loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader - PART 15
Warnings: adult content coming up next chapter so minors leaveeeee.
Here’s a masterlist
I’ve never done this so please feel free to comment and interact, it really makes my day when you do!!
After a few minutes, Austin fell back asleep. I noticed the balcony had a really nice beach view and a couple of big comfy looking chairs. I slipped out of bed, took the little extra blanket that no one actually uses on hotel beds, and quietly slid the door open just enough for me to slip through and closed it behind me. I took a seat and took in the cool ocean breeze. It felt like home. I missed it here a lot. The Atlantic is so different. It smells different, it looks different, and it didn't have a large place in my heart quite like The Pacific did. I wished I had brought my book with me, but it would probably do me some good to just sit here and relax quietly. I curled up even more in the chair to keep myself warm.
I must have dozed off for a few minutes because I was woken up by feeling an extra blanket being laid on top of me. I peeked one eye open to see Austin putting that extra blanket on me. "Hi" I said to him, closing my one eye. "Hi" he said back to me.
Ugh. He's so fucking cute.
I opened my eyes to sit up and found him sitting in the chair across from me. I thought it might be nice for me to go to the lobby and grab us some coffee. "Should I go get us some coffee?" I asked, walking past him in his chair. He grabbed my hand and I stopped to look at him.
"I already called it up, coffee and breakfast should be up soon." He said as he let go of my hand, grabbing my hips and gently pulling me to sit on his lap.
Well don't mind if I do.
"Oh, okay great. Thank you." I said. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in closer to him. The chairs were big enough for me to turn horizontally so I did, shifting my body sideways a little bit so I could rest my head on his chest. "Did you sleep well? Except for the part where I woke you up?" I asked.
"Yeah, I slept great. How about you?" He replied.
"I slept great once I fell back asleep. Thanks for staying with me after, you didn't have to do that" I said quietly. I wasn't sure if I felt embarrassed that I needed someone next to me to feel better or if I was just nervous about how he would respond. Austin curled his fingers underneath my chin and softly pulled my face up so I was looking at him.
"I know" he said, voice low and soft. Our faces were just inches from each other now. And time stood still in that moment. With his hand still softly holding my chin, he pulled so that I was just far enough for our lips to not touch, but close enough that they could have at any moment. The butterflies turned in to that warm, burning, nauseous feeling when you're about to do something you've been wanting to do. The way your stomach felt on Christmas morning when you were a kid. Anticipation.
"I'd do it again too" he said, smirking at me. I smiled a little but before I could reach full smile, he pulled me the rest of the way in, connecting my lips to his. It was instant electricity as we kissed. Fireworks erupted in my head. It felt like there was no one and nothing else in the entire world besides us. I was spinning. I felt like I couldn't breathe but I didn't want that feeling to ever go away.
We were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. "Room service!" We barely heard through the door. We pulled away from each other but kept eye contact. Looking at each other, both of us trying to figure out exactly what the other was thinking, what the other was feeling. "Be right there!" Austin yelled towards the door, still not looking away from me. "I guess I should get that" he said. "Uh huh, I guess you should" I replied, still trying to catch my breath. So I stood to let him up and as he stood and walked away, he ran his hand along the small of my back. And as he did that, my entire body tingled. I didn't want him to stop touching me. In fact, I wanted him to touch all of me.
Instead of sitting back down, I rested against the railing of the balcony to take in the view. To catch my breath. To figure out what happens next. Is it going to be awkward because we got interrupted? Did he feel the electricity too? It felt so tangible, so thick to me. Surely he felt it too? I was too lost in thought to hear him walk back outside. He set his hand on the small of my back again and I jumped a little. He chuckled at me. I think he found it amusing to get those kinds of reactions out of me. But I also thought it was amusing when he did, so win win. He rested against the railing next to me, staring out at the view. "What are you thinking about out here?" He leaned in to ask me.
Oh god. Just thinking about everything. How do I even begin to answer that? I looked over at him and parted my lips in preparation to speak. Speak what? I wasn't sure. So instead i mumbled out "um, I'm, um." And then nervously started biting the inside of my lip again. "How about I tell you what I'm thinking about first. Then you tell me. Would that make it easier?" He asked, smirking, and leaning his whole body over to nudge me gently. I just nodded. It was hard to speak when he was looking at me like that. His bright blue eyes boring right through me. I was sure he knew everything I was thinking and more. His facial expression was happy, but slightly mischievous. Like he was up to something. And I couldn't wait to find out what it was. He leaned in closer to my face just by a little, decreasing the already small amount of distance between us. "I'm thinking about you" he said low, and raspy, and full of desire. He leaned in even closer, so he was almost brushing his lips against mine. "And I want more." He lingered there. Waiting for me make the final move, making sure I wanted him back. I grabbed his face between my palms and pressed my lips in to his. We sat in that initial kiss for a moment, taking each other in. Our lips disconnected but lingered just far enough away from each other to leave us wanting more. He came in for a kiss again after what seemed like an eternity waiting in that space. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and it was enough to make me melt right then and there. I was done for. Putty in his hands. Whatever he wanted, he could have.
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader - PART 14
Warnings: mentions of having a nightmare. Next chapter is gonna get spicy. So. Minors goooooo away.
Here’s a masterlist
I’ve never done this before so, lemme know what u think! Love uuuu k thanks byeeee
Stella's Point of View
Room 4208. Surely a number I'd remember forever. The little light turned green as he held the keycard up to the door handle. He opened up the door and held his arm out, gesturing for me to go in before him. On one hand, my god, what a gentleman. And on the other hand, good thing there were no serial killers waiting for us in there or they would have gotten to me first.
I heard the door click behind me. I felt so tired but didn't know how to tell Austin that I'd actually love nothing more than to throw myself right on to this bed to sleep. But before I could even think about what to say, he grabbed the grocery bag that I had set down on the desk when I walked inside. I sat down on the bed to watch him as he took the cupcake box out of the bag. He opened it up, and removed just one candle from the box. He slowly pushed the bottom of the candle into the frosting.
Why did that turn me on????
"Ready to celebrate?" He asked me, smiling so big. I knew it was a rhetorical question.
"I feel like we've been celebrating all night." I smiled back while looking into those sweet baby blues. He lit the candle and walked over to me, sitting down across from me.
"Happy late birthday Stella." He said, low and raspy. His eye contact and the way the flame danced in his eyes was mesmerizing. "Make a wish."
I closed my eyes for a moment. Really, everything I could have wished for is currently happening. My dad and brother are well, my job in New York is well and allowing me all of this paid time off, and I was sitting here with Austin Butler.
I wish that this date is the best we've both ever had.
I opened my eyes and blew out the candle.
"What did you wish for?" He asked.
"I can't say or it won't come true." I replied. I knew that was silly but I was too embarrassed by my answer to tell him.
He looked at me for a second. Probably trying to decide whether or not he was going to accept my answer. After a few moments, he scooped up a little frosting on his finger and set it right on the tip of my nose. My jaw dropped in surprise.
I know he didn't just do that.
After my brain loaded and processed the fact that he did in fact just do that, I wiped the frosting off my nose and licked it off my finger. In an obvious, over done tease kind of way. Playful. He rubbed his chin between his index finger and his thumb.
"Do you want a bite?" He asked me.
Of you? Or the cupcake?
I was pretty sure he was talking about the cupcake so I just nodded my head slightly. He brought the cupcake up to my mouth and I took a bite, definitely getting frosting on my mouth. I giggled as he pulled the cupcake back, wiping the frosting off my lip. I stood up to get a tissue from the bathroom so I didn't get any frosting on my dress.
"Are you gonna have some?" I asked.
"I mean, yeah, if you're sharing. I didn't want to take your birthday treat." He said smiling.
"Oh please!" I responded. "They're honestly so rich I can never get more than a few bites in but I love them."
We passed the cupcake back and forth taking bites of it until it was all gone. It was a really sweet moment. I enjoyed every second of it. Once we finished, Austin stood to clean the cupcake box up.
"Um. Do you mind if I get ready for bed? My body is still on New York time and it's way past my bedtime. I'm really sorry, I want to stay awake with you but I just don't think I can much longer." I asked, sheepishly. I don't know why he made me nervous this way. Not because I thought he'd be upset, but really because I just wanted to make him happy.
"Not at all. Which bed do you want?" He said, handing me the overnight bag he brought me.
"Either is fine" I said, turning to the bathroom to get myself ready to pass the hell out.
I opened the bag and found all the toiletries. He even put makeup wipes and face wash in there. What a gem. I peeked and the pajamas. It looked like one of his t-shirts and a pair of his black sweat pants. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but not this. This seemed more personal than a nice set of lingerie and I really appreciated that it wasn't. I took off my shoes and my dress and threw on his t shirt first. It went down to my mid thigh and I thought about how I could stash this in my purse tomorrow morning because it was so comfortable. And it smelled like him. Then, I realized that my scrunchie was in my purse and I needed it to wash my face. Could I have put the sweatpants on first and then gone out to where my purse was sitting? Sure. I could have. But where's the fun in that?
I opened the bathroom door and tiptoed out to the desk where my purse was sitting.
"Mmmm." Austin said, quietly. But loud enough that he knew I could hear him.
I looked up, pretending to be slightly surprised that he was there. He was laying in the bed closer to the door. I somehow knew he'd choose that one. He seemed very protective. I didn't mind it at all. I smiled a cheeky little smile at him and turned around to walk back to the bathroom.
I finished getting ready. Washing my face, brushing my teeth, and I even put my hair in a low braid so it wouldn't look crazy in the morning. I cleaned everything up, put it back in the bag, and grabbed my dress so I could hang it up. A dress like that did not need to be shoved into a bag.
I left the bathroom to find Austin, changed into his pajamas, and reading a book on top of the comforter in bed. Grey sweat pants and a white t shirt. Good choice honestly. He looked up and smiled at me. "Feel better?" He asked. I nodded. I climbed in to my bed and yawned immediately while I pulled the covers up over me. Austin stood up and walked over to me. Grey sweats, right in my face.
"I'm going to go get ready for bed now. In case you're asleep when I'm done, I really enjoyed our night. I hope you sleep well." He said, putting his hand on my cheek again. I looked up at him and smiled.
"I had so much fun. Thanks for dinner. And the cupcake." I said, starting to yawn again.
"Mm. Anytime. Sleep tight, Stella." He said, turning to walk in to the bathroom. I was sad when his hand left my cheek. When he touched me it felt like electricity. I wondered if he felt it too.
Austin's Point of View
When I was done getting ready for bed, I found Stella asleep. All covered up by the comforter. Wrapped around her head and everything. Like a little cocoon and it was damn near the cutest thing I think I'd ever seen.
It was nearly midnight at this point and I figured I should probably get some rest for our fun day tomorrow. I set my book on the nightstand and clicked off the light.
A few hours later I woke up to a sound. And in my daze I couldn't initially tell what it was. I quickly realized it was Stella and she sounded like she was starting to hyperventilate. She was having a nightmare. She was starting to shake her head "no" and I realized it must have been bad. I looked at the clock. 2:17am.
"Stella" I said while putting my hand on her arm. Nothing. "Stella!" I said again, gently shaking her arm. Still nothing. I knelt by the bed so I was face level with her, hoping to startle her less when she finally did wake up. "Stella. You're having a bad dream. Wake up!" I said, shaking her arm a little less gently and she jumped a little, pushed herself up a bit with her arms, and looked around to see where she was. "Hey, it's okay. It was a dream. You're safe." Her face relaxed and she laid back down and looked at me, still face level with her.
"I didn't mean to wake you up." She whispered. Tears started welling in her eyes.
"No, no. I was already up" I said, giving just a little smirk.
"You're lying" she replied, still in a near whisper, playfully pushing my shoulder.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, because I knew that always helped me realize that it wasn't reality.
"I was dreaming about when my mom called me about the accident. I only had this dream one other time, a few days ago. I didn't realize it was going to be a recurring thing." She was still whispering, but this time because she was trying not to cry. A single tear fell from her eye. I quickly wiped it away with my thumb.
"I'm so sorry. Do you want me to lay with you until you fall back asleep?" I asked. I wasn't sure if that was the right move but all I wanted was to scoop her up and hold her until she felt safe again. I just didn't want her to feel alone. She nodded her head so I climbed up next to her, under the covers. She rolled over and rested her head on my chest, draping her arm across the rest of it. I set my hand on her head to stroke her hair, and turned my face to her, kissing the top of her head. She hugged me a little tighter when I did that, in thanks for comforting her.
Within a few minutes I felt her breathing slow and heard her breaths get heavier. She was sleeping again and I was quickly dozing too. As much as I wished she'd never have to have a dream like that, I was glad that this was the outcome. It felt right.
