luamused · 4 years
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luamused · 4 years
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─ you say "witch" like it's a bad thing. ♡
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luamused · 4 years
“Fiction gives us empathy: it puts us inside the minds of other people, gives us the gifts of seeing the world through their eyes. Fiction is a lie that tells us true things, over and over.”
— Neil Gaiman
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luamused · 4 years
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luamused · 4 years
worldbuilding asks as the stars
(or: things i think about a lot when creating worlds for my wips)
andromeda: magic.
alpheratz: what kind of magic exists in your world?
mirach: what are the limitations of magic?
almach: tell us about your favorite way that magic is used.
adhil: what is the scariest thing about magic?
auriga: government.
capella: what is the government like? are there ruling families, or is there someone voted in?
menkalinan: tell us about the political situation.
prijipati: where do your characters fit into this system?
maaz: where would you exist in this system?
sadatoni: is power inherited? how so?
kabdhilinan: is there anything that people within your world want to change about the government?
canis minor: names
procyon: pick a character and tell us about their name.
gomeisa: pick a last name and tell us about its importance.
perseus: locations
marfak: what are some landmarks and how are they important?
algol: tell us about where one of your characters grew up.
menkib: how have some locations within your story changed over time?
atik: where in your world would you want to live?
taurus: stories
aldebaran: tell us about a significant historical event that shaped your world.
el nath: tell us a myth from your world.
primus hyadum: were there any wars? if so, tell us about it.
ain: are there any great rivalries?
alcyone: tell us something that parents tell their children to get them to behave.
atlas: tell us about a rumor.
electra: what are the worst-kept secrets of a city in your world?
maia: are there any ruins in your world? if so, what is their story?
merope: pick a location and tell us something only the locals would know.
taygeta: tell us a fairy tale from your world.
pleione: is there a place that people would warn you away from? what is that place’s story?
celaeno: are there gods? what are their stories?
asterope: pick any story from your world to tell a traveler passing through.
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luamused · 4 years
it’s all “accidental hand touch” this and “brief longing gaze” that, where’s my support at for “reaching up and fixing someone’s collar for them” crew??
the intimacy disguised as helpfulness! the lingering contact! the optional subdued “you look nice” as they stand too close!!
expand your pining vocabulary people
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luamused · 4 years
do i wish i was one of those people that could wake up at 6 am every day to write? yeah. am i a gremlin that makes a pot of coffee at 10 pm to write until UNTIL 6 am instead? yeah.
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luamused · 4 years
Things to do in quarantine (other than writing)
Make long, drawn out descriptions of your characters
Create moodboards, playlists, art, or anything else to do with your WIP
Write a dumb au- just for yourself. No deadline, no pressure of quality. Just write.
Figure out the perfect circumstances to write- do you like to drink coffee? Tea? Table, or lap? Music, TV, silence? Try out new things, too!
Clean up your workspace, if you have one. Decorate it. Make it home.
Go for a walk and listen to your muse playlist.
Try to cosplay one of your characters, no matter what you have at home.
Understand your MC better. Imagine them in quarantine- what's their favourite food? Their favourite music? Their favourite pastime? How do they sleep? How do they clean?
Make a shitty rendition of something from your story. Build a character from clay. Sew someone's outfit from scratch. Make a prop from tinfoil. Recreate a room with Lego.
Have stupid fun! Get to know the world of your story, get stuck in Wikipedia holes, scroll shopping websites for hours.
Just have fun, and feel happy knowing it'll help your world, even if you're struggling.
What we need right now is entertainment. Not stress.
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luamused · 4 years
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Mont Saint Michel, France
photo via cathy
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luamused · 4 years
i’m desperately searching for more writer mutuals! please like/reblog this post if you write about original fantasy worlds, lesbian yearning, or poetry in general. writers of all ages and skill levels are welcome. i’ll follow anyone who’s active here, as long as you aren’t a terf or of similar ilk. thanks!
