loreoflies-x · 2 years
Thinking about Predator Species Obi-wan.
The 501st and 212th are chilling on a planet after a campaign. Everyone setting up little campfires and cooking stations.
Rex is watching his General eat bugs, trying to be polite and not gag at the crunch of the beetle as he bites into it. "Sir we went hunting..." When that does not get a response, he adds "There are rations."
Anakin waves him away with the hand not full of bugs, squirming and wriggling. "Naw im fine." He grabs one of the thick round worms from his hand and slurps it up. Rex feels himself die a little inside.
Rex turns to Ahsoka to complain and finds her biting into a raw rabbit-like creature with a look of glee on her face, at least she has the excuse of biology. He keeps turning until he finds Cody. "I'll trade. Your jedi isnt feral."
Cody gives him a flat unamused look, shifting out of the way revealing Obi-wan gnawing on the bones of something, his fingers and the skin around his mouth are a little bloody still. The men are thanking him for catching whatever it had been for them to cook up. "Are you sure about that vod?"
Rex stares for a moment as he comes to terms with this revelation. "Does he also get 'the zoomies' and hunt the mouse droids?"
Cody snorts. "When something triggers his hunting instinct his eyes get all big and round. So far he hasnt hunted anything, droids or otherwise but I can tell when he has to talk himself out of it."
"And the zoomies?" Rex asks because he absolutely needs to know if the imagery in his head of Kenobi bouncing around the halls is true or not.
"Sometimes." His brother shrugs. "Mostly he climbs things." Cody says simply.
"Climbs things. Like?"
"Everything." Cody answers.
Yes that makes sense. It explains why the man is always climbing up into trees or scaling cliffs or perching on boulders or the walkers when they're brought out. "People?"
"Everything." Cody repeats. "He likes to 'have the high ground'."
"Are you the high ground?" Rex asks because he cannot help being a little shit.
Cody's flat bored gaze turns scathing, promising violence. "I will tell Skywalker you want to try those worms. Watch your mouth."
Threat noted and understood. Rex hears another crunch from Anakin's beetles. Ahsoka makes a happy whistle-click as a trooper hands her another little rabbit thing to tear into and he hears a snap a moment later from Obi-wan breaking the bone hes been chewing on, in between bites of the cooked meat Pudding hands him, to get to the marrow. Both Ahsoka and Obi-wan eating like they've been starving.
"Are they doing okay with just the rations?" Rex asks. His amusement and mild disgust turning into concern.
"Obi-wan says they're fine." From the tone of his voice he obviously doesn't trust that assessment. "Vacc is looking into it. Not much we can do though."
Rex nods. That's just the way of things. "I'll have Kix look into it too. He's already asked Kenobi if Skywalker was missing certain nutrients in his diet that he gets from insects." Rex says. His eyes shifting to stare at the man. "He said no. Skywalker just finds the taste enjoyable."
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
Cody: *physicallf carrying Obi-Wan out of the war room* Come on, General, it’s go-the-fuck-to-sleep time.
Obi-Wan: Ahh. Go-the-fuck-to-sleep time. I know it well. It’s the most sacred three times of the week.
Cody: *stops dead in a corridor* …please tell me that was a joke?
Obi-Wan: I would never joke about go-the-fuck-to-sleep time. It was Master’s favorite time the first few years we were together.
Cody: *closes eyes and counts to five* We’re going to talk about all that later. *keeps heading off to Obi-Wan’s quarters, with more purpose this time*
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
Obi-Wan: *summoned to the council at age 28, his Padawan and master both refusing to leave his side when they hear who’s come to the temple to see him for fear of them stealing him away* Alright, let’s do this, what can I help you… all… wow. There sure are a lot of you…
Kenobi Matriarch: O’ben! My sweet little freckled boy, come give your mummy a hug! *pulls him in forcibly so she can kiss his cheeks and pinch them* Oh you are just the cutest! Ernian, isn’t he just cute?
Kenobi Patriarch: Adorable. Are you sure he’s ours, Mimi?
Mimi: Of course I am, a mother always knows. *lets Obi-Wan be dragged into a crowd of redheads so Ernian can introduce him to his four sisters, two brothers and three cousins that took the journey with them, takes the chance to glare at Jinn before grinning and pulling Anakin into her bosom* You must be my baby’s baby, huh? Lookit that blonde hair, so pretty. How old are you, cherry pie?