Stella's Point of View
The sun started shining through the window, right into my eyes. Pleasant. I guess we didn't shut the curtains when we got in last night.
Then I realized I was still resting my head on Austin's chest. Wowie. And the butterflies immediately hit my stomach. I was simultaneously so excited and so nervous. I thought was dreaming this entire date and last nights nightmare was just a dream inside of a dream. I tilted my head up to see if he was still asleep and he was. But Jesus I had to pee so bad. I got up as slowly and quietly as I could and snuck to the bathroom.
When I returned, I climbed back in to bed just as slowly and quietly and nuzzled gently next to him so I didn't wake him up. He pulled his hand back up to my face and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. God I loved that. "Good morning beautiful" he said, in a the sleepiest, lowest voice I could imagine. I looked up at him, surprised that he was awake. I thought I was more stealthy. He looked at me with sleepy eyes and a little grin and leaned in to kiss my forehead. I nuzzled as close as I could and we laid there in half sleepy silence for a while. God, I wanted to kiss him. So badly. And I brushed my teeth when I peed, just for good measure. But I wasn't sure that he'd want to kiss me so soon. So instead, I laid there, tracing letters and shapes on his chest.
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader - PART 13
Warnings: it’s gonna get spicy so minors, shoo.
Here’s a masterlist
Love uuuuuu
Stella's Point of View
After dinner, we went out to his car. He opened the car door for me and helped me in. He said he had somewhere special to take me. And I thought he was joking. So dear lord, let's see where we end up.
He turned right out of the parking lot and my thoughts were racing about where on earth he was taking me. Unless he was talking about the hotel.
The hotel. Why did I agree to that? I don't have an overnight bag, I don't have deodorant, I don't even have a damn toothbrush with me. AND I have no goddamn underwear on so there's nothing for me to even sleep in. I'll have to panic about this momentarily.
"Please don't tell me this is the part where you take me to the middle of nowhere and kill me?" I side eyed him, mostly joking.
"I guess you'll have to wait to see." He smirked back at me.
Not even a minute after that he pulled into a Vons parking lot.
A grocery store?
Like I'm sure the man gets groceries but I couldn't imagine him willingly walking around in a Vons where he'd probably be bothered nonstop the whole time.
"Okay, let's go" he said to me as he quickly jumped out of his seat.
"Let's go? Let's go- like inside the store?" I inquired. I was unsure but I'd do nearly anything he asked me to. I mean, wouldn't you?
I started to open my car door when I was met with him by my side, opening it the rest of the way. He was quick.
Does he open the car door for every event? Or just today because it's a date? Can't wait to find out. I could get used to it.
He held his hand out to me, smiling. He was excited, I could tell. What could possibly be so exciting about a god damn grocery store?
We walked in together and he walked me directly to the bakery section. I was so confused. An employee walked up and asked if he could help us. "Yes sir," Austin said to him. He was direct but so respectful to everyone he met. "Can we please get that carrot cake cupcake to go?" He asked. "Coming right up!" The employee said, clearly not excited to be working at nearly 9:30pm.
He packed up the cupcake and handed it to Austin. Austin looked over and smiled at me. My hand still connected to his, he started walking and said "Okay, now we need candles and a lighter and we're good to go."
I stopped. Dead in my tracks. He kept walking until he couldn't anymore because I wasn't moving. He turned around and walked back over to me. He stood six or so inches away, looking down at me. Confused about why I stopped. I looked up at him. "You're not getting me a birthday cupcake." I said, mostly stunned that he even remembered. He leaned down so he was closer to my ear and said "Oh, I am. And we're celebrating." Yes, sir. He stood all the way back up and I smiled at him. "Okay. Thank you so much. I can't believe you even remembered." He grabbed my hand again and we walked to find the baking aisle to get the candles.
We made it to the baking aisle and we were both searching for the candles.
"Excuse me?" I heard a girl's voice behind me, causing me to turn around. It was a girl, probably my age and she had tapped Austin on the shoulder and asked if he would take a picture with her. He said yes and she snapped a few pictures and walked away giggling. He was so kind. Even though I know he'd rather be left alone, he never made it seem that way to anyone he came in to contact with. I loved that about him.
He grabbed candles off the rack and turned around, noticing me staring at him. At first it was because I was watching him interact with that girl but then it was because I was lost in thought about how great he is.
How embarrassing Stella.
"I think lighters are at the front and then we can get the hell out of here. Thank god for self checkout." He said, grabbing my hand and whisking me away to the front of the store. I love me a self checkout kind of guy.
We checked out without anyone coming up to Austin again. Thank goodness. We walked together back to the car and it was getting exponentially colder outside. Being right by the water really made a difference. We got in and he turned on my seat warmers.
What a gem. I fucking love these things.
"Oh. Shit. Can I run back in there actually? I didn't bring an overnight bag so I just need to grab a few things. I'm sorry, I should have thought of it sooner." I said, reluctantly. I was just so taken aback by the fact that he drive all the way to a grocery store to get me a cupcake. I was looking at him, filled with raging anxiety about the fact that I didn't have a toothbrush and I will not have morning breath around Austin Butler.
I think he saw the panic in my eyes. He put his hand on my cheek and his thumb gave a few gentle strokes. "Hey. It's okay. I wouldn't just spring something on you without making sure you have everything you need. I put together an overnight bag for you. Toiletries, pajamas, and even something to wear tomorrow if you don't want to wear this. Which honestly, it would be fine if you did. I love this dress on you." He smiled, gave my cheek a few more gentle strokes and let off my face slowly. Maybe it wasn't slowly and it felt like slow motion. I couldn't tell anymore. "Is that alright?" He asked.
Why did I think for a second he hasn't planned for this? Of course he did. Of course he packed an overnight bag because he's a literal angel.
"Oh. Okay. Yes, yeah that's perfectly fine. Thank you. That's super thoughtful of you." I stuttered out. He really did think of everything. He put his arm around the back of my seat to turn his head back to reverse out of our spot.
Here we go.
"Alright so the hotel is actually about 25 minutes away.  Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?" He asked, one eyebrow raised and a little smirk trying not to peak through.
"It sounds like I do now." I smiled, still hating surprises.
"Okay great because the hotel is right near the Santa Monica Pier and I'm a sucker for the Ferris wheel. Especially at sunset." He was smiling big now. His cheeks were all lit up. He seemed a little insecure when he smiled like that, putting his hand up near his mouth. And I wished he didn't feel that way, because his smile was one of his most beautiful outward qualities.
"Fantastic." I said excitedly. "Okay wait, I have a confession though. I've never been on a Ferris wheel." And I didn't want to look at him in fear he was going to look at me like I was stupid.
His head jerked to the side "excuse me?" He said, definitely surprised.  And I looked at him with big eyes and blinked once for yes. "Well, tomorrow will be a day to remember then." He reassured me, Ferris wheels are fun.
We chatted about our childhood memories at the pier for the rest of the drive. I'd been multiple times. And apparently no one in my family cared for Ferris wheels because we just never got on it. All of the rides, of course. We were adrenaline junkies, all of us.
He told me about his family using the Ferris wheel to take a moment to rest. To slow down from the day and just enjoy each other's company. And I just basked in the way his voice sounded while recounting precious snippets of his life to me.
Austin's Point of View
The car ride to the hotel was sweet. We chatted and laughed and smiled in ways I hadn't in quite a while. It was good to feel this good.
We pulled in to the hotel parking lot and up to the front where the valet counter was. The attendant walked quickly over to my door and got all the info he needed to park the car. I got out of the car and walked towards the back to get the bags when I noticed the valet attendant going to open Stella's door to let her out.  "Excuse me sir!" I said probably a little more direct than I should have. "Would you mind grabbing the bags out of the back please?" I asked. He nodded, no questions asked.  And thank god because I couldn't imagine letting him see what Stella is wearing underneath her dress. Or not wearing, rather. And her getting out of the car was exactly how I even knew. No way I'd knowingly let him see her like that.
I helped her out of her seat, took the bags from the man, tipped him, and walked inside to check in.
Thankfully check in took less than ten minutes. Stella stood just behind me, next to the bags. She was still holding on to the bag with the cupcake and candles. Suddenly, she opened her purse to grab her phone and walked just a few steps away but not far enough to not see the bags. I finished checking in just as she was finishing up.
"Everything alright?" I asked.
"Yes! Just my mom updating me on the fam. They're well, and she doesn't need me to stop by at all tomorrow." She replied. She seemed excited. I was glad she wasn't doing this because she felt like she had to.  I grabbed my backpack and swung it around my shoulder and took her bag with my hand. I offered her my arm to hold on to as we made our way up to the fourth floor.
We took the elevator in silence. Maybe it was just me but the air was full of the unknown. The anticipation, the excitement, the worries, the hopes of everything we had in front of us. I expected nothing more tonight than to get some good sleep in separate beds so that we could have a full day tomorrow. But it was taking everything in me not to drop the bag, pull her in to me, and kiss her the way I've been wanting to since the second we met. If this elevator didn't  open soon, I would have probably done it.
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader - PART 12
Warnings: minors leave now. Nothing happens in this chapter but things are happening SO soon. And honestly this chapter is cute to me so let me know that you think happens next!
Here’s the masterlist
Luv u
Once we were in the car, I suddenly felt very excited. I had no idea where he was taking me. I hate surprises, typically. But somehow I just knew I could trust him.
I knew how it sounded. Don't be so naive so Stella. But there really was something about him. His energy, his presence, his sincerity in everything he said and everything he felt. He was different. And he was good. Through and through.
I caught him a couple of times. Peeking over at me while he was driving. And I was certainly peeking back.
"I love this dress by the way. Thank you so much." I smiled at him. It was very me. And it was special that even though he hadn't known me long, he seemed to capture my essence. In dress form anyways
"Yeah, yeah you're welcome. It looks amazing on you." He gave me a side smile and but his bottom just a little bit. Just enough to make me melt into a literal puddle.
I bit the inside of my lip nervously. Hopefully he didn't pick up on that. I hated that I did it, but old habits die hard, or whatever the saying is.
"Thanks. Where are you taking me anyways?" I raised an eyebrow at him. It could have been a corn field in the middle of nowhere and a picnic. It could have been to Chili's. Somehow I knew I'd follow this man anywhere and everywhere he wanted to take me. I was cornfield ready.
"It's called Moonshadows. It's in Malibu. I've actually never been but I've heard it's great. I figured we might as well try it if we're going out." He said as he looked over at me. His eyes were dancing. I could tell he was excited. He liked to try new things.
So do I.
"Mmmm. Can't wait to try it." I said quietly. We were at a stop light now. And I couldn't stop thinking about what to do if anyone recognized him.
Just follow his lead Stella.
"So, Stella. You didn't do much on your birthday. Understandably. But if you could have any birthday dessert, what would it be? And why?" He inquired.
"Hmmmmm. That's a hard one. I guess it would have to be a carrot cake cupcake. Which probably isn't the average choice. But when carrot cake is done right, it's superior to any other kind and you can't change my mind." I said playfully.
He looked at me. He seemed intrigued. "Noted. How many candles do I have to fit on to one cupcake?"
"Twenty four now I guess. I'm old. I'm ancient. I'm withering away as we speak." I laughed. Getting older is weird. He laughed, and his cheeks lit up.
"Then I'm really ancient." He said, with a few chuckles left in his breath.
"Oh, I found that receipt you left me today. In my suit case. Would you believe me if I told you that I hadn't opened my suit case at all until today?" I asked quietly, feeling bad. I hoped he wasn't waiting around for me to call him. I would have if I found the note sooner.
"I did start to worry you just didn't want to see me again. But I considered that maybe you just hadn't seen it yet." He said, he ran his thumb across his bottom lip again.
Jesus it's so sexy when he does that. I wonder if he knows how sexy it is.
"Oh god. No. Not at all. I'd have called you days ago. At least to get my sweater back." I side eyed him. I wasn't sure yet what his humor threshold was but I couldn't wait to find out.
"Mm. Mhmmm." He replied. With a smirk. He wasn't insulted that I said it. His smirk told me he didn't mind it at all. But I couldn't tell exactly what he was thinking. But I'd do nearly anything to hear him respond that way to me again.
The rest of the drive, we just caught up about our last few days. He told me about visiting Ashley and how he even told her about how I left the sweater in his car. She thought I might have done it on purpose. I laughed at that one. A super clever tactic, and one I never would have thought of. But I'll keep it in the back of my mind in case it's useful in the future.
We finally arrived after nearly an hour and a half. But I only knew because I checked the time before putting my phone in my purse. It felt like maybe 20 minutes had passed. He was so easy to talk with.
Austin's Point of View
I parked the car and got out to open Stella's door. I held out my hand and as she grabbed it, she moved one leg out of the car and then the other. My breath hitched.
She isn't wearing any panties. Naughty girl.
