WOLV3S ONLY BRAND started Online Fitness Apparel company
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Be informed and purchase best apparel at best rate from WOLV3SONLYFITNESS
Tyris McKnight, Kenner – September 2020– Technology has connected the world, regions, and countries together, and has make anything possible to see or acquire at a short time and safes traffic. The Wolv3s Only Brand started an online fitness apparel company to inspire and motivate the masses on to get best product at their store at the best rate.
The Wolv3sonlybrand is enthusiastic about providing best fit apparel for customers and make it count. The company is pleased to be able to provide premium high quality fitness apparel to customers at home across the globe through it platform. Store equipped with series of best apparel and fascinating styles of product. The online clothing store evolve fit wear has taken it upon itself to cater to the clothing needs of the modern days.
Tyris McKnight, the founder says “I will make it possible for people, entrepreneurs and organization to find interest in clothing fitness sale, and I am pleased to start the online fitness apparel company which will make it possible and easier for purchasing and it will inspire and motivate the masses.”
He categorically states that,“their agenda is to provide the best fit clothes for those who love to stay fit and are game for anything that can help them achieve that, and to enable other people to find trust in purchase and get fast delivery at a lesser cost.”
For more information visit www.wolv3sonlyfitness.bigcartel.comto get best fitness apparel.
Contact: 504-782-8394
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Expert Entrepreneurial Consulting Firm Offers Coaching to Elevate Amazon Sellers’ Earning Potential
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Seasoned Amazon Seller Shares Financially Successful and Timely Earning Strategies
ST. PETERSBURG, Florida— September 15, 2020 — Castle Rock Consulting today announced the expansion of its business model to share best practices with Amazon sellers wishing to take their businesses to the next level. With its roots as a successful Amazon seller, Castle Rock Consulting will now empower other like-minded entrepreneurs to grow their respective Amazon ventures. Since its start in 2016, the passion of founder, serial entrepreneur Travis Martinez, has inspired so many to build and grow their own endeavors. The firm has expertise in Business Consulting, Executive Coaching, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Marketing Consulting and Brand Consulting.
Mr. Martinez is enthusiastic about sharing his proven selling methods. “I own and operate Castle Rock Consulting, which focuses on helping people start and grow profit margins in their own online Amazon Businesses. I also still own and operate all of my original Amazon businesses that got me to this point of now being able to share my strategies. I love and live in the trenches and have the unique experience to be able to identify like-minded, positive, entrepreneurial individuals looking to set up additional revenue streams.”
He added, “What we do effectively is cut the learning curve for Amazon sellers, whether experienced or brand new to the industry. What’s thrilling for us is the idea of teaching hard working people to have continuous revenue streams. I take pride in inspiring clients to start their own well-functioning efforts with their own Amazon businesses. I hope to have the opportunity to share what I’ve learned and continue to learn with my clients so they can have a fun, high-earning and successful Amazon story of their own. And, the best result of our consulting success is the day we look forward to the most – establishing long term relationships with the people we help.”
Sellers will be coached in the process of setting up their businesses based on where they want to start and the scope of their goals. When Mr. Martinez began his Amazon selling business, he literally had pallets dropped off in front of his townhouse. When orders began rolling in faster, more storage was added to the equation in the form of a month-to-month storage unit. The number of his product manufacturers grew, and the business grew. Orders grew even more, and the business added even more storage units. Eventually Castle Rock leased its own warehouse.
Castle Rock understands that in order to achieve business goals, the most important factor is the energy and drive of the business owner. There is value in having gone through the process of building a business. Castle Rock’s mission is to give clients an experienced and effective foundation to support it. “Our systems and strategies are so proven that as long as you don’t turn into an ostrich and bury your head in the sand at the first sign of adversity or resistance, then there is no way you can fail, and seeing how COVID has economically affected my friends and family,” Martinez shared. “The pandemic has motivated me to ramp up the consulting aspect of my ventures to inspire a better future.” Castle Rock Consulting takes pride in making sure its clients won’t need its services forever.
