lunam00na · 2 years
This big boi is for sale! Check him out on my DeviantArt profile & bid there or bid here via notes/pm for purchase! PayPal only! You can find more info about image size/details/resolution on DeviantArt. Please comment/watch my page for more content like this!
SB: 20$
MI: 5$
AB: 120$
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lunam00na · 2 years
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4t2 Strawberry Planters
Conversion of @nolan-sims‘s Strawberry planters to The Sims 2.
Comes in all 12 swatches + some new colour options for the flowers, the small version shares textures with the large one. Found under deco > plants.
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lunam00na · 2 years
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đŸŽŒ 4t2 simmify music nook by myshunosun 🎾
happy friday! here is a wonderful set by @myshunosun, perfect for any sim but especially those with an affinity for music. 
i learned a lot converting this set, from tackling my demons (slots), to adjusting the footprint, to finally adding shadows, to figuring out how to make the guitar amp invisible. speaking of the guitar, it’s cloned from crispsandkerosene’s acoustic guitar, which requires argon’s hack. the storage unit is cloned from thimblesims’ dawn living storage unit c. it has 8 slots, so i just duplicated the top middle slot to make up for it. i found if you want to add two stack of LPs on the bottom of the storage unit like shown above, its best to turn them around. it won’t flicker when moving the camera that way for some reason. that should be it, enjoy!Â à«ź ˶ᔔ ᔕ ᔔ˶ ა
files are compressed. polycount under the cut.
download: [sfs] | [box] ♡
credits: myshunosun, crispsandkerosene, argon, thimblesims and their shadows tutorial, pforestsims’ slot tutorial, rugrat0ne’s footprint tutorial.
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lunam00na · 2 years
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euphoria as anime ✹
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lunam00na · 3 years
An Unlikely Affair: Chapter 2 - Down the rabbit hole..
Amélie spent the few hours she had left sorting out what little belongings she had and distributing them amongst some of the other peasants she had become familiar with from her years of working various temp jobs. The peasants were thankful, but curious as to why she was giving away all of her things. Her response was that she was going to stay in another nearby city, where some long lost family lived. Though she felt a little guilty for lying, she knew from the odd context of the letter that it was best that nobody knew where she was truly going. Not to mention the fact that the instructions stated she was to wait under some bridge in the darkness of night to catch a ride to the palace. 
Her gut quivered at the thought of being alone on these dangerous streets at night.. “Lets hope I survive long enough to actually get to the damn place..” she thought wryly. With her belongings gone, and nothing left for her to do but wait, AmĂ©lie gave a final goodbye to her small home. Coarse, wet wood brushed against her fingertips, as she placed the palm of her right hand against the shack’s door. With a sigh, she muttered under her breath, “Goodbye, you. You’ll make someone else a small refuge now.” She lingered like that for a moment, recalling a handful of good times she had spent here in the city of Grimshores. 
Her wild blonde hair was dampened from the rain; it waved back and forth in the wet breeze. She wore a brown overcoat, littered with holes that she had patched herself with whatever bits of fabric she could find. Underneath was a simple white day dress, which was more of a tan color now from the dirt and mud, than white. The clothing clung closer to her skin the longer she stood in the rain; she was skinny as a rail. 
“Okay, it’s time to go,” she rasped, her nerves getting the best of her for a second. Her head finally managed to convince her legs, and so she set off for the bridge east of town. It would take her nearly an hour to reach the bridge by foot; judging by the position of the moon in the sky, she guessed it was already past midnight. The walk gave her mind time to wander; she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to the words Genny had written, than just a job opportunity. The thought crossed her mind that this was some sort of trick, perhaps she was going to meet some clever fiend under that bridge, and she would be mugged, raped and killed.. Or forced to become a prostitute for the benefit of some sick and twisted man.. 
