lovelypets2692 · 7 years
Features -
Feed free choice in an amount that maintains proper body condition Always provide fresh water Proper balance of nutrients Keeps breeding stock healthy With natural flavors Ingredients -Ground corn, Soybean meal, Ground wheat, Vegetable oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols), Wheat germ meal, Wheat middlings, Sugar, Calcium carbonate, Dicalcium phosphate, Oranges, Apples, DL-Methionine, Iodized salt, Natural fruit flavors, Grapes, Bananas, Choline chloride, Vitamins (Vitamin E supplement, Niacin, Calcium pantothenate, Vitamin A supplement, Biotin, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine hydrochloride, Thiamine mononitrate, Menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), Vitamin B12 supplement, Vitamin D3 supplement, Folic acid), preserved with Citric acid and Mixed tocopherols,Yellow 5, L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate (a source of Vitamin C), Red 40, Yellow 6, Minerals (Manganous oxide, Zinc oxide, Copper sulfate, Sodium selenite, Calcium iodate), Color added, Blue 1, Red 3, Rosemary
Nutritional analysis -
Crude Protein (min.)
Crude Fat (min.)
Crude Fiber (max.)
Moisture (max.)
0 notes
lovelypets2692 · 7 years
Features -
Rich in calcium Responsible for strengthening  and health of bones Proper construction of eggshells Important during the molting promoting healthy feathers Enriched with crushed shells Ingredients - Mineral substances 98%, Shells 2 %
0 notes
lovelypets2692 · 7 years
German shepherd dog is one of the most popular dog breeds for all the good reasons. They are intelligent, powerful, loyal and serves as a perfect guard dog. The breed owns a grandeur reputation of one of the smartest working dog too. Which makes most of the german shepherd owners to suffer the dilemma that training a german shepherd could be very difficult or even they get confused in how to even start the training?
The German shepherd dogs are easily trainable but it becomes effortless if you start training them, when they are a puppy. It is easy to mold them the way a pet owner wants ie; well-defined personality. Whereas this really doesn’t mean that if you happen to get an older dog, or you have still not started training your german shepherd till date, you are late or they can’t be trained.
Here clubbing some easy training tips -
1. Early socialization -
It is advised to start socializing a German shepherd puppy in early ages. The reason behind is, if the same is not done they get overprotective towards their family owners. It will be helpful for the puppy to happily interact with strangers and other animals which are quite essential.
2. Gentle handling –
In their early puppyhood, they are a small ball of cotton but they are going to end up being big dogs. So, when they are young get them prepare for regular nail and hair trimming ear cleaning and other grooming procedures.
3. Basic commands –
Giving verbal commands to your pup might not give immediate results and may take time for your puppy to understand the basic commands like sit, stay, come, go etc; Patience is the key to success. For these little four legged being calm and patient will lead you towards the right track and will be less confusing for the puppy.
4. Treats –
German shepherds are easily trainable all because they love to learn. They are not the lazy lads. To keep them motivated treats will be a good form of appreciation. Must remember, no extra treats as it will give birth to unnecessary health problems.
5. Food aggression -
Sometimes some puppies stiffen or act aggressively when they are disturbed while eating. Such kinds of response should be dealt with petting.
• Feed slowly to the pup by adding food to the bowl while they are eating.
• Overfeeding must be strictly avoided.
• Once the pup becomes comfortable start hand-feeding.
This is the perfect time to train your pup. Use it as an advantage. During feeding time you can gradually teach the pup some commands like look at the food, sit, calm down, stop etc. Feeding time if properly used will help you to mold the puppy behavior
6. Be patient –
Yelling is not an option. One should always remember that the puppies are like kids they are not born trained. They are like babies whom everything to be taught slowly and simultaneously. If your pup seems to be distracted or not in a mood for the training then stop there itself. Start another day with a bright smile and energy.
Training a pup is not that easy, it takes time. It is advised to train the puppy but it should be only one of the family members who should take the training responsibility. If every day the person who is training the puppy changes or new family member joins then the puppy will get confused and will end up with stress or will not be obedient. Once the puppy has adapted the basic commands then others can also participate in the training.
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
We all have emotions and we display it as per the circumstances. If we are happy we laugh and if we are sad we often cry. These are same with the dogs. They do have emotions and they do show them, but it is us who sometimes are not able to comprehend their mindset. The dog body language shows whether they are joyful or aggressive, and we do understand the same with an appropriate response. There are other key signals all dog owners must learn.
Stress signals are critical to read and analyze but it is a must do task, not only to make the training sessions easy and effective but also for the betterment of your canine. Whereas recognizing that your dog is undergoing stress is the first step in right direction.
Check out for these signs:-
• Shaking off • Flattering ears • Trembling, shivering • Whining • Cowering • Licking lips • Tucking tail • Avoiding, trying to get away • Yawning • Sweating
The above-mentioned signs when displayed by the dog specifically will conclude in distress.
However, apart from the above, there are some more signals that are needed to be recognized and differentiate accordingly. These signals are often visible when the dog interacts with other dog or dogs.
