lunamor-moon · 4 months
happy imbolc to those who celebrate!! <3
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lunamor-moon · 6 months
i feel like i should be doing something for every day of yule but idk what. and its a bit late now lmao
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lunamor-moon · 6 months
thank gods for rose quartz tbh
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lunamor-moon · 6 months
What Native people say about the use of sage: you can use sage, but you cannot smudge as nothing you are doing (waving sage around) is actually smudging. Smudging is a ceremony and you are, we promise, not smudging. Please buy sage from either us, or someone who sources the sage from us. White sage may not be considered endangered by the US government but corperate sourcing is making it difficult for us to source sage for our own religious purposes. Let alone to sell it.
What white people hear: never use sage ever, don’t ever buy it, don’t own it, don’t even look at it.
Look, y’all. There’s a couple of facets to my talk today.
1) Yes! You can buy sage! You really, truly can! Buy it from either native sellers (go to a powwow! Eat our food, buy our stuff, watch some dancing!) Or buy it from a seller who sources the sage from native people. Pick one. And no, buying it from 5 Below doesn’t count.
2) you CANNOT smudge. This isn’t just you “shouldn’t”— this is a YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF SMUDGING. Waving a sage stick around your doorways IS NOT SMUDGING. It is smoke clensing. Smudging, depending on the tradition and tribe, could easily have dancing and drums involved. You, as a white person, do not have the cultural BACKGROUND to even know how it works. At all. Period.
3) please, for FUCKS SAKE, stop making posts here on tumblr where you tell other white people about cultural appropriation and what they can and cannot do. Please stop, your license has been revoked because none of you bother to get the facts right. We native people are FULLY CAPABLE OF DOING IT OURSELVES. Consider instead: a) reblogging our posts where we talk about it! We’re here! We have made posts!! b) Making a post that states what we said and then LINKS BACK TO US. Screenshot with a link if you must. Stop centering your own voices in these conversations. You are already centered in everything, stop centering yourselves in a native space.
I’m tired of this nonsense, y’all.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk ™
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lunamor-moon · 6 months
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lunamor-moon · 6 months
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Freja, norse goddess of love and the leader of the Vallkyries for this week’s Patreon sketch poll :)
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lunamor-moon · 6 months
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Freyja Virtual Offering! 🍓🍯🌹💫🕯️🧡
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lunamor-moon · 6 months
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Adorned with elegance and strength, Freyja, the goddess of beauty, love, war and revered queen of the valkyries.
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lunamor-moon · 6 months
really not sure what to post here actually
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lunamor-moon · 7 months
ive been very drawn to danu and cernunnos but i also want to include norse mythology in my worship :/ could i combine two religions? maybe cernunnos and freyja could be my god and goddess… or cernunnos and jord,,,,, idk im new here ok im trying my best
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lunamor-moon · 7 months
Danu, celtic earth mother.
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lunamor-moon · 7 months
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Danu, for a private commissioner! 
Danu is a Goddess of Ireland, and the one of whom the Tuatha Dé Danann take their name. 
I am super pleased with this one, I just love her hair.
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lunamor-moon · 7 months
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This was so pretty! This is "Danu, Goddess Of Nature" as I see it because of synesthesia!
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lunamor-moon · 7 months
Cernunnos is a deity from Celtic mythology who is often depicted as a horned god or the Lord of the Forest. He is revered in pagan and witch circles as a symbol of wildness, fertility, and power. Cernunnos is a complex figure who is hailed as a protector of animals and the natural world.
As a horned god, Cernunnos is often associated with male vitality and virility. In many depictions, he is shown as a figure with antlers or horns, representing his connection to nature and his mastery over the wild. He is considered to be a fertility god, as he promotes growth and fecundity in the animal, plant and natural world.
Cernunnos is also often linked to the cycles of life and death. As the Lord of the Forest, he is seen as a figure who mirrors the cycles of the seasons. In many traditions, he is celebrated during the autumn equinox when the balance of day and night moves from one season to the next. The horned god is associated with the darker side of nature, symbolizing the cycle of decay, death, and rebirth.
As a god of the wild, Cernunnos is also associated with shapeshifting and transformation. He is said to be able to take on different forms, such as a stag or a boar, to better connect with nature. This links him to the world of magic and witchcraft, where practitioners often work with animal energy to enhance their spells and rituals.
In many pagan traditions, Cernunnos is invoked during rituals that promote healing, fertility, and creativity. His energy is believed to be potent and transformative, acting as a catalyst for growth and empowerment. He is often called upon to help balance energies and invoke the forces of nature.
Overall, Cernunnos is an important figure in witchcraft because he embodies many of the ideals and energies that witches strive to harness. The horned god represents wildness, freedom, and the power of transformation. His presence is a reminder to witches to focus on their connection to nature and to embrace the cycles of life and death that are a fundamental part of their practice.
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🖤 TheBlackPegasusShop 🖤 | 🔮 Tarot Readings 🔮 | 🧿 Send an ask 🧿 | 📖 My book - Witchcraft 101 📖
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lunamor-moon · 7 months
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Have a butch dyke Cernunnos because why not!
Terfs fuck off
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lunamor-moon · 7 months
hope everyone had a lovely full moon night! i charged my crystals and made some moon water 🥰
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lunamor-moon · 7 months
Pinned Post!
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racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, antisemitic, islamaphobic, you know the drill
prolife/anti abortion
anti endo (our system is traumagenic we're just open minded)
t*rfs, r*dfems, transmeds, etc
anti MOGAl, anti mspec lesbians, anti he/him lesbians, anti multigender, anti man in any way, basically if you exclude any queer identity, get the fuck out
MAPs/pedos and their apologists
proshippers/anti antis
pro israel/anti palestine
dream supporters and HP supporters
nonBlack users of the word s*mp
(e, a, i)
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About Me!
im technically new to witchcraft and being Wiccan? i attempted to convert a year or so ago but didn’t stick with it, i think because i didn’t tell anyone irl about it and it became bothersome keeping the secret. now im out of the broom closet and ready to fully commit to converting! also idk what kind of witch i am yet, and im still building a connection with the god and goddess, it’s been about three days since i got back into this so ;^^
im part of a system of alters, and some of my headmates are into witchcraft and some aren’t. so if this blog goes silent at any point, it’s either because someone else is fronting or i just suck at multiblogging lmao
main: @catboygirlboss
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