“No. Don’t think of that,” AmĂ©lie corrected herself sternly, quickening her pace. She walked briskly down the dimly lit sidewalk. Now she was out of the slums, almost at the edge of town. The streets were all but dead, aside from the occasional homeless person sleeping on whatever dry spot they could find. Still, she found herself slipping her hand into her coat pocket, clutching a crudely fashioned knife. The letter had instructed her to bring no belongings, but she simply could not travel this far in the dark without some type of protection. She knew that if she were attacked, there was little she could do despite having this shoddy knife; but she would not go down without a fight. That was for damn sure. 
Her mind turned to the Prince.. The King. Would she meet them? Surely the King would take no interest in meeting a lowly servant such as herself. But the Prince? Maybe. Genny did mention he had come to her himself in search of help. Her cousin must have made a grand impression on the Royals. It shouldn't surprise Amélie, her cousin was quite bodacious for someone of their social standing, and she was a damn good cook. A smile played upon the corner of her lips; reminded of the trouble the two of them had gotten into during their childhood. "Hard to believe we will be together again," Amélie shook her head and snickered. 
Finally after what felt like an eternity, she made it to the bridge where she was supposed to be picked up. There was nobody here yet, or at least that she could see in this darkness. She drew closer to the bridge, inspecting the surrounding area before rounding the side and ducking underneath the wooden structure. There was nothing around but trees, and some other vegetation. A small creek ran beneath the bridge, and she was careful not to fall in, lest she wanted to catch a cold. She gripped a wooden beam with her hands, steadying herself there. The constant trickling of water made it difficult to hear if someone was approaching. By her estimate it was almost time for her ride to arrive. She waited, her eyes searching amongst the darkness for any flicker of movement. 
A few minutes passed, and suddenly the sound of hooves pounding the earth reached her ears. Amélie swallowed hard, her heart flickered anxiously beneath her breast; she felt like it was trying to break free. She put her hand over her mouth, trying to mask her heavy breaths. The rider grew closer, and finally stopped on top of the bridge above her. A moment passed, then the rider dismounted; the thud of their feet against the wooden bridge sounded loudly in her ears. Amélie cringed and grabbed hold of the knife inside her overcoat, just in case. 
Her heart thumped so loudly in her chest she was afraid the rider could hear it.. She stood slowly, inhaling and exhaling a deep breath, and prepared herself for what could happen next. The water was still flowing somewhat loudly under the bridge, but the rider was so close, Amélie could hear their feet brushing against the grass. Her hand clenched tighter around the handle of the knife; finally the rider appeared in front of her. 
He held a small lantern in one hand, the faint glow illuminated his features. Their eyes met, and for reasons unknown to her, Amélie's heart skipped a beat. 
"Are you Amelie Waters?" The stranger asked, his voice low and husky. She followed the movement of his lips with her eyes, she had heard him speak but was too distracted to answer. His eyes were the loveliest shade of hazel she'd ever seen, and they held such warmth behind them. She almost immediately felt at ease with this man; which gave her a sense of comfort yet concerned her at the same time. How was this stranger able to dazzle her within seconds of their first meeting? She felt like some silly teenager with a crush; her face heated in embarrassment. 
His hair was dark and curly with a messy short style. His face was handsome and he had a strong angular jawline to match. He was quite tall, having to duck under the bridge, and he would surely loom over her in his normal posture. 
"Ma'am? Are you Miss Amélie Waters? If so, we really should be going." The man repeated in his low, hushed voice. Amélie blinked once, twice, and then straightened herself. She felt utterly ridiculous that the man had to repeat himself because she was too busy oogling him. She shook her head once, breaking their gaze before speaking, "Y-yes, I am Amélie Waters. I'm sorry for not answering you sooner.. Anyway, uh right.. We should be going now." Oh God. He must think I'm an imbecile. She groaned internally, mentally giving herself a facepalm. 
The man smirked for a moment and then composed himself once more. "We can make more formal introductions later, but for now we should get going. People will be getting up for work soon and I'd rather we not be seen." He said firmly and motioned for her to come with him. "Of course," Amélie replied, following his lead up the creek bank and onto the wooden bridge. His horse was waiting there, it's coat was as black as the night itself. 
