lucycates · 1 year
Auto-Captions in Video Translation: From Hilarity to Headaches—Are They Helpful or Hurtful?
Greetings, fellow Internet explorers! Today, we embark on a hilarious journey into the world of auto-captions in video translation. Are these automated marvels helpful allies, or do they have a knack for turning our favourite videos into comedy gold?
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Ah, auto-captions, the unsung heroes of the video translation realm. These magical algorithms attempt to convert spoken words into text, paving the way for a more inclusive viewing experience. But let's face it: they often leave us scratching our heads in both confusion and uncontrollable laughter.
At their best, auto-captions offer a valuable service, providing access to videos for those with hearing impairments or language barriers. They allow us to follow along with foreign films, grasp the essence of TED Talks, and decipher the mumbles of charismatic YouTubers. But when things go awry, auto-captions transform into the class clowns of the digital world.
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Who hasn't witnessed the hilarity of auto-captions misinterpreting words and phrases? Innocent sentences become absurd tales, turning an informative video into a surrealist masterpiece. Suddenly, "Let's hit the road" becomes "Let's knit a toad," and "Can you pass the salt?" transforms into "Can you fasten the vault?" Oh, the wonders of technology!
But it's not just the bizarre translations that tickle your funny bone. Auto-captions also excel at creatively mangling proper names. They'll take your favourite celebrity, let's say Benedict Cumberbatch, and present you with "Benefit Lumberjack" or "Bendy Like Cucumber." Bravo, auto-captions, for giving birth to a whole new cast of characters!
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Let's not forget the comedic timing of these automated gems. Just imagine a heartwarming moment where a character says, "I love you to the moon and back," and auto-captions respond with, "I love you to the moon and bagels." Move aside, Shakespeare; we have a new wordsmith in town!
Delicate nuances and context can be lost in translation, resulting in a jumble of words that barely resemble the intended message. So, while we appreciate the effort, we sometimes find ourselves longing for human touch.
However, it's important to remember that auto-captions are constantly evolving. With advancements in artificial intelligence, we can expect improvements in accuracy and context comprehension. Someday, they might even rival human transcriptionists in their accuracy and understanding. But until then, we'll gladly embrace the comedic relief they bring to our screens.
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In the end, auto-captions in video translation are a double-edged sword. They have the potential to bridge language barriers and provide accessibility to a wide range of viewers. They offer us a glimpse into the future of technology-driven translation. But they also offer an abundance of laughter and a reminder that, despite our technological advancements, there's still room for human intervention.
So, sit back, relax, and let the auto-caption roulette take you on a wild linguistic adventure. Just remember to take it all with a grain of salt, or should I say, a grain of "great ocelot"? Cheers to the unpredictable and uproarious world of auto-captions!
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lucycates · 1 year
Voice Talent in Gaming: Golden Age or Obsolete? Let's Press Start and Find Out!
Welcome, gamers and voice enthusiasts alike! Today, we embark on a thrilling quest to uncover the truth about voice talent in gaming. Is it experiencing a golden age or heading towards obsolescence faster than a noob in a competitive match? Grab your controllers and let's dive into this pixelated adventure!
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In the beginning, gaming was a world of beeps, boops, and the occasional "Game Over" jingle. But oh, how times have changed! Nowadays, we find ourselves immersed in richly crafted virtual realms, where characters are more than just pixels on a screen. They have depth, emotions, and, of course, voices!
Enter the voice talent, the unsung heroes behind the characters we've grown to love (or hate). These voice wizards bring life to our virtual companions, making them feel as real as our next-door neighbors—except without the awkward small talk.
Now, some skeptics argue that voice talent in gaming is on the path to obsolescence. They claim that text-based adventures and silent protagonists are making a comeback, turning voice actors into virtual mutes. But fear not, for we're here to challenge that notion with our trusty joystick in hand!
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First, let's talk about immersion. Remember the days when a character's voice consisted of a few bleeps and bloops? Well, those days are long gone. Voice acting elevates gaming experiences to a whole new level. Imagine playing a gripping horror game, where the eerie whispers and bone-chilling screams make you question your life choices. Yeah, that's the power of voice talent!