I had to try to figure out how to keep my composure for the rest of the night knowing that golden little bit of information. I pulled her around to the other side of the car door so I could close the door and adjust myself a little bit behind the door. Thankfully she was looking out at the beach view and didn't notice my discomfort.
"Ready?" I asked, wishing I didn't have to interrupt the way she was lost in thought, gazing out at the beach. I wondered what she was thinking.
"Ready." She replied, turning her head towards me. She slipped her arm into the curve of mine, holding on delicately as we walked inside.
As we entered, the hostess greeted us. I leaned in to her ear and asked if we could have the most private table she had open that was outside. She blushed a little at my closeness and then nodded. We followed her up the stairs and on to the outdoor terrace. We were the only ones up here. Just the way I liked it.
I pulled Stella's chair out for her and as she sat, I pushed it slightly in. And it was cute, the way she looked up at me afterwards. Like she'd never had a man do that for her before.
I took my seat on the other end of the small table. I smiled, chuckled even, at the view I had. I couldn't imagine sitting across from anything or anyone more beautiful than she was right now. The way the last of the sunlight in the sky made her skin glow. The way the fire of the sun was dancing between her bright green eyes. The way she bit the inside of her lip when she was nervous about something. The way she wasn't wearing any panties underneath the dress I got her for dinner.
"What's your drink of choice?" I asked her. Curious on her answer. A drink of choice said a lot about a person. She took a second to look over the cocktails menu.
"The Phoenix rising drink looks stellar" she said, slightly looking up at me from the menu. "What about you?"  She asked me. She was trying to read me too.
A tequila girl. Fantastic.
"I'm a whiskey guy myself. I'm going to get the Black Manhattan." I said, wondering if she had an opinion on whiskey.
"Mmmm. It's been a long time since I've had one of those." She said, seemingly thinking back to the time she tried it. "It was alright." She said to me, direct eye contact and a smirk.
"Mmm. Alright huh?" I replied.
Just then our waitress came by to ask for our drink order. "I'll take a Black Manhattan. And she'll have a Phoenix Rising. Thank you, Anna." I replied to her, reading her name tag so I could address her by name for the rest of night. I smiled and nodded as she walked away.
I looked back at Stella to read her expression since I'd ordered her drink for her. It was a habit of mine. One I quite enjoyed. She had a slight smirk on her face as she was looking over the dinner menu.
"Do you know what you're eating?" She asked me.
A good question. I supposed I'd better look at the menu some instead of at her. I already knew what I'd probably get but figured I'd double check that nothing sounded better.
"The filet mignon probably. You can never go wrong with a well cooked steak." I finally said after checking through the menu. "What are you thinking?"
"The salmon sounds delicious." She said "but so does the pear salad."
She was doing that thing girls do sometimes. Make it seem like they would almost rather eat just a salad instead of a well rounded meal. Or she was nervous of the cost. Salmon it is then. She probably hadn't eaten much all day.
Our waitress came back with our drinks and asked if we were ready to order. "Yes actually. We'll do the filet mignon, cooked medium rare. And the Scottish salmon. Thank you" I smiled again at Anna. She nodded and went to put our orders in.
"Thank you" Stella said. "I wish it were summer. Then it would still be light enough to walk to the beach after this."
"I hope you don't mind. I actually booked us a hotel room with a beach view. Two beds of course. And if you'd like your own room we can do that instead. Just in case we get too tired to drive back tonight. Or if we wanted to check out the view in the morning." I told her. I hoped she wouldn't think it was presumptuous of me. I wasn't expecting or planning anything other than a nice romantic evening of getting to know each other more and spend time together.
I even packed her an over night bag in case she agreed. Sweatpants and a t shirt of mine. Essential toiletries. During my shopping outing yesterday, I saw this little sundress that I thought would look nice on her. I packed that away in the bag I packed for her too.
"That sounds really nice. Beach sunrises happen to be my favorite kind." She smiled. She was also biting the inside of her lip. She was nervous. Hopefully not for long.
As we ate our dinner, we talked, and joked, and laughed. We told each other some favorite childhood memories. Some of our embarrassing stories.
Once we finished, I gave Anna my card. Stella offered to pay. Cute. I wondered how many dates in it would take her to stop offering.
I stood up to offer Stella my hand as she stood from her seat. I checked the time on my watch. 9:15. Dammit. The patisseries were all closed around here.
"I have somewhere very special to take you" I told Stella in a joking, mysterious voice. I knew where I was talking her. And I hoped she would find the simple humor in it.
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader - PART 11
Warnings: we’re starting to get spicy so minors, it’s nothing much yet but you should exit the premises. The chapter after this one has me swooning and the next two chapters I have planned also having me throwing up.
I’ve never made a fic before so send me tips and tricks and loves!
Here’s a masterlist
What do you think is gonna happen next?
I marched right back up to the 8th floor. Walking quickly to my dad's room only to find mom wasn't in there. "Hey kiddo." I heard dad say. "Oh hey dad! Have you seen mom?" I asked as I was already turning around to look in to Jude's room. "I'm not sure where she went. She did tell me a boy stopped by here for you though" he said inquisitively. I blushed. "Yes that's exactly what I need to talk to her about. WHAT DID SHE SAY?" I asked, definitely sounding way too excited and verging the line of desperate. Calm down girl. Calm down.
"Oh hey Stella." I heard form behind me. "A really cute boy stopped by for you. You actually just missed him." She teased. She was enjoying this. Getting to be front and center for all of my life events. Although we kept up and talked every other day while I was in New York, I wasn't dating anyone. So she's been missing the boy stories since college.
"Okay what did he say?" I asked eagerly.
"Oh he just said he was hoping you'd be here. He's gonna come back tomorrow. He was actually very polite. How do you know him?" She raised an eyebrow at me.
Of course he was. Have you met him?
"We met on the plane on the way here. He dropped me off here instead of me taking an Uber. I guess I left my sweater in his car and he wanted to make sure I got it back." I said, staring off in to the distance. I could feel the butterflies starting up just thinking about it.
After not too long, the doctors came in and told us that as long as dad and Jude were able to get around on their own by the end of the next 7 days, they'd be able to head home. I went down to the cafeteria to order us some celebratory ice cream. Things felt good for the first time in nearly a week. We all had a feeling of hope that we didn't have before.
The next morning, both mom and dad suggested that I just go home and hold down the fort while they finished up their hospital stay. Not to say I couldn't come visit. But they were suggesting that I meet up with some friends, relax, sleep in a real bed while I could since I wouldn't be staying that much longer now that they were on the mend.
I forgot that I needed to text Austin the address. I pulled out my phone and shakily typed his phone number in.
What do I say? Do I just play it cool and only text him the address? Do I say "hi I've been thinking about you nonstop since I saw you last" ??? Of course not. But I was thinking it.
Once his number was saved in to my phone as Aus so that no one passing by would ever see his full name in my phone and ask about it, I started typing the message.
"Hey you. (: it's Stella. Here's the address: 78654 Melody Lane. See you at 6!" I typed and quickly pressed send before I could over think it.
I think I'll throw right up. This is crazy.
The whole drive home was a blur. I hardly remember driving at all. It was almost 1pm and that meant I had 5 hours to get ready. Surely I didn't need that amount of time but I was going to use all of it anyways.
I started with a shower, making sure every single hair was shaved off my legs. Yep. The top halves of them too. Just in case. I scrubbed, I exfoliated, I did my most thorough skin care routine. I got out of the shower and moisturized my whole body.
I liked to wait until my hair was half way dry to blow dry it the rest of the way. I got my hair in rollers to set and then started on my makeup. I wasn't even sure where he was taking me so I figured a soft glam look would be a safe bet.
It was nearly 4:30 at this point and I heard the doorbell ring.
He said 6. That can't be him. Who the hell is ringing the bell?
I walked slowly out of my room, down the stairs, and towards the front door. I pulled my robe closed and tied it in the name of decency in case it was someone selling Girl Scout cookies or something. The bell rang again.
Jesus. I'm coming. Be patient.
I opened the door to find a man in a nice pair of jeans and button up shirt. He was holding a white box. It was secured closed with a large silky gold ribbon. "Stella Porter?" He inquired. "Uh. Yes? That's me." He handed me the box and walked away promptly.
This feels like a trap and I'm probably about to be fucking kidnapped. That would be just my luck right before going out to dinner with Austin. It's just the way the cookie crumbles for me I guess. If this is how I go, this is how I go.
I walked back up the stairs, turning the box over and checking it out to see if there was a tag anywhere. There wasn't. I got to my room and tossed it on the bed, bracing for the possibility that it would probably explode when I did that. It didn't.
Phew. Just open the box Stella.
I untied the gold bow, slowly. Savoring the moment before the surprise just in case it was someone's dismembered finger or something. It would have been an awfully large box for a finger I suppose. I removed the ribbon and pulled the lid off. There was a handwritten note on top of pearlescent white tissue paper. It said "I can't wait to see you in this dress tonight. See you soon."
I set the note down and opened up the tissue paper slowly. It was a dress. I pulled it out to reveal it was a black silk dress. The slit up the leg was high and the neckline was low. But not too low. A classic silhouette.
I walked over to the mirror and held it up to my body, imagining what I'll look like in it. What he'd think of me in it. I started feeling those butterflies again. I laid the dress out on the bed so I could finish getting ready.
I put the finishing touches on my make up, unrolled my hair and styled it. I thought I looked pretty damn cute. Austin better think that too.
I glanced at the clock. 5:30pm. I better get dressed. Once again I held the dress up to my body in front of the mirror. I dropped my robe and put on some black lace underwear, then I slipped the dress over my body.
It fit my body perfectly. It was tight in the right places, loosened just enough in others.
How could he have known what size dress to send me? He's incredible.
I did a little spin in front of the mirror. Shit. My underwear lines were visible. This fabric showed everything. I slipped my underwear off from underneath the dress. I guess it's just the kind of dress you don't wear undergarments with. And I smirked a little wondering what Austin would have to say if he knew.
I remembered I had this pair of strappy black heels. They would look perfect with this dress.
*ding dong* the doorbell went off.
I tapped my phone. 6:00 on the dot. Of course he is here right when he said he'd be.
I threw on my shoes and nearly ran to the door to meet him.
I pulled the door open and he was all dressed up. Black suit pants with a black button up shirt. He left the first few buttons undone. And I wanted to undo the rest of them right here, right now. The butterflies in my stomach turned to fire.
"Wow. Stella. You look incredible." He held out his hand to me. "Are you ready?"
The dress ⬇️
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Austin's Point of View
Right after I left the hospital I went out shopping for an outfit I thought she'd love to see me in. I walked by a store and saw a black dress on display in the window. The slit was just high enough on the thigh. It would let you imagine but also leave you desperate to see the rest. The neckline was set perfectly. Not too low cut and not too high cut that it clashed with the silhouette and height of that slit. So I B-lined directly in to the store. I couldn't stop thinking about how Stella would look in that dress. And I needed to see her in it. I held up every size dress until I found the one that I thought fit her frame well. And I prayed it would fit her just right. This was risky.
I wasn't sure how she'd take it. Me, dressing her for the night. And I wouldn't typically do this on a first date. But everything was tunnel vision now that I'd imagined her wearing that dress.
I asked the cashier to gift wrap it for me, hoping I wouldn't have to re-wrap it when I got home. She finished tying the bow and it was gorgeously wrapped. I wondered if Stella's eyes would light up at the gift or if she'd sit there confused but I didn't care in this moment.
Just then, I got a text from a number I didn't know.
Please be Stella.
It was Stella sending her address. I waited all night for her to text it to me. I didn't like being made to wait. But I knew she was preoccupied at the hospital so it would have to do.
Later in the day I sent my driver to her house to deliver the dress. He had never done anything like that for me before and I was thankful he didn't ask questions.
Once I got home, I took a shower and looked through my wardrobe. I because so occupied with getting that little black dress to Stella that I didn't even bother going in to any other stores. I decided on classic black suit pants and a black button up. I left the top three buttons undone and added a thin gold chain to my neck. I slipped my rings back on my fingers and grabbed my favorite pair of black dress shoes.
I grabbed the Volvo keys and headed out.
God I can't wait to see her again.
I sat the whole drive in silence. I deciding between being nervous or excited. I landed on both. I really hoped she liked the dress and that it fit her well. I couldn't imagine anything fitting her poorly.
As I was pulling up to her house I noticed it was 5:58. Cutting it close Aus.
I gathered myself and walked up to her front door.
Do I ring the bell? Do I knock?
I decided on the bell so she could hear me if she was upstairs. It took all of about 45 second for her to get to the door.
Stella opened the door to reveal that she had the dress on.
"Hi" she said to me, eyes sparkling as she suddenly looked down. She was nervous too.
