lottsoflanguages · 7 days
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lottsoflanguages · 7 days
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lottsoflanguages · 2 months
Ní vs Níl
These two words look and sound quite similar and they're both negative so it's easy to mess them up. But what's the difference?
Is only one thing, it is the negative form of tá, if it would make sense to use tá in this place, you should be using níl.
Tá carr agam - I have a car Níl carr agam - I don't have a car An bhfuil tú anseo - Are you here? Níl tú anseo - You're not here
Níl actually comes from Ní fhuil, which is easier to recognise as being related to an bhfuil.
There's two uses for this word, one is the negative particle you use before verbs, as seen above with ní fhuil, which of course gets contracted to níl, but you see it with all other verbs as well.
Ní dhéanfaidh mé é - I won't do it Ní thuigim - I don't understand
The other use for this word is as the negative form of the copula. This is when it's used on its own without a verb, and you should refer to my tá vs is post to know when to use this rather than níl.
Is leanbh é - He's a child Ní leanbh é - He's not a child Is fadhb é sin - That's a problem Ní fadhb é sin - That's not a problem Ní maith liom é - I don't like it Ní hé sin an fhadhb - That's not the problem
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lottsoflanguages · 2 months
language learning is such a personal thing that there is no “right” or “wrong” way of doing it. it’s whatever works on bringing YOU closer to YOUR goal.
you want to watch tv shows but don’t really care for speaking with others? yay!! no speaking practice needed.
you want to learn quickly for an upcoming trip? yay! text book phrases and simple grammar.
you’re a beginner and it’s been 10 years? 2 weeks? 6 months? it doesn’t matter. as long as you are working towards bringing YOURSELF closer to what YOU want to achieve, you have succeeded: you are succeeding; you are doing great.
i find that so much demotivation comes from comparison and/or trying to follow other's advice too closely. if anki decks don't work for you, that's fine! if duolingo works well for you, then use it!
this language learning thing, it should be enjoyed. in the sea full of deceptive polyglot stories and videos on top of videos attempting to understand how to learn languages in "the fastest way possible" sometimes we should sit back and ask ourselves, "when is just learning things, enough"?
with that i hope you all continue working towards your dreams! whether you want to become a translator or just watch a few more movies in your target language, you can do it. i know you have it in you.
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lottsoflanguages · 2 months
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lottsoflanguages · 4 months
4 june
d-1 until the leaving cert i may explode :3
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lottsoflanguages · 4 months
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lottsoflanguages · 4 months
19 may
EN : The exams are less than 3 weeks away. I don't think it has hit me yet because I've had so much going on. However, I do think I am improving my language learning. I've been able to answer Portuguese exam questions and read comprehensions in Portuguese. Hopefully, the exams will go fine
FR : Les examens auront lieu dans moins de trois semaines. Je ne pense pas que cela m'ait encore frappé parce que j'ai eu beaucoup de choses à gérer. Cependant, je pense que j'améliore mon apprentissage des langues. J'ai pu répondre aux questions d'examen en portugais et lire les compréhensions en portugais. J'espère que les examens seront iront bien
ES : Los exámenes están a menos de tres semanas. No pienso que aún me haya dado cuenta porque me han pasado muchas cosas. Sin embargo, pienso que estoy mejorando mi aprendizaje de idiomas. He podido responder a las preguntas en portugués y leer comprensiones en portugués. Ojalá los exámenes vayan bien
PT : Os exames estão a menos de três semanas. Não penso que ainda me aperceba disso porque tenho tido tantas coisas a acontecer. No entanto, penso que estou a melhorar a minha aprendizagem de línguas. Tenho podido responder a perguntas em português e ler compreensões em português. Com sorte, os exames sejam bem
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lottsoflanguages · 5 months
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lottsoflanguages · 6 months
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lottsoflanguages · 6 months
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lottsoflanguages · 6 months
1 april 2024
EN: I wish I could be more productive, the language learning plateau has hit me hard. If anyone could give me advice on how to overcome this, please let me know
ES: Ojalá pudiera ser más productiva, el estancamiento del aprendizaje de idiomas me ha afectado mucho. Si alguien pudiera aconsejarme sobre como superar esto, por favor, házmelo saber
FR: J'aimerais être plus productive, le plateau du apprentissage des langues m'a beaucoup affectée. Si quelqu'un pouvait me conseiller sur comment surmonter cela, laissez-moi savoir s'il vous plaît
PT: Quem me dera ser mais produtivo, o patamar da aprendizagem de línguas atingiu-me muito. Se alguém me puder dar um conselho sobre como superar isto, por favor, informe-me
If I made any mistakes in the written pieces above, please correct me!
