lovingjbuckyb-blog · 6 years
“Oh shit, what’d he do this time?”
Summary: Peter is in trouble, that’s basically it. 
Words: 964
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You were walking to the compound. Fast, angry and you were pretty sure there was actual smoke blowing out of your ears. 
Once you were inside, you headed straight to the common room, where you knew at least one of the Avengers would be. As you got off the elevator, you saw Bucky and Sam off to the side in the kitchen, while Bruce, Nat and Steve were on the couch watching a reality tv show.
 “Where is Peter” Your voice sharp and fierce. 
“Oh shit, what’d he do this time” Sam mumbled to Bucky 
“Am I speaking to a wall or is someone going to answer me?” Your eyes met with each of theirs as you raised your eyebrows and crossed your arms
“Y/N, did you walk all the way over here from Midtown High?” Bruce’s voice came from the couch as you stood there, getting angrier by the second.
 “Yes I did, so is somebody going to answer me or am I going to have to start  breaking things?”
“Miss Y/L/N, Peter seems to be in the lab with Tony working on a new suit” Vision popped up from behind you and made you jump as you turned to him. 
“He’s where?” Your voice raised and everyone’s eyes were on you.
 “In the lab” Vision repeated himself. 
“So you’re telling me, Peter is in the lab with Tony, making a new suit, when we had plans to go out for our one year anniversary?” You eyed Vision expectedly, waiting for a response.
“That is correct Y/N” You groaned as loudly as you could before stomping back to the elevator.
 “Oh he’s dead” Bucky mumbled to Sam while looking at your retreating figure.
 You got off the elevator, walking to the Lab and saw Peter and Tony together, backs facing the door as they seemed to be looking at something. 
“Tony, Peter!” Your voice was loud and laced with rage. They both turned around, eyes wide, Peter dropping the tool he was holding in his hand. 
“Y/N, what, what are you doing here?” Peters voices was quiet and scared.
“Oh you know, I had no other plans, what are you doing Peter on this fine Thursday after noon?” Your voice was sarcastic as you leaned under doorway.
 “Um, I was just, helping Tony, with my new suit” Peter and Tony both looked at each other and back at you.
 “Hey Pete, what’s today?” You ask as you look down at your watch and back up at your soon to be ex-boyfriend if he answered you wrong. 
“Um, Thursday” He eyed Tony “The 17th of February” 
“Good luck, Spider Boy” Tony said under his breath as he exited the lab, giving you and peter privacy. You walked closer to peter, standing in front of him with your arms crossed, looking off behind him, the reality hitting you that he might have actually forgotten today.
 “I didn’t forget Y/N, I wouldn’t forget the most meaningful day of the year” He took one of your hands in his, taking your chin in his other hand and making you look up at him.
 “We were supposed to meet up an hour ago, I couldn’t find you at school anywhere and Ned didn’t know where you ran off too either” Your eyes met with his, full of sincerity.
“I had to come finish up your present, Tony and I have been working on it for months, and it’s finally done.” Peter smiled and moved to the side, revealing behind him an all black iron super suit. 
“Its flexible, so you can still do your kicks and punches in it, it has built in shooters on both wrists, almost like Nats’ because I know how much you like hers, and you can take it with you wherever you go, it shrinks down into a two little bracelets, so no one will ever be able to tell”. His voice was enthusiastic and excited. 
“You really made me a new suit to fight in Pete?” Your eyes were wide, mouth open in surprise and eyes welling with tears.
“I did” Peter chuckled as he took in my reaction. 
“I love you, and you’re the best, thank you” You walked over to him and kissed him, long and hard, showing him how grateful you were for not only the suit but for him too. 
“Aweeeee” you whipped around to see Thor, Tony, Pepper, Nat and Bucky standing in the doorway. Your cheeks turned red as you turned back around to Peter, putting your hands around his waist and hugging him as his arms crossed over your shoulders, hugging you back. 
“You make my gift look lame now” You putted out your lip as you looked up at him. His eyes lit up at the sound of hearing you get him something too. “What is it babe?”
“Well you see, if we did what we were supposed to do and go back to my place for dinner since my parents were out of town, you would know” Your voice barely above a whisper, but still loud enough for the others to hear in the doorway.
 You could hear tony start to choke and Thor look confusedly at the others trying to decipher what you said. 
“I don't get it” Peter looked down at you confused, so innocently.