• Mixed signals – Suppose you take your dog to a park and he yawns although he is walking brightly and seems to explore. Here, a pet owner might get confused as the dog is displaying mixed signals. Apparently in the given situation the dog is excited. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the dog is distressed.
• Displacement signals -Sniffing, avoiding eye contact, not so interested behavior are generally known as displacement signals or cut off signals. These are basically out of the box behavior.
Though these signs are quite normal but still it does not fit into some of the context or it can be said the particular sign becomes odd for certain situations.
Take a situation, you take your dog to a pet store, there the dog meets another dog. Here, the other dog comes to your dog with full of energy and greets the same. But your puppy sniffs or tries to avoid the other dog. Here, sniffing is a cut off signal which is normal but does not fit the particular situation.
Dogs try to exhibit their emotions from wagging tails to licking the face. We can read it out. But there are some instances where we are not able to analyze what went wrong. We are not able to judge the real reason behind a stressed dog. We may freak out sometimes, but that’s not the solution in hand. One should follow proper way.
Step up on these to distress your dog :-
It is a great thing to exhibit that your dog is under stress but the brilliant task is taking ample dealings and lend a hand towards the furry to cope up with the setback. However, It is difficult to read the distress signs in dog and similarly, it’s much harder for a dog to learn when he is upset.
Here clubbing up some rescue measures :-
• A pattern – Dogs are like babies. Don’t mystify them with every day different patterns or routines. Let them follow one constant routine from waking up to sleeping. A proper pattern to be always followed up by you and them both.
• Put into effect – Always skip some time out and take your dog for a walk or exercise sessions It will also be fruitful for the dog to escort a stress life.
• Avoid needless situations – Once for all, you will be aware of the situations and spaces where your dog might feel uncomfortable. Try to avoid such places always.
• Rules to chase – As mentioned there should be a pattern a routine to be followed. But it can only be successful, once there are set of rules you make for the dog. If you try to keep on changing the rules then this might or definitely stress your dog.
• Play time – Try to spend ample time with your dog. This will undoubtedly lessen the stress. take him out for a walk, play with him, get him engaged in some games or with some toys.
• Stop training if – You will mostly encounter a dog showing the signs of nervousness and distress while training sessions. To make the training sessions successful one should immediately stop the training if recognizes the dog is in stress and should address to dog’s distress.
Whether you excelled or not in distressing your dog?
It can be easily decodable.You can tell the way he acts his bright soft slighted eyes, semi-erect ears or hold ears backward, polite gestures and relaxed body look like he is smiling  and saying “I am chilled out, all cool”.
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
Velcro… What is it? Is Velcro a disease? There must be many questions dwindling inside your mind when the word Velcro popped up. There is nothing to worry about seriously but there is something to worry about. Hey, not confusing you.
First, what is a Velcro dog?
A Velcro dog is a dog that is always by your side.
Let me exaggerate it a little, like your dog always follows you every – where, always keeps an eye on you, always want to be your side etc.
Most pet owners get confused between an anxiety dog and a Velcro dog. At times they are clumped together. Now, when we talk about dogs who have separation anxiety or a Velcro dog the common thing that pops out with not wanting to be away from their owners. Although the symptom might be same yet there is a major difference.
A Velcro dog wants to be closer with the owner whereas a dog suffering from separation anxiety panics when they are away from their owner.
“Most of the separation anxiety dogs can be a Velcro dog but all Velcro dog does not suffer from separation anxiety.”
Let’s check out the symptoms of both to get the clear picture:-
Symptoms of Separation Anxiety – (mostly seen when the owners leave them or go apart)
• Anxiety (nervousness, uneasy) • Barking • Panting (out of breath, breathless) • Drooling • Discharging (urinating) • Chewing vigorously • Unpredictable behavior
Symptoms of Velcro Dog –
• Following everywhere. • Ultimate need to be with their owner • Keeping an eye on all the action of the pet owner • Anticipating the actions of pet owners and reacting
Certainly, with the above-mentioned symptoms, it will be easy for a dog owner to recognize the difference between the both syndromes.
Causes of a Velcro Dog -
The only reason for your dog to become a Velcro dog is a hyper attachment. Dogs cannot be blamed for being a Velcro ie; following the owner everywhere. It is because of the owner’s own behavior.Let me make it simple. Whenever you stop to give the dog a praise. Letting them sleep in your own bed. Less mental stimulation, letting your dog stick together. Always giving them signals are some of the ways that lead to a velcro dog.
The query over here is how to rescue the dog from this so called clinginess. It cannot be said that only the above-mentioned activities are resulting in a velcro. Sometimes boredom, loneliness could develop velcro. Killing time is difficult even for humans so how much stressful it could be for the dog?
Here are some techniques which will give effective results. Check it out –
1. Games –
Try to involve them in games. As it will be easy for them to kill time and forget you for some time. There are many games to give a try like a nose work games, hide and seek, fetch the ball etc some fun games that reinforce having fun.
