lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
Nightmares & Sleeping Meme
“Don’t worry about it. I was already awake.”
“I broke the lock. You were screaming.”
“Hey, last night… Are you okay?”
“How long have you been having nightmares like this?”
“Talk to me.”
“Let me stay. I can make you breakfast in the morning.” 
“How long have I been out?”
“What happened?”
“Hey - hey! Hey! It’s me! [Name], it’s me, hey.”
“Was it the same as last time?”
“Strange place to fall asleep.”
“Do you …  live here?”
“Would it help if I stayed?”
“You were already asleep, I didn’t want to wake you.”
“It calmed you down, I think.” 
“You’re safe. It’s okay, I promise you, you’re safe. You need to stop fighting them.”
“I’m sorry, I know, I’m trying to help you. I want to help you, you’re hurt, I’m - god, I’m sorry, please go back to sleep.”
(Feel free to change which muse does what by adding names, etc!)
[TALK] - for receiver’s muse to be talking in their sleep.
[AWAKE] - for our muses to be lying awake together, neither one of them able to get (back?) to sleep.
[JOLT] -  for receiver’s muse to jolt awake after a nightmare, possibly being held/talked to by sender’s muse.
[HURT] -  for receiver’s muse to be half-conscious after an injury, and not able to keep their nightmares separate from reality.
[SOOTHE] - for sender to comfort receiver’s muse while they’re having a nightmare, trying to keep receiver asleep.
[TUCK] - for sender to find receiver’s muse asleep somewhere and tuck them in with a blanket (or jacket, etc)
[QUESTION] -  for sender’s muse to check whether receiver’s muse is Okay, in the morning after a nightmare, in a wordless way (touching their arm, etc)
[PLEASE] for receiver’s muse to ask sender’s muse for comfort after a nightmare, or for company staying up so they don’t have a nightmare.
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
‘Something's Wrong’ Sentence Starters
Something’s Wrong With My Muse
“Oh, God, you’re bleeding. You’re bleeding a lot.”
“Stop squirming, I’m trying to help.”
“Hang on, I got you.”
“Just lean on me, I’ll help you walk.”
“We should get that looked at.”
“Don’t tilt your head back, you’ll make your nosebleed worse!”
“Just sit up and breathe, ok?”
“Eh, you’ll be fine. I think. Maybe.”
“Whatever you do, don’t go to sleep. Stay awake.”
“Oooooo. That looks painful.”
“Oh, thank God! Don’t scare me like that!”
“How the hell did you do this to yourself?”
“Hey, hey, stay with me, ok?”
“You stopped breathing.”
“Oh look, it’s alive.”
“Take deep breaths, you’ll be fine.”
“Arms shouldn’t move like that…”
“What happened to your leg?!”
“Yep, that’s broken alright. How’d you manage that?”
“Here’s some ice for that.”
“You’re welcome, by the way.”
“Yeesh, you look like shit.”
“Wait, you were mugged?!”
“Is that a stab/gunshot wound?”
“Ok, ew. I’m not cleaning that up.”
“Easy, easy! Just lay down, you hit your head.”
“You probably have a concussion, so I wouldn’t be moving around too much if I were you.”
“I thought you were dead!”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?”
“Can you walk on your own?”
“You’re getting blood on my clothes!”
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
Something’s Wrong With Your Muse
“Is that three fingers you’re holding up?”
“I’m so sorry for getting blood on your clothes!”
“I’m not sure I can walk on my own.”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, my pain’s at least an 8.”
“You thought I was dead?”
“Do you think I have a concussion?”
“I hit my head; now I don’t feel so good.”
“I’m so sorry. Do you mind cleaning up?”
“I think I’ve been stabbed/shot.”
“I just got mugged!”
“Do I look as bad as I feel?”
“Could I maybe get an ice pack for this?”
“Thank you, by the way.”
“I think my leg is broken.”
“I can’t feel my arm.”
“I’m going to need more than deep breathing to calm me down.”
“I’m not dead yet!”
“Oh, God, I’m bleeding. I’m bleeding a lot.”
“Are you really trying to help?”
“Please help me.”
“Can I lean on you? I don’t think I can walk.”
“I think I need to get this looked at.”
“I can’t get my nose to stop bleeding!”
“I can’t seem to catch my breath.”
“I’ll be fine. I think. Maybe.”
“Please help me stay awake.”
“This hurts just as much as it looks like it does.”
“Sorry - did I scare you?”
“I don’t know how I managed to do this to myself.”
“I don’t know if I can stay awake.”
“I stopped breathing?”
Note: Revamp of an older sentence starter post found here.
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
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Grilled steak with parsley sauce
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
Send “click” for my muse to take a picture of your muse.
Send “snap” for your muse to take a picture of my muse. 
