#crisis on infinite shoes arc
codybatson · 2 years
sam’s brother is actually really funny. I don’t know why we never talked before this
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lssrphub · 2 years
October 12th, 2022 - The Narrows
Cool light filtered through the blinds and into the dim kitchen where Cody and Faith sat. She seemed in good shape, despite being let out of the hospital only two days prior. He briefly wondered if, back in his universe, Kit was celebrating Sukkot. A small pang of sadness hit him.
“So… The docks were a bust, huh?” Cody asked.
Faith nodded, “Yeah, I shouldn’t have bothered. It was a dead end.”
“What now, then? Do you have anything else?”
She fiddled with her ring as she contemplated the question. It was a pretty ring, he thought, though unexpectedly showy for someone like her.
“If I could get my hands on some more info…” Faith pulled out her laptop.
Cody couldn’t see the screen from where he sat, across the table. She started typing. She seemed self-assured and collected, despite the imminent danger. It was admirable. Cody, for all his posturing, was truly and deeply worried. What if they couldn’t get home? What if the universe fell apart at the seams? What if he failed his friends, or whatever versions of them he was left with? These questions swirled around his head like a blizzard.
“Hey… Chin up, Codes.” Faith briefly glanced his way before returning her gaze to the screen. “We’ll figure this out.”
Cody offered a slight smile, “Thanks.”
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consistenthero · 2 years
My guess some of those choices like Roy throwing away his phone were just to cover plot holes like "Why didn't Roy contact his family/why don't they know". Not everything has a plan in comics. ""Why doesn't Lian remember Roy" because the narrative needs a reason for her to not contact him. Also comic stories change on the fly all the time and Williamson has gone on record saying he lies in interviews from time to time to throw off theorists and surprise people with what actually happens.
Also the writers of TTA said they were hoping to set up a Lian arc but RedX and the books cancellation stopped that. That happens all the time. Roy is still talking in Dark Crisis and if anything having other characters from other books talk about Lian just increases the chances of her arc getting picked up. Like if a Teen Titans book can't cover it maybe a Flash book can, he's spoken a lot there. Or yeah a Red Hood book as unlike the Titans who are already involved in stories is completely free
Look sorry to say but comics are notorious for not having plans for their characters they really are laying down tracks while the train is running. All you can hope for is that the tracks end up going somewhere nice instead of being forgotten or crashing.
His appearance in the flash books felt far different than his appearance in tta (i hated tta so that post was just me mostly complaining about it ruining everything) but I know that comics are fickle and they get canceled and plans change all the time but I do want to know what was the plan even if it was just a barebone idea like what they wanted to do or show? Because even the lian-shoes plotline was foreshadowed before the reveal, and in Infinite Frontier 1 it was clear that he had been brought back by someone who had seemed to really care about his character (he also looked really good), idk i just know they had bigger plans for roy besides brief cameos in dark crisis and im sad we wont see it. (And I know williamson is a troll but he said that during an entire panel about the arrow family and its like i know dc sucks but people do love the arrow family and would like to see them back together, dont dangle them in front of us) idk it just makes me sad
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swashbucklery · 3 years
But really, really the thing I'm most consumed by is that scene between Bishop and Ava. The standoff where like. She's not faking she's not bluffing she's looking god in the eye and realizing she doesn't like his shoes.
That existential crisis of just. Feeling a certain way and mentioning it offhand and Bishop just like. Oh I broke your brain chemistry in this specific way, that's why you're like that.
This is the core of human cloning story tropes, it's so complicated and it's complex because it's not about the 3D printing it's about the fact that you're 3D printing people and the utterly infinite variability within that.
The ways that you can 3D print all the meat you want but you can't ever really standardize identity and personhood. But also, from Ava's perspective, the doubt he gives her because: what if you can. What if she's been standardized perfectly to experience exactly these emotions and how does she trust her instincts and reconcile that with the crushing self-knowledge that her emotions were engineered.
(And look look mostly I love arcs like this because the ultimate answer is: life finds a way, robots are people too, clones are people, humanity is so much more than DNA and it's ::chef finger kiss:: delicious.) 
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karazor--el · 5 years
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Jeremy Jordan is 'more than happy to come back' to Supergirl 'hopefully next season'
Jeremy Jordan is wrapping up his three-episode return arc on Supergirl with this Sunday’s 100th episode, but he’s already looking forward to his next trip back.
