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Sorry for not up dating last week . I had death in my family with my grandma but I will be updating soon
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Chapter 3
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It feels so good to be in LA right now. I have so much work to do for my life but right now its a chill day. I’m going to go shopping since i’m early today. I cant go to the house because we all suppose to go at one time. First stop is the Chanel store. The driver got out and open my door. It was really nice for them to get us our own drivers.
“Hello and Welcome to Chanel. I’m Amy, What can help you with?” the nicest lady walked up to me.
“Um...I’m just looking at this time but do ya’ll the new Chanel bags yet?” I been wanting one for the longest. She nodded.
“Yes if you give me a few mins I can go and get the bag for you,” I slowly nodded as she walks in the back. As she went in the back i start looking at other things. I seen these cute heels and must have them. Soon my phone start ringing.
“Hey mommy,” I said with a small grin on my face.
“Dont hey mommy me. I told you to call me as soon you land in LA,” She has mad in her tune.
“It slip my mind. You know how crazy busy i been,”I said hoping it helps.
“Mhm, what you doing. Dont tell you standing right inside of a Chanel store with a pair of heels in your hand right now,” I look crazy around the store.
“Are you spying on me?”
“No you just a bad lier Ciara. So what time is this dinner?” I forgot all bout the dinner.
“I think it’s around 6 or 7,” I said still trying to think bout the time.
“Ci just relax baby girl. Everything will be okay. I’m bout to go because its time for bible study,” I laugh a little.
“Okay mom talk to you later,” We both disconnect.
So as we disconnect a couple caught my eye. For someone reason i feel like i know them both from somewhere. They was across the store with a baby. I thought bout it long and hard bout it. It didnt him me into she call him Nay. They the couple from the mall yesterday. I laugh a little. Just yesterday he was ready to kill her but now they all in love. I hate fake couples. I turn and waited for Amy to come back in the store. I looked up from my phone when i hear someone talking to me.
“Hello beautiful,” I a raspy voice said to me. I looked up and roll my eyes.
“What do you want?”
“Well damn you dont know me and got a nasty tone to your voice,” He stands next to me.
“Because you came in here with your girlfriend and baby i’m guess. Now you want to push up on me after she goes in the dressing room. You is not a loyal boyfriend,” I said moving away from him. He grab my arm and pull me back.
“Look for one that’s not my baby. I dont have no kids. Two what make you think im not a loyal bf. I been loyal to all my girl i been with so never judge a book by its cover,” He said
“So is that why grabbing my arm? Please dont ever touch me again okay,” I tried to get away from him again but this time he pull me closer to him. Now our chest are together. He smelled so good. I snip out my thought. Just as i was bout to push him away he whisper something in my eye.
“.......I just want you to know. I see you around and when i do see you, you going to be in my bed moaning my name so damn loud they going to think i’m hurting you. See you later sexy,” He kissed my neck before laying me go and walked away. All i want to do is leave. Amy came back with bag. I paid for the shoes and the bag before walking out. I look at him and he had a huge grin on his face. I roll my eyes before getting in the car. I check the time and it was almost time for the dinner.
I got out the car and stood in front a place. It was Mr.Chow. I slowly walked inside and try to find where i’m sitting at. I seen the sign where it said Dream Teen. I took a breath before making my way over there. It was 6 people total over there.
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“Hi, I’m Ciara and part of this beautiful dinner with ya’ll,” I said trying to relax so quick.
“Hi, I’m Chris and This Chyna, Nicki, Trey, August, And Karrueche,” One of the guys said. I Smile a little to them
“Come sit next to me,” Chyna said. I did as told sat down. We started picking up on a quick talk. The way we was talking you cant tell we just met today. The waiter came up and ask for our drinks.
“Who we waiting on?” Chyna ask while waiting on our drinks.
“Some dude name meathead,” We all laugh at the name.
“What’s his real name?”
“Nayvaduis DeMun Wilbun Aka Nayvaduis Cash,” My heart stop. It might not be the same guy from the store.
“By what this folder say he been to jail more then 3 time. The last time he when to jail was last year for felony charges. He had a gun and was charge with theft. It always say he has a gf name Tae whom went to jail also for DUI with him. By the folder telling us i dont feel safe in the house with this dude,” August said.
