lostboylance · 6 years
fuck voltron we going ✈️ she-ra
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lostboylance · 6 years
queer kids and poc: make defenders of tomorrow as a fun au where they can see themselves better represented
y’all: this is so toxic smh ://///
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lostboylance · 6 years
Leakira 🗣🗣is not a reboot 🗣🗣it’s a harmless AU 🗣🗣made by some fans to cope 👏🏻👏🏻
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lostboylance · 6 years
Leakira was created by POC queer children but some people radiate with dumb bitch energy so they won’t allow children to have fun!
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lostboylance · 6 years
Klance fandom is literally a queer teenager who manage to leave their abusive family and everyone is like: “YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO US” and they are like: “YES I CAN” and manage to escape and change their name and build a new life
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lostboylance · 6 years
honestly it’s pretty telling that those who don’t like this whole leakira / dot reboot thing, are completely unaware of what it ACTUALLY IS. they think its some excuse to trash on voltron and make klance canon.
well here’s a hot take: some of us actually care about lgbt representation and wanted to make an alternative universe where there’s diversity with every single type of character, not just some klance thing. its not just a canon mlm couple out of spite because voltron won’t make it canon. there’s representation of ALL TYPES in this au, from people of color to lgbt to disabilities to different religions.
so no. its not about klance.
its about collectively making an alternative version of a show but with actual poc and lgbt characters being treated properly, and not in some queerbaiting and racist undertones sort of way.
let people enjoy things.
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lostboylance · 6 years
anyway klance is dead but leakira lives forever
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lostboylance · 6 years
sorry that people who are shitting on defenders of tomorrow hate having fun :(
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lostboylance · 6 years
A Brief History of LGBT+ Characters and Why the Death of Adam in Voltron is Worth Being Upset About
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So uh…. Good morning.
So I think it’s pretty obvious by now that the reception to season 7 has been less than… good. The fan base has been shattered. People are upset, angry, and abandoning this series in droves (I’ve lost over 50 followers as I write this, just from people no longer wanting anything to do with this show) and have been incredibly vocal as to the reason why.
They killed Adam. 
After two weeks of receiving praise for the relationship that was revealed at San Diego Comic Con, fans discovered on Friday night that Adam’s existence would be short lived, further contributing to this popular “Bury Your Gays” trope. 
And I’ve seen people confused at this outcry. They don’t understand why people are so upset at this tiny side character’s death. What’s the big deal, right? It’s war! There’s supposed to be casualties!
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And to that kind of response I have to narrow my eyes and go:
“Oh…. maybe you understand the history of this.”
Because it is a history. A rich one. “Bury your gays” isn’t a trope in the same why that “Fake dating” is a trope. It’s not popular out of coincidence and I feel like many people are ignorant of that, which is FAIR! Because most voltron fans are young, most tumblr users are young, so I don’t expect you to be watching documentaries on LGBT+ cinema in between studying for your chemistry exams. 
So that’s where I come in. Buckle in children as I take you on a journey on why the “Bury your gays” trope exists, and the harmful ramifications that it has had on the LGBT+ community since its inception.
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lostboylance · 6 years
That “klance shippers are gonna show up at dreamworks with brass knuckles” post is an obvious hoax:
So I’m sure some of you have seen the following image (originally shared by Instagram user _kamylleon on their insta story):
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Even upon a cursory glance, this is obviously fake. Note the wild hyperbole: namely, the suggestion that people bring weapons and various brass instruments (???), the 8 school buses, the window breaking, etc
When you look at the specifics, it gets even more shady:
1. Brass knuckles are illegal in the state of California. Almost everyone who lives here knows this.
2. The address where people should meet is the Museum of Neon Art ?????
3. The address for the “restaurant” is for a random strip mall that has like a Panda Express, a nail place, and a Rubio’s lmao.
Beyond that, _kamylleon also posted this in their story:
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Wow how convenient that it got “taken down” and hasn’t been shared anywhere else!!!!!! It’s almost like op is fishing for followers or something!!!!!!!!!!
How convenient that op’s “friend” doesn’t remember or know who posted it and that the person they supposedly got it from was somehow able to grab a screenshot before it got taken down but doesn’t remember where they found it???? Lol ok
It’s also super convenient that the text exchange is clearly through iMessage, which, as we all know, is super easy to fake, as seen here:
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This took me like 10 seconds to make on one of those online iMessage generators. I don’t have an iphone or at&t and I was able to choose the dates and times the messages were “sent”
Another good way to check if a post is fake and hasn’t actually been shared online is to do a Google search of the exact phrasing found in the post:
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Just as suspected, no results found!!