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lottsoflanguages · 6 months
Resource List for Learning Portuguese
Hi Language Enthusiasts,
Do you want to learn Portuguese but don’t know where to start? Then I’ve got the perfect resource list for you and you can find its links below. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve it. I hope everyone can enjoy it and if anyone notices any mistakes or has any questions you are free to PM me.
Here is what the resource list contains;
Handmade resources on certain grammar concepts for easy understanding.
Resources on learning pronunciation.
Websites to practice reading.
Documents to enhance your vocabulary.
Notes on Colloquial Language.
Music playlists
List of podcasts/audiobooks And a compiled + organized list of websites you can use to get hold of grammar!
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lottsoflanguages · 6 months
Spanish Vocab - First 600 Words
I came across a list of the first 600 words a language learner should learn in their target language, and thought I should make a Spanish version! This took a while to make so forgive me if there are some mistakes, but hopefully you'll find this helpful. Happy learning!
dog el perro
cat el gato
fish el pez
bird el pájaro
cow la vaca
pig el cerdo
mouse el ratón
horse el caballo
wing el ala
animal el animal
red el rojo
green el verde
blue el azul
yellow el amarillo
pink el rosado
orange el naranja
purple el morado
brown el marron
black el negro
white el blanco
grey el gris
colour el color
hat el sombrero
dress el vestido
suit el traje
skirt la falda
shirt la camisa
T-shirt la camiseta
trousers los pantalones
shoes los zapatos
pocket el bolsillo
coat el abrigo
stain la mancha
clothing la ropa
jewellery la joyería
train el tren
plane el avión
car el carro
truck el camión
bicycle la bicicleta
bus el autobús
boat el barco
tire el neumático
petrol la gasolina
engine el motor
ticket el boleto
transportation el transporte
city la cuidad
house la casa
apartment el apartamento
street la calle
airport el aeropuerto
train station la estación de tren
bridge el puente
hotel el hotel
restaurant el restaurante
farm la granja
school la escuela
office la oficina
room la habitación
town el pueblo
university la universidad
club la discoteca
bar el bar
park el parque
camp el campamento
shop la tienda
theatre el teatro
library la biblioteca
hospital el hospital
church la iglesia
market el mercado
country el país
building el edificio
outer space el espacio
bank el banco
location el lugar
son el hijo
daughter la hija
mother la madre
father el padre
parents los padres
baby el/la bebé
man el hombre
woman la mujer
brother el hermano
sister la hermana
family la familia
grandfather el abuelo
grandmother la abuela
husband el esposo
wife la esposa
king el rey
queen la reina
prince el príncipe
princess la princesa
president el presidente
neighbour el vecino
boy el niño
girl la niña
adult el adulto
friend el amigo
person la persona
teacher el profesor
student el/la estudiante
lawyer el abogado
doctor el médico
nurse el enfermero
patient el paciente
waiter el camarero
secretary el secretario
priest el sacerdote
police officer el policía
soldier el soldado
artist el artista
author el autor
manager el director
boss el jefe
worker el trabajador
employee el empleado
journalist el periodista
actor el actor
job el trabajo
religion la religión
heaven el cielo
hell el infierno
death la muerte
life la vida
medicine la medicina
money el dinero
bill la cuenta
reservation la reserva
marriage el matrimonio
wedding la boda
team el equipo
race (ethnicity) la raza
sex el sexo
technology la tecnología
energy la energía
war la guerra
peace la paz
magazine la revista
newspaper el periódico
sport el deporte
race (sport) la carrera
exercise el ejercicio
ball la pelota
game (sports) el partido
game (amusement) el juego
price el precio
contract el contrato
science la ciencia
God el dios
painting la pintura
band la banda
song la canción
instrument el instrumento