He took the reins in one hand and hoisted himself upon the beast with the other. 
"Need a hand?" He asked politely, outstretching his right arm to her. She took the offered hand silently, thinking it best not to say anything lest she make more of a fool of herself. With his help she sat in the saddle behind him, her torso pressing against his back. She felt her face flush again; hotness rushing to her cheeks, and she tried not to think about their close proximity. 
"You have to hold onto me like this," he instructed, reaching behind him and gently grasping her hands then placing them on his sides. Her heart started racing again, but she did as he said and held onto his sides tightly. The last thing she wanted was to fly from this horse. At this rate it wouldn't surprise me.
"Okay, let's go!” Her chauffeur commanded, and his horse began a gallop toward the castle. 
AmĂ©lie stifled a shriek as the horse tore off down the winding dirt road. Oh my god he’s trying to kill me. Her fingers dug into his sides and she buried her head between his shoulder blades. She couldn’t help but notice his scent; he smelled of musk and sandalwood. It pleased her that he smelled so good, because most of the peasants she had lived around didn’t have access to soaps and perfumes. It was a rare occasion that a man walked past her and she found his scent attractive. So far it seems everything about this man is attractive.. She mused, and then scolded herself for being such a tart. Am I so sex depraved that I fling myself at the first decent looking man who doesn’s smell like horse manure? She questioned herself internally with a chuckle. 
True, she had been quite some time without intimacy. It was at least 4 years since she last had sex.. There wasn’t much time to think about her next boot knocking when she was fighting to survive on the streets. 
“You hanging on alright back there, Miss Waters?” The man asked abruptly, shaking her mind from the gutter. She blushed furiously, even though she knew he couldn’t read her thoughts; thankfully. “I’m fine,” she muttered into his back, “I’ll be even better once my feet are back on the bloody ground!” He chuckled at her response; he had one of those laughs that made you want to smile. The man replied, “I’m sorry, Tuck doesn’t go slow!” AmĂ©lie scoffed, “No shit! You don’t say?” That earned her another laugh, she could feel the vibrations from his laughter in her hands. It gave her a warm feeling. She hadn’t felt so light in such a long time. 
The rest of their ride was uneventful and silent. At last they came to a slow trot in front of the castle gates. She had never actually seen the place in person; it was a sight to behold, even in the dark. They rode past the gates which automatically swung open as they approached. “Strange,” she thought, “you’d think there would be more of a security protocol in place for entering the palace grounds.” She summed it up to the guards recognizing who her chauffeur was. 
They came to a stop at a side entrance to what she guessed was the main part of the castle. The stranger dismounted his horse and offered her a hand down. “There you are, safely escorted with your feet back on the ground.” He said with a smug look on his face; his lips hinted at a smile. She smirked and couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him. “I never caught your name, by the way?”
“Apologies, Miss. My name is Roman. Roman Octavius Reynolds. I am the Prince of Albanon and heir next in line to the throne.” 
Her heart stopped. 
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lunam00na · 3 years
An Unlikely Affair: Chapter 1 - The Letter
“It’s been three years since I last saw Genny.” AmĂ©lie thought as she turned the rolled piece of parchment scrawled with black ink lettering over in her hands. Three years since she had seen her last living family member, and closest friend. She inhaled and exhaled a harsh breath before peeling away the wax seal from the parchment, then unrolling it. The letter read;

Dearest Cousin, 
I hope this letter reaches you well. I am sorry it has taken me so long to write to you; I have been extraordinarily busy these days, working as the head of the kitchen. Yes, you read that right! I was promoted to head of kitchen staff some couple months ago after my superior decided it was time to retire. Since then I’ve been busy lining out my staff and giving them a proper retraining and entire new menu to learn and work with.. I’ll just say it’s been quite a mess. It’s so hard to find decent help these days, what with the state our Kingdom is in. 
Anyway, I won’t drone on about that. 