She looked immaculate. The dress fit the curve f her hips just right. The thigh slit hit the exact spot I'd hoped it would. And boy was I imagining more. Craving more. The neck line lay across her chest perfectly. Just low enough to show the start of cleavage but high enough that she wasn't exposed too much. I didn't want anyone looking at her like in that way. I could take her with me anywhere in this dress. The way the thin straps hit her collar bones. The way her light brown curls cascaded down her back teasing the low cut back of the dress.
"Wow. Stella. You look incredible." I finally said, hoping she didn't think I was speechless for too long. I held my hand out to her. "Are you ready?"
She took my hand and I led her to my car. I opened the door to help her in. The fabric of that dress showed everything. And as she stepped in front of me and turned her body to enter the car, I noticed I didn't see any panty lines.
Surely, she wouldn't go pantyless on a first date, would she? God damn.
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader- PART 10
Warnings: this is where the reallllll good setup starts. No warnings yet but I’m drooling thank u.
I’ve never written a fic before so any feedback, comments, etc are super helpful for me! Be nice to me tho.
Here’s the masterlist
I’ll cry that I’m not Stella.
Stella's Point of View
The Uber picked me up not too long after I sat on the bench in front of the hospital. A red mustang pulled up and I checked the plates against my app to make sure I wasn't about to get myself kidnapped.
There was an older man in the driver seat. Maybe in his later 60s. He introduced himself as Miguel and told me if I wanted to sit in the back seat I was welcome to fold the seat and climb back but it may be more comfortable here in the front seat. I opted for the front seat so I didn't feel squished.
The entire drive down was sweet. We laughed, he told me about his grandchildren, we sang oldies at the top of our lungs. This had to have been the most memorable Uber ride I'd ever had.
Except for the drive with Austin. I guess he doesn't count as an Uber though. He wouldn't be thrilled I was in this car right now.
But he'd never know and that made me sad, then made me smirk thinking about what he'd have to say about it. Oh well.
It didn't seem like long before Miguel pulled up my driveway and carried my bags to the door for me. I tipped him well and gave him a hug.
"Thank you Miguel. It's been a hard week and this was one of the highlights of it. I hope you have a great day!" I smiled as he walked back to his car.
Once I was inside, I brought my suitcases in to my room. My parents didn't change it yet since I moved out. It probably felt too soon.
I left some of my favorite clothes here because the season wasn't right for them in New York. After I showered, I ransacked my closet. Although there was no reason for me to get dressed up to hang out at the hospital all night, I missed my things. Cute and casual. That's what we were going for. I also wanted to feel like a human again. Not just a girl who only owns leggings.
I found a pair of black ripped mom jeans. I remembered how often I wore them before I left for New York. For some reason I thought I'd never wear jeans again once I took a dive into the chic professional style world I'd need for my job. Boy was I wrong. And I missed these.
I threw them on, along with a cropped, long sleeved, black button up cardigan with nothing underneath. I left the top button open, to give it some edge. Or some cleavage. Whatever you wanted to call it. I look fucking cute.
After I styled my hair and put some of that trusty waterproof mascara on, I dug out my favorite oversized denim jacket. I found my pastel pink and white checkered slip on vans and was re living my casual style dreams.
I had a little bit of time so I decided to go on a bike ride just to look at the water. I'd have to lay on the sand a different day. I checked my weather app and had just enough time before it started drizzling again.
The weather has really been fitting my mood lately.
The whole time I rode I thought about how I should have left Austin with my phone number. I could have left a piece of paper in his car. It would have been so easy.
I really missed my shot there. Woof.
Once I got back home, I grabbed my toiletries bag and some fresh clothes and jammies and headed to the garage to get my car.
Good ol' Matilda.
I named her Matilda when I my parents gifted her to me for my 16th birthday. A black Lexus IS 350. I named her Matilda because, well, she was magical. I got in my car and mindlessly drove through streets that were starting to feel less familiar to me. I grew up in this house my entire life. And I didn't think I'd start losing the street familiarity so soon after moving. It had only been 6 months.
I finally pulled in to the parking lot. Even though there was some cloud cover and  a light sprinkle, you could tell we were getting to that point in the day where the sun is slightly less bright but not setting yet. Not quite dusk, but the sun was thinking about it.
I grabbed my bags and got out of my car. I was thinking about what I could order for dinner even though I definitely could have just gone and picked something up on my way. 
I was so lost in thought, I almost didn't move out of the way for someone walking in the opposite direction. "Sorry about that" I said with my head still down in thought and kept walking.
I was nearly half way to the door when I felt a firm hold on my wrist.
What the fuck.
As I hesitantly turned around I heard "Stella." In a  low, almost raspy voice. My stomach turned in to knots immediately. I hadn't even seen him yet and I knew. My knees started to feel weak.
I turned and looked up at him immediately after hearing my name. "Austin?" I whispered. I couldn't get it to come out any louder than that. I was surprised I could speak at all. His blue eyes burned in to mine.
He looked down at my hand and realized he was still tightly holding on to my wrist. "I'm sorry to scare you but I said your name and you didn't hear me." He said, releasing my arm to rub his thumb across his bottom lip.
"I must have been lost in thought. What are you doing here? Is everything okay?" I asked, concerned he was here visiting someone. The thought that he might be here to see me hadn't crossed my mind yet.
"Everything is good now that I've found you." He said to me with that smoldering look he does so well. It wasn't just an on camera thing. And those baby blues were searing right through me. I looked at him, unsure what he meant by his words. I was taken aback. "You uh- left your sweater in my car. I wanted to make sure you got it back." He continued.
My eyes lit up. "My sweater! I was looking for it. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to leave it. It's my favorite sweater!" I exclaimed as I pulled it out of his hands and into my clutches. "Thank you Austin. You really didn't have to drive all this way to bring it to me though."
"I know." He said. His direct eye contact was simultaneously giving me butterflies and making me feel nervous. Not because he scared me. But I was nervous to feel this way about someone like him. I realized I didn't have a choice in the matter. I was drawn to him like a magnet. And I felt on fire.
"You look beautiful tonight." He said with that smile he gets when he talks about something he's passionate about.
Wait. He's talking about me while he looks like that? Fuck. This can't be happening.
"Oh yeah, I don't look like 7am emergency flight across the country today." I chuckled. "Thank you Austin. You look very nice today as well." And boy was I feeling nervous now.
"No, you were beautiful then too." He said with that smirk he does. And the light in his eyes was dancing around. I couldn't tell what he was thinking but I liked it. And I wanted more of it.
I looked down, feeling slightly bashful. He really knew how to make me blush and he didn't even say anything blush worthy.
"Did you have a decent birthday then?" he asked me.
I had honestly forgot it even was my birthday a few days ago.
"Oh. I honestly didn't even think about it being my birthday. I don't think anyone even remembered, given the circumstances though it's okay. Being here is gift enough." I said with a hint of sadness.
This would be a birthday to remember that's for sure. I can't even believe he remembered. The flight attendant mentioned it at the beginning of our flight 4 days ago and he still knew.
"I get that. I wish the circumstances were different for you. Can I make it up to you? Take you to dinner?" He asked me. And although he was nervously fidgeting with that ring he wears on his pinky, he never lost eye contact with me.
Take me? To dinner? To celebrate my birthday? Fucking pinch me.
"Oh. I uh, I would really enjoy that actually." I said looking up at him with mostly just my eyes. He was also nearly a foot taller than me.
"Great. Give me your phone." He said. He didn't ask. And I handed my phone right to him, no questions asked. I wanted to make his every wish my command in that moment. He added himself as a contact and handed it back. "When I was upstairs talking with your mother, I realized I didn't even know how to address her. So let's start over. Hi, I'm Austin. Butler." He held his hand out to me to shake it. I was giggling. How cheesy. But god damn, so cute.
"Stella. Porter." I replied while grabbing his hand to shake it back. He grabbed my hand lightly, and pulled it up to his lips. He didn't stop looking right at me. He gave my hand a gentle kiss. And he slowly brought my hand back down.
Shut the fuck up. This isn't real.
"Nice to officially meet you Stella Porter. Is tomorrow alright for dinner?" He asked in his low, quiet voice.
"Tomorrow is great" I replied. Stunned. Shook. Deceased.
"I'll pick you up at 6." He said, smirking.
"Okay. Yeah. Um. Maybe from my house? I don't have the things to get ready for that here." I said, timidly. I wasn't sure if I was asking too much.
"I'll be there. Text me the address. Goodnight Stella." He said to me with a wink. And just like that, he turned around and walked back to his car.
I think I'll go throw up now. Wait. HE TALKED TO MY MOTHER?
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader- PART 9
Warnings: this will be getting spicy here soon. We’re setting up for it. Stay tuned. Minors, don’t get comfy. You’re safe for now but not forever in this story.
I’ve never done this before so leave me comments but be nice I’m soft
Here’s a master list
Love uuuuuuuu
I have to take the time to set up everything properly so there’s a couple slower parts but I promise it’ll be worth itttttttttt.
I'd been at the hospital for three days now. Both dad and Jude were more awake, more aware of what was going on. We laughed together, we cried together, and ultimately we all just felt very thankful to be able to hold each other in these last few days. This accident could have made our lives so much different than it already feels.
I alternated nights between dad and Jude's rooms. Mom took the opposite shifts. One of the nights, Jude and I stayed up extra late, just catching up. He was having a really good day. We settled in to go to sleep, so I turned out the light.
"Hey Jude? Are you still awake?" I asked.
"Yeah, why?" He replied.
"Tell me if you don't want to talk about it. But do you remember what happened?" I asked quietly, hesitantly. I wasn't sure if I should ask. But I really just wanted to know how something like this could have happened to them.
"I don't remember a lot of it. Most of it even. I just remember that we were driving in the middle of nowhere. Mom said she's been in contact with the police department. The guy was intoxicated. But I don't remember how it happened. I briefly remember being in the helicopter. And then I remember eventually waking up here. It's still really fuzzy." He said. It seemed like he was thinking really hard. Maybe this was too much too soon.
"Jesus. I'm sorry this even happened and that I couldn't get here any sooner. I wish I never moved away." I said, with tears in my eyes. I hated seeing him like this. My not so little, little brother. He was taller than me by an entire foot at least.
"No, El. You're following your dreams. I'm happy you're in New York. That's where you should be. Dad and I are fine." Jude said, but I could tell he was drifting off to sleep.
"Goodnight little brother, I love you." I whispered to him and by that time, he was already out. I followed not too long after.
The next morning I woke up earlier than anyone else. I went to the cafe and got some coffee and a bowl of fruit. I was trying not to eat the coffee cake every day but it made me smile every time I did. As much as I was trying to forget about Austin, everything was making me think of him. And it still made me feel guilty. The only thing I should have been thinking about was my dad and my brother.
I decided I'd Uber back to our house today. I didn't take my car to New York with me and I was letting Jude use it to drive to and from school. My plan was to go home, get cleaned up and settled in, and drive my car back to the hospital this afternoon. So ordered my Uber and went down to the front to wait for them.
Austin's Point of View
It had been four days now. And she hadn't called or texted. Either she didn't find the note or she simply didn't want to continue talking to me. I could handle that I suppose. I could have sworn she felt it too. Whatever I was feeling.
It had been a nice few days. I went to Ashley's house and caught up with them. It was nice having a best friend near home. She was always a staple and a constant in my life. I went to my favorite beach simply because Stella and I had talked about. I walked the shore for over an hour going back and forth on whether or not I should just drive to the hospital to give her back this god damn sweater. Was it inappropriate to show up uninvited to their situation? Yes. Yes it was. I didn't want to intrude. She seemed to have made clear that she didn't want to continue talking. But on the off chance she didn't find the note and she was missing her sweater, I had to try. Maybe not. I wasn't sure. I also hung out with my dad and my sister. I loved being home. I visited my mom. I told her about the sweater. And I smiled thinking about what she would have said to me if she were still here. "GO GET THE GIRL AUS!!" She would have said. Or maybe she would have told me to wait it out a little longer. It was just a sweater after all. But she's so damn cute in it.
I went for a hike earlier this morning to take some pictures, read, clear my head. I guess I thought it would help make it more clear to me. Why couldn't I stop thinking about her? And in my walk, it was clear to me. If I couldn't stop thinking about her now, I never would. And I wanted to see her again. I needed to see her again.
I got off the couch, walked up the stairs, grabbed her sweater out of my suit case and rushed to my car.
"Where ya going Aus?" I heard my dad yell from the dining room.
"Out! I'll be back in a bit!" I yelled back on my way out the door.
I got in my car and checked the map to see how bad traffic was. And wouldn't you guess it. LA traffic never stops and 3:27 pm was prime time. It was going to take me just over an hour to get there.