music la música
movie la película
art el arte
gallery la galería
poem el poema
museum el museo
statue la estatua
coffee el café
tea el té
wine el vino
beer la cerveza
juice el jugo
water el agua
milk la leche
beverage la bebida
egg el huevo
cheese el queso
bread el pan
soup la sopa
cake el pastel
chicken el pollo
pork el cerdo
beef la carne de vaca
apple la manzana
banana el plátano
orange la naranja
lemon el limón
corn el maíz
rice el arroz
oil el aceite
knife el cuchillo
spoon la cuchara
fork el tenedor
plate el plato
cup la taza
bowl el bol
breakfast el desayuno
lunch el almuerzo
dinner la cena
sugar el azúcar
salt la sal
bottle la botella
food la comida
snack la merienda
table la mesa
chair la silla
bed la cama
dream el sueño
window la ventana
door la puerta
bedroom el cuarto
kitchen la cocina
bathroom el baño
pencil el lápiz
pen el bolígrafo
photograph la fotografía
soap el jabón
book el libro
page la página
key la llave
paint la pintura
letter la carta
note la nota
paper el papel
wall la pared
floor el piso
ceiling el techo
pool la piscina
lock la cerradura
telephone el teléfono
garden el jardín
needle la aguja
thread el hilo
wool la lana
bag la bolsa
box la caja
gift el regalo
card la tarjeta
clock el reloj
lampla lámpara
fan el ventilador
mobile phone el teléfono móvil
website el sitio web
network la red
computer la computadora
program (computer) el programa
laptop el portátil
screen la pantalla
camera la cámara
television la televisión
radio el radio
head la cabeza
neck el cuello
face la cara
beard la barba
moustache el bigote
hair el pelo
eye el ojo
mouth la boca
lip el labio
nose la nariz
tooth el diente
ear la oreja
teardrop la lágrima
tongue la lengua
back la espalda
hand la mano
finger el dedo
foot el pie
toe el dedo del pie
leg la pierna
arm el brazo
shoulder el hombre
elbow el codo
knee la rodilla
heart el corazón
chest el pecho
blood la sangre
brain el cerebro
bone el hueso
voice la voz
skin la piel
body el cuerpo
sea el mar
ocean el océano
river el río
lake el lago
mountain la montaña
rain la lluvia
snow la nieve
wind el viento
sun el sol
moon la luna
tree el árbol
grass el césped
world el mundo
earth la tierra
forest el bosque
sky el cielo
plant la planta
flower la flor
valley el valle
hill la colina
leaf la hoja
star la estrella
planet el planeta
space el espacio
air el aire
sand la arena
beach la playa
wave la ola
fire el fuego
ice el hielo
island la isla
heat el calor
nature la naturaleza
glass el vidrio
metal el metal
plastic el plástico
wood la madera
stone la piedra
diamond el diamante
dust el polvo
gold el oro
copper el cobre
silver la plata
bronze el bronce
material el material
metre el metro
centimetre el centímetro
kilogram el kilogramo
inch la pulgada
foot el pie
pound la libra
half la mitad
quarter el cuarto
circle el círculo
square el cuadrado
triangle el triángulo
temperature la temperatura
date la fecha
edge el borde
corner la esquina
weight el peso
width el ancho
height la altura
length el largo
top la cima
bottom el fondo
side el lado
outside fuera
inside dentro
up arriba
down abajo
left la izquierda
right la derecha
north el norte
south el sur
east el este
west el oeste
near cerca
far lejos
direction la dirección
spring la primavera
summer el verano
autumn el otoño
winter el invierno
season la estación
January el enero
February el febrero
March el marzo
April el abril
May el mayo
June el junio
July el julio
August el agosto
September el septiembre
October el octubre
November el noviembre
December el diciembre
month el mes
Days of the week:
Monday el lunes
Tuesday el martes
Wednesday el miércoles
Thursday el jueves
Friday el viernes
Saturday el sábado
Sunday el domingo
day el día
today hoy
year el año
week la semana
hour la hora
minute el minuto
second el segundo
morning la mañana
afternoon la tarde
night la noche
decade la década
century el siglo
time el tiempo
map el mapa
dot el punto
consonant la consonante
vowel la vocal
light la luz
sound el sonido
piece el pedazo
pain el dolor
injury la herida
