love-ridden-eyes · 1 month
The "Man or bear" Conflict.
If you were left in a forest, would you rather be stuck with a man or a bear?
The obvious answer would be a man, since the bear would kill you and attack you due to its primal instincts. But if we unpack this further, we see the real problem.
If you were stuck in a forest with a man, he would have followed you there, among other reasons, but it is not a natural occurrence to find a man in a forest, since that is not where he belongs. Thus sparking the first level of imminent danger to the puzzle. The bear belongs in the forest. The man does not.
Not all men have harmful intentions, this is a well known fact. But the chances of you, as a woman, becoming trapped in a forest with a nice man...is alot less than the alternative. The bear would attack you if it felt scared. The man would attack you so YOU felt scared. The worst the bear could do is kill you. It wouldn't prolong the process for a power trip or a sick pleasure, because there is something so comforting and calming about its simple nature.
A man might take pleasure in the idea that he is stronger than you, and could overpower you I a place where nobody could help you. A fate worse than death, some might say.
The amount of women that experience SA and rape in the modern day society is 97%. 97. Do you have any idea how large that number is?
It's importaint that we note that there are two sides to every story, 96% of men that have experienced sexual assault, have been jeopardised by MEN.
In that forest, if you are a man or woman with a high level of understanding of the process, and the chance of being stuck there with someone with the desire to harm you, you would choose the bear, unless you knew you had a higher chance of beating the man.
The man is not an apex predator, he most likely does not have survival skills or weapons. Yet this whole metaphor is showing how much SA affects people, especially youth and people that already struggle with mental health and / or disability.
The feeling of the bear ripping you apart, or the feeling of a man ripping your legs open.
A bear does not understand the concept of consent. It is in its nature. Especially if the bear had cubs, its a motherly instinct to protect from any intruders into its habitat.
A man has a high level of intelligence to understand the basic concept of right and wrong. What's scary, is that he could choose to hurt you anyway.
Many women and men have been ridiculed on apps such as Tik Tok and Instagram for choosing the bear. So let me explain why this is disgusting behaviour.
If I gave you a chocolate box filled with 30 chocolates, and told you that one of them was poison and dangerous. But the other 29 were beautiful and rich and smooth. You'd still be weary of all 30, and probably wouldn't eat any.
Yet when a woman states that she is afraid of men, she is called irrational.
Because no, it's not all men.
But it is all women.
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love-ridden-eyes · 2 months
I know you feel like you have to save everyone, and as if the responsibility lies on you for their apparent downfall.
The world is not yours to carry. Put it down.
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love-ridden-eyes · 2 months
I will not water myself down to make myself more digestible for you. You can choke.
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love-ridden-eyes · 3 months
Porcelain- By me.
I dont know what I'm doing.
Conjoined tears rolling down a porcelain face.
Ridden of any emotion
But dread.
Ignoring comotion
In fear of what it may lead to
Finding every hue
Deliberately unsatisfactory.
I trace my rage and sorrow
Wondering why I borrow
Used time.
Because further down the line
I will always be a victim
Of the superstition
Of mankind.
A porcelain doll
Made to carry greif
Shoved into a hole
Of its own confusion.
Empathy is seen
Not only as a remedy
But as a last resort.
As a porcelain face cannot contort
But only gaze
Into the haze of its environment.
Unable to support its own needs.
For porcelain breaks easy.
And it would do anything,
To stop the cracks from showing.
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love-ridden-eyes · 3 months
“I have learned now that while those who speak about one’s miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more.”
— C.S. Lewis
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love-ridden-eyes · 3 months
"oh okay " actually means my heart just got ripped into a million pieces but i won't tell you because you wouldn't care how i feel anyway
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love-ridden-eyes · 3 months
“There will always be a person who looks like a poem the earth wrote to keep you alive.”
— Juansen Dizon
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love-ridden-eyes · 3 months
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love-ridden-eyes · 3 months
All for something. - By me.
It wasn't all for nothing.
Through the heartache, sorrow.
It gave me another day.
Not to borrow,
But to keep.
That feeling of contentment,
After the resentment
Towards myself.
I've fallen off the shelf,
And landed perfectly on two feet.
Though I may stumble
And I may find trouble
Lurking round every corner,
I know, that I have beat the coroner
And reached that light.
It wasn't all for nothing.
It was for something.
And that something,
Has never felt so good.
Opening the locked hood
Of an abandoned car
To find serenity
Among the awful reality,
I've found a space
That isn't laced in sorrow.
Because it wasn't all for nothing.
I made it into something
And I have never felt so,
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love-ridden-eyes · 4 months
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love-ridden-eyes · 4 months
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love-ridden-eyes · 4 months
“Don’t be afraid to lose what was never meant to be.”
— Unknown
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love-ridden-eyes · 4 months
i’m not scared of love, i’m scared of loving somebody while they pretend to love me
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love-ridden-eyes · 4 months
i don’t like bothering. if you stop talking, i’ll stop too
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love-ridden-eyes · 4 months
As a neurodivergent of whom is interested in childish things, to cope with trauma and regain a sense of nostalgia, I tend to gravitate towards things people might deem as a "waste of money".
I'm always expected to look older, act older. Be more mature, and then act my age at the same time. And it seems the one time I do, and I let that childlike fascination out, I am laughed at, ridiculed and just not understood.
I dont really know what people want from me, it hurts more when it's someone that is supposed to understand you, like a parent or guardian. I have been struggling to unmask around ANYONE recently, and the one time I do, I get told my interests aren't importaint and yo just forget about it, and laughed at in the middle of a store.
It might sound like I'm being dramatic, but it struck a chord in me, and I've just realised that that childlike nostalgia that I once had, I'm not going to have again. Because they don't really want you to act your age, they want you to stay way from drugs and sex and be seen and hot heard the remaining time.
Its amazing to me, how that pure happiness and joy can diminish ever so quickly, almost as if it meant nothing in the first place. One of my mutuals one said that posting on tumblr is like screaming into a void, well all I can hope is that the void takes my rant and sadness and diminishes that too.
Maybe I'm overreacting, but for fucks sake, autism is hard.
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love-ridden-eyes · 4 months
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love-ridden-eyes · 5 months
You will always find the strongest, most terrifying storms rain down on those that suspect and expect them; even though these individuals are usually the ones who deserve the purity of the rain, without the heaviness of the burdening storm behind it. But eventually that storm passes. The sad part is, alot of those people forget that the storm is no longer tormenting them, and choose subconsciously, to be carried away by the rain.
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