Anakin: *confused* Um, almost thirteen.
Mimi: Oh, that’s a good age. You look healthy for it, your teacher was a waif at that age, from the pictures we were sent while he was growing up.
Anakin: *knows that Obi-Wan was very paranoid and thin at that age, but not why* Yeah. He’s bigger now. He says he wants to grow a beard.
Mimi: Oh, that’ll be nice. His uncle on his papa’s side has a very nice beard.
Yoda: *comes dottering over* Happy we are, to connect a child to their home past the impressionable age of childhood that can confuse them, but wonder we do, why now?
Mimi: Does he always talk like that? Been doin it since we got here?
Qui-Gon: Heh, yeah, try growing up with him. O’ben used to mock him straight to his face as a kid.
Yoda: Spirit, he has! Gumption!
Qui-Gon: O’ben’s his favorite.
Mimi: He’s everyone’s favorite, from what I’ve heard. Now now, we don’t want to get O’ben all in a tizzy by inviting him to a family gathering, that would just be too much family for him to handle.
Anakin: Master handles parties very well?
Qui-Gon: *puts his hands on Anakin’s shoulders* He /survives/ parties, grandpadawan, he handles them by surviving them.
Mimi: Exactly. Just like my Ernian, from what nice Master Mace tells me.
Qui-Gon: *glares at Mace because he knows damn well her initial glare at him was from Mace’s storytelling*
Mimi: Anyways, a bunch of us had reason to head this way, decided to make it a mini reunion of sorts. Well, more like O’ben’s first time meeting most of them, but listen, my brother and husband and I got a bet to settle once and for all. Which we need to see O’ben to settle it.
Qui-Gon: *loves bets* Oh??
Mimi: Yessiree, we been wondering how many adult fangs O’ben has.
Qui-Gon: …I don’t actually know the answer to that one? He hasn’t bitten me in years.
Mace: He bit me less than two months ago after a spar. I startled him while he was in attack mode, but he was also still in sparring mindset, didn’t make the fangs drop.
Anakin: I’m sorry, what? Master has fangs?
Mimi: Sure does, baby! Alla us do. It’s Stewjoni genetics. See I got a total of eight droppable fangs, and Ernian’s only got four, so all of our kids have had a mix. We’ve even seen five in onea the boys, but he chose to get that one replaced, since it bothered him. We need to know how many fangs O’ben has to settle the bet.
Anakin: *eyes sparkling* How do you drop them?
Mimi: *pulls up her upper lip, and presses down on the gums above her canines on the left side, dropping two sharp fangs* Jus like that, sugar.
Anakin: *firm nod* Okay, I got this. *darts off into the crowd and manages to drag Obi-Wan outta the thick of it, before climbing him till he sighs and sits down, climbs into his lap*
Obi-Wan: *ignoring his cooing and snickering family while his child sits on him* Can I help you, Padawan mine?
Anakin: I wanna see the fangs.
Obi-Wan: *blushes super hard* I… really?
Anakin: Yeah. Your mom has super cool fangs, I want to see yours too.
Obi-Wan: *gives his mom a wary look before sighing, opening his mouth and manually depressing on each section, ignoring the way everyone in the room is watching* See? Not all that interesting.
Anakin: *looks back at Mimi* He has six. Who wins the bet.
Cousin 3: Gimme a minute to do the math for averages- *has the pad in his hands snatched by deft little fingers as Anakin steals it to do his math for him*
Anakin: Average looks like five?
Brother 2: Shit. I threw off the average, didn’t I?
Anakin: Were you the one with only five?
Brother 2: Yeah.
Anakin: Then yes.
Ernian: *fist pump in the air* I win! The pot is mine!
Mimi: *deep sigh, before coming over to sit next to her youngest and who she’s decided is a pretty good grandson* Well, we tried. *pulls a very confused Obi-Wan into her side for a hug* Still, we’ll be on the planet for a few days, it’d be nice to get to know you a bit better.
Obi-Wan: *blushy blushy* Oh, um, okay. That sounds nice. Anakin too?
Mimi: Yeah, O’ben, Anakin too.