After leaving The CW’s superhero drama back in season 3 to join the Legion of Super-Heroes in the future, Jordan’s Winn reappeared in the two-part “Back From the Future” story line this season to reconnect and reunite with his super friends and defeat his evil doppelgänger. And while Winn went back to the future by the end of last Sunday’s episode, he’ll still show up in this Sunday’s 100th episode, “It’s a Super Life,” although not as a continuation of the story from the last two episodes — when Mister Mxyzptlk returns with a new face (now played by Thomas Lennon), Supergirl hosts its own version of It’s a Wonderful Life. The clip show of sorts follows Kara (Melissa Benoist) as she gets to troubleshoot all the different points in time where she had the opportunity to tell Lena (Katie McGrath) her secret and see all the alternate outcomes to figure out if she made the right call keeping her double identity from her former BFF. Some of these timelines include Winn as well as other familiar faces from previous seasons that will excite Supergirl fans.
But Jordan isn’t done guest-starring on Supergirl just yet — he’s excited for another chance to return to The CW series in the future. “It’s just the fact that Winn has always been part of the DNA of the show and when he returns for these couple episodes it really just felt natural and normal,” he tells EW. “The second I stepped on the set it was like I had never left and we just had a blast. I would be more than happy to come back and guest star again in the future. I don’t think it will happen this season unfortunately, I think they’re almost done filming, but hopefully next season maybe we can find something and continue the journey.”
Even when Jordan made the decision to leave Supergirl after starring as a series regular for three seasons, he always knew he’d back. It was just a question of when. “When I left the show, we had mutually agreed that I would come back as soon as possible for a number of episodes,” he says. “It was supposed to happen in season 4 but unfortunately scheduling and story lines dictated that it wasn’t going to happen. So we planned way ahead for season 5 and made it work then. It was always in the books, always in the cards that I was going to come back at least for a few episodes.”
And since they knew they wanted him back for the 100th episode, it ended up working out perfectly scheduling his two-episode arc back-to-back with the milestone hour.
“They knew they wanted to bring back a lot of people, and then this idea of the Toyman and Winn coming back from the future happened after that so instead of it being a true three-episode arc, it was like a two-episode arc with a little bonus: the 100th episode appearance tacked on the end,” Jordan says. “It was really convenient for me because I was already in Vancouver and I could just do the three in a row. It’s hard to schedule these things because I have a lot of concerts and I have Broadway and off-Broadway gigs. So if we can bunch it all together, it’s so much more beneficial.”
When Jordan stepped back on set after his time away, he immediately noticed how much of a toll the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover had taken on everyone. “Everybody was still recovering from the massive crossover that happened,” he says with a laugh. “But at that point it was a couple episodes behind us and everyone was free to have a blast. It’s always fun to come in and hang with your old friends. It was great to see Chris [Wood] again.”
Cagey about spoilers, Jordan teases that his favorite scene from the 100th episode is one that was full of nostalgia. “There’s a lovely scene between Melissa and I where we have one of our old school heart-to-hearts and talk, that’s always just really lovely to get to film,” he says. “And then getting to do some scenes with Chris and Mister Mxyzptlk was really fun. We had a blast and were laughing the whole time. There are some big moments that happen that I can’t really talk about that people will be really happy with. It’s like a love letter to our fans for always supporting us and being really positive throughout the years. We get to revisit some of these great moments we’ve had over the course of the series and make some fun new memories. What’s great about the 100th episode is it really feels like the end of a chapter and we can move forward from here.”
And while fans have seen Jordan playing two different versions of Winn so far this season — the now-superhero Winn who grew up in the future as well as the evil Toyman doppelgänger Winn from an alternate Earth — the actor reveals his 100th episode appearance is yet another Winn.
“The Winn that I’m playing in the 100th episode is a weird hybrid of old Winn mixed with if the old Winn had stuck around and become a version of a new Winn that we see,” he says. “It was a little bit different. I’m in the Legion suit so it’s not exactly old Winn. It’s getting glimpses here and there of what could have been. Unfortunately we don’t have all the time in the world to get to really explore all these different eventualities but in the little time we had, we tried to play with it and have fun. I still think that the new Winn we saw in the first two episodes is very similar to our old Winn, just with a few upgrades.”
