loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
big mood is forgetting your email for @shecorrupt
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
norsemen rp meme | part 1.
was that a bit too much?
aren’t you supposed to be a little like that when you’re in charge? a little bit crazy?
it’s not really me, that fear-based leadership style stuff. it doesn’t feel right.
do as you please. do whatever you want.
we have to do something about that.
i think i have a plan for that. a plan so crazy it just might work.
what kind of leadership is that? are you pleased with yourself?
i think things are starting to fall into place.
we’re actually in control here, so.
have you ever heard of a man who had too much control?
see you on the other side.
i’m thinking, what’s the worst thing that could happen to me if i don’t jump off that cliff? i mean, what’s worse than being crushed?
you’re supposed to do the jump and spare your families the burden that is supporting you in your old age.
you’ll never see us again.
so the rumors are true? that you sent the old people in the village to their death?
sacrifice? no, no, i don’t think that’s a good idea... all that screaming and commotion...
not to cock up your plans or anything, but are you a hundred percent certain it’s necessary to sacrifice me?
i mean, ritual sacrifice isn’t a perfect science, but i feel really confident about this one.
you could at least have sacrificed some slaves.
we’ll pour out some mead for our dead comrades, reminisce and stuff.
i was supposed to be sacrificed today. but i got away, so they gave me a branding instead so i wouldn’t feel too lucky.
my focus has always been on pillaging and ravaging and things like that.
did you see that? did everyone see that? ow! ah! there’s something seriously wrong with my nose!
open your mouth. don’t bite.
what kind of place are those goddamn inbreds running here?
so i thought i’d challenge you to a duel.
i, [name], hereby challenge [name] to a duel.
he has been trained to be a warrior ever since he was a baby. and he has probably killed a thousand men.
i never touched a sword before today.
you wish to exchange coins for poison?
don’t send a sword over tip first. easy child’s learning.
this is the deadliest poison you can find. one scratch of his skin and he will be dead in seconds.
you will regret challenging me to this duel. this is the dumbest thing you have ever done.
if you joined a raid, you’d understand how the world works.
it’s a matter of honor, isn’t it?
you can’t walk around with two arrows sticking out of your head. imagine sleeping on your stomach. it would be impossible.
it’s awful. i can see straight into your head!
this is gonna cost him an ear!
you will burn for a worthy cause.
the only clothes i have are the ones i’m wearing.
i can just stand outside, you know, and talk to the guys who go to the toilet.
nice and warm along the animals.
i’m not sleeping in this pigsty!
i was awakened by two filthy men relieving themselves in my mouth! i think i may have swallowed some of it.
pee straight from the source is perfectly sterile. doesn’t taste that bad either.
i’m not taking my hat off to being pissed in the mouth!
you can at least pretend to be happy to see your husband.
i was completely surprised when i saw her on top of this guy, moaning and groaning.
is that... a cock necklace?
can you imagine, you know, getting hard with a tool like that? you’d be in trouble. you’d just drop to the floor. your blood would go straight from your head down to your tool.
i think i know what a huge penis is. those are abnormal.
i just feel sorry for those people who have to walk around with dicks like that.
you don’t know what the assicle is? the little thing that sticks out between the penis and the hole? the little thing that wags when you’re excited?
it’s you and me then.
i have confidence in my sexuality.   i know that size doesn’t matter one bit.   
i think i need a break or something.
i was just trying to get in the mood. it was an experiment, you know.
you have to learn how to communicate! that’s what you do in a relationship!
so that date we set up ages ago to share a horn of mead with [name] and [name] to discuss odes and poetry suddenly isn’t so important anymore?
one two three, take out your wee-wee. four five, grab your bride. six seven eight, open up her gate. nine ten, fuck her then!
we can’t have a couples party on new years eve if you keep punching ladies in the face, [name]!
you should have seen the life i had. naked, oily men and women, like tangled together in every position possible.
a good man like you shouldn’t be alone if you don’t want to.
because you know i dig you. i always have and always will. and i really admire you for what you have accomplished.
from when we got there to when we left, it was just a series of one sweet moment after another.
you have so much for offer.
i can almost guarantee you’ll make some new friends.
it’s time to celebrate. shame on those who don’t get drunk!
it wouldn’t be fair to all the other moments if we bring up just one. because they were all so awesome.
we understand each other without really having to say anything.
can’t exactly say i’m looking forward to going home right now.
i’m feeling kind of alone here.
i’m starting to feel a little pathetic here.
i think maybe i heard someone say 3-2-1, no one else can come.
lots of, you know, internal jokes and... you wouldn’t get it anyway.
and now you’re going to mope when you’re the one who broke the agreement!?
why didn’t you run away?
that was kind of unnecessary, wasn’t it?
what kind of people trick people in distress into more distress?
it shouldn’t have happened, but it did. and i take full responsibility for it.
it’s almost funny how little is going on inside that massive head. anyone home? anyone home?
so you’ve been institutionalised, right?
i mean, there’s no better feeling than doing backbreaking work for someone else without pay.