Anyway, y'all have GOT to stop falling for blatantly obvious 4chan style hoaxes. This is like that “Warn Markiplier about evil Los Angeles gangs” or “the lgbts wanna accept p*doph*les!!!/cl*vergender” debacle all over again. use critical thinking please.
Confirmation bias will have y'all seriously believing that antis or whatever group you don’t like are sacrificing babies to the Elder Gods if you keep this up I s2g
It’s like the fandom version of those paranoid chain emails your estranged conservative uncle mass emails to his entire contacts list lmao
Anyway, go with your gut and if you see a post that seems too wild to be real, it’s probably a complete hoax!!! But if you’re unsure, try googling the phrasing of the post like I did.
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lostboylance · 6 years
lance and his mom
bc we all love crying over lance, right?
prompt for julance
It feels weird sitting in Red’s cockpit in his civilian clothes.
It feels weird having civilian clothes. At least, it feels weird on Earth. Out in space it was so much easier to detach from the idea. Out in space the war is always going on, there’s never an end only breaks. On Earth, all of it seems so far away.
Lance can see the stars. From here to an untrained eye they look like all the other stars in all the other galaxies they’ve seen. But Lance has memorized all of the stars and the constellations specific to Earth. It’s a relief seeing them all again, he relaxes into the feeling like it’s a warm blanket. There’s still a war going on out there, but here Lance feels safe.
He doesn’t know how long he’s been sitting in Red’s cockpit. It was dark when he sunk out of his room, like he was a little kid and into red and it’s still dark now. No sunrise in sight. So, he reasons, he should have more than enough time to sneak back in without worrying anyone.
Ever since he came home a week ago he hasn’t had a second alone. Not that it’s a bad thing. The castle had been his only home since he had gone to space, but it was so big and filled with so few the hallways always seemed lonely. He’s missed the comforted chaos of so many people in one house. He can’t take a single step without bumping into someone and, god, he’s missed it.
But it’s slightly suffocating at times. Going from being at a distance with everyone to having at least one person clinging to you at all times in a second feels like jumping into a cold pool. From the moment he knocked on his door a week ago to now someone has always been with him. Nieces and nephews clinging to his legs, his Mamma hugging him whenever he walks by, one of his siblings always having a hold on his arm or shoulder or wherever they can grab. It’s disorientating.
He used to have to hunt down people to hang out with. Now he has to hunt down places to take a breath.
The problem is he’ll miss it, when he’s gone. Which is probably why guilt threatens to suffocate him when he thinks about getting away for a moment to himself. He’ll miss it. He’ll hate that he didn’t take every moment to be with his family. He’ll regret his selfishness.
Lance tugs his hoodie over his head and slouches into it, trying to hide from those thoughts. Blue would always comfort him when he started spiraling like this, but Red is more hands off. Just being near her both helps and hurts and Lance hates himself for it.
The air around him is quiet, no regular sounds of night able to sneak in past Red. Only Lance’s breathing and the soft beeps from Red’s control panel keep him company. Which is probably why he jumps a foot in the air when a door behind him opens.
In space, Lance would react like a Paladin. Bayard drawn, up and in fighting stance, just in case. On Earth, he reacts like a kid caught in a cookie jar, sinking into his seat and pulling the strings on his hoodie to hide his face.
There isn’t a need to check who it is, Lance already knows.
“Leonardo.” His Mamma whispers his name, the same way she whispered a prayer as she hugged him before he left for the Garrison. It’s the only name she calls him by since he came home. One day he came home and asked to be called Lance, and she had agreed to it, but he hasn’t heard her use that name once in the past week.
“Mamma.” He isn’t sure if she’s here to scold him for sneaking out and scaring him. Before he it would have for sure been that, but now a days he isn’t sure of anything anymore. “What are you doing here?”
She hums softly, footsteps echoing in the cockpit as she approaches. She stops at his chair, but doesn’t touch him. “A mother can always tell when a child is out of bed, you know that.”
Lance coughs out a wet laugh and pulls back his hood to peek out at her. “Could never get anything past you, huh?”