hole el agujero
image la imagen
noun el sustantivo
verb el verbo
adjective el adjetivo
flag la bandera
birthday el cumpleaños
Christmas la Navidad
passport el pasaporte
holiday las vacaciones
luggage el equipaje
trip el viaje
0 cero
1 uno
2 dos
3 tres
4 cuatro
5 cinco
6 seis
7 siete
8 ocho
9 nueve
10 diez
11 once
12 doce
13 trece
14 catorce
15 quince
16 dieciséis
17 diecisiete
18 dieciocho
19 diecinueve
20 veinte
21 veintiuno
22 veintidós
30 treinta
40 cuarenta
50 cincuenta
60 sesenta
70 setenta
80 ochenta
90 noventa
100 cien
1000 mil
million millón
billion mil millones
1st primero
2nd segundo
3rd tercero
4th cuarto
5th quinto
number el número
to have tener
to work trabajar
to play jugar
to make hacer
to walk caminar
to run correr
to drive manejar
to fly volar
to swim nadar
to go ir
to stop parar
to follow seguir
to think pensar
to know saber
to speak hablar
to eat comer
to drink beber
to kill matar
to die morir
to live vivir
to smile sonreír
to laugh reír
to cry llorar
to buy comprar
to pay pagar
to sell vender
to learn aprender
to jump saltar
to smell oler
to hear oír
to listen escuchar
to taste probar
to touch tocar
to see ver
to watch mirar
to kiss besar
to hug abrazar
to sit sentarse
to stand levantarse
to want querer
to love encantar
to hate odiar
to like gustar
to pass by pasar
to cut cortar
to fight pelear
to lie down acostarse
to dance bailar
to sing cantar
to sleep dormir
to wake despertar
to count contar
to marry casar
to pray rezar
to win ganar
to lose perder
to mix mezclar
to bend doblar
to wash lavar
to clean limpiar
to cook cocinar
to open abrir
to close cerrar
to write escribir
to read leer
to call llamar
to turn girar
to build construir
to teach enseñar
to grow crecer
to draw dibujar
to feed alimentar
to catch agarrar
to throw tirar
to search for buscar
to find encontrar
to push empujar
to pull jalar
to carry cargar
to break romper
to wear llevar
to hang colgar
to shake agitar
to lift levanter
long largo
short (length) corto
tall alto
short (height) bajo
wide ancho
narrow estrecho
big grande
small pequeño
fast rápido
slow lento
hot caliente
cold frío
warm cálido
cool fresco
new nuevo
old viejo
young joven
good bueno
bad malo
wet mojado
dry seco
sick enfermo
healthy saludable
loud ruidoso
quiet tranquilo
happy feliz
sad triste
beautiful hermoso
ugly feo
deaf sordo
blind ciego
nice simpático
rich rico
poor pobre
thick grueso
thin delgado
expensive caro
cheap barato
flat plano
curved curvada
straight recto
tight apretado
loose holgado
soft suave
hard duo
deep profundo
clean limpio
dirty sucio
strong fuerte
weak débil
dead muerto
alive vivo
heavy pesado
light (weight) ligero
dark oscuro
light (colour) claro
famous famoso
Thank you for reading :)
If you have any requests for vocab lists you would like to see please let me know!
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lottsoflanguages · 6 months
Vocabulario de los idiomas 🌐
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el idioma - language
la voz - voice
la traducción - translation
la pronunciación - pronunciation
suelto/a - fluent
el acento - accent
el inglés - English
el español - Spanish
el castellano - (European) Spanish
el portugués - Portuguese
el francés - French
el italiano - Italians
el alemán - German
el chino - Chinese
el mandarín - Mandarin
el cantonés - Cantonese
el japonés - Japanese
el coreano - Korean
el tailandés - Thai
el vietnamita - Vietnamese
el turco - Turkish
el ruso - Russian
el hindi - Hindi
el árabe - Arabic
el hebreo - Hebrew
el holandés - Dutch
el checo - Czech
el danés - Danish
el filipino - Filipino/Tagalog
el finlandés - Finland
el sueco - Swedish
el noruego - Norway
la lengua de signos - sign language
aprender - to learn
enseñar - to teach
estudiar - to study
hablar - to speak
entender - to understand
traducir - to translate
leer - to read
escribir - to write
escuchar - to listen
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lottsoflanguages · 6 months
625 words you have to know in European Portuguese!