An hour. I can do this. What am I going to say to her? I wonder if she did even one thing for herself on her birthday. How old did she even turn? I want to know everything about her.
I turned on the music just loud enough for me to hear noise but not so loud that I couldn't think. I had to think about logistics. They were in ICU. Were they still there? I didn't even know her last name.
The drive went way faster than I was expecting. I thought it would feel long but all of a sudden I was pulling right back in to the hospital parking lot where I said goodbye to Stella just four days ago. And somehow it felt like a lifetime ago.
Just go inside. The worst they'll tell you is no. And then at least you tried.
As I was exiting my car, I took the sweater and tucked it into my leather jacket to keep it protected from the light drizzle outside. I walked confidently as I went up to ICU.
"Hi sir, how can I help you?" I heard as I almost completely walked past the front desk.
"Hi, I'm here to see Jude. He and his dad are here." I said, giving the red haired, blue eyed nurse a nod in greeting.
"They transferred units. They're up on floor 8 now." She told me. Ding ding ding. We're getting closer.
I can't believe that worked.
As the elevator opened on floor 8, I began to feel flush. Nervous suddenly. I wasn't sure if this was the right choice anymore. To intrude like this.
You're already here Austin. Go get her.
I walked to the front desk and asked what room Jude is in.  I only knew his and Stella's names and i had a strong feeling this wasn't going to work.
"Last name?" The nurse asked. Staring up at me through glasses that teased to fall off the tip of her nose.
"I'm here to see his sister Stella actually, I just thought she'd be in Jude's room, or her dads." I said nervously.
"Hang on just a minute sir" she said to me as she stood up and walked back to the hallway of rooms.
She re-emerged with a woman. She must have been Stella's mom. I could tell. They both had similar colored green eyes, but Stella's had flecks of blue and gold in them. Her mom's had flecks of brown.
"Hi honey. Who are you?" She questioned as she held her hand out to shake mine.
"My name's Austin. I'm sorry to just show up here like this. I was hoping to catch Stella if she had a moment."  I replied, shaking her hand while hoping she couldn't tell I was shaking.
"Hi Austin. I'm Stella's mother, Lynne. Nice to meet ya. Stella went home to get settled in. She said she'd be back later. Can I take a message?"
"Do you mind if I try back tomorrow?" I asked, with my head slightly tilted down, eyes looking at her. I need her to say yes. I was so close.
"Sure honey. No problem." She said as she turned around to go back to the room.
"Excuse me Lynne? Thank you. And I'm uh- I'm really sorry to hear about the accident." I said genuinely. I wished they didn't have to experience the pain of seeing your family hurting and hooked up to machines.
"Thank you honey. We appreciate it." She said with a reassuring smile. And turned back again to walk towards the rooms.
Defeated, I headed back to the elevator.
I'll be back tomorrow then.
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x read - PART 8
The next couple chapters are big set up for the rest of Austin and Stella’s relationship. So sit and back and relax because once it’s all set up, it’s game over for u bitches
Warnings: talk of car accidents, hospital, injuries, etc. I have some smutty ideas for the future so moors don’t get invested but you’re safe for now I guess.
Here’s the masterlist
I’ve never done this before. So whisper sweet nothings to me. Sorry these next chapters are set up, but it’ll be worth the wait I promiseeeee.
My phone vibrated right as I walked up to the big sliding doors in the entry of the hospital. I felt like they were going to swallow me whole. My mom texted me saying that she'd meet me in the ICU lobby.
I made my way up to the ICU floor and just then got a call from my boss. I paused at the entry way to answer it. I ended up sending an email from my phone in the taxi on the way to the airport.
"Hey Stella. I'm really sorry to hear about your dad and brother. You have 2 weeks of paid time you can take but anything longer than that, we might have to work something out. Why don't you call me in a week or so to see how it's going. If you think you'll need more time, maybe you can work remotely as you are able. Let us know if you need anything." Maria said to me. I was stunned. She was typically very to the point. Almost cold even. This was the most humanity I've ever heard in her voice. Maybe I needed to rethink how I felt about her.
"Hey Maria. Thank you so much. I appreciate this more than you know. I just got here so I don't know anything yet but I'll keep you updated. Thanks again, have a great night." I replied, probably sounding pretty confused. Hopefully she took it as me being flustered from being here at the hospital. Because i was definitely flustered.
Just as I hung up, my mom appeared in the lobby. Already crying as she nearly ran to hug me. I pulled her in for a hug and cried with her. It was so much at one time and I didn't even know what was happening. I was so scared. And I think she was too. I was glad she wasn't pretending to be strong in this moment.
"Hi mama." I said as I pulled away a little. "Can I see them?" I asked, eager to know how they were.
"Yes of course, but first let me tell you what the doctors have been saying. I don't want you to go in there unprepared." She said and I just nodded in agreement. "They're in pretty bad shape. But, they've both woken up and have each spoken a few words. As of now, they don't think dad is going to be able to walk. There's a small chance he'll be able to regain the ability but we don't know enough yet. He doesn't know that yet so please don't mention it. He's been in surgery to put a rod in his femur. It was broken pretty badly. He has a few broken ribs, cuts, bruises, and a decent concussion. Jude has a pretty gnarly concussion too. They're not seeing evidence of long term damage which is a miracle but we will have to keep watching. He has a few broken ribs, a broken leg, and one of his arms was broken in a few places. They fixed that with surgery this morning. As long as infections stay away and no new complications arise, they think they're going to be okay." She quietly. I heard everything she said but I'm not sure I processed it. It was like when words seem to be coming to you in a tunnel, and it takes you a minute to realize anyone spoke anything to you at all. I started crying again. I didn't want to see them hurt but I needed to see them alive. "El, are you okay? Do you want to take some time before you go in?" She asked, wiping the tears away from my face.
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I don't want to wait any longer." I said, standing up and immediately feeling dizzy from standing too fast. Mom stood with me and steadied me. She took my hand and she took me back with her.
Both dad and Jude were sleeping when I got there. I told mom she should go home and shower and grab some things now that she knows they're stable. I reassured her that I could hold down the fort.
I found the blankets and set up a bed on the bench in dads room. And with the 3 hour time difference and waking up so early, I was feeling like a nap might do me some good. I plugged my phone in and let myself slip into the deep sleep my body so desperately needed.
Austin's Point of View
It took me almost the entire drive to my dad's house to realize that Stella's sweater was still sitting on my passenger seat.
Damn. I should bring that to her, right? Surely she'll notice it's gone and ask for it back when she finds my note.
I pulled up the drive way and I was overcome with exhaustion from the travel day. And excitement to be home. I missed it here. I grabbed the sweater and put it in to my suitcase so it wouldn't get lost in the shuffle. And I really hoped she'd be calling me by the end of the night.
I opened the garage. Dad's car was gone, he must be working. And honestly that was fine with me. I just wanted to take a nap. I brought my bags up to the guest room, plugged my phone charger in to the wall, and made sure my phone was on full volume so I'd wake up if anyone called me. If Stella called me.
I pulled my book out of my backpack and laid down to rest and read. It really didn't take me more than 5 minutes to fall asleep.
Stella's Point of View
I woke up in a panic. It was still light out. Or was it morning? I sleepily leaned over to tap my phone.
7:13am. Did I really sleep all the way through the night? Jesus. Emotional exhaustion is a real thing apparently.
I looked over and saw my dad laying in his hospital bed, hooked up to all sorts of things. He was still asleep. I was wishing he'd wake up soon so I could say hi. So I could say anything to him and hear his voice.
I stood up and immediately felt the airplane still on me. I grabbed my toiletries bag and brought it in to the bathroom. I always kept a few changes of clothes in my toiletries bag for when I shower in weird places. Right then, a nurse walked in to check on my dad and I asked if it was alright that I showered. She reassured me it would be fine so off I went. Into this weird, sterile smelling bathroom. I turned the shower knob to get the water warming up.
I braced the sink and stared at myself in the mirror. And god did I look tired. Exhausted. My hair was a mess from my long sleep, my mascara was smeared from yesterday. Better hop in.
As the hot water ran over my body, i thought about yesterday. Was yesterday even real? Did I actually meet Austin fucking Butler? It had to have been a dream in my delirium.
I finished my shower, dried off, brushed my teeth, and went to dig through my bag for something to wear. More black leggings, an oversized black t shirt with a skeleton holding a coffee mug. It said "death before decaf" and honestly, I lived by that. I got dressed, brushed my hair, and went to grab my cardigan.
My cardigan. Where the fuck did I put that? It would have been in this bag. Or it's on the bed. I never opened my suitcase. Oh well, I'll look for it later.
I gathered my things and left the bathroom to find my mom back. We chatted for a while and she told me that dad and Jude will be moved out of ICU today. They're stable. And god what a relief that was to hear.
I went across the hall to check on Jude. He was still asleep too. They said it would be that way. A lot of sleep for their brains to heal. They were also given medicine to help with the pain and those meds also made them tired.
I cleaned my bed up and grabbed my book. I walked down to the cafe to grab coffee and breakfast. A book, a nice hot cup of coffee, and a coffee cake to start my morning.
Coffee cake. It was one of Austin's favorites. I guess yesterday really did happen.
I smiled. Remembering the way his cheeks rose up and lit his entire face when he smiled. And then I felt sad, because I'd never see him again in that light. I hated the thought of it.
It is what it is Stella, get over it.
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader - PART 7
Warnings: contains talk of car accident, hospitals, etc. This will probably eventually contain smut but doesn’t yet. Minorsssss just don’t do it k?
My first fic! Please leave me feedback but be gentle I am soft.
Austin butler x reader
Here’s a masterlist
Love uuuu
Austin pulled in to a parking spot as close to the front as possible. He got out and opened the trunk to get my bags out. What a gentleman. I finished up texting my mom to find out what room to go to and got out of the car. He stood there holding my bags and he made sure not to forget my bag of tacos. He didn't miss a thing.
"Thank you so much, Austin. For everything. You've been so kind on a day where I really needed it. I appreciate you." I said, shyly.
"It was my pleasure, Stella. Can I carry your bags up for you?" He asked.
"Oh, it's okay. I think I need the entire walk to prepare myself. Thank you though, again. For everything. Can I venmo you gas money or pay you back for lunch?" I asked but I knew his answer. He would never let me.
And he chuckled at me for asking. "No, my treat. Really. I'll see you around Stella." He smirked as he said it.
I reached for my bags. Our hands lightly grazed as he handed them to me and I tried to ignore the mass of butterflies that formed in my stomach. I was going to be thinking about him for a long time, I could feel it.
"Okay, bye then." I said as I turned around to walk towards one of the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm no good at goodbyes. I wanted to turn around to see him one last time but I figured he was already back in his car, starting to pull out and head home. The place he's been looking forward to for weeks. He'd probably forget about me by the end of the day and I'd be another fan he did something nice for. And as much as that made me sad, I was okay with it. It was silly of me to think any of it meant anything more than a kind gesture. So I walked forward. I got this. Whatever it is, I got this. Even Austin said so. I'll get through it. One step at a time.
Austin's Point of View
I wanted to run out after her but I decided to wait for our food. I didn't want her to be without it for whenever she felt hungry later. She'd have to eat eventually.
I knew what it felt like to go to a hospital and face seeing your family in a state you never thought you'd have to see them in. I understood why she couldn't get the food down. And all I wanted to do was pull her in to a hug so that maybe she didn't feel so alone. I can't explain why I felt so connected to her, or why I wanted to spend my whole day with her. There was just something about her that I couldn't put my finger on quite yet. But I was soaking in every beautiful moment.
I knew I wanted to see her again after today, but I was still formulating how to ask her that without seeming insensitive to her situation. While I was waiting for our food, I took the opportunity to write my phone number on the back of the receipt from our lunch. Then the ball would be in her court. If she wanted to talk to me while she was here then she could. I didn't want her to feel pressured. Along with my number, I left a note that said "I hope to see you again soon. Have a good birthday. -Austin" and now I just had to find the right time to give it to her.
My manager is going to kill me for this. I'm not supposed to give my number to people I don't know. And I usually never would. In fact, I've never done it before. She's different. I can't help myself.
The food arrived and I asked for a box immediately, along with some foil to keep the tacos contained for her. I bagged everything up and headed out to the car.
As I walked up, I could see her sitting in the front passenger seat. Her eyes were closed and her head was resting against the headrest. A piece of her light brown hair fell in front of her face and I could see the remnants of a tear on her cheek. I wanted nothing more than to climb in and wipe her tears. She was so damn beautiful and I don't think she had any idea how beautiful was. She had taken her sweater off and the way the sun peaked through the clouds and shined through the window made her skin glow. Her cheek bones, the tip of her cute little nose, the golden highlights throughout her hair, and her collar bones were accentuated in this light. I just wanted to drink her up.