 “Peter, i'm wearing it, underneath this” You waved your hand up and down at your outfit as you heard Bucky cough and say oh my gosh before you saw Peters’ cheeks turning a faint red.
 What you didn't expect was for peter to grab your hand and hurriedly walk out of the lab, past the other avengers, saying goodbye to Tony and that he would be back tomorrow as he walked the two of you right into the elevators, rushing you home for a fantastic and eventful night. 
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lovingjbuckyb-blog · 6 years
Thank you Marvel! (x)
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lovingjbuckyb-blog · 6 years
you’re making me nervous about the new chapter, the heartbreak is gonna kill me 😭
So last night I had an epiphany about Leather and Lace and it’s all I’ve thought about since and I’m super excited and just working out the details in my mind and ugh. Time to get writing. 😉
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lovingjbuckyb-blog · 6 years
Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Holland, Letitia Wright, Tom Hiddleston, Sebastian Stan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Bettany and Russo brothers via Instagram.
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lovingjbuckyb-blog · 6 years
i love you !!!!!!! i’ll tag you right now! 💓💕💞
hiiiii love!!! so i normally ask you stuff under @sev7en because that’s my main blog, but i decided to finally take up writing & actually post the two fics i wrote around christmas. you gave me the courage to do that and i just wanted to say thank you rachel. thank you so much. i love you and your writing and i’m so happy i found your blog six months ago. i hope you’re doing ok babe, youre amazing & deserve the best💗
Well thank God I didn’t put on makeup this morning otherwise I’d be crying it off! I love you!!! Tag me in the fics?! 😭💗💜💕💖
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lovingjbuckyb-blog · 6 years
I Hate Him
Summary: You and Steve have an unspoken thing going on, but when you meet his girlfriend Sharon, you cant help but feel hopeless.
Word Count: 2.8k
“You know, you’re very comfortable” You we’re cuddling with Steve on your bed, what the two of you did every Friday night, watching a movie that you had picked out. You and Steve took turns every week picking movies, this week you had chosen Step Brothers. He had never seen it before, but since you told him it was one of your favorites, he hadn’t shut up about watching it. Steve looked down at you and smiled, holding you a little tighter. This was normal for you guys. Ever since you had moved to the compound six months ago after Fury had recommended you to Tony, saying that you were an excellent assassin, the same as Natasha. And maybe it had been the fact that you could control water and ice. Tony came up with the nickname Elsa for you, knowing it pressed your buttons, so Steve was always the one to tell him to knock it off or leave you alone. And that’s when it started, the undeniable feelings you had for Steve that you couldn’t push away. There was this unspoken thing going on between you guys, everyone had noticed it. Nat always telling you that you should just tell him, that he’s a bit rusty when it comes to girls. Wanda was always getting in your mind, telling you to go for it. Vision was there too, advising you to be honest with yourself and to him about how you longed for him. It was always you and Steve. You guys going on missions together, the ones who would stay up until 4 am, laying in bed cuddled up to each other talking about your deepest fears and what you loved the most, he was the only one that knew how you got your powers and how you wanted nothing more than to forget your past, how you would binge watch shows like Glee or Shameless together on Netflix in between missions. It was you two that everyone in the compound were silently rooting for because you guys were perfect for each other.
The day had finally come where you decided to be honest, and nothing could’ve prepared you for it. - “So you’re telling him” Wanda squeaked as she sat on my bed with me, Nat looking out of my window down at the grass field where Sam and Steve were training. Clint was there too, sitting in front of Wanda and I on my bed eating chips and listening to the conversation.
“I think I should, I like him, a lot, I just hope I don’t ruin anything between us” My eyes started to focus on my hands in my lap, a nervous habit I’ve had since I was a teenager. “I think it’s smart, you guys are meant for each other, and that’s coming from me” Nat looked over at me and smiled. We all talked for about another hour, before I decided to go to the kitchen, hoping to find Steve there to talk with him.
I grabbed a cup from the counter and filled it with ice water, as I turned around I jumped a bit at Steve sitting at the table, obviously just getting done with training. I brought him a glass of water, and went back to my position behind the counter after he said thank you. “Hey, do you have time to talk” My voice was quiet, but serious, he looked up at me with concern as I took a sip of my water.