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luamused · 4 years
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yes! you read that right! after much deliberation i’ve decided that i will not be preparing sound carries for querying/publication. as much as i adore the story, it doesn’t fit with the rest of what i write, and i don’t want to change huge aspects of the story to make it palatable to agents.
however, since this story is near and dear to my heart, i still want to share it with the world – and i’d like to give it to you for free! 
starting june 15th, 2020, sound carries will be posted online on wattpad, updating with new chapters 3x a week mon/wed/fri.
i have posted the prologue and chapter 1 already, available to read here!
want to be notified when i post new chapters? send me an ask to be added to the sound carries update taglist!
At the Conolly Institute for the Performing Arts, seven opera students fight for the chance to prove themselves. Leah Woodley, an often-overlooked senior student, is determined to land a lead role this year and demand the attention of the faculty. The problem? Everyone else has the same goal. Since this is their third and final year at the school, stakes are already high, but when the  star performer Hannah Frazier disappears without a trace midway through the year, tensions are drawn taut. When her body is discovered at the bottom of Conolly’s highest tower, and the circumstances preceding the tragedy come to light, two things become clear: Hannah’s death wasn’t an accident, and each of the six remaining students has a terrible secret.
want to help spread the word? reblog this post! follow me on wattpad - add sound carries to your bookshelf!
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luamused · 4 years
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spring hanging for @inheriting: a wip page theme.
minimalistic in design & modeled after a newspaper with more spacing for the sake of readability. customizable character grid and links.
like/reblog if you are using! (send an ask if you want a theme)
static preview. code.
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luamused · 4 years
it really sucks that pride month means that all the aphobes come out of the woodwork, but at least it means I know who to block
gotta be really clear on this: aces are valid, aros are valid, aroaces are valid, aspec people are valid, asexuality is NOT heterosexuality, aromanticism is NOT heteroromanticism, and anyone on the ace/aro spectrum is welcome in the LGBT community
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luamused · 4 years
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the goodbye project — main characters (picrew)
hi !! i know there haven’t been very many updates for tgp lately so i thought i’d share the picrews i made of juniper and ginny in the meantime!!! juniper’s detailed character intro can be found here and more character intros are coming soon!!! :DDD 
bonus sweet-lesbians-taking-a-selfie-on-a-timer pic:
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tgp taglist!! ^_^
(*pls let me kno if u no longer want to be a part / dm me to be added!!*)
@lesbianwriteblr @kingswriting @ditzysworld @mohnjulaney @gublerfilms
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luamused · 4 years
Take this quiz to find out how annoying you are. How much of an existential torture you are to interact with.
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luamused · 4 years
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what is writing? i only know comic sans powerpoints. 
tagging: @tenderweather | @sunnybunnywrites | @ditzysworld | @atbwrites | @fantasy-shadows | @wildswrites | @nbpiratecaptain
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luamused · 4 years
The Damsel’s Blade
➵ Clara Sands is not your damsel in distress.
Her whole life she’s tried to follow her father’s wishes of marrying a rich man. Marry rich, become rich, and give your father that money. It’s an easy job, every man loves Clara.
Ha! Yeah, right, they only like her for her looks. They only want her so she could do all the housework and give them heirs. But that isn’t who Clara wants to be, and she’d rather die than marry a rich man who will only use her as a toy.
That’s when she meets Kenji Moore. Well, she had to save him first, a monster was chasing him and Clara wasn’t an evil person. But, oh, the realization that hit when she saw that she had saved the legendary and prophesied hero! She, Clara Sands, had saved the strongest and most popular man in existence!
It only made sense that she immediately begged him to let her join his mission. She needed to escape from her dad, needed to escape from all the men that wanted her for her looks, needed to live! And who’s Kenji to say no to a desperate call?
Setting off on an adventure to find the all powerful sword Cassandra, Clara finds more than what she seeked. What’s a good story without romance and sword fighting gays, after all?
➵ @frankwriting @lucamused
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