“Yea but let give him a chance before we pull out the way. Everyone need a second chance,” We all nodded
“But once does something i dont like i’m going to call the police and say he rape me,” Chyna said. She so mean.
“What is all ya’ll do?”
“I Sing and dance plus i do awesome art work,” Chris Said.
“I’m a rapper. Rapping be apart of me for a while,” Nicki said.
“I”m model and does awesome make up,” Chyna said.
“I model too but i do hair,” Karrueche said and I Nodded
“Me and August just sing and be freaky for the ladies,”Trey said. I laugh a little at what he said.
“Well, I sing, dance, and model so we have part of each other,” I said.
“I wish this nigga hurry, I’m ready go and see the house,” August said. We all nodded. Just when we nodded he came to the table. I knew it. It was the dude from the store
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“I’m so sorry i’m late, had to make sure my girl and her baby get on the plane safe,” He said with the raspy in his voice.
“It all good bro, I’m Chris and The other people. We was bout to leave you ass and go to the house but since you here then i guess we eat or just go to the house?” Chris look at everyone. I just kept my face down.
“Lets go to the house,” we all got up and went out to the car that was waiting for us outside. I just kept my head down for a long time. Everyone else was talking and i was texting. I think it was a bad idea to come here. It took us 15 mins to get to the house. Once i say it’s beautiful it’s beautiful
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We all slowly out the car and stood in front of the man who was standing outside of the house.
“Okay Welcome to the house that you going to to be staying for the next year or 2. This wholes up to 13 rooms for many raise. This house we build for us 3 years ago and i’m proud to say yall the first to live in it since it been built. Everyone gets there own room. The other rooms has photoshoots ready. You got a dancing room and a plan white room with nothing in it for art. Plus you have have a room for the ladies to get ready and a room for the guys to get ready. Now everyone clothes and shoes have their name above the closet. Always you have 3 studios down in the basement. It a time list for who ever. Ya’ll rooms have the names on it so it should not be that hard to find yall room. The grand total for this house is 9 million dollar. You going to have live like you rich but you wont be rich. Everyone will get 50k on a black card with their names on it and 50k in a safe thats in yall room. This will get you started on clothes and music videos. The money you make from doing show is your to keep. That goes for fashion show, music shows, dancing show, and more. But since you getting all this for free, you going to have to do one thing for me and that is getting a job. Relax it going to be all on what you good at. Now list are also in yall room. Yall suitcase are in there too. I will check up on yall every week to how things going. Okay now go check out yall new house,” Bout time he finish talking. The girls took their heel off and bust inside. First i started look for my room. I open the door and it was beautiful
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I looked for the paper so i see what job i got. I looked at it and seen i had dance class. Teach the ages 13 to 16. This should be fun. I flip it over to see how to unlock this safe. I unlocked it and just to show it was alot of money in the safe
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I close it back. I think this is the best idea. Just hope nothing happen here.
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Chapter 2
“....GET THE FUCK OUT MY FACE BEFORE YOU GO MISSING,” I can feel all eyes was on. I turn the around and started walking away. I made my way downstairs to the main floor. You can tell she following behind me by her shoes and the baby crying. I finally made it to my car before getting in. I locked the door so she wont get in. She bang on my window over and over again.
“Stop before i beat your ass,” I yell so she can hear me. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I finally gave in before unlocking the door. She put the baby in the carseat before getting. I started car up and drove out the parking lot. Wassup, I’m Nayvadius Wilburn but everyone call me Meathead. I grow up in a rough part of Atlanta. It was me and mom into she got married and move to rich part of Atlanta. The hood still stuck with me everyday. I been to jail. I also be in scary times like Bout to get kill, to me going to jail for murder. The most of them was pregnancy. I dont wont no baby. I dont like kids like that. I just start liking them when i met my girlfriend Tae. She my world but she a bitch sometime. We been together for 2 years and I want to make her my wife. One day i MIGHT have kids with her but i dont think she need anymore. She already got 3.
“Nay, I know you hear me talking to you,” She said looking at me side ways. I roll my eyes before stopping at the stop light
“What bitch?” I ask with angry tone in my voice.
