lua-bunny · 2 months
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I like girls - Lydia Twd
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Hey! Making a one shot of my girl who is always forgotten in the Twd fandom (unfortunately, because she is fucking cute)
In this one shot, the reader is necessarily a woman/someone who uses she/her!
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Since you joined Rick's group, before Alexandria, you've really grown attached to the teenagers in the group. At first it was just Beth and Carl, which later became Noah, Enid and later Henry. Of course, you were their age, no family, like most, and a lot of emotional need. Over time, after the deaths of Beth, Carl and Noah, you no longer cared about the lack you felt, but what others might have.
You were almost maternal, even a few years above most young people, because your heart wanted to make those young people feel that they had something worthwhile. Maybe that's why Lydia liked you so much. You couldn't tell. Maybe it was because you defended her from Henry's stupid friends, or because you let her cry in your arms in the cell where Daryl locked her, or because you took the slap in the face from Alpha. She followed you like a master, as if she were your puppy. She would do anything to stay close, pushing away everyone who wanted to talk to her. One day you guided her on how she should be social. She simply replied: "I don't like them, they don't understand me like you do". You left this pass, after all, she were just a girl with no social skills.
Lydia started living with you in Alexandria since the houses in Hiltop weren't safe, you let her wear your clothes and you served as a shoulder for the girl to cry about her mother almost every night. It was always late, she would crawl into your bed, waking you up with a soft, tearful voice asking if she could sleep in your room. You would accept, making her lay on your lap and cry as if tomorrow didn't exist.
She clung to you, as if that meant she was saved from all her sins.
However, that changed one day. Instead of the girl crying for her mother, she cried for something she didn't even understand.
“Ly” you called her by her affectionate nickname, as she climbed into your lap.
"What happend?"
"I don't know if I can talk" she said in the most guilty and tearful voice in the world.
"Of course you can. I will understand you"
"Do you think it's normal to not like boys?" The question scared you a little. You thought she liked Henry, but apparently she doesn't even like boys?!
“Of course it is” you reply simplisticly.
"I say to a girl"
"Ly, people like who they like. It's born with them. Not everyone likes men, or women, you can like one, or both, or neither, or another gender. It's okay with that" Lydia doesn't respond at first, she just clings tighter to his embrace like a child. Deep down, she was like a child, inexperienced, experiencing all her feelings and desires at the same time.
"But they told me it was wrong" she almost whispers, while her head is buried in your neck.
"Mr. Larry" the famous teacher from Alexandria.
"What did he say to you?"
"I can not say"
"Of course you can. Why couldn't you? Did he tell you not to tell me?" If that were the case, you would smash his face in.
"No. You'll find out"
"Find out? Find out what?" She lifts her face from your neck, tears coming from her eyes. She's almost breaking down from having to tell you this. She doesn't want you to say the same thing as Mr.Larry.
"Mr. Larry said we were supposed to read a book about something but I didn't like either of them. So I found a romance book between...between...two girls and when I went to tell him, he told me I couldn't read this and that it would make me...a lesbian" You didn’t know what to feel. Anger? Sadness? Discomfort? After all, Mr. Larry had known you since you were a child and he knew you were sapphic. Did people really still think that way?
"Oh Ly, don't mind him. He's an old, frustrated man who has irrational prejudices."
"That's not the problem. It's just....I think he's right" she says, this time actually crying in his arms.
"He's not"
"But I became a lesbian" she says almost exasperated, hiding her face in her hands.
"Angel, you haven't become anything. If you like girls, that's who you are. You just discovered yourself. No matter how many straight or lesbian books you read, it doesn't change your sexuality. You just...discovered" you he says, caressing his tear-stained face.
“I like girls,” she says in a barely audible whisper, more to herself than to you.
"If it makes you feel better, I like them too" Lydia's face lit up, as if she had just received the best Christmas present of her life.
"Yes, really"
"It means you can date a woman"
"Yes, angel, that means that" She stops crying for a few seconds, looking deep into your eyes as if she wants to say something.
"I think I can date a woman too"
"Yes you can"
"That means I can date you, doesn't it?" She asks a little anxiously. You freeze slightly wondering if that was really what was going to happen. You loved that girl, it wasn't a secret to anyone, you just didn't imagine that she could love you too.
"Yes, if you liked me"
"I like you" That's enough to shut you up. You take a moment to think: "Am I going too far?", "Am I taking advantage of her?", "Did she say that with that intention?" This made you silent, just looking at Lydia. Lydia starts to panic, thinking she messed up, she alludes to get off your lap as she apologizes several times, however, you pull her waist against you and hold her face with both hands.
"I like you too Lydia"
With that, you wipe the few tears on the girl's face, while holding her waist and face as if her kiss was the only thing that mattered.
And it really was.
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lua-bunny · 2 months
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Headcanons - Tate Langdon
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imagine this as an AU where Tate just died, but didn't do the school massacre, because....too sensitive to imagine!
The reader is gender neutral!
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Tate alive (90s)
-He carries one of your hair ties or a bracelet on his own wrist. He randomly stole from you one day and you never noticed. If you eventually notice, he will tell you that he likes to carry a part of you with him.
-He loves skipping school and would make you skip school to be with him.
-He would hate to go to the prom, but if it's important to you, he'll make an effort and go.
-He would probably take a while to tell you he loves you because he thinks it is initially a sign of weakness.
-He is intelligent, but not the kind of school intelligence, but rather specific, things he learned in life with his interests.
