luvbird4eva · 2 years
raise your hands if you love your mutuals to pieces but are afraid to message any of them because you don’t wanna be a bother and so you just stare at them from afar and hope they feel your friendship vibes somehow
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luvbird4eva · 2 years
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ML Cat Cafe Au! 🐱☕
Fluff probably can't see into the future. Maybe. She just has a habit of staring into the cosmos at nothing.
Marinette already knows what she wants her future to be. It doesn't hurt to ask though.
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luvbird4eva · 2 years
Was reading a post about ADHD and how our brains don't do rewards like they should. Like, completing a task often doesn't leave you with a sense of relief or pride, you just feel exhausted
And it suddenly hit me
Like I would literally never write a thing if not for the intent of publishing it. The idea of writing "for myself" is COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS to me. Like yeah I often enjoy the process of coming up with stories and writing them down, and I enjoy reading stuff I've written and going "heck yeah I'm good!!" but it's NOT ENOUGH. And sure every time I finish a chapter I feel a little bit of pride and accomplishment but it's NOT ENOUGH. And so I have to publish it as well to prove to the world I wrote it, but that is also NOT ENOUGH, because if no one reacts then the act of publishing was just more work.
Because nothing is ever enough for my janky-ass brain.
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luvbird4eva · 3 years
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everyone loves marinette (and chloe does too but she’s too stubborn to admit it)
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luvbird4eva · 3 years
why is your cat green?
She’s built different 😌
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luvbird4eva · 3 years
ok how the HELL do you draw an open mouth from the side. whenever i try to draw one i end up making the chin super tiny and i have to re-adjust and it makes the jaw all weird. i've looked at other tutorials on drawing mouths in general but they don't usually draw mouths from the side *open*
BRO ME 2 okay here u go
X - very cartoony but a good simple visualization of how it looks without much detail. Also useful if you’re looking for a super realistic style.
X - Very detailed explanation of how to draw an adult male’s head
X - !!!! SHADING!!!!!! Shading for side portraits really is half of the battle. This is of a young woman.
X - a TikTok that summarizes everything really nicely
X - another TikTok, this didn’t help me much but I’m still putting it on here because I learn really oddly and it was packed full of info.
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Chellexey | unknown |
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F - This one is super easy to understand and focuses on proportional distance
F - Not much explanation but it is very step by step so you can follow every stroke
X - I LOVE how they explained the cheek and how that works into playing with the mouth and jaw.
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luvbird4eva · 3 years
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My collection of clothing references for writing. 
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luvbird4eva · 3 years
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Sometimes you zone out for hours at your capital J Job and think about a children’s show
Next part >
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luvbird4eva · 3 years
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luvbird4eva · 3 years
Plagg begging them to reveal had me cacklinggggg. This was so good!
Unexpected Reveal
@bowser14456 Many eons ago, you requested “unexpected reveal” with Ladynoir. You may have forgotten, but I did not!  So here you go!
Cat Noir had three things: one paw print on his ring, a second paw print, and nowhere to hide.
No, make that four things: two prints, nowhere to hide, and a giant problem.
Throngs of people filled the streets in every direction, going back to their normal activities. Work and school and stores would soon be opening again. School! Cat Noir panicked as he raced back, hoping he could find an empty classroom before his timer ran out and someone noticed he was missing.
It was early winter. No one should have windows open, but there was one anyway, on the second floor, and the light behind it was off. An empty room. Perfect. One of his paw prints disappeared as he dove through the opening, did a perfect roll, and came up nose to nose with Ladybug.
Who gave the highest squeak he’d ever heard her make.
“Oh,” he said. They were so close that the only bit of her he could see was her face, and he took a step backward, though he couldn’t get very far in the cramped space. “So, uh, how have you been?” Ugh, stupid! You saw her less than a minute ago! “I mean, what are you doing here?” Another horrible question. She was hiding here in a janitor’s closet for the same reason he was.
“Just… relaxing.” The lie sounded awkward in her mouth. Her eyes rested on his hair instead of his face. “In my favorite spot, you know.”
“Oh.” He pretended to admire the shelves that lined both walls and adjusted a spray bottle of cleaner that was too close to the edge. He should be leaving. He shouldn’t be wondering why Ladybug decided to transform in his school. He shouldn’t be intruding on her privacy like this.
Instead he said, “It’s a good spot. I like it,” and then winced. Going along with what they both knew was an obvious lie was making it worse.
“It is, thanks,” she said, staring at a spot above his head and digging them in deeper.
The window was still open behind him. He could just roll right out again and land face-first on the pavement and forget this horrible moment ever happened.