2. Physical activity –
A tired dog is a good dog. A very common phrase it is. Involve them in more and more physical activities. The more the dog gets tired the more time he will take to relax. Don’t stress yourself in how much amount of activity should be applied. It is very simple if your dog can stick to you and follow whole day so he must be having enough energy for all other activities as well.
3. Me time –
me time
We all need me – time, that is having sometimes extracted out from the world only for oneself. The Same habit should be taught to the dog. Make a special place for your dog. Use his dog bed, stuff like toys, mat etc. make him go to that place. You can take the help of treats as rewards as here.
4. Desensitize them –
Relax, what is being said is if your dog gets active or always responds to your’s each and every activities whenever you move. Trigger them with this, keep doing the activity again and again and they will surely get fed up off and stop reacting.
5. Mental stimulation –
Apart from physical activities, mental stimulation is also important. Dogs thrive on meaningful plays and games. If the brain works a lot or gets involved in some activity it will automatically make the body urge relaxation. Try training, playing tug, tricks etc.
6. Stay command –
Every pet and every pet owner must be aware of the stay command. Teach them to stay at a particular place when you are moving towards the bathroom or working in the kitchen. Start with a short distance and when its starts working make it with long distance.
The dog should be given more independence and freedom to enjoy the time with themselves and activities games at a distance. The more they are involved the more they will enjoy the world and there won’t be anything like killing the time. The process takes time. It’s not easy to change the behavior or some habit in one go. It is always suggested to always be calm and composed with the dog. Try not to yell if they don’t listen to you or do wrong. Don’t make them habituated of treats every time they follow your command. Instead of that use vocal commands, clapping, patting their head, rubbing their back etc. always remember they are not born trained.
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
mange in dogs Use code ROYAL8
Most of the dog owners might not be friendly with the word mange. Whereas with the title itself, it is almost clear that mange is a disease as it speaks about symptoms and treatments. So, let me elaborate it for your easy understanding.
mange in dogs
Mange is a skin infection caused by several species or tiny mites,common external parasites found in the companionship of other dogs. Or in one sentence it can be said that mange is a type of skin disease caused by tiny parasitic mites in dogs. This disease comes under the class of skin disease which needs immediate treatment. As the symptoms of the same are visible at an earlier stage, if some extra attention and care are being given.
As mentioned above mange is caused by tiny parasitic mites. The question arises from where these mites get stuck to the dog’s body. Generally, there are some mange mites which are normal residents of dog’s skin and hair follicles whereas some are not. All mites can cause mild to severe skin infections if they proliferate.
Basically, there are two types of mange which every dog owner must distinguish between -
A. Sarcoptic - Also known as canine scabies, sarcoptic mange occurs due to transferring between hosts. These are oval in shape, light colored and microscopic.
B. Demodectic - This is caused by mites that can be transferred from one dog to another. The proliferation of these mites depends on the health of the dog. If the dog is healthy,the demodectic mite just adds up friendly with the already existing natural mites  on dog’s body.
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Recognizing the symptoms -
• Itchy dog -Sarcoptic mites causes intense itching resulting the dog to scratch or chew the area immensely. The constant scratching, biting , chewing in order to get relieved from the pain and irritation will lead to a severe infection which will shift the entire focus of the dog towards it and as a result, the dog will leave all the regular habits like eating, playing etc.
itchy dogs
Sarcoptic mites cause intense itching resulting the dog to scratch or chew the area immensely. The constant scratching, biting , chewing in order to get relieved from the pain and irritation will lead to a severe infection which will shift the entire focus of the dog towards it and as a result, the dog will leave all the regular habits like eating, playing etc.
• Hair loss in dogs –
hair loss
As already mentioned about demodectic, that it is less harmful. More or less it will result in one or two thin bald patches in the dog’s hair. The patches on the dog’s body will not be as harmful as sarcoptic mange. It will not cause serious irritation or itching.
• Increase in a number of patches on dog’s body –
increase in patches
Mostly if the patches are caused due to localized mites it will automatically go away themselves. But in case if the same doesn’t happen and the patches eventually spreads to the rest of the dog’s body. It means the mites are generalized. Now what will happen is instead of one or two patches, the whole body of the dog will get covered with the same. The patches will turn red and scaly.
• Swollen feet or paw –  
swollen paws or feet
One should always check the dog’s feet or paw if they are swollen and the dog feels irritation under the paws. In some of the selected cases, the mange mites get deeply embedded to the dog’s feet and it becomes really difficult to remove them. The common symptoms of mange mites in dog’s feet is swollen and irritated feet. The situation is worsened around the nail beds accompanied with itching and rashes.
• Signs in human –
signs in human
The easy way to detect mange in dogs is first inspecting you. Yes, the mange mites can easily bite the human as well. When your body come in contact with them it causes red bumps similar to mosquito bites. You might confuse it with the mosquito bites. But having your dog beside and then getting the red bumps with itching sensation says it is mange. Perhaps, mange does not give serious effects in human.
Treatment of mange -
• Veterinary care –
vet care
The initial stage to cure mange is to visit a veterinarian. Even there is a sort of indication that shows your dog is infected, it is advised to consult a vet. Only a vet can run a proper and effective diagnostic test. And depending on the reports and results mange can be treated with proper medication.
