lpchoreography · 13 years
Life Currents
Life Currents
Dancers: Louisa Armstrong and Kathleen Dalton
Created for IngenuityFest 2011.
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lpchoreography · 13 years
The Regular Season - part two
The Regular Season
Brought out and dusted off for the I.S. Symposium.
"Get it together Malcolm! We're following you!": a week of rehearsals.
Day 1:
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Annie wins:
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Day 2:
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"Why is that on your body! I feel like that's worse than your clothes." -Annie:
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Day 3:
Not the best proof, but trust me, this conductor looks exactly like Jack Nicholson:
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The levels of work ethic in this group are pretty wide-ranging:
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This time Amadi won:
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Day 4:
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I was talking to my camera, telling it to "work" and Amadi thought I was telling him to "werk":
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The demons who run lights and sound:
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Day 5:
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(Top L to R): Amadi Washington, Malcolm Campbell-Taylor, Aaron Yi 
(Bottom L to R): Annie Woller, Claire Miller, Shakera Blackmon
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lpchoreography · 13 years
"That's the fun part about being a human being": deep thoughts on dance (turn up the volume)
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lpchoreography · 13 years
Zach and Annie
Zach and Annie
Music: original composition by Zach Boylston
Dancer: Annie Woller
Created in 48 hours. Performed at the Wooster Jam Session.
The venue:
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Mad hops:
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Zach and Annie, post-performance:
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  Look at that hair:
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lpchoreography · 13 years
Music: Animal Collective's The Purple Bottle
Dancers: Stephanie Andrus, Emily Bartelheim, Mara Bartlett, Caitlin Cliff, Emily Corwin, Maria Cox, Kelly Harrold, Sarah Huttie, Ellie Lawrence, Sam Lundeen, Claire Miller, Kenny Perry Jr., Charles Powers, Owen Reynolds, Thomas Sanchez, Matthew Simpson, Jasmine Verreen, Amadi Washington, Kait Yankello, Aaron Yi
Lights: Kaleigh Richards
Costumes: Charlene Gross
My view: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4vlEsN5yo0
The gang:
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"If you miss your entrance because you were taking pictures, I'm going to kill you":
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"Okay, so you guys are going to end the dance by spelling out your names on the ground":
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0 notes
lpchoreography · 13 years
The Regular Season
The Regular Season
Music: Igor Stravinsky's Le Sacre du printemps
Dancers: Shakera Blackmon, Malcolm Campbell-Taylor, Darius Dixson, Adriana Maxton, Claire Miller, Amadi Washington, Annie Woller, Aaron Yi
I wish I had a video of the time I asked them to rehearse a section of the dance and when I looked over (just a few seconds later) all eight of them were Tutting.
The long, arduous process of getting them ready for photos:
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But they're pretty great once they get it together:
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All photo credits: Alyssa Lee Wilmot
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lpchoreography · 14 years
Dusk on the Dunes
Dusk on the Dunes
Music: an original composition by Omar Salka
Dancers: Caitlin Cliff, Kelly Harrold, Sarah Huttie, Ellie Lawrence, Vanessa Logan, Sam Lundeen, Claire Miller
Lights: Lindsay Phillips
Costumes: Charlene Gross
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lpchoreography · 14 years
Talking about music...
Talking about music...
Dancers: Kathleen Dalton and Louisa Armstrong
Created for IngenuityFest 2010.
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All photo credits: Bobert
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