I realized I should probably get in before she realized I was standing out here staring at her. So I tapped on the window, a little sad to be breaking the view that I had. But I also needed to check on her. She wasn't doing well.
I startled her.
Dammit. She's cute when she jumps though.
She unlocked the door.
"Hey. Sorry it took so long. They brought our food and then I wrapped everything up and put it in a bag for you. You might feel hungry later." I said, feeling silly for explaining myself while I carried the bags of food I was just talking about. God, she makes me nervous. "How're you doing?" I asked.
"I just thought about the hospital and how I should be there and I got very overwhelmed. I'm
sorry to have left suddenly like that but I didn't want to
cause a bigger scene than I probably did." She said nervously. I could tell she felt embarrassed. Which was silly, she had no reason to feel like that given the situation she was in.
"You don't have to apologize. Today is a hard day and
it makes sense to feel scared about it. Let's get you to
your family." I reassured her, or tried to anyways by reaching over and lightly squeezing her forearm that sat delicately on my center console. I wanted to rub my thumb across her cheek and tell her she was okay. But I knew she didn't feel okay, and we had only just met today. There's just something about her. I definitely couldn't give her my phone number now. It would be way too insensitive.
We sat for a while, in comfortable silence after I pulled out of the parking lot and continued the drive. We didn't have much longer now. I didn't want her to think that she made me not want to talk to her anymore. And I figured talking about anything besides where she was going would be an easy conversation. "So you said your house is a 15 minute bike ride from
the beach? Which beach?" I asked. Yeah, that question would do I guess. That's the best you could come up with Austin? What is going on?
She told me about how she grew up riding her bike to Laguna Beach. I wish she could have seen the way her cheeks filled with color and her eyes lit up when she talked about something she enjoyed. It was so precious. I couldn't tell her or she'd become conscious of it and stop doing it. I told her about the beach I always chose to go to when I went. It was more secluded. I like all things that way, more secluded. More personal. More meaningful. Life is too short to not enjoy things deeply like that.
As I made my last few turns I wanted to comfort her. To tell her everything will be okay even though I wasn't sure if it would be. I wanted to tell her I'd be there for her if she wanted. I didn't know how that would be received. But I couldn't not say anything. I caught myself rubbing my bottom lip with my thumb. I've been doing that a lot today around her. "I just wanted to tell you that you got this. And whatever happens, you're strong. And you'll get through it. I just know it." I said in the most comforting tone I knew how. Hopefully she didn't think it was too much. She didn't respond but her face softened some when I said it. Damn I wish we weren't meeting like this.
I got out of the car to get her bags for her. She pulled out her phone to text her mom that she was there. I decided this was the only shot I'd have. I pulled the receipt with my number on it out of my pocket and tucked it through the zipper of her suitcase. I'm no good at this, not being the one to decide if we'd ever speak again. I knew I'd be thinking about her for a long time after this. Wondering how she is, how things are going for her family. I wanted to know more about her so badly but I had to leave it up to her.
I heard the passenger door open so I quickly made sure the zipper was closed all the way back up. She came around the corner and said "Thank you so much, Austin. For everything. You've been so kind on a day where I really needed it. I appreciate you." Almost in a way where she wasn't sure if she should be saying so much. She was so genuine.
"It was my pleasure, Stella. Can I carry your bags up
for you?" I was struggling to let her go to do this by herself. I wanted to be there for every part of this for her.
"Oh, it's okay. I think I need the entire walk to prepare
myself. Thank you though, again. For everything. Can I
venmo you gas money or pay you back for lunch?" She asked. She was looking up at me with her sparkling green eyes and she was so god damn cute. I couldn't help but chuckle. I would never let her pay for anything ever again if the opportunity arose. She had no idea.
"No, my treat. Really. I'll see you around Stella." I said, hoping that speaking the words out loud would bring them into existence. She reached for her bags and as I handed them off, our hands brushed and it was like electricity. I was burning inside with thoughts of what I would feel if we did see each other again.
She nervously bit the bottom of her lip before quickly saying "okay, bye then." And just like that, she turned around and walked away. I don't know what I expected in saying goodbye but it wasn't that. And I audibly laughed once she was far enough away to not hear me. Wow. So. God. Damn. Cute. I had hoped she would look back so I could wave at her one last time, to tell her she could handle whatever was about to come her way. But she didn't, and now I was really beginning to think she wouldn't care to see me again. I watched her walk all the way in before finally getting back in my car. And although she was sad and scared, she walked with pride and purpose. And she was radiating beauty while she did it.
These next few weeks are going to be torture waiting to see if she calls me. What have I done?
***A/N*** okay but do we think she's gonna find the note? Or what???
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader- PART 6
If you read the old part five you’re going to have deja vu. I skipped a part like a dumb dumb. But if you felt like there were plot holes, it’s because I slipped right over them. All fixed now!
Warnings: talk of car accident, hospital, etc. May eventually contain smut so minors back awayyyyy. I’ll warn you on the smutty chapters though. Promise.
Next chapters will have snippets of Austin’s point of view.
Here’s a masterlist
We pulled in to a parking lot with a colorful little building. There was beautiful art on the side walls of it. Someone definitely took their time to add all the details to the flowers. It was so cute on the outside.
Austin parked the car and got out. Before I even processed what he was doing, he was over on the passenger side opening the door for me. "You're gonna love this place. It's been family owned for 25 years." He said as he finished pulling my door open. He held his hand out so I could use it as leverage to pull myself out of my seat. Once I was out, he closed the door behind me and clicked the lock button.
"It's so cute out here. I wish it was warmer so we could sit outside." I said with a smile. He smiled back and opened the door for me to go in. It was a small, intimate building. The colors were bright and every table had fresh flowers and the smell of fresh food took over the room.
We ordered our food and sat down in a booth in the back corner. It wasn't super busy, maybe three or four other tables full.
"So how'd you find this place anyways?" I asked.
"A good friend of mine brought me here and I come back whenever I can now." He smiled. It seemed like a very fond memory he had.
Chatting with him was nice. It was effortless.
"So Stella, what do you do in your free time while you're here?" He asked.
"Well it's my first time back since I left actually. So I'm not sure what I'll do other than be at the hospital. But before I moved, I spent a lot of time at the beach reading, or walking, or sleeping. It's just a 15 minute bike ride from my house" I smiled thinking about all the times Jude and would go once he got in to high school. Most of the time he used me as an excuse to stay out late with his friends. But the rides to the beach were full of laughter and jokes and sarcastic comments.
Oh god. The hospital. How am I even finding myself enjoying this conversation when I should be rushing there?
I started to feel flush. I think Austin responded to me but I couldn't hear him. My heart was pounding and I was starting to feel like I couldn't breathe.
"Stella. Stella!" He said sharply, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay?"
"You know what, I actually think I need a minute. I don't think I can eat right now I'm so sorry. I'm going to go outside for some air." I replied, not sure if my sentences were making any sense.
"Okay. Yeah. Of course. Here, take my keys so you can at least get in the car. It's cold out there." He said to me as he put his car key in to my hand. And I'm not even sure I responded. The next thing I knew, I was sitting in the passenger seat counting things I could see, things I could hear, things I could feel.
This is not the time for an anxiety attack Stella. We can do this later. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
My breaths were starting to slow. And although I wasn't feeling any better and my cheeks were tingling from starting to hyperventilate, I could tell I had saved myself from a full blown attack. For now. And I was feeling HOT. I was shaking, but I was warm. I took my cardigan off and let it fall behind my back against the seat. And I just laid my head against the headrest and closed my eyes so I could continue to breathe. I let a few tears fall, and quickly wiped them away. This was also not the time to be crying.
How fucking embarrassing. Oh well. I guess no one ever knows how to act in a situation they never thought they'd be in. Going to the car was better than having a panic attack in the middle of the cutest taco place I've ever seen. 30 more minutes and you can have a whole panic attack in a hospital bathroom if you want to Stella. The world is almost your oyster.
I was startled by a tap on the driver window. I forgot I was even in Austin's car. I unlocked the door to let him in. He was carrying 2 bags of food with him.
I know this man did not just miss out on eating his lunch fresh to bring me my box of food.
"Hey. Sorry it took so long. They brought our food and then I wrapped everything up and put it in a bag for you. You might feel hungry later." He said to me in a low voice. "How're you doing?"
I looked at him, wide eyed and mouth slightly parted. Although I had inconvenienced him multiple times today, he was still thoughtful enough to bring me my food. I realized I should probably stop staring and explain myself. "I just thought about the hospital and how I should be there and I got very overwhelmed. I'm sorry to have left suddenly like that but I didn't want to cause a bigger scene than I probably did."
I didn't want him to know I was also feeling guilty for enjoying his company and the time we had spent together. He was being so accommodating to a complete stranger who he met in an absolute crisis. I just needed him to drop me off so I could stop feeling this way and focus on my dad and my brother.
"You don't have to apologize. Today is a hard day and it makes sense to feel scared about it. Let's get you to your family." Austin said. He reached over and gave my forearm a gentle squeeze, reassuring me that everything would be okay. He started the car and drove out of the parking lot. And just like that, I was almost to the place I wanted to be but also dreaded to be.
"So you said your house is a 15 minute bike ride from the beach? Which beach?" He asked, breaking the silence.
"Laguna Beach! I grew up just down the street from it. Have you been?" I said, probably a little more excited than I should have. It was just my favorite beach.
"I've been there once or twice, yeah. It's a good one. I usually frequented Little Corona Del Mar Beach. Strictly because it's a little more secluded, but it's also beautiful." He smiled. I could tell he really liked the beach.
"Hmmmm. I haven't been to that one. I'll try to check it out while I'm here." I said, hoping I didn't forget the name of it by the time the car ride was over. Which happened to be in about 5 minutes.
As he made his last few turns, I could tell he deep in thought. He was doing that thing again. When he rubs his lip with his thumb. I could watch him get lost in thought all day if it was like this every time. As we pulled in to the hospital parking lot, he finally decided to let me in on what he was thinking. "I just wanted to tell you that you got this. And whatever happens, you're strong. And you'll get through it. I just know it" he said in a low voice. Like he wasn't sure he should be saying it to me but it seemed like he felt like he had to. And I didn't know it, but I needed him to.
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader - PART 5
I’m a dingus and I skipped an entire part. So if you read the old part 5, no you didn’t. READ THIS ONE INSTEADDDDD.
Warnings: mentions of car accident, hospitals, etc. Will probably eventually contain smut but doesn’t yet. Minors, don’t proceed if you’re gonna be invested.
Here’s the masterlist
I’ve never written a fic before! Your feedback is super important to me but be gentle because I am soft thank u love u bye.
We walked silently to baggage claim. A comfortable silence. I was feeling ready to fight off anyone that tried to bother him. Thankfully nobody did.
We made it to baggage claim. I had this strange habit of people watching extra hard during this part. I loved to see what kind of luggage people chose. Once again, it's those small details that really tell you a lot about a person. What kind of luggage did he travel with?
He had two suit cases. They had a twinge of vintage inspiration to them. A beautiful brown leather. Of course he traveled with nice luggage. What did I expect? He seemed to be down to earth, honestly a little mysterious, and he enjoys the simple things. I could already tell by the vintage looking boots he was wearing. He was a man that knew just how he liked things.
I had my mom's hand me down Louis Vuitton luggage. It was a nice set. She took great care of them. My dad got her a new set last Christmas so she gave this set to me before I left for New York. I wondered what he thought my luggage said about me, or if he even thought that the luggage a person has means anything at all.
"Alright, are you ready to go?" Austin broke our silence.
"As ready as I'll ever be I guess. Let's get out of here." I said in a convincing tone. I wasn't trying to convince Austin that I was ready though. I was trying to convince myself.
Austin stopped to get a luggage cart. We each only had 2 bags. Nothing that was unmanageable.
"Whatcha doing?" I asked, very confused.
"Grabbing a luggage cart. Here, give me your bags." He reached for my bags. I released the handles, hesitantly. 
"I really don't mind holding my bags Austin, there's only 2 of them." I said, but I could tell he wasn't interested in me carrying my bags.
"I know you can. I've got them. C'mon, the car is this way." He said, tilting his head in the direction of the car while he loaded up the rest of my bags and his own.
Wow, unnecessary. But also, super nice.
The air outside was crisp. Refreshing. And thankfully not as chilly as New York had been recently. The transition in to autumn was one of my favorites. And I didn't mind the rain. I liked it even. I did wish that I wore something with a hood though. My long brown waves were about to turn in to one long, poofy lion's mane. Oh well. It matches the tone of the day I guess. And thank god for crocs. Because it never mattered if these babies got wet.
