love-islike-abomb · 16 days
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Me to John! Me to!!🥵😩
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love-islike-abomb · 1 month
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I will literally wreck before I hit an animal!!
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
Roman is coming back soon and the trump humpers cult leader is going to jail!! *Sigh of content* life is good!!
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
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I've waited a whole month to post this!
You can only reblog this from may 31 - June 1st!
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
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*screams in fangirl!!* SOON!!!!!
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
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(Roman, Jimmy, Tanga Loa, Jey)
Back in the day 👀
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
I dont know when daddy is coming home but I'm so excited!!!🥳
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
I mean I would let joe hit it but that's just me!!🥵
Money Make Her Smile 18
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Here is Part 18 of my building Jimmy Uso drabble for the 200 word a day in May Challenge. 200 words ain't enough no more!
Required Reading
Joe made his way back to the hotel suite while Jon and Jacob debated whether or not he should call Kat. “Y’all look like you’re in deep thought. What’s wrong?” Joe asked. “Kat’s brother came by. Now he’s pondering whether or not to call her.” Jacob said. “Why is this even a question? Call her! Smooth things over at least until you could fuck her and if that’s all it is…than that’s all it is.” Joe shrugged as he went into his room and closed the door. “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas right?” Jacob laughed, getting up and leaving Jon alone with his thoughts. Was it even really worth it? He didn’t want to put all this work in if it was just for a few rolls in the sheets. He had actual healing to do, Regina left his life in shambles.
Kat sat in this meeting going over the final details of this job. Hearing Levi talk was making her blood boil but she had to stay calm. 2 more days and she could be done with this man. He didn’t need to know that until the job was over but Kat wanted nothing to do with him. She knew what she had to do, she always did…crack the vault. Somehow, Kat developed a knack for figuring out her way into things. Vaults became her specialty. Asher was in charge of moving the money, Levi thought that was all he was good for but Asher had gained some valuable researching skills. He could find anything on anyone on the dark web. Levi picked the places they hit. The kids he raised had far surpassed his basic skills but they didn’t want to tell him that. They wanted Levi to think that they still needed him. With learning that he killed her father, she didn’t want to keep up the charade anymore. 
“Jeannie, should I call Kat? Or just call it a L and move on?” Jon sighed as he sat on Josh and Jeannie’s balcony. “If you like her, it’s worth a try. But if you aren’t ready, don’t waste her time.” Jeannie spoke, Josh nodded in agreement. “See if she wants to meet for drinks or something. There’s a conversation that needs to be had. Clear the air and go from there.” Josh said. Jon pulled out his phone along with the piece of paper with her number on it. His heart thumped loudly in the back of his throat as the phone rang. Kat was leaving Levi’s suite when an unfamiliar number popped up on his phone. She almost didn’t answer, she wasn’t in the mood for much of anything and was thinking of going on a long drive. “Hello?” she sighed as she stepped off the elevator into the lobby. “Kat? It’s Jon.” he spoke. “Oh. Hey Jon.” she spoke. There was a long awkward silence before either of them said anything. “Well, what’s up?” she sighed, annoyance prickling up within her. “Can we talk?” Jon asked nervously. “I’m actually about to go for a drive if you aren’t busy.” she spoke, her annoyance slowly leaving. “Meet you in the lobby in 5?” he questioned, a smile forming on his face. “I’ll be waiting.” she smiled as she sat down by the fountain. “Ok. I’ll be right down.” he smiled before hanging up. “Do I look ok?” Do I smell?” Jon panicked. “I smell Dior. You look fine, Uce.” Josh laughed. It had been a while since he’d seen his twin this excited. 
Kat walked to the valet desk so they could be getting the car while she waited for Jon. When she returned, the Samoan sitting at the fountain was not the one she wanted to see. “Whoa, little mama…I come in peace.” Joe spoke, throwing his hands up in surrender. “What do you want?!” Kat grumbled. “I just wanted to apologize for last night and earlier. I’m naturally flirty and sometimes women misread it and think it’s something that it’s not.” he smiled, Kat rolled her eyes. “I was just throwin ass on you, I wasn’t about to let you hit. Get over yourself, pretty boy.” she laughed. “Ohh…so we good?” he asked. “Yep, we gucci. Jon is on his way down so…scram!” she laughed. “You got it.” he nodded as he turned right into Jon.
Tag Squad: @wrestlingprincess80 @love-islike-abomb @claymorexpunisher @acknowledge-reigns @paigereeder @90sbaby93
@babiidee28 @niknakbucks92 @southerngirl41 @alichesmi @jstarr86 @msbigredmachine @thesamoanqueen
@cyberdejos2 @reci1996 @reignsangel444 @theogsamoanqueen @aalyssah @adoreesun
@bookuce @brie-mode-activated @christinabae @alyyaanna @disc0fairy @my-roman-empiree
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
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64 notes · View notes
love-islike-abomb · 2 months
Daddy's coming home!!!!🥳
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Ain't Nobody Ready For My Chiefs Return☝🏻❤️
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
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The only man ever!
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
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🕯️ day eight of posting roman reigns until he brings his ass on back 🕯️
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
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So handsome!
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