lorianna1001 · 1 year
Y'know The Summer I Turned Pretty beach scene? Not the cute wholesome one but the sad depressing one? Okay that but it's Duncney and it's set in All Stars. A.K.A
"If I would have known I would have fought for us. I thought we loved each other."
"We did."
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lorianna1001 · 1 year
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lorianna1001 · 1 year
That one duncney fic👀👀👀
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lorianna1001 · 1 year
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Duncney coded
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lorianna1001 · 2 years
A look into the year in between Action and World Tour. How Duncan's relationship grew between both Courtney and Gwen. What we didn't get to see. Their friendships and how hard it is to be in high school sometimes. Mostly self indulgent.
1. Sometimes you want fanfiction so bad you have to write it yourself.
2.It was too tempting to come back.
3. Because I want myself to suffer
My take on their first date. 
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lorianna1001 · 2 years
Is there a duncney group chat that I can join? 👉🏼🥺👈🏼
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lorianna1001 · 5 years
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Based on true events; when I asked to be Courtney when I grew up; THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT
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lorianna1001 · 5 years
Based on true events; when I asked to be Courtney when I grew up; THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT
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lorianna1001 · 5 years
your eyes meet across the party you’ve never seen them before and don’t know their name but you want to find out every secret they’ve ever had. you’d spend the rest of the night at their side, trying to win one dance. the colour of their eyes is your new favourite shade.
sunday morning with my baby soft sheets. messy hair. tangled limbs. warmth seeping through the curtains. knowing you have nowhere to be. kisses before toothpaste. stillness. contentment. being with your person.
the end of love you’re unsure how or why you got here, but now it’s over and you can’t stop feeling. you’re not sure you made the right decision. your heart aches. your head is heavy. you can’t bear to move.
making out in the backseat in the backseat of the car. your makeout soundtrack drowns out anything but your feelings. your lips are moving with the lips of the person who makes a fire burn inside you.
driving with the person you love the wind is in your hair. the streets are empty. the radio is too loud. all you know is that you’re in love with the person in the seat beside you.
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lorianna1001 · 5 years
Rules: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences because why not, gotta choose one (near impossible, but go with your first gut instinct), and tag some people at the end.
Thank you @marshunter06 and @queeniecourtney for tagging me! I finally got to it!
slow burn or love at first sight (Younger me would have prefered love at first sight, but older me appreciates a good buildup)
fake dating or secret dating (fake dating turns into secret dating... just saying)
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers (THE TENSION)
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance with correspondence (oh no, looks like we have to snuggle; the universe hates us)
hurt/comfort or amnesia (give me those feeeeelllllss)
fantasy au or modern au (a good fantasy au is good from time to time)
mutual pining or domestic bliss (THE TENSION, THE MISUNDERSTANDING, THE ANGST, THE ART)
smut or fluff
canon compliantor fix-it fic (yo fuck canon)
alternative universe or future fic (I love aged up fics)
one shot or multi chapter (i’m so bad at it thouggghhh)
kid fic or roadtrip fic (ROADTRIP!)
reincarnation or character death (okay I have boundaries for angst my dude; but younger me loved that crap)
arranged marriage or accidental marriage(gimme that vegas fic)
high school romance or middle aged romance (slowly I’m starting to adapt to young adult, I read some of these YA novels and I can’t help but think they’re so young)
time travel or isolated together (tension is a pattern with me...)
neighbours or roommates (oh my good they were roomates)
sci fi au or magic au (I’m not that into these...)
bodyswap or genderbend
angst or crack (self explanitory)
apocalyptic or mundane (again not that into it...)
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lorianna1001 · 5 years
Fuck beer🤢 (I’m more of a vodka gal)
Mars does not endorse drinking. You can make some bad decisions kiddos, but sometimes it’s not the alcohol… (promise this makes more sense if you read the chapter)
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lorianna1001 · 5 years
The T-Swift chapter I mentioned before. Also probs my least fav chap since it’s so lyrics heavy. The irony, oh Mars when will you learn?
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lorianna1001 · 5 years
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Oh my god, thank you!!! You made me cry, dude😭 You’re the literal best!
Fuck it, I Love You- Lana Del Rey
So @lorianna1001 had a birthday yesterday and you’ve been so supportive of me from the start, I had to write something for you. I remember talking music with you and you like Lana, so here’s a song fic. Happy Birthday to you girl! (:
He was high the first time he saw her, it’s why it took him weeks to see her again. He didn’t believe anyone that beautiful could exist in real life. She had to have been a figment of his drugged up visions. It didn’t help that she was still kind to him even though he was completely gone.
