lunahealer · 1 year
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Full Harvest Moon © cosmic_background
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lunahealer · 1 year
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lunahealer · 1 year
I like to add herbs to my breakfasts, too 🍳🧇🥓
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lunahealer · 1 year
Tarot Rules or Superstitions?
When in doubt, the rule of thumb is to treat tarot like a wise soul with a big ego. So ask yourself, “Will a wise and proud person be okay with me doing this to them?” If the answer is yes, go ahead. If the answer is no, avoid it.
Asking Out Loud
Some say this is the only way to get an accurate reading. Is that true?
When you speak to the cards out loud, you are acknowledging their existence as a conscious instrument. But when you speak to them in your mind, you are acknowledging a psychic connection between you and them. So neither actions will offend.
The real reason to ask out loud is so you can clearly set your intention. Sometimes, your mind is asking about a new romance, but your heart is pining for an ex. So when the cards are laid out, you do not know who they are referring to — someone old or someone new. But when you speak up, both your heart and your mind tend to focus on your voice, avoiding any confusion.
Reading at Night
Some say this should be avoided. Are they right?
Actually, even in companies whose official hours are 9 to 5, many deal-makings happen at dinner, under the moonlight. Because you can speak to anyone, even to tarot, at any time as long as the conditions are right.
It is not about the hour, but the space. Do not use your deck in a place where it is in danger of becoming filthy. You do not have to clean your whole house before a reading. But clean a space big enough where your deck will feel safe. Wipe the dust off your reading table. Sweep the floor surrounding it. That is all you need.
Crossing Your Arms or Legs
Some say this is disrespectful. Fact or fiction?
When you are being confronted by someone, crossing your arms or legs shows aggression and defensiveness. But when you are pleasantly speaking to someone interesting, crossing your arms or legs only shows that you are comfortable in their presence. Doing so will not offend.
In the tarot chapters of our family grimoire, there is a sketch of a woman seated like the Queen of Wands: arms open, legs spread out. It says, “This is how one must sit when performing a reading. Nothing closed, nothing crossed.” But not for fear of blocking energy, but to avoid muscle cramps and blood clots. Especially for hour-long readings. It is a tip for the physical body. Nothing to do with divine energy.
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lunahealer · 1 year
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Spiritual Hygiene
Spiritual hygiene is basically keeping yourself, cleansed, protected and grounded spiritually. People tend to try and do this through daily practices, which for some can be hard to upkeep. As someone with depression and can be lazy at times- sticking to routines can be difficult for me. So here’s some “basics” you can try to slowly add to your day to day that will give you a regular spiritual hygiene routine.
Cleanse yourself when you shower: This can be as simple as asking the water to cleanse you while you shower. Sometimes showering can be hard- for times like this i recommend a cleansing spray. Quick and fairly low spoons. But if you want to put more energy into this step you can enchant your soap/body wash for cleansing, hang eucalyptus above your shower and ask it to cleanse you, make a shower sachet, use spellcrafted oils for cleansing, ect.
Enchant your jewelry and/or skincare for protection: Obviously this one is for when you feel up to doing an actual spell. But, once its done you can just put your jewelry or skincare on for the day and be good to go. Every once in awhile take a moment to check in with your jewelry/items and see if it needs to be cleansed (or make a jewelry cleansing bowl) or needs to be re-enchanted.
Ground yourself when you wake up: once you wake up take even a minute to ground and center yourself. This works both if youre a person like myself who needs to lay in bed for a few minutes before getting up, or if youre a crazy person whos ready to go right away.
Even doing these three things through the week will help build you a strong spiritual hygiene routine and daily practice. Remember to take your time when building a daily practice, and forgive yourself if it’s not done everyday. ✨🫶🏻
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lunahealer · 1 year
Where I live it's almost time for rain and I've never been more excited 🌧
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lunahealer · 1 year
The benefits of burning herbs are many but here are a few:
Cleanse negative energy
Add protection to your space
Cleanse your aura
Bring positive energy
Balance the elements of your space
Bring more masculine or feminine energy into your space
Consecrate items or your space
Simply for the delicious aroma!
A few herbs and flowers to use and meaning
Sagebrush: Clear negative energy, soothe headaches, brings air element and feminine energy.