Anakin: *snuggling against his master’s shoulder* We should all go to the room of a thousand fountains. It’s bigger. Less crowded. My mom works in the garages, she can come too?
Mimi: *absolutely enchanted with little baby grandson just like Obi-Wan is* Yeah, I’d like to meet her.
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
Din: *shows up to the covert with Grogu in a pet stroller and a small hover cart of things behind him* Buir, I came back!
Armorer: Did you bathe in the mines?
Din: lol nah, I’m on another side quest before I can finish that-
Armorer: *deep sigh* Okay. Why is my bu’ad in a pet stroller?
Grogu: Patu! ‘Jail! Jail for Grogu for a thousand years! My crimes have caught up to me and I am punished with tortures beyond your imagining!’
Din: lol he likes to wander off when I’m not looking. This way he can look about without getting locked in place.
Armorer: okay.
Din: Anyways, I got a contract a week ago that paid me like four times what I would have expected, and they kept giving me items, and when I asked they said it was worth it? So I brought them back for the covert.
Armorer: *instantly on edge cause it sounds like another idiot leader is trying to court her foundling* Oh? Give me a copy of the contract.
Din: *hands that over, and stops the hover cart full of good* Here you go, I don’t know if it’s really worth anything, but I know I don’t have much use for cross body bags. It’s not even the right size for a diaper bag anyways.
Armorer: Well, thank you, Din’ika. I’ll be sure to spread the resources as needed. *sends them on their way after giving Grogu a gentle cuddle and tucking him back into his stroller*
Grogu: Patu! ‘Even grandmother, lovely woman that she is, who gives me gentle ear rubs and good cookies, has abandoned me to my fate so cruel as the confinement chamber, what horrible sin have I committed to be punished as so!’
Din: *leaves with baby*
Armorer: *starts looking through the goods Din was being courted with, eyebrow raising* Paz!
Paz: *comes in, curious* Yes, Goran?
Armorer: You still have a white collar fence for high priced goods?
Paz: …yes. What did Din bring back this time?
Armorer: *hands him a single item*
Paz: …is this a Space Birkin?
Armorer: …yes.
Paz: Dear lord. Good job, idiot. Do I kill the fool to court your ad?
Armorer: …do your research on them.
Paz: Yes, Goran.
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
Jedi are like cats. Which means that Yoda will enforce grooming and cuddles on the littluns. Dooku will interrupt himself mid sentence, say ‘oh sleeby yawn, big stretch!’ When his sleepy Padawan makes his tiredness known in a meeting, and go right back to his sentence without a single pause. It’s jarring. Qui-Gon is that outdoor cat that occasionally comes home with a new kitten and dumps it on the owner like ‘I heard ur bitch ass got baby fever, take this and shut up’. Obi-Wan will pick up Anakin when he’s being annoying and loud and it shuts Anakin right up. Anakin will place things on Ahsoka, mostly her head, and the clones and him make a game of how much they can put on her before she’ll move. All of them sleep in piles and push each other off things and I have been saying it for years but they do this and then the clones join in and they all love it. Cody keeps gently taking small children and animals off his general when Obi-Wan tries to bring them on the ship. Rex gives his general ration bars so maybe Anakin will one day stop eating bugs in Rex’s presence.
You’re not writing them cringe enough. I can help with that.
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
cody: i will no longer be affected by everything the general does. i'm the marshal commander to the entire third systems army. i am better than that.
obi-wan, bumping into a droid upon entering the room: terribly sorry little one, i didn't watch where i was going. my apologies!
cody, sobbing in rex's quarters at 2am later that night: and then he APOLOGIZED to the DROID
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
one of my favourite things about the clone wars is that everyone just agreed that the clone commanders are all in love with their generals.
Obi Wan and Cody? theyre in love. they drink tea together.
Aayla and Bly? married, paint each others nails sometimes.
Shaak Ti and Colt? adopted every single clone trooper, official parents of the GAR.
Anakin and Rex might not be in romantic love, but platonically they were MADE for one another.
and everyone knows that Plo adopted the wolffepack so there nothing but love there, too.
they just deserve to be happy.