He didn’t know why a girl like her was walking around in the park at one in the morning by herself. Especially a gorgeous girl wearing a ball gown and a tiara. If he hadn’t taken ecstasy, he might have actually remembered that it was prom night and he was supposed to be some chick’s date at another school.
She was sitting close to the pound in the middle of the park when he finally caught up to her. She didn’t notice him, or she didn’t care. She was just staring ahead, her face unreadable. He miscalculated, or rather couldn’t tell what was real life anymore, and tripped over a rock landing face first into the pond. He probably would have drowned if it wasn’t for her. She immediately dived in and pulled him out of the pond.
“Are you okay?”
“You’re a princess. A pretty one too.”
“Um… thank you? What are you looking at? Hello?”
This is where his fuzzy memory ends. He only remembers bits and pieces of that night. They end up talking until the sun rises and at some point he tried to serenade her. She laughed and he was sure he must be dead, no one this perfect could actually exist. By the time he’s free of the drug haze, he was alone and in bed. He didn’t remember how he got there, all he knew was that he had to quit.
He decides to move away and get a fresh start; why California, he’ll never know, but it was calling out to him. Just like his princess. He thought it would be easy to quit, but temptation was all around. Doubts begin to consume his mind- once and addict always an addict until an overdose sends you six feet under. It took a lot of willpower, but he stayed strong. On nights when he would almost give in to relapsing, he thought of her.
It was summer when he met her sober. He was on the way to see his dealer when he sees her sitting in a coffee shop with her head buried in a book. Gone was the tiara and ball gown, but he could recognize her anywhere. His legs had a mind of its own as they walked towards her. This time, he managed to keep steady and not trip like an idiot. She looks up after finishing the page and when she sees him, she smiles. He sits across from her and it was as if weeks hadn’t passed since their last conversation.
“Hey, glad to see you’re doing better.”
“Hey to you too Princess.”
She laughs at that. Obviously she wasn’t a real princess, she just happen to win the title of Prom Princess the night he saw her. She explained that to him the first time, but he didn’t remember. He still keeps the nickname and she finds that she doesn’t mind it all that much.
They end up spending more time together, it gave him an incentive to lay off on the drug use. He wanted to make sure he remembered every moment they were together, but somehow it wasn’t enough. They couldn’t last, not with his drug habits and her future bright. He never told her he loved her, didn't want to be a burden on her, but she knew. There were tears in her eyes as they said their goodbyes. Another year had passed and she was leaving for college. He decided there wasn’t any reason for him to stay in this town either. He didn’t follow her though, even though he really wanted to. It wouldn’t have been fair. The bad boy dragging down the princess to a life of drug abuse wasn’t what their story should be. He promised her to get clean, all she did was smile and wish him the best.
He’s sitting in his living room with the lights dimmed. He was too tired to make it to bed. Nights like these were the hardest, but he made a promise. He misses her like hell. Misses when she would read aloud as she was studying, misses when she would hold onto him during a scary movie, misses the special smile she gives him when she knows he’s had a long day. He passed out with thoughts of his princess on his mind wishing she was dreaming of him too. He loves her, he really fucking does.
It becomes a routine, wake up, go to work, come home, fight off the urge to shoot up, then go to sleep thinking of Courtney. What he didn’t know was that she had a routine of her own too.
All Courtney ever did was study and volunteer. She worked her ass off to be able to get into a school in the states. It paid off, her transfer would have been accepted from the West coast to the East. She doesn’t know why California called out to her. Her parents wanted her to go to Harvard, but her heart told her to pick Stanford instead.
She was flooded with a heavy work load as soon as she arrived. There were too many things for her to do, it was overwhelming. Thankfully she made new friends easily and she was well liked, but it was tiring having to keep up with all the changes. She had a paper due tomorrow and even though she was already done and proofread it twice, she was stressing. Nights like this were the hardest. She could feel herself dissociating, she quickly snapped out of it. She couldn’t afford to think like this, besides there were people that were worse off than her. Her thoughts drift off to her favorite delinquent. She misses him, she has no idea where he could be, she shouldn’t. Still, she thinks of him often. Oddly enough, he was her safe place, he kept her relaxed especially while she was in his arms. More than anything, she wished he was still with her. She should have insisted on asking him to stay with her, but she knew their paths were too different. She tries to shake the thoughts away and bury herself in the paper once more, but when she finally falls asleep she dreams of him. She can only hope he still dreams of her too. She loves him, she really fucking does.
A pop song plays over the speakers at an event going on at the Golden Gate Park. She was dancing to the beat of the music when he sees her again. She was still as beautiful as the first time he saw her. He crosses the street to meet her. He’s still a total mess, and he definitely doesn’t deserve her, but fuck it- he loves her.