Lavender: Soothing, calming, balancing, brings air element and masculine energy.
Basil: Balancing, joyful, positive energy, brings fire element and masculine energy.
Rosemary: Purify, seal or bond relationships, brings fire element, masculine energy, clarity and good dreams.
Rose: Love, affection, brings water element and feminine energy.
Lemongrass: Clears obstacles, brings air element and masculine energy.
Mugwort: Enlightenment, magic, intuition, brings air and earth element and feminine energy.
Mint: Awareness, concentration, brings fire element and masculine energy.
Spruce: Grounding, clarity, calmness, brings earth element and feminine energy.
Hibiscus: Attracting love, moon magic, intuituon feminine energy, and third eye chakra.
Passionflower: Soothes strong emotions, promotes relaxation, both feminine and masculine energy, hope and balance.
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lunahealer · 1 year
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⭑˖‎𐦍˖☽𖤓𓊈 Pandora Bardott 𓊉𖤓☾˖‎𐦍˖⭑
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lunahealer · 1 year
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Bacchante by Adolphe-Rene Lefevre (19th Century)
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lunahealer · 1 year
Shadow work is good but be cautious not to cross the line from bettering yourself to becoming a door mat to other people. 💖
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lunahealer · 1 year
🪄Baby Witch Notes 🌸
🗒️: 1.2
🌛 ‧͙⁺༓ Moon Phases ‧͙⁺༓🌜
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๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙ New Moon 🌙 : The moon just started to show up for the first time after dark moon. Time for new beginnings,new opportunities, new endeavours in your desired areas of life. positive changes, planting seeds for the future. Blank slate, unlimited potential, Manifestation, divination.
๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙ Waxing Moon 🌒 : strength, brightness, size of the moon is growing. Time for focusing things you want to grow; increasing your finances, intimacy, number of interpersonal relationships,communication,knowledge; getting pregnant & dealing with legal matters, courage,health,love,luck.
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๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙ Full Moon 🌕 : strongest energy; use it to charge your tools. The moon is brightest & biggest , most powerful phase. Best for any kind of spells. Increased psychic abilities. Celebrate, focus on organizing your life
๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙ Waning Moon 🌘 : brightness, strength, size of moon is decreasing. Time to focus on things you want to reduce, best time for buring bridges, breaking off relationships, leaving, stopping a habit , dieting, dealing with legal matters , banishing, grounding, obstacles,balance.
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๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙ Dark Moon 🌑 : moon is invisible in the sky. Time for seclusion , introspection, contemplating past & future, discarding things, intuition,banishing, protection, cleansing, meditation
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lunahealer · 1 year
Essential Oils
Cinnamon Essential Oil stimulates visions, improves focus, and promotes healing and harmony. Connecting with guides is made easier with this tool.
Lavender Essential Oil promotes dream recall and clairvoyance, and it aids in meditation. It also protects and purifies while opening the third eye.
Patchouli Essential Oil might help you feel more grounded. It clears the mind of negativity and encourages spiritual growth. It is the most popular oil divination method.
Peppermint Essential Oil can be utilized to boost psychic awareness and spiritual vigor.
Rosemary Essential Oil can help you see visions, be more creative, and remember a prior life. It has the ability to eliminate negativity and is also used as a psychic stimulant. It also opens the third eye.
Jasmine Essential Oil is about inspiring, balancing, and being sensual. Love, romance, and sex are attracted to it. Psychic dreams, astral projection, creativity, and visions are all stimulated. It encourages transcendence and compassion. It helps with meditation.
Essential Sandalwood Oil has purifying, protecting, and therapeutic properties. With this oil meditation, manifesting, astral projection, blessings, home cleansings, and letting go of the past are all possible. Negative energy is dispelled.
Frankincense Essential Oil is a powerful antiseptic. Protective, uplifting, cleansing, and balancing. It’s great for connecting with your guides and for meditation. It promotes multidimensional awareness and enlightenment.
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lunahealer · 1 year
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lunahealer · 1 year
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lunahealer · 1 year
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🌷 Kawaii Shop 🌷
Use code "TUMBLR" for a discount
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lunahealer · 1 year
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pumpkin bulba 🎃
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lunahealer · 1 year
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Made by: Ida Rentoul Outhwaite
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