luleeehh · 3 years
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They get bolder every live 💕
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luleeehh · 3 years
U know how in some interview in America, they asked NCT127 what their secret was to having such great hair or whatever the question was. I can't remember.
Johnny said that their hair doesn't have to be healthy it just has to look great. It had me thinking.
It's the same being an idol. Some people don't care about your health as long as you look great. Most idols don't talk about their mental health because some of their "fans" shit on them for it. Calling them all sorts of insulting things .
And these insane beauty standards. Like how can you expect all female idols to have the same weight. Taller people have to weigh more than their shorter group members to be considered healthy. How do you expect an 170 - 178cm to have the same weight as their 150-169cm group members??
Are they fucking insane?????
45-50kg isn't healthy for people over 155cm tall(depending on the weight of their skeleton) . And to think that idols that are 160-175cm are forced to be that weight or the public calls them fat and ugly and tells them that they don't deserve to be idols because they're not the "ideal" weight. No matter how long they trained, how hard they've worked, how talented they are.
And the fact that all idols need to be pale because it's part of the beauty standards. The idols are throwing away their childhood, their privacy, their love live, to do something they love, and the can't even be their natural skin colour.
Idols sacrifice so much of their lives and people literally shit on them for the littlest, stupid, unnecessary shit.
Irene read a book written by a feminist, got shit on for it. Lia can't do that genuinely hard shoulder thing well in Wannabe, gets called lazy and people say she can't sing. Beautiful, talented Chaeryoung doesn't fit the beauty standards, gets told to leave the group after all her hard work and training. Hwasa doesn't fit the beauty standards and disregards the "ideal" weight and body type, got told to leave the group by the public multiple times despite obviously being very talented. Kyle being bullied out of Priston because of her weight. Jennie doesn't smile all the time, gets called a bitch and is "rude".
People underestimated Bangtan and looked down on them thinking that they wouldn't get anywhere but look at them now. Namjoon and Hoseok got told to leave the group because they "don't look good enough" despite the talent the they possessed, the love they have for performing. People out here saying Bangtan don't deserve all the success they're getting, when they worked so hard to have their efforts seen.
There are alot more examples of this absolute bullshittery. I personally think there is nothing wrong with having an idol persona in an industry that treats its idols like this. If it keeps you from getting hated on by nitpicking people who literally will hate on you for anything and everything you do. Then do it.
I just hope that people will treat idols like actual people in the near future. That idols would be more confident and comfortable with themselves. And not have these insane beauty standards pressure on to them. I hope idols will get to be themselves and live their life.
Because it's their life to live....
I hope idols will be able to find love without people calling it a "scandal" and without the woman getting shitted on just because they're in a relationship LIKE ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING THAT CRAVES LOVE FROM A LOVE INTEREST.
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luleeehh · 3 years
Move my body (and make me melt away)
Yoon Hyunsuk × Bae Jinyoung.
Fandom: CIX.
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Idioma: Español.
+10k palabras (5 capítulos).
Contenido explicito.
Autora: @lulita.
Sinopsis: Hyunsuk admira mucho a su hyung. Sin embargo, sueños extraños (por no decir, bueno, escandalosos) hacen cambiar su perspectiva de las cosas.
(Título alternativo: Hyunsuk es joven, hormonado y necesita atención, y Jinyoung está justo en el momento indicado para ayudarlo).
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luleeehh · 3 years
*heart attack*
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I love them all ok??
This photoshoot is a GIFT
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luleeehh · 3 years
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KB talking about love rubbing oil on nine like he’s on a national geographic documentary
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luleeehh · 3 years
i just wanna tOuch yOu (and release yOur libidO)
Park Jisung (Love) × Jung Wookjin (Nine)
Fandom: OnlyOneOf.
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Idioma: Español.
Contenido explícito.
+9k palabras.
Autora: @lulita.
Sinopsis: Preparándose para su nuevo comeback, Wookjin y Jisung tienen que practicar una rutina algo... particular.
¿Qué pasará cuándo Wookjin no pueda contener el deseo que lleva adentro? ¿Su hyung lo rechazará, o sucumbirán juntos en el viaje de perseguir sus impulsos más primitivos?
(En otras palabras, Wookjin tiene un secreto enterrado en lo más profundo de su corazón: está enamorado de Jisung desde hace años, y sueña con tocarlo todas las noches.)
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luleeehh · 3 years
☔Paris in the rain☔ (original by Lauv)
Young k (day6) × Yonghoon (onewe) version.