The reason I am writing is because an employment opportunity has become available here at the castle. The Prince himself has personally requested that I hire someone from my own family, as I have proven myself reliable and hardworking. There are.. various.. roles you will be required to perform, but for now the main title can be chambermaid. I will explain more when you arrive here at the palace, should you choose to accept. I strongly encourage you to take this opportunity; it could make a great difference in not only your life, but for the lives of everyone in this city. 
On the back of this parchment are instructions for you to follow, if you take the job. I really do hope to see you soon, AmĂ©lie. I’ve missed you so much.
                                - Genny 

She gasped in disbelief; one hand clasped the parchment while the other flew over her parted lips. Her heart beat fiercely against her ribcage, and she felt a bit lightheaded. After a few moments to grasp the concept of what was happening, she folded the letter and tucked it away safely in her apron. “How is this possible?” she wondered, finding her feet and hurrying down the muddy dirt road towards the slum she had been living in. 
There were other people walking along the road, though she paid them no mind, and it had started to lightly rain. Heavy clouds and grey skies hung above the city; it was going to storm. It seemed like Grimshores had a permanent dark cloud hanging over it in recent years. But, with the letter from Genny burning brightly in her mind, nothing would dampen her mood now. 
Once she reached her tiny shed of a home, with its dilapidated wooden walls and leaky roof, she rushed inside, not even stopping to take off her muddy boots. Quickly, she lit a candle and sat it on the small wooden table in the corner of the room. She sat on the chair adjacent to the table, and it creaked in complaint. Amélie drew the letter from her apron and this time she flipped it over to the back, reading the instructions her cousin had left her. 
April 24th
Beneath the bridge, east of town. 
Come alone, bring no belongings. 
“April 24th..” she repeated to herself for a moment. Her pale blue eyes widened with shock, “That’s tonight!” The mail was probably meant to arrive sooner, but with the chaos going on in the Capital right now, it’s no surprise it just now arrived. She wouldn’t even have time to think it over. She tapped her foot nervously, running a hand through her dirty blonde hair and letting the words sink it. Her cousin had mentioned she would be doing various jobs.. AmĂ©lie was curious what she meant by that. Did it have some hidden meaning? And not only that, but the part about changing the lives of everyone in the city. What was going on? There was surely something happening behind the scenes, and AmĂ©lie supposed she was going to find out what. 
She would be stupid not to accept her cousin’s offer, especially considering the Prince himself had requested a member of the Waters family.. AmĂ©lie left the letter to rest on the table and took a good look at her surroundings. A sad little shack of a home, falling farther into shambles with each passing of the seasons.. A small straw bed pressed against the wall.. An empty kitchen with not a crumb of food in sight. She frowned, recalling her own unhappiness here in this “house”. She had been alone for three years. 
With her parents and Aunt Lyssa both dead, and Genny working at the palace, there was nobody here for her. No reason for her to stay, unless she wanted to continue starving and barely scraping by. Even more reason to leave was the growing outcry from the residents of the city. Crime was at an all time high, and it was becoming increasingly dangerous for everyone who lived here. Thievery was taking away many of the scarcely available jobs around town, as people could no longer afford to stay open when their shops kept being broken into and robbed. 
Women were being forced into prostitution rings as a means of income, and many times that ended in their own violent death. AmĂ©lie had only managed to stay away from those people because she was extremely cautious and always carried some type of hand made weapon with her for her own defense. It wouldn’t be much longer before the situation reached a boiling point; war was coming soon. 
“Well.. It seems I have no better option,” she spoke softly and swallowed a lump in her throat, “I’m going to the palace.” 
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lunam00na · 3 years
An Unlikely Affair
By: lunam00na
AmĂ©lie Waters was just another one of the impoverished subjects in the Capital City of Grimshores. Born in the Northern Kingdom during a period of war with the South, AmĂ©lie was orphaned by both parents at a young age. Her father was assumed to have died in battle, and her mother lost her life to influenza when she was only twelve years old. After her mother’s death, AmĂ©lie went to stay with her late father’s sister, Lyssa. Aunt Lyssa had a daughter just a few years older than AmĂ©lie, and the cousins became close friends over the years.
