lunarwintyr · 1 day
A Single Drop of Color Rating: M Fandom: Twilight (Femslash) Pairing: Rosalie Hale/Bella Swan Content Warning(s): Depictions of Depression, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms for Trauma, Depictions of Mild Homophobia, Graphic Depictions of Panic Attacks
Bella Swan is depressed. She's dealt with it for years, and only just recently began on the road to recovery. In the service of this recovery she decides she needs a change of scenery and uproots herself from Phoenix, Arizona to find a new lease on life as she moves in with her partially-estranged father in Forks, Washington. In Forks Bella will meet new people, have new experiences, and be forced to ask herself painful and uncomfortable questions. Who is Bella Swan? What does she want out of life? Who does she want to spend her life with? And what is she willing to do in the service of those things? Little does she know that by answering these questions she will set in motion a series of events that has been a thousand years in the making, as forces and powers beyond what she ever could have imagined emerge from the shadows and threaten to upend what little peace Bella begins to carve out for herself.
Author ramblings under the cut.
New longfic I've started posting on Ao3 for Rosalie/Bella! 9 chapters deep so far with the 10th already written and in the process of being edited.
Forgot to post updates on tumblr till now, but I'll be posting an update with each chapter going forward.
Most of my ramblings for this story are currently contained in the AN for the first chapter of the fic so I won't really repeat myself too much.
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lunarwintyr · 7 months
Chapter Summary;
Wednesday made her amends to Enid. But Enid wasn't the only person Wednesday hurt.
Second chapter of Don't Touch Me posted! This one is far more T rated but still just as angsty as the first one so I hope you enjoy. This chapter fully focuses on the complicated and very intense feelings between Yoko and Wednesday.
Author ramblings under the cut.
Love is special. And as someone who has lived through and experienced a huge variety of its permutations, I think one of my favorites is the kind of platonic love that's so intense it's basically another flavor of romance. Very much love in the queerplatonic sense.
That's what I wanted to draw on for Wednesday and Yoko here. They're two people who individually have a lot of issues, one moreso than the other maybe, but I also think they're somewhat uniquely suited to care for each other.
There's a quote a lot of tumblr loves that I kept in mind when writing this.
“Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.”
I think Wednesday and Yoko are great for this. Wednesday and Enid can take on that sort of energy, but I always feel like those two are more suited to pushing each other above and beyond and aren't quite -as- suited to helping each other through the slog.
Yoko and Wednesday though would be. And at first with this story, it's Yoko who first extends that hand, who first says "If the world does not want you, I will. I will walk with you."
but then later, once you get to the point in the timeline post-chapter one, the roles flip. Suddenly Yoko is the one holding onto anger and bitterness and isn't well, and it's Wednesday who weathers the storm and waits for her. It's Wednesday who says "Even if you won't let me I will do the hard work of loving you. I will let you bite me and drain your anger so you do not drown, because I love you."
maybe not so much in actual words but in their actions
anyway I love friendships like this, a relationship doesn't have to be romantic to be powerful, compelling, and beautiful, and so so so full of love. I hope you enjoy.
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lunarwintyr · 7 months
Don't Touch Me (Or I'll Break) Rating: M Pairing: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair Content Warnings: Mild Sexual Content, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
What happens if Wednesday can't accept her feelings at Nevermore and it leads to the fracturing, and eventual ruin, of her and Enid's friendship, along with every other friend at Nevermore Wednesday might have had? What happens when an Addams is so determined to defy the Curse that they self-destruct every chance given to them? ============================================== Wednesday ruins it all. Six years later, she runs into Enid at a club in New York City and gets a second chance. Will she do it right this time? Will she be honest about her innermost feelings, not only with Enid, but with herself? Or will she fall back into old habits? Will she resort to denial and lies? Can Wednesday ever break free of her self-inflicted misery and self-destructive patterns or is she doomed to them forever?
Author ramblings under the readmore.