For more information email [email protected] or call (727) 266-2046
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Translation agency with excellent customer service – we are happy to help you!
Professional express service for specialist translations is offering you here an online dictionary which not only contains the usual language pairs for Germany such as German-English, English-German or German-French, French-German but also shows words and expressions in more exotic linguistic directions such as English-Spanish or Spanish-English.
The online dictionary offered by our translation agency is intended to be optimized with your help and to grow continuously in the process. We would be happy to receive new translation suggestions but also if already existing translations from other users were improved upon.Every entry is important for us however small.
Of course we cannot guarantee that the translations in our online dictionary do not contain any mistakes.This is only intended to be a small translation aid. Profi Schnelldienst guarantees that texts entered will not be evaluated or passed to third parties.
Translation technology can help to translate texts into the relevant target language more simply but it is not really suitable for complicated or very technical content and texts. That is why: if you are looking for high-quality translations for your material you are in the best of hands with us.
In times of globalization and the increasing interdependence of business, politics, science and culture, the importance of the profession of specialist translator is growing. Since translating does not mean translating a text from one language word for word into the target language, but rather taking into account typical linguistic and cultural communication patterns in the target language, the translator plays an important role in overcoming language barriers.
As a language mediator between people from different cultures, he helps to build economic and political relationships. The process of translating is not just about transferring facts and content. Depending on the language combination, diverging economic, cultural, political or social conditions apply in the country of origin and destination, which must be taken into account when translating. This includes a high degree of sensitivity and instinct in the selection of the formulations as well as a pronounced linguistic "diplomacy".
Internationally operating companies and institutions turn to renowned, certified language services wherever possible.The translators employed here have different academic backgrounds:
• Certified translators
• Academically certified specialist translators
• Linguists and linguists
• Engineers with a proven foreign language background
In a high-tech world, it is essential that translators, in addition to linguistic knowledge, specialize in a certain subject and certain types of text. The first step towards qualification as a specialist translator is an additional subject course that is completed as a supplementary subject as part of the language course.
In translation practice, the transitions between the subject areas are sometimes fluid. For example, legal and technical issues come together in patent texts.
It is also important that the specialist translator, due to the high pace of innovation in the individual sectors of the modern world economy, is constantly changing
This goes hand in hand with developing technical language and terminology to rely on regular further training in order to always be up to date. This applies to texts from the legal system, pharmacy or pharmacology, patent system, finance and medicine, to name just a few branches
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Translation agency with excellent customer service – we are happy to help you!
Professional express service for specialist translations is offering you here an online dictionary which not only contains the usual language pairs for Germany such as German-English, English-German or German-French, French-German but also shows words and expressions in more exotic linguistic directions such as English-Spanish or Spanish-English.
The online dictionary offered by our translation agency is intended to be optimized with your help and to grow continuously in the process. We would be happy to receive new translation suggestions but also if already existing translations from other users were improved upon.Every entry is important for us however small.
Of course we cannot guarantee that the translations in our online dictionary do not contain any mistakes.This is only intended to be a small translation aid. Profi Schnelldienst guarantees that texts entered will not be evaluated or passed to third parties.
Translation technology can help to translate texts into the relevant target language more simply but it is not really suitable for complicated or very technical content and texts. That is why: if you are looking for high-quality translations for your material you are in the best of hands with us.
In times of globalization and the increasing interdependence of business, politics, science and culture, the importance of the profession of specialist translator is growing. Since translating does not mean translating a text from one language word for word into the target language, but rather taking into account typical linguistic and cultural communication patterns in the target language, the translator plays an important role in overcoming language barriers.
As a language mediator between people from different cultures, he helps to build economic and political relationships. The process of translating is not just about transferring facts and content. Depending on the language combination, diverging economic, cultural, political or social conditions apply in the country of origin and destination, which must be taken into account when translating. This includes a high degree of sensitivity and instinct in the selection of the formulations as well as a pronounced linguistic "diplomacy".