• Dog Healthcare -
dog health care
Each and everything that comes in contact with the dog being a bed, bowls, brushes anything must be removed, replaced and washed away immediately. Cleaning is required every day or on a regular basis if necessary.
• No breeding –
no dog breeding
It is an advice to those dog owners whose dogs are infected with mange. They should not be encouraged their dog to breed. It is advisable to breed if the dog is having less infection and is under medication. But still breeding at this time shall always be done with prior consultation of the veterinarian. There is a proper course of action that is needed to be followed up because it may give negative or severe effects on future puppies.
• Keep away from other animals -
keep your mange dog away from other pets
Mange is a contagious disease. It can easily affect the companion animal. So, it is of prime importance to keep the infected dog away from other animals. Especially if the dog is suffering from sarcoptic mange.
• Extra care – Mange can be transmitted from mother to pup, or if the dogs or puppies are being kept under poor and unacceptable conditions. Otherwise, it can be transmitted from one dog to another or any object that was in contact with the mangy animal. Exposure of mange is natural but if proper cleaning, understanding the symptoms of mange are fulfilled, the dog can be prevented from being affected by this deadly disease.
Among the two types of mange sarcoptic mange is more quarantine and infectious. It changes the behavior of a dog, their regular habits are routine are drastically affected. Illness, weight loss, swollen lymph, frantic itching etc causes the animal to go into depression. So, it is advised to take utmost care of the dog with all love and passion. If identified before time mange can be stopped from spreading. Though in worst cases mange can become serious but yes it can be treated. Be positive and calm with the dog and hope for the best.
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
golden retriever Dog Health Supplements
Golden Retrievers – trustworthy, delightful, well-mannered, intellectual, charismatic, enduring, devoted all these go sincerely parallel when we are talking about golden retrievers. The mentioned characteristics make the temperament of Golden retrievers a trademark amongst all other dog breeds.
Golden retriever
They were originally bred for hunting but now by passing the time, they can be a companion dog, sniffer dog, rescue dog, guide, and therapy dog as well. Undoubtedly, making them one of the most popular dog breed. Golden retrievers are often used for search and rescue teams by police and other law enforcement bodies because of their keen sense of smell and tracking abilities. Temperament of golden retrievers is considered as the trademark because they are friendly, charming, patient and kind too. They are also considered as the most excellent family dogs in the world.
Let me introduce you with the Golden retriever and surely you will get one home.
One can easily purchase Golden Retriever puppy in between the range of Rs.24,000 to Rs.26,000 in Visakhapatnam. It is always suggested to buy these dogs from a well certified and original breeder. Never purchase from mills, animal farms or puppy farms.You can save yourself from negative traits of a dog by choosing the right breeder and right puppy. In order to save your homecoming puppy from unwanted and hereditary diseases, it is strictly advised to check health certificates of puppy parents and the puppy as well.
► Marshalls Pet Zone, Rednam Gardens, Visakhapatnam – 530002, Andhra Pradesh
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
dog harness 23% off on royal canin Dog harness – How to measure my dog harness? This is a common question which we get repeatedly. So we decided to put it in order. Though measuring a dog harness seems to be confusing work but it is not. Here we represent you the same in a simple and easy way. In addition to the measuring guide in details, we have put together measuring dog harness infographic. Even if you have further doubts feel free to - dog harness
• Visit our website www.marshallspetzone.com • Call us or Whatsapp us on 8106360786 • Write us at [email protected] • Live chat with our Customer Service Team 24*7
A. BASIC SIZE CHART – The below-mentioned infographic will help you to identify the basic size for your dog harness.
size chart dog body harness
The above-mentioned infographic will help you to get the easy and accurate measurement in an easy way. Just know your dog breed and select the size of the dog harness.
This way of measuring the dog body harness is one step process. No measuring tools, no unnecessary brawl, no disturbing your dog. Just a simple knowledge what your dog breed is? Whether it is medium, large or giant breed.
Let’s make it more simple -
If your dog is a medium breed which means if your dog is Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu, Pomeranian, Pug etc. then go for the Medium size dog body harness. If your dog is a large breed which means if your dog is Labrador, German shepherd, Golden Retriever, Boxer etc. then go for the Large size dog body harness. If your dog is a Giant breed which means if your dog is St. Bernard, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Doberman pinscher etc. then go for the Extra Large size dog body harness. You might be wondering how easy it is. You can easily go with this process. Whereas we will help you with another process to get the measurements of dog body harness.
Here suggesting some dog harness that you can easily shop. Best quality products at best-suited rates.
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B. There is another way to measure the dog harness which is little confusing and daunting. Here explaining the same -
actual measurement
For measuring dog harness, you should take the actual measurement of your dog’s required body part. Eventually, this will be the ideal guideline to help you while the measurement dog harness.
Neck – This can also be substituted with a dog collar. Measure the area all around the neck.
Chest – This part is behind the front legs. Measure the widest part of your dog’s rib cage ie; chest.