“Why do you always get mad bout when i tell how i feel. I just want you to know you going to be missing,” She said against my neck. 
“Look, i told you bout that shit. You dont need to know bout what i’m going to be doing. As long you know my dick is your then you dont need to remind me,” I said. She look at me with her light skin face. 
“Okay,I’m sorry. Let’s go home so i can make it up to you,” She start kissing me as i kept driving.
“I Love You and i want you to know that. We been together for 2 going 3 years. What i did in the past is the past. I gave you everything. So please dont bring how good your baby daddy was to you and how i wont leave because of the kids because i will. Do you understand me?” She licked my lips before nodding. 
“Lo siento y estoy hacer lo correcto . Apoye la espalda en su asiento,” I love when she talk spanish to me. I did as i told and laid back. She undid my pants and pull my pole out and when to work. Its good the windows are tent because the people on the side of us can see. I bite my bottom lip. She need to stop before i bust. 
“Bae Stop, I’m bout to lose control of the car,” I said trying to pull her off. What made her stop was the sound of the baby crying. “You so damn nasty,” I said to her. She grin before hopping into the back where the baby was. I kept diving into i reach where i’m going. I pulled in my mom drive way. We both got out and made our way inside. I can hear talking from the living room. I walked in and seen my mom and pops talking
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“Wassup, wat yall talking bout in here?” They both looked up and smile. 
“Nun, Just talking bout life after you gone. You know. By you being 19 and bout to head out to the real world. I was think bout having another baby. You know i’m still young,” My mom said. I looked at her for a min before shacking my head. 
“Um, I dont know what to say. What do you have to say bout this Terrence?” My step dad look over at both of us.
“I think i’m ready. You know by this being my first child, I’m scared but i’m ready. You really made me ready. you help me alot by letting me fathering you,” He said. I understand where he coming from.
“Well yall both is grown. As long i’m not here while yall fucking. So i guess it’s cool. Having a little brother is alright,” I dap my Pops up.
“Okay now bout you, What you going to do bout that grown ass woman upstairs. We both know you going to be wilding out there,” My mom nag me about Tae. 
“We had a fight before we got back here but i told her i’m all hers. I really do love her. I want kids with her but she dont need anymore. Plus she i dont wont my child to be taken away. That what happen to the other 2,” I said.
“Well can you trust her because lets not have forget bout she had 3 kids on you while you was in jail. She said she love you but if she did then she could kept her legs close into you got out,” Mom is right. She did cheat while i was in jail foe fight her brother. The oldest is 2 years old. Tae just had another baby 5 months ago. She cheated on me and got pregnant. I thought the baby was mine into we got a DNA test. I guess my mom is right, It’s best if i let her go.
“I know it hurt Nay. Let’s not forget i went to jail behind females like her. She no good,” My pops said. 
“I know but i just cant let her go like that,” I said so low.
“Why not?” They both said at the same time.
“She might be pregnant by me this time. She went to the doctor 2 days ago. We just waiting. I pray to god she not pregnant. I hate kids,” I stood up. 
“Well if she not then i think you start using condoms,” my mom said.
“Come on bae, you know us men in this family are to big for those small ass condoms,” I laugh before high five my Pops. They both are crazy. I slowly walked upstairs. I walked in the bathroom and went to pee. I start hearing talking.
“Girl i really hope i’m pregnant. I really love Nay but i got a feeling he going to break my heart. I know i cheated in the past and had kids on but I really didnt mean too. I was really horny. I didnt think i get pregnant. At least if he does break my heart, I will have part of him. My little boy or girl.............I know he hate kids but really good with Jay plus when we go to my mom house, he plays with Mia and Kyla..........He might listen to his mom and dump me. You know she hate because i’m 10 years older then him. By me having a baby while he is in jail is the cherry on top............I’m talk to him before he leave tomorrow. Hoping he change his mind.......I take to you later girl. I have to finish packing for my man for one last time. I just know this i it for me.........Bye” I started to feeling bad. She right might listen to my mom. Just hearing her talking like just make me want to pregnant her. I sigh as i walked out the bathroom into my room. She looked up at me
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She look so beautiful to me. 
“Can we talk?” she slowly said to me.