That was the first time I realized I was wearing crocs. While meeting Austin Butler. Oh god. I guess he got to meet me in my truest form right off the bat. And I'd probably never see him again after this car ride so it probably didn't even matter. The thought of that made me sad. But it also made sense. He was here for vacation. He didn't expect to sit next to a scared, sad girl on the plane. And he's just so god damn sweet that he's going through all of this trouble so he doesn't have to stress about it the rest of his trip. What a guy. I'll always remember his kindness.
"Here we are!" He exclaimed. The car was already started when we walked up. I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear him turn on the automatic start. It was a really nice car, though not what I was expecting. A charcoal grey Volvo XC40. Sleek, clean, and definitely big enough to fit our bags. "You can go ahead and get in, it should be a little warmer in there by now than it is out here." He said.
Okay then. In I go. I guess this is actually happening. Should I start pinching myself? Or just let myself dream?
I climbed in to the passenger side. The seat warmers were on. He had seat warmers. And my ass was going to be so cozy. On second thought, this was definitely the right decision. Who could pass up seat warmers?
Austin finished up putting our bags in the back and went to put the luggage cart away. I finally saw him coming back to the car and I was starting to feel anxious about the drive. And I realized and I hadn't even called my mom to tell her that I landed. Whoops.
"Hey, thanks for loading up my bags, I really appreciate it." I said quietly. I was fiddling with the end of my cardigan sleeve. I knew I had to call my mom but I wasn't ready yet.
"Anytime, really" he smiled. "Do we think I still remember how to get there without a map?"
"I guess we'll find out, won't we?" I said nervously. "Austin, I have to call my mom. Is that okay?"
"Oh my god, of course. Just pretend like I'm not here" he said sweetly. His smile reassured me that he was fine with it.
The phone rang for what seemed like forever. "Hey Stella honey. I was just thinking about you." Mom sighed with relief when she answered the phone. I was feeling shaky so I decided to try and keep it straight and to the point. "Hey mama. I'm on my way now, should be there in less than an hour or so depending on traffic." I could tell she was distracted. Rightfully so. "Okay honey, I'll see you soon. Drive safely. Please. Oh, dad is awake now too. They're both in and out of sleep. We still don't have many answers. I'm glad you're almost here. Love you El." She hung up before I could even say good bye.
Okay. They're both awake so that must be good. That has to be good. Maybe I don't need to panic this much.  How did we even get here? Would dad remember the fight we had? It was so stupid. He was just trying to look out for me. I'm going to have to say something to him at some point. Jesus.
"You doing alright over there, Stella?" Austin asked gently.
"Oh, yeah. They're both awake from their coma but in and out of sleep. I'm sure their bodies need the rest. I don't really have any more info than that." I said, hoping I didn't sound as shaken up as I was feeling.
"Okay. Well that has to be good news. I'm glad to hear it. Do you need anything?" He was genuine when he was checking on me. What an angel.
"No. No, I'm good I think." I said as my stomach audibly grumbled. "Apparently my stomach begs to differ." I giggled, trying to lighten up the embarrassment that I felt.
Of fucking course my stomach would do that in a car with Austin fucking Butler.
"You know what? I was just thinking about lunch. I actually know this great taco truck that happens to be on the way. What do you think?" He asked with a smile.
At least he didn't kick me right out on the side of the road.
"Oh it's okay, I'm sure there's food at the hospital." I said because I didn't want him to have to drive any farther out of his way than he already was.
"Stella you haven't eaten all day. You have a lot ahead of you, and you should get some fuel in so you don't exhaust yourself. You know what I mean?" He said with a tone of concern. And I was hungry. And I do really love tacos.
"Okay. You're right. Tacos it is" I said as I smirked. I could tell I probably wasn't getting out of this one. And he was right. I needed to eat to feel well enough to be there for my mom.
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
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This is the first and only fic I’ve ever written. So please feel free to leave me feedback! Be nice to me tho I’m soft.
Kismet- austin butler x reader
Here’s a master list for the story. I’ll put a * next to the parts that aren’t for minors. Thank u 🤍
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Part eleven
Part twelve
Part thirteen
Part fourteen
Part fifteen
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x Reader - PART 4
I’ve written a few parts ahead and I’m like, very excited for what’s about to happen. If it feels slow right now, GET READY.
Warnings: mentions of car accident, hospital, etc. Fluff for now but will eventually contain smut. I think that’s it, unless you need a warning for Austin subtly asserting his dominance.
I’ve never written a fic before so please leave all the comments and suggestions you have. Be nice to meeeeeee. Do you want the next part????
Here’s part 3
He was still scanning my face.
"I'm sorry, I've over shared." I whispered. The tears were threatening to flood down my face.
"No. No. I asked you and you answered me. I'm just really sorry, that must be really hard. And I wish you weren't experiencing it. If you want to talk about it, I don't have anywhere to be for a while." He said quietly to me. I could tell he was unsure if his small joke was welcome in a time like this. Thankfully for him, humor is my coping mechanism. So I smiled and gave a little nod.
"Thank you for the offer, but I don't think I want to talk more about it right now. I appreciate it though. Instead, why don't you tell me about literally anything. What is your favorite food? And why? This is better than an entire personality quiz. This will tell me everything I need to know" I said jokingly but also not jokingly. I was half serious.
What if his favorite food is bologna???  That would be some sort of deal breaker right?
"Oh wow. No pressure or anything damn." He laughed as the words came pouring out of his mouth. His whole face lit up when he laughed. The way the apples of his cheeks rose up and brightened the room. It really was a sight. "I guess I'd have to choose a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They're obviously delicious and my mom used to make them for me all the time. A staple"
I smiled. "I get it. PB & J is classic. It's timeless. Thank god your favorite food isn't bologna" I said with wide eyes and a giggle. The thought of that truly disgusted me.
"How about you? What is your favorite food, and why?" Austin reversed my own question on me.
Honestly how does a person just choose one favorite food? Just one? I have so many depending on the time of year, the occasion, who's cooking. This was a hard one. "Damn Austin. When I asked you that, I didn't realize you'd be asking me hard questions back." I said as I laughed, embarrassed at how hard it was for me to choose just one favorite food. "I guess if I had to choose one food as an all time favorite, it would have to be tacos."
He cocked his head to the side, and did that thing he does. The one where he rubbed his thumb across his bottom lip like he was trying to buy time before he responded.
"Also a classic. Very versatile, very adaptable. Always exciting. I like your style Stella." He said as he smirked. He was looking right in to my eyes again.
Is he still talking about tacos?
The pilot came on the speaker again. "Hey folks, we're beginning our descent in to Los Angeles. It's a bit gloomy today. Lots of drizzle. A cool 57°. Make sure your seatbelts are fastened and your seats are in their upright positions and your tray tables are closed. Thanks for flying with us. We'll have you on the ground in about 25 minutes"
Wow, that six hours flew by. Time flies when you're having fun or whatever they say.
"What's the first thing you'll do once you're rested? What is your relaxation?" I asked. I always wondered what someone so recognizable did when they needed to unwind.
"I like to go on smaller hikes and take pictures of whatever I want to remember. Sometimes I go to the beach and just walk along the sand so I can think in peace. Who knows? I might just stay home and soak in the quiet, see a few friends, eat some of my favorite food." He said, staring off a little bit. Like he was imagining himself in his happy place. I was so glad he was going to get to do that.
"Honestly that sounds like a dream. I hope your staycation is just as relaxing as you want it to be Austin." I smiled thinking about the way his cheeks lit up when he smiled at something that made him truly happy.
"Is your mom picking you up?" He asked hesitantly.
"Oh, no. I'm going to take an Uber. I don't want her to have to leave the hospital. It's about a 45 minute ride, not too bad" I said as the plane started to get bumpy on descent. I hate this part too. I grabbed the arm rest once again so I didn't become unraveled. I closed my eyes, pretty much forgetting I was in the middle of a conversation entirely.
I felt Austin grab my hand and I wasn't about to argue. I was trying not to shake. After about 3 minutes, the air was smooth again.
"Sorry, again. I wish it wasn't so paralyzing" I said, removing my hand from the equation.
"I don't mind. I'm glad to help, even if it's just a little bit. I'd really like to drive you to the hospital if that's okay? I don't want you to have to ride with a stranger when you're going to do something really hard." He insisted.
"Aren't you kind of a stranger, Austin?" I laughed, only half joking.
"Well, sort of. But at least we've been talking for the past 6 hours. If you really want to Uber that's fine, but I would feel more comfortable if you didn't have to ride with a complete stranger." He bit his lip again.
Is this conversation making him nervous? Something else?
Normally, I'd have said no. He seemed genuinely concerned about me getting in a car with someone I didn't know. He seemed concerned with my safety, but also my feelings. Oddly enough, I felt much more comfortable riding with him than I would in an Uber. I felt comfortable with him. Peaceful even.
"Is your driver going to be okay with that? Taking an entirely extra drive?" I asked, trying to convince him that I'd be fine.
He laughed.
He laughed right at me. What's so god damn funny?
"I don't have a driver while I'm in town. I prefer to drive myself. My car was dropped off last night. So the driver of my car, me, certainly does not mind the extra drive." He said but wasn't laughing anymore. He wasn't joking. He does enjoy the mundane things. The simple things in life.
"Well okay then. Sure, I'd like that. Thank you. I hope it's not too far off from your house?" I smiled, feeling kind of excited now that I didn't have to be anxious the entire car ride. Well, at least not as anxious.
"I'm going to my dad's house. Just in Anaheim. It's not a bad drive" he said. And I knew he was lying.
"Austin that's almost an hour away from the hospital. I'm from here too you know, you can't fool me. No. No way." I argued.
"I already said yes. I'm driving." He said. Very matter of fact, with eye contact.
Okay. You're driving I guess.
The plane was about to touch down. He seemed to know I hated that too. It was my most and least favorite part all at once. He grabbed my hand once again. I squeezed it hoping I wouldn't hurt him.
Yeah I doubt it'll hurt him. Have you seen the size of those things?
Touch down.
Thank god.
He put his sunglasses back on. I was suddenly snapped back to the reality that he gets recognized when he goes places. And I really hoped my presence wasn't going to stir anything up for him.
The plane taxied and the flight attendants opened the doors. I was overcome by feeling everything I had in front of me that day. I froze there, not wanting to move towards what was coming.
I felt Austin's hand on the small of my back. It was our turn to get off. "One step at a time. You got this" he said as if he knew I was drowning inside.
One step at a time.
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
More more more
WHO IS SHE? - Austin Butler x Reader - PART 1
Austin may have accidentally exposed your very private relationship at Cannes.
Based on the video of him smirking and winking at Kaia
Warnings: may eventually contain smut? minors do not read!
let me know what u think!!! this is my first fic and im very nervous to post aosososksjwk pls enjoy
I was so proud of him. Twelve minutes of people applauding the hardwork and dedication that he put in for years. I couldn’t believe the man I saw on the screen. The entire room was in a state of euphoria.
He was listening to Baz so intently, taking in every moment he could and clinging on to every word. I could tell he was proud of himself and his work. That itself made this moment special for me. Austin is the most humble, and doesn’t often give himself the credit he deserves. He would come home every night nitpicking everything he did that day. Every last move, every last word. He’d listen to the same word Elvis said over and over again until he got it perfect, right down to the way his lip may have quivered. Anything he did he never thought was good enough. Seeing him appreciate himself and his work made my heart swell. The night was going absolutely perfect.
And then he looked at me.
Austin and I have been together for some time now, nearing a year. We both agreed very early on that we appreciated the privacy of a relationship and did everything we could to remain that way. It was never much of a challenge for us, me not being in the industry and Austin being an extremely private man in general. During Cannes for the showing of Elvis, it was important that I attend, but we arrived separately. I was sitting behind him in the theater so I could still support him and hold his hand if needed without the wandering eyes of others. In our daily life, neither of us used much social media, and most of the time going out in public was easy. We frequented smaller towns and small businesses for any outings and did date nights at home. The public never even knew Austin was in a relationship, let alone who he was in a relationship with.
You could probably then imagine my shock and the shock of the entire world when they caught Austin Butler winking at a mystery woman in the Cannes crowd that no one could seem to find. It was quite literally the wink seen around the world.
I saw it in slow motion. He turned his head to look at me, giving me the side eye that he always does when he’s flirting. His cheeks turned the most perfect shade of rose as he started to smile at me. Then, he winked. And I swooned. Then I panicked. Then I swooned again. His smile got even bigger, probably to reassure me it would be fine. God, his smile could stop the world. I always loved the way his smile could light up an entire room. He licked his bottom lip as he stared at me, and I immediately forgot there was anyone in the room. I quickly came back to reality as I noticed our friend Olivia, who plays Priscilla Presley in the film, was looking at him with shock, and back at me with terror.
