lucifersangelsu · 5 years
I´m sorry..
I did so much wrong in my life but the only thing that was really honest is the love I have for you. I miss you and all I think of is you. I hate myself so much for hurting you...I was not thinking before doing something I was naiv. I love you so much it hurts soo bad my heart is bleeding to death without you. My soul is craving every bit of you. I want to make you feel something again. I want you to know you are worth it cnm. I am fightig like I never did before to be a better person and to be someone that deserves ypur love.
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
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created by blck-xcvi.tumblr.com
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
How can he NOT see how much he means to me howwww?? I’m dying over him. I’m telling him I love him. He wants me to be only yours yet can’t tell me he loves me. I’m overflowing with feelings that are going nowhere other than being pain at the end..
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
I’m crying over on how true this shit is fuuck
“I often think falling in love is like being stabbed, for more than one reason. See, it is forced upon us without much choice. Plunged into the depths of our soul and we call the pain a blessing because at least something has reached us. Has touched us. At least we feel something. I often think falling in love is like being stabbed, for more than one reason. It is fast and violent, too quick for you to realize what is happening until you stagger back and realize what is really going on. You stare at the hilt jutting out of you, mesmerized, terrified. Because it hurts when it happens, but we are more scared of the pain that will come with the extraction of this thing killing us. We call the removal Heartbreak when really our heart was fractured as soon as we were hit, yet we only start to feel it when the blade that was keeping us together, filling the wound is taken back. And we choose the torture that is love every time Because we know we can either live with this ache or bleed out alone.”
— The Universe’s Sense of Humor
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
I’m so numb because of this rn I can’t even let go anymore. It’s painful.
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
Du hast mich in den Arm genommen und ich hab gespürt wie alles ein bisschen besser wurde.
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
M 💜
Having someone who can handle all your moods is such a blessing.
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
It is so damn hard to distance yourself from someone you wanted so bad.
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
some days i think it’s better that you don’t know how much i actually like you but on other days i wanna look you dead in the eye and tell you about every little thing that made me think of you
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
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lucifersangelsu · 5 years
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lucifersangelsu · 6 years
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lucifersangelsu · 6 years
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