#big daddy uce
mysticreigns · 2 days
How did I not hear the "I love whoopin his ass!" Until now?!
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my-roman-empiree · 2 months
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NEW CONTENT y’all!! He looks so damn fine, look at that beard 😩
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romanreignsbae · 2 months
A Paradise in Paradise💗 🌊☀️
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SMUT❗️Warnings: praise kink, daddy kink, unprotected p in v, Oral (f receiving) Otherwise just fluff!💕
As Y/n laid on her lounge chair, she finally felt a sense of peace wash over her. Finally her and her husband Joe had some alone times to themselves.
Since Joe was taking a break after his most recent WrestleMania loss to Cody Rhodes, he decided it was the perfect opportunity to take his girl on a nice vacation. But Joe being himself always went above and beyond with it. He rented out a whole private island in Hawaii, just for him and his wife. He almost himself thought he did too much, but the smile it brought to his beautiful wife’s face made it all worth it.
Y/n was reading her novel she chose for this trip while tanning peacefully. “Baby! Come on, let’s go in the water!” her husband shouted.
Y/n shot up from her chair and made her way through the sand to him. “There you are! I missed you!” Joe told her dramatically while planting kisses all over her face.
She let out a giggle and cuddled into his chest. “Okay then…let’s go in the water!” she screamed out excitedly. She’d been dying to go to the beach ever since he announced this trip.
He threw her over his shoulder and sprinted towards the water. “Ah! Put me down!” Y/n squealed as they got closer to the water. The couple landed into the teal beach water with one big splash. They rose from the water at the same time and wrapped each other’s arms around one another.
After some time of messing around in the water they decided to head back to their luxurious villa. “Look at my tan lines! I feel like a new person!” Y/n told Joe while moving her bikini strap to show him her new tan lines. “You look beautiful as ever” he told her. She blushed. Her husband always had a way with words.
The couple took a shower, and decided to get ready for the dinner Joe had planned out. Y/n exited the bathroom wearing a beautiful silky dress Joe had picked out just for her. “Woooo damn baby, are you cinderella, cause that dress gon be gone at midnight!” Joe said. Y/n laughed at her husband’s corniness. But she had to admit that was a good one.
“You look so beautiful too handsome.” Joe felt his cheeks heating up. Even though he was the talker in their relationship whenever his wife threw a compliment his way, he always felt shy about it. Y/n loved how she could make him shy too though.
The couple shared a beautiful Hawaiian themed dish together for dinner, and then headed back to the beach for a late night walk. While walking together quietly in the sand, Joe decided to spike some conversation. “Babyyy it’s almost midnight, I get to take that dress off you soon..” Joe said whispered to her, while purposely brushing his lips against her ear. He felt her skin grow goosebumps on it. Y/n felt a wave of neediness and desire for him surge through her body.
“Mmm sure..let’s just go back now..” Y/n told him. His eyes lit up excitedly while picking her bridal style and heading back to their villa.
Once they got back Joe placed her on the corner of their king sized bed, and slowly began taking her low sandal heels off. “Hurry up” Y/n pleaded him. Joe let out a chuckle at her sudden neediness. “Ok babydoll chill.”
Once he successfully took off her heels he brought her up from the bed and began unzipping her dress. “Oh my days! I swear, if you don’t hurry up!” Y/n complained. “Talk one more time without permission and you ain’t gettin nun tonight” Joe told her threateningly. Y/n let out a small sigh knowing she couldn’t fight him on this.
After she was fully undressed he laid her down gently on her back, back onto their bed. He slowly began undressing himself making Y/n more and more inpatient.
Finally after what felt like an entirety for y/n, he was finally all undressed. He crawled up onto Y/n and moved in for a passionate kiss.
Their tongues both fought for dominance, and Joe won. He removed himself from her lips and ran his thumb over her puffy bottom lip. He placed one more peck on her lips before travelling down towards her neck. He nibbled at her sweet spot causing a small moan to leave her lips. She felt him smirk at the sound.
His kisses traveled down towards her chest where he took one of her breasts and massaged it thoroughly. She let out a sigh at the motion of his hands. He brought his face down to her breast where he brought her nipple into his mouth. He toyed around with it, slightly sucking, and biting down. He felt her hips starting roll against his to create friction. “Don’t try anythin yet you needly little slut. My little slut.” he told her roughly. “Ima take my time wit you.” She whimpered with impatience.