Weight – Measure the weight of your dog.
measurement tools ..
The dog – the first and foremost thing, A flat surface – where you will make the dog stand, A measuring tool –  a measuring tape generally used by tailors, Weighing machine – any simple weighing machine, Pen and paper – to note down the measurements, Treats – dogs are always active. So to make them stand sturdy and still, you need to offer them plenty of treats as rewards and A friend or assistant – to help you in taking the measurement more comfortably. 4.POSTURE  –
dog posture
For taking any sort of measurement, correct posture is the prime requirement. Make your dog stand straight with head and tail up. Equally, make sure that all the four legs of your dog are placed normally on the flat surface. Take the help of the diagram.
a. Make sure your dog is standing nice and upright straight.
b. Begin your measurement from the neck of your dog with the measuring tape. Measure the area all around the neck. Write down the measurement on the piece of paper.
c.Then comes the chest. Measure the widest part of your dog’s rib cage ie; chest. Hint – (The area you have to measure ie; chest – This part is behind the front legs and top middle of your dog’s back.
d. Take your dog’s weight.
e.Revise again – It might raise your eyebrows as already you suffered the whole sweating process. But it is always to be sure. No one wants to go through the daunting process of return/exchange/refund.
Note –
• While taking the measurement of your dog harness, make sure you are not doing it very tightly or trying to be exactly accurate.
• Take the measurement little loose.
• It is also suggested to add extra 2” inches to overcome the situations like weight gain or growth.
• Improper fit not only gives an unappealing look to your dog but might result in some health issues like uneasiness, breathing problems, restlessness etc.
a. As after following the mentioned guidelines you will be having the measurement of your dog’s body ie; neck and chest on a piece of paper. b. Start your search for dog harness while keeping the measurement handy. c. Once selected the dog harness, go to the size chart. d. Compare and choose the size based on the measurements you have taken of your dog’s body.
Suppose, • If you are confused between two sizes always prefer the bigger one. As little loose can be adjusted but if the dog harness is small then it will go waste. • It is also suggested to add extra 2” inches to overcome the situations like weight gain or growth. • Try to keep two fingers under all the harness strap so that your dog is at ease. • Once you follow the above process and consider the infographics and pictures, it would be easy for you to come to a conclusion of perfect size of dog harness. Once you get the harness in your hands adjust each of the harness straps accordingly.
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
Dog shampoo - top picks Dog shampoo plays a significant role in dog grooming. All pooch parents want their dog to be hale and hearty. Along with this, they also want to retain healthy and shiny fur of their dogs. Having a healthy and soft coat and fur helps the dogs to remain energetic. And bright shiny fur adds charm to your dog making many heads turn. For satisfying these requirements every dog owner must have a good quality dog shampoo in your dog cabinet.
dog shampoos online
Here in this article, we are disclosing our top 3 picks of dog shampoo brands within budget, some essential tips to consider while buying a dog shampoo and directions to use the same with an infographic. Even if you have additional doubts feel free to contact us -
Visit our website www.marshallspetzone.com Call us or Whatsapp us on 8106360786 Write us at [email protected] Live chat with our Customer Service Team 24*7 Nowadays maintaining a healthy and shiny coat of the dog is not a difficult task. As many shampoos are obtainable online and offline market. The main dilemma appears while choosing a dog shampoo. So here we are to help you by listing top 3 brands of dog shampoos.
Dog Shampoo
Dog Shampoo Brands Range Click To Buy BIOGROOM PREMIUM BUY NOW FORBIS MEDIUM BUY NOW BEAPHAR ECONOMIC BUY NOW The above-mentioned dog shampoo brands come with all the basic and trusted features which will help your dog to maintain a healthy and shiny coat. Also, the given brands not only come within your pocket but also take care of your dog’s coat in all the situations. Here, I mean to say with changing weather and climate the requirements for dog’s coat also varies.  From allergies, infections, flea and ticks the mentioned shampoos will help you in all the needs. Your dog’s needs and requirements will be well served.
The comfortable part of using a dog shampoo is they are used often. This is because using dog shampoo on a regular basis will definitely eliminate essential natural oils from dog’s coat. Now, dog shampoo is not only used for bathing purposes, but also for removing flea and ticks, reduces hair fall, itching, rashes etc.
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
Pug needs no introduction. One of the quietest breed of dog who often bark. Known for their clown punched face, which always gives a hilarious expression when seen. If you are going to be the first time dog owner then pug is the best choice. The suitable reason for saying them as first-time dogs are – they are loving, easy to go with children, easy to groom and above all are always ready to give that sparkly smile on your face.
Let’s talk about their unique appearances – short face, large eyes, wrinkled forehead, odd bark, cocked head and above all that innocent look which is irresistible.Though pug falls under the toy breed category but is considered as the largest of the toy breeds.
One can easily purchase pug puppy in between 9,000 to 16,000Rs in India. It is always suggested to buy these dogs from a well certified and original breeder. Never purchase a dog from mills, animal shelters or puppy farms. You can save yourself from negative traits of a dog by choosing the right breeder and right puppy. In order to save your homecoming puppy from unwanted and hereditary diseases, always check health certificates of puppy parents and the puppy as well.