His mother isn’t looking at him, she’s staring straight ahead, out of Red’s window and up at the stars. Not for the first time this week Lance is struck by how much she’s changed. Overall she looks how he remembers and her hugs are still warm and she still smiles softly at him when he comes downstairs in the morning. But now her smiles are accompanied by teary eyes and there’s a furrow in her brows that wasn’t there before. Her hair, the same dark brown that Lance’s is, is streaked with grey. And there’s bags under her eyes that Lance doesn’t remember seeing before.
She looks exhausted.
Everytime Lance thinks about it his throat starts to close up and his eyes start to sting. It’s his fault. Even though no one will directly say it, no one will yell it at him like he deserves, he knows that this is his fault.
“None of you can.” His mother agreed with a little nod of her head. “It’s so I can keep you four safe and out of trouble. It’s my job to always know where you are.”
Lance doesn’t say anything about her voice cracking and she doesn’t say anything about the tears in his eyes.
“It is also my job to know when something’s wrong. So, Leonardo,” she turns to him and cups his cheek with her hand, “what’s wrong?”
He’s imagined this conversation before, it’s practically all he’s been thinking about since his first day back. He was never sure when or where or even how he’d tell her, but he imagined something calmer. Maybe somewhat heroic, telling his mother he would have to go back into space to continue to fight for freedom throughout the universe. Or maybe he’d do it somewhere comforting, in soothing tones at the same place on the beach that she would take him when he was younger.
But now that he’s had time to be at home and unwind the exhaustion of fighting a war has settled deep into him. It’s soaked through his skin right to his bones and left him shaking and fragile. He can’t have this conversation right now, not with his mother. It’s obvious from the way that instead of a response a sob bubbles up from his chest. He tries to bite back the next one, jaw clenched so tight his teeth ache, but it’s no use.
He hadn’t imagined sitting in Red’s chair, his mother sitting next to him, holding him so close he’s half in her lap. She’s whispering, softly, in Spanish, running her fingers through her hair, but he can’t make a word of it out. He thinks she might be shaking too, but he can’t tell.
Outside the ship it’s still dark when he’s finally calm enough to look. His whole body is still shaking so hard his teeth are chattering, but at least he can somewhat breath again. Pressed against her chest, he can hear his mother’s heartbeat loud and true over the blood rushing in his ears. He could fall asleep right here, and never wake up.
“I don’t want to go back.” Lance forces himself to whisper, because he knows he can’t stay here all night. Each word takes up more energy than he has to give, his eyelids droop closed. “I can’t.”
His mother starts humming, a lullaby from long ago that Lance can’t remember the name of. Her fingers tighten in his hair.
“I’ve missed so much here. All of you. I- even at the Garrison, it wasn’t this bad. I don’t think I can do it again. Out there it’s- I don’t know if- I-” almost died he finishes in his head. She can never know. No one in his family can ever know how for a moment out there he was dead, before Allura pulled him back. They can never hear a word of it.
It still shakes him to his core.
“I know, I know.” She whispers even though they both know she doesn’t — she never will know anything close to it — because it’s what Lance needs to hear. “Oh, my sweet, sweet boy, I know you don’t want to leave. You never did. I still remember you trying to get me to talk you out of going to the Garrison because you didn’t want to leave us.”
She lets out a laugh and somehow it’s the brightest thing he’s ever heard. “Your dream since you were a boy, and you were too worried about all of us to dive in head first like you should’ve. Scared that we’d need you, scared of the events you’d miss, of the memories you wouldn’t be apart of. But I didn’t these worries overtake you, because you can’t let us hold you back.”
Gently, she pushes him away just enough so that he can look up at her. She smiles, dampened with sadness but still loving. “You have to go back. You know it, all of us know it. No one holds it against you. It’s not just about our family anymore, it’s about the universe. And if I could I would never let you leave the house again. After spending all that time thinking you were lost to us forever, I never want to let you out of my sight.”
His mother sighs, brushing his bangs back from his forehead. “But I’m not that selfish, and I know you aren’t either. I raised you to not be. So, go, save the universe. Come back when you can, try to send messages.”
“I will, Mamma.” Lance’s voice cracks and he quickly nods. “I will. I’ll send messages all the time, you’ll get sick of them.”
“Just promise me one thing, Leonardo.” She stares into his eyes, already searching for the truth of this promise. “Promise me you’ll come back to me. You’ll come back alive and okay.”
I died out there, Mamma. The unspoken words are just on his lips, tingling and painful.
“I promise, Mamma.” He says instead, and lets her pull him in again.
