lostpadawans · 4 years
Things in swtor that I care about a lot that Bioware obviously doesn’t care about:
-the Inquisitor’s cult
-the Agent’s spouse on Voss
-that flesh raider that I somehow convinced to become a jedi on Tython
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lostpadawans · 4 years
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Don and Valss for @codenameagentv –thanks so much for commissioning me!
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lostpadawans · 5 years
listen nothing in sound design will ever come close to the sheer power of the sound of a lightsaber turning on
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lostpadawans · 5 years
oftentimes when you look back on media you enjoyed as a child it's like hello why did they let a 14 year old fight a dragon? but star wars holds up. luke is 19. his reaction to losing his whole family is to say "alright, let's do this. I'm gonna learn to meditate and hire a sexy drug dealer and his friend who's a furry to be my uber across the galaxy so I can blow up a fascist government" that's something only a 19 y/o would do
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lostpadawans · 5 years
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Marwan & Khaled Fall/Winter 2018-2019: Hera Collection
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lostpadawans · 6 years
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i’ve been having a lot of trouble with my lineart lately so let’s take a break and draw nonsense with some tiny pens.
anyhoo i love my agent companions. would love to interact with them again someday.
[more SWtOR→patreon→ko-fi→commissions]
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lostpadawans · 6 years
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give my love to Hunter
aaaapreciation? post? what’s the word for when you adore a character but also want to break his fucking neck.. anyway i finished my second agent campaign at an unwholesome hour of the night, as is tradition.
[more SWtOR→support my stuff→buy me a coffee!]
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lostpadawans · 7 years
This is one of the things I really like to compare/contrast about the Warrior vs. Inquisitor storylines, by the way. The Warrior is presented as someone who has been a little coddled (for a Sith, anyhow) regardless of how much real power and potential they prove to posses. Their storylines set them up to be a thug and not get too involved in politics, and the challenge is getting out of that alive (because the politics affect you, oh yes.) Whereas the Inquisitor is coming up from the bottom, intimately aware that no one can be trusted and that everyone will try to destroy them for no good reason, and their first master is disarmingly... kind*! They’re going for a different weak spot there.
Mind, I still think Vette and Risha’s story (stories?) makes more sense if they were, oh, ten years older than Bioware tells us they are. But I am not in charge of canon.
Only my own adaptations thereof.
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lostpadawans · 7 years
Especially because--if I recall the beginning of the SW storyline--the Warrior is a little green, having been rushed through their training on the strength of connections and favoritism. It makes a lot of sense if Vette would get to be a backseat mentor rather than a tagalong.
Mind, I still think Vette and Risha’s story (stories?) makes more sense if they were, oh, ten years older than Bioware tells us they are. But I am not in charge of canon.
Only my own adaptations thereof.
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lostpadawans · 7 years
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I’m not such a bad pilot myself.
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lostpadawans · 7 years
man, you got me thinking about C-3PO with your latest tag spiral and I already have him as my secret weird fav (MY ANXIETY BABY) so I would love to hear any headcanons on him!! I love how bring such depth with these memes and I'd be so interested to see that with this character that's usually just seen as a joke
His memory banks are fragmented, these days—too many decisions he can’t remember making about which files to keep, what metadata has been erased to ensure his internal processes have enough space to run. The result is something pieced together, a disjuncture between what he can remember and why he remembers it. He knows why he kept the audio of Queen Breha of Alderaan—the Princess had begged him, one night on Yavin. I don’t have anything else, she’d said, and though droids cannot feel pity, Threepio had felt it, and allocated the resources.
She’d listened to it, again and again, even though she cried every time, and Threepio had offered to remove the file. He didn’t understand why the Princess insisted on making herself miserable with such a thing, but Artoo had said it was sentient defect.
They always make themselves miserable, Artoo said. It’s all that water, and the hormones.
Others though…Threepio has a single audio file running nearly an hour, a speech from late Republican senator Padme Amidala; but the metadata has been largely stripped, and he cannot remember why he keeps it, except he always has. (There is a fragment of a file, something half-remembered—if droids were capable of that sort of ambiguity of process—someone saying it was important, that she’ll rule the galaxy, you’ll see.) 
Or there is a full visual holo-file of a woman with dark hair, weathered features and a tiredness in her smile, saying, hello, welcome to the world. Threepio does not even know her name.
(“Does this place seem familiar?” Threepio had asked Artoo, as they trundled across the sand of the unknown desert planet. His casing is still rattling from the impact of the pod’s crash, but he looks up at the sky, and then around, at all the sand. “I could swear…”)
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lostpadawans · 7 years
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Half of a @obikinbigbang entry based on @selcier ‘s fic ! I don’t want to give too much away but I’m in love with the premise and everything I’ve read so far! 
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lostpadawans · 7 years
Darth Net: Star Wars characters invented by neural network
Neural networks are a type of computer program that imitate the way humans learn. If you give them a long list of examples of anything - paint colors, Broadway musicals, cat names, and even guinea pig names - they’ll teach themselves how to generate similar examples.
Last week, I tried giving a neural network a list of Star Wars planets and sure enough, it was soon producing plausible planets that (mostly) would have passed without comment as part of the Star Wars universe.
Now, I try the same thing with Star Wars character names, thanks to another list from blog reader Chris Jones. It turns out that it works pretty well.
Garan Sande Seran Bant Bri Dalrhon Joff Bala Bun Bana Betti Cantha Boen Cemenan Shilen Carton Doylan Wannaar Jo Grailis Greki Ves Lar-V Male Rob-V Rachal Slin Sran Baran Saran Rantar Tanter Mana Kane Captain Kreet
You’ll notice there’s a “captain” at the end of the list… the neural network would occasionally produce captains and commanders and admirals, but it’s rare that it would spell them correctly. This is because I was using some pretty aggressive dropout settings to prevent the neural network from memorizing entire names from the tiny input dataset. I was essentially forcing it to learn to function with only a small fraction of its neurons working at a time, so it had to stick to very simple rules that could be implemented with just a neuron or two. The upside: the neural network began to work with short Star Wars-y letter combinations rather than entire words. The downside: lots of “Cammanders” and “Anmirals”.
Inquisisor: Sarth Bertor Grand Andiral Chenge Shelte Anmiral Carn Daralo Admira Sanos Anmeral Teeran Salan Cammander Copta Carmander Sorod Comtander Jan Ganaral Danter
Some of the other names were also less than successful, but that’s not the neural network’s fault. It only knows about the words on its own list, not the rest of the English language. If a word sequence is pronounceable according to its rules, it’s perfectly valid as far as it knows.
Jan Moron Reme Mold Ban Sand Mo-Da Cat Dars Werdo Math Bins Mad Danran Santa Salane Bun Mans Bare Center Granter Matter Broth
But my favorite part was the Sith lords.
There were enough Darths in the list that at the very lowest-creativity settings, everyone was a Sith lord. Here are some of my favorites:
Darth Teen Darth Tannin Darth Ben Darth Toes Darth Teena Darth Darth Dorth Darth Darth Mon Darth Man Darth Darth Sans Darth Band Darth Mall Darth Tall Grand Moff Darth Salt
I would like to see the costumes for some of these.
Want more Darths? Sign up here and I’ll email you an 8-page pdf of output straight from the neural network.
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lostpadawans · 7 years
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-beth pecora
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lostpadawans · 7 years
I just heard two kids playing outside and one goes
‘I do not fear the dark side’
then another kid goes
and then I just hear a WHACK noise and then crying
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lostpadawans · 7 years
Sith aesthetics more like 
“Peace is a lie… there is only fashion.”
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lostpadawans · 7 years
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