach up, each sprout being different choices in a parallel universe. maybe one where i didn’t meet you. you are the wind. you range from breeze to vexed typhoon. you circle my arms and attack my body with your invisible bullets. you pick up stones and launch them at my lean figure, but it’s fine because i am strong; you’re just testing my durability. you come to visit me, furious and angry, stripping me of my leaves, leaving my body naked and trembling. you chip away at my heart, leaving me without the only thing that people find beautiful about me, but it’s fine because i know you love me. you love me, just not enough to stay. and when you leave i don’t miss you, but i wish you came back. you like carving me, sculpting me, gouging me, to create your perfect version of me, even if i never saw anything wrong to begin with. when things dont go your way, you curl away leaving me to heal. my leaves grow back, and i am beautiful again. but you’re back. you slam my bones, and shake me dry, now not even the rain wants me. it’s strange, that while you’re the one undressing me, once i am finally nude, exposed for you, ready for your judgement, you cave further away. my green garments return, and this time they’re present for the sun’s visit. she smiles as she caresses me with a gentleness you could never possess. but why, if she treats me so well, do i still wish it was you? her grin falters, when you rejoin me because she knows she is unmatched, even in her luminous glory. im strong, but you’re stronger. this time you thrash and pull at my legs and pierce my arms. this time im not just naked, im mutilated. with one final punch you leave my back broken. my trunk, once so wise and full of time, is pointless. i am a tree, but im no longer beautiful and lush and green. the people i once stood over carry my corpse. my roots, once tangled with the soil are ripped out of the earth’s embrace. i’m no longer strong, you took that away. my branches sweep the ground. tonight was my last night with you. you don’t want me, but won’t leave me alone. you assist in my erasure; as my dead body is being burned, you fuel the fire that was made from my soul. the thick smoke is the only part of me that remains.  i am a product of your infatuation with yourself. you are so in love with yourself, you’ve chiseled a reflexion of you in me. the only way you could love anyone else, was if they resembled you.  as i float up, tall for one last time, i see you smile for the first time, satisfied with my final form.
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p1nkcomet · 4 months
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you are the sun and each morning i wait for you. like a starving man i yearn for your glance in my direction, praying for you to come and save me. when night falls, the bright stars almost recreate the lovely twinkle im your eye, yet you still outshine them. the moon is jealous i pay no attention to her; instead i count down the seconds until you rise again. in the midst of darkness, i reach for you, for even a blind man could see your beauty. as i wait for your beams to break the surface of the sky, i hear the birds flying in the distance, the sound of their flapping wings matching that of my heartbeat. you are the sun, a ball of fire and energy, you radiate warmth, and in the cold winter days people pray for you to come out for a chance to be purely grazed by your flames. i beg that you nourish me, feed me, save me. the universe orbits you, i spin around you, i trace your every move, i go where you go, like an obedient dog, i follow you. without you, the moon itself ceases to exist, a sliver of your reflection guides us even through the still hours of solitude; if you don’t see something, is its existence denied? you are the sun, and each time i hear the clock’s rhythmic tiks and taks i feel my pulse syncing with them. why do you stay away for so long? why do you make me wait? your presence lingers in the air, making it thick, unbearable, depriving me of oxygen, and ultimately suffocating me until your next appearance. why do you drag out each beat of a second, making us monumentally separate? when you rise, its a cue to the end of my heart’s famine, the very same heart that strains and tenses and twists into a feeling of hatred when you leave me to fend for myself. but even god himself knows i could never hate you, as he watches over me, he sends the wind to kiss my cheeks when you can’t. but i won’t be deceived, for you are the sun, the eternal smoldering, the everlasting blaze cast upon my soul. you are the sun, and when my wait is finally over, i ascent like i do each morning, ready to obey your trajectory. aristotle’s view states that all the heavenly bodies move in circular orbits in which each circumgyration is an exact repetition of every one that has preceded it, and even though my destiny of your trails serves a tragic end to it, and i know another will come to take the celestial place in which i stand, i will live out and devote my abiding loyalty to you, and only you, until it can burn into your skin the way your rays sink into mine.  
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