lssrphub · 14 days
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lssrphub · 7 months
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i am never gonna be fucking over this . bytheway - ez
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lssrphub · 1 year
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Cam reveal 🫣 Also boss immediately took the camera from me at took more pictures but I will not be um. not be sharing those. ahhah
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lssrphub · 1 year
win 👍
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lssrphub · 1 year
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we're alive btw <3
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lssrphub · 2 years
the survey doesn't work are you still accepting people
Not at the moment, sorry!! We’ll make a post if that ever changes tho
- esther
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lssrphub · 2 years
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back to your regularly scheduled programming ! ; )
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lssrphub · 2 years
cody hopped universes?
yeah, I plunked him in another universe for the Crisis arc :3 he's back now, but during the arc he was replaced by another version of himself "from a better timeline" kinda
- Esther
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lssrphub · 2 years
October 12th, 2022 - The Narrows
Cool light filtered through the blinds and into the dim kitchen where Cody and Faith sat. She seemed in good shape, despite being let out of the hospital only two days prior. He briefly wondered if, back in his universe, Kit was celebrating Sukkot. A small pang of sadness hit him.
“So… The docks were a bust, huh?” Cody asked.
Faith nodded, “Yeah, I shouldn’t have bothered. It was a dead end.”
“What now, then? Do you have anything else?”
She fiddled with her ring as she contemplated the question. It was a pretty ring, he thought, though unexpectedly showy for someone like her.
“If I could get my hands on some more info…” Faith pulled out her laptop.
Cody couldn’t see the screen from where he sat, across the table. She started typing. She seemed self-assured and collected, despite the imminent danger. It was admirable. Cody, for all his posturing, was truly and deeply worried. What if they couldn’t get home? What if the universe fell apart at the seams? What if he failed his friends, or whatever versions of them he was left with? These questions swirled around his head like a blizzard.
“Hey… Chin up, Codes.” Faith briefly glanced his way before returning her gaze to the screen. “We’ll figure this out.”
Cody offered a slight smile, “Thanks.”
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lssrphub · 2 years
October 4th, 2022 - Bludhaven
Faith hardly processed the sound of the gunshot ringing in her ears before she collided with the fire escape. It had been a normal night- getting frustrated, going roof-hopping to blow off steam. Her head swam with a million tolling bells and through it ripped an excruciating pain. She huffed, forcing herself to roll onto her back.
She clasped her hand as tightly as she could muster over the wound on her hip. She had to stay conscious. She had to keep breathing.
Though there wasn’t much she could see she lifted her head, painfully, to peer through the bars of the fire escape. She swore she saw a figure crouched on a roof, a few buildings away.
Nightwing was, for all intents and purposes, doing a normal patrol. He tried not to let the multiverse nonsense affect him too much- but he was failing. Thoughts ran through his head like screaming bulls, and he was barely avoiding an existential crisis.
That's when he heard the gunshot. His feet pounded on the top of the building and he made a few daring flips, helped along with the grapple inside of his escrima sticks.
He leapt off the building and caught the fire escape, sliding into the weak excuse for a stairwell. He bent down and started to pull out medical materials from his pockets- not anything that would cure her, but something that would keep her stable.
"Are you alright? What happened?"
With Nightwing's appearance, the figure seemed to startle, then disappeared.
The girl took a shaky breath and peeled her hand from the wound, "Take a- ... Take a wild guess..."
Nightwing sighed a laugh and wrapped her wound, and tapped out the number for the hospital on his comms. After a short conversation he ended the call.
"The ambulance is coming, just stay awake until then," he said, trying to sound kind but coming off as a little annoyed, "Do you know who shot you? Where they went?"
She shook her head, "Maybe I saw someone in the distance, but... I didn't get a good look. I think they split when you showed."
It was hard to imagine a motive for gunning her down as she was, being out of costume. Only a few people knew her identity as a small-time vigilante, and certainly none of her enemies…
"Jesus fucking christ," He muttered. A sniper, then. They just had to make his life more difficult. He'd have to wait for the ambulance to take out the bullet before he could analyze it, so he went looking for the impact on the wall next to them- maybe it could figure out where it came from.
There wasn’t much to go on, direction-wise, though it was obvious the shooter must have been very skilled to make the shot. Faith tried to keep her breathing steady as he analyzed the scene.
Soon, the ambulance’s siren could be heard in the distance, though she was fighting for consciousness.
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lssrphub · 2 years
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it begins ✨
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lssrphub · 2 years
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coming this october...
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lssrphub · 2 years
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long live lgbtq 😌
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lssrphub · 2 years
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lssrphub · 2 years
jason's gamer pad
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lssrphub · 3 years
problem children reunion
Cody brushed his fingers gently through Cassie’s hair, which was still slightly wet, making note of any tangles as he went. His sister sat on the bed in front of him with her legs crossed, while he kneeled behind her with an assortment of combs, brushes and detangling sprays. Halfway down, her hair transitioned from brown to a washed out lilac colour. It seemed like just yesterday she’d impulsively dyed her head purple, though the root growth said otherwise. There were only a few loose tangles, then one larger knot near the back. He spritzed the knot, then started to work it apart with his fingers, then with a wide comb.
“Kay, I’m gonna start brushing. Tell me if it starts to pull.”
Cassie hummed in agreement.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you stopped taking care of your hair all together.”
“Not all together…” She paused for a long moment before continuing, “I missed you.”
“You missed me too much to brush your hair?” Cody asked, doubtfully.
In the tall mirror that sat across the room, he caught a sly smile overtaking her face. He turned his eyes back to her hair, which was beginning to dry enough to spring back into its signature curls. In the silence, her words repeated in his head: I missed you.
Cody frowned. All at once, it overcame him how much time he’d spent trying to soothe the raw disconnect between them with more distance.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, Cass, I just… Missed you too.”
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lssrphub · 3 years
the link attatched to the hyperlink to get to the form is https://lssrphub.tumblr.com/about#mce_temp_url# which jist sends you back to the same page?
Tumblr is driving me nuts... I wish linking things were easier. Should be fixed tho!
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