m1serere-n0bis · 6 months
Christian version of buzzfeed quiz that tells you which way you’d be martyred based off which scenic cottage pictures you choose
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m1serere-n0bis · 6 months
I know this is probably an irritating question but, could you give me a few of those sources about Easter not being a pagan holiday? I wish to give them to a friend off tumblr, a Christian, because I was telling her about how the old "the holidays are all pagan" is false, and I got her very curious. I attempted to look for them on your tumblr but am failing miserably. Sorry if this is aggravating.
apologies for getting to this so late! here’s a compilation of potential arguments that may arise and can be combated with Abrahamic knowledge and information:
 ”Easter is based on Ishtar! The names are pronounced the same!”: here’s a pronunciation of the word “Ishtar”. they do not sound the same, they are not based off one another.
“Ishtar’s symbols are eggs and bunnies, which means they’re based on fertility!” According to Gods, Demons, and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary by Jeremy Black and Anthony Green, her symbols are lions and the eight pointed star. while she is associated with fertility, she is not associated with eggs or bunnies.
“Where do the eggs come from, then? what do they have to do with Christ?” a lot, actually. eggs have multiple meanings. Here is information on the boiled egg on the Passover Seder Plate. Here is the story of Mary and the Red Egg, which gives us information on why those eggs may be painted. Here is another collection of stories that involve eggs regarding the resurrection.
“Where do the bunnies come from, then? what do they have to do with Christ?” the symbol of the Three Hares shows up frequently within Abrahamic religion. each religion has a different interpretation, but Christianity in particular associates the hares with the Virgin Mary, as it was believed hares could produce young without losing their virginity. (click through to “What does this symbol mean?”)
“Easter and Ostara are the same thing!” Easter and Ostara will never be on the same time. Ostara is always on the Spring Equinox, while Easter is always the Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox.
“Why would Easter be based on a Lunar Calendar? That’s not how Christianity works!” However, that is how Judaism works, and the holiday is invariably tied with the timing of Passover.
“Easter HAS to be pagan though! what other holiday could it be based on?” Passover. The time of Jesus’ resurrection took place during the end of Passover. this is shown by virtually all other places in the world having Easter referred to by some variation of the word Pesach, which is Passover. Packsha, Pacshal, Pasqua, and Pasden are all examples of other names of Easter in other countries.
“But here, it’s called Easter, like the Goddess Eostre!” Is is referred to as some variation of Easter in two countries, Germany and America. Eostre was originally the name of the entire month of April in Germany, and the only citation we have of Eostre existing is a monk in the eighth century who wrote that a festival happened during this month in its name. and that is literally all of the information on said “goddess”. it is actually contested whether or not she even existed.
Let me know if there’s anything else you need me to cover!
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m1serere-n0bis · 8 months
*whispers* the museum-goer disappointed by the simplicity and naïveté of a piece of modern art is closer to understanding the purpose and aim of human creation than the critic who mocks him for not being urbane enough to appreciate the piece that should have been an act of service rather than an expression of ego.
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m1serere-n0bis · 9 months
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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m1serere-n0bis · 10 months
St Andrew: I am not worthy to have the same manner of death as our Lord so if you must crucify me then may I request you turn the cross upside down?
Roman guard: Oh is this like a thing or something with you guys? We were just talking about how that Peter guy asked the same thing in Rome
St Andrew: What the fuck? Are you serious? This was my idea first and I told him about it and Peter goes off and does it before me?What a fucking asshole uhhhh what about an X shape can you do an X shape like that’s still a pair of wooden beams right
Roman guard: I mean, an X would be a entirely different thing and I’ve never built someone to asphyxiate hanging from an X but you know what that sucks your friend took your idea and did it first so sure we can make it work
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m1serere-n0bis · 1 year
Do you every think about how God allowed Christ's hands and side to stay scarred just for Thomas, like we didn't need that, it's simply symbolic to us. Only Thomas did, he needed to see it to believe, he needed it to fuel his witness, God may have rebuked him for doubting, but he still made sure he had the proof he needed. That was his.
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m1serere-n0bis · 1 year
Reading the lives of many of the saints, some of them seem almost inhuman. That’s why I’m glad there’s a saint like Joseph of Cupertino, who is known, among other things, for being kind of a dumbass.
He frequently forgot what he was told to do, dropped piles of dishes, found exams “difficult and stressful,” and was generally regarded as “remarkably unclever.” He passed his seminary exams by miraculously only being asked questions he knew. He’s the patron saint of students sitting exams and people with learning disabilities (also pilots, because he was prone to levitation). 
“O Great St. Joseph of Cupertino who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favour in the examinations for which I am now preparing.”
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m1serere-n0bis · 1 year
So tired of all the brain dead takes that Easter takes place when it does because it was originally a pagan celebration of spring.
When really, just maybe, (and hear me out on this one, guys), it literally takes place during the Jewish Passover because Jesus and his Apostles were celebrating it together the night that Jesus was taken to be crucified.
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m1serere-n0bis · 2 years
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I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness.
2 Timothy 4 7
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m1serere-n0bis · 2 years
You know what I don't get? Christians and Crosses. Like I get it you believe Jesus died on a Cross but why would you want to wear that? Why would God want you to? Like imagine someone important to you died from being shot, would you decorate your house with guns? Would you wear gun necklaces? Would you feel comfortable seeing other people doing so? Almost celebrating the thing that took the life of someone dear to you? Doesn't make sense does it?
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m1serere-n0bis · 3 years
Happy Feast Day to Sassmaster St. Lawrence!
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m1serere-n0bis · 3 years
also today’s gospel has another of my favorite lines in which John immortalizes forever that he runs faster than Peter.
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m1serere-n0bis · 4 years
There is literally no reason to hate children. Seek help
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m1serere-n0bis · 4 years
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“My past, O Lord, to Your mercy; my present, to Your love; my future to Your providence.” Padre Pio; priest, stigmatist, and saint
#lent2021 #day19 #padrepio #prayforus #redux #stigmata #catholic #saint #backtothedrawingboard#noshamedance https://www.instagram.com/p/CMQiynEsylC/?igshid=1joa3eb2pnb8z
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m1serere-n0bis · 4 years
My friend made this nifty .pdf for us years and years ago.
Hope it helps!
Can someone tell me how to pray the 54 day rosary novena? Because there are special prayers you have to recite with the rosary or something and I was confused.
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m1serere-n0bis · 4 years
Oh you’re catholic? Name all the cats
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m1serere-n0bis · 4 years
Pope: God rewards the patient.
Me, impatient:
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