Marshalls Pet Zone, Rednam Gardens, Visakhapatnam – 530002, Andhra Pradesh
Visit us @ www.marshallspetzone.com
Write to us @ [email protected]
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
How to measure dog cage or crate 2017-02-03 (3) How to measure dog cage or crate is one of the numerous questions which our customer support comes through on a regular basis. So here we are with a comprehensive guide in a way to present a satisfactory answer. How to measure dog cage or crate
If you are a dog owner you will understand the significance of a dog cage or crate and also its essentiality. So it is the best time to come with the entire process of measuring a dog cage or crate. Adding together a measuring guide in brief, size guide, Infographic etc. Even if you have further doubts feel free to -
Visit our website www.marshallspetzone.com Call us or Whatsapp us on 8106360786 Write us at [email protected] Live chat with our Customer Service Team 24*7 We all being human beings need some personal time so as the dogs. Apart from giving the dogs their own time, cages and crates also have some more benefits. Before starting the measurement process let’s come across some benefits of cages and crates and why they are essential? Here are some of the benefits –
Helps you to travel comfortably along with your dog Helps in mentally soothing your dog Adds an apt schedule and routine in your dog’s life Makes potty training easy Reduces anxiety level Avoids unwanted and unnecessary activities. As you know choosing the appropriate and right size of the cage can do wonders in dog’s as well as their owner’s life. You can also shop all kinds and latest collection of dog cages or crate in our website at best-trusted rates. Let’s us start the various ways to measure the dog cage or crate.
Selecting a dog cage or crate as per the breed or size guide is a good option. Also if you don’t want to go through the whole hassle of taking dog measurements, you can follow the size guide. Here we have listed below in our infographic, dog cage or crate measurement for you to make a suitable choice.
Cages come in various sizes such as  – Small cages, medium cages, and large cages. Here suggesting some trusted brands for dog cages and crates – Pawzone, Savic, Trixie dog cage or crate
If you are unsatisfied with the above-given size guide or if you are unable to find your dog breed in the above infographic. Here is an uncomplicated and easy measurement for a dog cage or crate. It will take some of your time but will give you effective and long-lasting results.
actual measurement for dog cage or crate
For measuring dog cage or crate, you should take the actual measurement of your dog’s required body parts. In due course, this will be the ideal guideline to help you while the measurement dog harness.
2.2 MEASUREMENT TERMINOLOGY – An appropriate measurement terminology should be considered and followed to get well successful results.
Dog cage
Length – Measure your dog from nose to tail. Height – Measure your dog from head to the ground. If your dog has erect ears such as German shepherd then take the measurement from tip of the ears to the ground. Width – Measuring the width of your dog is optional as it will automatically come with the above measurements. (Optional) 2.3 GATHER SUPPLIES FOR THE MEASUREMENT -
Measurement supplies
The dog – the first and foremost thing A flat surface – where you will make the dog stand A measuring tool – a measuring tape generally used by tailors Pen and paper – to note down the measurements Treats – dogs are always active. So to make them stand sturdy and still, you need to offer them plenty of treats as rewards. A friend or assistant – to help you in taking the measurement more comfortably 2.4 POSTURE  –
actual posture
For taking any sort of measurement, correct posture is the major requirement. Make your dog stand straight with head and tail up. Equally, make sure that all the four legs of your dog are placed normally on the flat surface. Take the help of the above diagram.
measurement of dog cage
Make sure your dog is standing nice and upright straight. Begin your measurement for the length. Start from the nose to some part of the tail. Measure the total length. As the dogs keep on wagging their tail it is advised to add extra 2 to 4 inches accordingly to the measurement. Write down the measurement on a piece of paper. It is advised to add extra 2 -4 inches with tail. Then comes the height. Measure your dog from head to the ground. If your dog has erect ears such as German shepherd then take the measurement from tip of the ears to the ground. Revise again – It might raise your eyebrows as already you suffered the whole sweating process. But it is always to be sure. No one wants to go through the daunting process of return/exchange/refund. Note – After Noting down the total measurement, it is advised to add roughly 2  inches for smaller breeds and 4 inches for larger breeds in both length and height measurements. Taking accurate measurements will not help in any way. The pivotal thing to consider here is whether your dog is comfortable or not?
The reason to add extra inches to the final measurement is because cages and crates play a very vital role in dog’s life. So before buying a Dog cage or a crate every owner should consider that their dog is able to –
Stand comfortably. Lie down inside the cage/crate To turn around effortlessly If your dog is able to do the above three things comfortably then you have got a perfect cage.