Edited and mixed by Lula♡
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luleeehh · 3 years
Tldr: An erotic masterpiece
My review of libidO.
Okay so it starts with the song sparking up, the fire inside igniting quietly but quickly it grows. The beat continues this feeling in a stalking pace mixed with a heart beat pulse, racing - raising. "Want you to sing on ma body" can also sound "I wanna see you on my body", mixing a deeply romantic lustful desire which is beautifully sung. But also you can take "Sing on ma body" more sexually as a sound one makes. The vocals here are like a voice echoing the hearts wants, then the body awakens and the hunt continues.
It has a robotic like sound with the "libidO" part as well, like it's automatic machine playing, it's programmed this way. It's natural. An added whisper before chorus is like the inner selfs mind being quietend by true desire, saying sssh let it take over. With the final "Sing on ma body", it's like the song has taken place between a breath. My heart is definitely racing.
It has moments with the "shooting shooting" lines and piano, of like a drop feeling like you're in an empty space and I love that as its magical I get shivers, but also adds to the effect of the tiny but so tense moments of gulping whilst wanting air before it pulls you back to the heat. Like lighting and fire dancing in water. Isn't it so unbearable? The bright scary light, it burns your eyes and boils your blood suddenly thrown into a icey cold ocean drowning you, only holding on because you can breathe. Oh delicious.
The lyrics also point to having these thoughts at night, isn't that always the case? When the mind is by itself, it talks to the heart. Adding to the empty space feeling and the hearts want forming fantasies in the mind. The quickening pace mixed with the slower moments. Rising blood pressure, sweat, body heat. Hunting your own self thinking about that special person while you struggle with yourself. Leave it. libidO.
I think even without the video, this song is so clear, you don't get to decide what it is. It's amazingly perfect in its purpose. The natural pure fear and excitement of desire. A masterpiece, made even more amazing by the cinematic MV and sensual dance. I'm addicted.
I also appreciate how extra amazing this is because of conservative Korea. Like even the cover for the album is like an older (as in before 2000s) male model catalog. Did I say I was addicted? Hehe~
Note: Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors I just type too fast because I gotta get my thoughts out lol. I might add more or edit later as my mind tends to think more but I think I've got it done so I feel better hehe.
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luleeehh · 3 years
How OnlyOneOf portrayed queer relationships and dynamics in libidO, w a hint of good ol’ yearning
(disclaimer: this strictly about the mv and in no way I’m implying these dynamics are translated to real life and their friendships if u suggest that ill kick you, don’t ship real ppl romantically pls)
The storyline of Instinct pt. 1 tell us this album is focused on self-discovery and how young people repress their “urges”, but the way all three subplots play with this concept is super fascinating!
The KB/Yoojung situation (which is my favorite subplot!!): From my point of view, Yoojung and KB show a relationship that is just blossoming. The song starts with tying up Yoojung’s hands, he is being contained, and his lyrics are literally “I’m attracted for no reason”, now I looked up other translations besides the original and it also has to do with being ‘pulled’, like Yoojung is being pulled into this relationship for ‘no reason’, he thinks he needs one to fall in love with another man. Rationalizing your feelings is a way to separate yourself from them. Therefore, Yoojung plays the more hesitant part, he overthinks, his super ego policing strongly what he feels.
On the other hand, kb is seen initiating most of the physical contact between them, and he does it in a way that makes it easy for yoojung to pull back if he doesn’t want it. Kb is also always at least an arm away, inside a comfortable space for yoojung to reach for him if he wants to. In their first scene of close contact, yoojung is the one laying his head on kb’s shoulder, and he keeps control of their closeness throughout the whole video, despite kb breaking it with the soft touches we see, such as fixing yoojung’s hair or putting his hand on his shoulder in the beach scene. And all this gentle-ness contrasts so well, bc we also see kb’s character initiating contact with other’s! He pulls Junji for a hug when both of them are shirtless and he does it so nonchalantly! It’s obvious he is okay with /more/, but he respects Yoojung’s boundaries and never pushes.
the scooter scene is great, bc we can see yoojung hugging and pressing their thighs and putting his hands in the air, he feels more carefree, he was able to get past his own inhibitions and it’s so great to see.
So yoojung and kb’s is like a first relationship: you are stepping on eggshells, you don’t know what you’re doing or looking for. A lot of queer people start dating into adulthood, and even with previous ‘straight’ dating experience, everything is so incredibly new! And it’s great but also anxiety inducing and frustrating.