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
pregnancy prompts ( pt. 1 )
i’m seeing a lot of baby fever on the dash lately, PLUS a lovely nonnie asked for angsty pregnancy prompts and i wasn’t able to, so have some lighter baby prompts instead! love to all!
“ is… is it mine? ”
“ have you thought of any baby names? ”
“ i thought the doctor put you on bed rest? ”
“ hey! i got you starbucks! decaf, of course. ”
“ have you had any cravings yet? ”
“ ah… i know. morning sickness is no fun, huh? ”
“ i’m pregnant. ”
“ you’re going to be a mother/father/aunt/uncle/etc. ”
“ i saw the pregnancy test in the trash. ”
“ the pregnancy test… it’s yours. right? ”
“ does the father know? “
“ who’s the father? “
“ it doesn’t matter about the father. i’m here to support you and this baby, no matter what. okay? “
“ you’re not alone. it takes a village to raise a kid, right? “
“ i want… a cheeseburger. with fries. and a strawberry shake. and onion rings… ”
“ that was a kick! ”
“ was that a kick? ”
“ is it a boy or a girl? ”
“ what color paint do you want? for the nursery? ”
“ we need to go shopping! baby clothes, maternity clothes, furniture, all of it! ”
“ i… we should get married. right? that’s what you do, when… when there’s a kid? ”
“ i know it was just a one night stand, but… i’m gonna support you. whatever you decide to do. ”
“ shit… um… i-i’m the dad. right? ”
“ you got that pregnancy glow. ”
“ hey… this is new for both of us. but i reckon you’re going to be a terrific mother/father/parent. ”
“ i… i slept with someone else while we were separated. they won’t pick up their phone, but… i’m not sure if you’re the father or not. ”
“ maybe we should move in together. n-not permanently. just until the baby’s born. ”
“ wait a minute. heartbeats?! plural?! we’re having twins/triplets/etc?! ”
“ woah… this pram costs more than three months rent. ”
“ ikea really knows how to make building a crib stressful… ”
“ god, i’m a mess. i cried yesterday while watching an advertisement for fence paint. hormones are something else… ”
“ can i have your fries? don’t judge me, the baby’s hungry. ”
“ my back’s been killing me for the last month, and i have four more months to go… my chiropractor’s gonna have a field day. ”
“ i know we want this to be a secret, but people are getting suspicious. i can only turn down champagne so many times… ”
“ wanna go with me for the next scan? it’s a big one, we get to keep a copy for the baby book. ”
“ oh, you best believe i’m signing up for all the babysitting duty. ”
“ would you like to be their godfather/godmother? ”
“ i’m their honorary aunt/uncle, let me spoil the little kiddo! ”
“ they have the instructions for this crib in every language except english. they have it in irish! who has it in irish?! ”
“ no! no mayonnaise! it’s bad for pregnant people! ”
“ i took the test nine times, okay, and all of them are positive. this is real. this is happening. ”
“ i always wanted kids… ”
“ that kid’s gonna be the most insanely loved baby in the world. ”
“ don’t look at me like that, okay? we’re going totally tee-total until the baby comes. ”
“ i swear, if i read one more baby book… ”
“ i wouldn’t mind, but all the women i meet when i go outside the door, all have different advice for me. the bump is like a magnet to them… ”
“ i wouldn’t blame you if you walked away, you know. you never signed up for a baby. ”
“ one thing’s for sure… everything’s going to change the minute people find out about the baby. ”
“ here! i got you some take-out. and i researched like, fifty mommy blogs to make sure this stuff was totally safe and healthy for you. ”
“ i don’t know if i ever had a plan for my life, but… if i did, i think pregnancy was later down the road. ”
“ my love, starting a family with you… it’s my greatest wish. but if you’re not ready, that’s okay. what will be, will be. ”
“ hey, why don’t we plan a baby shower! ”
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
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Chocolate banana bread
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
Lightheaded/Fainting Starters
❝Whoa, hey, you okay there?❞
❝Please don’t pass out on me–❞
❝Stay with me.❞
❝I think you need to lay down.❞  
❝I need to lay down. Like, now.❞
❝Can you help me sit down?❞
❝I think I’m gonna pass out.❞
❝I don’t feel so good…❞
❝I can’t move.❞
❝I can’t sit up.❞
❝Why is the room spinning?❞
❝When’s the last time you slept?❞
❝Do you need to eat something?❞
❝When’s the last time you ate?❞
❝I think I just need to eat something.❞
❝Let me get you some water.❞
❝Here, elevate your feet.❞
❝How much did you drink?❞
❝I think I drank too much.❞
❝Did you drink something? Did you take something?❞
❝You’re really pale.❞
❝Can you hear me?❞
❝Hey – you passed out.❞
❝Are you gonna pass out again?❞
❝I think I’m gonna pass out again.❞
❝Don’t sit up yet. Just relax.❞
❝This isn’t normal. You’re freaking me out.❞
❝Thank god you’re awake, I was about to call an ambulance.❞
❝You’re gonna be fine, I’m gonna call an ambulance.❞
❝What happened? Did I hit my head?❞
❝You hit your head pretty hard. Just stay down.❞
❝What happened? I just found you laying here.❞
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
Random starters: Fainting/unconscious edition
“Wake up… please wake up…”
“Hey, are you okay? You seem a bit faint…”
“N-no no! Stay with me now!”