His kisses traveled from her breasts, down her stomach, and he pulled away. Avoiding the spot she needed his mouth most. “Please daddy” she whimpered. “Hmm I don’t know, you’ve been extra impatient today..” he teased her. “I promise i’ll be so good daddy just- please” she begged. Without warning he dove right into her pussy causing a loud moan to escape her lips.
He ate her like a starved man and purposely sucked extra hard on her sensitive bundle of nerves. After a few minutes a familiar feeling began to build up in her tummy. “D-daddy i’m gonna-” she tried to communicate but it was difficult when he was devouring her. He hummed, sending vibrations to go through her body. After one last suck on her clit she came undone. He licked every last bit of her essence and finally pulled away. “T-thank you daddy” she said shakily as she was still recovering from her earth shattering orgasm.
“Your welcome sweetheart, ya better be good for daddy now” he said to her. She nodded her heard reassuringly at his words. Joe stroked himself a few times before lining himself up with her entrance. He pushed in slowly causing a loud groan to leave his lips. Y/n gasped in pain and pleasure at the sudden fullness. He knew he has to take it slow with her. The size god blessed him with wasn’t something he could just slam into her. He looked down to see tears filling her eyes. “Hey, hey. Baby you okay?” he asked her. He would never wanna hurt his beautiful wife. She nodded her head. “Yeah just feels so big” she said softly while putting on a soft smile for him.
After staying still for a minute Y/n spoke up. “Baby, you can move now.” With one final look at his wife for reassurance Joe pushed forward. “Pussy’s all mine. All mine.” Both of them moaned loudly. “All yours daddy!” she chanted. When they made love they couldn’t help themselves from the noises that came out of their mouths. “You feel so fuckin good baby.” Joe thrusted in and out of her at a steady pace until he felt her squeeze around him. He knew her body in and out and that meant she was close. “You gonna cum baby?” he asked her. “Yes!” she moaned. “Me too, hold up.”
He reached down and rubbed her clit and that was it. Her body starting shaking and with one more thrust he released himself into her, filling her up. He let her orgasm ride out and then he rolled off of her and pulled her into his chest. “You okay princes? Need anything?” he asked in a concerned tone. “No i’m okay I just wanna get some sleep” she told him in a hoarse tone. “Okay baby” he told her before pressing a soft kiss to her temple. He made sure she was in a deep sleep before he fell into his own.
Please like and reblog! 💗
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codypattillo12 · 2 months
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ambreignsfan4life · 1 month
Roman Reigns
This man and his tongue 👅 get me feeling all kinds of things😰😰
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Credit to all gif owners
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bijouxcarys · 3 months
Some Roman gifs that make my 🐱 💦
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Feel free to add to this collection 😮‍💨🤌🏻
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love-islike-abomb · 3 months
The finger wagging killed me!!😂 I love him!!
Credit to owner!
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pittieprincess22 · 4 months
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Daddy please I... 😩😩😩🫦🫦🫦
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@acknowledge-reigns @reignsangel444
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cheyxromanreigns · 3 months
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I’m in love.
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mysticreigns · 2 months
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*catches kiss*💋
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my-roman-empiree · 2 months
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That armmmugghhh 😩😩
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romanreignsbae · 2 months
Stressed out - R.R
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Warnings💗: daddy kink, unprotected p in v, 69ing, rough sex, multiple orgasms.
Requests are open!
Y/n walked through the doors of her home, in her worse state yet. She had just had the shittiest day at work. She started off the day, without her husbands goodbye kiss because he had to hit the gym early. Which only made her start her day crankier, then she headed to work, and got caught in a massive traffic jam causing her to make it to work barely on time. Then all her patients we’re ordering her back and forth to do tasks for them. Then to top it off her boss told her ‘she needed to learn to do her job more efficiently and act like she’s grateful for it.’ Like jeez, could she catch a break?
“Hey baby!” her husband said while walking into their main hallway. She didn’t even have the energy to respond and walked towards him and fell in his arms. “Damn baby what’s up with you?!” Joe playfully asked Y/n. “Shut up and hold me” she grumbled into his chest. He chuckled at her words and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked to the kitchen. He sat her down on a island stool and began preparing her a snack.
