lunalilys · 3 years
Something that doesn’t sit right with me about the “Harry should’ve become the DADA professor after the war!” energy
I agree with it, but I don’t think he’d become the professor right away. I think it makes sense for him to become an auror. His hero complex wouldn’t go away after the war, he’d still feel the need to go after any dark wizards and Voldy supporters still lingering around. Harry would still feel that burden on his shoulders. So of course he’d become an auror.
And I think he’d continue that into becoming a ministry worker. Years later when he’s had kids and auror work has settled down, I think he’d just fall into ministry work, and eventually the Head of Magical Law Enforcement. In some ways he thinks it’s the best spot for him, to still keep an eye on dark magic and continue his hero complex that he would still feel on his shoulders. Harry would feel like it’s his best possible place to be. I don’t think he’d realize how much he’d do well as a professor. He had to be convinced over and over again in OOTP to even start teaching others.
Just because we realize Harry WOULD make a great DADA professor doesn’t mean he realizes that.
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lunalilys · 4 years
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when the truth hits Lily: she wants James Potter and should do something about it before he could move on.
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lunalilys · 4 years
kinda random but what do you ship from harry potter?
neville longbottom x a really good fucking hug
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lunalilys · 4 years
not to be all richard siken the secret history killing eve a little life anne carson fleabag the smiths if we were villains courtney barnett ocean vuong fiona apple ‘not to me, not if it’s you’ but i have an unhealthy fixation on the concept of desire
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lunalilys · 4 years
I don’t know why but I just love the image of Harry Potter being a loving housewife, like pink apron, baking cookies, and just loving his kids so much.
Is there fan art out there of this, or can someone draw it for me, let me know please!
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lunalilys · 4 years
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“It’s Hugo’s day hurray hurray, no time to waste let’s eat some cake!”
Hugo was one of those people that hated his birthday. He dreaded it every year, way too much attention for his liking. Not even on his 17th birthday did he want a big celebration. When he was 6 Hermione decided to make up her own birthday song that was very short and sweet for him, they sung it every year for him ever since.
Taken by Rose, 2023
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lunalilys · 4 years
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BIRTHDAYS CELEBRATION • CHARACTER POSTERS → teddy lupin (April 18th, 2004)
the definition of kindness
trusts people a lot
he can do anything to help someone in need, sometimes the need is only in his head
can be reckless too
has a ton of friends
considers the potters his family
he grew up with his grandmother andromeda
he and james treat each other as brothers, they get along very well and sometimes they pull pranks together
he and lily are also very close and loves when al asks for his advice
he does well in every subject, his favorites are transfigurations and dada
in school, he never thought a lot of the future, but when he graduated he took more responsibility
is scared of heights, so he doesn’t play quidditch, but he goes to every game at school
was a hatstall
lives with his grandmother until he starts working as an investigator for the auror office and moves to london in 2018
he almost always has blue or pink hair
has many tattoos
he babysat all the wotter kids
likes almost raw meat and becomes irritated with the full moon
goes full punk at the start of fourth year, andromeda loves it, he resembles his mother a lot
likes to make others laugh, and he loves the feeling he has after everyone laughs at his jokes and the pranks he pulls
has dared to pull a prank to mcgonagall
got away with it
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lunalilys · 4 years
A young rural farmer in the year 4014 romanticizing the clean and physically undemanding lifestyle of a pre-industrial collapse barista.
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lunalilys · 4 years
She’s crazy, that’s what they say. Weird and impossible, starry-eyed and head-in-the-clouds, not a whit of sense. Crazier than her cousin Lily, and that’s saying something.
Scorpius can’t figure her out. She goes to all the same parties Lily does, but he’s never seen her drunk. She’s always got her nose in a tarot deck, or a book about ancient divination, or she’s creating a magical crystal ball app on her phone that goes viral throughout Hogwarts, and still she doesn’t seem even the slightest bit aware of the things going on around her. She’s too pretty to be so weird, he overhears a boy say, grouchy after Dominique turned him down in front of their Ancient Runes class. Veela genes are wasted on her.
He doesn’t necessarily think that’s true. But then again, Scorpius Malfoy has a direct line to her family that most other people don’t.
Keep reading
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lunalilys · 4 years
I just can’t stop thinking about how good friends the Potter kids are. Maybe they don’t talk much at school and I don’t think many of their friends or even their family know it but they’re definitely the type of siblings who used to set up a tent in the backyard and camp out their for days together.
In the holidays they designate whole days to playing board games together and doze off on James’s bed after inhaling three boxes of Bertie Botts and laughing for hours about teachers and cousins and quidditch. James will cook them pancakes in the morning and when Al is doing his laundry he’ll do it for the others as well (because Lily and James will definitely just let it all pile up until they can’t see the floor of their room) and the first time Lily has alcohol is when Harry and Ginny get invited to a work holiday party and James whips out the bottle of firewhisky from the highest shelf. 
Sure, they fight. Infamously. James shouts and shoves, Albus slams his door and doesn’t talk for the rest of the day, and Lily stands with her chin high and fists clenched as her mouth releases a steady stream of spiteful words.
But as much as they may hate it, they’re known by each other. Intricately interwoven by name and place. To the world, they will always the The Potter Kids and, most of the time, that’s alright. 
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lunalilys · 4 years
The coronavirus is like when Ron couldn’t stop throwing up slugs, except it’s completely different
you’re right it’s exactly like that but completely different
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lunalilys · 4 years
when libba bray wrote “there was such fear in the world. but love was everywhere if you looked. it was the best thing about humans. that they could stare into the abyss and still open up their hearts. a spit in the eye to fear.”
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lunalilys · 4 years
why am i dressed slutty you ask? to read classic literature alone in my room. mind your own business.
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lunalilys · 4 years
Pass the happy! 🥰🌻 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
Ooh, thanks! I actually keep a long list on my phone of the things that make me happy, so here’s what sticks out to me right now:
- Being awake when nobody else is
- Watching Pride and Prejudice with my mum
- The feeling of wind on my skin
- Postboxes
- The sound of the home ice cream truck
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lunalilys · 4 years
i fucking swear that remus was just as annoying as james, sirius and peter. he was just alot better at hiding it.
like once in transfiguration he charmed mcgonagall’s hair pink, and when she noticed it, she immediately turned to the marauders. and remus turned to sirius, fake gasped and exclaimed “sirius! how could you?! she’s our professor!”
or he hexed snape or something and then immediately turned to the person next to him, and was like “this is unacceptable behavior, 5 points from gryffindor. hexing fellow students? honestly”
“no underage drinking, mckinnon” *chugs firewhiskey*
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lunalilys · 4 years
Let’s go back to addressing each other by second name, so we can experience the unbearable intimacy of calling out our beloved’s first name when great distress momentarily makes us lose our restraint.
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lunalilys · 4 years
“One of my teachers at Columbia was Joseph Brodsky, who’s a Russian poet, wonderful, amazing poet, who was exiled from the Soviet Union for being a poet. And he said look, you Americans, you are so naïve. You think evil is going to come into your houses wearing big black boots. It doesn’t come like that. Look at the language. It begins in the language.”
— Marie Howe (via heteroglossia)
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