Here’s my new Lydia account. 
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Here’s my new Lydia account. 
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Here’s my new Lydia account. 
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Here’s my new Lydia account. 
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Here’s my new Lydia account. 
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Here’s my new Lydia account. 
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Here’s my new Lydia account. 
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Here’s my new Lydia account. 
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Here’s my new Lydia account. 
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I’m having problems with this accoung and my email for it. So over the next few days, I’m going to be archiving it and moving the account. I’ll post the new link in a few days. 
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I’m having problems with this accoung and my email for it. So over the next few days, I’m going to be archiving it and moving the account. I’ll post the new link in a few days. 
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I’m having problems with this accoung and my email for it. So over the next few days, I’m going to be archiving it and moving the account. I’ll post the new link in a few days. 
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Lydia wanted to be there for Stiles like he’d been there for her. He’d seen a side of her that nobody else really saw. He saw the real her and right through the act she’d put on for so many years. Lydia didn’t need to pretend, she didn’t need to put on an act. She wasn’t pretending to be okay because right now she wasn’t okay. Yes, Lydia was managing but she wasn’t sure when she’d fully be okay again. Stiles though, he made it a little easier. 
Once he leaned against her, Lydia felt herself relax even more. Eyes closing as she let herself relax against Stiles, letting out a shaky breath. Things weren’t safe and she knew that, Lydia was scared but she would do anything to make sure the pack was safe. “Sti?” She started to speak but kept leaning against him. “Do you think you can stay with me tonight? I think...I think that I really need you around right now.” For once, Lydia was admitting to needing someone, to needing him. 
The Hours After (closed)
Stiles had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep control of his emotions. There would be a time and a place to fall apart (preferably alone in his room, where no one would be bothered by his breakdown) but for now, he needed to stay strong, for Lydia. He couldn’t imagine how unsteady she felt, trapped in her body screaming to get out. Actually…now that he thought of it, maybe he could. He’d been under the control of the Nogitsune after all, not in control and scratching against the walls to break free.
He took a shaky breath, blowing it out between pursed lips slowly to calm down. Looking over at her, he flickered a small, sad smile and leaned against her, his temple to her forehead gently, so not to irritate the wound in her head. He felt the desire to just take Lydia away for a while, go to a place where no one could find them and just take some time to themselves, even if it was just for a while. She looked like she needed it and with the Beast and Theo and Deucalion out there, it looked like no rest would come soon at all. Hearing her words, he gave a small sigh and closed his eyes, murmuring quietly, “Thank god…”
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“We don’t know what’s going to happen. Hell, that thing might not even be done growing. I just...don’t want to see anything happen to you.” Lydia said softly before looking at him. 
Closed Starter
“And I refuse you guys to die for me. I survived one face of it with already. I am going to burn it to the ground.” His eyes started to glow.
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Lydia kept her eyes on Stiles, almost afraid to look away. She didn’t want to risk it just being a dream, or a nightmare. She needed to know that Stiles was still there, that he hadn’t gone anywhere. To know that he was safe. 
The girl nodded in understanding though Lydia didn’t know what it was like for them. Of course she’d been worried about the pack and about Stiles, it was just how she was now. “Stiles, I’m always going to worry about you. Even when you’re right next to me, I’m going to worry.” And that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. Lydia stayed silent as he talked about his mom, it’d broke her heart hearing him talk about her. Knowing how painful it had to be for him. She shook her head at his words, turning slightly to cup his face in her hands, looking Stiles in the eyes. “I’m okay, Stiles. It’s gonna take more than that to kill me, ya know? Peter couldn’t do it, Jennifer couldn’t do it, Void couldn’t do it. I’m not going anywhere, Stiles Stilinski. You’re stuck with me.”
The Hours After (closed)
Stiles sniffed, fiddling with his hands as he often did when his emotions were getting the best of him. He picked at his nails and the dry skin at his fingertips, clenched and unclenched his fists, and stared at his palms, as if they had the answer somehow.
“I know,” He said quietly, falling silent for a minute. “It’s just…hard.” He felt his voice break on that last word, prompting him to clear his throat. “You, uh…You shouldn’t need to worry about me, after all you’ve been through. I should be the one worrying about you.” He said, looking over at her. Even still, e knew Lydia was far too stubborn to let it go until he talked a bit more. “I know what it’s like. To look at someone, and they don’t see you anymore. My mom…towards the end, she didn’t even recognize me anymore. This person who meant so damn much to me, and she looked at me like I was a stranger.” Or worse, in his mom’s case. “So when I saw you there, bleeding and just staring at nothing, I thought…” He drifted off, voice growing too heavy to continue as he ducked his head and wiped his eyes.
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“Jordan, I’m not letting you fight that...thing alone. You’ve got the pack...and me. Enough people have died and I refuse to add you to that list.” Lydia whispered, chewing on her bottom lip. 
Closed Starter
“I need you to train to defend yourself, not to aid me in the fight against The Beast. That is my fight.” Jordan said to her.
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Lydia didn’t mean to scare him, after everything that happened, it was the last thing she wanted. To say that she was tired would have been an understatement, but Lydia knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep for awhile. If she did it wouldn’t be for long, not after everything that took place. She’d been to scared that if she did fall asleep, there wouldn’t be any waking up. 
Her features were soft as Lydia looked at Stiles, there wasn’t a lot that she didn’t know, but the connection she felt to Stiles was one of them. Making herself comfortable next to him. Lydia furrowed her eyebrows, staying silent for a few minutes as he spoke. She reached to grab his hand, trying to assure him that he hadn’t lost her. “But you didn’t, Sti. I’m right here, right here because of you and the others. Because you didn’t stop until you got me.” She kept her voice low, knowing even if she wanted to she wouldn’t be able to talk normal. Not for awhile, for now her voice was raw and rough when it wasn’t a whisper. “No empty shells, just me, Stiles. You brought me back, you made me fight it. Stiles, it was you and I have no idea how to ever repay you for that. You’ll never know how happy and relived I was when I woke up and your face was the one I saw. You didn’t lose me, Stiles, I’m right here. Bruised and bent, but not broken.”
The Hours After (closed)
Stiles jumped a bit when he heard Lydia approach, very nearly whirling around to tell her she needed to go back inside, she had obviously been to hell and back and she needed rest more than any of them. She shouldn’t even be standing at this point. Or any point during the night. Or tomorrow. In fact, she should probably have a full day in bed, just to try and feel normal again. But the words died in his throat and she spoke to him.
His brow narrowed in confused wonder. How did she know? How didn’t she know? Lydia was smarter than any of them, in more ways than one. He should’ve guessed she’d be able to see through him if he lied or tried to brush it off. He sighed and looked down at the ground, tracing a circle in the gravel with his finger. “We…We almost lost you,” Stiles said, voice barely above a murmur. “So many times, I thought you were gone. It felt like I just couldn’t save you. I didn’t…I didn’t know how much they had done to you, if you were gone for good. Just…like an empty shell. And when you spoke to me, I thought I was gonna just cry right there. But one thing after another, after another. I kept thinking we’d lost you again.”
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