But hey, let's not forget the comedic gems that voice acting brings to the gaming table. Picture a bumbling sidekick with a voice that tickles your funny bone, or a villain with a voice so sinister that you find yourself laughing maniacally. Voice talent adds flavour and personality, making us fall head over heels for these virtual beings.
And what about those unforgettable catchphrases? "It's-a me, Mario!" or "War never changes." These iconic lines stay etched in our memories, leaving a lasting impression on the gaming landscape. The right voice can turn a character into a cultural phenomenon, spawning memes, merchandise, and even cosplay. That's not obsolescence; that's immortality!
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But let's address the skeptics' concerns. Yes, text-based adventures and silent protagonists have their place in gaming history. They offer a unique storytelling experience, where our imagination fills in the blanks. However, voice talent isn't going anywhere. It's evolving, adapting, and embracing new challenges.
Voice recognition technology has opened doors to interactive gaming experiences, where players can engage in conversations with characters using their own voice. It's like having a virtual friend who actually talks back! Voice talent in gaming isn't just about pre-recorded lines; it's about dynamic, interactive storytelling that bridges the gap between reality and the virtual realm.
In conclusion, voice talent in gaming isn't obsolete; it's a vibrant and essential part of the gaming experience, voice talent is here to stay.
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lucycates · 1 year
The Voice-Over Chronicles: Unveiling the Top Five Tips to Nail Your Epic Voice Overs!
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Welcome, dear reader, to the wacky world of voice-overs! Have you ever wondered how those incredible voices bring life to your favourite animated characters or persuade you to buy a seemingly unnecessary kitchen gadget? Well, fear not! Today, we're unveiling the top five tips that will have you conquering the voice-over industry faster than a caffeinated cheetah. Let's dive right in!
Tip 1: Embrace Your Inner Diva
When it comes to voice-overs, there's no such thing as being too dramatic! Channel your inner diva and let loose those vocal cords. Remember, you're not just reading lines; you're crafting a performance. So, whether you're narrating a children's story or promoting cat-shaped slippers, don't hold back—own that microphone like it's your personal stage!
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Tip 2: Voice Gymnastics: Stretch Those Vocal Muscles
Just like any other muscle, your vocal cords need a good warm-up before the grand performance. Start your day with some vocal gymnastics—humming, tongue twisters, and silly vocal exercises. It's not just about sounding like a chicken crossed with a kazoo; it helps loosen up those vocal muscles and gets your voice primed for the ultimate voice-over experience. Trust us; your vocal cords will thank you!
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Tip 3: Script Seduction: Make Those Words Your Own
Ah, the script—the sacred text guiding your voice-over journey. But don't be a slave to it; make those words your own! Inject your unique personality and style into the script, like a vocal Picasso. Add some unexpected twists, turn ordinary phrases into extraordinary ones, and deliver lines with a sprinkle of your comedic charm. Remember, you're not just reading lines; you're breathing life into them!
Tip 4: Costume Craziness: Dress for Voice-Over Success
You might think voice-overs are all about the sound, but why not have a little fun with your wardrobe? Embrace the art of dress-up, even if no one can see you! Don a silly hat, slip into a superhero cape, or wrap yourself in a cosy blanket fort. Let your attire transport you to the land of imagination and unleash your inner voice-over superhero. Plus, who doesn't love recording while wearing bunny slippers?
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Tip 5: Laughter, the Ultimate Voice-Over Elixir
Laughter is the secret sauce that brings joy to voice-overs! Incorporate laughter into your practice sessions; it's like a vocal workout and therapy session rolled into one. Need to sound jolly? Give out a hearty Santa Claus chuckle. Want to convey sarcasm? Master the art of the snarky giggle. Laughter not only adds a touch of humour to your recordings but also keeps your spirits high in this whimsical world of voice-overs.
And there you have it, aspiring voice-over maestros—the top five tips to conquer the voice-over universe with style and laughter! Embrace your inner diva, warm up those vocal cords and sprinkle laughter like confetti.
Wishing you all the best in your voice-over escapades. Break a leg, but please, don't break the microphone. Happy voicing, folks!
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lucycates · 4 years
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The modeling industry has changed a lot since I first started around 11 years ago, geez has it been that long already?!
We got castings by pager, and emails via sky bound pigeons from our agents…. No I’m kidding.
