louisesilverahunter · 4 years
Unmute !
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
Everyone receives a letter from God on their 18th birthday saying what their purpose in life will be. Some vague, some grand, others cryptic. You, however, are the first person in human history to receive a blank piece of paper.
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
Do you ever get stuck behind slow groups of people taking up the entire pathway and think "any slower and I'm going to stall"
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
OK I'm proud of this one
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
“JUST FUCKING WATCH ME” she yells back
I sob into my keyboard. In the distance, sirens
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
There's backup support and also up back support, which is basically a cork in your bunghole
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
*happily scrolls through Facebook for an hour*
Oh wait shit I was writing
*frantically switches back to Scrivener*
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
Only my dumbass MC would offer to drink a truth potion in the Seelie Court and chug it down with a "Cheers mate"
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
“Three days later, Kiyo sighed.”
I find this so amusing that I might just keep it ^^
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
Geralt: Isn’t the idea supposed to be ‘you saved my life, now I owe you a debt’?
Jaskier: Nope. Other way round. You saved my life, so now I’m your problem. If you don’t like it, then kill me.
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
What would you say if someone asked you “why are you telling this story?” Does a writer need a reason for a story to get told? Is “because I want to” a good enough reason? Does it help you when constructing the story if you have a “reason” in mind?
Because it won’t exist unless I do, is the main reason for me.
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
I can't think of this word I want to write and it's cracking me up
I want to write that something is the size of one of those cubes that makes up a Rubik's Cube
What I ended up writing was "an object the size of a scrunched up leaf"
Why brain. Why
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
The next time you turn on the TV to find your boyfriend on the screen, proclaiming his next great idea for reducing crime in the city, you aren’t even surprised when the main villain’s henchmen show up. In fact, you’re expecting them.
“You boys want some tea?” you call out as you hear a soft footfall from the living room. There’s a pause followed by a sigh.
“You’re taking all the fun out of this,” a voice complains, and three men dressed all in black come around the corner. You’ve already got the kettle going.
Once they’ve had their tea (Barry’s favourite is chamomile) and they’ve begrudgingly allowed you to wash the mugs first - who knows how long this particular kidnapping will last? - you turn around and let them tie your hands behind your back and blindfold you before they bundle you out of the house and into their van.
The trip takes longer this time - have the headquarters been moved again? - but before long, you’re being hauled by your arms down corridors that don’t feel familiar, but certainly smell familiar: the distinctive odour of marijuana.
You’re hauled through a door at the end of the hallway and, as is almost tradition at this point, thrown unceremoniously to the floor. Someone removes your blindfold and you sit up on your knees.
“Hey Greg,” you greet the villain, panting slightly, “it’s been a while.”
Greg, wearing casual denim and a monochrome t-shirt, crosses one leg over the other and snorts.
“And here I thought that your boyfriend had finally learned his lesson,” he says with a sneer in his voice. You shrug.
“Tony’s persistent,” you say apologetically. “And his heart’s in the right place.”
“So you say,” Greg says, waving a dismissive hand. “Yet he always targets my operation before all others. Mine, which is probably the most benign, and shouldn’t even be classed as criminal, if you ask me.”
You nod. You know that he grows and supplies marijuana for medical purposes for those who need it most. And darn it, there it is again: the spark of admiration for what he does, even though it’s not legal. You’ve read the articles; you know that the benefits far outweigh the risk. Not many people would do the right thing in this case. Although it was just a matter of time before the laws caught up to the science.
“It probably doesn’t help that you keep kidnapping me,” you suggest. “It gives him a solid reason to hold a grudge against you.”
Greg smiles that lopsided smile of his, and you feel the slightest blush creeping into your cheeks. You hope he doesn’t see it.
“True,” he murmured. “It does get results, though. But hopefully he never gives me reason to carry out my threat. I would miss your company.”
Before you can figure out how to react to that, he waves his hand at his henchmen. They haul you to your feet and guide you out of the room.
Later, in your usual cell, you sit leaning back against the wall, deep in thought. Truth be told, your boyfriend has been grating on your nerves for a while. His crime-fighting techniques are so effective that the local populace regards him as their own personal superhero, and it’s going to his head. Puffed up with his own self-importance, he barely gives you the time of day anymore, though it’s obvious he still cares for you.
But perhaps here, you could do some REAL good for the community.
You consider this carefully. Despite being probably the least criminal out of the organisations that Tony usually focuses on, Greg is better than the rest of them put together when it comes to evading law enforcement. There’s little concern in that department. Greg’s charming smile and kind soul don’t hurt either. In fact, they may be the real reason you hesitate to leave.
But if you join with him, Greg loses his leverage.
You smile and lie down, lacing your fingers behind your head.
Well, you think, if I can’t decide now, there’s always next time.
With that comforting thought, you drift off to sleep.
In a superhero-supervillain story, you’re the hero’s love interest, and as such, in classic use-their-loved-ones-against-them fashion, the villain keeps kidnapping you as leverage against the hero. However, an unfortunate complication has arisen; having spent so much time with the villain, you begin to realize that you’re falling in love with them.
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
first time meeting a bounty hunter in Fallen Order: O SHIT O SHIT O SHIT
fifteenth time meeting a bounty hunter in Fallen Order: COME AT ME BRO I EAT BOUNTY HUNTERS FOR BREAKFAST
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louisesilverahunter · 4 years
In my current WIP, there’s a stone tablet that’s found in the dessert that helps establish a connection to an alternate dimension of vampire aliens.
The tablet is USB powered and I find this endlessly amusing
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