Internationally operating companies and institutions turn to renowned, certified language services wherever possible.The translators employed here have different academic backgrounds:
• Certified translators
• Academically certified specialist translators
• Linguists and linguists
• Engineers with a proven foreign language background
In a high-tech world, it is essential that translators, in addition to linguistic knowledge, specialize in a certain subject and certain types of text. The first step towards qualification as a specialist translator is an additional subject course that is completed as a supplementary subject as part of the language course.
In translation practice, the transitions between the subject areas are sometimes fluid. For example, legal and technical issues come together in patent texts.
It is also important that the specialist translator, due to the high pace of innovation in the individual sectors of the modern world economy, is constantly changing
This goes hand in hand with developing technical language and terminology to rely on regular further training in order to always be up to date. This applies to texts from the legal system, pharmacy or pharmacology, patent system, finance and medicine, to name just a few branches.
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Meet The E-Commerce King: Entre-preneur Jeet Banerjee Teaches Us How To Build Disruptive Online Brands
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 Entrepreneur Jeet Banerjee learned how to build massive online brands with little to no investment with his innovative e-commerce model. Starting with no experience or money, Jeet has harnessed the power of dropshipping and online retail to generate over $30 million in revenue in just two years.
The Story of Jeet Banerjee:
Growing up in a very traditional household, Jeet took a very untraditional method to get to where he is at today. From an early age, he says he knew that working for someone wasn’t an option in his life.
“I took a couple jobs after school in high school and hated everything about it. I knew I had to take control of my own future so I wouldn’t have to work for anyone else and I did just that by working hard everyday to turn business ideas into realities.”
Jeet’s resume is filled with accomplishments such as selling two companies, speaking at events around the world such as TEDx and even publishing a best-selling book. He made sure to emphasize to me that he has had his fair share of failures along the way which is something he never hides from because he believes it’s an important of his journey.
After honing his entrepreneurial skills with many business ventures, Jeet began to teach others how they can achieve the same successes he’s had in the e-commerce space. He’s been able to help thousands of students around the world get their e-commerce businesses off of the ground.
Seeing how much success he has been able to achieve throughout his entrepreneurial career, it was important to dive into understand the mindset that brought him here today.
The Mindset of Jeet Banerjee:
Jeet’s story is exceptional because he has been able to achieve so much in such a short span of time. I asked Jeet what made him so successful in entrepreneurship and e-commerce in general and it became clear to me that he has a mindset very different from most.
He said, “If I do anything, I do it to win and compete against the best. I don’t look for easy and I believe in myself so much that most people would find it insane. If you tell me I’m playing Michael Jordan in his prime 1 on 1, I’d tell you I’m winning. If you think anything less, you’ve already lost. Everything seems impossible until it’s done so I’ve always told myself, why not me?”
“When I jumped into e-commerce, everyone wanted to make a little bit of money or they were competing with another 6 or 7 figure store. I looked at the competition and saw online retailers like Amazon, Nike and others who I immediately set my sights on. I wanted to learn from their success and start competing with them, which is what I did immediately. I focused on building real brands that had the same logistics, supply chain and marketing setups that they did.”
As you can see, Jeet isn’t shy about dreaming big. In fact, it seems to me that one of the biggest reasons for his success to this day is because of his ambitious mentality.
What Jeet Is Doing Now?
For someone who has had so much success in just a few years, you’d think they would be on an island getting a tan but not Jeet. He told me he still continues to work 16 hours a day and began to tell me that this is just the beginning of his plans.
Jeet currently runs multiple 7 and 8 figure online brands with a lofty goal of growing his revenues to over $1 billion in the next few years. When I asked him of how he plans to do this, here’s what he had to say.
Jeet said, “I am currently in the process of growing my team. Talent is the key to really reaching that next level so we are currently growing our infrastructure at an insane pace and are hoping to have over 150+ employees by the end of this year.”
In addition to his e-commerce pursuits, Jeet is also highly committed to providing step-by-step training to others who want to build their own successful online businesses. His Ecom Legacy Brand program and The Income Incubator have had thousands of success stories to date.
If you want to learn more about Jeet and his businesses, you can check him out on Instagram profile @thejeetbanerjee or @theincomemincubator.