Olá pessoal,  I made this list like one month ago and it took me quite some time, so don’t hesitate to check out the list and the Memrise course! This list is based on this list
o animal | animal o cão | dog  o gato | cat o peixe | fish a ave (o pássaro)* | bird a vaca / o boi | cow / bull o porco | pig o rato | mouse o cavalo | horse o animal | animal
o comboio | train o avião | plane o carro | car o camião | truck a bicicleta | bicycle o autocarro | bus o barco | boat o navio | ship o pneu | tire a gasolina | gasoline o motor | engine o bilhete | ticket o transporte | transportation 
a cidade | city a casa | house o apartamento | apartment a rua | street / road o aeroporto | airport a estação de comboios | train station a ponte | bridge o hotel | hotel o restaurante | restaurant a granja | farm o tribunal | court a escola | school o escritório | office o quarto |  room a vila | town a universidade | university o clube | club o bar | bar o parque | park o acampamento | camp a loja | shop, store o teatro | theatre a biblioteca | library o hospital | hospital a igreja | church o mercado | market o país | country o edifĩcio | building o solo | ground o espaço | (outer)  space o banco | bank a localização | location
o chapéu | hat o vestido | dress o fato | suit a meia | skirt a camisa | shirt a t-shirt | t-shirt as calças | pants, trousers os sapatos | shoes o bolso | pocket o casaco | coat a nódoa | stain a roupa | clothing
vermelho | red verde | green azul claro | light blue azul escuro | dark blue amarelo | yellow cor de rosa | pink laranja | orange negro | black branco | white cinzento | grey a cor | colour
o filho | son a filha | daughter a mãe | mother o pai | father os pais | parents o bebé | baby a mulher | woman o homem | man o irmão | brother a irmã | sister a famĩlia | family o avô | grandfather a avó | grandmother o marido | husband a esposa | wife o rei | king a rainha | queen o presidente | president o vizinho | neighbor o menino | boy a menina | girl a criança | child o adulto | adult o amigo | friend a vítima | victim o jogador (m.) | player o fã (m.) | fan a multidão | crowd a pessoa | person
o professor (m.) | teacher o aluno | student o médico | doctor o paciente | patient o empregado (m.) | waiter o secretario (m.) | secretary o sacerdote / o padre | priest a policía | police o exército | army o soldado | soldier o artista | artist o autor (m.) | author o gerente | manager o jornalista | reporter o ator (m.) | actor o emprego | job
a religião | religion o paraíso | heaven o inferno | hell a morte | death o medicamento | medicine o dinheiro | money o dólar | dollar a conta | bill o casamento | marriage a equipa | team a raça | race o sexo | sex (the act) o sexo | sex (gender) o homicídio | murder a prisão | prison a tecnologia | technology a energia | energy a guerra | war a paz | peace o ataque | attack a eleição | election a revista | magazine o jornal | newspaper o veneno | poison a pistola | gun o desporto | sport a corrida.| race (sport) o exercício | exercise o baile | ball o jogo | game o preço | price o contrato | contract a droga | drug o sinal| sign a ciencia | science Deus | God
a banda, o grupo musical | band a canção | song o instrumento | instrument a  música | music o filme | movie a arte | art
o café | coffee a chã | tea o vinho | wine a cerveja | beer o sumo | juice a água | water a leite | milk a bebida | beverage
o ovo | egg o pão | bread a sopa | soup o bolo | cake a torta | pie o frango | chicken a carne de porco | pork a carne de vaca | beef a maçã | apple a banana | banana a laranja | orange o  limão | lemon o milho | corn a arroz | rice o óleo | oil a semente | seed a faca | knife a colher | spoon o gorfo | fork o prato | plate a chávena | cup o pequeno-almoço | breakfast o almoço | lunch a jantar | dinner o açúcar | sugar o sal | salt a garrafa | bottle a comida | food