Though seriously, those days were pretty archaic by today’s standards. I’ll give you an example of the hustle (terrifically and thrill-fully enjoyed by my Leo self) I would frequently encounter on those bustling London streets full of wide eye talent, hopeful dreams, and inevitable occurrences.
Mid-way through my snowballing career, I get a phone call from a casting director (also an industry friend), asking if I’m proficient and technically trained on the guitar. I’ve been seeing the same castings coming through on Spotlight (another actors / castings platform), was a big gig, big budget, worldwide coverage.
Confidently, I said yes. I was lying. Completely through my audacious bold and arrogant teeth. I don’t play guitar. At all, really… (some chords & part of RHCP “The Zephyr song”) doesn’t count unfortunately.
The day comes when it’s casting time, my morning filled with other castings, the afternoon comes… it’s showtime.
Only they have asked I learn and prepare a whole song on the guitar( I believe a rock number by “The Pretty Reckless”). My younger confidence absconds me now, I didn’t even learn it.
I decided to go dressed glam rock, David Bowie style. Leopard print pants, black leather studded jacket with impressively large furry shoulder pads, DM’s, and actually safety pins in my ears (confession: usual get-up). I remember being in a rather good mood, eager to embrace the challenge ahead. I furthermore warmed up my spirit and attitude with a non-suspecting “Michael Jacksons - Dirty Diana circa 1988 ” show on repeat (seriously, I urge you to watch, that guitarist… YUM. Actually my get-up, very much like hers).
Strong strides riverside walking to the casting location, a bonafide music studio, fate awaiting.
Inside, nervous musicians tuning guitars…shit! I didn’t even have a guitar (still not phased). I signed in, and asked to borrow someones guitar for my slot.
They call my name, it’s my turn.
Queue song.
The clients: are panel of 5 or 6 suspectful & waiting.
Fingers go crazy, completely wrong(lucky you cannot hear the strings). Full rock mode, I’m on the floor with the guitar snarling, head banging, kicking my legs like an upside down spider. Back to my feet, more attitude I come up close to them, and imitate a bite motion in their direction. I was a bit punk rock- scary in those days(albeit totally harmless).
Music stops.
They look at one another, and one says to another in a drawn out way “Oooookkkkkay”
Next thing, they ask “ can you play keys?”
Of course I said, I lied (Keys were even worse as I was tone deaf to the note).
Same things again, rock mode. Even more tragic finger placement.
Casting over. Returns guitar.
Few call backs & rehearsals later. Duh dun dun…..
I got the job. Unbelievable.
Client was Guitar Hero: Live (Video Game)
Morale of story: wild unrelenting courage wins.
Actually they didn’t really want technically trained guitarists after all. They wanted real performers who were unafraid to be themselves, and not give a f🦆ck what others thought about them. As after all, isn’t that what rock ’n roll is about?! These CD’s are after you. So be you.
Actually there are 2(the 2nd slightly differently skewed) morals of the story, that above, and that you can probably get results without such mad-hat rigmarole. Especially with the industry now as it is with social media etc.
The Model Academy is perfect for those who are new to the industry, need advice, tips, and generally confidence & support whilst navigating the battle-fields (joke, not a joke) of the modeling industry.
That’s why I’ve partnered up as an ambassador for ModelManagement.com, as I know what it’s like to be in this industry, and want to hold the torch to shed some light for those coming in.