“Yeah I always have time for my favorite girl” His smile was infectious, and I loved it. He was absolutely gorgeous.  “So, um-“ I was cut off at the elevator opening, F.R.I.D.A.Y. welcoming someone into the compound.
It was a young blonde. I didn’t recognize her, but the way Steve got out of his seat to greet her, I knew that he did. But what I wasn’t expecting was for him to pull her in close and kiss her like no one else was watching. I felt my body tense and go numb, what the hell was happening. “Y/N, This is Sharon” Steve was smiling up at me as he walked her over to the counter to properly introduce us.
“Um, um, H...Hi” My voice stuttered and my breathing began to get very shaky.
“Nice to meet you Y/N, Im a big fan of your work actually, Steve is too with the way he doesn’t shut up about you” Shannon smiled and looked over to Steve. All I could see was the hand that rested on her hip ever so lightly. I smiled at her politely as my eyes casted over to Steve.
“How, How long have you guys um, been seeing each other” My voice cracked in between my sentence as I leaned back again the counter. “A couple weeks” I could tell Steve was trying to read my face for a reaction, but I stared blankly into the empty space behind the both of them as I nodded my head.
“I actually have to go, um, i’m supposed to um, meet Nat” I leave my cup on the counter as I start to walk out of the kitchen, my eyes starting to swell with tears. Steve’s voice stopped me, but I didn’t turn around to face him. “Wait, what did you have to talk to me about”
“Nothing, nothing, it was stupid” I replied to him as i left the room, not turning back.
I slammed my door shut, making sure it was locked. I leaned against my door, tears starting to make their way down my face as i stared blankly at the picture of Steve and I on my dresser that was across the room. I locked my door and went to my bed, laying down and ignoring the knocking that was very persistent on my door.
It was hours before i got up again, unlocking my door and Nat, Wanda and Clint rushed in. They did nothing but hug me as we all stood in the middle of my room. “I’m guessing from the sight we seen on the couch in the living room, you didn’t get to tell him” Wanda took both of my cheeks into her hands as she looked me in the eyes.
All I did was shake my head as Nat and Wanda pulled me to my bed,Clint putting on a movie and  cuddling up to me as i silently cried. “I hate him” was all I said before sleep took over me.
When I woke up, the night stand read that it was 8 pm, and that meant that everyone was in the dining area eating. My thoughts were confirmed when the smell of pizza filled my room, a knock on my door breaking the thoughts up.
“Dinner is here, I can bring you some if you want to eat in here, I just, i don’t know if you want to go out there” Natasha was looking at me like she told me my cat had just died, cautious of what what she was saying and trying to read my mood. “I’m fine, really” I obviously wasn’t fine, Nat knew that too, but i walked passed her down the hallway with her right behind me
“No, Y/N, I really don’t know if you want to be out there” I could hear Nat right behind me as we reached the dining room table and I knew what she meant when I stopped in the doorway. Clint, Tony, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Vision, and Peter we’re all sitting around the table, pizza in front of them, but right in between Sam and Bucky were Steve and Shannon, laughing at something Tony had just said.
“Woah, Y/N are you alright” I could hear concern in Peter voiced as he looked over me. Everybody had gone quiet and began to take in my features of red puffy eyes and light blue fingertips from icing over the picture on my dresser.  
“Oh yeah, I just was watching a sad movie, that’s it, Nat told me dinner was here, but i’m not really hungry, so i’m just gonna, um” I turned around and passed Nat who was standing in the doorway, making eyes at Clint.
I opened the door door to my room and walked over to my dresser, standing there as still as ever, looking over the picture i couldn’t stop thinking about. I was sitting at the counter, Steve was behind me when Tony had taken the picture. He had wrapped his arms around my middle and kissed my cheek as I lightly giggled. We were both wearing these ridiculous Captain America party hats that Sam got because “It wouldn’t be a party without them”.
“You need to tell him, he sent me in here to talk to you and figure out what’s wrong with you” Wanda’s voice filled the quiet space. I went to sit on my bed, tugging off the lilac pullover I was wearing, leaving me in my shorts and ironically, my Captain America t-shirt.
“Just tell him it was another nightmare, I don’t care, I don't want to speak to him, I need time. Plus, if he actually he cared, he would be here right now, not you. No offense”
Wanda seemed to understand as she nodded, closing the door on her way out. My eyes welled up with tears again, leaving me there to cry until i couldn’t anymore.