Choose a sufficient size of the crate – Adding certain extra inches to the total measurements taken is enough to result in a suitable size of dog cage or crate. Dog cage or crate should neither be too big nor too small – In order to avoid unnecessary movements or not to intact your dog in a small area the size of the dog cage or crate should not be large or small than the suitable one. If your dog is not fully grown – If you want to buy a dog cage or crate for your puppy or if your dog is not fully grown then select a dog cage as per the expected breed growth of your dog. In respect to avoiding unwanted hassle with these kinds of dog cage take the help of a dog cage or crate divider. This can be done until your furry friend is not fully grown. Air circulation – While selecting a crate to make sure to buy a dog cage or crate which has plenty amount of air circulation. This thing should be considered while buying plastic dog cage or crate. 5. BASIC TYPES OF DOG CAGE OR CRATE –
types of dog cages
Plastic Cage or crate – this kind of crates or cages are suitable for those dogs who finds cozy corner more relaxing and is also preferred while traveling. These cages or crates are suitable for small dogs. Wire cage or crate – This type of cage or crate is used especially during hot climates because of their heavy ventilation benefits. These cages or crates are suitable for heavy coat dogs. Once you are gone through overall measurement process, size guide and infographics, you are ready to select and buy a considerable and suitable dog cage or crate.
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
golden retriever Dog Health Supplements
Golden Retrievers – trustworthy, delightful, well-mannered, intellectual, charismatic, enduring, devoted all these go sincerely parallel when we are talking about golden retrievers. The mentioned characteristics make the temperament of Golden retrievers a trademark amongst all other dog breeds.
Golden retriever
They were originally bred for hunting but now by passing the time, they can be a companion dog, sniffer dog, rescue dog, guide, and therapy dog as well. Undoubtedly, making them one of the most popular dog breed. Golden retrievers are often used for search and rescue teams by police and other law enforcement bodies because of their keen sense of smell and tracking abilities. Temperament of golden retrievers is considered as the trademark because they are friendly, charming, patient and kind too. They are also considered as the most excellent family dogs in the world.
Let me introduce you with the Golden retriever and surely you will get one home.
One can easily purchase Golden Retriever puppy in between the range of Rs.24,000 to Rs.26,000 in Visakhapatnam. It is always suggested to buy these dogs from a well certified and original breeder. Never purchase from mills, animal farms or puppy farms.You can save yourself from negative traits of a dog by choosing the right breeder and right puppy. In order to save your homecoming puppy from unwanted and hereditary diseases, it is strictly advised to check health certificates of puppy parents and the puppy as well.
► Marshalls Pet Zone, Rednam Gardens, Visakhapatnam – 530002, Andhra Pradesh
â–ş Visit us @ www.marshallspetzone.com
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
rottweiler Petswill puppy cereal
Rottweiler – One of the most misunderstood breed. Let’s know them in detail. Rottweiler is a giant breed originated from a small town in southern Germany. In the early ages, they were well-known as drover dogs as they were used to drive livestock. If look back to the history, during Industrial revolution their population declined whereas again in early 1990’s they attained recognition as police dogs and are still ruling the charts. If I have to portray them in one word it will be quite complicated as they are composed, audacious, devoted, protected, obedient and fearless. It is a misunderstood fact that Rotties are dangerous; actually, all they need is a serious and diligent trainer who is self-assured and can train them all the way through.
They are just a four legged toddlers who needs to know their strength. They are loyal, robust and sometimes furious and once trained and exercised desirably, they become the best breed ever. Also, they can live in any environmental conditions with appropriate exercise.
Let me introduce you with the Rottweiler and unquestionably you will get one home.
One can easily purchase Rottweiler puppy in between the range of Rs.18,000 to Rs.21,000 in Visakhapatnam. It is always suggested to buy these dogs from a well certified and original breeder. Never purchase from mills, animal farms or puppy farms.You can save yourself from negative traits of a dog by choosing the right breeder and right puppy. In order to save your homecoming puppy from unwanted and hereditary diseases, it is strictly advised to check health certificates of puppy parents and the puppy as well.
► Marshalls Pet Zone, Rednam Gardens, Visakhapatnam – 530002, Andhra Pradesh
â–ş Visit us @ www.marshallspetzone.com
â–ş Write to us @ [email protected]
â–ş Inbox Us @ our Facebook page.
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
Puppy feeding – a complete guide puppy feeding pet nail clippers and trimmers
When a puppy is coming home, there are lots of excitement, fun clubbed with confusion and stress. We have noticed there is a long list of questions our support team experiences regarding the feeding guidelines of a puppy. Hence, decided to un-layer the feeding guideline of your puppy so that you can greet your homecoming puppy wholeheartedly.
Here in this article the comprehensive feeding guideline has been discussed with tables and infographics and explained in such a way, it makes uncomplicated for you to follow the routine. Even if you bump into any kind of worries or get dwindled feel free to –
1. Visit our website www.marshallspetzone.com 2. Call us or Whatsapp us on 8106360786 3. Write us at [email protected] 4. Live chat with our Customer Service Team 24*7 5. Inbox us on our Facebook page
When a puppy comes home he is just a few weeks old and I should say a baby coming home. So, the first question that worries every puppy owner is what should they feed to the puppy? Shall they start the new food or carry on with the old one? Here is the answer. As puppy has delicate digestive system hence, it is advised not to disturb the same and go on with the same food given to him. The old food should be given for a particular which means for a week and later the old food should be mixed with the new food. There is a range of food available for puppies in the form of starter which comes in the form of powder (cereal) and as well as dry form.
puppy feeding guideline up to 3 months
puppy feeding guidelines
1. Feed your puppy at the same place and same time. 2. Don’t offer food from table while eating 3. Feed your puppy after you and your family has done with the meal 4. Avoid your puppy jumping about 1-2 hours of eating 5. Always keep water available in a bowl for the puppy throughout the day.