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
Thinking about Cody getting his helmet blasted off mid-battle and all of the 212th noticing he spends 112% of his time looking at General Kenobi and chewing his lip and wincing when the General inevitably does a Reckless Thing. Like Waxer is giving a sit-rep and Cody is trying his hardest to listen but his eyes keep flicking to General Handsome galavanting around a combat zone with no armor and an oozing head wound. Waxer gives up like Fine. Take him to the medics. If you need help call me and I’ll bring a tranquilizer.
It’s almost as good as the time Cody left his inner-helmet comm on and all of Ghost Company heard him mutter “fuckin marry me already” when the General decapitated four commando droids with one swing.
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
Cody from Obi-Wan’s POV: An angel sent straight from Kamino. The most supportive, reliable person you could ever meet. One of the greatest leaders in the galaxy. A ray of light in a dark, hopeless world. A lifeboat in the vast, suffocating ocean that is the war. A brilliant strategist and an even greater friend. Exactly who you want fighting by your side.
Obi-Wan from Cody’s POV: A gremlin. A menace to society. A thorn in my side. He looks sophisticated but do not trust the illusion. Seems like he has his shit together but leaves his cloaks EVERYWHERE bc he just has to make a dramatic entrance to a fight. I respect the commitment but also I have to clean up after him. Survives 50% on tea and 50% pure spite. Constantly flirts with the enemy. And his allies. And me. It’s very confusing.
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
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Dooku, you really should try hugging Master Yoda. xD
Thank you for participating in the previous poll! I will start with Empire AU first! <3
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
when during tcw era obi wan is kidnapped by a neutral planet and the jedi/republic cannot help him due to political issues:
Anakin, after ignoring 7 council orders, technically stealing a republic warship, and violating at least 3 peace treaties: *force slams the door* where is he??!
Ventress, already untying obi wan:
Anakin: you-
Ventress: look kid, how about we-
Cody, crushing through another corridor with blasters in hand: general!!! Are you-
Maul, hiding in the corner:
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
More crackfic Codywan headcanons that have no justifiable reason to exist:
Pt.1 Here
3.) As part of the process for becoming official citizens of the Republic, the clones all get to pick their birthdays, and every year now the command batch throws Cody the softest birthday party.
It’s complete with sunshine yellow lemon drop cupcakes, matching birthday hats for everyone, glittery gold party favor bags, a petting zoo—the whole works. It started the first year as a joke between the batch, but then everyone enjoyed themselves so much that they just did it again the next year, and then every subsequent year since.
The event is now so big that it has to be held in the Temple garden spaces—simply to accommodate the sheer amount of younglings that want to attend. Obi-Wan has affectionately dubbed it ‘Cody-fest’ and always has a line for Cody about how he ‘deserves to be celebrated’ whenever he complains, usually it’s accompanied by a quick peck to the forehead as Obi-Wan replaces the birthday hat Cody insists keeps ‘accidentally’ getting knocked off.
Wolffe and Plo man the petting zoo, instructing the younglings (and many jedi knights and masters) on how to pet the soft farm animals they’ve had flown in from all over the galaxy. Rex and Ahsoka do the majority of the decorating, all sunshine yellows and bright golds. And at the end of the night they all present Cody with a birthday cake (painstakingly baked by Ponds and meticulously decorated with intricate patterns and swirls by Bly and Fox), and they all sing to him until Cody tries his hardest to melt into the floor. Cody says he hates it, but every year, without fail, he always eats enough cake to nearly make himself sick, and he does very much love petting space-llamas, so whenever he inevitably catches Obi-Wan and Rex in the early stages of preparation for next years party, his protests are always half-hearted, at best.
4.) The entire 212th absolutely treats their two commanding officers like overworked co-parents. They get away with so much shit by just being like, “General, is it alright if we turn one of the training rooms into a zero gravity fight arena? Cody already said yes.” And Obi-Wan, exhaustedly pouring over reports on the bridge, will say, “If Cody says yes, then it’s fine with me.” And then the troopers are off to the weapons bay to find their dear Commander and repeat the process.