“Keep breathing, you’ll be fine.”
“Oh! You’re awake! You’ve been out for so long-!”
“I found you unconscious back there. What happened?”
“Hey, are you alright over there?!”
“We found you in a horrid state.. but we patched you up as best we could!”
“Don’t try to move. Just get some rest, okay?”
“Oh, I guess you weren’t dead after all.”
“Hey! This one finally woke up! Get me a doctor!”
“Shh… take it easy, there’s no rush. You were passed out for a long time, you see.”
“Ow.. my aching-”
“Ugh… where…?”
“Help me.. someone…”
“I can’t hold on… fading away..”
“What happened? Where is this-!”
“Gah! S-stay away from m-me! I don’t know who you are!”
“Did.. did you save me back there? Thanks.. I guess.”
“I was passed out for that long?!”
“Help me up.. please help me up…”
“What happened to me anyways? I feel so lightheaded…”
“Am I in a hospital? I wasn’t here before..”
“Where is everyone? How long was I gone?!”
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
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Caprese garlic bread with crispy prosciutto
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
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Brown butter toffee chocolate chip cookies
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
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Elicia´s first day of school
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
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23 notes · View notes
lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
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Balsamic roasted cherry tomatoes (with pasta)
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
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Chocolate raspberry cream pie
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
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Steak sandwich
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
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Sous vide sirloin with sherry mushroom sauce
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lovingmilitarywife · 1 year
50 Meet Cutes
You had an assigned seat next to them at a wedding for a mutual friend.
You accidentally sprayed them with yogurt when you opened the lid the wrong way.
Studying at the same table in the library, you see they are pulling the same study resources as you.
They mistook your bowling ball for theirs in the shared ball return.
They caught you when you slipped on ice and nearly fell over.
Accidentally stepping on their heel in a crowded room.
You both do the side-to-side dance when you try to pass them in the grocery store aisle.
Humming a song and having them begin to hum with you without thinking.
Tripping while getting into your seat in the theater and spilling your popcorn on them.
You matched with them in an online chat roulette room.
Both of you wore the same ugly Christmas sweater to a party.
You kick a ball and your shoe flies off, hitting them in the back of the head.
Accidentally opening a door on their face.
They cover the small amount of change you are short on for a purchase.
You both go to the counter, having the same type of coffee called for pick-up.
Riding together up the ski lift.
They pull you out of the way from the busy bike path.
They see your ice cream drop to the ground and buy you a new one.
You see your favorite book on their desk during class and ask them about it afterwards.
You walk out of a dressing room asking if the outfit suits you, but it’s not your friend waiting outside the room like you thought.
Almost spilling a drink because you met their eyes and got distracted thinking how cute they are.
Getting paired up in a line dance.
Happening to sit next to each other on a park bench, reading the same book.
Being paired up at a beginners ballroom dancing class.
Sharing an umbrella at a bus stop as it snows.
They get your attention and return your phone that fell out of your pocket.
You help catch their dog when the leash slips from their hand.
They ask you to pretend to be their date at a bar to prevent an ex from talking to them.
You help pull a loose thread off the back of their shirt.
Meeting their gaze after throwing a coin in a wishing fountain.
Sitting next to each other at a very boring meeting and bonding over your shared lack of attention.
You wear matching masks at a masquerade party.
Holding the elevator for them and getting off on the same floor.
Bumping into each other while trying to pass through a doorway.
They jump into your car breathless and tell you to keep driving.
You throw a snowball at a friend but miss and hit them instead.
The two of you wear costumes from the same fandom at a costume party.
You help a lost child find their parent together.
Walking into the incorrect bathroom and meeting eyes with them before quickly realizing the mistake.
You help catch their hat as it flies away in the wind.
The person sitting next to you on the train is wearing clothes that match your lucky colors from your fortune that morning in the paper.
They knock on your apartment door instead of your neighbor’s.
You both reach for the last umbrella in the store on a rainy day.
You fix your hair in the reflection of a window to see them smiling at you through it.
You get scared by them in a corn maze and lash out and hit them, quickly followed by apologizes.
You reach for the same bouquet in a flower shop.
Texting the incorrect number but continuing the conversation.
Sitting next to each other at a sushi bar and sharing a roll.
You both reach for the final donut in the case at a bakery.
Getting paired up on an amusement park that requires even numbered riders.
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