She looks up and sees him headed her way. She smiles because it’s him. He was exactly the same as the first time she saw him, but fuck it- she loves him.
Fuck it, I love you (I moved to California, but it's just a state of mind)
Fuck it, I love you (It turns out everywhere you go, you take yourself, that's not a lie)
Fuck it, I love you (Wish that you would hold me or just say that you were mine)
I really do (It's killing me slowly)
(Fuck it, I love you)
California dreamin', got my money on my mind
(Fuck it, I love you)
Chances in my veins, running out of time
AN: I was really trying not to make this super sad and I only half succeeded, of course I had to pick a sad song... anyways you’re awesome and I’m happy you had cheesecake for your B-Day! (:
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lorianna1001 · 5 years
Yasssss! This is a cool concept that I’ve always wanted to be in a duncney fic!
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Full disclaimer, all the chapters are pretty short. It took me ages to actually finish this and be done with it. It’s really only supposed to be 11 chapters long, but @lotsofloveish convinced me to write an alternate ending, hence why there will be 12 chapters. I honestly don’t know how I feel about this fic, but I’m finally ready to post it.
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lorianna1001 · 5 years
Please? Lol
Reblog if it’s okay to send you messages about our mutual ship(s) ! 🌚✨
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lorianna1001 · 5 years
Let’s Do It Again-Part 2
Summary: Courtney and Duncan’s first time in their new “relationship”.
Sorry for the hiatus. I will have an explanation at the end should you so chose to read it. I hope you enjoy.
They pounced on each other like hungry animals. And maybe they were. The way that they kissed was primal. Ravenous. Not in a way you kissed someone you wanted. But in a way that you kissed someone you needed. How the dehydrated drank water, how the starving ate food, or how the drowning took in air. They were each other's life force in that moment in time.
Duncan kissed Courtney as a way to relive the past. Kiss. I'm sorry. Bit her lips. I regretted every moment of it. Run his fingers through her hair. Let's go back. Grab her waist. I still love you.  
Courtney kissed Duncan as a way to regain control. Kiss. Why does this feel right? Pull his hair. How could you still come back?  Pull his shirt. Why am I still pulled to you? Lick the roof of his mouth. I hate you.
The clothes soon find themselves where they need to be; off their persons. Strewn around the room. Duncan wished he could take a moment to appreciate the moment. Especially since this is the first time he has been with her and seen her since high school. But Courtney didn't want to stew in the sentimentals. She needed this to be purely business. So, she made him focus on different matters.
Courtney falls back on the bed and indicates for him to follow suit. He tries to kiss up her neck but she moves away.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Duncan practically pants out, frantically eyeing Courtney.
God, she wanted to do this. "Yes, but not that." Not yet. Neck kisses held an intimacy in them that she wasn't ready for.
He searches her eyes. He needed to know that she was sure. And when he was sure he continued to strip them the rest of the way down. It wasn't until he was taking off her underwear where they hit another snag.
Duncan went to gently kiss her inner thigh and it triggered something in Courtney. Countless lazy afternoons and erratic nights where he would pamper his princess and she would happily oblige. But this wasn't then.
She uses her foot to push him back by his chest. "Just fuck me already."
She's ready for the release. She's ready for this longing to be over. After years she couldn't find someone that could quite satisfy her as Duncan had. They were never enough. She had been overly critical. But she had to be after him. It was just easier to give into her desires for Duncan cause she already knew the betrayl he was capable of doing.
He was ready for the connection back to her. So, he raised up to put arms on either sides of her shoulders and entered her.
They thrusted and grinded into each other until they saw stars. He stared at her the entire time. Reveling in her beauty. She just basked in the moment; hands gripping the sheets. Not allowing herself the pleasure of skin to skin contact where it wasn't needed. They knew the others body so well. It was like clockwork. Muscle memory. When he grinded down, in perfect sync she would grind up with the exact force. It wasn't long before they would reach their climax.
Laying there, the couple hated how perfectly they worked. How toxic it had been but how much they loved it and each other. After all this time. This was the start of something much bigger than before. Cause this time Courtney was hell bent on not getting hurt and Duncan was focused on getting her back. And any little mistake could have everything crashing down once again.
It was really hard to write this chapter and I'm sorry for the brevity. But my return was much needed. I hate to leave a work unfinished and it helped me regain control once again to be able to write for this story once again. When I first started this story I had entered into my own FWB relationship. Not only was it on and off again for several months and mentally strenuous. But I was also sexually assaulted. It's taken a while to evaluate my feelings and learn how to start healing. But I'm on my way. Writing is a helpful tool and I love when other people enjoy my writing. I hope you can still enjoy it and come on the adventure with me as I try to finish it.
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lorianna1001 · 5 years
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Guess who finally decided to update?
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