a mesa | table a cadera | chair a cama | bed o sonho | dream a janela | window   a porta | door o quarto | bedroom a cozinha | kitchen a casa de banho | bathroom o lápis | pencil a caneta | pen a foto | photograph o sabão | soap o livro | book a página | page a chave | key a tinta | paint o cartão | letter a nota | note a parede | wall o papel | paper o teto | ceiling a piscina | pool o cadeado | lock o telefone | telephone o jardim | garden o pátio | yard a agulha | needle a bolsa | bag a caixa | box o presente | gift o anel  | ring a ferramenta | tool
o relógio | watch o candeeiro | lamp o ventoinho | fan o telemóvel | cell phone a rede | network o computador | computer o programa | program (computer) o portátil | laptop a ecrã | screen a câmara | camera a televisão | television o rádio | radio
a cabeça | head o pescoço | neck a cara | face a barba | beard o cabelo | hair o olho | eye a boca | mouth o labio | lip a nariz | nose o dente | tooth a lágrima | tear(drop) a língua | tongue as costas | back o dedo do pé | toe o dedo | finger o pé | foot a mão | hand, hands a perna | leg o braço | arm o ombro | shoulder o coração | heart o sangue | blood o cérebro | brain o joelho | knee o suor | sweat a doença | disease o osso | bone a voz | voice a pele | skin o corpo | body
o mar | sea o océano | ocean o rio | river a montanha | mountain a chuva | rain a neve | snow a árvore | tree o sol | sun a lua | moon o mundo | world Terra | Earth a floresta | forest o ceu | sky a planta | plant o vento | wind a terra | soil/earth a flor | flower o vale | valley a raíz | root o lago | lake a estrela | star a relva | grass a folha | leaf o ar | air a areia | sand a praia | beach a onda | wave o fogo | fire o gelo | ice a ilha | island a colina | hill o calor | heat a natureza | nature
o vidro | glass o metal | metal o plástico | plastic a madeira | wood a pedra | stone o diamante | diamond a argila | clay a poeira | dust o ouro | gold o cobre | copper a prata | silver a matéria | material
o metro | metre o centímetro | centimetre o quilogramo | kilogram a polegada | inch pé | foot a libra | pound a metade | half o círculo | circle o quadrado | square a temperatura | temperature  a data | date o peso | weight a beira | edge a esquina / o canto | corner
a mapa | map o ponto | dot a consoante | consonant a vogal | vowel a luz | light o som | sound sim | yes não | no o pedaço | piece a dor | pain a lesão | injury o buraco | hole a imagem | image o  padrão | pattern o substantivo | noun o verbo | verb o adjetivo | adjective
a cima | top o fundo | bottom o lado | side frente | front atrás| back fora | outside dentro | inside acima | up abaixo | down a esquerda | left a dereita | right a direta | straight o norte | north o sul | south o este | east o oeste | west a  direção | direction
o verão | summer a primavera | spring o inverno | winter o outono | autumn, fall a estação | season
0 | zero 1 | um, uma 2 | dois, duas 3 | três 4 | quatro 5 | cinco 6 | seis 7 | sete 8 | oito 9 | nove 10 | dez 11 | onze 12 | doze 13 | treze 14 | quatorze 15 | quinze 16 | dezasseis 17 | dezassete 18 | dezoito 19 | dezanove 20 | vinte 21 | vinte e um 22 | vinte e dois 30 | trinta 31 | trinta e um 32 | trinta e dois 40 | quarenta 41 | quarenta e um 42 | quarenta e dois 50 | cinquenta 51 | cinquenta e um 52 | cinquenta e dois 60 | sessenta 61 | sessenta e um  62 | sessenta e dois  70 | setenta 71 | setenta e um 72 | setenta e dois 80 | oitenta 81 | oitenta e um 82 | oitenta e dois 90 | noventa 91 | noventa e um 92 | noventa e dois 100 | cem 101 | cento e um 102 | cento e dois 110 | cento e dez 111 | cento e onze 1 000 (one thousand) | mil 1 001 | mil e um 10 000 (ten thousand) | dez mil 100 000 (one hundred thousand) | cem mil 1 000 000 (one million) | milhão 1 000 000 000 (one billion) | mil milhões first | primero second | segundo third | terceiro fourth | quarto fifth | quinto number | o número