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
flea and tick Flea and tick are the major troubles which every dog face. A lot of pet owners get concerned when they spot small brownish sort of insects on their dog’s body. And due to lack of awareness, they start giving the medications to the dog which likely ends up giving detrimental consequences and sometimes loss of the dog. So, here in this blog, we are going to give you a comprehensive idea about these annoying insects followed with infographic, medications, Flea and Tick Shampoo for Dogs and Puppies precautions and requisite instruction. Even if you are left with several queries feel free to –
Visit our website www.marshallspetzone.com Call us or Whatsapp us on 8106360786 Write us at [email protected] Live chat with our Customer Service Team 24*7 Inbox us in our Facebook page
A. WHAT ARE FLEA AND TICKS? Flea and ticks are two different types of parasites which are found in the external environment resulting in severe discomfort for dogs if not cured on time. FLEAS- are blood sucking wingless insects which are transmitting in nature. If we go in numbers there are about 2000 types of fleas. They can be found everywhere but mostly prefer warm, humid conditions. TICKS – these are not insects but can be said to be close cousins of spiders and mites. If we go in numbers there are about 80 types of tick species. Like fleas, it is also transmittable, harmful and can be found everywhere and anytime.
B. HOW TO CHECK YOUR DOG HAS FLEA AND TICKS? The first place to check the fleas and ticks is the pet’s fur. First, divide the fur if you are able to see small black/brown color thing, then you are on the right step. Comb your dog using flea and tick comb, you will come across some bumps or critters moving quickly. Wear white socks and take a walk in the areas where your dog just spends some time frequently, you will see some black dirt kind of thing like black pepper on your socks known as flea dirt. C.  BUY DOG FLEAS AND TICKS REMOVAL PRODUCTS ONLINE  – Before beginning with any kind of treatment or applying flea and tick products, it is imperative for you to know how many of these annoying insects are there in your dog’s body. Here listing comprehensive yet easy instructions for you. You are advised to follow the instructions accordingly for better results. Make sure to muzzle your dog and strictly not allow the dog to lick during application of these products. Always do the application of these products under supervision. For puppies below 4 months, only flea and tick powder should be applied. Always consult your vet and take proper precautions. Start from counting how many ticks are there in the dog’s body. You can do this by the above-mentioned process. C1. – If you see 2-3 flea and ticks then you are lucky as your pooch is in the first stage and it is easy to cure. For up to 2-3 flea and ticks you can choose among the below-mentioned products -
1. Flea and ticks Shampoo - Intas softas flea and tick shampoo, Petcare Notix green pet shampoo,
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
Are you a cat owner or planning to bring a kitty home? Then this article will help you. Here in this article, we are going to discuss how to litter train a cat. Naturally, cats stay clean and they have the instinct to discharge in soil or sand. And when we talk about kitten they also start learning to use the litter box by observing their mother. So mostly there are chances when you bring a kitty home she has already learned to use the litter box. If not then we will help you.  Even after going through this you feel you are left with some doubts then don’t stress yourself feel free to –
Visit our website www.marshallspetzone.com Call us or Whatsapp us on 8106360786 Write us at [email protected] Live chat with our Customer Service Team 24*7 Inbox us in our Facebook page Following are the simple steps which will help you to litter train your cat -
how to litter train your cat
A. START FROM THE BEGINNING  – Most of the owners feel that litter box is not among the basic necessities for a kitten. But this is not true. So, soon after you bring your kitten home introduce her to the litter box. This can be done by placing her into the litter box or if she is little uneasy about it then you can help in another way as well. Take her front paws in the box and show her to scratch at the litter by actions.
B. TYPES OF THE LITTER BOXES – There are a variety of litter boxes available offline and online like covered, uncovered, self-cleaning boxes to fit in corners. Covered litter boxes give a sense of priority to the cats and it is safe also. Cats prefer to discharge when nobody’s watching. Self-cleaning litter boxes automatically do the cleanup.Uncovered litter boxes discharge the bad odor of the discharge and easy to use as well.
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lovelypets2692 · 7 years
alia1 Yes, you heard it right. Alia Bhatt herself has admitted and flaunted her new lover all over the internet. We were also stunned after listening to this news. No wonder so many hearts got broken too. So we decided to look into the core which flabbergasted us more. And we were left with nothing but Aww…
The new guy in her life is actually very endearing and they look magnificent together.
alias boyfriend
Do not gnash your teeth or get annoyed by my words. Check this out, guys… Yay!! Get a smile on your face and welcome “Edward Bhatt” new entrant in Bhatt family and love of Alia Bhatt’s life. LOL!…
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