He knew by the way my face fell that I was nervous. Scared, even. I didn’t want the world to know. I wanted to keep him to myself. I didn’t want opinions. I didn’t want the judgment. He continued to look at me, his jaw clenching. We were literally communicating through eye contact. Me as if to say “How are you going to explain this away?” and Austin to say “We’ll get through this.”
Surely we would. He always knew what to do. He always knew what to say. Maybe nobody saw? Maybe none of the cameras caught it? I turned my head in another direction to see if anyone may have caught it. Much to my dismay, I found myself staring down the lens of probably the largest camera I’d ever seen. I could almost read the headlines already.
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader - PART 3
Warnings: talks of car accident, hospital, injuries, etc. Will eventually contain smut, just not yet!
Here’s part 2
I’ve never written a fic before so please feel free to leave feedback and ideas! Love u!
"You know what? I'm so sorry, please don't feel pressured to tell me" I said quickly to deflect from what I thought was major stalker vibes.
Here I am. Always putting my foot in my damn mouth.
He gave me a smirk and lightly shook his head. "No, no. It's okay. I'm here on a short break. I'll have about two weeks at home before it's back to a full schedule."  He seemed a little more comfortable now, his body language was softer. And I took that as a sign that I didn't completely creep him out. Thank god.
"So you're from LA, but you're just visiting?" He asked me, seemingly with a genuine curiosity. Like he wasn't just making small talk to be kind.
"Yeah, I'm not sure how long I'll be in town. But I moved to New York City about 6 months ago for work. It's really different but I kind of love how wild it is." I tried to not sound as silly as I felt. Surely he's traveled everywhere and New York was not the wildest place he's been.
"And what do you do for work?" He asked, once again so genuinely that I felt like I could tell him anything. His blue eyes sparkled with curiosity. I wondered if my simple life seemed interesting to him because of his stardom. He probably doesn't get to do mundane things often. I wondered if he misses the simple things in life or if he was used to it now after being in the throws of acting for so long.
"Oh, um. I do marketing for a publishing house. Get the book titles out there, get people excited. It's a lot of fun actually" I smiled thinking about how achieved I felt to land a job in one of the bigger publishing houses in New York fresh out of college. "Are you excited to be taking a break, or do you love working?" I asked, once again trying not to seem like I was prying in to anything he didn't want to share.
His tongue lightly hit his bottom lip before he slowly drew part of his bottom lip in. It seemed that was something he did when he was nervous. Biting his lip. And I really hoped I wasn't making him that nervous with my questions.
Wow he really is just a regular human. Down to earth. So nice. SO cute.
"Both actually." He said with a chuckle. "I love what I do, but sometimes I get really in my head and it's nice to take a step back and breathe. If that makes any sense?"
It made perfect sense. When you love to do something so much that you start to overthink it. I get that way too sometimes. Even in my much more mundane life.
"Yeah that makes a lot of sense. You seem to really put a lot of care and hard work in to everything you do. It shows. I'm glad you're getting some breathing room though." I said. His eyes lit up. With the most genuine smile he said "thank you, Stella. That means a lot."
Why did that make me melt a little bit? Thank god I sat next to someone that helps me feel this calm when all I want to do is scream.
"You're welcome." I whispered with a smile.
We sat in a pretty comfortable silence. It couldn't have been more than a minute or two. I didn't want to bother him if he wanted to fly in peace like he mentioned. I was about to lean down to my bag to grab my headphones again when the attendant came back to see if we wanted any breakfast.
"Oh, I didn't realize you had breakfast" I said to him, checking his name tag. "Do you have a fruit bowl, Tony?"
"Yes ma'am. Anything else?
"No, thank you though" I smiled.
"And for you sir?" Tony said, making eye contact with Austin.
"Coffee cake for me please. And one coffee. Three cream, one sugar please Tony." Austin said in a way that made me feel like he truly saw anyone and everyone for their humanity. Tony wasn't just a flight attendant to him. I was amazed by his level of respect and compassion. "Thank you." He said as Tony went to take other people's orders.
"Oh you're a dessert for breakfast kind of guy are you?" I asked playfully.
"Well yeah, I like to start my day off with something I love. Sometimes it's an omelette and sometimes it's coffee cake. My mom and I used to make coffee cake together. It's always been a favorite" he trailed off a little. A hint of nostalgia and sadness in his voice. But there was also a lot of joy in there too; Remembering such a precious memory. I had heard that his mom had passed and I felt thankful that he shared such a sweet core memory with me. A stranger.
"Mmmmm. I'll have to remember that next time order breakfast. You've made a good point" I nudged his arm , letting him win this whole 'dessert for breakfast' thing. I thought it was really sweet.
Tony quickly brought our breakfasts over to us. My fruit was in a glass bowl. First class really was something else. I couldn't believe that people do this regularly. The chairs were so comfortable.
I realized once Tony set down my food that I had absolutely no appetite. How could I eat in a time like this? The wifi on the plane never actually turned on. The pilot came on the speaker to tell us that it was out of commission. I couldn't even check to see how dad or Jude were doing. Or my mom. And although I was happy to have this really sweet and genuine distraction for the long flight, I couldn't help but feel guilty for enjoying it. But if I sat and thought about it, I would probably have a panic attack. And god, I would have been so embarrassed.
"Are you okay?" Austin asked, snapping me back in to reality. I must have zoned out. I wondered for how long. He was about halfway through his coffee cake.
"Oh, yeah. I just realized I'm not even hungry yet. Do you want any of the fruit?" I picked up the bowl and offered it to him.
Who the hell offers someone their entire bowl of food the first time they meet. Jesus Stella. Keep it together.
"Maybe in a while if you really aren't hungry. I don't want to take your breakfast." He let a little laugh slip out when he answered. He definitely thought I was as weird as I am. No doubt about it. "So," he said, looking right at me. "What is bringing you home indefinitely? You said you don't know how long you'll be in town"
I was surprised that he even remembered that I said that.
So not only is he so genuine, but he's also a great listener.
Then I realized I had to answer his question. He was still looking right at me. And he must have saw the sudden shift in the way I was feeling.
"It's okay if you don't want to share. I know you don't like to fly so I was hoping to distract you the whole time by forcing you to talk to me" he said with a small laugh and a wink.
I'm soup. Literal soup. HE WINKED AT ME.
"Funny" I laughed probably a little harder than I should have. I was so nervous now. I didn't want to emotionally dump something so heavy on this man who was just trying to relax on a flight. So I had to phrase it as lightly as I could. Which was a joke. There was no light way to put it. "Um, my dad and brother were in a pretty bad car accident last night. So I'm on my way to see them" I nearly whispered, trying not to cry as I remembered the panic in my mom's voice on the phone this morning.
He scanned my face, and I could tell he was thinking of what the hell to say to  a stranger that just told him something so big. So hard.
I shouldn't have said anything at all. This whole flight. And we have 2 hours left.
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader - PART 2
If you’re new here, here’s part one
Next part
I’ve never done this before so please feel free to leave me feedback and ideas! Love u!
Minors, please shoo. This is fluff for now but it won’t be forever.
I’m a tired sack and I can’t make a tag list but I love u.
Description: you end up sitting next to Austin on a plane on your way home to a family emergency. Lucky you.
I somehow managed to make it to my gate on time. A miracle. New York traffic is always insane and you never know what you're going to get.
I scanned my boarding pass and made my way to my seat. There was only 2 seats per row and I was assigned the aisle seat. I just really hoped no one would sit next to me so that I could attempt to sleep. Or cry. Or read. Or anything really without anyone trying to make small talk about why I'm traveling. I didn't want to talk about it. Because then i would almost definitely cry. I settled in and got as comfortable as I could. Which was actually pretty comfortable. First class is great, and now I'm not sure I'll ever want to fly anything else.
A text from my mom pops up on the screen. Jude is awake. I'm reeling. That's good news right? "Great news mom. Keep me posted. Have to put my phone in airplane mode now. Love you" I typed out. I was rereading my message to make sure it wasn't too short or to the point. I finally decided to send it because I figured no one knows how to act in this situation and there probably wasn't a right way to respond.
I pulled my headphones out and was about to put one in my ear when I was interrupted. A man stood next to me. Oh great. Just what I need in a time like this. Hopefully he falls asleep right away.
"Excuse me? I just need to get in to my seat please" he said to me with a deep, almost raspy sounding voice. He wore a baseball hat with wisps of dirty blonde hair peeking out. He was also wearing a black zip up hoodie and sunglasses. What in the world is he wearing?
"Oh, sure. No problem" i said as i stood up to let him in.
I sat back down to get settled in. Did I mention I really hate flying? I get scared shitless every time. It would be a miracle if I didn't cry during take off. Hopefully this mystery man was passed out by then. He just opened the window and was looking out to watch the ground team load the bags into the aircraft.
We finally started moving and I could feel myself getting more and more anxious. I was trying to not make it noticeable that my breaths were getting faster and tears were burning my eyes. The plane started picking up speed and I grabbed on to the arm rest just so I could squeeze something. I closed my eyes as tight as I could - trying not to look absolutely crazy. The man next to me must have noticed my complete unraveling. He gently tapped my hand. Just about the time I processed he touched me at all I heard "are you okay?" No. I'm clearly not okay. "I just really hate this part. I hate flying at all. This is the worst part I'll be better in a minute" I responded trying not to sound as shaky as I felt. He looked at me for a moment; seemingly trying to figure out how he could help. Sunglasses still on. Just take them off. Is this your serial killer trait? "Well of you think it would help you can squeeze my hand for the rest of the way up" he said in a low voice, leaning closer to me so that others didn't have to hear and realize I was embarrassingly terrified.
I didn't answer him. I was too focused on not having a full blown anxiety attack. It couldn't have been more than a minute later that the plane hit a rough patch of turbulence. I was surely white knuckling the armrest now. The guy next to me grabbed my hand. I think he could sense how scared I was. I decided not to argue with it. His hand was massive compared tomine. He seemed strong. So I just squeezed his hand instead.
Quite a few minutes later I finally peeled my eyes open when I realized we were at cruising altitude and the air smoothed out beneath the plane. I looked down to realize I was still squeezing his hand. Oh my god how embarrassing. I pulled my hand out of his quickly. "I'm so sorry" I muttered nervously. "I didn't even realize I was still doing that." He smiled at me. Okay wait. He has a really cute smile. "No problem. I hope it helped. I used to not like flying so much but I do it so often now, I've gotten used to it" he said.
He seemed nice enough. Maybe making conversation would be better so that I don't have to think about what's going on in my real world.
"I'm Austin" he said, holding his hand back out to me in an invitation to introduce myself. "Stella" I said back with a little smile. But I had to know. "Austin," i said, "why are you wearing sunglasses? On a plane? Where the lights are dimmed?"
He chuckled at me. He rubbed his thumb across his bottom lip in a nervous attempt to buy time before he had to give me an answer. He took them off and rubbed his bottom lip again. "Because I usually like to fly in peace. It's some of the only quiet time I get."
Oh. Oh he looks familiar. Oh he looks like Austin Butler. OH. I'm sorry. WHAT?! What a weird turn of events.
"Oh. Well. Don't let me stop you from resting. I brought some headphones and book. I should really be working but I think I'll pretend the wifi isn't working today. Please don't tell my boss!" I chuckled at my own joke. "I usually bring a few things to distract me so I don't have to think about falling out of the sky" I said with a laugh that shifted from my playful chuckle to a nervous laugh.  I hoped he wouldn't think that I was trying to impress him with every thing I said. I honestly thought I would fan girl in a moment like this. Maybe I didn't have it in me emotionally today. Maybe he seemed so down to earth that I saw his humanity before his stardom and that was enough for me.
The first class attendant walked by. He asked if we'd like anything to drink and I very quickly said "mimosa please. With cranberry." He asked for my ID. "Oh, happy almost birthday miss Stella" he said with a large grin and handed me back my card. "Oh. Thank you." I honestly forgot my birthday was tomorrow. It didn't feel like a time to be celebrating. I didn't want to celebrate. "For you?" The attendant asked Austin, breaking my train of thought. "Just water please for me" he said politely.
Ah. A water kind of guy.
Once the attendant came back and gave us our drinks, I took a bigger gulp than I probably should have. I really hate flying. Did I mention that already?
"So are you visiting or going home?" Austin asked me with a little smile sneaking out in the corner of his mouth.
"Visiting. Well, Going home. It's complicated. How about you? Are you going to be in LA for a while? Or just a pit stop for you?" I quickly tried to change the subject off of me. He smirked again. Picking up his short crystal glass and holding it by the rim with just the tips of his fingers. He was fiddling nervously with the cup. I shouldn't have asked. He probably thinks I'm trying to stalk him after this flight. God I hope he doesn't think that. I'm going to be too preoccupied to stalk him. Jesus Christ I should just stop talking.
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