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lostboylance · 6 years
lance and his mom
bc we all love crying over lance, right?
prompt for julance
It feels weird sitting in Red’s cockpit in his civilian clothes.
It feels weird having civilian clothes. At least, it feels weird on Earth. Out in space it was so much easier to detach from the idea. Out in space the war is always going on, there’s never an end only breaks. On Earth, all of it seems so far away.
Lance can see the stars. From here to an untrained eye they look like all the other stars in all the other galaxies they’ve seen. But Lance has memorized all of the stars and the constellations specific to Earth. It’s a relief seeing them all again, he relaxes into the feeling like it’s a warm blanket. There’s still a war going on out there, but here Lance feels safe.
He doesn’t know how long he’s been sitting in Red’s cockpit. It was dark when he sunk out of his room, like he was a little kid and into red and it’s still dark now. No sunrise in sight. So, he reasons, he should have more than enough time to sneak back in without worrying anyone.
Ever since he came home a week ago he hasn’t had a second alone. Not that it’s a bad thing. The castle had been his only home since he had gone to space, but it was so big and filled with so few the hallways always seemed lonely. He’s missed the comforted chaos of so many people in one house. He can’t take a single step without bumping into someone and, god, he’s missed it.
But it’s slightly suffocating at times. Going from being at a distance with everyone to having at least one person clinging to you at all times in a second feels like jumping into a cold pool. From the moment he knocked on his door a week ago to now someone has always been with him. Nieces and nephews clinging to his legs, his Mamma hugging him whenever he walks by, one of his siblings always having a hold on his arm or shoulder or wherever they can grab. It’s disorientating.
He used to have to hunt down people to hang out with. Now he has to hunt down places to take a breath.
The problem is he’ll miss it, when he’s gone. Which is probably why guilt threatens to suffocate him when he thinks about getting away for a moment to himself. He’ll miss it. He’ll hate that he didn’t take every moment to be with his family. He’ll regret his selfishness.
Lance tugs his hoodie over his head and slouches into it, trying to hide from those thoughts. Blue would always comfort him when he started spiraling like this, but Red is more hands off. Just being near her both helps and hurts and Lance hates himself for it.
The air around him is quiet, no regular sounds of night able to sneak in past Red. Only Lance’s breathing and the soft beeps from Red’s control panel keep him company. Which is probably why he jumps a foot in the air when a door behind him opens.
In space, Lance would react like a Paladin. Bayard drawn, up and in fighting stance, just in case. On Earth, he reacts like a kid caught in a cookie jar, sinking into his seat and pulling the strings on his hoodie to hide his face.
There isn’t a need to check who it is, Lance already knows.
“Leonardo.” His Mamma whispers his name, the same way she whispered a prayer as she hugged him before he left for the Garrison. It’s the only name she calls him by since he came home. One day he came home and asked to be called Lance, and she had agreed to it, but he hasn’t heard her use that name once in the past week.
“Mamma.” He isn’t sure if she’s here to scold him for sneaking out and scaring him. Before he it would have for sure been that, but now a days he isn’t sure of anything anymore. “What are you doing here?”
She hums softly, footsteps echoing in the cockpit as she approaches. She stops at his chair, but doesn’t touch him. “A mother can always tell when a child is out of bed, you know that.”
Lance coughs out a wet laugh and pulls back his hood to peek out at her. “Could never get anything past you, huh?”
His mother isn’t looking at him, she’s staring straight ahead, out of Red’s window and up at the stars. Not for the first time this week Lance is struck by how much she’s changed. Overall she looks how he remembers and her hugs are still warm and she still smiles softly at him when he comes downstairs in the morning. But now her smiles are accompanied by teary eyes and there’s a furrow in her brows that wasn’t there before. Her hair, the same dark brown that Lance’s is, is streaked with grey. And there’s bags under her eyes that Lance doesn’t remember seeing before.
She looks exhausted.
Everytime Lance thinks about it his throat starts to close up and his eyes start to sting. It’s his fault. Even though no one will directly say it, no one will yell it at him like he deserves, he knows that this is his fault.
“None of you can.” His mother agreed with a little nod of her head. “It’s so I can keep you four safe and out of trouble. It’s my job to always know where you are.”
Lance doesn’t say anything about her voice cracking and she doesn’t say anything about the tears in his eyes.