Keep reading
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luvbird4eva · 3 years
Ladybug expected one of two things when Chat Noir discovered that she was really Marinette. One, he would start hanging out at her house when he was transformed. Or two, he would start hanging out with her when he wasn’t transformed (whether or not she knew his civilian identity already). 
Either way, she had expected him to try to get closer to her. That was what all the Ladynoir fanfiction she’d ever read had prepared her for. (Which wasn’t a lot of fanfiction, okay? Well… it wasn’t that much.)
What she didn’t expect: Tips on how to ask Adrien out, support for her crush on another boy, and whatever other crazy things were happening right now.
“You need to pay better attention, M'Lady. You’re breathing all wrong again.” Chat Noir crossed his arms in annoyance, like he was personally offended by her anxiety over this.
“How am I breathing wrong?” Ladybug huffed. “I’ve been breathing perfectly fine my whole life. Maybe you’re breathing wrong.”
“You’ve got to breathe better. For Adrien.”
“I don’t think that Adrien will care how I breathe, thanks.”
“He’ll care very much if you pass out because you’re hyperventilating. Now again. Use your diaphragm like I showed you, so you can say romantic things and sweep him off his feet.”
It had been like this for three days, ever since she’d told him who exactly it was she’d been crushing on. Coaching and cheerleading. Scolding and impatience. He seemed even more invested in her love life than she was, and Ladybug couldn’t wrap her head around it.
“Are you even listening to me? You are going to rob Adrien of the joy of saying yes to you!”
“Stop pressuring me! You’re stressing me out!”
Chat Noir pinched the bridge of his nose, like a wearied, middle-aged school teacher. “Okay. This is the perfect opportunity to review relaxation techniques, then. You’re not nervous when you’re talking to me. Why don’t you practice confessing to me?”
“You’d love that, wouldn’t you?”
He struck a pose, slicking back his hair and cocking a hip, like he was in Adrien’s place on the catwalk. “Well, we do look kind of similar, don’t you think?”
“Not at all.”
He switched up the pose to one much more unassuming, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, looking down at the ground, and then deliberately smiling up at her shyly. “Are you saying I don’t look like a supermodel?” He batted his eyes.
Chat Noir straightened up. “You wound me. How about this: While you’re asking him out, you can just pretend you’re me and do what I would do.”
“You mean strut around and say the worst cat-themed pickup line I can think of?”
“The best way to a man’s heart is through puns, M'Lady. Everyone knows that.”
Ladybug snorted at the idea. “No, that’s just your heart.”
“I’ll bet you five euros it’ll work on Adrien, too.”
Well, that was an easy way to earn five euros. “You’re on.”
“Really?” Chat Noir’s cat ears perked up. “You’re going to use one?”
She shouldn’t. It seemed too silly. Too easy to dismiss as a joke instead of a confession. Too likely to get her rejected. But then again, what had she done so far that was any different?
“Do you think it’ll work?” she whispered.
“I don’t think it matters how you ask. He’s going to say yes. You don’t have anything to worry about.”
Ladybug shrugged. “Maybe I’ll use one then. I honestly don’t have any better ideas. Everything I’ve done to get his attention so far has failed.”
“Hey, that’s only because I wasn’t helping you.” He held out a fist for her to bump. “You need your favorite partner’s help with important stuff, right?”
She raised her fist to his, gaining strength from the feeling of his fingers against hers. “Right.”
“You know, you and me against the world also means us against Adrien.”
Ladybug shoved him.
Author’s note: I wrote this for Post-Reveal Revelry, an event I hosted back in, um, March. This is part one of three! Read part two here and part three here!
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luvbird4eva · 3 years
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whenever i hear hawky transform all i can think about is “you just say ‘dark’ bacause it makes you sound more villainous”
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luvbird4eva · 3 years
Something silly I started but I couldnt finish it in under 48 hours so I lost drive. I hope you enjoy anyway despite the random cut and abrupt end. Edit: song is Touching My Hand - Be More Chill Musical Demo/Cut Song
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luvbird4eva · 3 years
reblog to punch gabriel agreste in the face
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luvbird4eva · 6 years
For artists who have problems with perspective (furniture etc.) in indoor scenes like me - there’s an online programm called roomsketcher where you can design a house/roon and snap pictures of it using different perspectives.
It’s got an almost endless range of furniture, doors, windows, stairs etc and is easy to use. In addition to that, you don’t have to install anything and if you create an account (which is free) you can save and return to your houses.
Examples (all done by me):
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Here’s an example for how you can use it
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luvbird4eva · 6 years
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luvbird4eva · 6 years
showing your friend something you know they would flip out over and they say “I’ve already seen it”
i was supposed to be the hero
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