I was possessed by a demon to write this around 11 pm and finished around 3 in the morning. I don't really know what else to say.
A lot of Wenclair fanfics follow the trope/trend/idea of Wednesday kind of going a little insane at Nevermore and, through her antics, her feelings about Enid come out, everything is okay and they get together and it's lovely.
I wanted to know, what does that look like if that doesn't happen?
And not only that, what if Wednesday's antics stop being endearing after a while, and get to the point where it completely shatters her friendships, including with Enid?
What happens next?
This fic is me exploring that idea. Wednesday becoming an even-more-dead-inside womanizer because she likes the feeling of power it gives her and it helps her pave over the hurt underneath it all backfires when she's on the prowl at a club and meets Enid by total chance, who doesn't recognize her (sort of).
Idk, I really don't have much more to say. I think the story speaks for itself. I definitely pulled from personal experience for a lot of it (having a lot of mindless sex over a couple years can really do a number on you if you're doing it for the wrong reasons) so I hope the story resonates with some other people as well.
I will say I fucking hate the ending. I had no idea how to properly end it after the final "proper" scene. I may flesh it out further in a second chapter or just an additional one-shot.
I have some ideas on an E-rated sequel that shows Wednesday recovering with Enid from self-inflicted sexual trauma, but we'll see.
Thanks for paying attention to my nonsense, I hope you enjoy the fic <3
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lunarwintyr · 7 months
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from chapter 3 of my Wenclair + Goody fanfic "birds of a feather"
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lunarwintyr · 7 months
(Un)Wanted or Wednesday Addams's Love Language is Acts of Service Rating: T Pairing: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair
The second part to this one-shot shows Wednesday's point of view! Both of the events of the first part from her perspective, as well as the events leading up to Wednesday deciding to be nice to Enid and display her affections.
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lunarwintyr · 7 months
(Un)Wanted or Wednesday Addams's Love Language is Acts of Service Rating: T Pairing: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair
Wednesday starts being nice to Enid. It takes Enid three weeks to notice. Also, Enid never shifts, her mom is a bitch about it, and Wednesday would very much like to commit a murder. ---------------------
Author ramblings under the readmore.
One-shot Wenclair fic as my inaugural entry to the fandom! I have several more ideas cooking about these two but this was me dipping my toes in and trying to just sit with the characters for a little bit. I didn't much care for the actual Wednesday show if I'm being honest, but specifically the characters of Wednesday and Enid as well as their dynamic have an absolute stranglehold on me.
I absolutely adore the trope they embody, the dynamic of one character hating everything except one (1) person who just so happens to be the biggest ray of sunshine in the world.
I'm extremely partial to the fics I've read so far in the fandom where Wednesday is unimaginably soft for Enid, and while I know those types of stories can veer into OOC territory, I don't really care? I want to explore that space more, get inside Wednesday's head more. I see a lot of echoes of myself in Wednesday but I see even more in the way a lot of people characterize her attitude and treatment towards Enid in Wenclair fics. I'm also extremely touch averse and very much not about open displays of affection and emotion, they make me highly uncomfortable, except for one special person in my life who just makes me feel safe and okay being vulnerable.
So I have a lot of Wenclair ideas cooking on various back burners that explore that specific idea and dynamic in different settings with different plots. I'm excited to delve further into this fandom!
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lunarwintyr · 7 months
Hello! I'm Lunar, or Wintyr, and I've been writing fanfiction and participating in fandom for about eleven years. I've had multiple pseuds over the years but currently this is my only active one.
I post fanfiction here: Ao3 Link
Current fandoms I have WIPs for/am actively posting; Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair (Wednesday) Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee (RWBY) Quinn Fabray/Rachel Berry (Glee) Lae'Zel/Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate 3) Max Caulfield/Victoria Chase (Life is Strange) Luxanna "Lux" Crownguard/Jinx (League of Legends) Rosalie Hale/Bella Swan (Twilight)
Personal details; I'm over 21 years of age and I use she/her pronouns.
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