The next couple weeks were spent going on missions with the rest of the team, or just Tony, switching him thanks to Natasha agreeing to give you time to think. There was an awkward thing going on between you and Steve, never really having a full conversation and you didn’t dare make eye contact with him knowing you would end up freezing out the whole compound with the emotion you’ve built up inside. You could tell he wanted to talk to you , ask you about the bags under your eyes and why you’ve kept your distance, but he knew better than to pry answers out of you. And you couldn’t help but tense up at the mention of her name, or when she would come over for lunch or dinner, or be over there for breakfast, that is when you would quietly grab your food and head back to your room. Everyone knew why, everyone except for Steve.
You had just gotten back to the compound, you were out to get more books to read since it was the only thing you did in your free time now. You had a whole wall of books in your room, but they had all be finished being read over the last couple of weeks. When you opened your door, you saw Steve in front of your dresser and his back facing you. He was staring at the picture of you two on your dresser, it still being frozen over.
“Why are you in here” I took a steady breath as I took my bag of books to my bookshelf on the adjacent wall, starting to place them where there was free space.
Steve turned around to look at me, but my attention was tuned in on my bookshelf. “What has been up with you lately? I’ve barely seen you around, I miss my best friend Y/N” I silently laughed to myself, already trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over my eyes.
“I can’t do this right now Steve, please” I sighed as i put my head down, leaning my hand again the bookshelf. I could feel the anger Steve was radiating. The room was tense and I didn’t dare look at him.
“Look at me Y/N” Steve pleaded, an edgy tone laced in his voice. When i continued to stare at my feet, Steve repeated himself, louder, making me jump. “LOOK AT ME!” I turned around to face Steve, pulling the sleeves of my grey jumper up to my eyes to wipe my tears away.
“No, no, no, why are you crying, I just want to know what’s wrong with you” Steve rushed over to me, pulling my hands from my face and replacing them with his.
“I’m in love with you, and everyone knows, everyone but you” My head was glued to the floor as I whispered to Steve, sounding like a scream because of how quiet the room was. “And I was so stupid to actually think you could love me back, but when Sharon came over, and then you kissed her, right when i was about to tell you” I took my fingers and held them at the bridge of my nose as i took a deep breathe, “I couldn’t handle it”. I could feel the room getting colder, my fingertips turning to a blue hue as i tried to contain myself.
“Why didn’t you tell me” Steve looked at me in my eyes and i couldn’t hold back a loud laugh.
“Because Rogers, every time I saw you after that, she was right next to you. She was with you after every mission I went on, the missions we used to go on together. She was there, sitting next to you at breakfast in one of your t-shirts, just like I used to do. She was there, on friday nights, cuddled up to you on the sofa watching a movie with you, every. fucking. friday. just like we used to do” I couldn’t control the tears as they dropped off my cheeks, onto the sweater i was wearing and some on the floor I didn’t want to take my eyes off of. “She was always there, right where I should’ve been, or where I thought I should’ve been. And I tried to hate you, to forget about you, but I can’t. I fucking can’t because you wrapped your way into every part of my life and I don’t know how to get you out of every thought i have. I hate that i can’t hate you. I hate that i can do nothing but love you.” I shook my head as I slowly sat on the floor, crossing my legs and taking my head into my hands.
I could feel Steve squatting in front of me, then him taking my hands into his, then tilting my chin to look up at him. I closed my eyes as a choked sob came out, but then all I felt were his lips on mine pulling me closer to him. It felt like hours, but I knew it was only minutes of us kissing, him taking control and pulling me tighter and tighter into him. He finally pulled back, resting his forehead on to mine, our heavy breathes mingling in between us.
“I’ve been in love with you since you walked your icy little ass into this compound” He whispered, wiping the tears that were escaping and running down my cheeks. I laughed a little before the smile was wiped off my face and confusion took over my thoughts.
“Then why didn’t you tell me, why did you decide to go and, and be with someone else” I didn't mean to shout, but I couldn’t hold back how I felt, how I have been feeling.
“Because, I never thought in a million years that you would feel the same, so i tried to be with someone else, but it didn’t work” Steve sighed as he pulled me up and sat us onto my bed. “What do you mean it didn’t work” My voice was quiet, almost as if I didn’t say anything.