Then, there’s Rie and Junji. A thing I found incredibly interesting is that in every scene of them (except two) they’re already in contact. In the car they’re holding hands, and when they’re hugging and eating lollipops, and back to back in the basketball court, we don’t know who started it, but it doesn’t matter because Junji and Rie are equals and stand on the same ground of mutual love, respect and experience, they’re having fun and smiling at one another, even when they’re playing basketball face to face, their eyes are on each other and its playful and great. Rie has one of the best lyrics in the song that is “I trust youand I accept it”. Junji and Rie don’t need to fight their instincts, really, because they know everything is reciprocated and their libido (not as in sexual drive but as in life energy) is matched in the other, they have trust over everything else, and this can also be shown in the only scene where Rie lays his head on Junji’s back, he’s supporting himself on his partner and Junji accepts it because relationships aren’t only fun but also healing and giving someone a place to rest. And Junji does his part and bandages Rie’s wounds, which @henlex pointed out as a Achilles and Patroclus reference, being these basically the top tier of gay love and companionship, when Patroclus died (represented by Rie), Achilles dies avenging him, asking for their ashes to be mixed so they could be forever one. So yeah, let’s yearn for something like this gays.
Finally, the trio. They’re the first ones to have their solo scenes, and you can see Love in the bathtub, he is naked and exposed, playing with some rosemary leaves (yeah I went to someone and asked them if they recognised the plant leave me alone). Rosemary used to be given to Aphrodite bc it was used as an aphrodisiac. It also represents fidelity. Yeah. So Love is playing with fidelity, basically. Many thoughts were thought.
Then, Nine and Mill are a continuous contrast throughout the mv. While Nine is inside and laying on the floor, cozy and reading, Mill stands outside in the garden looking at the window. I’ve said it before but I think it’s really important the way Mill’s character portrays one of the harsher parts of queerness that is that “other-ness”. You’re just an observant, and you want in and to be yourself with your friends and participate in those rituals, but something inside you doesn’t allow you to. In here, though, is not just ‘I want to identify with my straight friends’ but ‘I want to be free like these other gays, why can’t I do it?’.
Nine and Love’s relationship doesn’t really show a lot of romantic moments, in fact, I can’t really think about something between them that was, intimate and sensual? yes, but not romantic. Which is completely okay. Sex is not something bad, and gay sex is constantly demonized. Casual sex is okay and sex with friends and whatever, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, sex is okay. So to me, Love and Nine are friends, the arm around the neck seemed casual and natural, they’re comfortable with each other, and they’re also comfortable with mill, as shown in the creek scene. They didn’t mind the audience (yeah this sounds kinky ik), both nine and love are pushing the boundaries, unlike kb. But pushing isn’t always wrong, per se.
Nine starts with the lyrics “leave it, libido, we’re like roots (…) mixing together with no rules”, while Love sings “don’t suppress it just accept it”. Both nine and love are clear with their intentions and instincts, their subconscious is not their enemy in any way, since both of them accept the relationship they have.
Meanwhile, Mill battles with his libido, but it’s not like Yoojung who has a partner that actually loves him, if Mill takes the chance and jumps, he doesn’t know where he is going to land. In the whole video, not even once Mill touches someone else, even if he desperately wants to (Yongsoo did a great acting work I’m still so amazed!!). The yearning and pining over Love, who pulls him in and gazes at him, is such a good concept, because even if Love is giving him all the signals that there is (he is with another boy openly, allows close contact and shows himself in front of mill), Mill will still doubt himself and what he is doing. Hesitation and all, he takes a leap of faith in that one scene where he approaches Nine and Love, and keeps eye contact.
Now here is where the controversial crotch grabbing scene comes, and both Love and Nine sing. They say they’re walking over shallow water, so it’s not risky, they’re not gonna drown, and there’s no one around and they just “keep walking”. They do their thing with no care of what others may think. But also, Nine asks “what you need?” And “why can’t you see the light over there?” now, maybe after the whole no compromises he did catch feelings for Love, but Love, playing with fidelity as previously stated, answers “I’m gonna go where I feel like going”.
And then we have Mill’s rap. He talks about how this ‘experience’ can’t be compared to anything else but it’s an experiment. Now I know a thing or two about downplaying queer experiences, it isn’t unusual for gay ppl to look at things our younger selves did and think ‘how did I even passed as straight?’. Mill, even after saying it was just this experiment, says “you’re already putting a period, that doesn’t end things”. So, my guess, since after that we don’t see them directly interacting unlike the other couples, is that it all fell apart. Love, having the upper hand in the whole dynamic, didn’t have actual romantic feelings for any of the other boys, and he left them hanging.
