3520 – Wednesday, September 11, 2019 — Can We Ever Understand the Trump Phenomenon?
Pontificating and writing books and articles about what I will call the Trump phenomenon has become (forgive my use of this cliché), a Cottage Industry.  I have three books on my shelf right now in which an author has gone on a quest (to a remote area of America) to find the reason why so much of rural and middle America embraced Trump. Read more https://bit.ly/3ie28kz.
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The thought that “you will have liberty if you can pay for it” rings true 100 years after Lucy spoke these sad and forlorn words.  Today we say “politics and courts are ruled by the Golden Rule.  He who has the money makes the rules.” Know more https://bit.ly/2EZvzZy.
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Reconstructing the Great Speeches – Lucy Parsons: “I am an Anarchist”
Lucy Parsons had three strikes against her.  Who will remember a woman who fought for the rights of women to vote and to be equal to men in 1900?  Who will remember an African American who fought against White Supremacy and lynchings of Blacks in 1900?  Who will remember an Anarchist who fought for the rights of workers against the giant corporations in 1900?  Now tell me how many people will remember and even admire a Black woman Anarchist who dedicated her life to fighting all three battles? Read more https://bit.ly/334uV4X.
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Killing for Machismo
I find it ironic that there are Seven Deadly Sins or vices but they do not include the “Sin of Machismo.”  I would venture to argue that there are more people killed in the world every day because of Machismo than any other cause or problem that you could name. Click link https://bit.ly/3lOiIKb.
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The goal of Spirituality and the Happiness is attaining salvation! From the beginning of the first manifestation as an amoeba to the last manifestation
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Today we see protests against racism that are led under the banner of the Black Lives Matter movement.  Some of these protests and rallies remain peaceful while at times others have become violent.  Many decry the violence, looting and physical attacks on the police that sometimes break out during these rallies.  I don’t defend the violence as necessary not do I defend the attacks on police as warranted unless they are in self-defense. Read more  agingcapriciously.com.
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Reconstructing the Great Speeches – Frederic Douglass: “If There is No Struggle, there is No Progress”
Actually, the name of this speech is the “West India Emancipation Speech.” However, the line from Douglass’s speech that “If there is no struggle, there is no progress” is one of the most memorable lines in the history of speech.  I first read about the life of Frederic Douglass sometime around the end of the sixties. Mail us at [email protected].
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The Story of My First Demontreville Retreat in Lake Elmo, Minnesota
Father Sthokal passed away this week on August 11th, 2020. He will be missed and never forgotten by the thousands of men who passed through Demontreville over the years that Father Ed was there. Such a remarkable man. This story deals with my first retreat and my first meeting with Father Sthokal way back in 1986. I have since completed 37 retreats. Mail us at [email protected].
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What Did Jesus Die For?
I have heard many Christians and priests say that “If Jesus was not raised from the dead and is not the son of God than our religion is a farce.”  I think both premises are faulty and show that most people do not really understand what Jesus died for.  I would like to dispute the first premise that Jesus died for our sins.  Many people have already challenged the second premise. Know more https://bit.ly/2FxOOsN.
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Xibo expressed a desire to immigrate to the USA with his wife Mary.  He wanted to know if we would sponsor him as a US citizen.  Despite our friendship, I had my doubt or perhaps qualms.  I would be financially responsible for Xibo and Mary if they had no visible means of support.  I had to submit three years of my tax returns to show that I had the financial ability to support Xibo.  Karen and I discussed this and the resultant problems it could cause us financially.  I am not a rich man.  We lived in a house that Karen bought in 1970 for thirty thousand dollars. Read more agingcapriciously.com.
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Slaves had to clothe, feed , and take care of their own medical problems.  If they died, they were expendable.  Slaves could be replaced by breeding more slaves or by raping slaves and replacing any that died. Watch this video here.
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101 Reasons Why I love the Chinese
Let’s start with the most obvious reason.  Without the Chinese there would be no Chinese restaurants.  No egg rolls.  No chop suey.  No fortune cookies.  No egg foo young.  No dim sum.  No cute little sayings to make me think about my life.  No Confucius.  No wonderful tea.  No China plates.  But the biggest reason, is that without the Chinese we would have no one to hate. Read more  agingcapriciously.com.
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Justice of spirituality definitely helps one take control of destiny. As we proceed on the path of pure Spirituality we tend to develop a positive approach towards life. Mail us at [email protected].
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Diversity all the time under a positive attitude of mind, one is able to fine-tune those critical aspects of life which are an absolute must if one needs to become the master of his own destiny. Source agingcapriciously.com.
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If we desire to know God truly then we need to follow the path of pure Spirituality and progressive. It is only as a true spiritual seeker shall we realize God one-day. Mail us at [email protected].
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