“We decided mutually it would be better to stay friends, that it was to weird for me to be with her knowing I loved her Aunt Peggy before I froze” We were both looking at each other now, lightly laughing with each other at his confession. We fell back into silence before he grabbed me by the back of my neck and kissed me again.
We both pulled away as we became breathless. “I’ve been wanting to do that since you walked through those elevator doors.” There was a sweet smile on his lips. “So what do we do” My voice was unsure of what was yet to come
“I want you to be mine, if you’ll have me” Steve sounded sincere, and I want to scream out of love right then and there.
“I’ll always have you, Captain.” Steve pulled me into another kiss as a smiled.
“Fucking finally” We broke apart as we seen the rest of the team in the doorway, Nat with a huge smile on her face after her statement of what I assumes everyone else was thinking, watching with loving eyes as we all laughed and Steve pulled me into his side.
Maybe things were finally starting to set into place.
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lovingjbuckyb-blog · 6 years
I’ll Never Let You Go
Summary: Being in love with Bucky wasn't easy, but neither was meeting his girlfriend.
Word Count: 2.7k
It was Christmas Eve, so that meant Tony would be throwing one of his huge parties like he did every year at the compound. You tried your best to get out of it, you really did, but Tony was stubborn and wasn’t budging.
“Please don’t make me go” You tried to use your puppy dog eyes and quiver your lip, but he continued to stare at you with a stern face. You were in the kitchen, standing across from each other with your back towards the rest of the room. “No, Y/N, all of the other avengers are going, so you’re going to be there too” Tony wasn’t letting this go, but there was no way to go without seeing him.
“That’s exactly why I can’t go Tony” You sighed, bringing your fingertips to the bridge of your nose. “You’ll be fine kid, maybe you’ll find someone else to sweep you off of your feet” Tony came up to me, giving me a hug before he exited the kitchen and left me standing there debating to myself whether or not it would be worth it to get heat from Tony for missing the party.
You kept your head down as you started to walk out of the kitchen, but bumped into another person, falling to the floor. “Oh- Uh, Sorry, I didn’t, I didn’t see you” It was Bucky. He held out his metal arm to try and help me up, but you just shook your head, standing up on your own.
“Yeah, okay” Before you could walk out of the kitchen, your wrist was grabbed and Bucky turned you to face him. You pulled your arm away, angrily looking at Bucky.
“How long are you going to keep doing this” You could hear the tiredness in his voice, but didn’t care. You were done caring, he hurt you. “Doing what?” You looked at him cluelessly, but knowing exactly what you were doing.
“You know what Y/N. Ignoring me, avoiding me. Hell Y/N, you can’t even be in the same damn room as me”
“You made your choice when you chose her, you know what you fucking did, you knew I was in love with you and said nothing, don’t question me when you have no right to” You spat as you walked away, going straight to your room, choking back a sob as soon as you shut the door. Your mind wandered as you sat in your bed, reminiscing on what used to be.
It was three years ago when Fury has suggested to Tony that you joined the Avengers. You were an ex-assassin, but before that, was a lab rat given the ability of super speed and being able to move things with the swipe of your hands. They tortured you, stripped you of who you were as a person, and as soon as you were strong enough to get away, you did. You were welcomed with open arms by the team, but you took a quick liking a certain long haired man with a metal arm.
It didn’t take long for you and Bucky to get close, you guys did everything together. You would train together, go on missions together, stay up till three in the morning talking about anything you guys could think of. He was the first person you trusted after everything that happened to you, it was easy for you to get close to him because you both had a horrible past that changed the two of you as people. So when you started to fall for Bucky, you let yourself, but didn’t dare tell him because ruining the bond you both had wasn’t worth it. Bucky was easy to fall in love with, he was easy on the eyes and had a heart bigger than his body. You guys acted as if you were together, always cuddling, the little touches, the way you looked at each other. The whole team would always tease about how you guys just needed to date already, or make snarky innuendos about why you guys should just get together since we were always all over each other. You waited and waited for something to happen, but Bucky never did anything. He knew how you felt about him, it wasn’t something you tried to hide, but he would be damned if he broke your heart, so that’s why nothing ever changed, but you didn’t know that. Maybe if you did you wouldn’t be as cold as you were now.
It was when he brought a girl home that everything changed. Buck started looking at her like he looked at you, he started spending more time with her and it seemed like you never saw each other. But what hurt the most is that it wasn’t even him that told you about her, you had to find out when you woke up one morning, seeing her cooking breakfast in one of his t-shirts.
