luv4day6 · 5 years
2:50 am
Rain softly hit your window as Dowoon gently drummed his fingertips against the top of your thigh. He was listening to music tapping out the beat of it on top on your leg while you just scrolled through your phone. There was nothing particularly special about this moment but the times Dowoon’s face lit up when a good song came on made your heart flutter. He would just shyly giggle when you saw him and go back to listening but these moments really hit your heart.
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luv4day6 · 5 years
1:05 am
Wonpil could only run his fingers through your hair and rub circles on your back while you cried into his arms. So many feelings all being kept pent up inside you were bound to explode and tonight was the night. He didn’t judge you but was instead there for you so you didn’t have to be alone. Placing a soft kiss on your head he squeezed you tighter and prepared to hold you for as long as you needed.
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luv4day6 · 5 years
9:47 am
Dowoon rested in your living room with a stuffed dog toy laying on his chest. The fake fur tickled his chin when he sat up slightly to look at you. “We should get a dog.” Dowoon said out loud with a child like grin on his face. Not even blinking twice you nonchalantly replied in agreement and that set Dowoon with stars in his eyes. “Really?” He exclaimed more excited than ever. The look of excitement on his face with his shining eyes and beautiful smile would have teared your heart to say no so before you knew it the two of you were headed to the nearest pet store.
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luv4day6 · 5 years
1:39 am
Rarely ever staying up late your head pounded from the headache you had accidentally given yourself. Younghyun laid next to you with a protective arm rested along your waist. No idea why or how your mind was running with so many thoughts it was impossible to keep up. Groaning to yourself internally you turned for what seemed like the millionth time and the sleepy boy next to you finally lifted his head. “Baby?” He spoke out in a raspy voice his arm tightening around you. Turning once again to face him you snuggled into his chest. “I can’t sleep I’m sorry” you quietly spoke above a whisper. “No it’s ok really,” Younghyun spoke and shortly after a yawn followed as he held you in his arms. “I’ll hold you until you fall asleep.”
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luv4day6 · 5 years
11:10 pm
Coming home from work you had arguably one of the worst days. With a pounding head you collapsed onto the couch making Wonpil turn his attention from his book to you. “Is everything alright babe?” He spoke out in a gentle voice not wanting to upset you anymore than work had made you. Letting out a deep sigh when you tried to speak the words got stuck in your throat. Just that was enough for Wonpil to put his book down and go and hold you, he knew the day had been too long and unfair you deserved a good rest.
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luv4day6 · 5 years
6:54 am
Waking up to the empty space beside you there was a soft strum coming from the outside of your room. Softly stretching you reached over and grazed your hand over the empty space before your eyes fluttered shut one more time.....
7:00 am
Your buzzing phone alarm went off shaking the desk it laid on. Sungjin made his way into your shared room and sat next to you on the bed. Gently stroking your cheek he smiled at you warmly. “how did you sleep?” His voice sounded like the sun in the cold of your room it made your heart melt. “Amazing.” Which wasn’t totally true but not a total lie you thought to yourself as you nuzzled into his warm touch.
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luv4day6 · 5 years
7:44 pm
Sitting outside with Jae there was a gentle breeze that reached the two of you from the swing set. “The sunset looks really pretty tonight don’t you think” You spoke out as your eyes looked along the pink and orange that was beginning to spread throughout the sky. Jae broke his gaze from you and looked there. “Oh yea I guess so, but I think you’re better.” Turning over the two of you made eye contact and of course he had a mischievous grin spread on his face. “I’m telling the truth! I really think so.” The mischievous grin slowly but surely melted into a soft smile of adoration. “I really do think so.” He repeated again as he took in your features. “Wow.”
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luv4day6 · 5 years
2:16 pm
Laying your head on Younghyun’s shoulder you had given yourself a headache from studying. You felt Younghyun’s body tense from your touch, he couldn’t quite get the words out the way he wanted to. Gently grabbing his hand made him turn his gaze from the beaten up notebook to you. “Yeah?” Younghyun’s husky voice broke the silence between you two. “Let’s go for a walk it might help.” You replied with a smile on your face. Younghyun couldn’t help the feeling of joy that bloomed out of his chest as he stood up tugging you towards the door to grab your shoes.
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luv4day6 · 5 years
9:47 pm
The tips of Dowoon’s ears burned a deep red color as he gently let go of your hand leaving you on your door step. He was trying to contain his smile from going too big but he really couldn’t help himself. “I had a lot of fun tonight.” The tall boy spoke shyly with his heart pounding against his chest. Out of a burst of confidence he looked up with big eyes and made eye contact with you. “Um next weekend too?” Your quiet boyfriend asked for some reason still nervous as if it’s the first date all over again. “Of course” you gently replied not wanting to startle him. Leaning forward Dowoon placed a soft kiss on your cheek, he smelled of his nice cologne and the vanilla ice cream you just shared. Pulling away Dowoon couldn’t hide his huge smile as he looked anywhere but at you directly. “Message me when you get home!” You gently called to him as you reached for the door knob. Nodding his head quickly Dowoon zoomed to the sidewalk and began his walk back home, his silhouette disappearing behind the corner of the street after you make it inside.
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luv4day6 · 5 years
hello :D this is a new soft blog for day6 and my first actual blog!! i’m really new to this so i might not be too good but please bear with me!! I’d love to make friends and make people happy with these soft scenarios, please feel free to leave something in my inbox or message me
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