“It is also my job to know when something’s wrong. So, Leonardo,” she turns to him and cups his cheek with her hand, “what’s wrong?”
He’s imagined this conversation before, it’s practically all he’s been thinking about since his first day back. He was never sure when or where or even how he’d tell her, but he imagined something calmer. Maybe somewhat heroic, telling his mother he would have to go back into space to continue to fight for freedom throughout the universe. Or maybe he’d do it somewhere comforting, in soothing tones at the same place on the beach that she would take him when he was younger.
But now that he’s had time to be at home and unwind the exhaustion of fighting a war has settled deep into him. It’s soaked through his skin right to his bones and left him shaking and fragile. He can’t have this conversation right now, not with his mother. It’s obvious from the way that instead of a response a sob bubbles up from his chest. He tries to bite back the next one, jaw clenched so tight his teeth ache, but it’s no use.
He hadn’t imagined sitting in Red’s chair, his mother sitting next to him, holding him so close he’s half in her lap. She’s whispering, softly, in Spanish, running her fingers through her hair, but he can’t make a word of it out. He thinks she might be shaking too, but he can’t tell.
Outside the ship it’s still dark when he’s finally calm enough to look. His whole body is still shaking so hard his teeth are chattering, but at least he can somewhat breath again. Pressed against her chest, he can hear his mother’s heartbeat loud and true over the blood rushing in his ears. He could fall asleep right here, and never wake up.
“I don’t want to go back.” Lance forces himself to whisper, because he knows he can’t stay here all night. Each word takes up more energy than he has to give, his eyelids droop closed. “I can’t.”
His mother starts humming, a lullaby from long ago that Lance can’t remember the name of. Her fingers tighten in his hair.
“I’ve missed so much here. All of you. I- even at the Garrison, it wasn’t this bad. I don’t think I can do it again. Out there it’s- I don’t know if- I-” almost died he finishes in his head. She can never know. No one in his family can ever know how for a moment out there he was dead, before Allura pulled him back. They can never hear a word of it.
It still shakes him to his core.
“I know, I know.” She whispers even though they both know she doesn’t — she never will know anything close to it — because it’s what Lance needs to hear. “Oh, my sweet, sweet boy, I know you don’t want to leave. You never did. I still remember you trying to get me to talk you out of going to the Garrison because you didn’t want to leave us.”
She lets out a laugh and somehow it’s the brightest thing he’s ever heard. “Your dream since you were a boy, and you were too worried about all of us to dive in head first like you should’ve. Scared that we’d need you, scared of the events you’d miss, of the memories you wouldn’t be apart of. But I didn’t these worries overtake you, because you can’t let us hold you back.”
Gently, she pushes him away just enough so that he can look up at her. She smiles, dampened with sadness but still loving. “You have to go back. You know it, all of us know it. No one holds it against you. It’s not just about our family anymore, it’s about the universe. And if I could I would never let you leave the house again. After spending all that time thinking you were lost to us forever, I never want to let you out of my sight.”
His mother sighs, brushing his bangs back from his forehead. “But I’m not that selfish, and I know you aren’t either. I raised you to not be. So, go, save the universe. Come back when you can, try to send messages.”
“I will, Mamma.” Lance’s voice cracks and he quickly nods. “I will. I’ll send messages all the time, you’ll get sick of them.”
“Just promise me one thing, Leonardo.” She stares into his eyes, already searching for the truth of this promise. “Promise me you’ll come back to me. You’ll come back alive and okay.”
I died out there, Mamma. The unspoken words are just on his lips, tingling and painful.
“I promise, Mamma.” He says instead, and lets her pull him in again.
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lostboylance · 6 years
heard you all like gay weddings
another prompt for julance
today is formal lance
The tie lasts just before the ceremony was actually over.
Which is pretty impressive, if you ask Lance. It’s a definite upgrade from when he first started wearing ties, which was for picture day when he was six, and he had thrown the offending piece of cloth across the room right before he walked up to actually get his photo taken. It still feels too snug, just like before, but instead of full out flinging it away he loosens it up enough that hopefully he can get away with it.
From the look Keith shoots him, he’s not.
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45 notes · View notes
lostboylance · 6 years
heard you all like gay weddings
another prompt for julance
today is formal lance
The tie lasts just before the ceremony was actually over.
Which is pretty impressive, if you ask Lance. It’s a definite upgrade from when he first started wearing ties, which was for picture day when he was six, and he had thrown the offending piece of cloth across the room right before he walked up to actually get his photo taken. It still feels too snug, just like before, but instead of full out flinging it away he loosens it up enough that hopefully he can get away with it.
