frostburnpizzawich · 3 years
Good morning everyone!
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Have some Frostburn to start your morning off. ;) 
“Here I stand in the light of day!” 
or perhaps...
“Thinking of you, wherever you are.
We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.
Now I will step forward to realize this wish.” <3
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frostburnpizzawich · 3 years
Thought this made a cool little narrative
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frostburnpizzawich · 3 years
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Galo and Anna both rightfully punching the daylights out of their betrayers and main villains of their movies. Talk about hard hitters. 
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frostburnpizzawich · 3 years
Welcome to the Frostburn (and Pizzawich) madness!
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Hello everyone! Welcome to the Fromare (Frozen x Promare) shipping blog featuring the crack ships Elsa x Lio Fotia (Frostburn) and Galo Thymos x Anna (Pizzawich). This blog is just a fun place where I can brain dump and ramble about two of my top favorite crack ships, romantically and platonically, from two of my all time favorite movies/franchises. 
For a little background information: these ships came about after I watched both Frozen 2 and Promare in theaters in late 2019, within a month of each other, which got my crossover loving heart and mind thinking about how these characters would interact with each other if they ever had the chance to meet up. At first the ships started out as platonic, with Galo, Anna, Lio, and Elsa building a close and deep friendship with each other, but as with most shipping, it started to make sense to start shipping said pairings romantically. First came the ElsaLio ship, which will be the main ship/focus for this blog as it is my current #1 crack ship and current #1 ship for both Elsa and Lio, and then eventually came the GalAnna ship, which will be the secondary ship of this blog and not featured quite as much as ElsaLio. Now I will admit I was definitely very hesitant to include the GalAnna ship in this blog given that canonically Anna is happily married to Kristoff by the end of Frozen 2. (Don’t worry I am still very much a Kristanna fan and I think those two definitely deserve to be together.) However, I recently decided to fully embrace the GalAnna ship as it has been taking up residence rent free within my brain along with the ElsaLio pairing. So you all have to suffer with me. Lol! But as I said before this blog will mostly be about the ElsaLio pairing. 
This blog is currently under major construction as I don’t have much content for it at the moment sadly, but I will warn you to expect shipping shenanigans, headcanons about both ships and why I think they would work (in an alternate universe or multiple), rambles, and crappy fanart. I know that these ships will definitely not be everyone’s cup of tea, but please try to refrain from unnecessary/mean comments as this blog is just for funsies. If you enjoy this blog and its content, feel free to leave a comment and let me know about your own favorite crack ships, if you have any.
Hope you have a nice day/night! 
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