-He listens to Nirvana, a lot, and he'd be really happy if you liked Kurt or something.
-He probably fell in love for you very easily, before you even knew who he was.
-If you're one of those persons who likes rock music and has a piercing, a tatto or something like that, this guy will fall at your feet, easily.
-He hates being yelled at. It reminds him of Constance and his stepfather and he hates them. It doesn't stop him from screaming or anything, but he definitely cries afterwards.
-This boy is JEALOUS. If you were a popular person, like a cheerleader or a player, maybe a band singer, he would freak out over all the applause and attention you get.
-He's weird, so he'd probably dedicate some song with questionable lyrics, or some Russian movie about cannibalism and he'd hope you loved it as much as he did.
-He would never invite you to his house. He would also never tell his family that you are more then a friend. Not out of shame for you, but out of shame for his family.
-He would let you paint his nails black (just black) and he would help you paint your nails. He also agrees to do your makeup if you want to or let you do black smoky eyes (even if he pretends to hate it).
-He would probably write you cute notes and put them in your coat, your bag or even in your car
-If you were a fan of horror films, he would curate with you which film is the bloodiest. If you were scared, he would put some weaker scary movies on TV and hug you so you wouldn't be scared.
-He's terrible with feelings. He feels like everyone hates him, and he feels like he hates everyone. You'd basically be the only exception, but it means he'll never really let you go.
-He has a lot of sadness and repressed anger (taking into account that in this AU he never killed anyone) so he would be someone quite unstable, he would probably have borderline or bipolar depression, but he wouldn't go to any psychologist.
-He is really unique (especially in the 90s) so it would really be difficult to find someone like Tate.
-He is definitely a pathological liar. He will lie for small and useless things. that you will never discover and that in the end will become true in the story you remember.
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Tate dead (Murder house season)
-He doesn't understand the concept of privacy. He doesn't care about looking at your cell phone, or your computer, saying personal things about you to your friends or parents and he doesn't understand you wanting to do things without him/without telling him. If you date him, he literally wants to be attached to your hip. As if you shared the same life.
-He HATES you having parties at Murder House or having your friends over. He will always complain about not getting attention and about how idiots all your friends are.
-Like I said, he's not good with feelings, so the only way he can express himself is by crying. He cries. A LOT. And he always expects you to comfort him (he would also use this to manipulate you if he did something bad)
-He likes to be validated. He's never received this from anyone so if you say nice things to Tate, he'll definitely love it (and probably cry)
-He likes listening more than talking. So sometimes he will sit on your bed, cross his legs and listen to you talking about anything for hours.
-He really likes contact. Be it sleeping hugging you, kissing you, or placing a hand on your thigh . He will always have one finger touching you.
-He will recommend you books, movies, songs and he expects you to like to them all and tell him about them.
-If he is angry about something or someone, he would like to be hugged like the little spoon and have his hair stroked while he complains about something that upset him, eventually, he would get angrier and knock over one of your decorations, or he would punch something, but he would always cry about it (Tate is a good cry baby)
-He would like to hide in places you couldn't predict to watch you. He likes to do this while you sleep, or while you're in the bathtub, just to make sure you're alive and well.
-He hates being trapped in that house so he would never want you to be trapped. He would like you to stay in the house because you want to and not because the supernatural trapped you there.
-He would hate the fact that you have to go to school/college/work because it means he can't check up on you and that you could be in danger.
-He's a bit obsessed with hair. He would love to touch your hair and he would love for you to touch his too.
-He would make very specific and different compliments, never obvious things. "I like the shape of your face", "the smell of your hair is good", "I like your accent", all those things.
-If you smoke, drink or something like that, he will get angry, because that means you can die outside the house and leave him, or die inside the house and get angry with him.
-He protects you from the other ghosts in the house and even from his own mother (who keeps invading your home).
-He would find a thousand things to do with you on Halloween, since it's the only day he can leave Murder House. He would like to do things that make you seem like a normal couple, for you.
-Since he can't be your boyfriend in public, he would like some matching jewelry, some tatto, anything to show that you were his and vice versa.
-He usually feels what you are feeling. If you are angry with someone, he is too, if you are sad with someone, he is too, and so on.
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lua-bunny · 2 months
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Hey!! First post here! A little scared because it's my first time using Tumblr but it's ok!
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A little about myself:
—My name is Lua.
—My pronouns are she/her.
—I am self-taught (I hope that's the right word hahaha)
—I'm Brazilian and I'm not completely fluent in English
—I've loved writing since I was about 11 years old.
—I'm VERY embarrassed to speak English in front of people I know or to say that I write, because.....well, I don't know why either
—I love art! All types. I'm also a theater actress, dancer and singer (of course, nothing more than an amateur lol)
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A little about what I write:
—I accept requests! As long as I know the character you're requesting lol
—I write one shots, headcanons and probably some series.
—I don't write about: explicit sex (it makes me uncomfortable), anything that alludes to the romanticization of crimes, or anything like that. I only accept requests mentioning these subjects.
—I don't have a frequency to post.
—I'm like a old lady using social media so I don't really understand how to use tumblr and I'll learn as time goes.
—I don't write for real people or anime/manga characters.
—I probably make a lot of spelling or language mistakes (so forgive me)
—I will write most things with female pronouns in mind, but if I have a specific request, I can change it!
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I believe this is it! Thank everyone who is reading this and enjoys this blog (is that the right word)?
Anyway, goodbye!
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