“We dont need to talk because i heard it all. I love you too. I think bout the baby thing. Let’s Just lay hear with Jay lay the last few hours,” I said while picking up the baby. I laid him on my chest while she laid beside me. I’m really miss my big baby. I kiss her head and she smile.
“I want to marry you one day,” I said in my head. Just thinking bout what i’m bout to do to make life so much easy for my family. Just as i close my eyes, My mom cam busting in the room. 
“Nay, MTV guys and your probation officer is here,” I roll my eyes as i got up with the baby. I slowly made my way downstairs. 
“Hello Nay, I’m Ryan from MTV. I’m Here to flim last few hours with your family. So act life we are not here,” I nodded my head before turning my head to my probation officer. I really dont know why she here.
“Nayvaduis D. Wilburn i’m here by the court of law. You sign a agreement to pay the victim, Michael Fox, $500 every month. You failed to do that left you in Jail for a  misdemeanor charge you got from a DUI. 2 days after you got bail out, you was under arrest for theft and a gun charge which is a felony. You was left with a choose. Spend 10 years in prison and do 2 years probation or 5 months in jail and 5 years on probation with a year of house arrest and 4,000 hours in a drug class which you have not finish. I’m here to talk over the movement of your probation to LA. Thats where you will finish everything. If this is correct then i’m need you and your mother sign a new agreement,” So yea i been in a lot of trouble but this show is for best of me and me only. What can i say. She pull a paper out. 
“So, after the Drug classes he will be done right?” 
“No, he still have 3 1/2 of probation left to do. If does do right and will be off of probation in a year,” I nodded my head. I like the sound of that. 
“What if i do it?” I waited for her answer. 
“You will be arrest and do whats left on you probation in prison. Now Mr.Wilburn if say you not going to do it then i be happy to take you in right now,” She said while putting her hand on the handcuffs. 
“Naw, just asking. So where do i sign at,” She hand me a pen. I sign where i had to sign and my mom did too. 
“Okay when you get to LA. Your new probation officer will be coming to visit you in 2 day you get there. His name is James Hall,” I nodded, “Nice to finally get that out the way. I put my job on the line for this. Please do right,”
“Yes ma’am i will,” I said as she started her way to the door. I jump up and down. Now thats out the way, it’s time to spend the last few hours with the family.
“O Lord, we thank you for the gifts of your bounty which we enjoy at this table. As you have provided for us in the past, so may you sustain us throughout our lives. While we enjoy your gifts, may we never forget the needy and those in want.....Amen,” We all said it together. Like i said before. I love my family and i got to do this for me and them.
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Chapter 1
looked in the mirror as i finish up my makeup. Today is the the day i get to go shopping with my bestfriend La La. She going to help with this show called Teen Dream. Its bout how me and some other teens going hard bout what they really love. My name is Ciara Harris. I really love dancing and singing. After my mom and father got a divorce 7 months ago, dancing and singing as been on my mind. Both of my parents don’t like the fact that I choose to do music but they support me ever step of the way. I don’t have all day to talk because I have to finish packing. I quickly grab my car keys and purse. I run out the house. There go my pretty baby. My daddy got this jeep when I was 16. I got in and strap up. I started the car up before pulling out my drive way. I started to get a phone Call.
“Hello mother, I’m driving,” I yell as I put her on the speaker phone.
“Okay I got a question. Did you say you want the purple suitcases or the pink? I’m here at Wal-Mart,” I love my mother to death.
“I want the pink one,” I said.
“Okay, where are you going?”
“To meet with La La. She going to help me with the clothes and makeup,”
“Okay baby I see you back at the house," My mom said. We both disconnected the ends. I finally i made it to the mall. I turn the car off and got out. I slowly made my way to front of the mall.
“LA LA!” I yell as i seen my bestfriend. She is a little older then me but she always there when i need her.
“Hey ci. It been forever,” We hugged each other.
“I know but we have a day to spend. I love you shoes. I dont even have them,” I said looking at her outfit
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“Thanks and i guess mickey mouse is okay,” she point at me shoes
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“Lol, the rest are packed in the suitcase,” We slowly made our way inside.
“Okay, So tell me bout this lame ass show?”