“Um not to be rude or anything, but who the hell are you?” You tried not to sound mean but no one announced that they had a guest over and you had to have clearance to even be allowed into the compound.
“I’m Bonnie, Buckys girlfriend” Her words broke your heart, so you nodded your head and backed out of the doorway, quickly walking to your room. Of course that was Buckys girlfriend, she had long, long brown hair and bright blue eyes, just like him. She had tan skin, she was beautiful, something you believed you weren’t. You locked the door behind you as the tears flowed down your face and they didn’t stop either. They didn’t stop as you took your hand, flinging random objects at the wall, they didn’t stop as you punched the wall and bruised your hand, and they didn’t stop when Vision and Steve had finally unlocked your door, pulling you to them as they held you while you cried even harder.
It was then that you decided to keep your distance. When you went on missions, you helped him if you needed to, you trained by yourself or with one of the other team members, when you were at the compound, you would do your best to stay in your room so you wouldn’t run into a certain someone. And you sure in the hell didn’t sit with everybody at dinner when she was there, deciding to just take a plate and leave. And that’s how it’s been for the past two months.
You sighed as you heard a knock on the door, swiping your hand, opening it and seeing Nat and Wanda rush in with hands full of dresses and heels.
“No” was all you said as they put everything down on my bed. “Come on, you have to go, Tony already told you that you had to make an appearance” Nat smiled at me as she took a seat at my vanity, starting to curl her hair.
All you could think about was Bucky being there, with his girlfriend on his arm the whole night. You knew Wanda picked up on it as soon as she sat on the bed next to me and grabbed your hand. “Please just come have some fun tonight, forget about him” Wanda looked at me with pleading eyes, so you slowly nodded and she squealed.
You guys spent the next couple of hours getting ready, along with you dreading it in between nails, hair and makeup. Wanda picked out your dress, a black strapless with a sweetheart neckline that hugged every curve on your body, stopping right before your knees. She paired it with a pair of black strappy heels. You looked at yourself in the mirror while Wanda and Nat stood in the doorway, waiting for you to go with them to the floor where the party was being held. You sighed and took your head in your hands “I don’t know if I can do this”. You could hear Nat and Wanda walking over to you, they each put their hands on your shoulders. “We’ll be with you the whole night, you don’t have to worry. If you need to leave early i’ll just make sure to keep Tony distracted” Nat assured me as she grabbed my hand and pulled me down the long hallway into the elevator.
The party was in full force as soon as the three of you stepped out of the elevator. Thor had Jane under his arm, with a beer in his other hand, Tony had his arm around Pepper, Steve, Sam and Scott were all standing together, talking with a group of ladies and Clint was with Peter, having a heated discussion about the dynamics of Clint’s arrows and Pete’s webbing. Bucky was nowhere to be found and you silently prayed that it would stay that way.
You all found your way to the bar, Nat on you left and Wanda on your right. As soon as you got your drinks you all turned around leaning on the bar, watching all of the party goers. Your head snapped over to the elevators when it made a ding, It was Bucky, but he wasn’t alone. Tucked right under his arm was Bonnie and she looked flawless. Her long brown hair curled perfectly, a tight red dress that showed off all of her best assets and the most handsome man holding her close.
“Just try to ignore it Y/N” Wanda broke you out of your thoughts and you chugged the rest of my drink. “That’s the thing, It’s not easy to forget about the first person i’ve ever loved like I did with Bucky” You ordered another shot, quickly downing it before asking for another, shooting that down too.
“Maybe you should take it a little easy, you don’t want to do anything you might regret” Nat put her hand on my shoulder.
“It doesn’t matter anyway, I’m going to end up in my bed crying anyways, might as well be drunk when I do it” You smiled before downing another shot before Nat could protest. You looked across the room to see Bucky and his girlfriend dancing, huge smiles plastered on both of their faces.
“If this were a movie, I totally would have chosen him” I said as I sighed, looking down at my hands before ordering another drink. “We know kid, we all thought it would happen”  Nat tried to comfort you, but you shrugged her hand off of your shoulder as you walked over to Steve, Sam and Scott.
“Hey Y/N, you look ravishing tonight” Steve put his arm around my waist as the shots started to hit me, making me tumble a little bit. “Yeah Y/N, you’re looking amazing, so gorgeous” Sam said as you could feel your cheeks start to heat up. “They’re right, you look down right beautiful Y/N” Lang chimed in as you could feel your cheeks turning an even brighter shade of red.
