loversmercy · 2 years
This is just weirdly contradictory, isn’t it? Claiming that bigger pulls don’t cut down on clear times (they do, that’s the entire point), but also saying the advantage gained is negated in case of a wipe. I.e. you’re better off by default, and things have to go really terribly several times to go slower.
On top of that: all tanks, all casters and all ranged dps have aoe before 30. Only NIN/DRG are latecomers at 38 and 40 respectively -- and they’re about to have skills reshuffled in 6.1, presumably in line with the others getting their aoe pre-30 (consider RPR gettings theirs at 26 as an example of SE’s recent design philosophy). Healers may or may not have theirs moved forward from where it’s at now, but whenever they don’t have access to aoe, that just means their best way to contribute is to allow whoever does have theirs to make the most of it.
Single pulls also test neither a tank nor a healer. A dps can take those; melee with bloodbath might not even need a healer at all. You won’t learn without a little limit testing, and what’s the worst that could happen anyway? You wipe, lose two minutes and try again, and now you’re better for it. Accept that occasional failure is an expected part of the learning curve, and DF randoms won’t remember your mistakes beyond the 20 minutes you spend in a dungeon together.
[taps mic] small pulls are not inherently slower than big pulls, and any time advantage gained by doing big pulls is immediately negated by a wipe
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loversmercy · 5 years
💀 - Have they ever killed before? (Bonus points if you mention why!)
The huntress raised a brow. “What do you think? We take to the woods every night. Doesn’t that–”
Senah pauses. “I see what you mean. Do you always go around asking strangers about such things? If you’re so curious, well, I’ve done it. Once. Happy? It was him or me, and I’d rather it were me. That’s all I’ll say about it.”
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loversmercy · 5 years
❌- Something terrible that my muse has done, but frequently denies in the face of others (or themselves)
Kheja’a sighed as he put down his book. “What kind of awful question is that?” Still, he is the one to break the uneasy silence that ensues. “If you must know, I have no single, terrible atrocity to my name. But I have tread a slippery slope. People think of adventurers as heroes, don’t they? Ones who take up arms against whatever plagues the land. Except it’s not glamourous, clean-cut and perfectly virtuous like that. You’ll find anyone in the trade who’s done it long enough has blood on their hands. And those of us blessed with magickal ability walk a particularly fine line. Sure, everyone remembers their first time. But when death and destruction are but a whispered incantation away, it becomes frighteningly easy. It’s nowhere as intensely personal as locking blades and looking a foe in the eyes. You just snap your fingers, and they’re gone. That’s all it takes.
I… prefer not to dwell on it.”
(( Also asked by @thebaileymail!
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loversmercy · 5 years
👊 - Have they ever gotten into a fist fight before? (Bonus points if you mention what caused the fight and how it turned out!)
“Mm-hm,” Mhiha hummed. “Plenty. Most of ‘em were just sparrin’, though. Had a good friend in the Fists – y’know, the monk types. The real deal. We went at it every now an’ then, an’ yeah, I got my arse handed to me more than I cared to keep count, but that’s just part o’ it, aye? ‘f ye ain’t black an’ blue by the end of a bout, yer doin’ it wrong.”
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loversmercy · 5 years
👀 - Had your muse ever witnessed a crime and looked the other way? (Bonus points for specifics!) MHIHA
Mhiha carefully pondered the question. “Aye”, she responded flatly after a considerable pause. “Stood by an’ let it happen. ‘s a long story, an’ frankly, one I intend to keep to meself. But I’ll tell ye this much: that oath o’ mine, the do no harm part? Doesn’t say nothin’ about the acts o’ those around ye. Was it right? Ain’t fer me to decide. But it was personal, an’ hells, the realm at large won’t miss the bastards.”
(( Also asked by @herd-of-halla!
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loversmercy · 5 years
RP Askbox Memes: The Darker Aspects of Life.
(TW! Some of these detail sensitive situations and darker themes!
🚬 - What are some of your muses’s vices? have they tried to quit, or are they content with these habits?
🚭 - Do they approve of immoral behavior, or are they more of a straight-edge?
💉 - Specifically, are they addicted to any substances or immoral behavior patterns? (Bonus points if you outline why!)
🔒 - Is your muse secretive? If so, why?
❌- Something terrible that my muse has done, but frequently denies in the face of others (or themselves)
✂ - Their thoughts on revenge.
🔥 - If applicable, do they lean more toward sadism or masochism?
👊 - Have they ever gotten into a fist fight before? (Bonus points if you mention what caused the fight and how it turned out!)