After a few minutes of Joe shuffling around the kitchen, he came back to his wife and placed what he prepared in front of her. “Thanks” she said lowly and began eating. “So..you gon tell me what’s bothering you?” Joe asked cautiously. The last thing he wanted to do was make her upset. She sighed before she began speaking. “It’s just everything has been getting on my nerves today and I just feel like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed..” she explained. He took notice of the sadness on her face. He hated seeing the most important person in his life upset in any shape or form.
Joe knew that feeling all too well, especially with his busy schedule. “I know babygirl, I know.” he said understandably while stroking her cheek a few times. “But…ya know…you could take some of that frustration out on me..” he said with a smirk coming to his face. She looked up at him and without a word she pulled his shirt and brought him in for a passionate kiss. Their tongue’s both fought for dominance, and Joe let her win, just this once.
She pulled away gasping for air. “Lets..go upstairs.” She took Joe’s hand and led him up to their bedroom. Once they got into their bedroom she pushed him down onto the bed. She crawled on top of him and began slowly undressing him. Joe was growing inpatient but he knew she’d been having a bad day, so he’d let her have her fun…for a little.
Once they were both fully undressed, Y/n moved her body closer and closer to him until she was fully sitting on his face. She then leaned forward and started placing mini kisses on his tip. Joe took some action too and grabbed her hips and started rolling them onto his face. He nibbled at her clit causing her body to jerk and move upwards. He grumbled and kept a tighter grip on her hips. “Lemme eat my pussy in peace” he grumbled with his mouth full. While Joe was devouring her, Y/n moved his cock deeper into her throat and started taking him as far down as she could. His hips jerked upwards causing his tip to hit the back of her throat. She gagged around his cock and removed her mouth.
She then started using both of her hands to get him off. After a few more of his hip thrusts his cum came out altogether and landed on his thighs. She cleaned him up with her tongue and then focused on her own orgasm. Joe started pushing his tongue in and out of her at a fast pace bring her closer to her climax. “Uh yes daddy!” she moaned out. He hummed, causing vibrations to go through her. “I’m gonna-” Y/n got cut off when her body starting shaking in ecstasy. All her stress piled up from the day left her body almost immediately.
She felt Joe continuing to use his tongue to lick up every last bit of her cum. “Mm sensitive!” Y/n squealed out while trying to get off his face. Joe finally let her up and laid her down on the bed beside him. He climbed on top of her and kissed her passionately. The kiss was cut short when she pushed his chest back. “Hey! I thought you said I was in control!” she told him.
“Shhh” he cooed while pressing a finger to her now bruised lips. “Let daddy make you feel good.” He lined himself up with her entrance and began sliding in slowly. He groaned feeling her tightness fit around him perfectly. She sighed out in pleasure and gripped his arms. Once he was all the way in he pulled back out and slammed into her.
She yelled out. “Daddy! Slow down!” she barely managed to get out. He lightly slapped her face. “Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” He began thrusting out of her at a animalistic pace, with her moans coming out in sync. He looked down to see tears on the verge of falling from her eyes. He then finally stopped moving altogether. “Hey, baby you okay?” he asked softly. “No! Why’d you stop?!” she yelled out. He chuckled and spoke lowly. “Don’t say I didn’t warn ya” he slammed into her roughly causing her to scream out.
“Your so tight baby! Fit perfectly around daddy’s cock” he said into her ear. After a few more thrusts he felt her squeezing tightly around him, signalling she was close. “You gonna cum for daddy?” “Yes!” she moaned out. He reached down between their bodies and rubbed her clit. She started shaking uncontrollably and after a few more thrusts Joe filled her up.
He collapsed on top of her. She laid there for a second and then pushed him off. He fell onto the bed beside her and looked at her confused. She climbed onto him. “Aren’t you tired yet?!” he asked.
“It’s my turn now” she said with a smirk.
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helensanders92 · 4 months
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ambreignsfan4life · 3 months
Roman Reigns Appreciation Smile
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Credit to gif owners
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bijouxcarys · 28 days
I will never not be in awe of Joe Anoa’i’s strength as a human being. How he continues to be humble, loyal, and hardworking. How he changed the landscape of professional wrestling forever and carried WWE through the pandemic. How he, despite his own health problems, continues to succeed in every aspect of his life. How he’s maintained a relationship since high school. How he’s maintained a relationship with his children whilst being one of the most in demand figures in sports entertainment. How he still, one day after losing his father, made a kid’s world with a dedicated visit.
There’s an endless list of things this man does and manages to keep doing that earns him the title of the G.O.A.T.
And that’s just a damn fact.
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