@modelmanagement #GetReadyToModel #LearningWithMM
Promo code for 30% off: lucyfriends30
Photographer: Jeremy Tauziac @itsjeremytauziac
Designer: Jan Si Studios @jansistudios
Makeup: Makeup by Diana @makeup.bydianaa
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lucycates · 4 years
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::The heroin girl :Soul fireworks ::Sacred birds :Magical mermaids ::The I’m in love’s :Bodies soaring with delight. @ryanadda #Love_Love (at Ceremony) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEoAfrEJEg_/?igshid=yum4grlu6t9q
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lucycates · 4 years
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We went beyond the veil We went beyond the veil Tasted like heaven and hell (at Fairyland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEi-YJyJ5a5/?igshid=olxl8p02mbqd
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lucycates · 4 years
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Dusk breaks Sigh relief Same tomorrow Tried spirituality cloak It itched Then cringed Itself into knots Sweet forevers Lie together Sensuality deliquesce Living isn’t easy Time arms itself Dali melts round my neck in a place Facing shadows Until dawn (at The Big Blue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBsjBiVpoWr/?igshid=1b35hng0ez1ku
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lucycates · 4 years
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Rare twisted child Let’s untwist together And become untouchable Photographer: @itsjeremytauziac / @filmbykenji MUA: @tory4style (at Shimmering Impressions) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAcltXfp0Bp/?igshid=1xwnjzpdsxb8z
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lucycates · 4 years
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Poem // My friend is sky The dark threads make the bright(er) hues stand out. The possibility is in the sky. Although how many times have I wanted to die. A galvanising dream, All those endless desires are destructive. A rip roaring numbness, thunderous echoes through the night. A dissatisfied curl + unfurl, back n forth, as these lips chew upon a forbidden, yet untasted fruit. Oscillating towards golden hour, pierce through sheer fabric of this god-forsaken life into insatiable states of psychotic harmonium, wildly swinging. Look at me. Here I go. Photo: @itsjeremytauziac / @filmbykenji MUA: @tory4style (at Shadowlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAakenmJYDY/?igshid=qadassh2ry7l
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lucycates · 4 years
Poem 2020 // To taste a feeling, you want to dive into its depths. To insatiably dissolve into through every angle and crevice over and over again. Past the borderlines, circles overlapping Flowers of life Rich velvety petals Merging into one another blossoming to deleterious yet deliciously consuming proportions. Let’s jump into the jet black sea together I want to be thrown into your tide No more sitting on the shore Across the forbidden waters To go wild Explore the depths of darkness Facing the flickering lighthouse Circumambient fire red sirens Possess the temptations If not for a moment Walk the plank of life Licking the corners of reality with a wide smiled grin of familiarity Undulate with the turquoise sea of sadness Dreamily exiting with the pearl in my hand Feet on the floor Rolling all over the sand Head in the clouds Heart in my eyes Mirror Me What do you see? Inhaling the cosmic jungle intervention brought thee to me Can we dance a little while in a dream? Looking at the plethora of stars we’ll lean into the abyss with a knowing of the warmth twilight Life is a slow death by florescent lightening Video: @itsjeremytauziac / @filmbykenji MUA: @tory4style (at Heaven on Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAH7eYZpDOi/?igshid=3p8g19g7w9k6
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lucycates · 4 years
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Swipe left for video 👉🏼...Poem I wrote in 2018 whilst I was in India ~ <Untitled> The light turns on On, really on The shadows from the darkest corners appear Angles jutting out From shapes I thought were straight Crude and twisted, choking the spine regurgitating Vicissitudes unwinding, spiralling Parallel tunnels of night visions Like a stain glassed window In the church of God Depicting a story Known only unto oneself & the great divine The light that comes in Shines forth The dark seems all the more darker In all the corners of the mind The sheet of a ghost Illusion of the clothing I wear called my skin Creepy and crawling the sensations I know these are tricks yet the mind still wants to play fearful games I surrender, surrender to thee Gloria in excelsis Deo Photo📸: @potatopitatophoto #virtualphotoshoot #revisitingoldpoetry #poetry #darkness #myoldfriend #rocknroll ❤️ (at Somewhere between heaven and hell) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_v9xONJaBd/?igshid=1m5dpoxrrgsyw
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lucycates · 4 years
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'I deserve pleasure' The way the light falls Fractured my perception The day breaks, and casts a light on the shadows. Falling into freedom Grasping to the edges Terrified to plunge into the unknown. A tender kiss, awakens and the phoenix starts breathing. A harmonious surrender of kaleidoscopic ecstasy accessing dimensions Into a place of trust & perpetual flow. I was once told by the mystic my wings could spread. But first I need to drop the weight of what is not mine. In my dreams I have always been able to fly. A bird in a cage, black cloth smothers. A greeting for a dead bird at my door, and a sick bird at my feet. New beginnings and a new moon. Freedom is a cruel and unusual place to learn to fly. Hues, the grays, the fades oscillating wilding red auric flames smolder in a swirl engulfs you. Breathing with the world once more, a symbiotic feeling. Alive raw passion inside. Energy circulating across two units. Two systems of love. Second law of thermodynamics states all things in a closed system end in entropy. There is a fire in my eyes, and this perfect circle is electric. @fusionplaywithpurpose https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MC_bmpgwe/?igshid=1xhle63t47mku
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lucycates · 5 years
Conscious Black Friday
How to navigate the upcoming Black Friday consumer chaos.