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BINGO – 香港最佳網頁設計公司 – 利用大數據及AI智能提供一站式電子化網購系統
THOMAS指出 :「2019年英國通訊管理局報告 – Media use and attitudes report顯示,英國國內92.1%的人曾經進行網上購物。現今世代已經是網路主宰的年代,一套優秀的系統對公司發展十分重要。BINGO一直堅持製作高回報率的網站,系統配合熱點圖、AI技術等程式;系統亦已通過多項安全檢查。」 作為香港最佳的網頁設計公司,BINGO(HK)每年均會推出新版本的網站管理及網上商店管理系統。2020年全球疫情加速了企業對網頁應用、電子商務的需求,BINGO(HK)再次升級系統,提供更合適香港本地、中國以及國際市場的網上商店系統。
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全球最大域名註冊商GoDaddy在2020年的年度報告顯示,三年前新註冊的域名共有超過2,000萬個,但在第二年仍選擇續費的只有其中的29.79%,在這三成域名當中又只有32.00%會在第三年選擇繼續續費。而Forbes (福報斯) 於2016年的報告亦同樣顯示有84%的網上商店會於三年內結束。
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THOMAS指出 :「2019年英國通訊管理局報告 – Media use and attitudes report顯示,英國國內92.1%的人曾經進行網上購物。現今世代已經是網路主宰的年代,一套優秀的系統對公司發展十分重要。BINGO一直堅持製作高回報率的網站,系統配合熱點圖、AI技術等程式;系統亦已通過多項安全檢查。」
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利用科技和專業設計、減省人手,達致真正電子化 BINGO系統開發部每年分析數以千計的網站,每位網站管理員的工作以及動作,於系統設計的時候,均考慮過當網站銷量達至每月千萬的時候,如何進行產品管理、物流管理等方案。並且,BINGO曾進行壓力測試,即使網站達到20萬人同時瀏覽,亦可以使瀏覽者擁有流暢的網上購物體驗。
極具彈性的系統 Thomas Yeung表示,很多時候企業都會使用多種系統(如CRM、ERP、POS等)來協助不同部門的日常工作,可實際上卻忽略了各部門之間數據的分享與整合,導致重點業務數據信息未能集中展示的問題。有見及此,Bingo的開發團隊已於2020年制定了完整的API開發模組,該技術支援把十年前冷門的系統及最新推出的系統兼容,達致簡化企業的人力資源,提升工作效率。
結合人工智能的網店 2020年最新版本的網購系統結合了AI人工智能元素,配合文字識別系統,支援粵語對話,類似Apple的Siri,可以與客戶即時對話,達至24小時網上支援服務。Thomas表示,過往有客人有多達10位客戶服務同事線上支援客人,日後配合AI功能,可以減省到4名同事即可,真正利用大數據系統電子化。
升級與維護  -  一場沒有終點的挑戰 作為全港第一間推出後台永久保用的技術商,Bingo(HK)每年都會檢視網站的安全系統並進行相應的升級與改良,另外亦會為網站源碼進行例行的檢查。雖然乍看下維護成本相當高,但其實長遠來說因核心系統不斷升級,系統的安全性會更有保證,而壽命年期亦會更長。相比起市面其他的網店系統,雖然也支援手動升級系統,但卻會因版型、套件不支援新版而遭遇困難,安全成疑。
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獲國際證書認證 BINGO為達至香港最安全的網頁設計公司,2018年開始一直培訓同事考獲CISSP資格,現時BINGO的系統開發部門全體同事已經考獲相關認證。
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關於BINGO(HK) BINGO創立於2010年,是香港最具模規的網站集團,現時設有英國、新加坡、泰國、上海分公司,已服務全球超過8,000名客戶。知名公司ACER、匯豐銀行、海爾集團以及全港身份證換領計劃都是BINGO的客戶之一。 BINGO(HK)的網上商店系統,已經連續5年打入香港零售管理協會的優質網店。
https://www.hk-bingo.com T: 36210308 E: [email protected]
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