Those upgrades now include a new Legion call sign: Toyman. Winn decided to adopt his father’s old villain moniker and turn it into something positive. “It was actually Jesse Rath who pitched Winn eventually taking up the Toyman call sign which I thought was super smart and really fun full circle thing,” Jordan says. “Every time Winn has an episode having to do with his past, he always comes out on top and having learned some things but I don’t think he ever fully left it behind him, and this is the final step in taking that mantle. I was just really excited to show everybody Winn’s journey as this full circle, how he’s come around to own his past and reclaim it. And having an actual superhero name is pretty awesome. I’m not mad about it, even a little bit.”
And Toyman is definitely a more exciting call sign than Computer Lad. “Yeah, but that was really fun to play too,” Jordan says with a laugh. “‘Hey, it’s cool, I’ve always been the computer lad. It’s fun!’ and then at the end when he’s like, ‘Are you kidding me? I hated it! It’s a terrible name!’ It was a great insight into our old Winn — it proves he’s still the same guy.”
Aside from reuniting with all his former costars, the thing Jordan missed the most about being on Supergirl is… “Paychecks! Just kidding,” he says with another laugh. “Just getting to reunite with Winn. I’ve never done a show for as long as I did Supergirl and I’ve never gotten to live with a character for that long. I’ve done plays and movies and I’ve done TV shows before but none that lasted this long. He’s like an old friend and he’s a part of me. He’s comfortable and it’s comforting to step into his shoes.”
Supergirl airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on The CW.
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storyteller0311 · 5 years
Arrow 7x22 Thoughts
(Hi, this post is full of spoilers. So, if you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t read it.)
On Olicity...
At the end of the day, stories resolve themselves in ways that greatly depend on the cards we’re dealt. There’s no guarantee that things would have unfolded in a more “Happily Ever After” way under different circumstances. Whether Arrow ended with 7x22 or 8x10 or whether Emily left or stayed, nothing is/was guaranteed.
For the circumstances we were given, I personally thought the resolution of 7x22 was GLORIOUS. If those last 15 minutes didn’t punch you in the feels, well, I don’t know.
Any question of Olicity’s importance to Arrow and their endgame status was put to rest.
Though it was imperfect and cut short, Olicity did have happiness. They did have peace.
Olicity’s affirmation of their love and importance to one another was beautiful, and it was fulfilling — not only to their love story, but to Oliver’s story overall.
The resolution to their story was also very much in keeping with the messaging of this season and the series as a whole — about the sacrifices that sometimes need to be made to protect the ones we love.
The present day resolution was full of promise that tied directly into the resolution of Felicity’s 2040 story. Though the details are still a bit unknown (because they can’t give the plot of Season 8 and Crisis on Infinite Earths away), we do get some kind of an off-camera Olicity reunion, which though not exactly a fairytale Happily Ever After, is a reasonably positive result.
On Redemption...
The finale delivered on the season’s overall theme, hammering home that redemption is possible for even some of the biggest bads. Because, at the end of the day, villains are humans just like our heroes. And this arc which tied directly to Oliver’s imprisonment, was a final necessary lesson for bringing his journey full circle.
I also thought Emiko’s fate was justified. It was important that she was redeemed and that by fighting for her redemption, Oliver was able to forgive her for being a major catalyst in his odyssey. But it was also important that she paid the ultimate price for her blind rage, jealousy, and hurt.
On the Flash Forwards...
I was really glad to see that the future is not really as bleak as originally thought. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a mess. And we don’t really know how it got so bad, but progress was made tonight.
I was actually surprised no one died. I was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Also, I love William and Mia. The Smoak-Queen children are everything.
On Where We Go From Here...
Going into tonight’s finale my biggest concern was how they were going to exit Felicity. Even though I was pretty confident they wouldn’t kill her off, anything was possible. But, now that the dust has settled and I’ve reined in my Olicity emotions, I’ve started thinking about the overarching story as we barrel towards the conclusion and all the loose ends.
There are only 10 episodes to reasonably resolve Arrow, and a lot of threads were left dangling by the end of 7x22. Some of those items we can take educated guesses at, while others were mere teases that seemingly hint at things to come.
My largest question revolves around the structure of Season 8 overall. Arrow didn’t just exit Felicity in the present day, but also Oliver. So, what does Season 8 look like? Does it pick up in real time? If Oliver is with the Monitor, how does that story work? Does he save the universe from Star City? Where is Team Arrow in all of this?