While a bit heartbreaking, I think it’s important to point out that queer relationships are just like straight ones, and sometimes they end up in ruins, and it’s okay and its part of growing and discovering oneself!
So yeah, that’s my interpretation. This is like 1500 words. A whole essay. Hyperfixation is a bitch. I need a girlfriend.
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luleeehh · 3 years
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luleeehh · 3 years
He's... wow. 👀
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yoojung ✧ libidO (210409)
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luleeehh · 4 years
yonghoon × young k collab
▪︎song; lost stars - adam levine [with lyrics]
Hope you like it 😌💕
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luleeehh · 4 years
yonghoon (onewe) × youngk (day6)
Lost stars - Adam Levine (cover) [letra en español]
Espero que les guste💫
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luleeehh · 4 years
Where's the lie tho
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yonghoon @ himself: yonghoon, you’re too handsome
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luleeehh · 4 years
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luleeehh · 4 years
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He’s in another world when he plays
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luleeehh · 4 years
I love my imagination 🤣 thank u for this 🥰🌸
Onewe “They teach you how to play their instrument/sing”
A/N: Not requested but really wanted to write for them. 
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Yonghoon had the voice of an angel and he knew it. Not that he was cocky about it at all. But you had always wanted to learn how to sing and he took on the task without an issue. He always wondered what it’d be like to make music together and sing together. 
“Hit the note a little higher.” He said, watching you in full fascination as your face contorted. You hit it perfectly, the note higher being the right key to do so and he smiled in satsifaction, nodded too. “Perfect student for a perfect teacher.” He said and you smacked his chest. “You’re too much sometimes Yonghoon.” You said and he smiled. “Well, I’m allowed to be too much sometimes. I’m your teacher.” He joked and pinched your cheek lightly. 
“Now let’s sing again. This time together.” 
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Normally if you were sat in his lap other activities would be happening, but not this time. This time he was serious and caring as guided your hands. It was cool to him that you wanted to learn how to play the drums. 
“You just got to build a steady rhythm before you add other things to it.” He said, kissing your shoulder lightly as he helped you balance the kick drum beat and the drumsticks hitting the cymbal and other drum. It was a lot to have control over, so you had no problems with him guiding you. Besides, it was a nice excuse for him to hold you too. “There you go, just hold that rhythm. I have the kick drum.” He let go of your arms, kind of like riding a bike for the first time. However it was a matter of seconds before you messed up and started laughing in embarrassment. 
“That’s okay, you’re practicing. Let’s just do it again.” 
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(He’s bias wrecking me help)
He couldn’t help but keep his eyes on your hand as you fiddled with the strings on his acoustic guitar. Your hands were gorgeous but none of the sounds coming out were right. 
“Come here.” Hyungu said and pulled you towards him. “You need to put pressure here and here to hit that chord.” He explained and moved your hand to follow his instructions. “You were triggered that I was messing up on your guitar weren’t you?” You asked with a little laugh as you played the chord. “Just a little.” He smiled, listening as you took his direction. You adjusted the way you sat on his bed, moving the guitar before playing a series of chords that sounded half right. 
“Getting the hang of it already.” 
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Dongmyeong always thought it would be awesome to teach you how to play keyboard, but every time you both seemed to get distracted by other things. But not today, he was very determined to get you to be able to kind of sort of play one song. 
“Come on, stretch your hand out and reach that other key.” He said and and couldn’t help laugh at your struggle. Your hand s not being used to the movement a skilled piano player is. “I swear my hand keeps cramping up.” You said and he laughed. “Told you playing wasn’t easy.” He said and grabbed your hand massaging it gently. “I never said it was.” You said and leaned over the keyboard to get closer to him as he massaged your hand. Dongmyeong looked you in the eyes before tapping your nose. 
“Now try again.” 
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Giwook holds music close to his heart but he also holds you close to his heart. He just thought it would be beautiful if he could combine the two so when you asked if he could teach you how to play bass, he was over the moon. 
“Okay so I just-” You started, moving your fingers over the chords. “Yeah, that’s a good start.” He laughed and helped you out. “Now just start picking at the chords, get a good feel of it.” He said and listened as you did what he asked, trying to get into the feel of playing bass. Giwook was a smiling mess, watching you and you obviously noticed. “What?” You asked, stopping to look at him. 
“Nothing, just keep going you’re doing great.” 
A/N: Happy Birthday Harin!
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