 Although Amélie had been adopted by her Aunt, life was still a constant struggle for the family of three. There were more nights than she could count, that she went to bed with her stomach rumbling. Aunt Lyssa had somehow managed to land a job at the palace of King Arturo, working as a kitchen aid, but the position did not pay well enough to keep the three of them from going hungry. As children, the girls would do odd jobs throughout the town in order to earn a few extra cents to get them by. Over the years Amélie earned the trust of the local taverns and pubs, so they would hire her to temporarily work at the bar or kitchen whenever it was needed. 
When AmĂ©lie was 19, she received word from her cousin Genevieve that Aunt Lyssa had passed away, and that Genny had been invited to take her mother’s position at the palace, per recommendation of some of the other kitchen staff her mother had worked with. The opportunity was too good to pass up, and so Genny left for the palace immediately. 
For the First time in her life, Amélie Waters was truly alone. 

Roman Reynolds, heir to the Northern throne and Prince of Albanon, was growing increasingly frustrated with his father, King Arturo. Years had passed since the end of the war between the North and the South; yet his father had done nothing to mend relations with his people or the surrounding Kingdoms. After his mother’s unprecedented disappearance (presumed kidnapping) King Arturo had spiraled downward; his personality morphing into someone entirely different than before. The once kindly King was now replaced by a cold and brooding shell of the man he once was; only recognizable by his facial features. 
The Northern Kingdom was crumbling as the King sat unconcerned, in his palace. Grimshores was coming undone. It’s people were starving in the streets, and the ones who weren’t starving were committing crimes. Murder, thievery, kidnapping, and even prostituion, had began a rapid incline. Roman understood that something had to be done, but despite his father’s descent into madness, he still retained a loyal following of courtiers. 
Roman has to find a way to clean up his father’s mess before it’s too late. 
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lunam00na · 3 years
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― family reunion ☆
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lunam00na · 3 years
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God, I missed this so fucking much.
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lunam00na · 3 years
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“Dracula and Lisa” :‹Netflix : C A S T L E V A N I A Season 4
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lunam00na · 3 years
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lunam00na · 3 years
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lunam00na · 3 years
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lunam00na · 3 years
Legoshi đŸșđŸŒ»
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lunam00na · 3 years
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lunam00na · 3 years
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thinking about how its almost hot pot season 

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lunam00na · 3 years
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My Original Content:
Soft Buttery Rolls
Healing Tea
Sweet Cream Buns
Witchy Tomato Basil Soup
Birds Of Prey Inspired Spicy Avocado Breakfast Sandwich on Ciabatta Bread
Witchy Thumbprint Cookies
Magick Chocolate Chip Cookies
Imbolc Rosemary Jerk Baked Chicken
Witchy Pot Roast
Sweet Earl Grey Lavender Ice Cream with a Blackberry swirl
To heal a heartbreak cookies: Raspberry dark chocolate chunk cookies
Other of my favorite recipes:
French Silk Pie
Rosemary, pepper, lavender skillet bread
Creamy summer vegetable soup
Salted Honey Pie 🍯
Love Thyself Brownies
Orange cake recipe
🌿Lavender Tea Infusion🌿
Fresh Apple Autumn Cake with Honey-Cinnamon Glaze
Pretzel buns
Foodie Friday: Acorn Bread!
Cold Season Soup–Vegetable Soup with White Beans, Cauliflower, and Quinoa
Moon Spell Cookies
Perfect lemon meringues
Chocolate muffins 🌙
Foodie Friday: Tiramisu!
100 year old gingerbread recipe
Strawberry juice 🍓
Witches’ Honey Bread
Warming Autumn Soup
Magickal snickerdoodles â˜€ïžđŸ’˜
Moon Cookies
Earl Grey Shortbread
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