They’ve got an entire system for paperwork too, it’s down to an art. They know exactly which which GAR standard forms go to which parent commanding officer for approval. Obi-Wan gets all spending and supply requests, because Cody’s merciless with the budget, but also because they’re generally short reports and Obi-Wan’s a stickler for grammar and formatting. Cody gets all the trooper training requests, because Obi-Wan will reject anything that doesn’t strictly adhere to the stupidly strict GAR safety regulations, and Cody’s motto is “as long as it doesn’t blow up the ship, or result in mass casualties, then it’s probably fine.” Cody’s also a huge proponent of learning through experience, so when something, inevitably, goes wrong, and Obi-Wan throws out his hands in furious demand, Cody will just shrug and be like, “Yeah, Tupperware broke his arm, but he’s learned a valuable lesson not to try swinging through the aerial course while blindfolded and brandishing a sword.” All of that to say—Cody is also the reason the 212th gets their second anti-gravity rec room.
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
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This is just canon, right?
(this is kind of an apology to everyone for my months of unanswered messages and requests!)
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
I feel like one of the big upsides to Qui-Gon living long enough to see Ahsoka join the lineage is that I can see him unquestionably agreeing to let her learn how to braid hair on him. Obi-Wan just chopped off his mullet and Skyguy's still growing out his padawan cut, but Qui-Gon's got long hair, and Ahsoka finds hair fascinating because she doesn't have any (except her eyelashes), and Ahsoka learns how to do Padme-and-Leia-level hair nonsense with Qui-Gon as her indulgently willing Weird Dad/Grandpa/whateverheissheisn'tsurehe'smaybejustanuncle??
I think there's something just inherently really tender and loving in the act of doing someone's hair for them. Maybe it's because they can't do it themself, maybe it's because you're better at it, maybe it's just because you want to, but the act of gathering someone's hair in your hands just gently enough to keep from hurting them, but tight enough that they can feel you working, the warmth of your presence against their back... that makes me INSANE.
This is doubly detrimental for my rapidly crumbling sanity when we're talking about it specifically in the context of padawan braids. There's just something inescapably sweet and compelling about a master redoing their padawan's braid for them, re-confirming that they want them, that they're here to help and guide and support in whatever way they need it. Every time they take the time to rebraid, it's a renewal of a covenant—an expression of devotion.
I think that at least for some Jedi, braiding someone else's hair—not just the padawan braid, but all hair, especially after knighting—becomes something not just akin to saying 'I love you,' but more than that. For Ahsoka, whose lineage is composed almost entirely of humans but doesn't have any hair, that's gotta be a little isolating; she's missing out on a tradition and bonding exercise that goes back multiple generations. It's not just that she's fascinated by hair (which she is, because keratinous strands growing out of people's heads is weird), it's that hair braiding is something she wants to participate in, even if Skyguy can't do it for her.
So Qui-Gon inviting her in, patiently teaching her how to braid his hair—it's not just cute and sweet and a little embarrassing when the braid is lumpy and lopsided—it's her being welcomed. It's her being loved.
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
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loreoflies-x · 2 years
Forbidden Lovers Except Cody Doesn't Give a Shit AU
Mandalore and the rest of Galaxy are in a pretty good place. Mandalore wasn't glassed but it was a close enough thing that Mandalore and the Jedi agree to stay out of each others way. The Jedi will mind their own business despite what the Republic wants and Mandalore will keeps its conquering to slavers and pirates.
The clones are a Cloning Accident. Jango wanted a child to raise. Usually he would have adopted, but he gets set on a blood child (lets say the sales pitch from Kamino was too good). So he hired Kamino to give him a child.
The order for '1 Child for the Mand'alor' got mixed up with '100,000 Children for (random planet that orders children in bulk for their dying race every couple decades or something).
So now Jango has 100,000 kids he's gotta adopt out (its not a hardship, they get snatched up pretty fast). He gets attached to a few of them. 
Cody (he's 12 at the start of the au), Fox, Bly, Ponds, Rex, Boba. 
So those are his.
 (Wolffe gets adopted by Plo later in the au, the only reason he doesn't let Jango adopt him is because Jango laughed at him when he was 5 when Wolffe tried to challenge Jango for the title of Mand'alor)
One day Jango and his hoard of kids are on a trip outside the Mandalorian Empire. Its just like a little vacation for the kids. They are wandering though a market when Cody see the prettiest person he's ever laid eyes on across the market.
It's Obi-wan.