🌊 - Have they ever come close to drowning (Or have they caused someone else to drown?)
🌈 - Are they the type to put on a face and act like things are hunky dory when in reality they aren’t?
🐍 - Would they ever keep a dangerous animal around?
💀 - Have they ever killed before? (Bonus points if you mention why!)
💰 - Have they ever stolen before? If so, what did they steal and why?
👀 - Had your muse ever witnessed a crime and looked the other way? (Bonus points for specifics!)
💣- Do they have an affinity for large and/or dangerous weapons?
✨ - (If applicable) Would they prefer using “good” or beneficial magic, or would they be liable to prefer malignant and evil magic instead?
🔫 - Discuss a murder or a crime your muse has committed.
🎭 - Do they have a conscience, or are they cold-blooded?
😉 - Do they have any qualms with manipulating others to get what they want?
👄 - Are they attracted to immoral behavior? If so, what specifically are they drawn to?
📢 - Would they be more likely to report a crime to the authorities, or be more inclined to look the other way?
🗽 - Do they support government institutions, or do they favor anarchy instead?
💄 - Would they seduce another person in order to manipulate them?
🏆 - Are they type to take credit for someone else’s achievements?
⚡ - In their eyes, do the ends justify the means?
👿 - Are they petty?
💲 - Would they ever kill or commit crimes for money?
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loversmercy · 5 years
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We’re not talking about this one.
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Rules: Respond to this with a reblog containing your filled out bingo \o/ Want to make your own? Template available >>here<<
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loversmercy · 5 years
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b i n g o
Who would’ve thought healer-colleagues with generally good intentions would have things in common?
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Rules: Respond to this with a reblog containing your filled out bingo Want to make your own? Template available >>here<< (.psd template available too, just DM me and I’ll send it when I have time)
Not tagged by anyone, but I saw it over at @tiergan-vashir & I would like to see THE USUAL SUSPECTS do this @xevtan @mischiefandmystics @locke-rinannis @s-udarshana @passage-of-arms etc GET TO IT.
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loversmercy · 5 years
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Family’s optional, right?
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Template here!
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loversmercy · 5 years
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Fighting the good fight, with a side of trauma. No bingo though.
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Rules: Reblog this post with your filled-out bingo card.
// Template available [ here ].
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loversmercy · 5 years
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So close hnngh. Un(?)fortunately Mhiha does decently in the social department :(
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Because of course I did
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loversmercy · 5 years
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Workaholics unite.
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Rules: Respond to this with a reblog containing your filled out bingo
Template found here!
(Saw this going around and wanted to make my own!)
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loversmercy · 5 years
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Hopping on the bingo train while it’s still going. That’s right, not a shitpost. Rejoice!
Rules: reblog with your filled-out bingo card. Want to make one? PNG Template: >here< PSD Template: >here<
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loversmercy · 5 years
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hhhngh eden robe too good
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loversmercy · 5 years
PSA: the above information is incorrect.
This post seems to be gaining a lot of traction, but the priorities described here are backwards. There are two points to keep in mind:
- The boost to your partner’s damage through Standard Finish and Devilment far outweighs the boost to your own damage from being able to Saber Dance (slightly) more often. As both of these buffs are % buffs to your partner (and you), partners with greater initial dps will naturally see a greater damage increase. Specifically:
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(data from FFlogs, normalized 75th-percentile performance on the two current EX primals).
For example, your best choice as a dance partner will, on average, be a Black Mage.
- Esprit gain can trigger from both weaponskills and spells, and the rate at which you gain Esprit from a partner under the effect of Standard Finish is not simply dependent on how fast their GCD is. Different jobs have different per-GCD chances of granting Esprit when partnered to you! The exact rates are still being tested, but there seem to be clear differences.
Data can be found here. Gathered by Ellunavi @ the Balance Discord.
Note that while partnered DNC, for example, seems to have the highest Esprit gain rate, it is still one of the worst (DPS) jobs to partner with because of its worst-in-class damage output.
Generally speaking: if you’re picking a dance partner for the good of the party, choose whoever has the highest personal damage output.
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when the Dancer picks you as their partner for seemingly no reason moodboard
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loversmercy · 5 years
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uptime is life
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loversmercy · 6 years
48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious?
Mhiha can get jealous. Generally not over material possessions, though.
Before she was in a committed relationship with Camerin, or the other way around rather, there was another woman in the proverbial game. Mhiha and her did not get along, put mildly. Getting Cam to turn her habits around and dedicate herself to a single partner was a significant feat for both of them.
Get to know my character(s)!
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