In todays world it is easy to get caught up with the main stream ideologies and mindsets, before you know it you are swept away in someone else’s beliefs & you are not conscious of you own actions.
I have created this blog to give tips on how to build a relationship with navigating the upcoming pre-holiday consumer melting pot event that is Black Friday. 
Suggestions on how to elicit awareness, compassion to our fellow humans & to use this moment to our advantage within our community being industrious with the resources we have but not letting it go towards greed.
Tune in to what you could really offer your self or others.
 Discern the usefulness of the offering of what it can bring into your life, or another’s life - what the reason is you would like this offering?
Research the most appropriate & well intentioned resource for this offering.
Breath into the feeling of creating a positive relationship with Black Friday, and allows what comes up to come up.
Enjoy the offering as a diving gift to yourself or another - feeling grateful for this opening in the market to be able to grace you with wonderful energy exchange.
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 Allow the space to connect, whether you are in nature, stillness, mediation or simply a place that energetically you feel good.
To open up what you would like to bring into abundance in your life, if it is directly for yourself or opening up the channel for something you can give to another that would be useful.
Think about what the reasons are behind the offering you desire for yourself or another, where is this desire coming from? Which emotional place? Allow yourself to feel the truth in your body. 
What can you bring forth into this world which will have a positive impact? How will it affect your life, if at all? Short term satisfaction or long term intention based resourcefulness. Both are completely fine - the idea here is to be aware of what serves and what does not serve.
Do your research, find out what resonates best for you - not just because it is there but work with your intention first rather than what is presenting itself cheaply. Discover the integrity of the company you are buying from, the ethical implications and the environmental factors. Sometimes the things we are looking for in order for growth on a deeper level are there presenting themselves over and over again.
Meditate on the final options that you have selected for offerings - be present in your body with what comes up in how you feel about Black Friday, the usual mindlessness associated with this time of year. How it is possible to change the dynamic & relationship to these moments in time for the benefit of humanity.
Relinquishing and witnessing the guilt perhaps that can surface, stay grounded to the concise and reflective nature of this process and be humbled in your attempts to revolutionise the stigma. Honouring the alchemical process, of which not falling victim to or losing power to capitalistic systems but rather to use them to the advantage. Openings in the world to readapt around human behaviour with key aspect being elucidating intention & awareness.
Celebrate the amazing offerings and the service it can provide in your life & to others. What a wonderful time - our energy is preserved due to industrious nature of oneself & a skilfully envisioned future wellbeing.
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Suggestions of beautiful serving offerings 
You can participate in the big savings stress free from comfort of your own home or favourite place online. No need to get all the stress hormones pumping and face the maybe darker side of Black Friday 2019 by heading to the stores (unless you want to!) 
Daily Burn Fitness Membership 
Lemon Morning Recovery
Electric Scooter
Beats by Dre Headphones
Check out the complete list here 
Groupon has been my go-to for wonderful self-care gifts such as different types of healing like Massage, Reiki, Reflexology & Acupuncture. It’s very nice to be opened up to new practices and spaces that offer these practices, and I have always found Groupon really good for opening the scope of my awareness. This includes Black Friday deals, let’s see what comes forth :)
Thank you for taking the time to read, I hope this has been useful to you.
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lucycates · 5 years
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🌸📸@reign_of_sovereignty @darren_black (at Cherryduck Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ytJRnJC4G/?igshid=1k4822nc2qrxu
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lucycates · 5 years
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✨ @reign_of_sovereignty 📸 @darren_black . . #fashionmodel #model #fashion #photography #modeling #photoshoot #fashionblogger #fashionphotography #portrait #style #beauty #models #photooftheday #like #modellife #fashiongram #instagood #malemodel #fashionstyle #instafashion (at Cherryduck Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ylgJZJxv9/?igshid=159qe7bnx37lm
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lucycates · 5 years
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An honour to represent @reign_of_sovereignty a dear star dog friend & finally get the pleasure to work with the very switched on & talented @darren_black ❤️ (at Cherryduck Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1yc9RLJi3s/?igshid=1r2yjozicn8yv
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lucycates · 5 years
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