lresiliencel · 5 years
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lresiliencel · 5 years
|| omg....... I logged in just to check something and now I want to TRY and pick up this blog again. I love Keili to bits and ugh I can’t believe I ever abandoned her. Let’s try again? D:
btw in case you don’t remember me........well I don’t blame you since I wasn’t here long after I made it a few years ago. But Hi! I’m Krissy. My main rp blog is @ctherprcmise :)
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lresiliencel · 8 years
I only just now remembered the password and email to this blog!!!
I would love to get this blog going again! I feel so bad for never answering my asks. two people wanted to rp with me and I have no idea how old those requests are! I am so sorry about that!
Please feel free to plot with me! or is it too late to answer those asks?! ~
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lresiliencel · 9 years
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lresiliencel · 9 years
Send ヾ(。◕ฺ∀◕ฺ)ノ if we haven’t rped yet and you want to change that!
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lresiliencel · 9 years
url change
iiiresilient --> lresiliencel
just a slight change in the spelling. :)
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lresiliencel · 9 years
[Regardless of gender]
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The 26th icon in your folder is your muse's reaction finding out they're pregnant
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lresiliencel · 9 years
[Like if you do not mind rping with someone in the Final Fantasy community.]
Reblog if you are apart of the Final Fantasy Roleplay community
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lresiliencel · 9 years
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The 74th icon in your folder is your muse's reaction to having a near-death experience
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lresiliencel · 9 years
❤ na We Heart It.
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lresiliencel · 9 years
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lresiliencel · 9 years
// Thinking of changing my url, or at least change the text decoration. //
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lresiliencel · 9 years
Keili’s face when her parents speak to her, or text her.
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lresiliencel · 9 years
They hadn’t actually practiced escaping the apartment. All she had was her mother’s word that the plan – if it could be called that – would be enough to get her to safety should it ever be necessary; drag the plank of wood out to the metal… well, she didn’t know the name for the little platform outside of their window but if she dragged the wood there, she could stretch it out to the next platform and climb her way down the ladder from there. It was meant to be for emergencies only, but for a seven year old who had little more to do than to stare at the walls or color all day, her boredom had become an emergency about a month ago. 
Which meant that Marisol should have been used to her routine by now, but today she had her stuffed Chocobo plush in tow, tucked safely under her left arm. Which meant that arm was useless for climbing down, which meant that she was about to be stuck between having to choose to drop herself or to drop the toy her mother had bought her. … Until there was another girl just almost at her side. Marisol missed how the other girl got there, but that hardly mattered. 
“But –” 
But she was going to fall at this rate. 
Thinking quickly, the Costan girl stuffed her toy into her shirt and inched herself over to the edge of the ladder. With a quick look back to the other girl, she reached out with her left arm, her right hand still gripping tightly to the metal. “Now what?”
This was quite a dangerous predicament. Keili did her best to avoid looking down at the street below. Not that heights was a fear of hers, more so that she didn’t want the younger girl to follow suit and then possibly become frightened if she wasn’t already.
Biting her lip, Keili carefully scooted closer to her, grabbing Marisol’s free arm before both eyes averted to the one clenched to the metal railing. “It’s ok. I got you. Now just... Climb down ok? Be careful.“ Keili kept a firm grip on the girl’s arm, guiding her as she climbed down.
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lresiliencel · 9 years
//Omgosh I haven’t been here for a couple of weeks. I hope my followers haven’t left before we got a chance to meet! Things have been hectic for me irl. I am moving to a new apartment and packing hasn’t been easy. I will get back to this blog soon. Also, Lee! I saw your reply and have it saved! //
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lresiliencel · 9 years
Starter call for little Keili? Like this. :)
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lresiliencel · 9 years
Final Fantasy Fandom!!! the musical featuring smash hits like
“Toriyama is the Devil!!!”
“This Soundtrack Sucks Where’s Uematsu (Latin Choral Version)”
“MMOs Don’t Belong in Final Fantasy”
“The Series Died After X”
“TOO LINEAR (Interlude)”
“Nostalgic self-entitlement!”
“Square > Square Enix (Extended Dance Dub Mix)”
“Fuck Kitase and Nomura Bring Back Sakaguchi and Amano”
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