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
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‘    you’re slow.    speed up if you want to live.    ’
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
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‘    rebelling would be nice,    but i think i prefer my balls attached to my body,    thank you.    ’    they all saw what octavia had darcy,   now her torturer,   do to the last bunch of people who chose to step out of line.    ‘    don’t know about yours.    ’    he’s jesting,   surprisingly.   it’s a wonder he can still do that in here,    but it most commonly shows when surrounded by his former clan.    /    @icexbcrn
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
Sentence Starters
“I’ve never seen one of these completely to my taste so i decided to make my own!
“I can’t do anything right.”
“Please don’t cry.”
“Why are you awake right now?”
“Why are you lying to me?”
“Wake up! Please wake up.”
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Is that blood?” “…..No?”
“Please don’t lie to me again, I can’t take it.”
“Do you even still love me?”
“Nobody’s seen you in days.”
“Why are you awake?”
“I’m worried about you.”
“Can you shut up for once in your life?”
“Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.”
“Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
“Leave! Me! Alone!”
“Go with me?” “As long as you hold my hand.”
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” 
“Have you seen my hoodie?” “Nooo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?”
“Have you always been this beautiful?”
“OH you’re jealous!”
“Can we stay like this forever?”
“Please just kiss me already.”
“I think you might be my soulmate.”
“Sleep over? Please?”
“Are we on a date right now?”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“He’s so pretty I think I’m gonna faint.”
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
“Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
“I missed you so much.”
“Do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are?”
“I’m here for you.”
“I wish we could live together already.”
“All I do is drink coffee and say bad words.”
“Quit touching me, your feet are cold!”
“I think I just ripped my pants.”
“Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
“Can I pet your dog?” “Do I know you?”
“Did you seriously just get your foot stuck in a toilet?” “Maybe.”
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.”
“But I’ve never told you that before.” 
“Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
“So, uh, I locked the keys in the car.”
“Is the cat in a onesie?” “Uh, no?
“Can we please stop running? I think I’m dying.”
“You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
“Aren’t we supposed to be working?”
“Give me attention.”
“Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming.”
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.”
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
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this is the only icon i need
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
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i love one (1) boy
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
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      THERE IS A FEELING IN THE PIT OF HIS STOMACH.  he’s done something wrong here. ask a question that’s not meant to be asked and he’s had that feeling in the pit of his stomach since the moment they opened the bunker up. something is wrong here. people don’t talk like they did before and everyone always looks scared. it has not escaped him that abby and kane were all too quick to runaway from their people and he knew kane. that just wasn’t who he was.   ❛   wonkru.   ❜   the word tastes a bit like iron. bloody. but he can’t quite quite figure out what’s going on here or why his sister looks and sounds like something out of one of the fairytales that he used to read her but heroes don’t wear blood as warpaint and who needs warpaint when they are all wonkru?       ❛   i…   ❜   all words die between his lips. what clan does he call his own? octavia is his people. but is clarke. and so are raven, monty, murphy, echo, harper and emori. it’s complicated.   ❛   there is only one kru now, right?   ❜   but it sounds fake to him, even as he says it.
some part of him is disappointed in the other man’s answer.    he knows that’s not true,    surely?     these newcomers ( these rescuers ) cannot fathom the things they had to endure in the bunker,    and neither does he wish for them to.    they are not truly part of their clan,   not really  ---  and while blodreina might want them to recognise that they are,    it’s all just a ploy.    she wants to add to her power,    but she can’t truly believe that these people are the same as them.
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besides,    there has never just been one kru;    there has always been people fighting in the darkness,    their voices too quiet to be heard.    most of them had been killed,    but some were smart enough to figure out how to survive.