From the look Keith shoots him, he’s not.
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lostboylance · 6 years
heard you all like gay weddings
another prompt for julance
today is formal lance
The tie lasts just before the ceremony was actually over.
Which is pretty impressive, if you ask Lance. It’s a definite upgrade from when he first started wearing ties, which was for picture day when he was six, and he had thrown the offending piece of cloth across the room right before he walked up to actually get his photo taken. It still feels too snug, just like before, but instead of full out flinging it away he loosens it up enough that hopefully he can get away with it.
From the look Keith shoots him, he’s not.
Keeping his voice down as low as possible, because this is exactly the event that is Mamma will actually literally kill Lance for talking at, he leans over to Keith and whispers in his ear, “don’t give me that look, at least mine isn’t clip on.”
He pulls back and tries not to laugh when Keith sticks the tip of his tongue out at him.
Both of them flinch when something hits the back of their chairs. Several people around them glance over, a question in their eyes, but Lance gives his practiced “nothing to see here” smile. He can’t tell if it actually works, or if they look away to look back at the ceremony. Lance sighs in relief when eyes are no longer on him and turns to glare behind him at Shiro, who he finds is pointedly looking past them, a small, knowing smile on his face.
Lance sees Keith stick his tongue out slightly again at Shiro only for Shiro to once again kick his chair. He looks at them, his eyes saying “pay attention” like they do when they goof off during mission briefing.
Not willing to risk getting caught, Lance turns back around and tries to start paying attention again. Who knew wedding ceremonies took so long? Well, Lance did, he’s been to more weddings than he can count. Lots of cousins and aunts and uncles will do that to a kid, but it’s been a long while since he’s been to his last one and he had almost forgotten.
And apparently Altean weddings take even longer.
Before the wedding, back when everyone was figuring out what the perfect blend of Earth and Altean culture would be for the event, Allura had listed several traditions she could remember from weddings she had attended. Most, unfortunately, couldn’t be replicated because they were specifically tied to the planet Altea.
Lance’s heart still aches when he thinks of Allura’s face when she realized this.
Some things they were able to do, though it wasn’t exactly the same. On Altea brides wore a rare breed of juniberry flowers as a crown, but instead they used violets, which also was the primary flower they used to cover almost every surface in the building. On Altea they also have a special ceremony where they get water from each person’s home and mix them together and pour each other a glass of the water, a symbol of something important that Lance can’t remember at the moment.
But he knows he’s going to remember this. Remember the way Allura is glowing as she pours a glass of water, and remember the smile his sister Veronica wears as she takes a sip.
It’s almost been three years since Voltron returned to Earth and since Allura had met his sister. It’s been about two year since he found out that Allura and his sister had a long-distance relationship. It’s been half a year since they got engaged. And all of this time Veronica is as happy as Lance has ever seen her.
If anyone deserves to marry Veronica, it’s Allura. And in the speech he’ll be giving at the reception later in the day, he’ll say he’s glad that if couldn’t have Allura then Veronica had gotten her. He’ll mean it, and he knows it’ll make Veronica laugh because it was the first thing Veronica had said to him after he found out her and Allura were dating.
But for now he watches, basking in the happiness of his sister and one of his best friends.
By the end of the ceremony, the tie is completely off. Lance has stuffed it in Keith’s pocket, mostly because Keith couldn’t fight him off without causing a scene. No one is willing to risk the wrath of Mamma McClain or Veronica or Allura today. A dangerous combination indeed. At the reception when Veronica notices she laughs and reminds him of sixth grade picture day. His Mamma doesn’t say anything but straightens out his shirt to make up for it.
The reception is wild. Sure, the whole McClain family is here, practically everyone Lance has ever met from his family, but this is the first wedding where the McClains have had to mingle with aliens.
From his spot at one of the tables Lance can see how drastically different everyone is, but how it also feels so right.
The dance between Veronica and Allura has already ended, so the dancefloor has somehow turned into a dance battle zone where Veronica is currently beating Shiro in a dance battle. Several older Blade of Marmora members are mingling around him, including Kolivan who Krolia had to drag away from the corner of the room to actually talk to people.