“Damn Y/N, are you already drunk, how much have you had to drink? I just saw you get here not even twenty minutes ago” You could hear the concern Sam had laced in his voice. “I, am a grown woman, who can drink as she pleases” I gained the attention of people near us, two of those people being Bucky and his girlfriend. Bucky looked at you, sadness and concern in his eyes, but you ignored it as you tucked your head into Steve’s neck.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Steve whispered to me as his eyes flickered over to the direction that Buck was in.You just shook your head as you pulled away, Bucky not taking his eyes away from me as you stood in the group of you guys. You could feel Buckys eyes burning into the side of your head, deciding you needed another drink, you decided to head back to the bar, not knowing Bucky was thinking the same thing.
you moved to the other side of the room to avoid being seen your almost-ex and his new partner, when suddenly you bumped into a hard chest and metal arm.  
You looked up, seeing those blue eyes that you not so long ago used to get lost in. “You have got to be fucking kidding me” You sighed.
“Please just talk to me, i’m done playing this little game of yours” Bucky pleaded, looking at me with saddened eyes. You walked past him, continuing to the bar, but you could hear Bucky following in tow.
“One tequila shot please” You asked the bartender.
“You shouldn’t be drinking this much, I just saw you down like five drinks” Bucky said, your back facing him as you sighed.
“Don’t try and tell me what to do” was all you said before the shot was placed in front of you. You downed all of them, turning around to see Bucky staring at you with a disappointed look on his face.
Bucky grabbed your wrist, pulling you to the hallway, away from everyone else.
“Tell me. Tell me why you won’t talk to me, or even look at me. You ignore me, only talking to me when you're forced to in meetings or missions. What did I do to lose you” The anger Bucky laced in his voice wasn’t something he was trying to hide.
“Are you fucking serious” You laughed a little bit. “You broke my fucking heart. You knew I was in love with you. You knew that and did nothing. And how do I get thanked for being there for you when your having nightmares, or when you had a bad day or went on a mission that beat you up pretty badly? You go and fucking get a girlfriend. And on top of that, it was her that I found out from, not you. So fuck you Bucky. Do you know how much it hurt hearing it from someone who’s only known you for two seconds?!” You could feel the tears start to form in your eyes, gently taking your hand and wiping them away as Barnes stood there with a look you couldn’t describe on your face.
“I didn’t want to hurt you” was all he said as the two of you stood in the hallway, the faint sound of music drifting in the empty corridor.
“You did a great fucking job doing the exact opposite” you whispered as you both looked at each other.
“You wore the dress I got you for your birthday a couple of months ago” Bucky said as his eyes raked my body up and down.
“Stop it, don’t do that. Don’t sit here and pretend that everything is okay when it’s not James.” He flinched when you called him by his name, only because he knew that you only used it when you were upset with him.
“I sent her home, I told her it would be best if we didn’t see each other anymore” You looked up at Bucky, confused about what he just said.
“You what?” Your voice was quiet, almost asking for reassurance.
“I couldn’t stand there, watching the girl i’m in love with get attention from other guys, drowning herself in alcohol, hurting because of me” Bucky took your hand in his as he used his metal arm to pull you in by the waist. You turned your head away from him, staring at the wall beside you.
“Why, why would you go and find someone new in the first place, if you knew I loved you why would you hurt me by being with someone else” Your voice was was barely above a whisper, but Bucky obviously heard you as he placed his hand on your cheek, turning you to look him in the eyes.
“Because i’m stupid, and wasn’t thinking, and it took me not being able to be away from you to realize that i’m so in love with you Y/N, and nothing and nobody will ever change that” There was such sincerity in his eyes, so you sucked in a breathe before you rested your forehead against his.
“Don’t let me go, not again” Your breathes were mingling in the small space, his answer to you being him pulling you as close as he could, kissing you with more love and passion than you’ve ever felt. It was minutes before the both of you pulled away, breathless.
“I’ll never let you go doll” Bucky whispered.
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lovingjbuckyb-blog · 7 years
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when momma gives you what you want for christmas (x)
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lovingjbuckyb-blog · 7 years
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lovingjbuckyb-blog · 7 years
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my name is , bucky barnes edition 
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