Janeiro | january Fevereiro | february Março | march Abril | april Maio | may Junho | june Júlio | july Agosto | august Setembro | september Outubro | october Novembro | november Dezembro | december
segunda-feira | Monday terça-feira | Tuesday quarta-feira | Wednesday quinta-feira | Thursday sexta-feira | Friday sábado | Saturday domingo | Sunday
o ano | year o mês | month a semana | week o dia | day a hora | hour o minuto | minute o segundo | second a manhã | morning a tarde | afternoon a noite | evening, night o tempo | time
trabalhar | to work jogar | to play andar | to walk correr | to run conduzir | to drive voar | to fly nadar | to swim ir | to go parar | to stop seguir | to follow pensar | to think falar | to speak dizer | to say comer | to eat beber | to drink matar | to kill morrir | to die sorrir | to smile rir | to laugh chorar | to cry comprar | to buy pagar | to pay vender | to sell tirar | to shoot aprender | to learn saltar | to jump cheirar | to smell ouvir | to hear Escutar | to listen provar | to taste tocar | to touch ver | to see, to watch beijar | to kiss queimar | to burn fundir | to melt cavar | to dig explodir | to explode sentar | to sit estar em pé | to stand adorar | to love passar | to pass cortar | to cut lutar | to fight deitar | to lie down dançar | to dance dormir | to sleep acordar | to wake up cantar | to sing contar | to count casar | to marry rezar | to pray ganhar | to win perder | to lose misturar | to mix vergar | to bend lavar | to wash cozinhar | to cook abrir | to open fechar | to close escrever | to write chamar | to call voltar | to turn construir | to build ensinar | to teach crescer | to grow desenhar | to draw alimentar | to feed pegar | to catch lançar | to throw limpar | to clean encontrar | to find cair | to fall empurrar | to push puxar | to pull carregar | to carry quebrar | to break vestir | to wear pendurar | to hang agitar | to shake acenar | to sign levantar | to lift
largo | long curto | short alto | tall largo | wide estreito | narrow grande | big, large pequeno | small, little lento | slow rápido | fast quente | hot frio | cold caloroso | warm fresco |  cool novo | new antigo | old jovem | young velho | old bom | good mau | bad molhado | wet seco | dry doente | sick saudável | healthy barulhento | noisy quieto | quiet feliz | happy triste | sad lindo | beautiful feio | ugly surdo | deaf cego | blind agradável | nice rico | rich pobre | poor gordo | thick fino | thin caro | expensive barato | cheap chato | flat curvo | curved masculino| male feminino | female apertado | tight solto | loose alto | high baixo | low suave | soft duro | hard fundo | deep pouco fundo | shallow limpo | clean sujo | dirty forte | strong fraco | weak morto | dead vivo | alive pesado | heavy leve | light escuro | dark claro | light nuclear | nuclear famoso | famous
Eu | I Tu | you você | you (form.) o senhor | you (very form.) ele | he ela | she nós | we Vocês | you (plural) Eles (m.), Elas (f.) | they
Hope this was helpful!
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lottsoflanguages · 7 months
✎ ta maison - vocabulaire ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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la maison - house
chez moi - my place
la fenêtre - window
la porte - door
le salon - living room
le canapé - sofa/couch
la cuisine - kitchen
la table - table
la chaise - chair
la salle à manger - dining room
la salle de bain - bathroom
la douche - shower
le bain - bath(tub)
les toilettes - toilet
le couloir - hallway
la chambre - room
le lit - bed
la table de nuit - night table
la lampe - lamp
la commode - dresser
le placard - cupboard / closet
l'étagère - bookshelf
le jardin - garden / backyard
l’escalier - staircase
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