loveworksdotcom · 4 years
Museum of Sextoys
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Museum of Sextoys
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
Why Do I Feel Bad After Sex? Feeling Bad After Sex is Common Survey Found
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Why Do I Feel Bad After Sex? Feeling Bad After Sex is Common Survey Found
Why Do I Feel Bad After Sex?  Feeling Bad After Sex is Common Survey Found Contrary to the popular line of thought that men enjoy sex and always seek out pleasurable experience through sexual activities, a new study by an Australian university has proven otherwise – more men are feeling bad after sex than what was known. This condition of […]
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
Frequent Sex Fights Dementia - Sex Increases Cognitive Abilities
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Frequent Sex Fights Dementia - Sex Increases Cognitive Abilities
Frequent sex fights dementia A team of researchers from Coventry University, Britain, revealed that people who are more than 50 years old but still having frequent sex have a better cognitive function.  That means they are sharper, remember more, and remember more details about past memories. For those of you in your 50s, before you book that appointment with your […]
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
How to Last Longer in Bed? We have 10 ideas to help you
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How to Last Longer in Bed? We have 10 ideas to help you
How to Last Longer in Bed?  We have 10 ideas to help you Try these Ten plus one (10 + 1) natural ways to last longer and boost your stamina in bed. Given the numerous medications on the internet promising to boost your stamina and supply questionable strength to last longer in bed, it is very common to see one […]
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
Better Than Sex Cake – People Choose Cake Over Sex
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Better Than Sex Cake – People Choose Cake Over Sex
Better Than Sex Cake – People Choose Cake Over Sex Given the incessant stream of sensual content flying around especially on the internet, you will be surprised at the findings of this new study.  This study was conducted in the UK by experts who surveyed a lot of women to find out whether they believed that there was really a […]
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
5 Signs Your Partner Is Selfish In Bed
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5 Signs Your Partner Is Selfish In Bed
Sexual intercourse is supposed to be both pleasurable and fulfilling for both people. “Fulfilling” is a nice way of saying both partners should have an orgasm. Unfortunately, it is not always like that, in either new or old relationships. You get together, are having a great time, and then before you realize all the good things, your partner is rolling off of you. Your partner is SELFISH IN BED.
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
Penis Size: Myths and Facts You Should Know
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Penis Size: Myths and Facts You Should Know
Wоrriеd thаt your schlong iѕn’t big еnоugh tо impress the lаdiеѕ? Well think аgаin, because ѕizе iѕn’t everything — rеаllу. Ovеr 170 women соmрlеtеd a ѕurvеу оn thе importance оf реniѕ size — including both lеngth and girth fоr thеir satisfaction.
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
More Sex - Better Health. You Read It Here.
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More Sex - Better Health. You Read It Here.
Did you know that indulging in sex three times per week per year burns the same amount of calories as running 75 miles? Whether you run 75 miles or have sex three times per week, you will burn 7500 calories to be exact. More sex – better health. It’s true.
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
10 Facts You Didn't Know About The Not-So-Nice PT Barnum
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10 Facts You Didn't Know About The Not-So-Nice PT Barnum
The creative and crazy genius behind several famous hoaxes and the Barnum & Bailey Circus was Phineas Taylor Barnum. His biography, however, is full of exciting stories that go beyond those well-known attributes–such as the fact that he did not establish a circus until later in life. Instead, Barnum was a racist and misogynist — not the nice guy portrayed by Hugh Jackman.
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
Matt Gaetz - Chris Latvala Twitter Fights! Popcorn Anyone?
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Matt Gaetz - Chris Latvala Twitter Fights! Popcorn Anyone?
Matt Gaetz – Chris Latvala Twitter Fights! Where’s My Popcorn! These two haven’t been nice lately. They better hope Santa is not working on his naughty list The brawl escalates! Just when you thought Wendy’s instigated Burger King into a series of twitter fights, politicians Matt Gaetz and Chris Latvala show us what twitter is really for.
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
Having Sex with an Itchy Vagina is the Wrong Plan of Action
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Having Sex with an Itchy Vagina is the Wrong Plan of Action
Itchy vagina is often caused by yeast infection which can be transmitted to your partner. Consenting to sex multiplies the casualty by two. The truth is, with itchy vagina sex ought to be the last thing on your list (if at all it needs to be there).
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
8 Items That End Up In Hotel Lost and Found
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8 Items That End Up In Hotel Lost and Found
Hotels usually have a “lost-and-found” box (or boxes!) for the items they find as well as a log where it was found and by whom. People forgot many things. Have you ever checked out of a hotel and kept wondering as you drove away, “Did I forget anything?” You aren’t alone — and you will be shocked to know what people leave behind.
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
Kids Hear But They Do Not Listen
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Kids Hear But They Do Not Listen
The comedian Jeff Allen shared a theory on Tiktok recently.  He said “I believe teenagers are God’s revenge on mankind.  I really do.  I think one day the good Lord was looking down over his creation, and said ‘Let’s see how they like it to create someone of their own image who denies their existence’”. I had a good laugh […]
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
Cohabitation May Be Dangerous to Your Sex Life
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Cohabitation May Be Dangerous to Your Sex Life
According to a new study, cohabitation with the love of your life before marriage can damage your sex life in the long run. Couples who live together before marriage have very high chances of getting a divorce roughly five years after the wedding.
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
LoveWorks -- We Love to Talk About Sex!
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LoveWorks -- We Love to Talk About Sex!
At LoveWorks, we are one of the few companies in the retail world where masturbation and sexual intercourse are discussed daily. We get to talk about sex! Our intensive employee training teaches team members about everything from sexual problems, to relationship issues, as well as to the need for our customers to be able to share their feelings, emotion and confusion with someone who won’t make judgments.
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
Urinary Tract Infection: Painful, Itchy, and Embarrassing
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Urinary Tract Infection: Painful, Itchy, and Embarrassing
After enjoying sex with your partner, do you get very uncomfortable down there? Ponder no more, chances are you have a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). The painful and itchy sensation you feel after sex that leaves you so pressed? Yes, that’s Urinary Tract Infection, baby!
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loveworksdotcom · 4 years
Probation Officer Accused of Supplying Sex Toys to Inmates
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Probation Officer Accused of Supplying Sex Toys to Inmates
Probation officer accused of bringing sex toys for inmates and sleeping with them! Sheriff said inmates are supposed to be protected while in custody. Sometimes they are compelled to perform those activities or they are sold the promise of love and care.
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