Jango takes his eyes off his kids for 2 seconds and when he looks back Cody has vanished. Before he can panic Ponds and Fox are giggling and staring at something across the market. He follows their gaze and finds his missing menace with his buy'ce off talking to a little redhead. A little Jedi.
Jango goes "hells no" snatches Cody up by the scruff and marches away. But it's too late because Cody had already traded com numbers with the Jedi.
Anyway. This would be a starcrossed/forbidden love story, except for the part where Cody does not give a single shit about any of that forbidden romance shit. This is a romcom with sprinkles of angst. He is smitten. Obi-wan is also smitten. Its adorable and tooth rotting and gross. Cody will be marrying that Jedi, and no one can stop him.
Jango finds Cody giggling at his com one day and asks who he's talking to. Cody goes "my jedi friend Obi-wan. The one from the market.". Jango wants to snatch the com away and toss it into a lake but talking to Obi-wan makes Cody really happy, and he cant bring himself to crush his sons happiness.
He figures that Cody will get bored trying a long distance friendship with Obi-wan eventually and that will be the end of it.
It is not the end of it. It is very much not the end of it.
One day he finds Fox making a disgusted face at his com and asks whats wrong. Fox goes "Obi-wan introduced me to his vod Quinlan." Jango asks why he seems mad about it. "Cause Quinlan is a little shit." Jango informs him he really really doesn't have to talk to the Jedi. Fox just scoffs "No. I'm gonna."
A few years go by and one night while they are sitting down for dinner Rex, in revenge for Cody stealing his last candy, announces to the whole room that "Cody's got a big giant crush on his nerdy Jedi friend!". In return Cody launches over the table and tackles Rex to the floor with a war cry. By the time Jango and his riduur (idk who yet) get them apart he's almost forgotten why they were fighting. Almost. He tries to figure out how to talk Cody out of his crush on a jedi.
He tries to introduce him to some of the other kids his age. Doesn't work, but Cody has more friends who arent his brothers now.
He tries to bring up the political ramifications of a child of the Mand'alor getting involved with a Jedi. Cody nods along until the end, then tells Jango that he will inform Obi-wan when Cody asks if he can court him, so they know what kind of reception they will receive.
Jango tries to forbid it, feeling like the worst father in the galaxy as he does it. Cody looks heartbroken for a single moment before he gets that stubborn look on his face ( jango really hates that look) and tells Jango "He's gonna be my riduur and you cant stop me.".
Jango throws up his hands. Maybe, he thinks wildly and desperately, they wont like each other if they meet in person.
When Cody is 17 Jango finds him crying in a storage closet. He's never seen Cody this upset before. All he can understand between Codys sobs is that it involves something about Obi-wan. He thinks Obi-wan broke his sons heart. Until Cody hits play on a message he received from Obi-wans vod Quinlan telling him Obi-wan was missing and presumed dead. That they found evidence of Sith activity in the area and Obi-wans bloody cloak and lightsaber. "I think the sith took him cause of me." Cody admits.
Jango grits his teeth and goes to pack a bag. He doesn't tell anyone where he's going, he knows the Sith have spies in his system, Cody knows that too, its why he thinks this is his fault. Everyone knows Cody is friends with a Jedi. A lot know Cody is in love with his Jedi.
Jango tells himself he's doing this because Obi-wan knows too much about Cody to leave him in Sith hands, but he can't get the absolute shattered look in Codys eyes out of his head. He would do anything to keep his sons happy and healthy.
Jango manages to track Obi-wan down to a planet on the border between Hutt space and Sith space. He finds Obi-wan chained up and taunting his guards. The kid looks like he's been tossed around a pit of shattered glass. Jango drops in and kills the guards. By the time he gets the cell open Obi-wan has somehow already gotten himself out of his cuffs. And gives Jango a cheeky thanks for the distraction.
Jango ends up taking Obi-wan back to Mandalore with him to recover. The enite flight back he can't help but think that Obi-wan is actually a pretty good fit for Cody. He's salty about it.
Obi-wan has barely set foot off the ship before Cody is there wrapping him in his arms and dragging him away to the medics.
Jangos riduur laughs. "I forbid you from marrying your jedi Cody. They arent allowed on planet Cody." They mock. "No I won't fly into sith space to rescue them for you Cody."
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