Also, while things aren’t happy go lucky in Star City 2019, by the time Oliver and Felicity leave, the SCPD is back on the side of the vigilantes. So, where does it go wrong?
I’m very skeptical that Oliver’s fate (and Felicity’s) is so cut and dry. Why would Arrow (and the Arrowverse by extension) build up this whole Crisis story only to reveal Oliver’s death way in advance? I think the use of the Queen “cemetery” is an important symbol. Felicity is going on a journey to reunite with Oliver, but “death” is not really implied in the scenario. So, his grave is most likely empty (just like it was all those years before.)
I think that though she will be absent in Season 8, Felicity has been playing a long game by the time we find her in 2040. She’s continued Smoak Tech, been betrayed by Alena, protected Mia, made sure William was okay & supported his business, secretly resumed being a vigilante, activated a plan to bring William and Mia together, and somewhere was in contact with The Monitor to set up an eventuality where she’s “ready” to leave her life behind and fulfill her promise to reunite with Oliver. Now, I could be wrong, but Felicity Smoak has always been person to find another way. And while her reunion with Oliver serves as a poignant and effective end to Olicity’s story for now, something tells me (largely depending on whether EBR returns for a series finale) that this really isn’t the end.
What is the story with Roy and how he ended up on Lian Yu? Because, to me, that exchange was a promise for an eventual answer. And it seems like that answer involves more than just bloodlust.
Where are John Diggle and Lyla Michaels in the future?
When does Bronze Tiger die? (I was somewhat surprised it wasn’t tonight.)
How does the Ninth Circle story evolve from here? I fdon’t think they’re going to just disappear into the wind...
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codybatson · 2 years
hello hello everyone, cody batson reporting LIVE from gotham city, appears to be october 1st 2022 which is awesome but also things are weird and unusual so that’s scary.
I’ll keep y’all updated, gotcha?
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lssrphub · 2 years
October 4th, 2022 - Bludhaven
Faith hardly processed the sound of the gunshot ringing in her ears before she collided with the fire escape. It had been a normal night- getting frustrated, going roof-hopping to blow off steam. Her head swam with a million tolling bells and through it ripped an excruciating pain. She huffed, forcing herself to roll onto her back.
She clasped her hand as tightly as she could muster over the wound on her hip. She had to stay conscious. She had to keep breathing.
Though there wasn’t much she could see she lifted her head, painfully, to peer through the bars of the fire escape. She swore she saw a figure crouched on a roof, a few buildings away.
Nightwing was, for all intents and purposes, doing a normal patrol. He tried not to let the multiverse nonsense affect him too much- but he was failing. Thoughts ran through his head like screaming bulls, and he was barely avoiding an existential crisis.
That's when he heard the gunshot. His feet pounded on the top of the building and he made a few daring flips, helped along with the grapple inside of his escrima sticks.
He leapt off the building and caught the fire escape, sliding into the weak excuse for a stairwell. He bent down and started to pull out medical materials from his pockets- not anything that would cure her, but something that would keep her stable.
"Are you alright? What happened?"
With Nightwing's appearance, the figure seemed to startle, then disappeared.
The girl took a shaky breath and peeled her hand from the wound, "Take a- ... Take a wild guess..."
Nightwing sighed a laugh and wrapped her wound, and tapped out the number for the hospital on his comms. After a short conversation he ended the call.
"The ambulance is coming, just stay awake until then," he said, trying to sound kind but coming off as a little annoyed, "Do you know who shot you? Where they went?"
She shook her head, "Maybe I saw someone in the distance, but... I didn't get a good look. I think they split when you showed."
It was hard to imagine a motive for gunning her down as she was, being out of costume. Only a few people knew her identity as a small-time vigilante, and certainly none of her enemies…
"Jesus fucking christ," He muttered. A sniper, then. They just had to make his life more difficult. He'd have to wait for the ambulance to take out the bullet before he could analyze it, so he went looking for the impact on the wall next to them- maybe it could figure out where it came from.
There wasn’t much to go on, direction-wise, though it was obvious the shooter must have been very skilled to make the shot. Faith tried to keep her breathing steady as he analyzed the scene.
Soon, the ambulance’s siren could be heard in the distance, though she was fighting for consciousness.
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lssrphub · 2 years
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it begins ✨
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lssrphub · 2 years
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coming this october...
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