Hunk is currently trying to explain the act of a bride tossing flowers in the air to Shay a few tables down and Lance can see Shay’s brother hoarding food at the buffet. Pidge is animatedly talking to Allura, a pink alien with an extra set of eyes that she introduced as her partner standing by her side. Coran has gotten his hands on an Earth camera and is taking pictures of anything and everything, something Lance is excited to see how it turns out.
To anyone else this would be the strangest wedding reception they’d ever seen. But Lance couldn’t imagine it any other way. After everything he’s seen, a wedding of just humans sounds weird to him.
“What’re you thinking about?” Keith asks as he walks up from behind Lance and sets a cup of soda on the table. He leans one hip against the table and takes a drink from his own cup.
“Mmm,” Lance hums, picking up his own cup. “All of this. How happy Veronica and Allura are. How I’m glad that everyone was able to come. How no one is ever going to beat my sister at dancing so it’s funny but also a little sad to watch you all try. You?”
“Well…” Keith trails off, trying to hide his smile behind his cup, but Lance knows his face too well now. The way his eyes softly light up, even with a small smile, and the way he ducks his head just in case. “I was thinking about how I’ve had to endure a week of Shiro teaching me how to properly slow dance and I still don’t know exactly how to ask you onto the dancefloor with me.”
For a moment Lance let’s himself imagine Shiro teaching Keith to dance. They probably did it while Lance was out helping with last minute arrangements. Keith probably stomped on Shiro’s feet so many times, Lance can’t believe Shiro is out on the dancefloor now. He almost laughs at thinking about Keith pouting, frustrated, as Shiro drags him around the room in a half attempt at dancing.
He looks over to the dancefloor. The dance-off has apparently ended and Veronica and Allura are once again in the middle, swaying gently to the music, foreheads pressed together.
“Oooh. Is that why Shiro was over, unannounced, two days ago after I came home from the store?” Lance asks, leaning forward in his chair.
Keith’s cheeks flush slightly and he ducks his head even more. “Well, uh, yeah.”
“All week, huh? And would I be agreeing to dance with you to make it up to you that you had to learn to dance or to make it up to Shiro that he had to be the one to teach you?” Lance grins into another sip of soda.
Keith looks up again to glare at him, but it’s still a painfully soft look. “You’d be dancing with me because you love me. And a little bit to both, but mainly because you love me.”
“Oh, well, if it’s because I love you, then I guess.” Lance rolls his eyes, trying to sound very put upon, but he can’t keep his huge grin off his face. “I suppose I can sacrifice one dance to prove my feelings for you.”
They both start snickering because they can’t help it and surrounded by all this love has Lance feeling a little dopey with love. All he wants to do is rest his head on Keith’s shoulder and stay here forever, in this one moment. Surrounded by everyone he cares about, in the safest place in the universe. And, by the way Keith smiles at him, Lance thinks he might be feeling something like that too.
“I don’t know why I’m asking you anyway.” Keith continues, because they can’t stay in this moment. He sets his cup down, and pats the pocket Lance’s tie is in. “You’re not even wearing a full suit, I don’t know if I should be seen with you on the dance floor.”
Lance barks out a laugh and reaches up to pull Keith’s hair out of its short ponytail before he can be stopped. He dangles the hair tie in front of Keith’s face, who looks properly scandalized. “There. Now you’re hair is terribly informal. We match. You can once again be seen dancing with me.”
Keith laughs in disbelief for a moment. Then he reaches up and takes the hand that Lance is holding the hair tie in and lances their fingers together. With a swift tug, he’s leading them over to the dance floor just as a slow song starts.
Lance laughs too, heart light, almost floating on air. He can hear the words his Mamma said to him years ago when he formally introduced Keith as his boyfriend. Somehow they seem closer to the truth than ever.
Well, Lance, are those wedding bells I’m hearing?
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lostboylance · 6 years
your langst/bi panic fic killed me
aww thank you!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖
i don’t cover funeral costs tho
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lostboylance · 6 years
Alt title: how keith dies from gay in the end
ya’ll want bi disaster lance and angst?
here you go, written for julance
prompt: red paladin
“So, we obviously know I rock anything and everything, but I’m really starting to think red really is my color.”
Lance does a slow turn in front of the mirror to look over his shoulder and yeah he really does look good in this suit at every angle. It had been a pain resizing it to fit exactly, but now that he’s wearing it he’s considering keeping it. “What do you think, Hunk?”
“I think you taking Keith’s armor was a bad idea and you should change before he finds out.”
Keep reading
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