“Its bout how us teens who chasing their dream. Everyone is going to need each in the house some way, some how. I thinks it 8 or 9 of us,” She nodded.
“Okay, i got to 3 styles for you that will get you started. First is a tomboy. You know, snapbacks, sneakers, chains. The whole 9 yards,” I nodded as i her tell the styles, “The other one is a red carpet look. You those 6 inches heels get to see the daylight for first time. And last one is like a party or club sexy. You know short dress and some thongs. You might can get a man,” I laugh hard. She is so crazy.
“Okay i guess, So clothes first,” She nodded as walked in the first store. We start shopping. I really enjoyed having fun with my friend. She had me going crazy by going to all these stores. I was hungry so went to get to some food. Once we order we sat down and start eating.
“You i’m miss you right. I hope you dont be playing with those little hoes Nay,” We both hear the girl from the next table. I just kept eating my food. Next thing you know he stood up and start yelling.
“I DONT GIVE A FUCK YOU AND YOUR BABY DADDY. TO BE HONEST I DONT GIVE FUCK ABOUT THOSE KIDS. THEY ARE NOT MINE. SO GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE BEFORE YOUR ASS GO MISSING,” He yell loud that everyone eyes was on him as he made his way to the main floor. She follow behind him with a carseat. She thirty is all i can say. That was my time to go. Me and  La La left. I pull all the bags in the car. Slowly drove home. I’m super happy bout tomorrow. When i pull up outside of me and my mom house i seen 3 vans outside. I got out and ready inside. I seen my mom inside watching T.V. As some dudes setting up some things.
“Hello Ciara, I’m Keith from MTV. I’m here to get your finally hours home with your mother. So Just act we are not here,” I didnt not know what to say but i just nodded. I looked over at my mom and she have a smile on her face
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I walked over to her and sat down.
“My beautiful baby girl is moving to LA. I’m miss you so much,”She moved some hair out of my face.
“I know but i be okay. I’m 18 and i think i know what im doing,”
“Yea but lets go over somethings. No sex unless you are ready. Dont let nobody press to have sex with them. No babies. I dont wont to be a grandma yet. Not a lot of drinking. I know you are going to be drinking. Please dont be out there going crazy. I dont wont to see you gone to jail. Do you understand me?” Thats the reason why i love my mom. She knows how to keep me safe.
“Yes ma’am. I promise i follow your rules,” I hug her and kissed her checks.
“Okay, Go get washed up for dinner. Since this be the last one in a long time,” I smirk a little before handing upstairs. I keep forgetting bout these people behind me. I took the pages i had and started packing them away. Once i was done I went to the bathroom and washes my hands. I went back downstairs to eat
“Okay Mia your next. Since your boyfriend is not here, You to choose one of us girls to make out with for ten mins. If you dont do what you are told, you have to give everyone $5,” Me and couple of my friends was playing ‘Bring that ass or pay this ass’. They came up with game less then 30 mins ago. When i say they crazy then they are crazy. I’m staying with a friend since she have to go to LA tomorrow we thought we go together.
“Um, lets see. I know i’m not bout to make out with My sister. Bre is not into girls. I’m not bout to kiss Nyemiah or ci. So here goes yall damn $5,” We all laugh as gave us our money.
“Okay now Ci. We know you leaving in a few hours. So, you have to put your virgin pussy on facebook So the whole world now how it look,” I choke on my drink.
“Here all my money because i’m not bout to do that. What down there is for my eyes and the man i’m give it too. I’m sorry girls,” I said as i push my money on the table.
“You must got a baby daddy that’s waiting for u in LA?”Bre Ask me. I can tell i’m in the hot seat right now. All eyes was on me
“No but i plan on giving to someone i really love,” I took a sip of my water.
“Are you going to day someone in the house?”
“No,” i quickly said.
All eyes are on me,”Look ci, I love and all but you have to stop being scared. Just find the right boy to love you,” Bre said. I nodded. She right but i cant trust boys now today. I fucking love myself but i going on 19 and i’m lonely. I might need to find a man while i’m in LA.
“Okay lets toast to ci and the new show. Let’s hope everything goes well. We love ci and hope the best. Into next time, bitch its time to party,” We all laugh before touching glasses. I’m really miss them.
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