boldly,   sven murmurs,    ‘    you know that’s not true.    ’    he glances around as soon as he says it,    and he swiftly regrets it.    how will he explain?     talking about the dark year is forbidden but also not something he wishes to do.    he lets out a sigh of irritation directed at himself and then looks back at bellamy.    ‘    not for you,    at least.    ’
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
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      ❛  Keep rollin’ your eyes like that and I’ll start thinkin’ you’re havin’ a seizure, love,  ❜  he shoots back, decidedly turning the bloke’s mockery back unto himself. Or, rather, trying to. Something tells Kane he doesn’t possess the necessary intelligence to quite recognise the retaliation for what it is. Either way, with the stranger now inside, he decides to get up from the sofa.  ❛  Do you, now? And how’s that been workin’ out for you, eh?  ❜  Pocketing both his hands then, he takes a languid step forward.  ❛  Never mind — don’t answer that. Just tell me who you are before someone gets hurt.  ❜
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the way this man talks is comical to him,    and the amusement shows on his features.     ‘    i mean---    ’    he makes to answer,   but the other man cuts him off and sven’s brows rise.    he was about to be truthful,    but clearly this man has no interest in his jokes.    ‘      who are you?    you’re the one sitting on my best friend’s sofa.    clearly you’re contemplating what you’re about to steal from a poor orphan girl.    ’    nonchalantly,     he hauls the backpack from his shoulder and lets it fall to the floor with a dull thud.    heavy.    unzipping it,    he reveals dozens of cans of baked beans.    ‘    it’s an inside joke.   please don’t ask me to clarify.    anyway,   feel free to rob the apartment or whatever while i fill all her drawers with these ---    ’ 
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
me: has thousands of icons for darcy me: has like 25 for sven me: spent the day today making 300 new rectangle icons for darcy
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
DO  YOU  YIELD?   does  he  know  her  at  all?    amusement  toys  at  her  ever-stoic  expression,   playing  with  the  curve  of  her  brows  and  pout  of  her  lips.  never  fully  blossoms,  though;  she’s  too  busy  plotting  her  next  move.  silly  boy  should  know  better  than  to  think  he’s  trapped  her.  quick  as  lightning,  echo  lifts  the  hilt  of  her  favorite  sword  and  drives  it  backward,  straight  into  his  gut.  a  move  that  could  end  in  disaster,  one  instinctive jerk sending  the  blade  of  his  sword  sinking  into  the  tender  curve  of  her  throat  —–  but  she’s  much  too  fast for  such  foolishness,  quick  feet  dancing  their  way  out  of  his  grasp.    ‘   a  good  warrior  makes  her  own  options,    ’ she  murmurs,  the  very  corner  of  her  lips  quirking  with  pride.  echo:  1,  sven:  0.
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he is always excited to spar with echo.     she always finds a way around him,    and he loves to learn from her;    he’s good at what he does,    but she has more years of experience on her side.    sven is quick and fast but so is she.    they bounce off one another well,     and he never finds himself irritated when she finds a way past his defences,    so he can’t help but laugh as she manages to slip from his grasp,    taunting him with her words.    
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‘    alright,    ’    he laughs,    anticipation building as he pauses,    wanting to see her calculate his next move.     it’s only then that he suddenly launches into another attack.    ‘    one day you’ll yield to me!    one day!    ’
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
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#big mood
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
booty shorts that say “menace to society” across the ass
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
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‘    what’s your problem?    i’ve got no quarrel with you!    ’     he was just starting a bar fight...     by swinging a stool over the neighbouring person’s head.
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
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       THE THINGS THAT HAPPENED in the bunker were still a mystery but bellamy found that the more people he spoke to, the more seemed to flinch away like they were scared and for the first time, it wasn’t really of him. and that was odd. he knew that his history with the grounders was not good but something different was in the air. the young man before him looked almost like a ghost and bellamy couldn’t help but wince slightly at the words that fell from his lips    ❛   it’s okay. you don’t have to thank me.   ❜   he only did what he had to do. like always. getting his sister and her people out of that bunker? it wasn’t something he had to think twice about.      ❛   you’re azgeda, right?   ❜
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he was azgeda once.    in a better time.    it’s been a long time since he thought about those days;   he could only spend so long wishing he was back in them.    there was no use to it.    now there is only wonkru,    for he is wonkru or he is the enemy of wonkru.    ‘   no,    ’    sven shakes his head.   his gaze does not meet bellamy’s own;    instead,   he glances around for watching eyes.    anybody who might say he is conspiring outside of their clan.     ‘    there is only wonkru.    ’    he saw what happened to those who refused to believe this,    and he doesn’t want the same to happen to him.    azgedakru and sangedakru took the longest to grow accustomed to the change,   which was no surprise to him.    slowly,    his hazel hues rise to bellamy’s own.    ‘    what clan do you call your own now?    ’    read:    do you feel as lost as i do?
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loyaltiedtm-blog · 6 years
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‘    what is...    a delinquent?    ’    sven’s brows furrow,    confusion lining them.    he’s heard darcy deucalion use the word a few times and he’s never gotten around to asking.    random question,    but darcy’s been pointing the remaining ones out.    ‘    you are one,   yes?   ’    /    @skaikill
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